HD28 .M414 no. 1613- ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT MEASUREMENT OF HOSPITAL PERFOR^IANCE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR ACCCOUNTING H. David Sherman WP 1673-85 July 1985 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 LIEASUREMENT OF HOSPITAL PERFOR>IANCE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR ACCCOUNTING H. David Sherman WP 1673-85 July 1985 AUG 9 1985 RECEIVED Abstract Do for profit hospitals (FPs) perform better than non profit hospitals (NPs) and will continued growth of FPs help contain the alarming increases in U.S. health care costs? Three hospital performance dimensions that need to be considered to address these questions are identified: quality of care, cost of care, and pricing. Existing studies provide ambiguous and conflicting evidence about relative hospital performance partly due to inadequate output mix and volume data and partly due to incomplete and non-comparable accoutning data. A research design is proposed to provide more definitive conclusions about the relative performance of FPs vs. NPs. Specific changes in hospital accounting methods disclosures are also proposed to make accounting data useful in managing and containing health care costs. Acknowledgment thank Jon Chilingerian for his assistance in completing earlier research that gave rise to many of the ideas reflected in this paper. Valuable comments and suggestions from participants in the University of Illinois at Chicago Government and Non-prof j.t Research Symposium and, particularly. Professor James Chan are most deeply appreciated. I 1 INTRODUCTION . Rising health care costs and the increased presence of for-profit health service organizations have motivated frequent comparisons of for-profit (FP) non-profit and managed, more efficient, offered those to Alternatively, do Does hospitals. (NP) more the for-profit altruistic hospitals profit and return on investment objectives? investor perspective motive profit result better in lower cost hospital services of comparable quality by the the (Frost continue to be highly recommeded sacrifice quality hospitals? achieve to FPs have performed well from an 1982). (Sandomir, Sullivan, and non-profit 1981 investments by security analysts of increased competition and rate regulation (Hull, FPs ). in spite Can NPs improve 1985). their performance by adopting management practices of the FPs? Are the tax advantages and government subsidies to NPs warranted? These Federal concern issues State and governments, which regulate aspects of health care and which fund the cost of Medicare services elderly and Medicaid services poor. the to Legislators must to the periodically reconsider whether tax subsidies provided to NPs are well placed, or whether these advantages should also made be available for and Employers FPs. For insurers have also expressed great concern about rising medical costs. example, Chrysler Corporation reported that its health insurance costs were $6,000 per employee which 1983, in was double the cost 1979 (Rosenbaum, 1984). While FPs account for only about 10% of all U.S. hospital beds, they own more than 20% of the hospital beds in the high growth Sunbelt region of the U.S. growth Moreover, for remarkable increased NPs the FP growth during disparity presence of in number of beds was 64% compared with (American 1970' s has spurred FPs will Hospital Association, much provide controversy a way to about contain 1982). whether hospital 17% This the costs whether and/or they controversy is debated confrontation numerous articles, in (Siafaca, and 1984) (Altman, e.g. attention. questioned the propriety of Humana Corporation's editorials this (Dolnick, 1984) examples recent public considerable While quality. care notable Two 1981). attracted have health compromise will of this First, many FP hospital (a chain) sponsoring of a vigorous artificial heart implantation program in its Louisville University's teaching Hospital chain. (Altman, teaching hospital Second 1984). McLeans, hospital, psychiatric the Corporation of American (HCA) of the largest to failed due Harvard sale FP the opposition to by health care professional at the institution. of hospitals naturally raises accounting questions about measurement of costs. Are they purpose intended? Interest in consistent, reliable, Much of cost the accounting statements. within need to sets of data available While these any industry, generally verifiable, information compare performance comparing and to relevant questions are financial hospital fund prepare to present in statements accounting accepted methods and accounting disclosure principles costs the is from the financial external are complicated business by the have differing that requirements. for derived comparing organizations for-profit and non-profit institutions many cases are required to follow S.E.C. use for compare hospitals used systems relative and The FPs enterprises follow and reporting standards as well. accounting and are guided by accounting principles for in NPs hospitals (AICPA, or accounting policies for governments which own them (AICPA, 1972) 1972 and 1974).