User Feedback in Design for Emerging Markets: Methods and Influencing Factors ARCHNES by MASSACHUFTTf IN!TT JTE 1 OF TECHNOLOLGY Jasmine Florentine JUL 3 0 2015 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of LIBRARIES Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2015 C 2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Signature redacted / Signature of Author: Signature redacted , Certified by: Dtp/rtment of Mechanical Engineering May 18, 2015 4$aria Yang M Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering T)1esis Supervisor Accepted by: Signature redacted David Hardt Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students User Feedback in Design for Emerging Markets: Methods and Influencing Factors by Jasmine Florentine Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 18, 2015 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT Designing products for emerging markets in the developing world can be difficult. Design theory holds that understanding the user better can improve the success of the product, however, formal user research approaches designed for conventional markets may not be effective in emerging market scenarios. This thesis explores three factors that can affect the quality of user feedback: the method used, the demographic of the user, and the type of prototype presented to the user for feedback. Data is collected from two different case studies conducted via field studies in India. The first case study investigates a novel solar technology, and the second centers around a technology to improve rural agriculture. In these case studies, results show that the user research method used yielded the type of feedback expected in conventional settings, although users had difficulty with more abstract concepts. Demographics played an important role in that younger and/or more educated users were more open to giving criticism and asking questions. Users were generally able to understand that prototypes were only a representation. 3-D prototypes sometimes caused users to fixate on certain form factors, whereas 2-D prototypes allowed them to interpret concepts more ambiguously. Thesis Supervisor: Maria Yang Tile: Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering 3 4 Acknowledgements I was supported through many people throughout this endeavor, to each of whom I owe my greatest thanks. I would like to first thank the MIT Tata Center for making this project possible, and providing me with the resources, support, and education necessary for such an endeavor. My extreme gratitude goes out to my amazing advisor Maria Yang for guiding me through the process of research, being extraordinarily patient with my many questions, and being an incredible advisor. Thank you also to the students and post-docs of Ideation - Qifang, Anders, Bo, Geoff, Carmen, Susan, Ned, Jim, Mike, Maxime for making graduate school awesome, and especially to Jesse Austin-Breneman who was always available to bounce ideas off and edit my work. I would also like to thank the amazing UROP's who contributed to this project: Catherine Fox, Kendall Helbert, and my trekking buddy, Ben Collins (without whom, field studies in Ladakh would have been impossible). My thanks also go out to the Solar Thermal Fuel team (John McGann, Alison Greenlee, and Priyank Kumar, and Prof. Jeffrey Grossman) and the Soil Diagnostics team (Ron Rosenberg, Soumya Braganza, Mark Jeunette, Ankanksha Nagpal, Chintan Vaishnav, and Prof. A. John Hart) for making our studies in India not only productive, but incredibly fun. Thank you also to Stephanie Houde and Subarna Basnet for all of their fantastic advice, and Prof. David Gordon Wilson for sparking my interest in solar technology for emerging markets. This thesis would have been impossible to complete without the many kind people who helped me in India. I interviewed and observed many people, who were all kind enough to let me into their homes and lives. In particular, I would like to thank Susmita Misra and Jagannath for their assistance in Delhi, Mahendra Kumar and Pooja Mukul for our work in Jaipur, and Tunduk for helping us out in Ladakh. I would also like to thank the Deshpande Center for everything they did to help out the Soil Diagnostic team in Hubli, with a particular thank you to the incredible Manjunatha. I would like to give a very special thank you to Fatima and her amazing family (especially Fariha and Asma!) who I stayed with during my month in Leh. They went over and beyond the call of duty and made me feel not only comfortable, but like part of their family. They invited me to eat dinner with them, took care of me when I was sick, watched Bollywood movies with me, and even helped me with my field studies. Lastly, thanks to my family for supporting me throughout; particularly my mother who had to suffer through long phone calls, and my aba who worried nonstop about me whenever I was doing field studies. Thanks to my wonderful siblings, Evelyn, Michelle, and Ethan for not driving me crazy. And thanks to Nate Zuk for his infinite patience and delicious scones. 5 6 Table of Contents S Introduction............................................................................................................................. M otivation ........................................................................................................................ Research Questions ........................................................................................................ Contributions.................................................................................................................... 11 11 11 12 Related W ork .......................................................................................................................... 2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 2.2 Em erging m arket users................................................................................................. 2.3 D esign for em erging markets ........................................................................................ 2.4 U ser research m ethods ................................................................................................... 2.4.1 Conventional M ethods........................................................................................... 2.5 U se of Prototypes in user research ............................................................................... 2.5.1 U ser feedback on prototypes ................................................................................. 2.6 Case study methodologies............................................................................................. 2.7 W hat is the research gap ................................................... .......... ................. .............. . 14 14 14 15 17 17 19 20 20 20 1. 1 1.2 1.3 2 . 3 Case Studies ............................................................................................................................ 3.1 M ethods............................................................................................................................ . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3. 1.1 WhyCaseStudies 9 3.1.2 Case Study M ethods ............................................................................................... 3.1.3 Defining prototypes............................................................................................... 3.2 Case Study 1..................................................................................................................... 3.2.1 Background................................................................................................................ 3.2.2 Problem Identification............................................................................................... 3.2.3 Challenges of eliciting user feedback.................................................................... 3.2.4 Categorizing the Types of Prototypes used .......................................................... 3.2.5 Case Study 1 Discussion ........................................................................................ 3.3 Case Study 2..................................................................................................................... 3.3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3.3.2 Process....................................................................................................................... 3.3.3 Case Study 2 Discussion ........................................................................................ 3.4 Limitations ....................................................................................................................... 4 Results ..................................................................................................................................... 54 4.1 Classifying Types of Feedback ...................................................................................... 54 4.2 Coding the Feedback.................................................................................................... 56 4.3 V ariables A ffecting Feedback...................................................................................... 57 4.3.1 Feedback Results................................................................................................... 58 4.3.2 Lim itations................................................................................................................. 61 4.4 Qualitative Effect of Prototypes.................................................................................... 61 4.4.1 People were able to extrapolate from prototype to images. .................. 62 4.4.2 Storyboards helped users visualize the product more holistically in some cases, but caused confusion in others................................................................................................. 63 4.4.3 U sing the right prototype........................................................................................ 63 7 22 22 22 22 22 24 24 25 26 33 34 40 40 40 50 53 4.4.4 D id the narrative aspect m atter?......................................... . .............. ................... 4.4.5 Confidence in feedback ........................................................................................... 4.5 Other A spects Affecting Feedback ............................................................................... 4.5.1 Fam iliarity w ith Solar Technology......................................................................... 4.5.2 M icro-entrepreneurs ............................................................................................... 4.5.3 G ender ....................................................................................................................... 4.5.4 Cultural Background of the Interview er................................................................ 4.5.5 Translation................................................................................................................. . . 63 64 64 64 64 65 65 65 5 67 General D iscussion ................................................................................................................. 67 5.1 Observed differences.................................................................................................... 68 5.2 Other Takeaw ays.............................................................................................................. 68 5.2.1 Intro ........................................................................................................................... 68 5.2.2 G etting realistic responses...................................................................................... 69 5.2.3 D ifficulty w ith abstract ideas.................................................................................. 5.2.4 Making sure to interview a variety of people - users and other stakeholders; get a 69 very different story................................................................................................................ 70 5.2.5 Observations combine w ith interview s.................................................................. 70 5.2.6 G iving m ultiple choices to choose from ................................................................ 70 5.2.7 V illage Politics ...................................................................................................... 70 5.2.8 Looking out for misunderstandings....................................................................... 71 5.2.9 Attitude ...................................................................................................................... 71 5.2.10 Translation ............................................................................................................... 71 5.2.11 Good local contacts................................................................................................ 71 5.2.12 Y ou are a tourist attraction .................................................................................... 72 5.2.13 A daptation................................................................................................................ 72 on the ground.............................................................................................. Being 5.2.14 6 Summ ary ................................................................................................................................. 6.1 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 6.2 A reas that need to be further researched ...................................................................... 6.2.1 Controlled experim ents w ith prototype types......................................................... 6.2.2 Moving towards participatory design with more complex technology .................. 6.3 Ram ifications ................................................................................................................... 7 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................... 8 73 73 74 74 74 75 76 List of Figures Figure 3-2: User in Ladakh demonstrating a solar cooker........................................................ 28 Figure 3-3: Storyboard used to demonstrate solar thermal fuel as a portable device................ 29 Figure 3-4: The "magic box" physical prototype ..................................................................... 30 Figure 3-5: Interview group, onlookers, and translator with the "magic box".......................... 32 Figure 3-6: Examples of non-narrative images. Left: ways the STF can be used for cooking. Right: Potential form factors STF-based heating...................................................................... 33 Figure 3-7: Classification of the Solar Collection Storyboards, the STF Applications, and the 34 "M ag ic B ox"................................................................................................................................... Figure 3-8: Conducting group interviews in a farming village near Hubli................................ 41 Figure 3-9: Product attribute cards depicting (from left to right) durability, time taken, and labor 44 in ten siv en ess ................................................................................................................................. Figure 3-10: Image from the first workshop............................................................................. 45 Figure 3-11: Storyboard used to demonstrate collecting soil for testing as it is currently p racticed ........................................................................................................................................ 47 Figure 3-12: The moderator and translators roleplaying with the physical props ..................... 48 Figure 3-13: Classification of the Soil Collection Storyboards and the Soil Collection Mo ck U ps...................................................................................................................................... 9 49 List of Tables Table 3-1: Comparison of the locations visited ........................................................................ 27 Table 3-2: Comparison of different user research methods...................................................... 36 Table 4-1: Categorizing the different types of feedback .......................................................... 56 Table 4-2: Categorizing the different studies............................................................................. 58 Table 4-3: Analysis of feedback versus method........................................................................ 59 Table 4-4: Analysis of feedback versus prototype.................................................................... 60 Table 4-5: Analysis of feedback versus demographic ............................................................... 