MIT 3 LIBRARIES Toao OaSbTMEb T aF*?-' ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT MANAGING THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW PROCESS TECHNOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON Marcie J. WP#3004-89-BPS Tyre March, 1989 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 MANAGING THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW PROCESS TECHNOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON Marcie J WP#3004-89-BPS . Tyre March, 1989 JUL 2 4 1989 ABSTRACT This paper examines the introduction of new technologies in the manufacturing environment. It presents results of a study of new equipment introductions in eight manufacturing plants in Italy, West Germany, and the United States. Drawing on both quantitative and qualitative data on 48 introduction projects, the paper examines variations in performance and identifies managerial factors which may account for these differences. In order to understand the requirements of process change, two relevant dimensions of technological change are identified. These are "technical complexity", which relates to the number and novelty of new technical features, and "systemic change", which relates to the degree of change in basic concepts or approaches to production. Further, three groups of organizational response mechanisms are identified. These are preparatory (or early) search, joint search with experts external to the plant, and functional overlap within the project team. Two indicators of project success are examined. They are elapsed time required to complete the project, and operating improvement attributable to the new technology. Comparing success across regions, both startup time and operating improvement are, on average, statistically indistinguishable in Germany and Italy. However, performance on both dimensions is significantly worse in the U.S. This performance gap is explained by differences in the intensity with which the three response mechanisms are used across regions. In order to understand the source of these differences, the paper examines historical and organizational differences among plants in the three regions. It is apparent that managerial choices over time have resulted in distinct sets of organizational capabilities, resources, and assumptions which may affect the way different plants approach technological problem solving. INTRODUCTION: NEW PROCESS TECHNOLOGY -- PROMISES AND PROBLEMS Example: The Case of Factory Q In line December of 1982, Factory Q installed a new, high-precision machining which promised to move the factory into the modern age of metal working. The would be the line first integrated, continuous operation Factory Y; in according to management the technology represented the future of the company, and of In manufacturing December, general. in the author walked through the line with one of the 1986, process engineers who had worked on debugging the process. operation, but was not yet operating at Efficiency was full below acceptable levels. still no one was sure how the new line because engineers had The line was in capacity on a consistent basis. Product quality was passable, but quality performance should be assessed s never found time to and install learn to use new measuring equipment as originally planned. Personnel were quick to note that the line represented forward for the plant, and the project had been successful efficiency ratings did not capture. the For plant. four years, significant step a in ways that its Nonetheless, the experience had devastated the new line had drained engineering and maintenance resources from other parts of the plant. The best operating and technical personnel were new process. still demanded continuing inputs sizable investment it assigned of capital, represented. In time to the full and had not begun the interim, high-performance, automated producer they had hoped was designated to be line pay back the corporate management had determined that Factory Q was probably not ready, after line to The it all, to could be. become the The new removed, and the reality facing plant personnel was that the factory was likely to be closed. The Challenge This case many factories. not those of Technological is Changes repeated, often in less extreme form, too frequently When companies introduce new processes, the introductions which are quickly those which create a rejected in too real failures are by the organization, but persistent drain on human and capital resources without yielding competitive benefits. One major study found 1 that productivity losses associated with introducing new process equipment frequently equal or exceed the original cost of the equipment, and that the disruptive effects can persist two years or more for (Chew, Hayes and Clark, 1985; Persistent 1985). problems can have serious competitive implications as deliveries, reputation, and market share Further slip. change becomes process competitors' process technologies move hardware narrowing than automation poor -- of flexible automation the productivity, capabilities quality, and the Manufacturing Studies Board, -- improvements -- selecting, as of squarely on inferior According to the companies need to "reemphasize process U.S. and implementing available manufacturing using, critical a technology (1987) blames "America's performance" trade Rather very poorly. introducing and using process technology. in technologies Thurow further" (p. 69). it it gap with Japan, trade Jaikumar managers "are buying the S. but they are using competitive widening is the United States. in argues that indeed U. instance, for while steadily ahead. These concerns are particularly relevant (1986), impossible, competitive weapon." (Manufacturing Studies Board, 1986; p. 17) However, despite evidence of problems and their competitive implications, little is utilize known about how managers can improve their organizations' Much new technology. of the existing and diffusion has focused on the decision on the process of learning to use into the organization examined the however most (Kimberly, "implementation" of 1981; illuminate the behaviors uncertainties involved The Need in Rogers, needed new technology, rather than to 1983). This is it has been brought Some studies have diffusion-innovation the focused has attitudes and receptivity to change^^J. to to adopt stage of research this research on process Innovation new technology once a ability to on a developing process, organizational useful first step, but it fails identify and address the problems and technological process change. for Problem Solving at the Plant Level The premise introduction is of the paper is that the success of not just a function of organizational receptivity. dependent on managerial responses to technological a new process Success change which is also facilitate adaptation of the new technology, the existing manufacturing system, and the The new technology may organization itself. processes, may require new operating it not fit with existing production procedures, or skills or it may draw on novel areas of knowledge or new organizational linkages (Abernathy and Clark, 1985; Leonard-Barton, 1987; Van de Ven, 1976). Consequently, new process introductions often require considerable problem solving and even innovation at the plant level (Kazanjian and Drazin, At the same time, however, Rice and Rogers, 1986; the organizational task ongoing operations involves following standard procedures predictable, efficient, and accurate manner. in a and communication patterns serve this to 1980). associated with produce products Existing production processes end by routinizing activity programs and preserving organizational roles and assumptions (Hedberg, Nystrom and Starbuck, 1976; March and Simon, 1958). Integrating new technology into ongoing operations, therefore, requires the organization to respond to two different and frequently conflicting sets of demands (Abernathy, and Hayes, 1984; Van de Ven, 1986). 1978; Maidique paper examines managerial responses this to dilemma. explores It This several adaptive response mechanisms used by organizations, and analyzes their impact on the success of new introduction projects. of the historical Further, the paper examines some and organizational factors that may influence a project team's choice of response mechanisms, and that affect the team's ability to use those response mechanisms effectively for meeting the challenge of change. The balance on existing mechanisms. used in of the literature Part II the analysis. to paper is organized identify three in six parts. critical In Part organizational I, I draw response describes the research methodology and the variables Part III discusses the research setting in terms of salient characteristics of operations in the different geographic regions studied. Part IV examines the data on compares results across regions. forces which may explain the various regions, and I. in project attributes Finally, differential in and Part V, project I success, and discuss some of the success of introduction projects in Part VI suggest some conclusions based on that analysis. ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSES TO TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE An organization's proactive of two broad categories. change can efforts to deal with information and making necessary adjustments early, before change, the organization decreases the uncertainty undertakes the it faces and increases it Second, the organization can increase ability to plan for or control events. adapt to unexpected events once change has occurred. ability to one By gathering the organization can prepare. First, into fall its its This involves developing ways to capture, transmit and use new information through increased coordination and feedback argue that if in the organization lower level performance of (during task execution). Theorists change increases neither preparatory facing and feedback, efforts nor real time coordination a time" "real (Galbraith, it has no choice but to accept and March 1973; Simon, 1958; Thompson, 1967). Based on and coordination between dichotomy this feedback, i mechanisms" which managers use in the ongoing factory. These before the new technology is preparatory three identified and planning real-time "response organizational to deal with the challenge of process change undertaken are: 1) preparatory, or early, search put into use; 2) joint search during the startup process with technical experts outside the factory, and 3) functional overlap between engineering and manufacturing groups The at the plant level. first of these refers to preparatory efforts to identify potential problems and make appropriate adjustments before the technology third is put in place. The second and response categories both involve real-time mechanisms for adapting to problems and opportunities which develop as the organization gains experience with the new technology. 1. Preparatory Search increasing the factory's personnel not only "reinvent" the : In ability investigate to the is case of new events preplan new technology and organization before the technology 1980; the requires new technology, relevant technology, process but aspects of that also the installed in the factory (Rice Rogers, 1983; Van de Ven, 1986) operating modify or receiving and Rogers, This may involve adapting existing manufacturing systems, routines and procedures (Bright, 1958; Chew, 1985). While researchers have argued in theory that early modification of both the existing system and the new technology is a critical part of the innovation (Rogers, process empirically adjustments adjustments made little Leonard-Barton, 1980; made they have not distinguished preparation for technological introductions from response to new technology once in known about the is in 1987), it Therefore, installed. is these early activities on the outcome of effect of process change projects, or about the propensity of organizations to undertake preparatory search activities. To the extent that the manufacturing organization cannot address advance in all potential problems associated with the identify and new technology, it need to rely on mechanisms for real-time problem solving during the actual will startup of the mechanisms for new process. enabling by adaptation real-time suggests research Existing two increasing important feedback and coordination across organizational boundaries. 2. change from of Joint Search is : One mechanism for responding to increase the level of coordination with facilities real in knowledgeable individuals or organizations external to the manufacturing plant. mutually productive problem solving across organizations concept of time to process an "organization set" (Evan, 1966; Thompson, specifically, a unit's "technological organization set". The The notion stems from the 1967) more or, latter can be defined as a coalition of suppliers of technology, equipment, components, or information from within and outside of the organization (Lynn, 1982). joint Lynn proposed that problem solving among members of the relevant technological organization major part of the company's problem solving capability set can account for "a with respect to the new technology" (page 8). Studies in a variety of technological contexts have pointed to the importance of interaction with relevant members of the organization set, such as equipment vendors (Ettlie component supplier networks However the importance of and Rubenstein, 1980; Leonard-Barton 1987) or (Imai, Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1985; Clark, 1988). outside participation during the startup process seldom has been analyzed systematically. 3. to Functional Overlap: adapt to technological Another means change is organization to create "overlapping" to of increasing the factory's ability link relevant functions within the subsystems or multifunctional teams for dealing with change (Gerwin, 1981; Landau, 1969). introductions, and floor, whereas the case of new process information about the actual performance of the new technology existing operations with interaction its In equipment and process normally originates on the plant modifications in typically specified new At the same time, within the plant technical or engineering function. technological information generally originates are the engineering area, whereas day-to-day decisions involving the use of the technology are made on the plant Creating linkages between engineering and production moves the locus of floor. decision-making closer to the source of relevant information, and therefore increases the organization's ability to respond to uncertainty on the plant floor (Beckman, 1986; Perrow, 1967). As discussed above, equipment, fixed operating and procedures, communication channels tend to increase productive efficiency but to decrease the plant's On the other hand, the three response adaptive capabilities. mechanisms discussed here are expected to facilitate technology, the existing manufacturing system, and the organization face of significant change in new adaptation of the the itself in the production process. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY II. Methodoloqv and Data Gathering The introduction into existing plants related to the project and identify patterns and systematic necessary to compress this complexity into can be compared demands, I across collected multiple three variations a kinds data: of about interviews; specific information through written questionnaire; operations and projects undertaken. among projects, it in is To meet these competing descriptive information about open-ended and semi-structured project and However, few standardized measures which observations. projects, their history and contexts through a long a Understanding these factors context. its typically requires in-depth clinical analysis of individual cases. order to is Progress may be affected by multiple, sometimes subtle and complex process. factors new process technology of characteristics archival information and outcomes about plant Early work was field clinical nature in began and open-ended with interviews of managers and technical staff at the corporate and division levels. provided This on perspective company's the environment competitive manufacturing task, the technologies employed, and the impact changes in Next, exploratory interviews at each plant were used to examine these areas. salient of and dimensions of the technological change process, and to identify new process introduction projects and principal informants.