HD28 .M414 c, Dewey INST a FEB MANAGING END USER COMPUTING THE IN INFORMATION ERA Thomas John P. F. Gerrity Rockart October 1984 CISR WP #120 Sloan WP #1595-84 Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambricfge, Massachusetts, 02139 22 t- 1985 MANAGING END USER COMPUTING THE IN INFORMATION ERA Thomas John Gerrity P. F. Rockart October 1984 CISR WP #120 Sloan WP #1595-84 (c) T. P. Gerrity, J. F. Rockart 1984 Center for Information Systems Research Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology FEB 2 2 L ms MANAGING END USER COMPUTING IN THE INFORMATION ERA by Thomas Recent years P. Gerrity and John F. Rockart witnessed have These professionals. in direct the of use support tools by executives, managers information technology as personal and growth dramatic end not users, systems traditional the development staff, are now the key forces driving the acquisition and use of computer resources. Recent rapidly. And this diffusion of computing is proliferating research finds that the growth rate computing is at least five times that of conventional end in user Growth systems. rates of 50 to 100 per cent per year for end user computing are the norm today. At Xerox, resources over are Although 40 now steadily of devoted traditional continuing to grow, is percent the to direct computer its proportional shrinking vis-a-vis corporation's the support total of comp^iter users. end "paperwork-processing" is share of computer resources end user. At Xerox it is estimated that end user consumption of the computer resource will grow to 75 percent by 19901 Major corporate 2 investments in personal computers are growing - 2 exponentially. company automotive One 25,000 personal - At least one computers. ordered recently has The insurance company. Travellers, has two thousand personal computers installed and thousand more on order. several Even executives top national restaurant chain, system to analyze changes in menu price The computer and trends items, changes. personal getting are and into The act. in customer preferences, do "what-if" analysis of perform his Procter of a simulate potential of Gamble & analysis own CEO interrogate an on-line staff his chairman to the of now uses a business key situations. As these examples illustrate, the focus of computing is shifting rapidly in organizations today. This new period business use of often is information applications clerical referred in First the information technology expanded direct support of many manufacturing control, the relevant needs. Whereas data processing the firm, the now technology needs of the Third operational is the of Era the in order entry). technology From technology. Third "The as to its vi ng the in key the use of to include firm (e.g., earlier eras and staff served now managerial paperwork or supervisors in the accountants and operational Era's end user capabilities are information , problem-sol and advent of the Third Era, the supporting accounting (1965-74) Era functions With the 1955-64), (circa Second early 3 in Era' focused on the and communication needs of the corporation's decision makers and their staff. - 3 - importance of end user computing, the Unfortunately, despite the critical managing for appropriate approach companies. Although much the management techniques management computing user end of and has publicity given been often is its to in 4 the in first the most benefits, mired still during developed processes developed been not has it quarter century of the computer age; such techniques were designed to support and control will a Therefore different set of computer uses. very this article closely examine: the strategic and value impact business of end user computing activities the pros and cons of three managerial approaches currently used to cope with end user computing the six key elements which we believe underlie the development of a successful end user computing strategy for the Third Era THE VALUE OF END-USER COMPUTING The evaluation amenable enhanced manager. the to information of end of The and initial payoffs effectiveness This measurement challenge qualitative judgement same individual . as is the user computing justifications return-on-investment systems. efficiency benefits the of is an at performance are often as of in individual least is readily traditional terms of professional great appraisal not and process full of the or of that - 4 - Given that the management of most organizations with widespread end user computing do not even know what most of the uses of these tools may be, it surprising not is information both that systems senior and (IS) management is at least concerned, if not quite suspicious, that resources wasted being are frivolous on direct observations over many years, user professionals full-time jobs to do. and managers are practically So, technology only where it provides tools. — they make speaking, and sanguine one For people busy thing, have they use of this quick and pragmatic benefit direct, a surveys our on we are much more however, user computing about the productive uses of end end Based activities. usually by just doing some things faster and to getting their job done; better. Furthermore, most users end under operate It is therefore startling and are motivated to expend resources wisely. to find hundreds where cases some thousands of considered purchase of Finally, observe we planned quick it. or to — desk of use in dollars get a it is, of discretionary has spending held is over control for suspect a three thousand dollar personal computer! practice that another senior management fear -- computers will that personal manager's of a manager who a constraints budgetary normal in personal be bought and then left sitting unfounded. general, didn't computer work transferred to someone who will Those out make are idle on a managers whose usually quite productive use of This is not to argue that there are not cases of wasted resources, that valuable. some We degree simply of find standards, that end policies users can and be guidelines trusted to is make not sound 5 - - individual computers and similar tools to use of personal much higher a degree than is usually suspected in top management circles. But beyond payoffs in individual in company after company efficiency and effectiveness, we observe the that long real term value end of user computing lies in greatly accelerated learning on the part of the user — approaches to about his discovery about her job, or of innovative new and tasks that actually can transform the nature of the job being done, finally about the new opportunities and limits of the technology itself. growing The constituency central of the body user end of of much more experience computing effective sophisticated and IS organization than they have ever had before. frictions associated with any major developing is "clients" a the of And despite some such change, a growing knowledge base is ultimately to the benefit of all. It is through organizational expanding this learning via end user leverage is brought to two other payoff areas for computing that the real information technology in the Information Era: external competitive advantage, and internal organizational effectiveness. New product/market are generally firing line," opportunities spotted close by to practical, working feel user computing is that yield professionals the for markets new, developing real and and competitive managers who are products, and who enabling technologies. this feel for the advantage "on have the a Widespread end practical uses of information technology at the very time that such technology offers the - - 6 Hence, believe we firms those that in today's that seize threats) (and opportunities greatest marketplace. volatile leadership the the in effective management of end user computing now are creating capabilities to increase greatly being their prospect of the market the leaders of leadership or tomorrow. On the other hand, critical as as they are corporate to even survival, major strategic competitive moves only come now and then. As the "excellent companies" of study shows, factor the that leads corporate excellence is more often the cumulative effectiveness of minor improvements strategic stroke." We discovery inherent number of provides is business is living in information also increases. "learning curve" levels with end in that the such with set user computing have getting, in to the extent that our national of learning and computing user of multiple small virtually every access good to Those organizations that are further up the greater expertise composed "bold the end manageable of is vast a volatile marketplaces; cadres using "knowledge (and each workers" firm's) and managers of and at disseminating effectiveness. management information for improved organizational more it benefit: turbulent and value the than task-related a managerial increasingly increases, uncertainty as people experiences final a many just for base improvements. There observe extended in strong a by to all good Also, workforce is more and information handlers, the leverage is even greater. In summary, relatively controls. we low It is see the risk of effective endeavor, diffusion of end kept immense potential in balance user computing by normal as a budgetary value in developing more effective - - 7 achieving for directly time is of Mow is the the leaders and laggards are being sorted out. the essence: improved to we also believe that However, effectiveness. organizational prospects the contributing and advantage, competitive real enhancing clients, technology infonnation time to select and implement effective management approaches to end user computing in the Third Era. Current Managerial Approaches To rapid growth great extent the a described those like resources, user demand end in above, information for many "blind-sided" has IS For executives, who have been understandably myopic about this new era. the past two decades, each software. staffs and Their focus has been upon First and Second Era computing. IS have -- two developing by feverishly working from range now down tied been productive increasingly of processing systems which struggling just to install been have hardware wave new managers IS four to reduce to years development backlogs most in paperwork these enhancing or companies. large invested in creating better and more time has been Available managerial complex) (and refined approaches to plan and control those applications which are now a shrinking steadily portion of Despite their dramatic increase, been able because the demand absolute scale. part, superficial, "pie." time traditional from attention and systems has continued management to grow in As a result, many IS executives are entering the era of end user dominance, most for systems information the Third Era changes underway have not significant receive to total the having done very little to prepare managerial diffuse approaches and to reactive. Third Era Separate for computer groups it. use have For the have been often been - 8 - set up to control Most are merely systems. more, IS managers computers, the use of personal time-sharing and office responsive to user-initiated demand. What is management are discovering that many of their critical developed so painstakingly over the past 25 years, are tools and skills, of little value in managing Third Era developments. What are companies Although doing? actually management usually has taken one of three general computing — details the differ, may approaches to end user monopolist, laissez-faire, or the information center. The Monopolist Approach Often the initial approach in many firms is for the organization to end user computing over all attempt to maintain firm control IS -- usually limiting it severely. For example, painful and systems over costly the products consumer one evolution past of company, has the by information traditional its decades, two scarred adopted "go-slow" a attitude towards the integration of computers into the management process. Not only has the firm chosen as the company standard a complex programming trained users, but language, it