School Climate Panel Panel Participants Nancy Brown Greg Cartwright

School Climate Panel
KidStrong Conference June 12, 2013
Moderator- Justin Boggs , Coordinator Safe and Supportive Schools,
Office of Healthy Schools, WVDE
Panel Participants
Nancy Brown
Greg Cartwright
Judi Coffman
Roger Miller
Larry Stinn
Mary Jane Vredeveld
Questions from the audience?
Time permitting we will take
questions from the audience.
Question #1
1.Why should schools establish a leadership
team (may be an existing team) to
manage the design, monitoring and
improvement of school climate/culture?
A. What key players are recommended to
be part of the leadership team?
B. What are the benefits of the leadership
team and shared responsibility?
Question #2
Many schools face the challenge of buy-in
from colleagues. How do schools establish
a process to gain school-wide input and
commitment to school climate/culture
improvement from students, staff, parents
and community?
Question #3
If you look at what is essential for building a
positive school climate in Policy 4373 then
you must implement essential
components. Why are the components
below essential to building a positive
A. Behavior expectations clear to all
B. Expectations consistently enforced
C. In a caring, non-punitive effort to shape
Question #4
It is important schools utilize data to make data
driven decisions. The WVDE provides the
opportunity for schools to participate in the West
Virginia School Climate Survey. How should
schools analyze school climate/culture data
Question #5
How should schools make data driven
improvement decisions based on analysis of
consistently tracked student behaviors?
Question #6
In what ways should schools implement
school-wide plans that provide appropriate
interventions to support and reinforce expected
Question #7
How do schools implement programs /
practices that promote youth asset
development to support expected student
behaviors, positive education and health
Question #8
How do schools implement comprehensive and
effective intervention programs/practices that
target identified behaviors that are disruptive to
the educational process and that place
students at higher risk of poor education and
health outcomes?
Question #9
How should schools develop appropriate and
reliable referral procedures for intensive
intervention that enlist school and community
Question #10
In what ways should schools evaluate school
climate/culture improvement processes and
revise as needed?
Question #11
What process should schools use in developing
school-wide priorities for Policy 4373?
Questions from the audience??