^ Data on each project were gathered through interviews conjunction with hours. a Managers participants, project and division levels were asked at the plant from other series of semi-structured project in Interviews lasted from one to four written questionnaire. gathered information and informants principal with a participants. In to corroborate project addition, documentation was used both directly by the researcher, and by respondents as an aid to answering factual questions in interviews and questionnaires. This methodology was useful because it allowed interaction between the exploratory aspects of the research and the collection and analysis of the data. The opportunity be refined course of in a to interview each respondent several times allowed measures to an iterative fashion. Because the study was conducted over the year or more (depending on the project), new evidence with which those projects which to were it was possible to collect refresh memories and to observe developments still ongoing (nine of 48 cases). New in insights derived during the course of the research were used both to guide the analysis of the data collected, and to interpret results. Site Selection Research was undertaken and involved eight plants located at a single leading in the United manufacturing company, States, Limiting the research to one global corporation Italy. West Germany, had several benefits. In each case the principal informant (also referred to as the "project manager") was identified during early field work as the person who had the "most direct, day-to-day responsibility for bringing the new technology up to speed in the factory". Other project participants were identified both by plant management and by principal informants. ' and including controlling for industry- and firm-related variations and facilitating access and detailed to confidential Graham and Rosenthal, more than in 50% greater than product quality quality consistent precision as in Competition well as industry. its competitor, closest its unequalled. is their p. in and the sales are Its reputation its industry capabilities and senior managers view the cost, tools and manufacturing processes are developed Process Development Laboratory and central on tool. are supported by extensive in-house process development New machine activities. for focuses Company's superior manufacturing capabilities as their primary competitive These 361; single, well-defined industry (precision metal a the world market leader is and projects 1986). The Company operates components), and about and competitive contexts (see Rogers, 1983; technological, historical, information in at the several divisional technology centers. The Company is organized geographically, and operations countries are run as separate divisions with local management. carried out Italy, This study was three major divisions within the Company -- West Germany, in and the United States division. These eight plants operating facilities. manufacturing individual in a -- and involved two to three plants represent They include one a cross-section of factory in large the each in Company's each division core part of the product line and often located close to the division offices and technology center. more remote and specialized facilities In addition, the sites chosen include such as subcomponent plants which serve as internal suppliers to other factories. The fact that the research particular, I anticipated that, spanned multiple countries is significant. even within the same company, managers different countries might take different approaches to the introduction of process technology (Jaikumar, 1986; Lynn, 1982; Clark, 1988). research progressed significant differences emerged different countries; these differences are discussed Sample Selection 8 in In fact, III. in new as the among operations Part In in The sample introductions projects of identified studied includes of all where the technology was "new" new process the in some way to a particular factory and which: 1) were undertaken during the four years and completed or nearing last completion at the time of the study; 2) represented a investment of greater than capital total $50,000 (in constant 1986 U.S. dollars); and 3) involved participants who were The sample includes spectrum incremental a available for interview. improvements over existing equipment technologies and production systems. from process change, technological of introductions of to novel Production technologies include metal turning and precision machining equipment, assembly and inspection systems, thermal treatment and metal forming equipment, and handling systems. eight projects were studied in each plant. A Four to 48 introduction projects total of comprise the sample. Variable Definition In order to investigate organizational responses to process change and their impact on project success, quantitative measures were developed for each of the following: (1) Project Attributes: involved, relative to The size existing and nature technology of the technological and to past practice change in the specific user environment; (2) Response : The organization's response three mechanisms identified (3) Outcome : The success in Part of the to the change, in terms of the I; introduction project, disruption experienced and the benefits gained. in terms of the Variables are described below; details on measurement process, the including questionnaire and interview items, are available from the author. Proiect Attributes Twenty four separate questionnaire and interview to rate the represented six newness in of and the technology the The the plant environment. Items asked respondents nature of original items change the were then reduced aggregate scales of technological change, which increased their reliability and reliabilities interpretability ranged from adequate (Cronbach's alpha=.64) to to statistical measures of technological change. as it Scale very high (Cron bach's alpha=.86). Finally, aggregate scales served as input for exploratory factor analysis to identify underlying dimensions of process change. The factor procedure employed principal analysis with verimax rotation and orthogonal factors (Jackson, 1983; p. 147). Analysis revealed convergence around two factors, accounting for 53% of the variance in The the aggregate scales of technological change. labeled technical complexitv , measures the number and novelty of new features introduced (such as tooling; measurement and control systems). factor, first factor, called systemic change, The second the degree to which the new equipment or is system introduces basic manufacturing concepts or operating principles which are new to the plant. These two aspects given project of process change are orthogonal by construction; may be technically complex yet systemic change, or vice-versa. When both change are high, the introduction represents of the factory. The practical meaning of entail a very low level a of technical complexity and systemic a "radical" shift in this distinction is the technology illustrated by managers' comments about projects which were rated particularly high or low on these variables, as shown in Figure 10 1. Figure Two Aspects 1 of Technological Process Change SYSTEMIC CHANGE LOW HIGH "The new machine represented a quantum HIGH TECHNICAL leap in precision and The controllability. result is one of the most complex grinding processes there is; although we chould change any perameter by computer control, we could never completely predict the outcome. "Everything about the way you produce with this new technology is different; like having project, a it's a /\ research not just production machine." NUMBER OF NEW AND UNI COMPLEXITY FEATURES "It was not that the specific technical solutions were so Some adjustment is always necessary at the operating level, but this was not really 'a happening'. hard to develop, but we ahd to learn a whole new approach to manufacturing. that " LOW > CHANGES IN BASIC PRODUCTION PRINCIPLES 11 Although derived from the data, these two aspects of technological change are grounded existing theories of technology and innovation. in they build on Perrow's (1967) model of variety and analyzability In in a particular, production process, and on Abernathy and Clark's (1985) distinction between innovations which build on existing firm capabilities, and innovations which disrupt or obsolete existing competencies. The content, Scale is scale is the of introduction project, measured terms of the in The Organization's Response before The the new installation questionnaire system, its of items detailing investment total to (2) (Chew, 1985). new equipment, in tooling, constant 1986 U.S. dollars). intensity of search and adjustment undertaken process (1) was measured involvement the and developing the technical and technological Change to Preparatory search: proposing of also considered an important attribute of the project and other capitalized items (converted 1. regardless features factory of of the and interview in personnel in new equipment or development and testing activities carried out by factory personnel prior to the delivery or installation of the new technology. Four items comprised an aggregate scale with adequate reliability (Cronbach's alpha = .67). 