61 10 1 1.1 Introduction Motivation Designing products for markets in the developing world can be difficult and success can be elusive. Many well-intentioned high profile products like the Life Straw, Play Pump, and One Laptop Per Child were not as successful as had been hoped for [1] [2]. One often cited reason that products for the developing world do not gain as much market adoption as desired is a misunderstanding of the user from the very beginning of the project [3]. User centered design is one way to try to avoid such failure - it is a successful, often used approach whereby user needs and wants drive product development [4]. To understand user needs, quality feedback is critical, which is why many structured methods for eliciting user feedback exist. Although we live in an increasingly connected world, some have argued that emerging markets differ enough from developed world markets that conventional design methods no longer necessarily apply [5] [3]. For a designer working from the US, there are not only barriers like language and accessibility to users, but cultural differences that influence how users may give criticism, or lifestyle differences which might affect a designer's understanding of even day-to-day activities. Even for native designers, differences of lifestyle, education and socioeconomic class can pose significant barriers. For instance, India is such a large country that a university student from urban Delhi may have little in common with an older rural farmer in Ladakh - they may not even speak the same language! This thesis explores the factors influencing user feedback in emerging markets, with the goal of helping designers gain better quality feedback. Literature has shown that the type of method used can affect the type and quality of feedback elicited [6], but there is little information describing using these methods in emerging markets. We look at two case studies of design projects in India to gain a better understanding of how designers can elicit quality feedback in emerging market situations. 1.2 Research Questions There are many different aspects of gathering quality user feedback, but for the purposes of this thesis, we focus on two main questions: 11 1) How does the method used affect the quality and type of qualitative data gathered? For our studies, we focus on ethnographic methods such as observation and interview, as well as focus groups and workshops. 2) How does the demographic of the user (age, education, social class, area of India, urban/rural, gender, etc.) affect feedback? 3) How does the type of prototype used affect feedback? The "type" of prototype can be defined many ways - by fidelity, role, implementation, etc. [7][8]. For our studies, we were interested in particular by the dimensionality of the prototype (whether it was a 2D dimensional prototype such as a storyboard or 3D such as a physical prop), and the level of narrative conveying the concept. 1.3 Contributions Existing design methods need to be modified to fit the unique situations of emerging markets. This thesis focuses specifically on the situations in which student designers visit another country for a brief period of time, and must do the user analysis aspects of their work during these visits. Our work focuses on the early stages of the design process, when designers are still working on understanding their potential users, and evaluating early stage concepts. From the two case studies, we draw some conclusions about how the method and prototype used can affect the feedback elicited from users. Our hope is that this work can inform future projects. Quality feedback is important to understanding users, and in designing for emerging markets, can make or break the product [3]. By improving the early stage of the design process itself, we hope to improve the ultimate outcome of a design project, by giving designers the tools to design appropriately for their target users. 12 13 2 2.1 Related Work Introduction The two main bodies of existing literature of interest are in design for emerging markets and on design methodology, specifically with a focus user analysis methods and use of prototypes. 2.2 Emerging market users One question that needed to be addressed early on was how do users in emerging markets, specifically in India, differ from those in the United States? There is no simple answer to this question, since emerging markets encompass a large number of countries, cultures, and socioeconomic groups. Even in India alone, a designer may find him or herself working with an illiterate rural farmer or a middle class educated urban housewife. Because of these vast differences, it is difficult to come up with a single unified set of differences between these users and American users. Urban middle class users in India may be much more similar to their American counterparts than they are to their compatriots at the bottom of the pyramid. Factors such as culture, language, purchasing power, and infrastructure all add new barriers to the adoption of products. Not only that, but to treat emerging markets as one monolithic entity with homogenous needs would also be an error. Just as markets in the developed world differ, so do those in the developing world. Fortunately, there is already some literature about the unique circumstances that are at play in using the conventional methods of user analysis. Maunder, Marsden, Gruijters et al. discuss some of the difficulties with applying current methods to the developing world [9]. Since some users in the developing world are not exposed to high tech products and solutions, they may find it difficult to understand or imagine a technological concept presented by a designer, or even understand the value of the design process itself. Given that it can already be difficult asking users to speculate what they want in a product can be difficult even under normal circumstances, asking someone with very limited exposure to technology adds another barrier. Honesty, already an issue in conventional markets, also becomes more complicated in emerging markets. Tao, in developing a cost -O autoclave for rural health clinics in Nepal discusses some of the factors unique to his experience in the developing world setting that made 14 it especially difficult elicit honest feedback from users - such as the presence of superiors, the presence of non-locals, and the donor culture [10]. Yeo argues that one cultural factor influencing usability testing is the power distance [11]. This is something we were not able to control for in our studies, since our users may have felt a power distance with us and/or our translators as a result of socioeconomic status, education, or other factors. 2.3 Design for emerging markets Scholarly literature on product design for the developing world is still somewhat limited; however, there are a number of papers that approach some of the issues of the difficulties of designing for these markets, and of the low rate of adoption of products. Donaldson focuses on Kenya, and found that a formal design process was generally not used there [12]. She argues that for product design to support economic growth in less industrialized countries, the design process needs to be user centric, and match local conditions such as corruption and inadequate infrastructure. Mattson and Wood review a number of papers on the topic of design for the developing world, and arrive at nine principles [13]. The first two they outline are most relevant to the early stage design process in encouraging co-design, and testing the product in the real world during all steps of the process. The Demand-Driven Innovation handbook also outlines several principles, albeit from a higher level, business oriented perspective [2]. Nieusma and Riley make the case that many development projects place too much emphasis on the technology, to the point of ignoring economic, social, and cultural considerations and can even do more harm than good by increasing social injustice [14]. Maunder, Marsden, Gruijters et al. examine how the broader context of the culture the designer is working within may impact the success of the product, and how the designer must consider broader environmental and socioeconomic impact [9]. Gregory Tao is a designer and entrepreneur, and in an interview he elaborated on some of the difficulties he encountered in creating an autoclave for rural Nepal, beyond what he had already documented in his thesis [15][10]. The group's critical assumption was that the root of the autoclaving problem was an issue of educating people and making them easier to use. However, what they gradually found out through in situ field research was that the real problem was convincing people why they should use an autoclave. This highlights the importance of the buyers and the end users themselves recognizing that there is an actual need. This, along with 15 difficulties along the supply chain and the reluctance of repairmen to travel to rural areas made the adoption of the autoclave difficult. Tao suggested several design methods for future projects based on his experiences. First, he suggested co-designing in such a way to put the designer on a level playing field with the users, both by bringing in the correct tools and by keeping the initial idea rough enough for the users to contribute to. He emphasized the importance and the difficulty of getting honest answers, because it is difficult for users to envision how they might use a future product, because they may be reluctant to give negative feedback, and because they may feel uncomfortable. Tao's suggestion was to engage with them in a way that they didn't feel they needed to give falsely positive feedback, by disarming them and ensuring them that the designer is not particularly invested in this idea. He suggested bringing a very rough model of what the product might look like and having users play with it directly, with the goal of getting them to articulate their needs and possible solutions. We took Tao's suggestions to heart in planning on field studies and prototypes. Vainio, Walsh, and Varsaluoma discuss some of the difficulties in cross-cultural design in developing a mobile learning tool for South African schools, and conclude that there were enough culturally dependent issues that localizing the design improved the user experience [16]. Although not necessarily specific to design for emerging markets, Vatrapu and PerezQuiflones found that the cultural background of the interviewer affected the type of user feedback elicited [17]. When doing usability testing with Indian participants, the participants spoke more freely, found more problems, and made more suggestions when the interviewer was also Indian. However, a study by Oyugi, Dunckley and Smith evaluated conventional "Western" design methods across three cultures (UK, Kenyan, and Indian), and found that "Western" methods were less effective in other cultures [5]. In fact, they found that even when they had the users and evaluators be of the same culture, the Kenyan and Indian groups still had poorer results with the conventional methods. MIT's D-Lab recently released a document outlining a framework for user research in the developing world aimed at individuals and organizations working in the field of international development [18]. A rough draft of the document was used to guide our user research process. Their document provides a wealth of information on the practical aspects of planning for and executing user research in the field, starting from outlining the research plan, to documenting and 16 processing it. Nielson offers a brief but practical guide to international usability testing (with a focus on HCI), and emphasizes the importance of visiting the country one is designing for; he also makes some practical suggestions with regards to overcoming language barriers [19]. Another approach to improving the adoption of products, suggested by Austin-Breneman and Yang is to focus on micro-entrepreneurs [20]. They also suggest a list of design guidelines: multi-functionality of the device, ability to generate income, educating the consumers about the value proposition, and establishing a reliable brand identity. Our work focuses less on the overall product life cycle process and more on the early stage, but the literature helps us understand the full context of what makes product design and adoption so difficult in emerging markets. 2.4 User research methods 2.4.1 Conventional Methods A number of structured processes for understanding user requirements already exist for developing products in the industrialized world, but they were not creating with the unique circumstances of the developing world in mind. Before exploring how effectively these conventional methods work, it is important to understand the existing methods. Below are brief summaries of the methods we focused on in our studies, drawn largely from the work of Courage and Baxter [6]. Interviews Interviews are one of the most common methods used to gain user insight. They provide a large amount of detailed data, but because of the time intensiveness, from a small sample size. However, they can be used to gain an overall context and understanding before moving on to other usability studies. Some of the things to be aware of are unintentionally creating bias through the wording of the questions, and honesty of the feedback. Although people may not be intentionally dishonest, they may try to please the interviewer, or present themselves in a better light. Courage and Baxter also warn against asking users to brainstorm solutions or challenges, since they may not understand the technical requirements of the concept in question. 17 Focus Groups Focus groups are good for getting data from multiple people more quickly than one-on-one interviews (although still not at the level of statistical significance one might get from a survey). The group setting also encourages people to bounce ideas off of each other, and to feel encouraged to say things they might not bring up in a one on one interview. However, they have some drawbacks. Because of the larger number of people, it can be difficult to get more in depth than in one-on-one interviews. Additional challenges are that users might influence one another in their responses. A good moderator can help avoid one person controlling the entire group. Courage and Baxter also warn against asking focus group participants to predict what features they might want in a product - similar to what they warn about asking users to brainstorm in interviews. Another important point is that in a focus group, there is not the opportunity to actually observe users performing a task or in their environment. This could lead to discrepancies between what users say and what they actually do. Ethnographic observations Observations are good for watching users first hand in their own environments - especially since asking people to describe their behavior can be less accurate. They are good for building context, understanding inconsistencies between what people say and do, and collecting rich, in depth data [6][18]. However, they are time consuming. Some of the things to be aware of are that users may act differently knowing they are being watched, although a longer period of observation can mitigate this. Observers may introduce bias into the data as well in how they understand and record what they observe. There are a number of methods, but the ones we focused on in our studies were deep hanging-out and process analysis. Deep hanging-out does not require user interaction, but rather simply observing the user. Unlike pure observation, there is some focus to what the observer is focusing on. Process analysis involves observing the users conducting a process, and having the users walk the observer through the process. In all of these cases, flexibility is required, since these methods can really only guide the process so much. Workshops The term "workshop" can encompass a variety of meanings, but for our studies, it meant a doing a set of interactive activities with a group of users. The studies we looked at that used workshops differ enough from focus groups that it makes more sense to consider them 18 separately; therefore we use the term workshop largely to differentiate the method from conventional categories with more prescribed methods. There is precedent for using these customized methods in emerging markets, such as the participatory design workshops an NGO ran in Sri Lanka, or Apple Computer Inc.'s work with PictureCARD in India [14] [21]. 