A P R I L 2 0 1 1
Special Points of Interest:
National Academic Team
Community Opportunities
Women’s Soccer
Attends Sleep
Study Hall Info
Enhancement Center
Sunday: 4-9pm
Saturday: Closed
The Center for Student-Athlete Enhancement would like to congratulate members of the 2010-
2011 men’s and women’s cross country teams for their academic success. The teams were honored by the United States Track and Field and
Cross Country Coaches Association
(USTFCCCA) as All Academic Teams for the fall 2010 semester.
Members of men’s lacrosse, women’s water polo and men and women soccer have all assisted with the third annual Project Mobile and Hagan Great USA Programs at
Hagan Elementary in Spackenkill.
Twice a month, from November through February, Marist student-athletes assisted 4th graders with their homework and participated in their activity hour. Several teams taught students how to play particular sports and gained a valuable experience from working with the students. According to men’s soccer player, Joseph Ruocco, who worked with Hagan’s fourth grade boys, “The kids seemed to look up to us. We taught them how to play soccer and it was refreshing. Overall it was quite an enjoyable experience for everyone involved .
The program is a partnership that is coordinated by the Center for Student-Athlete
Enhancement, in conjunction with Lisa Minogue and Tracie Phillips of Spackenkill
Central School District. At the conclusion of the program, each student-participant was awarded a certificate of completion and expressed their appreciation for the program through letters that were sent to the teams. The Center for Student-Athlete
Enhancement will continue this program in the Fall 2011.
P A G E 2
6 Ways To Get Your Ideal
1. Network Strategically
Figure out who you know can give you a leg up in the specific industry you’re interested in
2. Push Your Passion
If you know your passion, then go after it. If you want to work in D.C., be creative and create a buzz for yourself. This can be done through social media, research and networking.
3. Mine the Web
Hone in on the most targeted websites for the field you hope to pursue. Sites such as internships.com and change.org are great resources to use.
4. Research All Your Options
Review job and internship opportunity descriptions for places you would love to work and then pursue prospects.
5. Study Up
Before an internship interview, learn how to walk the walk and talk the talk. You want the employer to be impressed and see you as a fit in their company
6. Visit Career Services
Having assistance with your cover letter, resume and interview tips are the steps that will set you apart from other applicants.
Walk A Mile in HER Shoes-
Sponsored by Family Services
On Saturday April 30, 2011, Marist will be hosting Walk A Mile in Her Shoes, an event to stop rape, sexual assault & gender violence. Participants can walk as an individual or get your friends or club to register as a team. Have some fun as you compete in your red high heels. Get your girlfriends to cheer you on. We welcome everyone to assist! If you would like to participate, contact
Cammie Jones at cammie.jones@marist.edu
Relationship aggression group at Hagan
School administrators at Hagan are looking to form a group to focus on girls’ relationship aggression prevention in second grade. It could meet during the day (lunch recess block 12:15-1:20) or after school
(3pm Monday or Wednesday). They are very flexible and are willing to work with any female team. For more information, contact Cammie
Jones at Cammie.jones@marist.edu
On March 2, 2011, members of the women’s soccer program attended Hagan Elementary Sleep Day. Hagan administrators Tracie Phillips and Lisa Minogue coordinated Sleep Day, which highlighted the importance of sleep awareness and the benefits of sleep during the student’s lunch period. Marist student-athletes read
Dr.Seuss books to the attendees and spoke to the students about their own love for sleep and how important rest is in order to do well in school and life.
According to Katie Hannis, women’s soccer player, “We read them Dr. Seuss'
Sleep Book and answered the student’s questions. I feel it is crucial to instill the importance of sleep in young children, especially aspiring athletes, so they can set good habits for the future .
Additionally, coordinators Phillips and Minogue were more than ecstatic to have student-athletes support their programs. “The program was great for our students and we are glad to provide a positive experience for everyone involved,” Minogue said. Several student-athletes voiced similar sentiments and are more than willing to assist in future projects at Hagan.
If you are interested in participating in future events, please contact Cammie
Jones at Cammie.jones@marist.edu
REGISTRATION IS UPON US! Please view registration information on our website, marist.edu/athletics/studentathlete.
Last Day to get a Tutor: April 21st
Last Day to have you Paper Proofread Online (via ilearn): May 6th
Last Day to get your Paper Proofread in-person at the Academic Learning
Center: May 6th
Last Day for Review Sessions and Math-Drop in Tutoring: May 6th