2. Measures Joint Search: of the intensity of joint search are based on participants' descriptions of the role of personnel from outside of the factory, including the rated importance of contributions made by outsiders during the start-up process. Four interview and questionnaire items formed the aggregate scale (Cronbach's alpha 3. .79). Functional overlap: Functional overlap is defined as the degree to which the roles of plant engineering and production personnel were merged within the lateral linkages used introduction were identified. in project. Overlap was measured by the number of the project. Eight possible forms of lateral linkages Since linkages are adopted cumulatively (Galbraith, 1973), higher score represents a greater number of linkages and integration between functions. a greater intensity of Primary information came from 12 a (1) participants' sketches of the "people and project structure" on the written questionnaire and descriptions of the involvement and contribution of various participants' (2) players Proiect in the problem solving process. Outcome measures Multiple measures are discussed use project of in outcome were investigated; this paper. The elapsed time between 1. Startup Time: of new process technologies has implications for the firm (Chew, 1985; to two principal and productive installation important economic and competitive Gunn, 1987; Thurow, 1987), and proved be of overwhelming importance to managers in Startup time study. this influences factory efficiency and delivery performance, the ability to carry out and career growth other projects, of project participants. Startup time is defined as the sum of: 1) Initial startup period: the elapsed time equipment 2) until parts are being made in Introduction period: the elapsed time new process operates smoothly in months from delivery of the production mode; plus in months from delivery until the acceptable levels of output, cost, and at quality.-^ This startup definition period, significant, is of startup time during which generally far incorporates the disruption more ongoing to costly notion (in both that the operations productively but schedules and is key not yet fully debugged. dates reported on the often used resources opportunities foregone) than the later period, when the technology is initial is operating Information came from project written questionnaire, corroboration from project documentation and plant management. 9 It is important to note that 'acceptable" performance does not necessarily correspond to performance at the levels originally targeted for the new process. Rather, it is the level of performance at which managers and project participants agreed that the new process was running as smoothly as existing operations, and the project was considered complete. In some cases performance differed significantly from original expectations. 13 and with 2. Operating Improvement: Managerial choices are expected to affect the effectiveness of process introduction improvements in new technology the ( Leonard- Barton operating as , performance well as the 1988; Rogers, comes from efficiency 1983). three of the Data on interview items concerning the usefulness of the technical solutions implemented, the degree to which technical objectives of the project were met, and the reliability The achieved. reliability the of aggregate level of scale operating is excellent (Cronbach's alpha=.86). Variables can be organized into an operational model of process change, depicted in Figure 2. FIGURE 2 Model of Process Change PROJECT ATTRIBUTES Technical Complexity Systemic Change Project Scale - - ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSEMECHANISMS - Preparatory Search - Joint Search Functional Overlap - PROJECT OUTCOME - Startup Time Operating improvement 14 . III. One of the early REGIONAL DIFFERENCES discoveries research this in was that significant differences existed between the Company's European operations and These differences are division. other factors historical fundamental strategic within choices its U.S. part the result of managerial decisions and in Company studied. the meant that regional As discussed below, operations evolved along acquired different capabilities and, over time, faced different different lines, opportunities In addition, particular managerial is it and social decisions, important to note that these differences developed within political contexts the national at I shall focus Both and the impact they had on operating units, However for the purpose examined within that larger environment. paper level. specific can be of this on specific intrafirm comparisons rather than examine their relationship with national or cultural variables. European Operations Local managers in the Company's European divisions have a high degree of However strategic decisions autonomy over operating decisions. relating to manufacturing and technology are made by management committees composed of senior managers from division and central staffs. as well as process Product line rationalization, and product development, have been aggressively pursued and centrally coordinated through this vehicle in ail European operations since the mid 1960's. As a result, there has been a coherent strategy for process development the European divisions for almost 20 years. central Process Development Laboratory In in the early 1970's the Company's introduced the first generation of proprietary "ABC" machine tools, which incorporated new concepts for precision metal finishing. hundreds of European introduction soon plants Describing projects. manufacturing manager observed, "It machines and we had many problems. adopted the technology, took a the process, long time to But we learned a completing one debug those early huge amount about the equipment, and about how to bring new technology into the plants." 15 senior the late 1970's the Development Lab introduced the second generation In of "ABC" machine The new tools. concepts but incorporated line was based on existing machining proprietary microprocessor control system. a This development enabled European plants to introduce one standardized control As technology from the start. not machine was one a plant manager explained, "We introduced did that not have the made sure that possibility to communicate with other machines on the floor." the early 1980's the Company's development thrust turned to linking In separate machines on German and Italian the shop plants of the objective 1980's latter result was the introduction in centrally-controlled, fully integrated machining a and assembly system capable The floor. 24-hour low-manned operation. of Finally, in where been to develop flexible integration, has appropriate, for greater market responsiveness in the low-volume product types. United States Operation Recent history above. Until the the Company's U.S. in mid-1980's the U.S. division differs sharply from the was operated as division separate entity from the parent Company, and pursued The policies. a a legally very different set of result has been the development of a different environment for technological change. Until 1985 U.S. plants were managed as decentralized, independent profit There was very centers. recently, product line rationalization or coordination of According to the engineering manager process development. "Until little there was no long-term real planning at on one U.S. plant, the subject Every capital request was reviewed manufacturing processes and equipment. of in . isolation While tools a number of early were introduced When years. introduce instead on in factories the early 1970's, did second-generation external examples of internally-developed "ABC" machine buy new process investment slowed capital vendors 16 and later equipment they were slow to microprocessor-based equipment in "ABC" machines, traditional manual relying technology. were there While often plants some efforts ended development efforts integrate up with multiple, while the German Further, to to and separate incompatible machine control Italian complement work U.S. factory operations systems. divisions maintained active equipment at the U.S. equipment development center was closed of the functions of the division-level machining operations, central in 1972. Development Lab, the With that move, many technology group were discontinued. during the 1970's and early 1980's were characterized by fragmented product assortments and low quality levels relative to the Company's standards division a manager described short-term mode. in it, its other divisions. They were is shown this period, as one "The U.S. division had been making money, but not investing Comparative data on Company divisions on individual plants During in Figure 17 4. is in in technology or productivity." provided in Figure 3, while data Figure 3 Comparative Data on Company Divisions GERMANY ITALY U.S. SIZE Employees 6,128 7,784 3,377 $550 $400 $150 7% 7% 1.5% 1967 1967 1985 TECHNOLOGY POLICY Company and Company with pre-1986: DETERMINED BY division some division plant management input engineering Sales (U.S.