2.5 Use of Prototypes in user research There is already a great deal of research into different types of prototypes in the area of Human Computer Interactions (HCI). Much of the research in this area also applies to prototyping in product design. Houde and Hill broadly define prototype as "any representation of a design idea, regardless of medium" and develop a model to help describe aspects of a certain prototype along three dimensions: role, look and feel, and implementation [8]. McCurdy and Connor take it further and identify five dimensions to characterize thefidelity of a prototype: level of visual refinement, breadth of functionality, depth of functionality, richness of interactivity, and richness of data model [7]. These dimensions help to characterize the types of prototypes later in this thesis. There are many papers in HCI discussing the use of paper prototyping over actual software. Sefelin, Tscheligi, and Giller show that using paper prototypes does not significantly change the amount of or type of criticism [22]. Virzi, Sokolov, and Karis argue that paper prototyping can affect the type of problem found [23]. However, we believe that the situation in the developing world can be different due to lack of exposure to technology. That said, Parikh, Ghosh, and Chavan worked with Indian villagers in developing a user interface for a financial program [24]. They found that while villagers were initially confused by the paper prototypes, they understood them after some explanation. However, since they were looking at a mockup of a computer interface rather than a physical product, their conclusion cannot be generalized to all product design. Tohidi, Buxton, Baecker et al., found that presenting users with multiple design concepts resulted in more comments and critical feedback, something we used to guide our creation and presentation of prototypes [25]. 19 2.5.1 User feedback on prototypes We have already touched upon some of the differences designers may experience in working in emerging markets - this extends to the use of prototypes as well. Maunder, Marsden, Gruijters et al. discuss how users may not understand or may misinterpret low fidelity or otherwise abstracted prototypes [9]. However, high fidelity prototypes may cause other problems, such as the users giving feedback regarding the prototype rather than the actual concept, in addition to the added time and cost of creating a higher fidelity prototype [5] [19]. Tao similarly found that users had difficulty in thinking abstractly about non-functional prototypes [10]. However, he found that having a functional prototype helped spark conversation and prove the commitment of the team to the project, especially since there already existed skepticism from the failure of other university student teams. Perhaps most importantly, he found that observing the user interact with the prototype revealed latent needs that would not have been apparent from only conversation. He also suggests developing a functional prototype that can be tested in the field. For our case studies, this was not a feasible option since the design concepts were still in their early stages, so designing prototypes to convey product concepts was an interesting challenge in both studies. 2.6 Case study methodologies This thesis draws upon the methods outlined by Yin in analyzing the case studies [27]. There are - many examples of using case studies in the literature to examine design for emerging markets such as Nieusma and Riley's study of a university collaboration between the US and Nicaragua, and an NGO's work in Sri Lanka, or Tschudy, Dykstra-Erickson, and Holloway's study of using a card based tool in rural India [14] [21]. 2.7 What is the research gap? There is as of yet limited research on of designing for emerging markets. Much research on emerging markets focuses on specific technologies rather than the design methods employed or strategies for success. While many papers on design for emerging markets emphasize the importance of understanding users, outside of HCI, few of them discuss how well conventional methods work (or fail), or examine the user research process itself. This is especially true for the early stage of design, before there is a functional prototype. 20 In this thesis, we examine the effectiveness of different user research methods when applied to the developing world. We also examine the role prototypes play in this research. 21 3 Case Studies 3.1 3.1.1 Methods Why Case Studies? To gain a better understanding of how the user centered design process can be adapted to the developing world, and to test these hypotheses, we conducted two case studies. Case studies allow us to study the user research process in a real world setting with a real world project. This results in in-depth qualitative data that goes beyond the theoretical. The first case study was an exploration of possible applications of a nascent solar energy technology across India. The second case study was of a new product to help farmers in rural India. 3.1.2 Case Study Methods The case studies in this thesis were analyzed using an inductive strategy of searching for emergent patterns in the user feedback [27]. 3.1.3 Defining prototypes Axes of Prototyping Conveying the design concept to the users is a critical part in getting user feedback, and as such, we were interested in understanding how to use prototypes to best convey our concepts. Maunder and Marsden suggested that both low and high fidelity prototypes had their own shortcomings in conveying design concepts [9]. We wanted to explore this idea further, considering two specific aspects of prototypes. In addition to the dimensions of prototypes explored in the literature, we define two more axes for the purposes of categorizing the prototypes used in this study: the dimensionality and the level of narrative. Dimensionality: In HCI, the closest equivalent is the use of paper prototyping versus actual software. Since our case studies focus on physical products, we looked at using two-dimensional drawings as well as three-dimensional low visual fidelity mockups. 22 Narrative: The other axis that was relevant to our work was the level of "narrative". The study of this parameter was the result of a discussion with Subarna Basnet, an MIT PhD student and native Nepali who helped advise our prototype creation [28]. His hypothesis based on his own experience was that users would have a better understanding of a product if we visually demonstrated how the product would be used or otherwise fit into their routine rather than just showing a single image or prop of the object and verbally describing how it would be used. Hypotheses: One of the research questions we wanted to answer was how the type of prototype used affects feedback. We focused on these two axes of prototyping, since they were what most distinguished our types of prototypes. We had several hypotheses about this, influenced by literature in HCI. 1) 2-dimensional prototypes would help avoid user fixation on particular features or form factors, and therefore make it easier for the user to view the product as an early stage concept with a variety of possible form factors or uses more than a 3-dimensional prototype would 2) 3-dimensional prototypes would give users a more realistic understanding of important physical aspects of the product such as size or weight than a 2-dimensional prototype would, and as a result, would lead to a greater amount of and more specific critical feedback 3) Using a narrative form would give the users a clearer understanding of the product use case and how the product would fit into their daily routine Based on the better understanding, lack of fixation, etc., the user would give better informed, more well thought out, and more realistic feedback. In other words, the data we were looking for to validate our hypotheses was a qualitative analysis of the feedback we got from users. Types of Prototypes Used in Our Studies: Over the course of the research, we used several different types of prototypes in several different ways. As we describe each prototype, we will categorize them into the following framework, based on the axes described earlier: 23 0 0 2-Dimensional 3-Dimensional Dimensionality Figure 3-1: Categorization of prototype by dimensionality and narrative level The way we categorize the prototypes along these axes is somewhat relative. For instance, we would categorize a 3D mockup in which the designer role-plays using the product as having a higher level of narrative than a designer who simply shows the user a 3D mockup and verbally describes some ways it can be used. 3.2 3.2.1 Case Study 1 Background This first case study looks at a project to find applications for a novel solar technology in India. The technology is a solar thermal fuel composed of azobenzene-functionalized nanotubes and is currently in development by Professor Jeffrey Grossman in the MIT Department of Material Science and Engineering. The solar thermal fuel (STF) is a chemical that can, theoretically, absorb solar radiation, store the energy for a number of days without increasing in temperature, and when triggered, release the heat. Previously explored solar thermal fuels degrade after 20-50 cycles; however, the current STF being studied was tested and proven to be able to cycle over 2000 times with no loss of capacity, making the material potentially indefinitely renewable. The advantage of the STF over similar heat storing technologies such as phase change materials is that it does not need to be insulated, since the heat energy is stored chemically rather than 24 thermally. However, at this time, the STF is still in the experimental and research stage; a STF that can meet the baseline theoretical specifications has yet to be synthesized, and a sample size of STF that could be tested in the field has not yet been created. Even with the newness of the technology, the MIT Tata Center for Technology and Design wanted to begin work on understanding how this technology might be "productized" in India. The initial application suggested was a solar cooker, which could be used to replace traditional biomass, kerosene, and LPG stoves. The most natural approach seemed to be to look at the problem from both a technology push and market pull perspective. In practice, this meant identifying a number of possible applications given what was estimated to be the performance envelope of the STF. The author approached the problem from a user-centric point of view by considering user needs in a variety of possible residential and commercial applications of the STF where heat and/or energy might be required. This is where fieldwork in India was critical. The groundwork was already laid when the author joined the project from a prior trip to India, which mainly involved expert user interviews. For these studies we used several prototypes - two types of 2D prototypes (storyboards and non-narrative images), and a 3D prop with very little narrative element in its presentation. 3.2.2 Problem Identification Although design thrust was largely governed by the technology, the reason that the Tata Center wanted to use the technology in India was because of an already identified and well established problem: burning biomass for cooking and household heating. Nearly 3 billion people worldwide cook and heat their homes by burning inefficient biomass such as wood and animal dung [29]. Measurements of carbon monoxide and of particulate matter in households as a result of traditional cookstoves have been measured and demonstrated to very high, emphasizing the need for alternative solutions to biomass [30]. The resulting illness caused by indoor air pollution leads to over 3.5 million deaths a year - more than AIDS and malaria combined [31]. Solar energy is an attractive substitute to using biomass; as yet, there has not been a single successful, widely adopted solar cooker that has replaced current cooking methods. It was hoped that the STF could overcome the drawbacks of these other technologies and thereby decrease the use of biomass. 25 3.2.3 Challenges of eliciting user feedback In order to determine an appropriate use for the solar thermal fuel, we chose to obtain user feedback on early stage design concepts, likely with little functionality. Additionally, many of our intended end-users would have had little education and low exposure to technology, so we needed to be able to convey the product concept in a way that would be clear enough to them to get usable feedback. Technology pull versus pull; approaching both simultaneously By simultaneously considering the technology and the users, we hoped to match the capabilities of the solar thermal fuel to an existing need. Although technology push can often fail, there is some argument to be made for a push with a new technology [2]. Norman and Verganti argue that human centered design, with a focus on the iterative process, is ideal for incremental design [32]. However, radical innovation is achieved through a technology push or a change in meaning. The Demand-Driven Innovation handbook similarly recommends mixing pull and push if there is not already a demand, since it can be difficult to get communities to adopt new technology [2]. The application space was explored initially through a combination of expert interviews and informal discussions during early trips to India, discussions with members of the MIT community, and online research of existing products that use heat. The applications chosen to focus on were cooking, heating, ironing, hand heating, and produce drying. Identifying Needs based on use analysis User analysis was conducted through a variety of methods, mainly consisting of observations, semi-formal interviews, and focus groups. In order to observe the needs of a broad spectrum of users, we conducted field research in three starkly different locations in India: Ladakh, Jaipur, and Delhi. In Ladakh and Jaipur, we did a combination of observations and semi-structured interviews. In Delhi, we conducted two focus groups. 26 User Methods Socioeconomic Status Literacy Rural/Urban Exposure to Solar Tech. Deep hanging out, process analysis, interviews Middle class Interviews, informal observations Focus groups Lower and middle class Middle Class Mixed Mostly illiterate Literate Mainly rural Mixed Urban High I Delhi Jaipur Ladakh ~ Unknown Low I I Table 3-1: Comparison of the locations visited Ladakh Ladakh was selected as an initial location to focus on for the solar thermal fuel for a number of reasons. Although Ladakh is generally not representative of the rest of Indian culture, it is a good beachhead market, since the climate and culture are primed for solar technology. The climate in Ladakh is sunny and clear most of the year, and it has some of the highest solar insolation in the world [33]. India's Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), via the Ladakh Renewable Energy Development Agency (LREDA), has made a strong push for solar technology in the region for those reasons. The summer of 2014, we spent four weeks in Ladakh to do field studies. Before beginning with the field studies, we conducted eight unstructured interviews with experts to gain context into the state of solar energy and initial ideas regarding the solar thermal fuel. These experts were employees of NGO's, members of LREDA and the MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy), and local entrepreneurs. Our field studies began with a three-day trip with one interviewer and a translator, using ethnographic methods of deep hanging out, process analysis, and semi-structured interviews. We spent two overnight stays in different of rural middle class farmers households where we began the first few hours simply by observing, then doing a process analysis of users cooking, and eventually ending with a semi-structured interview. In between the two overnight stays, we also spent an hour doing another deep hang out at another rural middle class household. Observations and interview notes were documented in hand written notes, and some interviews were recorded with permission of the users. Semi-structural interviews were guided by a list of questions. The interviews focused on questions about current lifestyle, and began by asking 27 basic lifestyle questions ("Where do you work?", "Can you tell me what you did yesterday?"), then about cooking habits, household heating, and use of solar hot water heating ("How many meals did you cook yesterday?", "What do you like about cooking?", "How do you heat your house in the winter?"),. Most of these were with people who spoke English, which eliminated any difficulties with translation. Figure 3-2: User in Ladakh demonstrating a solar cooker The observations were occasionally supplemented by asking clarifying questions of either the people living in that household or the translator. These initial observations helped form a basis to understand the context, lifestyle, and potential needs to focus on, as well as some quantitative data such as the amount of fuel people were using. After the initial round of observations, we revised portions of the interview to fit what we observed. After the initial three-day trip, we were joined by an MIT student who assisted with the field studies by note taking or interviewing users. We then performed a mix of further hang outs and semi-structured interviews, where we added the storyboards and more speculative questions to elicit opinions on the solar thermal fuel concepts, in addition to asking questions just about current lifestyle. Seven of these interviews were conducted during a four day period traveling through the farming villages of Yangthang, Rizong Monastery, Temisgang, Hemis and 28 Lamayuru, and another two where conducted in Choglamsar, an urban village near Leh. Each interview lasted approximately 30-60 minutes, with a translator when necessary. Several of them were conducted in small groups. We had several storyboard pages, illustrated in a simple cartoonish manner. 