Glossary Appendices The appendices consist of supplemental text and tables related to Chapters 2, 4, 7, 8, and 10. Content is organized by chapter and labeled to indicate the chapter from which it is introduced. For example, Tables A2.1 and A2.2, are introduced in Chapter 2. References in the appendices are listed with the citations in the related chapter. Appendices 331 Appendix Chapter 2 DETAILS OF THE FOREST DYNAMICS MODEL Following assignment, the appropriate transition AND SUBMODELS model for type of harvesting is applied. Change The simulation algorithm links the Forest Dynamics Model (FDM) submodels together and produces predictions of future forest inventories, given a beginning inventory and assumptions about future land use and climate. In preparation for the simulation, the beginning inventory is screened for major forest-type groups that include less than 2 percent of the total plots established by the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program of the U.S. Forest Service. Any such groups are considered too sparsely populated to model future forest type transitions directly, so a different method (described later in this section) is applied to those groups. The FIA plots in each remaining forest-type group form the bucket of suitable donor plots for that foresttype group. Plots are further subdivided by the partitioning submodel, which assigns each plot to a subgroup based upon the type of harvesting determined by another random draw from a uniform distribution applied to the correct group transition matrix (unharvested, partially harvested, clearcut). A plot designated as clearcut has its age reset to 2.5 years for 2015, and the other plots retain their plot age as of 2015. Based on the assumptions of future climate for each scenario, the plot location, and the forecast of plot age, each plot is assigned a climate profile for temperature, precipitation, and aridity. The predicted major forest-type group, harvesting type, forecasted age, and climate (along with the inventoried slope, aspect, and ownership) are then used to find the corresponding “bucket” of plots from which the partitioning submodel can randomly draw a replacement plot to represent that location’s forest conditions for 2015. (none, partial, or full) that occurred on the plot The FDM submodels operate stochastically. in the previous inventory cycle. Many modeled events in the transition, harvesting, Assuming that the beginning inventory of plots is a snapshot of forest conditions for 2010, the 2010-2015 simulation continues applying the harvest submodel to estimate the probability of each management level (unharvested, partially harvested, clearcut) for each plot in the screened 2010 inventory. A random draw from a uniform distribution assigns plots to the various management categories based on the probabilities programmed into the harvesting submodel. 332 in the group assigned to each plot in 2015 is partitioning, and imputation submodels (for example, whether or not a plot is harvested or shifts to a different forest type) draw a random number for the purposes of selecting a specific outcome from among all possible outcomes represented in a probability matrix (in effect, a computerized roll of the dice determines the outcome for numerous events modeled at each time step). Because of the random element in choosing outcomes at each time step, repeated projections based on the same scenario will differ in their outcomes. FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES Therefore, each scenario was repeated 26 times Plots on Federal land retain their 2010 expansion to produce a range of possible outcomes and to factors because Federal forest land area is capture variations among simulations (limits of assumed to be unchanged over the forecast period. computing time restricted the number of repeated simulations). Wood volumes were summed for each of the 26 estimates for each time step, and an index that reflects the difference from the central tendency of growing-stock volume for each time step was calculated for each of the 26 inventory projections and summed over all time steps. For each scenario, the single inventory projection with the lowest summed index (the single inventory projection that is closest to the central tendency of growing-stock volume projected for all 26 runs of a single scenario) is the outcome summarized in subsequent analyses. The representative predicted inventory selected for each scenario has the same number of forested plots as the 2010 inventory. Harvesting removals, land-use removals (or additions), and growth and mortality can be calculated for each plot to arrive at a full bookkeeping of projected change in growing-stock volume on timberland. Harvesting removals were obtained by applying the removal intensities from the harvest submodel to the beginning inventory volume. Changes to volume resulting from land-use change (e.g., conversion of forest land to urban land) were calculated by multiplying the per-acre volume at the start of the period by the area of forest converted to other uses. Volume of total removals is the sum of harvesting removals and land-use change removals. Note that any increase in volume due to an increase in expansion factors is not The land-use submodel was used to forecast included here. The FDM does not consider forest area. The assumed percentage of change growth and mortality explicitly, but the net in forest area for non-Federal land for each sum (net growth or other net change) can be 5-year time step was applied to adjust the plot estimated from the change in inventory. The area expansion factors associated with each total change in inventory between two periods FIA plot. For example, in the first time step is the ending inventory less the beginning the plot area expansion factors in the 2010 inventory and is equal to the sum of harvesting beginning inventory were adjusted (e.g., reduced removals and changes resulting from land use, to indicate loss of forest land) to arrive at the growth, and mortality. Therefore, net growth 2015 expansion factors, and then were adjusted = change in inventory + harvest removals + again in the next time step to arrive at the 2020 land-use removals. This formulation retains expansion factors, and so forth. Because the land-use additions in net growth. Subtracting land-use submodel predicts change in forest area land-use additions from the right-hand side of by county, every plot on non-Federal land within the equation accounts for net growth explicitly. a county receives the same proportional change in forest area for a given 5-year time step. Appendices 333 Note that total removals are divided by the time Multiplying the change in timberland area step of the simulation (5 years) to produce an by this per-acre volume gives an estimate of annual removals estimate. Each element in total removals resulting from land-use change this bookkeeping (beginning and ending volume, over the 5-year time step (in these analyses removals, and net growth) can be summed over projected forest area decreased in all time all plots to obtain state-level totals. periods for all States). Dividing this estimate by SEPARATION AND SIMULATION OF HARVEST REMOVALS the number of years in the time step produces an annual estimate of the removals volume due to land-use change. Subtracting this annual The Northern Forest Futures Project relied on estimate of state land-use change removals from the removals forecasts provided by the Forest the total annual removals in the RPA assessment Dynamics Model for the 2010 Resources Planning provides an estimate of annual harvest removals Act (RPA) assessment (Wear 2011, Wear et al. as the remainder. 