$MM)1 AVERAGE YEARLY GROWTH IN PRODUCTIVITY, 1970-1985^ YEAR IN WHICH COMPANY HEADQUARTERS INTRODUCED CENTRALIZED POLICY MAKING managers PRODUCT ASSORTMENT PRODUCTION MODE relatively specialized; range varies by plant lines, some relatively specialized; range varies by plant line and batch batch process fragmented; relatively wide range per plant batch; some grouped production DIVISION yes; yes; TECHNOLOGY CENTER -new equipment -design and build new equipment, design; -plant technical -plant technical support support 18 not before 1986; later division tech. unit directs operations improvement program Figure 3, continued GERMANY ITALY HISTORY OF PROCESS DEVELOPMENT similar in Italy and Germany; continuous development based on ABC machines and controls since the early 1970's U.S. discontinuous; major effort in 1980's has been the creation of islands of automation INTRODUCE ABC CONTROLS SYSTEM late 1970's late 1970's mid 1980's; 1-2 in some locations CURRENT TECHNOLOGY THRUST develop continue product flexible integrated rationaliztion; lines integrated line introductions continue to clean up operations; reorganize production into groups, some Approximate figures 19 lines c o o Q. 3 o NOTES TO FIGURE FOUR ' 2 From senior managers For the years 1982-1987 Coverage of Statistical Process Control as a percent of target; targets are stated in terms of the number of machines for which control charts are generated (Europe) or percent of employees trained in SPC techniques (U.S.) IV. Project-Level Proiect Differences: Project RESULTS Attributes, Response, and Outcome Bivariate correlations, shown Table in the validity of the measures used here. the Organizational shift represented 1, provide some initial support for These results suggest that the larger by the new technology, in terms of either technical complexity or systemic change, the longer the time required to fully introduce the new technology. On the other hand operating improvement only weakly with technical complexity and is varies unrelated to the level of systemic change. In the absence of other variables, project scale (in terms of dollars invested) is unrelated to the startup time or operating improvement. Table 1 Relationship Between Characteristics of Technological and Proiect Performance (n=48) Change * PROJECT OUTCOME STARTUP TIME OPERATING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ATTRIBUTES TECHNiCALCOMPLEXITY .52** SYSTEMIC CHANGE .35** PROJECT SCALE .07 Pearson correlations: -.21** .10 -.01 * = significant at P= .10 ** = significant at P= .05 Note that improved performance in terms of startup time is indicated by in the negative direction (i.e., shorter startup time) whereas superior operating improvement is indicated by a positive change (i.e., attainment of a higher level of technical performance). a change 21 These relationships can be Equations regression analysis (Table 2). above, level of and [3] show of multivariate that, as indicated significant a amount (33%) but do not explain observed variations startup times, in in of the operating improvement achieved. Considerable insight gained by introducing measures of organizational is Once response mechanisms are included response mechanisms into the analysis. in [1] project attributes by themselves explain the variation by means further explored the regression for startup time (Table 2, equation [2]), the importance of both systemic change and project scale increases considerably. More important, the coefficients of preparatory search, joint search, and functional overlap are all negative; that startup times. is, All Results of the greater use of these mechanisms full regression for operating improvement (equation [4]) also Higher responses of level play an important role in successful preparatory search and joint search are both associated with higher ratings of operating performance. is associated with shorter coefficients are significant (at p=.05). suggest that organizational introductions. is that the coefficient of functional overlap, while in The major difference the expected direction, is not statistically significant. These results suggest that preparatory search, joint search, and functional overlap are important mechanisms for coping with technological process change. They appear to contribute both to the speed with which manufacturing facilities introduce new process technology, and (with the possible exception of functional overlap) l-^J to the degree of operating improvement achieved. noted that fast startups are, improvement (r=-.63; p<.05). mechanisms identified appear It should also be general, associated with high levels of operating in Therefore, to it is not surprising that the response enhance performance on both measures. 22 Table 2 Effects of Project Attributes and Response Mechanisms on Proiect Performance A. Effect on STARTUP TIME Independent Variables: SYSTEMIC TECHNICAL COMPLEXITY CHANGE 1] 2] .49** (.12) .54** (.09) B. Effect on .32** (.12) .74** (.13) SIZE PREPARATORY SEARCH -- .05 (.12) JOINT SEARCH -- FUNCTIONAL OVERLAP -- r2=.33 df= 44 .32** (.11) -.41** -.35** -.33** r2=.64 (.09) (.10) (.14) df= 41 OPERATING IMPROVEMENT TECHNICAL SYSTEMIC COMPLEXITY CHANGE 3] PROJECT PROJECT SIZE PREPARATORY SEARCH JOINT SEARCH FUNCTIONAL OVERLAP -.22 (.15) r2=.00 df= 44 .47** .30** (.14) (.13) Regression coefficients are standardized comparison of effect sizes. in order to .28 (.20) facilitate Estimated standard errors of standardized regression coefficients are in parentheses: ** = Coefficient significant at .05 confidence level * = Coefficient significant at .10 confidence level shown 23 r2=.30 df= 41 Regional Differences: U.S. versus Europe The U.S. plants in this sample took longer, on average, to introduce new process technology than did European of operating regions. in improvement. Table 3 factories and reported lower levels shows summary statistics the two for As noted, no consistent differences were discovered between divisions Europe. In order to examine the significance of these differences, variable indicating the country in dummy are dummy which the project took place was included the regressions for startup time and operating improvement. U.S. a shown on Table 4; within Europe, The effects of the performance effects individual countries were not statisitically significant. Table 3 Regional Differences MEAN Europe (n=31) in in Means: Europe and the U.S. STANDARD DEVIATION of Regional Differences A. Effect on in Table 4 Startup Time and Operating Improvement STARTUP TIME Independent Variables: PREP- TECHNICAL SYSTEMIC COMPLEXITY CHANGE 1] .50** (.11) .30** (.11) PROJECT ARATORY SIZE SEARCH JOINT SEARCH FUNCTIONAL U.S. OVERLAP DUMMY .30** .16 (.12) (.12) r2=.40 df= 43 2] .54** (.09) .69** (.14) .33** (.07) -.39** -.33** -.28* .11 (.09) (.10) (.15) (.10) r2=.64 df= 40 B. Effect on OPERATING IMPROVEMENT PREP- TECHNICAL SYSTEMIC COMPLEXITY CHANGE 3] -.23 (.14) .13 (.14) PROJECT ARATORY SIZE SEARCH JOINT SEARCH U.S. FUNCTIONAL DUMMY OVERLAP -.10 -.33** (.15) (.15) r2=.10 df= 43 4] -.25* (.13) -.20 -.25 (.19) (.15) .45** (.13) .27** (^14) -.16 .20 (.20) (.10) r2=.31 df= 40 Regression coefficients are standardized. Estimated standard errors of standardized regression coefficients are shown parentheses: ** = Coefficient significant at .05 confidence level * = Coefficient significant at .10 confidence level 25 In Equations and [1] show [3] regional differences after controlling measured project attributes but not controlling for variations On response to change. significant decrements dummy this basis, the U.S. project outcome. in took longer to complete than did projects in variable introduced in is associated with undertaken Projects the U.S. in European plants by an average of The "U.S. 8.8 plant months, or an increment of almost 45 percent. operating improvement organizations' in is effect" on comparable; at the mean, new equipment and systems the U.S. were rated 48 percent below those introduced in for in Europe terms of operating improvements achieved. Once organizational are taken account, into however, the where projects were undertaken and the outcomes achieved association between becomes responses insignificant. statistically The addition preparatory search, of dummy search, and functional overlap reduces the effect of the U.S. joint variable on startup time by approximately two thirds (Equation [2]), and decreases its effect on operating improvement by approximately one half (Equation [4]). Sources of Regional Differences: Organizational Responses to Change in Europe and the U.S. This analysis