^ Differing meaningful before among standards reporting comparisons need To what made. be can hospitals these do What changes issues will be addressed These reporting requirements are needed? extent performance? differences hinder the comparison of hospital reconciled be to in in this paper as follows: Section II will posit a model dimensions relevant the of hospital of performance and consider the extent to which these dimensions are dependent on accounting describe the methodological suggest measurements progress problems research a performance of to date design to The hospitals. more section IV revisions to current hospital accounting and reporting standards the will relative the recommends briefly and , Section investigate fruitfully concluding will NPs and encountered. limitations and FPs comparing in III Section disclosures. and a set of that would facilitate the comparability for data of all types of hospitals. II. Three about DIMENSIONS OF HOSPITAL PERFORMANCE key dimensions hospital of operations: performance 1) derive quality of health in comparing the performance presents complex measurement problems. current the care, 2) concerns efficiency and All three dimensions need to be cost of services, and 3) price of services. considered from of hospitals and each dimension Many of these problems clearly fall Generally, municipal hospitals follow the Hospital Audit Guide (AICPA, 1982) but due to the separation of certain costs allowed under municipal accounting, the municipal hospital may have cost disclosures that are inconsistent or incomplete compared with For example, hospital employee pensions and other private NPs. fringe benefit costs may be accounted for in municipal trust funds rather than in the hospital enterprise fund and some hospital management costs have been found to appear outside of the municipal hospital statement in other fund categories. within the accounting disciplines, others are primarily addressed by health specialists), (physicians, nurses, and public health care professionals and many can benefit from interdisciplinary cooperation. Quality of Health Care A. Quality of care in and the health financial judgmental dimension resides the most , care professionals' managers due are consequences economic the to concern of accountants The disciplines. entirely almost medical of decisions. Quality diagnoses of and care can treatment and b) quality treatment physicians, segmented be depends nurses and patient's the on into satisfaction. professional the as well technicians, lab effectiveness the a) of the Diagnosis and capabilities of the available technologies. as Licensing and accreditation standards assure that most hospitals meet some minimum quality standard in terms of the capabilities of the professionals, This minimum standard is and available diagnostic and treatment facilities. not adequate to evaluate hospitals, above this minimum. The key problem of quality there are wide ranges since is any that equally two respected physicians will not necessarily agree on and prescribe the same diagnostic and tests treatment any for particular one Hence patient. two very different sets of treatments may both be considered to be of equal quality. Attempts have limitations clear procedures eye recently been made for cataract success such a their to and open that the within judgment. contrast, surgery, standardize ultimate a heart moderate the have surgery, required procedures degree treatment treatments, For success. variety of frequently performed predetermined In to of an illness surgical e.g. with some resource variation can needs based that are operations, standardized of there example, surgical been and but does on be physician not require such as treatment of arthritis and cancer are much more difficult each type measure. because cost The differences of not similar quality of providing technology intensity of likely as be to in physician judgments diagnosing and for may differ care of differences and Higher quality may be more costly technologies used. more advanced is and Hence this dimension of quality is difficult possible in the near future. to standardization and required, care of procedures, agreement on the timing, to gain professional this means if patient treating a the in using illness or using more intensive care to treat a patient. Another of diagnosis facet — some established standard aspect This establishment within treatment and quality licensing with controllable operating procedures diagnosis of correcting errors can be more costly. directly more is standard of facets two that quality of not, If attainment of the is prescribed tests performed accurately and are effectively the first time? treatment quality and the have and Note hospital. identified been Increases in quality raises cost in the former case and reduces cost here. in the latter case. An entirely different dimension of hospital quality relates Does satisfaction. pleasing? How the rapidly taste food respond nurses do good? hospital personnel polite and supportive? hospitals' hotel This care. functions, dimension evaluated in completing The 1) complexity of of