2013). These forecasts did not separate harvest removals (volume of cut trees) and land-use removals (volume of trees removed from the forest inventory when forest land is converted to other uses); only state-level total removals on an annual basis were available from the RPA assessment. A simple “top down” procedure was employed to split these state-level totals into separate estimates of land use removals and harvest removals. For a given time interval, subtracting ending timberland area from beginning timberland area provides an estimate of total forest area lost (or gained) through land use change, and a rough estimate of the sum, over all timberland plots, of the change in plot area expansion factors. Dividing the beginning inventory volume by beginning timberland area yields an approximation of per-acre beginning Calculating change variables—The Forest Dynamics Model (Wear et al. 2013) was applied to calculate inventory summaries (volumes, number of trees, forest-type groups) based on imputed future inventories of tree species and tree size. The removals submodel is a component of the projection model that estimates the probability of a tree being harvested based on its species and diameter. This information aids in estimating annual harvest removals. The removals estimates were converted to an annual basis. An additional factor was included in the total removals estimate—the estimate of trees that are not harvested on forested parcels, but instead are removed from the inventory due to conversion of forest to other land uses. growing-stock volume on timberland. 334 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES Calculations for determining volume changes Calculating removals—Because two types of between succeeding periods are shown in removals (removals resulting from harvesting Equations 1-3. This change in volume is made and removals from land-use change [LUC]) up of three components: growth, mortality, and are included in the total removals estimate, removals. The Forest Dynamics Model does removals can be calculated as in Equation 4. not model mortality directly. All of the change variables are modeled based on growing stock on timberland, so the volume equations do so as well. ΔVol12= Vol2 – Vol1(1) ΔVol12 = Net growth12 – Removals(total)12 (2) Net growth12 = ΔVol12 + Removals(total)12(3) Where: Vol is growing-stock volume on timberland ΔVol is periodic change in growingstock volume Net growth is growing-stock volume growth less mortality Removals(total) is combined removals due to harvest and land-use change subscript 1 represents variables from time period 1 subscript 2 represents variables from time period 2 Removals(total)12 = Removals(harvest)12 + Removals(LUC)12(4) where the removals component is indicated within the parentheses. Periodic removals resulting from land-use change were calculated as the product of the land area converted from forest to another land use and the mean volume per acre as shown in Equations 5 and 6. Vol/acre1 = Vol1/Area1 (5) ΔArea12 = Area1 – Area2 (6) Where: Vol/acre is mean growing-stock volume per acre Area is timber land area. Multiplying the change in timberland area (acres) over a given time interval by the mean volume per acre produces an estimate of periodic total volume removals due to land use change. subscript 12 represents change from the Dividing this estimate by the number of years time period 1 to 2. in the interval gives an annual estimate of the volume removals due to land-use change (Eq. 7), and harvest removals were estimated by subtraction (Eq. 8). Appendices 335 Removals(LUC)12 = (Vol1/Area1 * ΔArea12)/ Time12 For example, the area of forest in the elm(7) little change over time even though emerald Removals(harvest)12 = Removals(total)12 – Removals(LUC)12 ash-cottonwood group is expected to show (8) ash borer is expected to kill all the ash trees in many locations. Some of the impacts of where Time is the number of years in the infestation on ecosystem functioning may be specified interval. modest because associated non-ash species Note that for forest area estimates (Eq. 6, 7), in all cases forest land area declined at the State level between two estimation periods, but at smaller spatial scales (which were not evaluated), forest land area may occasionally increase. not prone to infestation have the potential to offset the loss of ash trees and their associated volume. Consequently, despite the assumption that emerald ash borer will cause 100 percent ash mortality, the transition from ash to other species may progress slowly as ash is replaced MODELING EFFECTS OF THE by a variety of associated species. However, EMERALD ASH BORER the effects of infestation could lead to canopy The effects of the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) on the number and volume of ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) were summarized for the broad category of forest-type groups and at the large scale of FIA inventory units. Our modeling results suggest that effects will contribute to a small decrease in the total number of trees and saplings in many FIA inventory units from 2010 to 2060, but changes in the elm-ash-cottonwood (Ulmus spp.–Fraxinus spp.–Populus spp.) forest-type group will vary among FIA inventory units. Forest species composition in forests measured by FIA will change when ash trees are killed by the emerald ash borer, but modeling results suggest that effects will not cause substantial changes in the number of plots in gaps and facilitate an increase in native and nonnative invasive plant species (Gandhi and Herms 2010). Because changes were analyzed by forest-type groups, considering geographic differences in the composition of each foresttype group was important. For example, ash is not a significant component of any forest-type group in Maine FIA inventory units, but the elmash-cottonwood forest-type group in Minnesota FIA inventory units is composed mainly of green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) and black ash (F. nigra). It is also important to keep in mind that this modeling may not apply to urban areas not measured by FIA, where the extensive distribution of planted ash trees could result in a greater impact. any given forest-type group. 336 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES Table A2.1—Projected population from 2010 to 2060 in North under three greenhouse gas emissions storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007, Zarnoch et al. 2010). State Storylinea Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 ----------------------------------------- (1,000 people) ----------------------------------------------- Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Iowa Illinois Indiana Massachusetts Maryland Maine A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 3,535 3,606 3,524 570 581 568 884 902 881 3,005 3,065 2,996 13,042 13,304 13,002 6,402 6,531 6,383 6,498 6,629 6,479 5,877 5,995 5,860 1,342 1,369 1,338 3,654 3,768 3,634 548 566 545 969 999 964 3,100 3,197 3,083 13,717 14,145 13,641 6,698 6,908 6,661 6,731 6,941 6,694 6,579 6,785 6,543 1,407 1,451 1,399 3,792 3,959 3,681 531 554 515 1,057 1,103 1,026 3,212 3,353 3,118 14,451 15,087 14,030 7,025 7,334 6,820 6,997 7,305 6,793 7,290 7,611 7,077 1,479 1,544 1,436 3,947 4,188 3,690 518 549 484 1,145 1,215 1,070 3,339 3,543 3,121 15,160 16,084 14,170 7,383 7,833 6,901 7,272 7,715 6,798 7,964 8,450 7,445 1,562 1,657 1,460 4,115 4,481 3,738 507 553 461 1,229 1,338 1,116 3,473 3,781 3,155 15,794 17,196 14,347 7,758 8,447 7,048 7,539 8,209 6,849 8,571 9,332 7,786 1,654 1,801 1,503 Change 2010 to 2060 (percent) 4,281 4,836 3,802 500 565 444 1,309 1,478 1,162 3,613 4,082 3,209 16,365 18,488 14,534 