suggests that while the U.S. plants studied do tend to perform poorly on process introductions relative to their European counterparts, part of the gap to is accounted for by the tendency of project teams respond somewhat supported comparing by the This argument new equipment. relationship between project respond or joint teams appear to be less preparatory search introductions. projects is In I- "^j fact, in the there face is large-scale projects in the U.S. rated either five or six on possible high score of 8), while no U.S. 26 to projects strongly associated with the degree of syst six and U.S. -based preparatory search marked tendency Further, while the use of functional absolute levels of functional overlap Europe, a of further than their European counterparts to likely to particularly challenging projects with intensified search. is attributes organizational response variables across the two regions (Table 5). project the U.S. in vigorously to technological change, both before and less installation of the after the actual a large ar fi o" c still undertake than 3rlap in in less smaller U.S. -based change undertaken, relatively ictional overlap low. In (out of a project rdted higher than four. Conversely, five projects in the U.S. had an overlap rating of possible score), as opposed to one such project (the lowest Europe. in Table 5 Organizational Responses to Technological Change [1] Projects Undertaken in EUROPEAN PLANTS (n=31) Organizational Response PREPARATORY SEARCH JOINT SEARCH FUNCTIONAL OVERLAP Proiect Attributes TECHNICAL COMPLEXITY SYSTEMIC CHANGE PROJECT SCALE [2] Projects Undertaken in -.08 .51** .01 .27* .29* .39** .05 .03 .26* U.S. PLANTS (n=17) Organizational Response PREPARATORY Project Attributes TECHNICAL COMPLEXITY SYSTEMIC CHANGE PROJECT SCALE The and following analysis seeks an answer technology process within each in the evolution of manufacturing division. suggests It that evolutionary patterns created very different attitudes and capabilities different Europe in Further, these attitudes and capabilities, once created, proved to and the U.S. be long-lived and resistant to change. Starting in 1985, management at the corporate and division levels began taking vigorous action to address historical weaknesses in However the evidence suggests that embedded U.S. operations. constraints continued to affect efforts to introduce new process technology. Evolution of Technical Capabilities As noted Section in II above, both the German and divisions Italian boasted strong installed bases of process technology, excellent manufacturing capabilities, and technically capable personnel which were largely lacking Company's United States division. Productivity growth 1 .5% (Figure 4) . plants were judged by their European counterparts Company management in of operating efficiency in 1985, differences performance indicators began to behind to be considerably terms of defect and quality and levels, in such as cycle time and machine set-up time. Following the introduction of coordinated operations the U.S. in Similarly, while local variations prevent exact comparisons, U.S. measures the Europe had averaged in 7% per year between 1970 and 1985, whereas the comparable figure was in between Company management regions in of U.S. manufacturing specific However, patterns and assumptions narrow. developed during the earlier period continued strongly to influence the way in which new process technology was introduced into plants. Most important appears to be a relatively weak organizational infrastructure for continuous process development and refinement. such activities were not tracked consistently before 1986. senior manager in 28 The result, the U.S., According the region, "There were other ways to show worrying about operating efficiencies." In a profit according to a to one besides manufacturing engineer who had worked in both European and North American plants, was that; In America, it's easy to get plant engineers to work on large projects, with formal project management structures, but it's extremely difficult to get People tend to drift away to other attention focused on small projects. problems when the work is only half done, leaving all the little details that actually mean the difference between success and failure in a new piece of equipment. both In Italy and Germany, plant-level engineers spent a great deal of time developing and achieving annual improvement plans, specified productivity, ongoing in at terms of and other measures of operating effectiveness. quality, improvement was managed differently personnel in in While the two European divisions, plant-level both countries generally had several process improvement projects any time. These frequently "miniprojects" development and testing of new tooling or devices division's local technical center or (especially in in involved iterative conjunction with the Italy) with outside suppliers. According to one senior technical manager; When we say that European that they concentrate not responsible for both product and development center for a specific mean plants are specialized just on making those by product parts we line, but are also process development. Each division is a technology. Underlying this is a strong While we requirement -- and will -- to improve on what now exists. rationalize product lines, we integrate technical ideas across plants and across divisions. A closely related difference between the two regions concerns the way in which project teams used external sources of expertise, both inside the company and outside it, to explore technical problems and potential solutions. While counterexamples exist, U.S. project teams tended to expect to purchase solutions from equipment vendors or component suppliers, Europe were more apt of a given item. to use outsiders as a resource for continued This contrast is apparent different regions viewed the development of technology. In whereas project teams in new development the way project teams tooling to support in in the new process Europe, tooling development typically was viewed as a critical task requiring the combined knowledge of both plant-level engineers and tooling experts from internal and external suppliers. in an Italian plant explained that; 29 For instance, one project leader We identified very early what would be the most critical problem to solve: developing tooling of sufficient precision to allow us to take advantage of the And we devoted a great deal of effort to a thorough new CNC technology. An important part of this process was working with the tooling tooling study. experts at the equipment developer -- the real workers who use those machines -- to understand how to utilize this new technology. Developing tooling systems which were not just but usable considered one of the factory's regular responsibilities, and was attention before, during, and after the introduction itself. In this focus of a several instances, emphasis blurred the exact boundaries of the introduction "project" As one German project leader told me, "You really can't effort at tool always doing, on all the equipment vendor, development. the project -- that's all the continued something we are project managers expressed the view that the most approach was simply efficient of call itself. our equipment." many U.S. contrast, In part optimization was optimal to purchase a satisfactory tooling package from thereby avoiding the need to invest time One manager attributed the problems which plagued a tooling in particular introduction to the fact that the machine had not been purchased along with full complement of tooling from the vendor. that the external supplier had delivered bat. It never presented ask for changes. The " a Another project manager explained a tool set "which worked right problem, so we never had to run any more off the trials or He was extremely satisfied with the arrangement. notion that technology can be purchased "off the shelf" extended to new manufacturing equipment from the Company's Process Development Lab. a a senior U.S. As manufacturing engineer explained; The new machines from Central Lab require a shift in skills and operating -- but that is all provided. You don't need to have all the procedures knowledge hardware and in place because the machines come complete with software, reference manuals, and service engineers from Central to do the training and initial set-up. Once you learn how to push the buttons, these machines are quite simple to use. This expectation, however, was not borne out instance where equipment from the central plant, in practice. almost every Lab was introduced into project participants complained that the machine did not 30 In in a