distinct as quality also to the environment aesthetically institutions, and the from their impacts provision of needs and costs quality dimension of performance which 3) the These aspects of quality focus on medical to be the only use of 2) the lack of except for the minimum standards identifies weak manifest by is the lack of any available ranking of hospitals by quality, accreditation Are call? patient's a an assessment of hospital quality. any generally accepted measure of quality, for Is patient to particularly surrogates such as low mortality quality rates. malpractice suits, and accreditation in hospital studies. From an accounting perspective, and efficiency, among differences fee issue the the extent is hospitals are to which due cost, quality to differences? Cost and Efficiency B. Efficiency can be segmented into four distinct components, each of which impacts cost. 1. Input efficiency price depends on the ability hospitals' buy to each input (good or service) at the lowest cost. 2. Allocative efficiency requires to minimize cost. that For example, a the mix of it (LPNs) may and utilization of (RNs) licensed practical and At therefore be price efficient. employing be more services provided. a higher higher adjusted be hospital may be paying the lowest possible salary for registered nurses nurses inputs RN priced LPN to RNs than same time the resulting ratio needed are Allocative inefficiency results in the for in higher cost due to the input mix. 3. Technical efficiency to the use of the minimum amount of each input is produce desired care. provide the same services A technically inefficient hospital could it provides with fewer inputs regardless of their relative price and consequently could reduce its operating costs. Technically efficient efficient production hospitals would frontier and may at be the operating on the time be same inefficient with dimensions. This dimension of efficiency is difficult efficient production frontier is not because the hospitals, respect to price, allocative, and to scale measure defined well for largely because of the professional judgment associated with prescribing the tests and treatments required for a particular (See for example (Sherman, patient illness. Scale efficiency requires 4. be at increase or decrease service apply an hospitals, to any hospital beds, also be scale cost per has that concept achieved outpatient and care difficult is services e.g. may number bed may size services like provided be to provided. optimal the optimal an at higher in inefficient on other dimensions, surgery heart open an focused on determining While much research has of which level the numerous are there since the result economic elementary of each activity of i.e., would volume in This unit. level, optimal hospital the volume that 1984). at a suboptimal volume level. through accounting All of these efficiency dimensions can be addressed managers, financial controllers, Indeed, disciplines. of directors and hospitals have been responsible for making decisions that impact efficiency, increasing mix hospital, of size e.g. awareness the of and personnel, of need technical patients in from a Recent and hospital beyond the physician's desire pressures reimbursement under inefficiencies to Medicare health on have care for added hospitals fixed a the fee professionals in payment each for The results claims. a diagnosis efforts such of from financial cooperation between result This may changes from keeping and protection against malpractice hospital professionals. an tests minimum time needed. resulting motivated more care excessive ordering by is There rates. For example, the physician can these decisions, but progress has been slow. generate health include to wage cost treated managers are only beginning to have an impact on efficiency and cost. Underlying any consideration of cost and efficiency is the issue of how to measure volume of output. Ultimately some cost service measure is needed to fairly compare hospitals. per adjusted unit of Such a measure must fairly reflect resource intensity of the unit of care e.g. care day of could be due either to inefficient higher cost per a complex treatment or more patient illnesses requiring greater resource utilization. The case mix and mix of other services provided by each hospital needs to explicitly be cost accounting, only now being seriously addressed is and cost hospital the in This proves to be an acute problem in comparing hospitals due to industry. difficulty the relative about The need to measure output mix, which is basic efficiency can be developed. to conclusions before considered encountered in categorizing diagnoses patient by their resource needs and the limited availability of appropriate output mix data. C. Pricing distinct is Pricing because cost from it directly There are two dimensions regardless of the cost structure of the hospital. of pricing that require attention in hospital First, assessment. services different fees generally controlled identical for price sensitive — allow by hospitals the in because services Doctors physicians. same market have they tend to select hospitals