0 Figure 3-3: Storyboard used to demonstrate solar thermal fuel as a portable device The storyboards were drawn in this simple manner to avoid distracting details or unintended cultural differences, following the guidelines suggested by Truong, Hayes, and Abowd, as well as practical advice given by Subarna Basnet a Nepalese PhD student at MIT, and Isaac Gergan, a Ladakhi artist who had experience using storyboards to present concepts to Ladakhi farmers [28][34][35]. The first two pages show two different ways this new technology could be use (either as a portable system, or a stationary roof mounted system) without specifying the application for the product. The next two pages show several options for cooking and heating. The last page shows miscellaneous other applications (ironing, hand warming, and agricultural drying). The first two pages described a story of the product being used in multiple panels, while the actual applications generally are demonstrated as single panel images. We conducted the first part of the interview as before; then for the second part we introduced the idea of the new technology, and in conjunction with the storyboards, asked more 29 freeform questions about the technology, such as what they thought about it, etc. The storyboards were generally presented in an "A, B or C" fashion in which the interviewees were shown the storyboards and asked to select between different options. In addition to storyboards, we also built a works-like prototype of one potential form a product based around the STF might take. This mockup, nicknamed the "magic box", was a box containing a hot plate and battery, roughly the size and weight of what the product might look like for the current best case scenario for the STF. The "magic box" was used during several interviews (one in Ladakh, three in Jaipur) to supplement the storyboards. We told users that it was a model of a solar device that would have to be charged outdoors, but could be moved indoors, and could produce heat. We suggested applications to them such as cooking and household heating, but tried to make it clear that the "magic box" was not designed with a specific application, but meant to demonstration overall what a possible physical model might look and work like. Figure 3-4: The "magic box" physical prototype 30 In addition to interviewing households in rural areas and in a few urban areas, we also interviewed several hotel owners in Leh, since the tourism industry plays a very large role there. These were more informal interviews, generally asking about hot water heating, space heating, and what they thought of the new technology, and were not considered in the analysis for user feedback since we were more interested in studies in which we asked users to evaluate the product concepts. Jaipur Rajasthan is another area of India where there is a lot of solar insolation and a large number of solar technology projects. However, unlike Ladakh, the climate is quite hot, meaning that household heating, one of the primary applications identified, is not appropriate. The culture is also more similar to the rest of India than Ladakh. We spent only a few days in Jaipur, where we aimed to conduct interviews in a similar way. However, there were many difficulties with the interviews in Jaipur due to the translator, which will be described later. Despite that, we were able to use these opportunities to observe the lifestyle and get some useful feedback. We conducted group interviews rather than one on one. This was more of a necessity than with the intent of having group interviews. It can be difficult to isolate a single person for an interview, since interviews in rural and semi-rural areas were largely conducted outside, and other neighbors would come over to join in the discussion. The result is that even if we started with a smaller number of people by the end the group size had usually inflated. Additionally, the translator took our desire to do "10-20 interviews" to mean the number of people rather than interviews, so our first "interview" was with a group of about 10 men. Between the large number of people and the language barrier, it became very difficult to hold a conversation. Additionally, large groups of children from around the village tended to follow us around and interfere with the interview. We interviewed four lower and middle class groups in rural and semi-rural villages (no one we interviewed was severely impoverished), who mainly earned their living from farming and cattle. The last day we interviewed two urban middle class households. Each interview lasted between thirty to sixty minutes. For the first interview, we used only the storyboards, but for all the rest we used the "magic box" as well. However, we found it was difficult to explain because of the translator and other external factors such as crowds of curious children. 31 Figure 3-5: Interview group, onlookers, and translator with the "magic box" Delhi Delhi was selected as a location so we could get a sense of what the urban middle class thought of the solar thermal fuel. In Delhi, we conducted two professionally led focus groups with Susmita Misra, a local marketing specialist. They were done in a more traditional marketing-style focus group. The first group consisted of eight upper middle class, educated, urban women. The second group consisted of eight middle class and slightly less educated urban women. The first part of the discussion was questions more about things such as their family, what they do in their free time, etc., to get the women more comfortable and to gain context into their lifestyle. Then they were asked questions about budget concerns, etc. After a number of these types of questions, Susmita introduce the idea of the new technology. People were asked for feedback. They were asked to create a collage of potential ideas for applications and describe them. Unlike in the other locations, we did not use any type of prototype. Susmita instead described the solar thermal fuel as "something which store the solar energy and then convert it in to heat, which we can heat things with it, and we can set it inside or outside the kitchen", and then went further on to describe a portable and a roof mounted version of the product. This 32 generated a number of follow up questions from the participants to try to get a clearer idea of the technology. However, unlike the previous studies, rather than asking the participants to choose from a set of concepts, she asked them to brainstorm applications. 3.2.4 Categorizing the Types of Prototypes used For the studies in Ladakh and Jaipur we used the following types of representations: Storyboards (solarcollection storyboards: solar collector form factors) Non-narrative images (STF applications: single and multi-panel form factors for specific applications) 3D Mockup ("magic box ") Figure 3-6: Examples of non-narrative images. Left: ways the STF can be used for cooking. Right: Potential form factors STF-based heating. They fall along the graph in the following way: 33 Solar Collection Storyboards 0 STF Applications 0 2-Dimensional 3-Dimensional Dimensionality Figure 3-7: Classification of the Solar Collection Storyboards, the STF Applications, and the "Magic Box" The reason we classify the magic box as being low on the narrative scale has less to do with anything inherent to the prototype itself and more to do with how we used it. We did not role play or act out with the model to demonstrate its use case, but rather showed it to users and listed to them how it could be use as a portable system that would be charged outdoors, taken inside, and used to produce heat. 3.2.5 Case Study 1 Discussion User Analysis Methods The table below summarizes the different methods used in the first case study. Some of the categories are further elaborated on below. Our observations in using these methods generally aligned with what was outlined in Smith and Leith's D-Lab Scale-Ups User Research Framework, as well as what Courage and Baxter described as what to expect and be wary of for different methods [18]. 34 Type of Info Number of sessions, people per session, time per session Advantages Disadvantages General lifestyle; cooking process 5 sessions Get a good understanding of the Can be confusing with just 1-5 people lifestyle; get to see latent needs; find inconsistencies between what people say and do; less obtrusive observations to understand what is going on sometimes; time consuming Time consuming o. 30 min - 1 hour E W . * '~ General lifestyle, estimates of numbers for use of current products/methods (i.e., amount of fuel used), details on lifestyle during other times of the year (i.e., winter heating); likes/dislikes about current products or processes; concerns 5 sessions 30 min - 1 hour; overnight Get a good understanding of the lifestyles which makes it easier to understand what questions to ask Everything above; 10 sessions Storyboards helped Requires a translator clarify how STF with good 1-2 people, occasionally large could be used; allowed people to understanding of STF; no way to groups (6-15); choose between know if users are options; gave people an analogy to something they might already know making incorrect assumptions about the STF based on the images "Magic box" opened up the conversation to more critical questions Requires a translator with good understanding of STF; people became fixated on "Magic Box" as a cooker exclusively, as well as fixating on unimportant details 1 or 2 people opinions and i questions about the T STF 30 min - 1 hour 0 Everything above; questions very specific to the prototype 4 sessions 1-2, occasionally more 30 min - I hour -_ _ _of the prop 35 General lifestyle; concerns; opinions about uses of current products/processes; feedback, criticisms, and ideas about the STF 2 sessions 8 people per session About 2-3 hours Get a wealth of information very quickly; people bounced ideas off each other; people are more open because group setting No way to verify if what users say is actually what they do at home; more difficult to imagine design parameters based on lifestyles, homes, etc.; possibility of groupthink/one person leading the __ _ _conversation Table 3-2: Comparison of different user research methods Reception to 2D Prototypes (storyboards): The storyboards proved to be a useful tool to clarify the idea of how this technology could be used. We found people were able to understand the storyboards, and generally seemed to be able to extrapolate that the product did not need to look exactly like what was depicted, but could function similarly. Drawings are known for their ability to preserve ambiguity, thus leaving room for the viewer to interpret meaning, something that was both an advantage and disadvantage in our studies [36]. With some of the images, such as the heaters, the drawings analogized to existing products. The reason for drawing these form factors was because that early in the concept stage, we did not have a clear idea of exactly what would be the most efficient way to transfer heat from the solar thermal fuel to a room, but imagined that it could work similar to a heating element or a heated fluid in existing heater types. Therefore, we envisioned these heater concepts to look like and work like existing models. Because of the similarity to existing products, it gave some people an easier time understanding not just how the product would look, but also how the appliance could function. However, in one case, a user chose one form factor by default because he hadn't seen form factors of the other types, and felt he could not make an informed decision. For likely similar reasons, some users simply said they thought any option for the heater would be fine. There may be a better way to convey the idea without comparing it to existing products, or by clearly 36 identifying the trade offs of each choice (i.e., a smaller heater is more portable but produces less heat). In addition, one advantage of showing multiple concepts was that the feedback was more critical than we expected, because people were forced to choose between options, giving us an idea of relative preferences (even if we do not know ground truth). We believe that if we had presented users with a single idea, people would have been more inclined to say they liked the idea but with the storyboards, they were at least forced to choose a preference. Our observations in showing people multiple concepts matched with the observations of Tohidi, Buxton, Baecker, et al., who found that users were more reluctant to criticize ideas when presented with a single design than they were when presented with multiple ones [25]. One unexpected problem with the two dimensional prototypes was that people made automatic assumptions that we did not expect. One such example that we discovered after talking to our translator was that he mentioned that people assumed the stationary solar collecting system is bigger, therefore better but more expensive. Although this particular assumption will likely be true, it's difficult for us to know what other implicit assumptions people were making that might have been erroneous but swayed their decisions that they did not tell us when justifying their choice. 3D prototypes: Reception to the Magic Box Before going to India, we were concerned that users would get distracted in the details of the box, and not be able to abstract the idea to other form factors. However, using it in Ladakh, these were not issues. The group we interviewed at first did question specific details about the form factor such as whether or not we could add a stand, or whether the heating pads had to be two distinct units, but when explained (via a translator) that the form factor could change, they readily understood. However, they still viewed the magic box only as a cooker rather than a stand-in for many possible devices. The advantage of presenting the physical box was that it gave something for people to touch and point at, and the questions they asked seemed more like the types of questions people would ask if about to buy a real, new product. It caused them to ask a number of critical questions that would not have arose with only a storyboard, and these questions helped make it apparent that the cooker was not a good application for those people, and helped us then move on to other topics such as heating. In that sense, it allowed people to be 37 indirectly critical. For instance, they asked a number of questions about how long one could cook with the stove, how many cups of tea they could make, and how long it would take, and then would compare it to the performance of their gas stove (which was higher performing in the metrics they were questioning); eventually through enough of these questions with answers they were not impressed by, they decided that heating makes far more sense. Design the fact that users saw it only as a cooker at first, we were able to move smoothly from using the magic box to use the storyboards and have people think more critically about applications beyond cooking. Strangely, they were not as interested in a live demo or actually trying it, perhaps because they knew it was not the final product. In Jaipur, the Magic Box did not prove to be as useful, though this is attributed largely due to difficulties with our translator. However, it did make at least some things clearer to the translator who had misunderstood the initial concept. On the last day, when we were in urban households, the box became useful as a talking point. Focus Groups: We found that the first group, consisting of better educated and higher economic class women than the second group seemed to think more seriously and critically about the technology. The second group, were more willing to accept the technology and did not ask questions that were as probing. Because it was a group setting, people bounced ideas off each other, and also seemed more willing to be critical. This could be partially because Susmita, a local Indian, was moderating, which may have made people more comfortable with responding freely, which matches the observations made in the literature by Vatrapu and Perez-Quifiones [17]. Another reason was because once one person voiced a concern, other people started to think more deeply about the technology. The focus groups had several advantages and disadvantages over individual interviews. The focus groups allowed us to get information far more quickly and efficiently than we did with individual interviews. One of the major disadvantages of the focus group was not being able to observe these women's lifestyles for ourselves. One complication there is that while women may say one thing (especially in a group of peers), they may actually be acting differently at home. Also important 38 for the designer, not being able to see the kitchen set up or household makes it a lot more difficult to envision the possible form factor and design parameters of a future product. For the focus groups, no product representations were used. Participants relied entirely on Susmita's description of the solar thermal fuel. Despite that, the first group in particular was able to understand it enough to the degree of brainstorming applications. In fact, the first group