Washington State Council for Basic Skills – draft Work Plan for 2014-15 CBS has established the following committees and standing Task force work: Transitions, Retention and Completion, Innovations, and HS 21+ Task Force. The CBS committee structure reflects the following list of priorities. Each committee integrates advocacy, retention and completion, evidence of success, professional development, and equity between colleges and community-based programs into their work. 2014-15 CBS Goals Goal 1: Implement and scale comprehensive innovative college and career pathways to accelerate student completion and foster economic growth. Objective Strategy Increase participation and success of underrepresented populations by strengthening the connection between adult education, postsecondary education, and the workforce, and improve services to English language learners. (aligns with 1.1, 2.3 on IC Work Plan) 1. Participate in forums at CBS and with SBCTC and implement WIOA changes. 2. Cross walk Learning Standards and College and Career Readiness Standards and make final recommendations through CBS 3. Gather faculty feedback – to inform Standards conversation. 4. Engage stakeholders in developing an implementation plan. 5. Set annual benchmarks for implementing changes that align with the state plan. 1. Support broad understanding of Student Achievement Initiative and use data to develop a culture of evidence to use data and implement best practices for student achievement 2. Work with AEAC to establish increased navigational support to BEda students. 3. Work with WSSSC to strengthen wraparound services to BEdA students. Broaden discussion of transitions beyond instruction to strengthen pathways to college and careers. Group(s) Involved CBS, CBS Executive Committee, SBCTC Expected Outputs or Outcomes for 14-15 Identified impacts of the new mandate by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act on basic skills programs. Make a determination on the direction for standards revision or implementation by February 2015 System alignment with IC- 2.3 CBS IC SBCTC CBS AEAC IC WSSC System direction alignment between CBS and IC Increased access and support to students Increased access and support to students As of 10/1/14 – from Darlene Goal 2: Guide and support transformational instructional practices that accelerate student completion to certificates, the Tipping Point, and AA/BA degrees leading to family sustaining employment and foster student self-efficacy. Objective Strategy Increase student access and success 1. Create common definitions to clarify terms “competency” and “outcomes”. 2. Explore and adapt learning options that hold students competencies as a fixed factor in competency-based models 1. Publish 2014 Rendezvous session materials including sample job descriptions, interview questions, coaching/observations tools 1. Develop Coaching Model for classroom observations with CBS 2. Bring innovative best practice models and “highlight” students achievement to CBS via quarterly meetings 3. Work with SBCTC Professional Development staff to develop monthly recorded “ted talk” style presentations from practitioners in the field to deliver on-line in a webinar-style format. Attract and retain innovative and highly qualified faculty members Support and improve high quality instruction in IDEA, HS 21 and contextualized pathway courses. (aligns with 3.2 on IC Work Plan) Group(s) Involved Innovations Committee Expected Outputs or Outcomes for 14-15 Definitions and implementation progress by June 2015 SBCTC- and programs implementing competency- based mode for the business MRP-DTA Innovations Committee Maintain and grow high quality instruction in Basic Education for Adults programs Innovations Committee CBS Executive Council Retain and develop highly qualified faculty Report on effectiveness of Open Education Resources and Instruction learning tools and summary of professional development- June 15th As of 10/1/14 – from Darlene Goal 3: Maintain, catalyze, and develop innovative practices in contextualize adult education to support transition to high school completion & equivalency certification, postsecondary education and employment Objective Support development and expansion of adult high school diploma credential (HS21+) (aligns with 2.1 on the IC work plan) Support expansion of contextualized instruction model in basic skills (aligns with 1.1 on IC work plan) Support expansion of adult high school diploma credential (HS21+) Strategy Develop and present strand on HS 21+ at New Directors’ Institute Group(s) Involved HS21+ Task Force ATC Form registrar taskforce and convene this group of registrars along with HS 21+ personnel and develop a protocol for transcripting HS21+. Create common definitions clarify terms “competency” and “outcomes” Expected Outputs or Outcomes for 14-15 Increased professional development and training for implementation and sustaining HS21+ System consistency in awarding Adult High School Credentials CBS Innovations Committee HS 21+ Task Force CBS Executive Committee Provide a list of successful strategies to expand HS21+, I-BEST that have been taken to scale to IC by June 15 Identify common elements, codify procedures and establish benchmarks. SBCTC staff will work with colleges to complete a gap analysis and identify outlying issues. Approve definition and protocol June 2015 Reinstate regional meetings (could be virtual meetings using collaborate) and “field trips to other colleges to learn about programs” to facilitate faculty to faculty discussions. Professional development opportunities for all Basic Skills, program administrators and staff to foster and maximize innovation and implementation of best practices going on around the state. Identify presenters to share information and give mini trainings at CBS meetings Continue HS21+ Taskforce as part of CBS committee structure for 2014-15 Create common messaging CBS HS21+ Taskforce ATC Student Services Commission Increased number of programs implementing HS21+ option Increased national awareness of HS21+ As of 10/1/14 – from Darlene Goal 4: Strengthen and maintain a culture of rigorous instruction and evidence of increased performance Objective Strategy Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the basic skills assessment system to determine if current tools align with state and federal goals for basic education for adults and accurately demonstrate evidence of performance Crosswalk CASAS Competencies with College and Career Readiness standards Group(s) Involved Retention and Completion Committee Recommendation for testing optionsshort time-line: Report to CBS Spring 2015 Conduct a national scan to explore correlations between the tests states use and achievement of federal level targets (aligns with 2.3F on IC work plan) Monitor College and Career Readiness standards and update IC regarding new mandate by WIOA. Review Gap Analysis -CASAS and CCRS and inform CBS of findings Support and improve opportunities for collaboration between programs, faculty, and staff to strengthen and maintain a culture of rigorous instruction (aligns with 3.2- on the IC Work Plan Expected Outputs or Outcomes for 14-15 Identify topics of high interest and relevance to the system Work with SBCTC to Compile qualitative and quantitative data from 2013-14 Retention and Completion Committee SBCTC Executive Committee Transitions Committee Increased collaboration between programs and Increased opportunities for professional development scaling of new innovations practices related to rigor, transition, and completion (elearning, on-line and hybrid, and enhanced courses) As of 10/1/14 – from Darlene Goal 5: Create and maintain strategic alliances to leverage local resources and increase navigation support to students. Objective Strategy Group(s) Involved Expected Outputs or Outcomes for 14-15 Engage partners in WEC and ATC to explore more possibilities around transition to college pathways Collaborate with WEC and ATC to plan joint meeting or professional development opportunity (already identified possibilities of competency-based credentials, transitions, and culture of evidence) CBS Executive WEC Executive Committee ATC Executive Committee WSSSC Executive Committee Increased professional development around career pathways and WEC/CBS/ATC/WSSC shared interests Evaluate and develop the appropriate role for CBOs in relation to Utilize CBO’s collaborative relations in communities to enhance strategic alliances for entire CBS system. CBO Committee CBS Clearly identified areas where CBO and College partners work together to serve the needs of Basic Skills Students. College & Career Pathways HS 21 I-Best Investigate and make recommendations regarding tracking system and SAI point structure so that work that CBOs do in moving students forward is appropriately credited. Presentation at winter CBS Explore ways to better utilize complementary strengths of CBOs and Colleges. As of 10/1/14 – from Darlene