U.S. fact operate according to specifications, and that the service engineers who performed set up did not complete the task operators. U.S. debugging the equipment or training of Engineers from the Process Development Lab, While there were notable instances participants invested heavily in joint local turn, argued that in managers and technical personnel expected Lab engineers equipment for them. initial run their to which U.S. project in search with equipment vendors, all but one such case involved vendors external to the company and technical features which were relatively well-developed (low to medium technical complexity). While European participants project also about technical complained support from the central Lab, they simultaneously stressed that part of the development responsibility must rest with the factory. As a divisional manager explained; Engineers in the Labs are experts in the machine technology, but we are ones the who really understand the manufacturing process. Therefore, to take machine which meets the basic specs and make it respond to all our a requirements --that's the job of the factory. Engineering Infrastructure: The different attitudes and capabilities displayed States appeared to be rooted two regions -- that is, in in Germany and Italy differed in in many approaches to Italv : In Italy, according to in the organization the manufacturing environment. the and Although details of their engineering infrastructures, both divisions shared common themes which were absent 1. Europe and the United different engineering "infrastructures" contrasting development of technical talent in the division's in director the U.S. of manufacturing technology; The word "engineer" is hard for us to define. There are at least two First and foremost, the possibilities this can refer to within the plant. backbone of this organization is the "shop floor engineer". He is in the line: a foreman or assistant foreman. He is responsible for production and He also has hands-on quality, as well as for cost and quality improvements. responsibility for new projects. Second, there are factory technical offices. generally These are the future-oriented engineers; they support production people in But they ongoing operations but they also develop new kinds of solutions. It's introductions. never have direct project responsibility for new process 31 important that line managers have responsibility for new technology from the start. Indeed, many instances in functional overlap in was it difficult measure the degree to because respondents sometimes had trouble Italian projects distinguishing engineering and production as separate functions. an cases, individual was described manufacturing, but also maintaining development Personnel in of a the having as seat several responsibility direct for the plant technical office. in division Italian In considerable job includes rotation between direct manufacturing supervision and the plant technical office. All levels manufacturing management and technical experts go through of "spiral of rotation" which begins with experience a in individuals also While the Italian technical center with plants In to realize addition, career, creating the division. a The Promising division technical center and the factories. itself understand their needs, to component suppliers plants. machine attendance and generally includes variety of manufacturing and project situations. move between the very small, is its staff works closely and with outside machine shops or new ideas for machines or devices for use people move between plants was noted for its in the over the course of their basis for sharing knowledge and experience Italian division a among plants ability to utilize in and build on existing knowledge through extensive in-house training, team structures for almost activities, all and cross-fertilization among areas and plants. Many observers within the Company pointed developed by this system at the mechanics and maintenance people. described level of to production the deep capabilities setters, As the Company's director of supervisors, manufacturing it; Our Italian plants put less emphasis on the pure engineering excellence of their people than do, say, the Germans; but their strength is in the very careful, conscious management of their technology. They have created a very high level of interest and ability among all their people. The outcome, The and it's as one U.S. engineering manager remarked, was that; Italians are wonderful at making because of the management there, 32 all kinds of process refinements-- not the product line or anything They love to "fiddle" with their equipment. But it's not a game --they are very conscientious about applying their knowledge to their operations. You take a machine which we consider great, but they make lots of little innovations and end up running twice as much product on it. else. 2. Germany the German division, the plant-level engineer In : Engineering differently. and generally reports is is conceived quite organizationally distinct from production management directly Many plant management. the to plant-level engineers have formal engineering degrees, as distinct from the apprenticeship undertaken by operating personnel. Indeed, there are important distinctions within the engineering office based on individuals theory, In responsibilities least, at formal technical training. the plant are clearly bifurcated. in The Engineers are directly responsible for cost and quality improvements. engineer chief the formal project leader for planning and administration of new is process introductions, and implementation engineer of a process in his is Production managers, meanwhile, are or her group. responsible for meeting output targets generally the direct responsibility in terms of quality and quantity. They are also expected to support the engineers' improvement efforts, principally by allocating and people development time improvement and to introduction projects. However, these clear distinctions often break down -- broken down practice. in Two of -- studied the three plants presented exceptions to the standard organization structure. composed to In fact, in at least production manager was also the chief engineer. also (degreed) engineers working 'real' engineers who in Germany One plant was shops or subfactories; within them, engineers reported of several small manufacturing shop managers. to the or are actively sat on the in production In one of these another plant, shops, the in addition the technical office, there were floor" in each department and reported to manufacturing managers. Further, personnel at all there was levels. considerable technical expertise among production Production managers typically were shown considerable respect by degreed engineers on the basis of their technical know-how. As one degreed engineer explained, "The manufacturing supervisor and the department manager are really engineers too -- they are the floor engineers." 33 While their technical capabilities varied, manufacturing managers at this level some formal technical training, technical problems on the and they were the Indeed line. engineers charge in introduction of department managers production projects ones to respond to first frequently came from the plants engineering office. received all many cases, junior In reported in a sort of informal matrix arrangement to the production department manager. Relative to Italy, technical personnel Germany were in among plants or between plants and the division technical less likely to rotate office. On the other hand, considerable efforts were made to link technical development activities at the division were located in a seven plants First, five of the various facilities. in geographically centralized "complex" along with the division headquarters and The technical center. of the group in Italy, to implement division technical staff, which was several times the size was responsible for designing, building, and helping plants new equipment and systems. Especially plants located in in the central complex, there was considerable interplay between plant engineers and engineers at the technical center. Further, factory personnel with particular areas of expertise or experience were often consulted or even borrowed for projects undertaken Whereas other plants in known within the Company was Italy the complex. in "fiddling" with production equipment once famous for doing equipment and a the great deal existing of factory it technical before for was on the floor, preparation attempting its a of penchant for Germany was both the new new introduction. While this did not always occur (as measured by levels of preparatory