understood the concept enough to think critically about some of the failure modes, such as the fact that it would be expensive to install a piped system in an apartment building. However, there were still a number of participants who remained unclear on the details of the concept, and would get hung up on things such as the number of rooms a solar thermal fuel heater could heat. There was also no way to verify that what the participants were envisioning was in fact the concept we were trying to convey other than by the types of responses they gave. We saw that the use of 2D prototypes helped encourage users to think outside of the "magic box" of the solar thermal fuel - taking it further and providing only verbal description meant that participants could interpret the technology even more ambiguously, and as a result, thought of all sorts of applications for the solar thermal fuel by thinking about it very broadly in terms of where heat could be used. Of course, as Courage and Baxter warned, they did not know or understand the nuances of the technical aspects of the project, so many of the ideas they had would not have been feasible - but they used the same thought process we had used to initially generate the application space and every single one of their suggestions but one had been something we had also thought of [6]. The question arises, then, for something still early stage such as the STF, would it have been better to use no prototype at all? Would non-educated, rural users with lower exposure to technology been able to imagine the STF as well as these women had? Unfortunately, that was not something we had an opportunity to test. 39 3.3 Case Study 2 3.3.1 Introduction This second case study looks at an ongoing project in the Tata Center being conducted jointly by Dr. Chintan Vaishnav, Prof. Anastasios Hart, and graduate students Soumya Braganza and Ron Rosenberg. They are developing a new soil testing technology for Indian farmers to be able to better analyze their soil and identify the type and amount of fertilizer required. During the winter of 2015, we traveled to Hubli, India and worked with the Deshpande Center. The goal was to better understand users' perceptions towards soil testing, and getting early user feedback on their concepts. While the project in the first case study was focused on finding a suitable application for the solar thermal fuel and getting an idea of what product specifications might look like, this project already had a clear vision of the problem they were aiming to solve and a potential concept. Because of that, they were more focused on getting user feedback for the concept, and defining the product specifications that would arise from user needs. 3.3.2 Process Interviews Before conducting interviews with users, we first had the opportunity to interview a government employee who worked in a lab processing soil samples. Then, we interviewed a number of small acreage farmers in villages near Hubli. Interviews were conducted primarily with groups of people, for the same reason as were necessitated in Jaipur. For each of these interviews, we had one person from our group asking the interview questions, one person taking notes, and one person taking photos (these interviews were not recorded). We had one or two translators from the Deshpande Center to translate the discussion. Two translators were not actually required (and in fact, generated confusion at first when both of them would try talking over each other), but the initial plan had been to interview two groups in parallel. However, what happened in practice was that interviews were conducted one at a time. For this reason, we had an excess number of people, which if the interviews had not been "a s a g"up pJobaly VVUoU have served Lo 111LIMiLdt te interviewee. We conducted five such group interviews, each with five to ten people. We had three interviews with only men, and two with only women. 40 Figure 3-8: Conducting group interviews in a farming village near Hubli Workshop We conducted three workshops to evaluate concepts for soil testing. The workshop was located on the premises of the Deshpande Center's agriculture school outside of Hubli, which made it relatively accessible to villagers. Also, the participants were all already familiar with the Deshpande Center, so they felt relatively comfortable on the premises. The Deshpande Center was also responsible for recruiting the farmers. We did two workshops on the first day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and a third workshop on the second day. The workshops lasted roughly three or four hours, including a tea break, except for the second one in which we only had an hour and a half. Although we aimed to have between 8-10 farmers per workshop, the first workshop had 26 participants to begin with (some left early, but by the end we had14 men and 4 women), the second had twenty men, and the third had twelve men and six women. The disparity in numbers results from the Desphande Center over-inviting farmers, anticipating that only half of those invited would attend. However, that turned out not to be the case. 41 The farmers all spoke Kannada as the primary language. Since none of the members of our team spoke the language, one of the Deshpande Center volunteers acted as the moderator. We reviewed the activities with him beforehand, and a member from the team was on hand to provide instruction if necessary. We paired volunteers from the Deshpande Center with note takers from our team. During activities involving the entire group of farmers, our team and the translators sat in the back and quietly translated. When we broke out into subsections, a note taker and translator pair joined each section. The workshop was broken down into several parts, with variations on each of those parts during the different workshops. 1) Introductions and Project Purpose 2) Pain Points 3) Product Attribute Exercise 4) Soil Collection Methods Exercise 5) Soil Card Testing Exercise 6) Open Discussion/Suggestions for Improvement Each section is discussed in further detail below. The order of the exercises was selected for two reasons. First we wanted to warm up the group, so initial exercises were more casual discussions before moving on to more structured exercises. The most important exercises were left for last, for when participants would feel most comfortable. The second reason for the order relate to the soil testing directly. These exercises are presented in the order of operations in which actual soil collection and testing would occur. Introductions and ProjectPurpose First, we introduced ourselves, the MIT Tata Center, and gave a brief introduction to the project. We kept the description of the project intentionally vague at this point so as not to lead the conversation, limiting ourselves to saying that we are trying to get a better understanding of soil health. Additionally, we attributed the project to the Tata Center itself, trying to depersonalize the project so people would feel more comfortable criticizing it. We emphasized that we were there to learn from them, that there are no right or wrong answers, we want their honest opinions, and that criticisms help us. Thcn, we asked them to introduce themselves one by one, by name and what type of crop they grow. In an effort to try to warm up the group, we 42 also asked them to name a favorite Bollywood movie or type of food (which we also did in our introductions), which some participants did. PainPoints Much of the first part of the workshop was devoted to trying to warm people up, including this next exercise. In this second section, we asked the participants to list some of the difficulties they experience with their day-to-day life on the farm. ProductAttribute Exercise The following exercise was used to continue to warm the group up and to get them comfortable with more structured exercises, but also to start to get some sense of what attributes of a product users value. We did this exercise in three different ways, but the overall idea was to ask users to identify from among a set of product attributes what they value the most and why. As the designers of the soil testing technology did not yet have a range of expected values for attributes of the technology such as cost, longevity, etc., they preferred to not use the soil technology as the example. Instead, we asked people to choose a product they were familiar with; since the most important attributes vary by product, we were more concerned with their reasoning rather than the actual attribute. Before the exercise, the participants were asked to discuss a product they valued on the farm, and why they valued it. The idea behind this was to get people already in the mindset of thinking about products, and to give the designers a sense of what matters to users. This initial part was dropped during the third workshop, since we found it was not especially effective. The three variations of the exercise were as follows: 1) Product attribute cards: This initial exercise was prepared before we arrived in India, and were unsure about the literacy rate of the farmers. We decided to use five picture cards depicting the attributes of cost, durability, reusability, time taken, and labor intensiveness. The idea behind the cards was that we would describe out loud what they were meant to represent, and that the image would help the participants remember what attribute it represented. For the exercise, the workshop was divided into subgroups of four to five people, and each person was given a set of the cards. They were told to think of a product they used regularly on the farm. Then, they were given thirty seconds to remove the attribute that mattered the least to them. This was repeated two more times 43 until they were left with only two cards, the idea being that with only thirty seconds, they would choose based on instinct rather than overthinking the exercise. After that, they were asked to describe what product they chose, and explain why they chose the remaining attributes. Figure 3-9: Product attribute cards depicting (from left to right) durability, time taken, and labor intensiveness 2) Product attribute list: This exercise was designed during the break between the first and second workshop. The designers decided to add a few more attributes for this exercise: safety, simplicity, and accuracy. Then, all these attributes were written on the board in English and then translated into Kannada. By this point it had been established that the majority of the participants were literate in Kannada, and in addition, the attributes were all read and described aloud, so the picture cards were deemed unnecessary. Once again, the group was divided into subgroups of four to five people. The moderator went through the list of attributes one by one, for each one giving a concrete example. For instance, for "accuracy", he described the ability of a machine to sow seeds in a straight line. Then, in the groups, the participants were asked to rank each attribute's importance as "high", "medium", or "low", while thinking about a specific product, and to justify why. 3) Product attribute trade-offs: This exercise was designed to understand the types of trade-offs users are willing to make. The designers of the soil technology identified several pairs of trade offs they anticipated they might have to make with the soil-sensing product, such as cost versus durability and accuracy versus simplicity. For this exercise, 44 we decided to give the option of not choosing a specific product, but just describing the attributes in general. The group once again divided into subgroups of four to five people. Then, the moderator would explain the tradeoff pair, and give a concrete example. For instance, in explaining the trade off of labor intensiveness versus time, the moderator described a pesticide sprayer that is heavier and therefore more labor intensive to use, but takes less time, versus a light one that takes a longer time. The users were then asked to explain what product they chose, if any, and then to explain which trade off they would make, and why. For this activity in particular, these instructions often took a long time because the examples, difficulty with abstract ideas, and often were repeated again by the translators in the subgroup. Figure 3-10: Image from the first workshop 45 Soil Collection Methods The purpose of this next exercise was to generate discussion about the different concepts for collecting soil. Since a lot of the more concrete details such as cost of the method or time to collect the soil were as yet unknown, the focus was less on trying to identify a single best concept, and more on early on getting user feedback on the pros and cons of each method, as well as any problems they anticipated. Therefore the exercise was structured as an open discussion after demonstrating or describing the different methods. We prepared two types of prototypes for this exercise, storyboards and physical props. 1) Storyboards: Four storyboards were drawn for this exercise, each of them depicting how the soil would be collected. For each concept, the storyboard was projected and then the moderator went through, panel by panel, and explained the method of soil collection. For the first workshop, all four methods were described before the discussion took place. For the second workshop, after each storyboard, there were a few minutes of discussion. 46 Do this 15 ilifi / I- % times Figure 3-11: Storyboard used to demonstrate collecting soil for testing as it is currently practiced 2) Roleplay with props: A set of simple props including mock up products created out of blue styrofoam and plastic tube were used to roleplay the soil collection method. This was done in a garden outside of the room the workshop was conducted in. The props were installed in the garden, and the moderator acted out how they would be used. For the method that involved digging a hole, one of the users was invited to try by actually digging a hole with a shovel provided. Then, after all four were described, there was a moderated discussion. 47 Figure 3-12: The moderator and translators roleplaying with the physical props Soil test cards This was, for the designers, the most important part of the workshop. Mockups were created of several variations of the soil test cards. Participants were divided into subgroups of four to five once more. Each group was given a soil test card kit one at a time, and asked to "decode" the card, and then evaluate the difficulty in decoding it, before being given the next one. Participants were given basic instructions, but had to figure out for themselves how to decode the card. Note takers observed users as they decoded each card. Open Discussion The last part of the workshop was a moderated discussion inviting feedback, ideas and questions. 48 Categorizing the Types of Prototypes used For the studies in Hubli, we used the following types of representations: Storyboards (soil collection storyboards: methods of collecting soil) Single panel images (product attribute cards: depictions to describe attributes of products such as durability and cost) 3D Mockup (soil collection mockups: simple foam and PVC mockups to describe methods of soil collection) They fall along the graph in the following way: JC Solar Collection Storyboards Soil Collection Storyboards 0 STF Applications 0 2-Dimensional 3-Dimensional Dimensionality Figure 3-13: Classification of the Soil Collection Storyboards and the Soil Collection Mock Ups The reason we classify the soil collection mockups further along the narrative scale than the "magic box" is because of the way the mockups were presented by actually roleplaying their use. However, they did not go as far as the solar collection storyboards in showing the full story of the product use case. Soil cards: We do not include the soil cards in our categorization, since they present an entirely different type of prototype. With all the other prototypes, they are low fidelity 49 representations of very early stage, not yet fully formed concepts. However, the soil cards are much more fleshed out concepts that are actual looks-like and even work-like models in how the users interpret the data (even if it is not functional in the sense of testing the soil). For these reasons, we believe that they are not comparable to the other prototypes in our studies, which are much earlier stage design concepts. 