Topic: Characteristic Tone Quality Quarter One Score 4.0

Topic: Characteristic Tone Quality Quarter One
Included Standards: NGSSS MUS 230, MUS 231
Score 4.0
In addition to Score 3.0, in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught.
The student can teach through verbalizing and demonstrating the information needed to produce a
characteristic tone quality.
Score 3.0
Using their instrument, the student will be able to demonstrate a characteristic tone quality.
Performs complex skills:
demonstrate the proper tone quality for their instrument.
analyze tones produced by others and evaluate
write a summary of those elements used in producing the proper tone on their instrument.
The student exhibits no major errors or omissions regarding the score 3.0 content.
Score 2.0
Score 1.0
Score 0.0
The student has a limited understanding of the production of a characteristic tone quality on
their instruments but needs more instruction and/or practice.
Recognizes or recalls specific terminology:
breath support, breathing, tone quality
Performs basic skills:
displays posture although not consistently correct.
demonstrates a tone but with poor breath support and breathing procedure.
No major errors or omissions regarding the score 2.0 content.
With help, I know some of 2.0 and 3.0
Even with help, I am unable to understand.
Topic: Rhythm Training (Quarter Two)
Included Standards: NGSSS MUS 230, MUS 231
Score 4.0
In addition to Score 3.0, in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught.
The student can teach through verbalization and demonstration the sub-division of the note values used
in relationship to the time signature.
Score 3.0
Using their instrument, the student will be able to demonstrate the various rhythmic patterns
associate with the literature being covered.
Performs complex skills:
demonstrate rhythmic stability when given a selected tempo and articulation
analyze and show counting of various rhythms
write and verbalize the counting of selected rhythmic patterns
The student exhibits no major errors regarding the score 3.0 content.
Score 2.0
The student:
Recognizes or recalls specific terminology:
pulsation, beat, time signature, articulations
Performs basic skills:
clap and count out loud basic rhythmic patterns
play basic rhythmic using assigned articulations
understanding of the basic rhythm patterns and articulation
No major errors or omissions regarding the score 2.0 content.
Score 1.0
Score 0.0
With help, I know some of 2.0 and 3.0.
Even with help, I am unable to understand.
Topic: Concert MPA Preparation (Quarter 3)
Included Standards: NGSSS
MUA 231, MUA 232, MUA 233, MUA 331, MUD 231, MUD 232, MUD 233
Grade: 9-12
Score 4.0
In addition to Score 3.0, in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught and teach
to your peers.
Students interpret the musical work adding independent creative nuances.
Expression, phrasing, style and interpretation are performed with mastery.
Score 3.0
The student will be able to demonstrate both technical and lyrical passages with mastery.
Performs complex skills:
note rhythmical accuracy, phrasing, entrances, releases, articulation clarity, pulse stability
and transitions are performed accurately.
The student exhibits no major errors or omissions regarding the score 3.0 content.
Score 2.0
The student:
Recognizes or recalls specific terminology:
phrasing, style, interpretation, nuances, pulse stability, transitions
Performs basic skills:
demonstrate a characteristic tone quality on their instrument with sensitivity
utilizes balance, blend, intonation, sonority and physical articulation
utilizes tone production balance, blend, intonation, sonority, and physical articulation
No major errors or omissions regarding the score 2.0 content.
Score 1.0
With help, I know some of 2.0 and 3.0.
Score 0.0
Even with help, I am unable to understand.
Topic: Scales (Quarter Four)
Included Standards: NGSSS MUS 230, MUS 231
Grade: 9-12
In addition to Score 3.0, in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught.
Score 4.0
The student can teach through verbalizing and demonstrating the information needed to
produce a characteristic tone quality.
Score 3.0
Score 2.0
Score 1.0
Score 0.0
The student will be able to demonstrate selected Major Scales on their instrument.
Performs complex skills:
demonstrate the selected Major Scales with arpeggios at various tempo, rhythmic
patterns, and articulations.
analyze scales performed by others
evaluate using the formula for a Major scale,
write a scale based on D explaining the relational of all notes changed
The student exhibits no major error or omissions regarding the score 3.0 content.
The student has a but needs more instruction and/or practice.
Recognizes or recalls specific terminology:
Major Scale Formula, Major Scale, Key Signature, Accidentals
Performs basic skills:
plays scales with no arpeggio, simple articulations and moderate tempos.
displays a limited understanding of key Signatures.
limited understanding of the production of a characteristic tone quality on their
No major errors or omissions regarding the score 2.0 content.
The student has a very limited understanding of Major Scales and associated terminology.
Even with help, I am unable to understand.