has inaccessible also created a to all set of the best policies that but actively discourage managers from utilizing computer resources. Each personal computer, painstakingly justified. for example, And personal any access to corporate databases. must be fully and computer users are denied 9 - - There are several all variations of the traditional monopolist view, but they belief that the spring from a basic all information professional resources, data, processing: should systems staff processing data good documentation, to organization IS ensure should control developed be efficient use good controls on by computer of privacy and a security of controls over the use of the data processing and strong financial resource. The monopolist approach companies using it. however, is, breaking down in most of The key reasons for its failure are as follows: There is not sufficient IS staff available to develop all needed systems. year backlog, those of the Users, faced with a two-to-fourare bypassing the "monopoly" going by external to time sharing or "bootlegging" in their own small computers. With the cost of computer hardware becoming apparent to all declining constantly, that the monopolist's focus it is control on to maximize hardware efficiency is increasingly irrelevant. The documentation and controls necessary for development of large paperwork processing systems applications, which one-shot basis or for only may a are \/ery be unnecessary used by Third for many their authors feel, develop systems many and rightly more on a short time. An increasingly computer-savvy group of young managers and professionals Era so, quickly that and they can cheaply, staff directly with less - - 10 friction, and more specifically targeted at their needs, than can They refuse to place monopoly. the traditional system in the a development backlog which they know they can develop by central available much have and themselves eight months and pay $50,000 when I a typical weekends on my IBM PC?" is "Why sooner. should I wait can do this over a couple of user response. Laissez-Faire Approach approach laissez-faire The allowed opposite the whatever buy to microcomputers, This even minicomputers. and The sum of these needs is too big, The key tools. here If users will the each for is can possibly group central single reflects approach user to corporation allows with differing and too diverse. too complex, creative, effective access "free market" to them all." use It is, of the computation, spend their own budgets more wisely than a central could possibly do. beliefs organization can "No central understand or control make are time-sharing, Each user is an individual plan for end user computing. No monopolist's the please: they resources similar to those stated by one IS manager: needs. of user-managers, as long as they have their own budgets, Here, view. almost is authority therefore, outside the role of the IS manager to v/orry about end user computing. As a result of this philosophy, for example, almost half of the corporate resources computer are now being consumed running Third Era "do by systems. their own thing" additional one at has of world's the management and largest staff electronics who The corporation's posture led to a current forecasted are of companies developing and letting people requirement of an large mainframe computer every six months just to support end n - benefits comparable that reassurance management senior surprising, Not users. - from received being are demanded recently has the increased computer costs. In addition philosophy major other several has considerations, financial to Much today. expertise tools diverse many are can gained helping users and having by Some software match centers or studying of available the perceived their available tools center a continually to some subtle, are They include the following: hardware the corporation in and be "laissez-faire" total drawbacks. obvious, but all are increasingly apparent. There the needs with appropriate technology. The "invisible tactical hand" most reacts strongly short-term the to firefighting needs of operational managers. While these applications can be valuable, major opportunities will if one no responsible is identifying for those be missed few end systems of most strategic benefit to the organization. user applications relying the on must often highest targeted be payoff These end "top-down" applications being user without discovered "bubbling up" from individual user demand below. Users value consulting needs, in users on-going the support. appropriate need continual received Having hardware updates in and other aspects of end user computing. and the It advice software use is of the for and their software also ineffective to let users slowly and arduously track down the location of data - valuable specifically their own 12 to worry systems, manage them, security data about transfer the data to privacy, or of and These are all maintain their own data bases if they are sizable. matters better supported by information systems professionals. Efficient Information of use Discounts standardization. corporate-wide available are some from Training programs can be run for vendors for quantity purchases. only a small demands technology Era set of machinery and software — not for each of the hundreds of personal computers and thousands of software packages Transfer of software and know-how is easier among now available. end users using the same underlying tools. necessary to create an leadership is Central effective appropriately evolving and efficient "network architecture" to meet changing needs. Finally, the laissez-faire approach makes for provisions no transforming ad hoc quickly-developed support systems into formal on-going, often-used performed by necessary for IS support professionals and Information some This systems. task a increasingly is Era is systems as best seen they as gain widespread use throughout organizations. The Information Center Approach Recognizing the difficulties of the monopolist approach and some of the