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ATMATI-IctACTUATS Petr-os Kapasouris and d.ticael Athans Lboratory for Laformation and Dec-sion Systets HassacnuseUts Institute of TecL--olo-y Cambridge, .4assachuse'tS 02129 ex--ended i space then a relaation F is called stable in tne extended 'L space if there exists CT ASSTXA This paper contains preliminar- yet proasi q, results for intoduc ing antiresec.windup MAW) p=per-ies in mulivariable feedback conr-ol -XYt syses wi-t multiple saturating actuator and integrating ac.ion. ie'ARW method introduces simple nonlinear feedback around the integrators. The multiloop cir-cle criterion is Ca I I lrx ' ; vx: where used to derive sufficient condit.ons for closed-Loop stability that employ f-equency-domain singular value tests. The imorovement in transient response due to the ARW feedback is de.ons=.ated using a 2-input 2-output control system based upon the F0404 jet encine dynaaics. '1 such Int~duc'0n Reset-windups (11, [21 appear in feedbac contr-ol wthen a linear compensator with integrators is used in a closed-Loop systrm'in the presence of 'sataing ac-uators. When the ac--uaors are saturated -.he error is continuously integrated: this can leSd to large overshoots on t=he response of the system. The antireset windup (ARW) idea is to use a linear compensator with a nonlinear feedback Loop wnich te -:=u-.s-Off' =%e integrating ac'-onwnenever tsaturataon -s. Thenocrthe Large overs.oos saturation oc Shen the large overshoots ean Ts. be reduced and the performance of the system willr .ogrove (small overshoot, smaler set -ing t-les). ARW tecihniques have been used extensively for single-input Single-output (SISO) systems ([1,1. The SISO ARW techniques are based on engineering intuition and .on extensive simulations. 'Litle mathematical analysis has been done even in the e S5SO case and we are not aware of any ARw st=ate-.s for .tTMO systems. In this paper, we shall use the mzUtLL'variable version of the ci-cle cie-rion (see Safonov and Athans [31)'to develop suf.'cien: candi-.ions for the global stability of .M--0 systems wi-t saturation toqe=ther wit. ML=0 met.ods for ARW strategies. The theoretical examples are illustrated by a sLmple 2-input 2-output LC/LTR based design (41,(51 using a model of -e CZ '-404 2) t ( L The nonli.neariz-es 3) used in t used La this paper are single input single-output and -invariant. We will say that a S3SO mapping 'f' is a conic sec--or wit% radius r and center c if f 2 f for sxo -cx or so(4t:Ii. St-_%ement of the ?.-oblem a4 ?=oposed Solution i i- Fi gure I shows a general M=MO closed loop system with several S:SO satu=ratig aoni!nea.ities at the inpun of t=e plan:. Except for the sat=a ing nion -Le sa e n ---ies the system _s inear and -4ie- .va= ant. A reasonable assumption is that the SISO actuator nonlinearities are memoryless (static) with upper and lower bounds e and U' respectively. The input/output cha-ac-eriz ation of the nonl.ineari-y f is given by H u -uS - u (t) U<u.;(t)<U( _ L . ( wit= itL,:. jet engine. p, wnere for p--ontrol inputs u (:; 22. Mat=ematical PL-e iAa=r;.es Assuming that all the signals belong in '-e 'Research supported by NASA Ames and Langley Research Centers under grant NASA/NAG 2-297 and by the General Electric Co. u U 1 'Li (6) AL p _ P P (~ ( f i ( -H((As|> ' s ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ G(s- ~ u . (t )> ~ ~ ~~ ~ H U I.(t)<U L wnere and UL are defined in u (t), L: Closed 'oop and U?'(tr j .- # Figure (6) (8) u'(t) .12C syste For a class o =refe:ence signcals r(s) and conditions of G(s), the co=aided conr-ol signal L;mits defined 'Ji u(t) can exceed t;e salraron .hus. ', e' error .siqn.als axe generated and The eLements of and are intecrated con:inuously. the contr-oL vecor u'(t does not necessarily c-.ange sign wnenever those of the e__or vector e(t) do, because the integrator states can have La-ge values at that tie. Trherefore one or aore elements of t-e e--ro vec-or e(t} may no Sbe nu led-out for a substantiaL time before the cor=ec component of and changes sign, and th.s can lead to overshoots aV times in the trasLent respones. large settling Because the resec-windup problem is caused by t'e the integrators it makes sense to 'tus=n-off Figure 2 integrators whenever saturation occurs. shows a proposed nonLinear feedback system on the compensator K(s) and the integrators that will deactivate the integrators when such sacuratr on occurs. From figure 2 it can be easily seer. Lat when u(t) imis ts e following is exceeds theSat.ration - U(s) - s[ 'K(s)e(s) '.'ectiveLy the nonlinear feedback system replaces he design the tegraors wi a lag network. onsr ate odf he parameter o dewterines the ti of ' closed-Loo the eS sai; plarad ita shows the s..abiliy analysis Sec-ion system. and how C can be decermined. v. Anavysis Sraei:t-! The closed-Loop system in Figure 2 can be rest-uc:=red :o an ecuival.n one, as shown in Note the sepaati on of the Linea= 'me Figure 3. pa._ ':Cs) and the memoryless noninvariant (L) Lnva-=ian pa.t- F. linca. t=e r .