search the studied) projects importance. it consistently was recognized as being of in utmost One project leader explained; This was one of our most successful introductions because we worked all the most important unknowns, and to develop solutions, before the equipment was shipped or, in many items, even before it was ordered, if you really think about it, you can identify and address 95 percent of the hard issues beforehand. explicitly to identify 3. United States : The formal organization structures of U.S. factories resembled the German pattern, with separate engineering departments reporting to the plant manager. However, with the exception of the small subcomponent plant 34 studied, informal integration of technical priorities and production requirements was often more blamed delays difficult to attain. in several instances, plant-level engineers In introducing new equipment on the difficulty of getting the production manager to set aside time for operator and supervisor training or for Manufacturing managers, on-line testing of tooling or devices. meanwhile, frequently attributed disruption and startup delays to the absence of engineering support during startup and later debugging of the new equipment. many individuals Further, capabilities company argued that engineering the plants were too thin. U.S. in in In the U.S., formal and in-house technical training or personnel development through job rotation received less attention than was true in Plant-level engineering capabilities, and Europe. the relationship between engineers and production people widely. Unlike engineers was a the situation in They do In in in the plants, varied high turnover among As one senior manager said with these plants are not even from our industry. not really understand the products and processes involved." addition, necessary technical in European divisions, frequently-cited problem. dismay, "Many of the engineers much managers and technicians on the plant floor often lacked skills. According to one European engineer who had worked various U.S. operations; The production supervisor is the place where there is very often a big In too many cases, the supervisor does not have sufficient understanding modern production technologies, so he ends up relying of operating people gap. of Sometimes the operators have long experience and for process expertise. So it can be hard to special aptitudes, but sometimes that is not the case. carry out big projects successfully. Another engineer, who had worked forty years, pointed "engineering backup" to in serious local in erosion factories. the Company's U.S. division for some of In process capabilities among the his view. The operator level is not, or should not be, what is critical. Productivity and new machines comes from the engineering backup in the plants of both old the engineers, maintenance people, and supervisors. That small group has got to be the organizational intelligence between management and operators. They have to be able to teach operating people, to guide them to focus on key problems, not just rely on operators' expertise. The competence of that group and how it is cultivated is the key to the ability to bring in new machine technology. -- 35 CONCLUSIONS VI. paper has analyzed the performance This new process introduction of efforts undertaken within a single technology-based The analysis has suggested that Europe and the United States. differences identified -- shown performance can be traced to underlying differences in respond teams project to regional the way in preparatory search, joint search, and functional overlap improvement. operating Europe and the U.S. in -- were terms of startup time and in was also shown that project teams in their propensity to use these mechanisms in However, differ both in The response mechanisms change. technological support improved project performance to company operating it dealing with challenging introductions. have suggested that these response patterns may be linked to historical I choices concerning the development of technology This study identified and three critical related governing the development of technical capabilities the existence of a in the operations studied. areas of managerial manufacturing. in choice First was multi-faceted, strategy-level management body charged with the guidance of process development activities. In Europe, this body served to coordinate development efforts over time, among plants, and between plants and internal R&D facilities. Second was consistent, a top-to-bottom emphasis on the continuous improvement of existing manufacturing processes. showed up performance plainly in in high levels productivity of European divisions, and project participants brought to in This effort improvement and quality the attitudes and assumptions which new process introductions. Finally, the third area of managerial choice which differed across regions was the creation of system for building technical competence Italy in particular, the manufacturing organization. In continuous managerial emphasis on training, cross-training, and cross-fertilization appeared unusual in a capabilities to both to have resulted ongoing process introductions. 36 in a workforce which brought improvement and new process This paper leaves many questions unanswered, and perhaps suggests some new ones. First, No attempt has been made single company. in must be remembered that this study was confined to it a explicitly to link managerial choices the company's different operating units to broader political, economic, and cultural forces Europe and the U.S. in these findings to other organizations hand, the reviewed findings Therefore (1985), different this national study suggests that manufacturing technology, and people paper are broadly consistent with of including Jaikumar contexts, Hayes and Wheelwright (1984), and Piore and Sabel (1984). More important its in On the other who have compared the development conclusions reached by other authors manufacturing technology impossible to generalize the countries involved. in this in is it and processes, are manufacturing technologies. company's strategic guidance of attention to the long-term development of its linked intimately This a to its ability interdependence has to utilize new suggested by been analysts and industry observers (e.g. Schonberger, 1986; Manufacturing Studies Board, 1986; Thurow, 1987), however there has been support managerial choices historical choices but also and assertions"^ its little clinical these areas. in I on detail have tried the in about technology influence not only ability to redefine itself through empirical evidence to little effects this paper a firm's the different of to show how current standing introduction of new technologies. More research global corporation. is merited which explores these connections within The questions involved are important change for increasing our manufacturing understanding of organizations. Further, these issues are of vital practical concern the process of technological the in in light of the serious questions which now surround the global competitiveness of the U.S. manufacturing sector. An important exception to this is work by Hayes and Clark (1985) and their colleagues, who showed that plants which were "better managed" in terms of quality performance and inventory levels were also able consistently to introduce new equipment with less disruption than more "poorly managed" plants. •^ 37 research tradition is represented by two streams of research. of the "implementation" research published during the 1970's examined the different requirements of various stages in the innovation process. Many authors concluded that implementation, as distinct from development, calls for relatively tight forms of managerial control (Duncan, 1976; Sapolsky, 1967; Zaitman, 1973). Another research stream focuses on creating organizational or worker receptivity to the new technology (Coch and French, 1948; Majchrzak, 1988; Nutt, 1986). 1. This First, much worth noting that the ambiguity surrounding the role of functional explained by examining its effect given different kinds of is technological process change. As discussed in Tyre (1988), functional overlap appears to be an important mechanism for responding to high levels of systemic change. However, evidence suggests that functional overlap is not important for dealing with technical complexity in new process introductions. 2. It is overlap One reason for this surprising finding is that, in many cases, large-dollar projects involved the introduction of new equipment from the Company's central Process Development Lab. 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