obstacles IBM, the have of laissez-faire, focused on an "Information Center" some major organizational (IC). computer approach vendors, known most most notably commonly as This initial attempt to provide a focused 13 - - approach toward end user computing has much to recommend it. managerial The IC is a centrally-located group of personnel, distinct from the rest of the staff, IS concerning to whom and selection the use come can users guidance for software hardware, appropriate of support and and data. Strong "product" expertise, education and on-going training is available from language members specialist various user-oriented and of the IC "package" on each electronic (e.g., analysis systems). processing, graphics, and statistical software supported word mail, some cases, In the IC is also charged with ensuring that each application is "justified." One Information such Center pharmaceutical company. personnel, chartered with was of all the end 23 The to staff's attempts provide however, Without foundering. range of sufficient Other products, have found highly ICs, it results however, than as the others. usually upon request, company the diverse of users and inadequate to meet the even center this with difficult to increasing number of users who desire help. The of the three approaches, support soon found that his small resources, centralized major a IS that tools support the multitude to in with assistance, software their applications interests were demand. staffed IC, user The center's manager, owned. established been has a was limited more serve the vastly is the newest IC and it is closer to providing effective Many practiced, solution for the Information Era. are is quite an successful. incomplete The IC, management The information center focuses 14 - - on support and, extent, an are important, and control control, IC, usually as of structured, Both users. but there are several support shortcomings to The shortcomings are: implementation of the IC. the usual The to is centralized a organization. Yet users desire and need localized support. Although strong on technological most often personnel IC and not do software product knowledge, the have and functional application knowledge which is the end user's primary concern. The IC is influence minimal. creation a its on In central the procedures, design, addition, IS management, of it may User department. IS services and not even have the full can be backing of being viewed as an experimental palliative to user demands. Often the IC will user computing networking, effective represent only one or two of the four major end technologies: personal end user time-sharing, computers, support, all and four office communications For systems. must managed be in coordination. The IC is often only reactive to expressed user needs. Era technology recognized by presents many technologically opportunities unsophisticated which may users. Yet Third not be Proactive managerial efforts to identify and rank high payoff opportunities have extremely been useful in the organizations with which we 15 - - have worked. the Finally and perhaps most important, entity -- of the step — majority initial organizational of However, structure should follow strategy. And, structure. organizational an is terms in expressed solution a IC have firms we neglected the critical have seen the the development of a strategic direction for the exploitation of Third Era technology. A Managed Free Economy needed What is today many companies in Third Era benefits to the firm, end management of approach reactive approaches Both limited, are patently spend hundreds of management few years next many major companies cause dollars of the in get" resources. support and because inadequate millions "take what you laissez-faire, a proliferating end user computing needs will to the strategic potential the to user computing has been thrust "center stage" either only approach strategic a Given computing. and demands much more than or is equipment, in systems development, and user time. What is needed is Era computing. essential their needs. the own a proactive approach This needs. Users applications No central organization and must of strategic must be the approach balance allowed technology fulfill organization can do this for all -- especially in an era define create, to when managing Third opposing two to to their but equally and develop information the diverse users in almost all "knowledge . - workers" will soon have 16 - terminals their on Yet desks. some central authority must have the responsibility to consult with users as to what feasible, to support users where special IS expertise can and to ensure that the appropriate technical policy structure is possible and add value, The parallel is in place. to a regulated economy is very clear. Within certain reasonable and necessary guidelines and constraints, participants are free to act in their own behalf. Yet the economy is "managed" with clear strategic direction to balance the value-added to each and all. FIVE CRITICAL ATTRIBUTES In our various research and consulting computing, companies. The significantly observed have we managerial from company or efforts with regard to Third Era involved been approaches to company to including hybrids of the three approaches described. from both user and IS management viewpoints. implementations exact successful attributes differ, those the "managed free economy" more than computing user many variations 50 vary and Some are markedly successful Although the Many are not. approaches by both users and IS exhibit all of end with considered to be or most of the five critical These approach. critical attributes are as follows: 1 a stated end user strategy 2. a user/IS working partnership 3. an active targetting of critical 4. an integrated end user support organization 5. an emphasis on education throughout the organization. . > end user systems and applications 17 A STATED END-USER COMPUTING STRATEGY 1. "What is Users continually ask the questions: of "What is "What is their end user strategy?" me?" general the directions of Third will be supported systems hardware and support mechanisms assistance) strategic provided?" be direction and users knowledge the of do support to IS management's view "What user end specific the "Will IS?" by on-going discounts, hardware short, In to computing?" Era education, (e.g., going IS desire a elements key of statement its of implementation. The development assessment needs. of of an technology the computing user end and strategy determination a staff user both an application While new products are continually being introduced, the shape of end user product direction is increasingly clear. needs of requires for the The assessment of user future can be determined in large part by department computer Staffs needs. manipulators of information in the firm. are, after analysis of an all, the major And they are the focus of 80 to 90 percent of all end user computing. 