3.3.3 Case Study 2 Discussion Product Attribute Exercise Since product attributes are somewhat abstract when not pertaining to attributes of a specific product, the participants had a lot of difficulty understanding the exercise. Additionally, because of the way the discussion was set up and because the richest qualitative data came from how the participants justified their choice, the translator-note taker system was really inadequate for this set of exercises. While the users had no difficulty understanding cost, other attributes, such as accuracy, durability, laboriousness, were much more difficult to convey, especially when described in the general and not applied to a specific product. Part of the difficulty was that we asked each user either to envision their own product, or to try to think about these traits in the general. When we asked them "in the general" and gave an example, people tended to fix on that example. Another problem was that the attributes we chose were those relevant to the soil testing, but not necessarily relevant to other products. For instance, accuracy of the results is potentially a very critical attribute of a soil sensor; but to trying to use an example to substitute the soil sensor can be confusing. The moderator gave the example of an expensive machine that deposits the seeds accurately in a line, versus a cheaper machine that sometimes misses. The general consensus was that people would prefer a more expensive but higher quality machine. In fact, "quality" was the word more often used, and accuracy (as well as other attributes) generally just fell under that umbrella in the participants' responses. 2d representation. During the first run of the exercise, we tried using picture cards to convey the attributes, which wound up resulting in a misinterpretation of several images, both due to the translator, and to the users' own interpretations of the images. In this case, being able to ambiguously interpret an idea was both an advantage and disadvantage of the 2D representation. In the first case study, the storyboards helped users envision the solar thermal fuel as a variety of 50 form factors. But in this case, it worked against us by confusing users. For instance, a clock, meant to symbolize the attribute of "taking less time", was interpreted by some users to mean "how long the product would last". Similarly, a picture of someone throwing something in a trash can, with a red X, was meant to show reusability; however, it was taken more literally as how reusable the product could be in terms of the life time of the product (i.e., one person said that they thought reusability was important because they would expect to be able to "reuse" their oxen many times). On one hand, this means the quantitative data from the different groups about which picture cards they used is mostly useless, since individual groups and people interpreted the pictures differently, but the qualitative data in which participants walked us through their thought processes, was very rich. This was one of the exercises where all of our versions of the exercise hinged on using the picture cards. Given the confusion caused by them, our attempt to quickly revise the exercise during the hour between the two workshops resulted in an activity that was not fully fleshed out. In particular, by asking the participants to score each attribute "low", "medium", or "high", without asking them to rank the attributes relative to another, resulted in a somewhat loaded question, and in one subgroup, the participants simply ranked most of the attributes as "high". Interestingly, this did not occur in all the subgroups, and once again, a lot of rich qualitative data was gained from the explanations provided. However, it was even more time consuming than the previous iteration of the exercise. Moreover, at least one participant was so confused by the activity that he voluntarily withdrew from the activity part of the way through. The third version of the exercise had its own difficulties. Many people did not understand the concept of trade offs. For instance, for the trade off of labor intensive versus time taken to complete the task, the moderator used the example of a pesticide sprayer that is heavier but takes less time to use, versus a lighter one that takes more time. One group said they would hire more laborers, since time is of the essence. It is unclear whether the translator misinterpreted "labor intensive" as "laborers", but in any case there was more difficulty in understanding trade-offs that did not involve cost. Ultimately, despite the misinterpretations and confusion of these abstracted attributes, we still got a lot of insight into what people from when they explained their rationales for all three activities. For instance, one thing that emerged very clearly for the designers was that having the sensor be low cost was often at the bottom of people's priority list. Generally, participants 51 preferred to invest in quality even at a higher cost, except for items where the quality didn't matter as much. This is consistent with observations by Austin-Breneman and Yang [20]. For instance, one participant stated that he would only buy a tractor manufactured by Mahindra, a well-known company, even though it was more expensive, since the brand name implied quality. However, he didn't care about the brand or quality of simple farm tools, since he would have to replace them every few years anyway. Ultimately, designers should be clearly aware of how the tool or method they are using is affecting the data, and know that sometimes the quantitative data may be misleading. Moreover, the quality of the data from these exercises in particular was very dependent on the translator. Soil Collection Methods One of the things we were very curious about studying further from our experience in Ladakh was how people responded to the storyboards over the props. As mentioned earlier, we had hypothesized that the storyboards would allow participants to envision the product more holistically, while the mockups might give them a clearer understanding but lead them to fixate on irrelevant details. What actually happened in Hubli was exactly the opposite. The storyboards had a few failure modes. The first was that the way they were presented was very important. The first time around the translator gave far too much detail, as though he was instructing them step by step how to do the soil test. In fact, he went way off the script and off the one page story described; the result was that people got entirely fixated on the details and missed the point. For instance, they began asking questions about the specifics of the placement and shape of the holes dug to test the soils, something that was not mentioned in the storyboard and not relevant to the questions the designers needed answered. The second time around, the moderator presented the storyboards far more briefly. However, even then, the storyboards failed to give a sense of how difficult the work would be (i.e. that digging holes is much more difficult than collecting water from a wicking device). Not only that, it wasn't clear to us that the participants understood each of the design concepts. In contrast, the props gave a very clear idea of how each product functioned, and the amount of labor required to each soil collection method, so we think feedback from that was Mnre realisctic. Interestingly, we got about the same amount of criticism with the props than we did with the second trial of the storyboards. This may have had more to do with the group, since the 52 several of the other people involved in the workshop thought that the second group of people was overall "more negative". We also got more questions with the props than without. Soil Card testing The soil card testing was the most successful in engaging the participants. The game-like aspect of it was so appealing, that most of the participants, upon completing each card, often were eager to immediately move on to the next one. We found generally that participants were far more interested in "doing" than simply looking at and commenting. It also provided the most specific feedback to the designers about the design they had created. 3.4 Limitations There are limitations to doing case studies following real world field studies. The first is that, for such a project as these ones, the sample size is relatively small, so the qualitative data must be depended on more than the quantitative. The second drawback is that it is very difficult to set up a controlled experiment in a real world context, particularly when the primary focus of each case study was to gain insight into user needs for a specific project by whatever means necessary, rather than focusing specifically on the questions we wanted to answer. The third is that we are working with actual people, and things can be messy and unclear. Therefore, the results of each case study are not always generalizable, but often very nuanced and rich. 53 4 4.1 Results Classifying Types of Feedback In order to understand our results and how they relate to our initial research questions, we need to first classify the type of feedback we received. For this analysis, we look at the comments gathered specifically in response to the designer presenting and asking about novel product concepts with consumers. This is different than earlier stage work in user needs assessment without a specific concept in mind (such as during the initial context gathering observations and interviews). Therefore, for this analysis, we focus on interviews or portions of the interviews, workshops, and focus groups where we asked specifically about the product concept. Type Preference Definition User ranks one concept or attribute over another Non-specific User gives These types of comments were generally "Ifcompleted, the positive positive feedback not useful, although they sometimes gave project would be very but does not rank or express us an idea of how honest the user was being. We sometimes got non-specific nice", "Very good, good idea", Value to Designer This was generally useful to give us a sense of how users felt about one concept over others. As with any of the feedback, there is no real way to know how honest or reliable the answers are for certain, so even if a user expresses preference for option A over option B, it might be in reality they don't like either but for a number of reasons (such as politeness), do not feel comfortable saying so. Additionally, a useful assessment of one concept relative to another depends on a clear understanding of the product, which we found sometimes users did not have. It is a matter of further research to understand how much to take user responses at face value; we found at times it was very obvious when the user misunderstood a concept, but still provided valuable feedback by providing justification for their choices, but other times, we were unsure if the user was really making an informed decision. Even subtler is when the user infers something from the prototype that was not intended, and the Examples "Room heating is better than cooking", "A solar room heater would be the best use", "Cost is more important to them than time", "The first two are easier, since the result will come sooner" designer does not know that. 54 preference for one concept above others, or give any reason positive comments when a user did not understand a product, but seemed to want to please us. On more than one occasion, users would ask a number of critical questions that made it clear that the concept did not meet their needs, but then closed the conversation with a generic praise. "Everything is fine" Specific User gives Generally, positive feedback was only "It's good that it is a positive positive feedback useful when the user coupled their one time expense", with reasoning compliment with a justification for why they liked a certain product concept, "We would save electricity", "This because then it both demonstrated an would save money", understanding of the concept (making the "I like that the testing comment more reliable), and gave a sense of what mattered to users. This was one of the hardest type of feedback to get, but when we got it, it was very useful. is at the source" Criticism User criticizes the concept, e.g. by identifying problems with or saying they would not want the product Questions User asks a clarifying question of the concept that Users sometimes asked a number of specific and critical questions that helped reveal people's concerns, needs, and "I don't want to replace anything in my home with it", "[if it can only heat one room] it will be a problem", "No, I would not buy it", "This method takes more time for us as well as you [the scientists]" "Could you make a stand for the top of the stove?", "How often reveals needs or wants regarding a specific concept wants as well as potential pitfalls in our design. Many of these questions could be interpreted into a specific need or a form of criticism, and yet it was long could you cook for using the box?", "What maintenance does it require?", somewhat easier to elicit these type of questions than to elicit criticism. "Can it work when it's rainy?", "Can a single charge last for a month?" "I can boil milk with it", "We can reheat food", "It would be best if it could fry" Ideas User suggests an idea about the concept This could be difficult to get from ordinary users, although expert interviewers often had a number of ideas. Confusion User expresses confusion over a Occasionally, users did not understand concepts or did not feel informed enough "We are old, we don't know", "We are concept, or feels they cannot give informed feedback to give feedback about concepts, and openly said so. confused about it", "It is not clear how this would be" 55 Specific Needs/Wants User directly specifies what they need or want out of a certain product Sometimes, users told us directly what they expected out of a product. "It is important that this technology is safer than LPG", "We should be able to use it directly, without pipes" Other Other types of comments, for instance, user provides information or "People spend a lot of money on solar, but then it breaks and they become discouraged", "Ifyou opinions that they make people really think may be relevant to the project, or speculates about what others might think of the product. understand how it works, then maybe people will buy it" Table 4-1: Categorizing the different types of feedback Useful misunderstandings: Also worth noting are useful misunderstanding. Misunderstandings were expressed in any of the above types of feedback, so it is not its own category. However, on occasion the types of misunderstandings that occurred were very useful in inspiring the designers to think of ideas they hadn't thought about before. For instance, during a group interview in Jaipur, both the translator and the users misunderstood the storyboards and put their own unique interpretation on how the solar thermal fuel could be used. They viewed the system as a box with replaceable "heat batteries" whereby, rather than charging the entire device, they could remove the "batteries" and charge just those. 4.2 Coding the Feedback To process the feedback and extract patterns from it, we combined our qualitative fieldwork experience with a more quantitative method of coding. We used a method of a combination of pre-set and emergent coding to determine the categories of feedback. The author and a research assistant individually went through the transcripts and notes and categorized the feedback, and got fairly similar results. Then, we were able to use these results to help guide and verify our qualitative observations. 