- aI _9q,, -! r l l ! ( Fi:ure Z: es. CLosed-Loop system wi-: ARW prope-rt - The input/output c.a.ractari=atzon o' the ' l non- Linearity, wnich consists of SISO 'dead-:one' type elements, is jiven by '-- 'ure (9) t(s) -ets) - -_ 3: Me closed pope:--res. loop sys=em wit- ARW I It is impormant to point out that since C(s), and /s are Linear systems t=ie r(t) can enter at the u(t) signal as shown in 'igure 4 wviLout tcArngn euie stability of the closed Lcop system r-. r--7--~---F _ -Lr SuCh modification 'is i por! az L ord.r to' apply The mathe- athe multiloop circle criterion [3]. tical equivalnce of Fiqure 4 and ioure 3 can on or by be easily seen by block diagram nanipa explicitly calculatinq the y(s)/U(s) =ansfe: functions for both configurae.on f'-on Fires 3 or () 3. system equivalent to that of Fg. Fiure 4: _ Ct)i tt, -4 4. ~'- ,-L-e u (t) (1 (u(t)) - (u' u (t -, % S ~-'~~~~~~2. ~- - ts ,, 3)' ' (t) _al e _u= ei i. conic setor UnThe 2 (15) Then the f, < UL and f Yt; oC U.<: Yi (16) noninearities. can be of the f. nonlinearit'es, and a radus C : _L ltf : wohee L C>O; C-10 -^ - c .he u(t signals (unsaturated controls) can ae consie:lred bounded (the bounds can be very asrge) of the f iouF e 5b: Conic sec-r defined by a center C i u(t, (-):Y (17 iU. WnTch imolies - at L ( U- nonlineari:_es are strictly inside some conic sector as snown in Figures SA and Sa. -------------- C. ( i l--~-c- 2C ./"- (20) ~ -1--------~-------`--- zn the zulticannot be Meet quaranting stabi!ity. loor circle c:itoro xn for awO the AwR Cirit is noe used and the system is uneffected by th:e nonARW feedback. where - 1 ULH . |lU' U1 . s U-.Linear U'^analysis UXM _ P__p.sufficien.: represents the high sa:turati:on ';-; The U. each input c.annel and i: is a physica.L cs y a will be parame-ers in t-e sa'i The U linearities can be defined by a center Ci r2 radius r. as E~>; ncessy boud for U (t) sjsli:zo ynoa and they represent t=e worst bound on the .sa.r='I will be defined in the ated signals U. (t., stabi :y test' to guarantee closed loop s-'y-Similarly a conic sector of eac: of the ' non- :2x'tt) - S: '- C/: i ' A very imoranrn f'naal point on the sa.ility Is tha: the s-abiil;i:y test is oniv a czndi on whch means tat if = .e c nd.nons axe saJsfied h -en - he closed loop syse m s e. '' e s uane o Lare not saisfiec :~en 'the closed loop system may 4 or may not e closed loop stable, or the U is V. . A linearined _ odel of t-e GE T404 jez engine has been c.sen o = .espord.c to rated -th=us con.ditin a ude. e example is used here purpose onLy. And the sta:e-space representation of the scaled F-404 model is given by a ' 35,000 ft :for academic - (23) -0 .. 32 .175 IL define -:a:i d ]24) C l _-~ 1^r~2 ° Q C- 0 CIC'O C e (t) 3 (30) (20) _ vector r 0C ,. RIOr 2. ~ 0 L components ul(t): scaled fuel u scaled 3OZne area with limits -3ui2 < (t)<-3 <+3 (tI: 226) ~-2<u Z -t are -3-<u (t) < flow with limits The conic sectors than The closed loop system has to be stable of the nonlinearities are replaced by their centers of their sectors C. a') 2) The following has to be t-ue for all (C .027 -L.24 rJL 1) where v'(t)L - .708 .472 O --e ulti'oop circle criterion [31 can now be applied and sufficient conditions for stabi-ity are as follows: T(jL, !R 1 x(t) _-. -he components of the state vector X (t) are scaled and represent low pressure speed, high pressure The control speed, and thermocouple dynamics. Stabilit4y ResuLt aax 0 0 -2.23 -.39 0 CCG(s)- C(sZ-A) 125) 0[a , _2 _0 (r2 Ca -r 0 Nv.eriCcal Exa:mple T(ja) 2. I T(s) has been defined by equation (7 (1). The only swo parameters are a and U where Notice tCan is the feedback Loop gain parameter. different a's can be used for different direc-ions on the feedback Loop. f for a-. the Ue given by the sa-biliry test is not satisfactory, the linear compensator desian has to cnanqe or the specificai-ons of the proolem- the input nonlinear ies are strictly inside are given in fiqure 6. The conic sectors that the autowindup feedback nonlinearities are st=ic-tiy inside axe the same as with always to thce ones given in Secti4on ZV. -le given definition of the conic sectors the C and R matrices are fe- 'v Level :-t (d/) /2 (1+E-3 (Ut) 0 using the :LG/LT.