8,148 9,205 7,236 7,801 8,813 6,928 9,120 10,303 8,100 1,756 1,983 1,559 Appendices 21 34 8 -12 -3 -22 48 64 32 20 33 7 25 39 12 27 41 13 20 33 7 55 72 38 31 45 17 337 Table A2.1 continued State Storylinea Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 ----------------------------------------- (1,000 people) ----------------------------------------------- Michigan Minnesota Missouri New Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania 338 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 10,165 10,369 10,134 5,358 5,465 5,342 5,960 6,080 5,942 1,379 1,406 1,375 8,948 9,127 8,921 19,382 19,771 19,323 11,484 11,715 11,450 12,555 12,807 12,517 10,465 10,792 10,407 5,884 6,068 5,852 6,320 6,518 6,285 1,549 1,598 1,541 9,601 9,901 9,548 19,820 20,440 19,711 11,653 12,017 11,589 12,994 13,400 12,922 10,821 11,298 10,506 6,423 6,706 6,236 6,704 6,999 6,509 1,722 1,798 1,672 10,287 10,740 9,987 20,371 21,267 19,776 11,893 12,416 11,546 13,498 14,092 13,104 11,236 11,921 10,503 6,962 7,387 6,508 7,133 7,568 6,668 1,900 2,016 1,776 10,928 11,594 10,215 20,934 22,211 19,568 12,183 12,926 11,388 14,058 14,916 13,141 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 11,688 12,725 10,617 7,483 8,147 6,798 7,597 8,271 6,901 2,078 2,263 1,888 11,484 12,503 10,432 21,448 23,352 19,484 12,491 13,599 11,347 14,640 15,940 13,300 12,173 13,753 10,811 7,988 9,024 7,094 8,091 9,141 7,186 2,256 2,548 2,003 11,969 13,522 10,630 21,929 24,774 19,475 12,811 14,473 11,378 15,236 17,213 13,531 Change 2010 to 2060 (percent) 20 33 7 49 65 33 36 50 21 64 81 46 34 48 19 13 25 1 12 24 -1 21 34 8 Table A2.1 continued State Storylinea Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 ----------------------------------------- (1,000 people) ----------------------------------------------- Rhode Island Vermont Wisconsin West Virginia All Northern States U.S. total a A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 1,089 1,111 1,086 643 656 641 5,687 5,801 5,670 1,818 1,854 1,812 125,621 128,141 125,242 308,936 315,135 308,004 1,154 1,190 1,147 696 717 692 6,073 6,263 6,040 1,840 1,898 1,830 131,454 135,562 130,727 335,805 346,297 333,948 1,223 1,277 1,188 751 784 729 6,481 6,767 6,292 1,873 1,956 1,819 137,881 143,948 133,860 363,584 379,581 352,980 1,289 1,367 1,204 813 863 760 6,922 7,344 6,470 1,919 2,036 1,793 144,565 153,380 135,132 391,946 415,845 366,372 1,349 1,469 1,226 881 960 801 7,383 8,038 6,707 1,972 2,147 1,792 151,134 164,550 137,294 419,854 457,122 381,404 Change 2010 to 2060 (percent) 1,404 1,586 1,247 956 1,080 849 7,861 8,881 6,981 2,034 2,298 1,806 157,598 178,045 139,964 447,308 505,344 397,259 29 43 15 49 65 32 38 53 23 12 24 0 25 39 12 45 60 29 Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate population growth and large gains in income and energy consumption but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio; storyline A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions associated with high population growth, high energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and storyline B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate increases in population, income, and energy consumption. Appendices 339 Table A2.2—Projected land use from 2010 to 2060 in the North under three greenhouse gas emissions storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007, Wear 2011); note that percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding and that the total area is 413,586,000 acres or 646,228 square miles. Storylinea Year Forest Urban Cropland Pasture Range ------------------------------------------- (percent of total land area) ------------------------------------------- A1B A2 B2 a 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 41 41 40 40 39 39 41 41 41 40 40 39 41 41 41 40 40 40 9 11 12 13 14 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 11 11 12 12 13 39 39 38 38 37 37 39 39 39 38 38 37 39 39 39 38 38 38 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate population growth and large gains in income and energy consumption, but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio; storyline A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions associated with high population growth, high energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and storyline B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate increases in population, income, and energy consumption. 340 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES Table A2.3—Projected forest area, 2010 to 2060, and percentage change in forest area in the North under three greenhouse gas emissions storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007, Wear 2011). State Storylinea Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 ---------------------------------------------------(1,000 acres) --------------------------------------------------- Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana Iowa Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri New Hampshire Change (2010 to 2060) (percent) A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 1,724 1,724 1,724 352 352 352 4,798 4,798 4,798 4,744 4,744 4,744 1,691 1,689 1,694 339 340 340 4,703 4,722 4,712 4,654 4,678 4,671 1,657 1,653 1,676 327 328 332 4,648 4,683 4,677 4,569 4,617 4,636 1,620 1,613 1,663 315 315 326 4,597 4,651 4,645 4,475 4,554 4,596 1,580 1,567 1,644 301 301 318 4,539 4,614 4,607 4,364 4,478 4,537 1,537 1,512 1,626 287 285 311 4,472 4,570 4,582 4,235 4,388 4,493 -11 -12 -6 -18 -19 -12 -7 -5 -5 -11 -7 -5 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 3,033 3,033 3,033 17,657 17,657 17,657 2,493 2,493 2,493 3,019 3,019 3,019 19,821 19,821 19,821 16,990 16,990 16,990 15,397 15,397 15,397 4,803 4,803 4,803 3,012 3,018 3,017 17,598 17,606 17,607 2,314 2,328 2,330 2,941 2,939 2,949 19,624 19,655 19,655 16,872 16,888 16,887 15,262 15,290 15,285 4,727 4,736 4,736 2,993 3,005 3,009 17,541 17,558 17,580 2,142 2,167 2,216 2,861 2,858 2,904 19,431 19,491 19,559 16,760 16,793 16,822 15,132 15,186 15,219 4,654 4,671 4,691 2,971 2,991 3,000 17,477 17,507 17,554 1,977 2,019 2,119 2,779 2,774 2,870 19,219 19,317 19,466 16,644 16,697 16,761 14,987 15,075 15,147 4,577 4,604 4,649 2,945 2,974 2,986 17,404 17,444 17,515 1,826 1,883 2,022 2,700 2,687 2,831 18,977 19,110 19,337 16,518 16,591 16,687 14,819 14,941 15,053 4,493 4,529 4,599 2,915 2,953 2,977 17,319 17,369 17,481 1,680 1,746 1,952 2,627 2,597 2,796 18,701 18,856 19,225 16,389 16,487 16,626 14,625 14,774 14,976 4,401 4,441 4,557 -4 -3 -2 -2 -2 -1 -33 -30 -22 -13 -14 -7 -6 -5 -3 -4 -3 -2 -5 -4 -3 -8 -8 -5 Appendices 341 Table A2.3 continued State Storylinea Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 Change (2010 to 2060) ---------------------------------------------------(1,000 acres) --------------------------------------------------- New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin All Northern States a A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 2,002 2,002 2,002 18,951 18,951 18,951 8,044 8,044 8,044 16,652 16,652 16,652 348 348 348 4,588 4,588 4,588 11,974 11,974 11,974 16,697 16,697 16,697 174,090 174,090 174,090 1,859 1,849 1,869 18,804 18,824 18,826 7,964 7,975 7,978 16,368 16,418 16,417 323 323 325 4,538 4,551 4,547 11,802 11,859 11,840 16,562 16,589 16,584 171,958 172,276 172,270 1,722 1,706 1,778 18,681 18,719 18,770 7,887 7,907 7,943 16,092 16,191 16,292 306 305 315 4,492 4,518 4,525 11,642 11,758 11,784 16,432 16,488 16,522 169,967 170,601 171,250 1,597 1,572 1,717 18,547 18,608 18,717 7,802 7,835 7,911 15,787 15,949 16,173 290 288 309 4,442 4,484 4,500 11,463 11,656 11,713 16,291 16,381 16,456 167,857 168,891 170,291 1,483 1,441 1,658 18,394 18,476 18,647 7,703 7,746 7,869 15,439 15,661 16,002 273 269 302 4,385 4,446 4,466 11,249 11,529 11,601 16,126 16,253 16,366 165,520 166,938 169,047 1,379 1,309 1,611 18,219 18,312 18,591 7,591 7,633 7,835 15,044 15,310 15,864 257 248 296 4,322 4,400 4,439 10,992 11,370 11,524 15,936 16,096 16,291 162,925 164,656 168,053 (percent) -31 -35 -20 -4 -3 -2 -6 -5 -3 -10 -8 -5 -26 -29 -15 -6 -4 -3 -8 -5 -4 -5 -4 -2 -6 -5 -3 Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate population growth and large gains in income and energy consumption but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio; storyline A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions associated with high population growth, high energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and storyline B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate increases in population, income, and energy consumption. 