56 4.3 Variables Affecting Feedback Although there are many influencing factors at work, such as cultural background of the interviewer, we identified three broad sets of factors that seemed to affect our studies the most: 1) Method (focus group, group interview, one on one interview, workshop) 2) Prototype used (for this study, discussed in terms of the axes of dimensionality and narrative level) 3) Demographic of user (age, education, social class, area of India, urban/rural, gender). It is worth noting that in almost every single study we did, particularly in rural areas, older people were less educated, so it is difficult to separate the effect of age versus education level. We did not always ask about education level, since it was not always appropriate, but when we asked users to sign consent forms for the study, many of the older users asked to use their thumbprint. So for our study, we chose to focus mainly on age and whether users were urban or rural. We used the coded results, combined with the qualitative analysis from the studies themselves to identify trends we saw in the types of feedback relative to the three factors described. We eliminated the ideas category because although ideas from users can be very useful, after coding we realized that it was only in the focus groups where users were actively encouraged through an activity to come up with ideas. In the other studies, we merely asked if they had any other ideas rather than putting emphasis on it. To better understand how these factors affect the feedback, we have also categorized each study below by the method used, the type of prototype used, and the age category of the participants and whether they were urban or rural. Outside of the focus groups, most of the people we interviewed were of similar social class, so we do not categorize by that. For the group interviews in Ladakh, groups typically consisted of only 4-5 people. Study Method Type of Prototype Age Group Urban vs. Rural Delhi #1 Delhi #2 Jaipur #1 Focus group Focus group Group interview None None Storyboards Young - middle Young - middle Young - middle Urban Urban Rural 57 Jaipur #2 Group interview Storyboards Young - middle Rural Jaipur #3 Group interview Young - middle Urban Jaipur #4 Group interview Props + Storyboards Props + Storyboards Young - middle Urban Ladakh #1 Small Group Storyboards Middle Urban Ladakh #2 interview Small Group Props + Young - Middle Urban interview Storyboards Individual Storyboards Old Rural Storyboards Old Rural Storyboards Young Rural Storyboards Old Rural Storyboards Middle Rural Storyboards Old Rural Storyboards Young Semi-rural Young, middle, old Young, middle, old Young, middle, old Rural Ladakh #3 interview Ladakh #4 (Monastery) Small Group interview Ladakh #5 Individual interview Ladakh #6 Individual interview Ladakh #7 Individual interview Ladakh #8 Individual interview Ladakh #9 Individual interview Hubli #1 Workshop Storyboards Hubli #2 Workshop Storyboards Hubli #3 Workshop Roleplay + Props Rural Rural Table 4-2: Categorizing the different studies 4.3.1 Feedback Results The results are categorized below in the following sets of tables, which look at the types of feedback, and the factors that affected or led to that them. Note that the Needs/Wants category is not included in the analysis, since we were unable to find any clear patterns for any of the three factors we looked at. 58 Method Used Feedback Method Preference This type of feedback occurred naturally when presenting more than one option; sometimes we asked for preferences (i.e. STF storyboard), but sometimes we didn't and people expressed a particular choice anyway, such Nonspecific positive as with the soil collection methods. If we sort the number of non-specific positive comments in ascending order, the individual interviews yielded more of this type of comment than group interviews; however, we believe based on our experience that this had more to do with the age group - most of the group interviews were conducted with an averaged of middle aged people. Specific positive The two focus groups gave the largest amount of specific positive feedback. It is unclear if this was the result of demographics, the method, or any other factor. Criticism People in group settings seemed much more willing to voice criticism. Questions We got far more questions in group settings, not only because the number of people, but because one question tended to spark another. Confusion No clear effect. Table 4-3: Analysis of feedback versus method Not unsurprisingly, people asked more questions and give more criticism in group settings. This matches with some of the literature on user feedback methods in the developing world - for instance, Medhi, Sagar, and Toyama found in designing user interfaces for illiterate users in India that when conducting studies in groups, women were more comfortable, bounced ideas around more, and were generally louder and more confident in expressing their views [37]. In contrast, they found during single interviews, women were more nervous. 59 Prototype Feedback Type of Prototype Preference User understanding of the product here was very important, since users might misinterpret a representation, or not fully understand all aspects of a concept. For instance, in the case of the soil method collection concepts, it was only by role-playing with physical mockups that we were able to properly convey how laborious the different tasks were. When they did not understand the other methods, they tended to go with the most familiar by default. Similarly, people seemed to have an easier time making a preference for the storyboards over the single panel images, because in some cases, they stated that they didn't really know how the single panel images worked. Nonspecific positive Specific No clear effect. No clear effect. positive Criticism The user must have a clear enough vision of the product to foresee problems, so the quality of the criticism was affected by how well the prototype conveyed understanding. Questions People seemed to ask more questions when presented with a physical prototype. However, this was not always the case - there were other group settings were the physical prototypes were not used and we got asked many questions. The types of questions we were asked when using the physical Confusion prototype generally differed. Poor or inappropriate representation not unsurprisingly resulted in confusion. There was more confusion when there were no prototypes (as in the focus groups), or with the 2D images. Table 4-4: Analysis of feedback versus prototype Demographic (Age, Education, Rural/Urban) Feedback Demographics Preference We found in Ladakh, older/less education people were more likely to say they liked everything, likely because they did not always understand the concepts. The location was also important in that it often related directly to how familiar users were with a similar technology. For instance, in Ladakh, users were already very familiar with solar technology, and therefore found it easier to give informed feedback about which product concept they preferred than users I in Jaipur. 60 Nonspecific positive Older/less educated people tended to give non-specific positive feedback, often without much meaning or understanding; it seemed often like they were trying to please us. Specific positive The two focus groups gave the largest amount of specific positive feedback. It is unclear if this was the result of demographics, the method, or any other factor. Criticism Younger/more educated people were more willing to voice criticism. Questions Younger/more educated people were more likely to ask questions Confusion Older/less educated people tended to get more confused, and sometimes seemed embarrassed or nervous to offer their opinions. Additionally, locations where users were less familiar with similar technology (as in Jaipur with solar technology), users were more confused by product concepts. In Jaipur, there was also a rural/urban divide, which may also have had to do with education, but the urban users we spoke with were familiar with solar 1 technology. Table 4-5: Analysis of feedback versus demographic 4.3.2 Limitations The shortcoming of the coding method is that only some interviews were translated and transcribed, while the rest were notes that were written on the spot during the interviews. In addition to being a level removed from the original comments because of translation, this latter set of notes feature both paraphrasing as well as exact quotes. Additionally, the different interviews had different numbers of people, so the numbers are not directly comparable. Lastly, because of the ambiguous nature of feedback, there were certain comments that did not obviously fall into a single category. Because of this, there were some discrepancies between the results of the two coders. Since the goal of the coding was not to get the exact numbers, but to do a qualitative analysis of what types of feedback came out during the interviews, we found the results to be adequate, and that the patterns observed still hold. 4.4 Qualitative Effect of Prototypes Generally from our data, it is difficult to tell how much the type of prototype affected the feedback versus the other factors. For instance, we got critical and insightful questions about the solar thermal fuel from the group interviewed in Ladakh with the "magic box" as the group interview in Jaipur with only the storyboards. 61 However, what we did find was that the type of prototype affected our level of confidence in the user's feedback and the user's understanding of certain aspects of the product. Revisiting our original hypotheses about prototypes, this is what we found. 4.4.1 People were able to extrapolate from prototype to images. People fixated much less than expected with soil prototypes, and with magic box were able to un-fixate with aid of storyboards after. Although in both these case studies, it seems as though the 3D prototypes conveyed clearer understanding, we do not believe that using a 3D prototype is always the best solution. Most people in Ladakh had no difficulty understanding the solar thermal fuel storyboards, and so a physical prototype was generally unnecessary. As mentioned in the section about the first case study, the one time we did get a chance to use the "magic box" in Ladakh, we did find that people asked more discerning and targeted questions, and that although they fixated on the idea of a cooker, they were easily able to "un-fixate" with the aid of the storyboards after. In this case, it would have been inconvenient to present other physical mockups such a roof-mounted system, which might have helped avoid fixation, but the storyboards seemed to serve the same purpose. In the second case study, there was much less fixation on details of the props than we expected, perhaps because the low fidelity, or because we presented several options at once. In contrast, the storyboards generated a lot of confusion. Another interesting aspect of 2D versus 3D was that the types of questions asked differed. Particularly with the "magic box", the questions were more similar to what someone might ask before purchasing a product in terms of their specificity. For instance, the group in Ladakh asked questions such as "How long could you cook for using the box?". In contrast, while using the storyboards in Ladakh, the questions tended to focus on clarifying the concept, such as "Is it like the solar water heater we already have?" Similarly in Hubli, questions asked when we used physical prototypes were much more akin to the specificity of the questions asked when we used the "magic box". Interestingly, in Jaipur we found that regardless of the prototype used, some similar types of questions came up, such as "Is the liquid harmful if split?" So, it is not clear how generalizable our observation about the types of questions is, or what other factors may be in effect. 62 4.4.2 Storyboards helped users visualize the product more holistically in some cases, but caused confusion in others. In the case of the solar thermal fuel, where the product could come in any number of form factors, the physical prototype caused to fixate people upon a single concept, whereas the storyboards helped them visualize the technology more holistically. However, in the case of the soil collection methods, the storyboard failed to convey a good enough understanding of the method of collection to the degree that people were able to envisage other form factors. 4.4.3 Using the right prototype. Different types of prototypes demonstrate different aspects of a concept. We learned that prototype must ensure that the user has a firm understanding of the more critical aspects of the concept. For instance, in demonstrating the different methods to collect soil, we showed prototypes in the form of storyboards, and in the form of a role-play with simple props. The role-play turned out to be far more effective, since one of the key differences is the labor intensiveness of the different methods. Images alone were unable to convey this, but by actually asking users to dig a hole, they had a much clearer understanding of the method. However, that is not to say that roleplaying is always the best method. A paper by Wiklund, Thurott and Dumas finds that, when paper prototyping software, it was important to have the prototype mimic the response time of the design concept - "When the real product produces slower response times, prototype performance may give an overly optimistic picture of the product's usability." [38] Similarly, we found that conveying time and labor was similarly important in representing soil collection methods. The storyboards failed to convey the amount of time and labor taken for some of the methods, and it was only once role-played that the users seemed to understand the drawbacks of some of the more labor and time intensive methods. Although we did not get an opportunity to test it with the solar thermal fuel, the time taken to charge and use the product concepts also play an important part in the usability; however, given the users' familiarity with solar products, they seemed to have understood this just from the storyboards. 4.4.4 Did the narrative aspect matter? In cases where users were able to analogize easily to similar products, such as the STF heaters, the narrative aspect seemed to matter less. However, in all other cases, the narrative aspect 63 seemed to help in conveying understanding. For instance, in every single interview with the solar thermal fuel, when presented with the two storyboard choices, people always made a choice, but when presented with the single panel images, several people said they were fine with any of them, or said they didn't know enough to make a choice. This may have had to do with the fact that the single panel images analogized from existing products, but we speculate that it may have also been the lack of narrative to contextualize the product. However, overall it is unclear to us to what degree narrative aspect of the prototype mattered, since the prototypes used in case studies make it difficult to compare the effect of the prototypes used directly. 4.4.5 Confidence in feedback What we found was that the type of prototype we used affected our confidence in the type of feedback people gave. Based on the types of questions asked and other responses, it was generally evident when the users did or did not have a clear understanding of the product concept. For instance, in the case of soil collection methods, the storyboards made it difficult to really understand how much physical labor would be involved, whereas roleplaying with simple mockups made it very clear; it was clear to us that the feedback from the users was far more informed as a result. 4.5 Other Aspects Affecting Feedback 4.5.1 Familiarity with Solar Technology In Ladakh, all of the people we spoke to were at least somewhat familiar with solar technology (solar hot water heating, and solar lighting in particular). This made it much easier to communicate the idea of a new solar technology, partially because people understood solar technology in general, and partially because we could use existing technology as an analogy. We found these analogies to be helpful later on in Jaipur when we were able to communicate the idea of a cooker that heats by conduction by comparing it to an induction cooker. 4.5.2 Micro-entrepreneurs Austin-Breneman and Yang recommend targeting developing world products towards microentrepreneurs [20]. In keep with this, we spoke to many hotel and guesthouse owners in Leh and nearby villages, since tourism is a large industry in Ladakh. The owners of the hotels that we spoke to seemed especially knowledgeable about solar hot water heating, and their current 64 expenditures on water and room heating. In addition to hotel owners, we also spoke to vendors of solar products such as solar hot water heating and solar lighting. They gave us a good idea of how and why new solar technology is being adopted, and recommendations on what we might do with the STF. 4.5.3 Gender Although we did not have a chance to compare in as much depth, there was a noticeable difference between how men and women responded. In Jaipur especially, we noted that generally men dominated the conversations in group settings. Even when interviewing only women, the women sometimes deferred to the translator to answer for her. This disparity was less pronounced during the Hubli workshops, but still there. 4.5.4 Cultural Background of the Interviewer As mentioned in Section 2, Vatrapu and Pdrez-Quifnones found that the cultural background of the interviewer affected the feedback [17]. It is likely, then, that in our studies, that this had a similar effect. What was not studied in the paper was the effect of having a local translator with a non-local interviewer, so we do not know if even our presence changed people's willingness to respond openly. 4.5.5 Translation Translation turned out to be a major difficulty throughout the entire process to the degree of affecting the feedback we documented. We often did not have professional translators since we were reliant on local contacts to arrange logistics. There were several difficulties that resulted: difficulties with English, biased translations, misunderstanding of the technology, and answering the questions for the interviewee. For instance, one translator had somewhat poor English, as so often misunderstood our interview questions as well as the technology we were trying to discuss. He also had a tendency to supply his own opinion rather than letting the interviewee answer, and often seemed like he was aiming to please us, so we do not know if his translations were overly positive. Even with more reliable translators, some of these difficulties still occurred. For instance, our translator in Ladakh, although not professional, was an engineering student with excellent English. We had almost no difficulties with his translations. However, at one point, it 65 became apparent that he had misunderstood one of the technologies described in the storyboard, and was explaining it incorrectly. During the second case study, we had other difficulties with translation. Although the translators were on the whole excellent, there were still a few difficulties. The main two problems with translation during that study was that the translation often broke the flow of conversation, and the translations we got were generally very short as compared to what was actually said. 66 5 General Discussion 5.1 Observed differences We discussed in Section 2 what some of the differences between emerging market users and conventional users are. We also had the opportunity to build upon the existing literature with out own observations, specific to India. 