area incentive little for have to decision purchase the The nature 1982). selectively set fees with higher margins (Lewin, et al., health care hospitals There is evidence to suggest that FPs may take different markups over cost. of payors, impacts other reasons is to be such as quality, location, and availability of beds. In the hospital schedules and industry, depend on the For example, most private Blue Cross generally pays schedules. adjustments. fixed a These In payor and generally fee discounts addition to the nature of lower and a without generally contractual fee; regard referred adjustments to to and formal fee arrangement. fee pay pay 8 the self-pay patients established are from the earned are distinct insurers and Medicaid and fees full fee; Medicare now hospitals' fee the as bad contractual debt losses, many hospitals provide varying amounts Hence a hospital which appears to have fees earned. actually may volume of care which free of charging be free less its for Consequently, care. a services fair higher a impact comparison large a hospital of net schedule fee provide they if also fees requires that the payor mix as well case mix be considered. COMPARING THE PERFORMANCE OF FP AND NP HOSPITALS III. Research Findings A. While there is concern that quality of care may be sacrificed to enhance profits, studies of FP vs. NP hospitals have not found ascertainable quality differences Neuhauser, been measured Quality has . of incidence 1970), malpractice possession claims, and (Steinwald accreditation by: high of prestige technology, existence of suspect practices (Clark, 1980), and death rates 1977). (Bays, access equity to purchase markets, capital suggested that allowing thereby equipment state-of-the-art of been also has It them FPs 1981). (Riffer, and NPs need both that ownership dimensions heatlh of these studies, i.e. of the diagnosis, part (Also II. (Dumbaugh, 1978), care quality broader much than those 1983). tested to The in treatment and patient satisfaction dimensions discussed in for see, and than those noted above, existing are quality the surrogates for quality do not capture the complexity studies. example, (Donabedian, of quality are more rigorous, of high (Sherman and Chilingerian, ) attracting induce physicians type or corporate control can .compromise quality (J. Harris, by the There is no current levels that satisfy physicians or risk losing patients. evidence finance to maintain to greater (Frost and Sullivan, physicians and increasing the types of care available 1982), share quality promote to FPs it To (Steinwald However, 1978). compehensive , and Neuhauser, unless measurable, 1970), new definitions and widely accepted would be difficult to advance beyond the results ascertain whether cost and pricing differences betwen FPs and NPs are primarily due differences to accounting in quality, researchers must await further development in the health care disciplines. studies efficiency and Cost FPs of NPs vs. frequently most have addressed the dollar cost aspect of hospital care, mirroring the concern for Such studies have been less concerned with comparisons of the rising costs. Research findings about dimensions of operating efficiency described above. FP NP. vs. differentials cost methodological data and problems. evidence about relative hospital per day than FPs lower cost (Pattison 1982), Vraciu, chains (1983) have FPs and cost per find lower per measuring the cost admission per Lutz, and cost (Pattison and Katz, FP 1982) that chain studies time period. from its on tax similar costs NP independent 198 0), studies (Sloan and Vraciu, lower and that FP Studies FPs' results: approximately 1979) and above NPs' In addition, but FPs. and conflicting yielded (Clark, day per al., Sloan 1973). al., et (Lewin et 1974), same the 1982) (Lewin et al., that have segregated chain 1982) than (Bays, NPs'; in found 1979) have (Coyne, while One possible source of conflicting conclusions is not all examine the same hospitals during same the However, this would not account for all the differences. Four basic fully adjust have admission were per do NPs (Bays, found the opposite. these (Ruchlin below NPs 1S8 3). cost and also from independent hospitals that 1983) admission 1982), (Berry, 1980), than conflicting provide they basic of Several studies found that NPs had costs. day were (Sloan and Vraciu, addition, In (Clark, because inconclusive are problems weaken hospital for legal exempt cost differences status. debt, availability of tax expenditures, and the due cost to These advantages the exemption deductible value of from the NPs' include income donations for donated services. 