342 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES Table A2.4—Underlying large-scale assumptions about future biomass consumption for bioenergy in the multinational macro-region Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD 90) (Ince et al. 2011, USDA FS 2012b) under three greenhouse gas emissions storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007). Source Storylinea Year 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 -------------------------------------------------(1,000,000 tons)------------------------------------------------- Roundwood fuelwood (forests) Energy plantations Cropland crops and residues a A1B 93.1 105.3 240.4 405.3 628.9 1,022.5 1,297.1 A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B 93.1 93.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 257.4 98.8 98.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 210.7 154.4 133.0 82.8 62.4 19.6 209.8 356.8 67.1 198.2 193.7 91.9 209.4 544.2 45.7 353.4 338.4 159.2 207.5 748.2 145.4 625.0 467.6 215.2 205.7 746.1 263.8 784.2 458.9 289.0 203.0 A2 B2 257.4 257.4 216.8 216.7 220.6 221.0 224.6 225.1 229.2 228.3 233.9 231.4 239.5 234.7 Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate population growth and large gains in income and energy consumption but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio; storyline A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions associated with high population growth, high energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and storyline B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate increases in population, income, and energy consumption.. Appendices 343 Table A2.5—Projected biomass production for bioenergy from roundwood and fuelwood, 2010 to 2060, under three greenhouse gas emissions storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007). Source Storylinea Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------(billion cubic feet)-------------------------------------- (Mill) fuel residue (Recovered) harvest residue Hardwood pulpwood Mill (fiber) residue Roundwood fuelwood harvesting Softwood pulpwood a A1B A2 B2 A1B 2.0 2.4 2.4 0.0 2.6 2.3 2.4 3.6 2.8 2.2 2.4 5.9 3.5 2.3 2.3 8.9 3.4 2.1 2.4 12.5 3.4 1.2 2.6 16.3 A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 A1B 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 1.8 2.8 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.0 2.2 4.1 3.7 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.2 3.3 5.8 4.2 4.1 0.4 0.0 1.3 2.1 0.6 4.8 7.7 4.7 9.5 2.6 0.0 2.2 2.1 1.7 7.0 10.0 5.6 14.3 4.5 0.0 3.3 1.2 2.4 9.0 A2 B2 A1B A2 B2 1.7 1.7 0.2 0.1 0.0 1.9 1.7 1.1 0.1 0.0 2.5 2.0 3.4 2.3 0.0 3.1 2.5 6.9 5.0 0.1 4.2 2.9 11.2 8.5 0.2 5.7 3.4 16.5 15.1 0.6 Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate population growth and large gains in income and energy consumption but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio; storyline A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions associated with high population growth, high energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and storyline B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate increases in population, income, and energy consumption. Please refer to the Literature Cited section at the end of Chapter 2 for the references. 344 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES Appendix Chapter 4 Table A4.1—Projected forest land area by forest-type group for the North, 2010 to 2060, under three greenhouse gas emissions storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007). Year Forest-type group and storylinea 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 ----------------------------------------------------------(1,000 acres)---------------------------------------------------------------- Aspen-birch A1B A2 B2 Elm-ash-cottonwood A1B A2 B2 Maple-beech-birch A1B A2 B2 Oak-hickory A1B A2 B2 Other A1B A2 B2 Spruce-fir A1B A2 B2 White-red-jack pine A1B A2 B2 a 17,255 17,255 17,255 15,964 16,012 16,129 15,324 15,365 15,339 15,213 15,280 15,288 15,087 15,182 15,220 14,451 14,203 14,687 12,147 12,147 12,147 10,976 10,923 10,740 10,222 10,503 10,541 10,068 10,363 10,467 9,903 10,205 10,375 10,213 9,966 10,346 44,982 44,982 44,982 46,104 46,191 46,703 46,668 46,805 47,339 46,216 46,467 47,147 45,704 46,063 46,882 46,441 46,635 47,623 63,184 63,184 63,184 62,851 63,125 62,782 62,459 62,276 62,215 61,455 61,463 61,758 60,342 60,538 61,167 57,730 59,329 60,197 12,746 12,746 12,746 12,209 12,347 12,271 12,012 12,128 12,020 11,775 11,917 11,909 11,527 11,695 11,778 11,307 11,556 12,361 15,279 15,279 15,279 15,037 15,039 14,839 14,342 14,682 14,763 14,276 14,632 14,732 14,199 14,573 14,688 13,659 13,836 13,676 8,497 8,497 8,497 8,817 8,639 8,806 8,940 8,843 9,033 8,855 8,769 8,991 8,758 8,682 8,937 9,123 9,131 9,163 Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate population growth and large gains in income and energy consumption but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio; storyline A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions associated with high population growth, high energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and storyline B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate increases in population, income, and energy consumption. Appendices 345 Table A4.2—Projected volume of live trees on forest land in the North, 2010 to 2060, for seven future scenarios based on greenhouse gas emissions storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007). State Scenario a Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 -------------------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)------------------------------------------------------ Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana 346 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 4,127 4,127 4,127 4,127 4,127 4,127 4,127 862 862 862 862 862 862 862 8,652 8,652 8,652 8,652 8,652 8,652 8,652 9,785 9,785 9,785 9,785 9,785 9,785 9,785 4,232 4,354 4,080 4,222 4,225 4,247 4,243 867 876 872 888 835 928 858 9,238 8,877 9,083 9,337 8,694 8,804 9,147 10,527 10,254 10,253 9,564 10,383 10,329 10,136 4,669 4,357 4,024 4,128 4,369 4,308 4,022 897 841 889 765 857 906 841 8,830 8,871 8,554 8,473 8,874 8,966 8,961 10,468 10,231 10,597 10,144 10,139 10,506 10,793 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 4,564 4,255 3,990 4,030 4,271 4,205 3,988 860 808 869 734 821 869 823 8,735 8,810 8,491 8,415 8,775 8,896 8,896 10,255 10,095 10,508 10,010 9,926 10,369 10,703 4,450 4,134 3,944 3,913 4,165 4,083 3,942 822 771 848 700 783 828 803 8,627 8,740 8,418 8,347 8,663 8,817 8,821 10,005 9,931 10,377 9,849 9,676 10,204 10,571 4,065 3,767 4,101 3,585 3,943 3,914 3,850 738 766 806 744 675 712 825 8,308 8,656 9,087 8,311 7,680 7,829 8,262 10,117 10,585 10,228 9,833 8,799 9,499 9,840 Change 2010 to 2060 (percent) -2 -9 -1 -13 -4 -5 -7 -14 -11 -7 -14 -22 -17 -4 -4 0 5 -4 -11 -10 -5 3 8 5 0 -10 -3 1 Table A4.2 continued State Scenario a Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 -------------------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)------------------------------------------------------ Iowa Maine Maryland Massachusetts A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2 A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 4,256 4,256 4,256 4,256 4,256 4,256 4,256 25,474 25,474 25,474 25,474 25,474 25,474 25,474 6,469 6,469 6,469 6,469 6,469 6,469 6,469 7,754 7,754 7,754 7,754 7,754 7,754 7,754 5,019 4,800 4,922 4,893 4,708 4,728 4,724 26,738 26,551 26,804 26,632 25,864 26,168 26,627 6,275 6,248 6,221 6,466 6,044 6,070 6,404 7,863 7,637 7,577 7,651 7,717 7,700 7,880 5,027 4,921 5,085 5,175 4,679 4,910 5,003 27,130 27,544 27,084 26,933 24,703 25,782 26,525 5,883 5,802 5,704 6,050 5,399 5,728 5,751 7,359 7,500 7,490 7,521 7,523 7,494 7,749 4,992 4,894 5,070 5,088 4,646 4,883 4,986 27,013 27,446 27,035 26,367 24,597 25,686 26,478 5,377 5,373 5,425 5,606 4,952 5,306 5,486 7,175 7,302 7,418 7,021 7,327 7,291 7,675 4,950 4,862 5,048 5,022 4,607 4,851 4,962 26,877 27,329 26,965 26,070 24,475 25,571 26,409 4,926 4,990 5,158 5,216 4,563 4,927 5,227 6,991 7,092 7,331 6,822 7,135 7,077 7,588 Change 2010 to 2060 (percent) 4,780 5,095 5,185 4,605 3,747 4,059 4,569 26,046 27,043 27,191 25,980 14,939 18,810 22,367 4,708 4,576 4,913 4,531 3,735 4,128 4,617 6,630 6,765 7,021 6,333 6,696 6,422 7,398 Appendices 12 20 22 8 -12 -5 7 2 6 7 2 -41 -26 -12 -27 -29 -24 -30 -42 -36 -29 -14 -13 -9 -18 -14 -17 -5 347 Table A4.2 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 -------------------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)------------------------------------------------------ Michigan Minnesota Missouri New Hampshire 348 Change 2010 to 2060 (percent) A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C 31,553 31,553 31,553 31,553 31,553 31,553 31,553 18,099 18,099 18,099 18,099 18,099 18,099 18,099 20,143 20,143 20,143 20,143 20,143 20,143 20,143 10,670 32,857 32,844 32,967 31,510 32,515 33,008 32,791 19,232 19,569 19,292 19,767 19,218 19,520 19,340 21,930 21,625 21,075 21,489 21,156 21,707 21,402 11,298 33,405 33,505 34,196 32,143 32,146 32,650 33,930 20,498 21,021 20,487 20,874 18,906 20,591 20,361 22,529 22,161 22,396 22,396 21,718 21,859 22,430 11,247 33,024 33,194 34,026 31,847 31,787 32,344 33,763 20,314 20,843 20,387 19,812 18,730 20,428 20,261 22,309 21,996 22,290 21,972 21,510 21,700 22,325 11,045 32,590 32,824 33,791 31,494 31,379 31,978 33,533 20,116 20,649 20,268 18,847 18,540 20,253 20,142 22,054 21,798 22,152 21,609 21,269 21,507 22,187 10,826 33,934 34,290 35,574 32,742 25,620 29,003 32,368 22,013 22,403 20,968 20,901 12,807 18,504 17,933 23,298 23,451 24,064 23,341 19,779 21,649 22,731 10,618 8 9 13 4 -19 -8 3 22 24 16 15 -29 2 -1 16 16 19 16 -2 7 13 0 A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 10,670 10,670 10,670 10,670 10,670 10,670 11,378 11,232 11,033 10,995 11,203 10,779 11,367 11,418 11,114 10,930 10,944 11,256 11,183 11,309 10,735 10,725 10,768 11,145 10,977 11,181 10,535 10,505 10,571 11,014 10,697 11,069 10,289 8,300 9,409 10,002 0 4 -4 -22 -12 -6 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES Table A4.2 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 -------------------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)------------------------------------------------------ New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 3,919 3,919 3,919 3,919 3,919 3,919 3,919 39,609 39,609 39,609 39,609 39,609 39,609 39,609 15,992 15,992 15,992 15,992 15,992 15,992 15,992 35,386 35,386 35,386 35,386 35,386 35,386 35,386 3,835 3,497 3,878 3,559 3,690 3,726 3,738 41,756 41,519 41,229 41,448 40,856 40,999 41,208 17,576 17,587 17,102 15,765 17,007 16,604 16,691 35,318 34,921 35,349 35,221 35,794 35,806 35,472 3,557 3,439 3,842 3,215 3,426 3,668 3,577 43,115 42,696 43,210 40,560 42,585 42,463 43,145 17,884 17,504 18,021 16,719 16,884 17,422 17,876 35,040 35,469 36,492 35,125 34,662 35,770 35,824 3,308 3,176 3,707 2,957 3,171 3,399 3,455 42,796 42,434 43,084 40,316 42,276 42,206 43,021 17,682 17,345 17,942 16,560 16,696 17,254 17,802 34,364 34,922 36,215 34,602 34,006 35,244 35,562 3,078 2,917 3,579 2,707 2,937 3,134 3,339 42,433 42,120 42,914 40,023 41,924 41,899 42,854 17,449 17,145 17,837 16,365 16,478 17,048 17,701 33,594 34,269 35,821 33,978 33,260 34,615 35,186 Change 2010 to 2060 (percent) 2,768 2,790 3,253 2,593 2,634 2,567 3,155 42,506 42,281 43,418 40,687 40,247 41,474 42,156 18,780 17,944 18,526 16,944 13,948 16,027 17,172 34,093 34,847 35,978 34,758 27,624 31,090 33,514 Appendices -29 -29 -17 -34 -33 -35 -19 7 7 10 3 2 5 6 17 12 16 6 -13 0 7 -4 -2 2 -2 -22 -12 -5 349 Table A4.2 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 -------------------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)------------------------------------------------------ Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin 350 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 786 786 786 786 786 786 786 10,174 10,174 10,174 10,174 10,174 10,174 10,174 27,102 27,102 27,102 27,102 27,102 27,102 27,102 23,242 23,242 23,242 23,242 23,242 23,242 23,242 707 778 675 735 748 734 739 10,540 10,266 10,705 10,404 10,544 10,234 10,526 26,327 26,686 26,092 26,686 26,534 26,808 26,032 25,818 25,810 25,673 25,608 25,263 25,695 25,280 742 695 710 725 812 678 701 10,558 10,727 10,786 9,908 10,473 10,817 10,688 26,897 26,435 26,286 27,426 25,579 26,112 26,338 27,208 27,293 27,102 25,402 25,057 26,403 26,670 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 702 658 696 672 769 641 688 10,438 10,644 10,727 9,834 10,352 10,737 10,629 26,487 26,209 26,133 27,199 25,198 25,892 26,181 26,973 27,114 26,995 25,236 24,835 26,226 26,562 663 616 680 629 726 600 672 10,303 10,548 10,645 9,750 10,217 10,646 10,547 25,995 25,932 25,892 26,920 24,740 25,620 25,934 26,699 26,899 26,847 25,038 24,577 26,014 26,413 581 573 658 560 613 623 633 10,346 10,770 10,366 9,830 8,288 9,296 10,561 25,546 26,544 26,299 27,332 20,069 23,223 24,856 28,378 28,855 28,895 27,074 17,722 22,068 24,985 Change 2010 to 2060 (percent) -26 -27 -16 -29 -22 -21 -19 2 6 2 -3 -19 -9 4 -6 -2 -3 1 -26 -14 -8 22 24 24 16 -24 -5 8 Table A4.2 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 -------------------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)------------------------------------------------------ All Northern States a Change 2010 to 2060 (percent) A1B-C 304,055 317,951 322,940 318,412 313,447 318,255 5 A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 304,055 304,055 304,055 304,055 304,055 304,055 316,077 315,081 312,877 312,790 315,018 314,018 322,381 324,374 314,795 309,721 317,979 322,441 318,700 322,317 309,013 305,370 314,345 320,428 314,544 319,695 303,833 300,619 310,242 317,845 322,699 327,599 310,974 247,866 280,307 301,793 6 8 2 -18 -8 -1 There are seven scenarios, each representing a global greenhouse storyline (IPCC 2007) paired with a harvest regime. Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions, moderate gains in population, and large gains in income and energy consumption (but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio); A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions, large gains in population and energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions with moderate gains in population, income, and energy consumption. Scenario projections assume harvest will continue at recently observed levels (labeled –C) or increase to reflect increased harvest for bioenergy production (labeled –BIO). Scenario A2-EAB is a variation of scenario A2-C that also assumes all ash species will gradually succumb to an expanding zone of infestation by the nonnative emerald ash borer. Appendices 351 Table A4.3—Projected volume of total annual removals in the North, 2010 to 2060, for seven future scenarios based on greenhouse gas emissions storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007). State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana 352 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 22 24 17 31 21 21 20 6 10 9 8 10 7 7 49 54 54 51 59 61 56 115 113 97 94 122 111 125 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 18 17 13 17 29 19 22 7 7 8 9 8 9 9 39 38 36 44 60 47 59 106 115 90 89 168 155 97 16 18 5 11 24 25 12 12 7 7 6 15 10 10 64 30 71 33 97 72 55 142 89 104 95 282 194 164 18 20 6 16 24 18 12 7 9 10 7 21 13 10 48 57 53 52 132 96 83 143 111 126 93 371 259 217 15 18 8 15 24 23 15 9 11 7 10 19 18 13 50 43 39 55 162 142 76 115 132 110 133 423 331 220 Table A4.3 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Iowa Maine Maryland Massachusetts A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 562 562 562 562 562 562 562 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 39 47 48 39 49 51 49 549 524 586 541 630 631 574 103 85 81 87 107 96 104 34 37 40 34 53 46 41 50 64 74 50 105 63 56 558 549 575 541 890 709 645 74 80 65 70 126 90 75 32 32 22 36 40 42 27 69 40 56 53 134 78 98 556 567 565 519 1,106 830 718 76 81 69 72 113 113 72 29 23 17 24 34 29 24 47 39 86 35 144 101 87 560 503 566 515 1,172 1,020 836 67 81 81 84 144 118 105 18 20 14 22 36 30 20 48 46 69 42 169 120 98 575 581 500 564 1,157 1,079 880 79 68 60 80 125 120 104 21 21 16 25 36 31 19 Appendices 353 Table A4.3 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Michigan Minnesota Missouri New Hampshire 354 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 357 365 354 320 399 363 389 249 241 230 257 304 249 267 142 156 153 157 177 195 147 113 90 111 109 118 115 117 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 344 358 374 328 650 490 427 288 303 250 294 435 296 322 171 143 169 179 250 195 173 103 99 90 108 208 170 118 408 372 370 371 845 615 508 291 275 298 295 605 421 373 179 141 170 183 349 259 224 121 108 134 113 284 172 160 400 390 383 353 1,114 803 668 289 318 293 274 680 512 456 171 160 176 135 466 333 270 144 130 127 104 366 259 220 408 437 418 407 1,188 939 725 321 338 293 348 622 542 470 170 172 190 178 623 417 312 110 125 126 132 427 308 226 Table A4.3 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 189 189 189 189 189 189 189 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 35 52 44 47 49 54 43 172 170 175 161 200 173 161 251 213 212 219 284 253 220 388 361 341 387 395 397 374 61 44 32 46 52 47 38 181 192 169 206 303 248 194 204 223 229 186 390 319 244 386 407 376 359 577 421 363 50 41 31 38 65 63 47 234 180 188 188 489 333 261 218 244 198 212 514 375 330 398 389 378 404 798 587 503 51 46 42 48 91 82 58 219 227 197 210 601 400 363 227 244 243 230 656 472 376 454 402 376 454 1,132 741 696 40 39 33 42 91 74 47 263 234 248 234 767 506 388 252 253 204 219 734 570 384 465 425 355 412 1,308 993 748 Appendices 355 Table A4.3 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin 356 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 6 5 4 6 7 6 6 111 96 109 86 109 102 89 330 296 319 355 382 346 356 394 392 408 383 436 456 443 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 4 5 3 5 9 6 2 123 99 89 104 164 144 96 277 280 312 338 518 443 324 421 417 396 380 666 537 478 6 5 2 3 5 4 1 107 85 89 89 220 162 128 350 330 344 330 741 478 429 449 463 447 413 937 708 590 4 4 2 4 7 6 2 96 93 107 110 311 195 147 345 311 334 325 967 668 561 439 446 469 425 1,119 874 755 4 7 1 5 6 6 1 106 101 117 104 367 249 190 321 328 304 325 1,025 815 520 486 471 492 448 1,132 968 773 Table A4.3 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- All Northern States a A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 3,509 3,509 3,509 3,509 3,509 3,509 3,509 3,466 3,332 3,393 3,372 3,910 3,731 3,587 3,445 3,475 3,370 3,389 5,650 4,451 3,770 3,776 3,485 3,543 3,454 7,656 5,528 4,707 3,747 3,612 3,692 3,497 9,555 7,001 5,943 3,858 3,851 3,590 3,781 10,403 8,251 6,210 There are seven scenarios, each representing a global greenhouse storyline (IPCC 2007) paired with a harvest regime. Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions, moderate gains in population, and large gains in income and energy consumption (but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio); A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions, large gains in population and energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions with moderate gains in population, income, and energy consumption. Scenario projections assume harvest will continue at recently observed levels (labeled –C) or increase to reflect increased harvest for bioenergy production (labeled –BIO). Scenario A2-EAB is a variation of scenario A2-C that also assumes all ash species will gradually succumb to an expanding zone of infestation by the nonnative emerald ash borer. Appendices 357 Table A4.4—Projected volume of annual harvest removals in the North, 2010 to 2060, for seven future scenarios based on greenhouse gas emissions storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007). State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana 358 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 14 16 10 23 13 12 13 3 7 6 5 7 4 5 40 48 46 44 50 55 48 98 101 83 81 105 98 111 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 10 7 8 7 20 10 18 4 4 6 6 5 6 7 29 31 31 37 50 41 54 87 102 83 76 149 142 89 5 8 2 1 14 15 9 9 4 5 3 12 7 8 55 24 66 27 88 65 49 122 75 95 81 261 181 155 6 8 2 4 14 6 7 4 6 8 3 18 9 8 37 50 46 45 122 89 77 119 95 114 76 347 243 204 3 4 3 2 12 9 11 6 6 5 6 16 14 11 38 35 35 47 150 133 71 87 113 101 113 395 311 210 Table A4.4 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Iowa Maine Maryland Massachusetts A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 37 45 46 38 47 50 47 539 515 578 532 619 622 565 62 47 44 49 66 58 66 19 21 26 18 37 30 28 47 62 73 48 102 61 55 547 540 569 532 880 700 640 25 34 35 25 79 47 43 14 14 12 18 23 24 17 66 37 54 51 131 76 96 544 557 560 509 1,095 821 713 28 40 43 29 71 73 46 12 4 11 6 16 10 17 43 35 83 33 140 98 84 546 491 559 503 1,160 1,008 829 24 45 55 46 108 82 81 <1 0 6 3 18 10 12 44 42 68 39 164 116 96 559 567 494 550 1,143 1,065 874 38 31 42 42 89 83 86 3 0 8 4 18 9 12 Appendices 359 Table A4.4 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Michigan Minnesota Missouri New Hampshire 360 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 318 318 318 318 318 318 318 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 327 339 328 294 368 337 363 236 229 218 246 291 237 256 125 141 138 143 160 180 132 96 74 95 93 100 100 101 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 310 330 358 299 616 462 410 275 290 242 281 422 283 314 153 128 159 165 232 181 164 83 81 78 91 189 152 107 370 341 353 340 809 584 491 274 260 289 282 590 405 363 158 125 159 166 329 243 214 101 90 123 95 263 155 149 357 354 360 316 1,073 767 645 271 302 283 259 663 496 445 146 140 162 115 442 314 257 123 110 114 84 344 239 207 359 392 398 360 1,142 894 706 302 323 285 334 605 527 461 141 148 179 153 595 394 301 87 101 115 109 404 285 215 Table A4.4 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 12 29 22 24 26 30 21 150 150 157 142 177 154 142 237 201 200 207 270 241 209 332 315 295 340 339 351 327 35 19 14 20 27 19 22 157 172 159 186 280 227 184 187 208 221 173 375 306 237 327 358 349 309 517 371 335 26 16 18 12 41 38 36 207 158 178 165 463 311 251 199 229 191 195 