-R met=odology integrator - O [4,51 i2cluding an zcNssca -X 'h H -aumter roop on the over ftequency region was set beween aspproxiately values of .. e :esuI.tan singlax4 and 1O rad/sec, are shown in Figure 7. the loop trans=e= 3ar.-x was designed t e folovin After the com.ensaor ma:-,-.x was forme .C(s(s) F Z I/ : (rc-/sec) log W - 32) s .gCs)G(s) - (Z I a S Figcre 7 ' : SinguJa-a values of the G(s)x(s) S L IIuE S (/3 V -;f U (') /Sec) elog of Fi ure 6a: Conic secor for the sat30nio ... fue.l inpu of -. e .F;C4 Four.e 8: RecaU tha , Si: '. vaue s ity -es: (eq.3). for closed loop s-ability the Zes was c- t _jw) E]C aC_ _R a ' ~I S Zt was found tZ.a: for a-L. C/2-.000 (2 ) VW 1j )] 5 and *- - Z tre was sazisfied for al' ftequencies (;') ll:y 3. S.nce the eznpie LS only as shown in r!-;qe for .oe naqniL;de bound uo for academ.c&: pnSurses .equa u,U () IL' .<-e~~ 2 ._ST~ the u S'e - signals w-:.'. _o~tLC -5:O: be Su=_ t:en. Ze CompersazJr .Cs) :nus: L .Te r.ciure ~ su fic.en.. ne no_ even for CL-0 be redesined. was to replace the second Zest for s-oilI' so fuor heiu centees C. es uWI nonlnea: h l 6b: Conic sec or for ine sa._a- on of y . noz=le inepu of he F404.Z3q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~_ U ~ - ~ller:::e ¢ w-~:.~:.%ei.----- C, SO .~ori---- j, · . rr FI !: C '- .{.24 S5 J relac-ng :e no~nlneari- ies vi-th C -e system was f'nd to be stable. Since stai';-.ty is No. r 2. Apr *--·,¥~' * -"--'-o e - 1.81. L9 ,. Dovye and C. Stein. "'.ultivariable Feed1([41.. Conceots for a Classicai/modern back desian: ' '=.-- .Trans. on Auto. Control, s<;vnthes-s. _.c_. _~.o. C5 . Ste;n and .'.Atans, The LQG/LtR procedure f' feedback con-tol. design," (2;5 } ' · ·. 1 .5 _0 :=-=J. ' Vol. AC-26, 'fS-P-1384. , .XZ, May 1984. 4loc closed guaranteed a: least for A si=ulation was perfor-ed with in 5- . U referenrce signal r-(t) condi:.ons x(O), cons n.t d-) (R e and conszanc output di(turnaw- ut aL A -.5 -[-3j] _ [w] 1 [ , ] 2viithout AWR wit-h ARW / (3S) Figure 9 shows the time responses of the closed One loop system wi-t and without ARW prooeries. can eadily see the porfor=ance imorovement of the system with tne ARW feedback. 2. n . o. ,e3 (sec) Figure 10 shows the t:ansient response of the sat=uated cont--o input u (t). Notice that the t sces ac-tion system with the ARW properties faster than the original closed loop systes. V. -icure 9: The output for both the system and the one wi-th AWR feedback. The top figure shows scaled low pressure speed transient and the bot-om Conclusions fic.ue shows scaled temperature transient. his paper we have presented a promising In -tec.hnicue for introducing ant.reset windup (ARW) proper-tes in a Linear TflO cont-ol system with integrators which are followed by saturating non-. lineari-tes. The design of the ARW feedback loops must be done i such a way so as to t he stability of the aoniLnear con=tol system. We have explored the use of the aul-ilo-o circle to guide us in the ARW design. Ite results in this paper as proising but cer.ainly not complete. Much more research is needed to a=rive at a generic design methodology to introduce ARW properties in a MIMO control system with multipLe saturation nonlinearities. in particular, we plan to exa-ine the degree of conservatis=m nduced by the sufficiency conditions inherent in -teuse of the multiloop circle critenion. and means by wnich the conservatism can be decreased. -- Z.3 / ... [21 [31 References l;acrf sder and W.ScaufeLberger, 'SaSility analysis o.f single loop contoL. sys tems w--n satu=raton and ant'reset-wLncup Trans. on Auto. Control, clrcui-s,' ;__ Decemoer l983. Vol. AC-28, No. il. R. Hanns, "A new tecnni.ue for preventing Conf. on Auto. wvndup nuisances," Pr-oc. :':? for Sae-tv in Shiooinc and Of-snore Petrol. Ooerat::ons, 1980, pp. 221-24. M. Sagonov and M. Athans, 'A .ult:iloop gene=LLi-ation of the circle criterlon for stabili-y A.H. , . . a. We view [l] thOut AR ime (sec) . 2. I Ith AWR wtthte AWR , 0. 2. 'e(sec Ficure .0:Saturated control inputs or g;-.l closed Loop system and the back. The top figure shows the fuel and the botcCm one shows the non=le for both the one w:th feedflow response area resoonse.