2. A USER/IS WORKING PARTNERSHIP Today, both the strategy and all reflect user needs. In the past, programs flowing from the strategy must the systems have been formulated by the implementation of paperwork "rules of the game" IS processing in information organization to effect efficient systems. These "rules" with 18 - - pricing of services, regard to justification of systems, and security privacy, need re-examined be to they so strongly affect end users, it is in access to data, Because new era. this important that the new rules be worked out in collaboration with end users and their management. At Gillette, a set of policies and guidelines very different from those previously governing Eras One and Two including group user end managers from these departments. by committee's developed departments and several senior The policy committee is chaired While significant expertise is added to the user manager. a been The key to their development is a to support end user computing. policy have deliberations IS, by the policies which evolve are clearly seen to reflect the needs of users. 3. ACTIVE TARGETING OF CRITICAL END-USER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS Allowing ideas for uses of the new technology to merely "bubble up" from individual short-range and which benefits, require users special not is "local" span enough. their in multiple technological Individual managers thinking. Systems individuals expertise not often be generated from end users resources are used well, alone. noticeably with long-range departments, envision companies leading business-oriented scan of critical to or are and To ensure are which formulate will that limited forcing end user applications or a IS strategic now enabled by the new technology. At Southwest Ohio Steel, Critical Success the senior management team engaged in a Factors-based study of corporate information - - from Emerging needs. 19 was study the recognition the that Third Era technology could be most effectively used to provide, among things, other database information an marketing of This marketing database is now being accessed daily data. officers by marketing vice and managers of the firm including Jacques Huber, president. AN INTEGRATED END-USER SUPPORT ORGANIZATION 4. The skills necessary to assist end skills required First, end user must support Second, technology. only design to they be as and users program personnel systems in a tools and skills to spectrum not interpersonal determining skills the important more commonly not form of than organization to have Working do. a found in skill the regular steal IS If patience IS personnel. In even for that the need In addition, ongoing user user support is merely a secondary function of organization, any crisis in conventional Era processing can tasks. ongoing support must be maintained or users lose confidence. separate, and staff organization, is significant resources away from the Third this focus, teach Much hard work is required to develop the elements of an end user strategy. support is essential. the traditional requirements separate identity. of requires users Third Era central the the with on new wide and to not use, not but also they must have the desire and , end on providing expert advice, techniques, help organization. IS the in focused must be support personnel knowledgeable vastly different from the are A focus on To maintain dedicated organizations have been formed in each of 20 - - the leading Although we expect companies. that organization will this eventually evolve and merge with other parts of the information systems organization, specialized its appears role organizational demand to separation today. At Gillette, end of aspects all computing user directions are thought well the Policies, guidelines, and direction of one senior manager in IS. strategic under are through Experts are available from this central staff advertised. and consult about to timesharing products, personal computers, and office systems. However, the users end person support busy people. are must effectively physically local, be To most close support them, available, by, able to speak the users' language about their business needs. At information the Fiberglas, Owens-Corning systems, transferred has departments staff Daverio, Paul special for responsible IS finance, g president vice and for personnel into personnel, etc. This was done to provide end user consulting onsite. Instruments, At Texas can make effective, department. become turn, overall the are use are of the in levels of home-grown support. division or First, and specialists functional in most the These are finance, marketing or other users who have very local, supported computing attributes three department each users end of by available IS knowledge applications computing computing and which a experts. consultants set should of be who guidelines executed They, have in more to the either via as - - time-sharing, computers, personal 21 software. Referrals can appropriate specialty hardware with more, a specialists, made, be knowledge about the entire can more be What user environment end in for consolidated effectively is the user point for all focal a the to experts. software or hardware and necessary, if single IS person as organization each or office systems shaping the evolving end user computing strategy. 