496 360 323 333 336 351 350 734 536 477 29 22 30 23 69 58 47 188 200 183 182 570 373 349 205 225 233 210 635 453 366 379 338 338 389 1,059 680 660 20 14 24 16 71 48 38 227 201 237 200 732 473 377 227 229 196 193 710 546 376 380 349 324 334 1,226 919 718 Appendices 361 Table A4.4 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin 362 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 286 286 286 286 286 286 286 311 311 311 311 311 311 311 3 2 1 3 3 3 3 100 88 100 78 98 94 80 294 272 291 331 346 322 328 375 377 392 368 418 442 427 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES <1 1 1 1 5 2 <1 113 91 84 96 153 136 91 243 258 300 317 484 421 312 401 401 386 365 646 521 469 2 1 <1 <1 1 <1 <1 95 76 83 82 208 154 122 309 308 329 307 703 456 413 426 445 436 396 915 690 580 <1 <1 <1 <1 3 2 <1 82 84 99 101 297 186 139 296 283 310 297 922 641 537 412 425 454 405 1,094 853 741 <1 2 <1 <1 2 1 <1 91 90 110 94 352 238 184 263 293 287 290 970 781 503 454 445 480 423 1,102 943 761 Table A4.4 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- All Northern States a A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 3,133 3,133 3,133 3,133 3,133 3,133 3,133 3,097 3,018 3,078 3,058 3,541 3,418 3,272 3,046 3,133 3,169 3,052 5,255 4,113 3,566 3,340 3,133 3,346 3,096 7,240 5,179 4,513 3,268 3,213 3,439 3,093 9,099 6,607 5,694 3,327 3,387 3,389 3,309 9,899 7,790 6,012 There are seven scenarios, each representing a global greenhouse storyline (IPCC 2007) paired with a harvest regime. Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions, moderate gains in population, and large gains in income and energy consumption (but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio); A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions, large gains in population and energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions with moderate gains in population, income, and energy consumption. Scenario projections assume harvest will continue at recently observed levels (labeled –C) or increase to reflect increased harvest for bioenergy production (labeled –BIO). Scenario A2-EAB is a variation of scenario A2-C that also assumes all ash species will gradually succumb to an expanding zone of infestation by the nonnative emerald ash borer. Appendices 363 Table A4.5—Projected volume of total annual removals attributed to land-use change in North, 2010 to 2060, for seven future scenarios based on greenhouse gas emissions storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007). State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana 364 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 6 8 6 9 6 8 17 13 14 13 17 13 14 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 9 10 5 9 9 9 5 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 10 6 5 7 10 7 5 18 13 7 13 19 13 8 10 10 3 10 10 10 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 9 6 5 6 9 7 6 21 13 9 14 21 13 9 11 12 5 12 10 12 4 4 4 2 3 3 4 2 10 7 6 7 11 8 7 25 16 13 17 24 16 13 12 14 4 14 11 14 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 2 12 8 4 8 12 9 4 29 19 10 20 29 19 10 Table A4.5 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Iowa Maine Maryland Massachusetts A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 10 9 9 9 10 9 9 40 38 37 38 40 38 37 15 16 14 16 15 16 14 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 11 9 5 9 10 9 5 49 46 30 45 47 44 32 18 18 10 18 17 19 10 3 3 1 2 3 3 2 12 10 5 10 10 9 5 48 40 27 44 42 40 26 18 19 7 18 19 19 7 4 3 2 3 4 3 2 13 12 7 11 12 11 7 43 36 26 38 36 36 25 18 20 8 19 19 20 8 5 4 2 3 4 4 2 15 14 6 14 14 14 6 41 36 18 38 35 37 18 17 22 7 21 18 22 7 Appendices 365 Table A4.5 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Michigan Minnesota Missouri New Hampshire 366 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 31 26 26 26 31 26 26 13 11 11 11 13 11 11 18 14 15 14 18 14 15 18 16 16 16 18 16 16 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 33 28 17 28 33 28 17 13 13 8 13 14 12 8 18 15 9 15 18 14 9 20 18 12 17 19 17 12 38 31 17 31 36 31 17 17 15 9 13 15 15 9 22 16 10 17 20 16 10 20 18 11 18 20 17 11 43 37 23 37 41 36 23 18 16 11 15 16 16 11 25 19 14 20 24 19 14 22 20 13 20 22 19 13 49 45 20 46 46 44 20 19 15 9 14 17 15 9 29 24 11 25 27 24 11 24 23 11 24 24 22 11 Table A4.5 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 23 23 21 23 23 23 21 22 19 19 19 22 19 19 14 12 12 12 14 12 12 56 47 47 47 56 47 47 26 25 18 26 25 28 16 24 21 10 21 23 21 10 16 15 7 13 16 13 7 59 49 27 50 61 50 28 24 25 12 26 24 25 12 27 22 11 23 26 22 10 19 15 8 17 18 16 7 66 53 27 54 64 51 25 22 24 12 26 22 25 11 31 27 14 28 30 27 14 22 19 10 21 21 19 10 75 63 38 65 72 61 36 20 25 10 26 20 26 9 36 33 11 34 35 33 11 25 24 8 25 23 24 8 85 77 31 78 82 74 30 Appendices 367 Table A4.5 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin 368 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 11 8 9 8 11 8 9 35 24 28 24 35 24 28 18 15 15 15 18 15 15 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 4 4 2 4 4 4 2 11 8 5 8 11 7 5 34 22 12 21 34 22 12 21 16 10 15 20 16 10 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 12 8 6 8 12 8 6 41 22 15 23 38 22 16 23 18 11 17 22 17 11 4 4 2 4 4 4 2 13 10 8 9 13 9 8 49 27 24 28 45 27 24 27 21 15 21 26 21 15 4 5 1 5 4 5 1 15 11 6 11 15 11 6 58 35 16 36 54 34 17 31 26 12 25 30 26 12 Table A4.5 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- All Northern States a A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 369 314 315 314 369 314 315 399 341 201 337 395 338 203 436 352 197 358 416 349 194 479 398 252 404 455 395 249 531 464 201 472 505 461 198 There are seven scenarios, each representing a global greenhouse storyline (IPCC 2007) paired with a harvest regime. Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions, moderate gains in population, and large gains in income and energy consumption (but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio); A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions, large gains in population and energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions with moderate gains in population, income, and energy consumption. Scenario projections assume harvest will continue at recently observed levels (labeled –C) or increase to reflect increased harvest for bioenergy production (labeled –BIO). Scenario A2-EAB is a variation of scenario A2-C that also assumes all ash species will gradually succumb to an expanding zone of infestation by the nonnative emerald ash borer. Appendices 369 Table A4.6—Projected net annual growth of growing stock in the North, 2010 to 2060, for seven future scenarios based on greenhouse gas emissions storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007). State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana 370 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 318 318 318 318 318 318 318 15 30 4 31 15 23 24 1 7 4 7 3 8 1 110 95 104 81 77 81 83 165 154 131 127 174 156 147 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 55 11 2 8 35 9 -6 8 2 9 -4 7 4 7 -2 33 -21 38 75 69 59 104 103 120 142 120 168 154 -4 -2 -2 -8 5 5 6 5 <1 4 1 8 4 6 47 18 61 22 80 60 44 102 63 87 68 242 168 147 -4 -3 -2 -7 4 -5 3 <1 2 6 <1 14 6 6 28 44 41 39 112 82 71 96 80 102 60 325 228 193 -39 -32 11 -33 -11 -7 -1 -1 6 3 11 7 4 14 23 30 104 81 41 41 46 91 171 94 104 317 235 142 Table A4.6 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Iowa Maine Maryland Massachusetts A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 98 93 106 91 89 87 89 634 596 672 613 635 666 643 40 27 16 47 24 17 56 21 12 6 4 32 22 39 47 73 93 77 102 72 82 598 645 606 560 769 656 627 -8 -5 -6 7 14 22 -14 -27 1 4 11 3 -3 1 63 35 53 50 128 74 95 533 549 556 500 1,086 