10 First, studies. cost lower and they advantages interest property capital Second, and the do not arising rates paid taxes, the operating price level associated with effects on depreciation and borrowing costs capital asset purchases and contracts lease have been not timing of the considered. Third, the length of time that a FP chain owns a new hospital and its effect hospitals on Sloan ignored been have cost in most studies. Becker and found that when chain FPs acquire less efficient FP or NP hospitals, (19S4) their costs decreased with the amount of time the hospital has been part of Finally, chain. the the mix case not is explicitly Most considered. studies use the number of services offered as a case mix surrogate. in Bays, (1979) and Berry, tax and price subsidies, case level would have effects difficult been but Case mix data is only now becoming available on a limited basis. possible. As (1974) are case mix severity indices developed to Correcting for the cost differences due to interest control for output mix. and Only mix data becomes increasingly available, fruitful more and definitive research on hospital costs will be possible. Differences in price, scale, technical and allocative efficiency between FPs vs. NPs have only begun to be addressed in the literature. Such studies are significant for identifying the types of management techniques that are associated, with these cost differences. Studies that used operating ratios to measure efficiency have found that FPs are more efficient equivalents of . personnel Lewin et al. For example, per patient to efficient scheduling and job allocation. lower assets fixed admissions per patient per bed, that but be personnel in full-time suggesting more FPs, They also found that FPs utilized Coyne day. lower found (1982) (1982) utilizations greater found FPs have are not significantly different among hospital types (FPs vs. NPs, and chains vs. independents). These studies they may provide exist failed little and to make insight whether such into specific case mix adjustments. the nature differences 11 are of operating really due Moreover, differences to the that management One exception to this is Wilson and practices in the NP vs. FP environment. Jadlow's study (1982) utilization hospital of a techniques." management "good of set be more to Sherman and Chilingerian (1983) efficient in resource utilization than NPs. examined FPs which found the on nuclear medicine, They found that FPs made greater use of shared services, bidding procedures for purchasing, forecasting demand other and management business basic Decisionmaking by health care professionals did not appear to techniques. differ, but the study is not sensitive enough to conclude on this key issue. Researchers regardless evidence have of whether FPs that whether questioned services the NPs (Lewin services, for There costly. than markups higher apply more are more charge FPs appears 1982). al., et be to However, whether FPs have higher fees depends on their relative costs, i.e., if FPs have lower costs and higher markups, FPs found were Vraciu, to and (Pattison 1983) charges higher have Katz, found to be lower in chain FPs, and NPs (Sloan and Vraciu, payor mix The payor mix services at affects rates 1983), The the charges, day per (Lewin, charges but 1982), offering a set of various standard services findings payors fee for example (Brown, above studies and, 1983). 1981)). to these of contract There schedules. attract a to studies. for pay some is their hospitals patient case mix and al., 1973) This, however, has been denied by some FPs (see, payor mix that will maximize profits (Sloan and Vraciu, were for case mix and lack of adjustment inconsistent since below hospitals' select admission per evidence that FPs practice cream skimming e.g. by locating and and (Sloan with no difference between independent FPs 1983). further complicates they may still have lower fees. (Bays, 1977), (Ruchlin et These mix factors are not controlled for in the consequently, a definitive answer about relative fees is unavailable. There is a great need to rely heavily 12 on accounting data as well as other data not included in the financial tried correct to inconsistencies data for been generally not Consequently, accounting and disclosure Partly due to their analysis. firm produced emotional on conclusive actionable research B. The limitations the role and impact of FPs been not date fees, and of focus a to studies costs, researchers. have not operating their impact qualitative and on health judgements are costs care rather than . Suggestions for Improvement existing in relative accounting have issues problems, the and NPs relative merits of FPs vs. based by the This suggests that the public debate about the efficiences of FPs vs. NPs. primarily data about conclusions unavailability of data, and completed have studies While researchers have statements. studies and increasing need the understand to the need in the health care industry both suggest for improved research. The following suggestions are offered improve to research intended to measure the relative performance of hospitals. 