5. End AN EMPHASIS ON EDUCATION THROUGHOUT THE ORGANIZATION technology user IS personnel diversity. less than one in ten of acquaintance cursory management, extraordinary themselves, are often uneducated. We find that coming is the the is to systems analysts today have more than a IS with general, in market in today new user end adequately not Senior technology. informed. And middle management, deluged with an extraordinary number of claims by vendors and uncertain of what moves to make, needs increased understanding the of ways in which the technology can be best applied to particular tasks. well-thought-out educational of "student" absolutely is adapted to the needs of each program, necessary today to A type allow an organization to make effective use of the technology. At ARCO, this opportunity is being met head-on. A ten-day program has been devised and instituted to re-educate 1000 of the company's top IS personnel. tools, and techniques of The course centers on the Third Era. In the concepts, addition, short 22 - - seminars given being are senior management of the very the for effective corporation stressing both basic concepts and current, uses within technology new the of Courses ARCO. middle for management are being developed as well. CONCLUDING THOUGHTS levels within The recent dramatic increase of end user computing at all organizations provide possibilities enhanced and enhanced for technology for implementing many operational managerial approaches technology-focused can However, effectiveness. in senior management must avoid the pitfalls order to reap these benefits, of it value: information using for business for for discovering and competitive advantage, efficiencies, opportunities major offers and ensure the development of a business-driven strategy for managing end user computing. Ours is technology an era will create computing. to pursue Before a competitive lose control fearing that they will hesitate leadership astute when the end user exploiting in the era, benefits an offered analysis information Yet, marketplace. over computing costs, substantial the edge in of many managers the user end by costs and benefits of each major proposed application system or hardware purchase Today, however, was possible through careful such single-point control scrutiny of the is no longer IS budget. possible; usage is widely scattered throughout the organization -- and in much smaller increments. - 23 - But utilization computer over control adequate feasible j^ today. Ensuring that the five attributes cited above are in place will produce a working can between line management and partnership quite different but complementary implement two together who staff, IS forms "control" of over the computing environment. As a first and vital and guidelines standards, set of policies, a These will ensure must be developed. standard technical and management a Such an environment can yield significant benefits environment. the step, such as availability of volume hardware and software discounts from vendors and the ability to mount education programs and assistance for a limited set of standard products. addition, In gives it users the ability to move freely from one part of the organization to another without needing to learn a new set of hardware and software systems. assured that their personal All users will computers "connect" to the network, be allowing access to one another and to remotely stored data. With guidelines in place, end individual belongs with the local responsibility The scrutinized to ensure they have business value. this control size must user projects of line management must increasingly be knowledgable of the potential of technology -- expenditures Such on knowledge receive at least to the computers or communications makes requires, education in advice in specific done -- have a in an organization. -- we have technology. instances, era when terminal as has extent but necessary already IS the can and basic from the control staff business sense. that these managers should the value determine whether good noted, virtually everyone in shifted to for Therefore, line management. unit's be be consulted over what is corporation will experts to the for being soon line - 24 - References 1. Rockart, John F.; Flannery, Lauren "The Management of End User Computing," Communications of the ACM , Volume 26, Number 10, October 1983, pp. 777 - 784. 2. A Long Benjamin, Robert I. "Information Technology in the 1990's: Range Planning Scenario," MIS QUARTERLY , Volume 6, Number 2, June 1982, pp. 11-31. Rockart, John P.; Scott Morton, Michael S. "Implications of Changes INTERFACES for Corporate Strategy," Information Technology in 8^-W. Also, Number 1, January-February 1984, Volume 14, pp. Rockart, John F. "Role of the Executive in Information Management," A Strategic Assessment , Proceedings of Global Technological Change: a Symposium for Senior Executives, MIT, June 21-23, 1983. 3. , 4. S. Decision Support W. Scott Morton, Michael Keen, Peter G. Perspective Addi son-Wesley Publishing Systems: An Organizational Also, Rockart, John Company, Inc., Reading, Massachusetts, 1978. F.; Treacy, Michael E. "The CEO Goes On-line," Harvard Business Review Volume 60, Number 1, January-February 1982, pp. 82 - 88. ; , , 5. Peters, Thomas J.; Waterman, Jr., Robert Excellence , Harper & Row, New York, N.Y., 1982. 6. Op. cit., Rockart and Flannery, p. 7. Ibid , Rockart and Flannery, p. 779. 8. Rockart, John F. HBR, March-April H., In Search of 783. "Chief Executives Define Their Own Data Needs," 81-93. F.; John Also, Rockart, 1979, pp. Crescenzi , Adam "Engaging Top Management in Information Technology," Sloan Management Review Summer 1984, Volume 25, Number 4. , 9. Withington, Frederic G., "Coping with Computer Proliferation," May-June 1980, pp. 152-164. t+953 CN'iZM' HBR , 3 TDflD DDM 512 Tfil Date Due Lib-26-67 T^fci^ib'E MSEMEWT ai !>43K <S3ve/^