1) Education. Many of the older users we spoke with in rural areas had no formal education and were often not literate. We found generally that educated users tended to be more capable of comprehending more hypothetical concepts, and were thus able to better visualize product concepts better. This matches the feedback results we saw. 2) Exposure to technology. As was discussed previously in Section 2, it was not always the case in the developing world that users have been exposed to advanced technology; although cellular phones are becoming increasingly ubiquitous, we visited communities where the arrival of electricity was recent, and still unreliable, and where cooking with cow dung in a clay hearth was the norm. Similar to Maunder and Marsden's experience, we found it can be far more difficult to ask a user to envision a fully functional high-tech product and how it might fit into their lives than it would be in the US [9]. This isn't always the case though - in one of the locations we visited, even illiterate rural farmers were extraordinarily familiar with solar technology, thanks to the efforts of the local government. During one interview, a neighbor passing by interjected to say she'd seen a demonstration of a trombe wall in a nearby village - whereas the author of this paper hadn't even heard of a trombe wall until embarking on this research! 3) Infrastructure. Infrastructure in the developing world poses another barrier. It varies from country to country and region to region. For instance, in India, under-developed roads in India make supply chains difficult, and lack of electricity in rural areas can make products that use electricity pointless. However, for the urban middle class, these may not be barriers. Urban slums pose a whole different set of challenges as well. 4) Expectations of charity. One thing we were warned about by a local NGO employee was that in Ladakh, so many charities and NGO's went through that locals often anticipated a free or subsidized product, and might therefore be inclined to say they like a product regardless [39]. Similarly, a student at IITB told us that in her experience 67 interviewing people in rural areas, people would occasionally exaggerate to make themselves appear in worse circumstances, with the hopes of being the recipient of some donation [40]. She had an experience where she asked a woman about the size of the farm and the woman responded with one number; however, her son was passing by, and (to the chagrin of his mother) said that their farm was actually larger. Therefore, this problem isn't limited only to visiting foreigners! Our translators told is on several occasions that they believed interviewees were being nice because they thought we'd give them a free product. 5) Cultural differences. The cultural differences between the US and India is an entire topic on its own, but suffice to say, there were many! One thing of particular note was the deference some Indians displayed to us as foreigners, which likely affected feedback. The combination of lack of education and lack of exposure to technology makes conveying product concepts particularly difficult. Even before conducting studies and observing the differences in users for ourselves, we were unsure how well users would respond to low-fidelity prototypes. Would users understand that the prototypes were not meant to be the final product, but only meant to demonstrate certain facets of a concept? Would they be able to extrapolate from a simple prototype what a fully functional product might look and work like, and how it would fit into their lives? Even if they didn't understand the underlying technology, would they have a good enough sense of how a product could work to provide useful feedback? 5.2 5.2.1 Other Takeaways Intro In addition to the results and discussion presented earlier, there were a number of other areas of interest and practical issues that came up that are worth discussing. 5.2.2 Getting realistic responses One thing we were warned about early on from Greg Tao was getting realistic responses [15]. In general, there is a tendency to be overly positive and an unwillingness to criticize [6]. Although It cai be IIIcUltL Lo kno fLr aLUaL uesiU1ns Ik tese how honest he i4terviewee is being, for questions about opinions (i.e., what do you think of this product?), there are a number of clues: 68 1) Understanding. There was more than one interview where it became clear that the interviewees did not have a good understanding of the concepts we were discussing. However, they would still tell us that they thought it was a great idea and they'd buy it. 2) Translator's intuition. With some of the more reliable translators we had, they were able to tell us if it seemed like the interviewee was giving a thoughtful opinion, or if they were just trying to please us. 3) Vague answers. In several cases, users would ask a number of very targeted questions showing them to be thoughtful and discerning consumers, but then would finish the conversation by expressing vaguely that everything would be useful. 4) The interviewer. As mentioned earlier, having the interviewee be someone from the same cultural background can change how freely people respond to the interviewer [17] 5.2.3 Difficulty with abstract ideas. There were two different types of abstraction we dealt both. The first is abstraction of the product, which is what our research primarily focused on. In both cases, we did not have a working prototype of the product to demonstrate. Instead, we had to use abstractions such as the storyboards, images, 3D props (magic box, foam models), and 2D props (the soil test cards). In the case of the first type of abstraction, while several people expressed annoyance at lack of the real product, or felt they could not make a real judgment call without seeing the real thing, it was possible to convey these concepts. The other form of abstraction was the abstraction of concepts. This came up when we were trying to better understand the product attributes (such as cost, simplicity, durability) that mattered most to users. People in rural areas had far more difficulty with this type of abstraction, as evidenced by what happened with the product attribute exercise. 5.2.4 Making sure to interview a variety of people - users and other stakeholders; get a very different story This is generally a good rule of thumb in doing user studies [41], but we found in India it was especially important to interview both experts and the users, since we occasionally got vastly different stories. The most notable was in talking to the people in the government office who do soil testing. According to them, they processed a large number of tests regularly. However, all 69 of the farmers we spoke to who had sent their soil for testing said they never got the results back (and in some cases, it had been years since they'd sent their samples!). 5.2.5 Observations combine with interviews Doing a combination of observations and interviews was a good idea. In Ladakh, by staying overnight with farmers, we got a much better impression of their lifestyle, which helped guide interviews questions later. In Hubli, we didn't have any time for observations and jumped straight into interviews; this made it a bit more difficult to really understand the experience of the farmers, and also meant we didn't have much in the way of observations to validate what people were saying. 5.2.6 Giving multiple choices to choose from It can be difficult to get criticism from users. When we were trying to get feedback about the solar thermal fuel, we had several concepts we wanted to test. What we found was that by asking about several concepts rather than just one, even if people were unwilling to tell us if they didn't like any option, they still gave us a sense of relative preference. This matches what saw during their usability tests as well [25]. 5.2.7 Village Politics One lesson we learned during the workshop was to be wary of how village politics may influence interactions. For two of the three workshops, most people were from different villages and did not know each other. However, the second workshop, most of the participants came from the same village. As a result, they knew how much land other people owned, how much wealth, how educated they were, etc. - all aspects that influenced their interactions and may have contributed to the overall feeling of the second group being more "negative". Smith and Leith also warn about how local politics may affect user interactions in their handbook [18]. 5.2.8 Looking out for misunderstandings The possibilities for misunderstandings abounded, both between the designers and translators, and the participants and translators. Sometimes we were able to catch the misunderstandings because the feedback, but other times we only caught them after asking the translator to repeat what they told the interviewee. There were very likely other misunderstandings we didn't catch at all. 70 5.2.9 Attitude Go in with the attitude that you are there to learn from the people you are working with. You may be the expert about engineering, but they are the expert about what they need, and by working with them rather than trying to solve their problemsfor them, you will have a more realistic idea of what people actually want. 5.2.10 Translation We already discussed some of the difficulties we had with translation. We propose a few suggestions to avoid some of these difficulties, particularly in group or workshop settings. 1) Have a second translator who just takes notes, rather than the translator trying to translate for the note taker. 2) Training the translators to moderate or otherwise take more responsibility for the flow of the conversation 3) Have someone on the project who can speak the local language. People will be more forthcoming with a local in any case [17]. 4) Work in smaller groups, or design activities that don't depend highly on a good translator 5) Rehearse the workshop with the translators ahead of time. (This really should be more than a suggestion, but a mandatory guideline!) 5.2.11 Good local contacts. Having a strong local contact was perhaps the most important part of the entire experience. In the week we spent in Hubli, we got more done than we did during the 4 weeks in Ladakh. This was largely due to having a strong local contact that was able to arrange interviews and workshops with locals and provide us with translators. 5.2.12 You are a tourist attraction In certain areas we visited, foreigners were enough of a rarity that brought half the village (especially children!) to be spectators during our interviews. This made it very difficult at times to hold conversations, especially in rural areas where the interviews were often held outdoors. Parikh, Ghosh, and Chavan describe a similar experience in their paper, and found that by staying in the village they were working in for a longer period, the novelty gradually wore off and they were able to have more normal interactions [24]. 71 5.2.13 Adaptation One lessons we learned was that nothing ever goes according to plan! We were able to adapt on the fly but one thing that really helped with this was planning different approaches ahead of time. Since we did not know what to expect of the workshop, we had several versions of each activity planned. 5.2.14 Being on the ground The most important thing is to actually be on the ground and interacting with the people you are designing for! Otherwise, you will not get a good understanding of your target market. Similar to Parikh, Ghosh, and Chavan's experience, we found that we needed to be on the ground to get a good understanding of the culture and lifestyle [24]. They also point out that in their case, by remaining in the village for two months, villagers got to know them well enough that they felt comfortable in giving more critical feedback. 72 6 6.1 Summary Conclusions If we look back at our two original research questions, this is what we find. 1) How does the method use affect the quality and type of qualitative data gathered? For the methods used, the type feedback elicited generally followed what might be expected in conventional settings, although the quantity and quality of the feedback likely differed. In particular, methods involving group settings resulted in people being more comfortable voicing their thoughts. However, methods that involved a great deal of abstraction sometimes confused users. 2) How does the demographic of the user (age, education, social class, area of India, urban/rural, gender, etc.) affect feedback? In general, users who were more educated were less likely to give overly positive feedback, more likely to ask questions and voice criticism. In many of our studies, older people in rural areas tended to have little to no formal education, so this usually meant younger and middle aged users were the most valuable source of feedback. The location of India as well as whether users were from rural or urban locations often affected their exposure to certain technology, which also affected feedback. 3) How does the type of prototype used affect user feedback? We were surprised to find that the barriers to discussing abstract technological concepts were lower than we expected, and even with our low fidelity prototypes, we were still able to collect a great deal of data. Users in emerging markets were generally able to understand that the prototype was only meant to represent a product. People did not fixate on details of the physical prototype as much as expected, but it did cause some people to view the physical prototype as the only form factor possible, until shown storyboards. However, storyboards 73 had a higher potential for causing confusion, especially in cases where users were not familiar with any similar products. Ultimately, there is no single "best" type of prototype. The type of prototype needs to be appropriate to the concept being tested. 6.2 Areas that need to be further researched Throughout the course of writing this thesis, more questions than answers came up. A few of these areas that need to be further explored are described below. 6.2.1 Controlled experiments with prototype types Because this project focused on real world case studies, it was difficult to do more controlled experiments with the different types of prototypes we used, since the focus was on usability testing for the product rather than on testing methods. It would be interested to see more rigorous experiments where the main focus was on studying how the type of prototype affects the feedback. 6.2.2 Moving towards participatory design with more complex technology Some of the literature for design for development encourages co-design and participatory design as a way to improve the appropriateness of the design as well as empowering the users [13][14]. The workshop we did in Hubli was not participatory design so much as usability testing. In some ways, our mentality is similar, in the assumption that the users have just as much to contribute to the project than the designers, since they are experts on their needs. However, for this project we did not ask them to actively participate in the design process; rather, we focused on trying to encourage a conversation around feedback on the early stage concepts developed by the designers, early stage needs assessment, and trying to understand what attributes of a product matter to the users. The implicit understanding was that as designers, we are experts on the technology and engineering, while the users are experts on the needs for soil testing and what they expect of a product. The reason we choose to focus on usability testing over more open participatory design largely due to the nature of the project. Given that the technology drove the project to some degree, it made sense to evaluate early concepts for how the technology would work rather than askn111g uls1ers t' generate ojLte- pts. Additionauly, t11he techlogy itself s difficult to understand without expertise in that area, so to ask users to try to participate in designing the product itself seemed unreasonable. Future research could focus on the question of how 74 designers can go about engaging users in the design process when there is complex technology involved. 6.3 Ramifications With a growing number of university courses aimed at product development for global emerging markets, we hope our work can inform user research studies and thereby improve the overall quality of products for emerging markets. 75 7 Bibliography "PopTech, Kevin Starr of the Mulago Foundation. 2011 [online]. Available: [Accessed: 10-April-2014]." [2] S. Boettiger, T. Straus, A. Conner, K. Carter, K. Pope, and H. 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