1. The segregation chain/affiliate addition, contract less than future 2. s the of 5% segment growing While FPs. number that independent NPs hospitals, should are be this segregated being In under managed currently are represents from the hospital. FP-managed hospitals these U.S. of acknowledge should types non-chain versus increasing an by hospital of FPs a and distinct NPs in tudie s. Case mix and payor mix adjusted output data are needed for hospital comparisons. hospital services Case mix measures of the entire patient load of a are needed to measure and compare the outputs and costs of of hospitals. Medicare patients The data (over 65 years 13 currently old) using being the developed Diagnosis for Related Group only for sensitive resource the to mix case developed for inpatient care, ages and types all sensitive more measures In volume visit outpatient of would be addition to need patients. of types. Ideally a measure resource to ignored Outpatients volume are essentially needed. the their limitations need be addressed to achieve valid hospital comparisons. patient of patient these of needs While these are the best available data, of part a In addition, DRG classifications of patients are not patient load. highly account categories patient (DRG) mix and in are studies to date; however, current developments are motivating an increased use of outpatient making facilities output. Additional include health outputs hospital education need that be to of training programs, important increasingly an this considered and nurses, training of medical students, interns and residents. 3. data will accounting and Cost implicitly always cost assumed be subject allocation that such Most systems. problems are Health Organizations, Maintenance clinics continue to evolve and the formal health care boundary of providers the entity increase. being This costs among hybrid institutions. The this may nature of the standing free associations among these raises evaluated and have studies immaterial, become an issue requiring more careful attention as hospitals, different among variations to and about questions the comparability specific cost the of identification problems which require adjustment in future studies include: a. Inflation and specific price level adjustment: that asset purchases and leases are the contracted different time periods, adjustments are needed. 14 To extent for in Lower b. rates interest associated NP with exempt tax debt financing. c. Property and income taxes waived for NPs. d. Tax deductible donations and donated services to Th ^se NPs. contributions are unlikely to be evenly distributed among all NPs. When e. revenue measures services, the reimbursement used are mix of payors and from payors such focus to fees for health proportion of different the as on Medicare and Medicaid need to be considered. can remunerate management with non-cash benefits FPs f. such as stock options and stock purchase plans, which allows employees These benefits understate to buy common shares at a discount. the true to FP salary costs. After the above adjustments less efficient and are research may made, that government subsidies in the NPs that conclude are tax advantages form of are no longer justifiable because they are really promoting the survivial of Alternatively, inefficient hospitals. as FPs, that but education, structures. professionals they provide valuable services free and NPs to NPs may be care not offered may even be more modify the ir able behavior by such as FPs than FPs in found teaching, resulting to creative as efficient to be in influence ways to community higher cost health care reduce health care costs, because they seek to help the community rather than improve the bottom line. Without studies based on more complete data described above, 15 arewers to these public policy issues cannot be objectively ascertained. IMPLICATIONS FOR ACCOUNTING IV. The data needed for more conclusive studies of FP versus NP performance go beyond available and would require cooperation of both sets of methods Accounting/land disclosure requirements have differed between those institutions. FPs which NPs and contribute expanded disclosure addition, the to difficulty comparisons. such of for all hospitals requirements In provide could the basis to understand better the cost of care in NPs vs. FPs. More consistent and expanded disclosure requirements for NPs and FPs are below recommended financial their make to more statements useful in analyzing the relative costs and fees. Output Mix Data 1. should be provided expense data in volume for disclosures are needed of kind the problem schedule of number of case to Standardized mix. understand relative hospital to follows: as is and disclosure of allow users form that will a and payor mix data case mix Output volume, : requirement Hospitals patient would days volume address annually include patients) (or a treated example One the mix case and costs. would that revenue and adjust mix output supplementary DRG each in A summary patient severity index would accompany this table which category. would be calculated by weighting each DRG by relative costs used by insurers such Medicare as reasonably or measure some relative other DRG apply other measures of resource relative dollar costs. likely to be the generally costs. The accepted set table would of ve ights enable intensity that may be more users sensitive While DRGs have many well-documented flaws, most widely available case mix measure and that would to than they are be the most pragmatic choice until they are replaced by more sensitive measures of case mix. 16 . Price 2. disclosure s Data Level following to distinguish underlying impact of preferable to the trends in of operating Consumer Price more meaningful a basis of statement Financial Financial Accounting Standards Board are Index, adjust to from specific the the would be adjustments since , differ which costs price Such current cost data would levels by cost type may differ substantially. provide Statement the Specific price level inflation. general a of 33 financial adjusted level lines the along Accounting Standard No. needed Price : compare depreciation costs. and supports the use of current cost The American Hospital Association already data, albeit for other reasons. 3. Disclosures of the Impact of Restricted Funds and Donat^o^s on NP Operations services and funds A key unknown issue : result costs operating in extent to which the donated the is that would or would be not Management of NPs should be asked incurred if these donations were absent. to estimate and disclose the impact of these donations on operating costs. Disclosure of the Impact of Waived Property Taxes Income Taxes and 4 » Tax-free Debt on Operations : The difference in tax free vs. rates and the amount of waived property and income tax corporate debt should be estimated and disclosed to provide a basis for estimating the cost subsidy provided to NPs. 5. are Line of Business Disclosure reported currently activities encompased. Corporate care. hospitals should are at to segment require least as one business. of line Notably, reporting separate segregate Hospital revenues and operating costs : there reporting outpatient, 17 on could each inpatient, multiple actuality, inpatient is concepts In be vs. outpatient applied relevant teaching, to segment. and all This research The volume and case mix for each line of business activities. be provided for reasons discussed in than corporate detailed Such disclosure would be much more 1. business data because line of products incorporate a wider group of activities, category segment hopsital than here proposed is owned by chain FPs are s should also and/or reported as one tends services in For hospitals. for latter the each all example, business. of line to This proposal would require further segregation of these activities. Management Discussion and Analysis 6. standards require segregate price operating cost organization's management discussion the volume from increases levels, understand short- and corporate reporting The S.E.C. : analysis and understand changes, impact liquidity long-term changes in the assess and inflation of readers help to Similar pressures. disclosures are needed for hospitals to make a comparison more meaningful. Government-owned 7. requirements include explicitly should Hospital reporting non-profit hospitals. - Reporting Hospital government Board Close cooperation between the Financial Accounting Standards Standards Accounting Government consistency accross all The disclosures is is required above proposed disclosure large of are largely outpatient the because hospital. the Ijiri the notes and volume that accounting fairness fairness for output disclosure literature non-profit for 18 of mix reporting is is reporting One notable data. Added the to disclosure may damage the accountor vis-a-vis At the same time, the need in (1982) extensions corporations. publicly held disclosures of this nature raise questions about i.e., assure to the non-profit and for profit hospitals. standards now required of exception Board and a its accountor key concern competitors. explicitly acknowledged organizations (Financial Standards Accounting Board, 198 1, paragraphs 51-53). hospitals, the volume and mix of outputs are so basic excluding these data severely constrict the In the case of to the operation that of usefulness the financial statements in answering questions about relative costs and performance. The issue that must be addressed is whether the potential benefit to the public, i.e. greater insights e into ways to contain and manage health care costs will xceed the costs of added disclosure and competitive responses to these data. The than accounting community has historically been one issues of leader management. such as found in in making breakthroughs Expanded and those more on consistent proposed herein would help existing studies about relative into a management of health care costs. 19 health statement financial resolve many of performance respect to the cost, efficiency and fee dimensions. would begin to move accounting follower of the of rather care cost disclosures ambiguities hospitals- with Such reporting changes leadership role in dealing with the REFEREHCES Altman, L. K., "Health Care as Business," New York Times, November 24, 1984 P. 1. American Hospital Association, Hospital Statistics. 1981 , Chicago, (1982). "Case Mix Differences Between Non Profit and For Profit Hospitals, Inquiry Vol. XIV, March, 1977, pp. 17-21. Bays, Carson W. , . "Cost Comparisons of For Profit and Non Profit Hospitals." Social Science and Medicine Vol. 13c, 1979, pp. 219-225. Bays, Carson W. , . and Frank A. 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