812 709 -18 1 17 -13 31 34 22 -4 -14 4 -11 -1 -8 11 40 33 82 31 137 95 82 534 481 553 492 1,149 998 823 -17 11 30 9 74 47 57 -16 -19 -1 -15 1 -9 4 31 66 79 10 100 68 65 476 523 521 519 240 434 498 18 -11 16 -25 16 3 30 -41 -36 -21 -52 -26 -51 -9 Appendices 371 Table A4.6 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Michigan Minnesota Missouri New Hampshire 372 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 697 697 697 697 697 697 697 421 421 421 421 421 421 421 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 445 446 444 397 450 458 459 306 325 280 355 352 306 333 268 263 220 259 248 304 227 153 144 157 132 133 160 123 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 348 383 469 372 573 434 523 391 412 367 399 409 418 405 229 199 284 256 279 234 269 81 69 85 106 181 122 144 336 313 337 311 776 556 476 260 247 282 270 577 392 355 139 111 150 152 312 229 205 82 73 113 78 244 139 139 318 320 338 282 1,036 733 624 255 288 273 247 650 482 436 124 124 151 98 422 298 245 102 91 102 65 324 221 195 494 542 572 493 600 617 589 475 486 367 523 119 390 282 245 295 340 307 482 402 365 59 78 96 98 220 174 118 Table A4.6 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 746 746 746 746 746 746 746 3 -11 20 -14 4 11 2 335 352 320 389 326 321 297 377 361 314 304 361 305 301 354 305 307 434 402 428 352 15 18 1 13 3 11 11 324 283 357 323 459 362 402 233 210 317 282 379 390 335 313 415 465 387 421 356 374 3 -7 6 -13 18 15 25 182 137 168 143 439 290 241 181 216 184 180 480 345 316 270 286 326 299 673 488 454 9 -1 19 -2 49 34 36 159 176 170 157 542 349 336 185 207 224 191 616 435 357 308 279 301 328 991 622 626 -15 -5 4 10 39 -5 18 278 263 316 315 604 453 338 373 312 273 239 487 461 342 436 412 362 396 700 609 581 Appendices 373 Table A4.6 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin 374 A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 609 609 609 609 609 609 609 586 586 586 586 586 586 586 -2 4 -7 <1 2 <1 <1 132 92 149 99 132 98 121 226 233 187 325 299 298 223 618 613 619 581 603 675 612 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 2 -9 3 1 12 -3 -3 122 138 92 104 145 198 99 303 238 333 413 387 350 346 544 539 534 485 643 585 608 -2 -3 -1 -4 -3 -3 -2 84 69 78 74 197 146 117 271 287 315 285 667 436 399 405 429 427 380 894 674 570 -4 -4 -1 -4 -2 -2 -1 70 75 92 93 285 178 131 250 257 287 270 879 616 514 387 406 441 386 1,070 833 727 -9 -3 -2 -9 -11 2 -5 88 116 89 106 170 98 174 223 352 333 346 523 560 401 603 629 672 625 467 596 648 Table A4.6 continued State Scenarioa Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 --------------------------------------------(million cubic feet)--------------------------------------------- All Northern States a A1B-C A2-C B2-C A2-EAB A1B-BIO A2-BIO B2-BIO 6,759 6,759 6,759 6,759 6,759 6,759 6,759 4,299 4,144 4,052 4,260 4,358 4,424 4,133 3,680 3,758 4,113 3,978 5,017 4,455 4,424 2,936 2,807 3,164 2,763 6,855 4,856 4,334 2,825 2,845 3,206 2,719 8,679 6,241 5,465 3,809 4,194 4,227 4,065 5,083 5,085 4,638 There are seven scenarios, each representing a global greenhouse storyline (IPCC 2007) paired with a harvest regime. Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions, moderate gains in population, and large gains in income and energy consumption (but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio); A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions, large gains in population and energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions with moderate gains in population, income, and energy consumption. Scenario projections assume harvest will continue at recently observed levels (labeled –C) or increase to reflect increased harvest for bioenergy production (labeled –BIO). Scenario A2-EAB is a variation of scenario A2-C that also assumes all ash species will gradually succumb to an expanding zone of infestation by the nonnative emerald ash borer. Please refer to the Literature Cited section at the end of Chapter 4 for the references. Appendices 375 Appendix Chapter 7 Table A7.1—Projections of total aboveground biomass on timberland for enhanced biomass utilization scenarios in the North, 2010 to 2060, for three future scenarios based on greenhouse gas emissions storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007). State Initial for all scenarios 2010 A2-BIO 2020 A2-BIO 2030 Scenarioa A2-BIO 2040 A2-BIO 2050 A2-BIO 2060 -------------------------------------------------(million dry tons)------------------------------------------------- New York Missouri Ohio Iowa Minnesota Indiana Illinois Vermont Wisconsin Connecticut Michigan Pennsylvania New Hampshire Massachusetts West Virginia Delaware Rhode Island Maine New Jersey Maryland All Northern States 376 880 606 452 111 428 250 229 270 595 119 774 980 270 198 766 23 22 647 101 168 7,890 921 643 465 122 442 264 233 273 636 119 794 987 276 194 759 24 20 653 96 156 8,079 957 641 490 126 464 268 239 282 645 121 783 983 273 193 737 23 19 639 92 146 8,119 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 950 637 485 125 460 264 237 280 640 118 775 969 269 188 731 22 18 636 85 135 8,024 943 631 479 124 456 260 235 277 635 115 766 951 264 183 723 21 17 634 78 126 7,917 933 625 450 109 416 242 211 247 544 108 701 848 232 169 651 19 17 505 64 106 7,196 Table A7.1 continued State A1B-BIO 2060 B2-BIO 2060 ------------(million dry tons)------------ New York Missouri Ohio Iowa Minnesota Indiana Illinois Vermont Wisconsin Connecticut Michigan Pennsylvania New Hampshire Massachusetts West Virginia Delaware Rhode Island Maine New Jersey Maryland All Northern States a 903 573 388 99 303 226 207 219 447 111 625 748 207 173 553 18 17 430 65 95 6,405 948 653 481 119 410 254 223 277 605 109 772 911 248 191 701 21 18 577 80 119 7,717 Scenarioa A2-BIO A1B-BIO B2-BIO ---------------(percent change, 2010 to 2060)--------------- 6.1 3.2 -0.6 -1.9 -2.8 -3.0 -8.0 -8.6 -8.6 -9.4 -9.4 -13.5 -14.1 -14.5 -15.0 -18.9 -21.3 -22.0 -36.7 -36.9 -8.8 2.6 -5.4 -14.2 -10.4 -29.3 -9.7 -9.8 -18.9 -24.9 -6.8 -19.3 -23.7 -23.5 -12.6 -27.9 -21.8 -23.5 -33.6 -36.0 -43.4 -18.8 7.7 7.8 6.3 7.3 -4.3 1.5 -2.5 2.6 1.7 -8.4 -0.3 -7.1 -8.0 -3.3 -8.4 -8.8 -18.4 -10.8 -21.2 -29.3 -2.2 There are three scenarios, each representing a global greenhouse storyline (IPCC 2007) paired with a harvest regime. Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions, moderate gains in population, and large gains in income and energy consumption (but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio); A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions, large gains in population and energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions with moderate gains in population, income, and energy consumption. Scenario projections (labeled –BIO) assume harvest will increase to reflect increased harvest for bioenergy production. Appendices 377 Table A7.2—Estimates of annual net forest biomass change based on enhanced biomass utilization scenarios in the North, 2010 to 2060, for three future scenarios based on greenhouse gas emissions storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007). Note that estimates for 2060 are based on both a 10-year increment (2050 to 2060) and a 50-year increment (2010 to 2060), and the initial 2010 estimate was calculated using volume growth and removals from the current FIA inventory panel. Estimated for 2010 State Scenarioa A2-BIO A2-BIO A2-BIO A2-BIO A1B-BIO 2010 to 2020 2020 to 2030 2030 to 2040 2040 to 2050 2050 to 2060 ----------------------------------------------------------------(thousand dry tons)---------------------------------------------------------------- Maine Pennsylvania West Virginia Michigan Maryland Wisconsin New Hampshire New Jersey Massachusetts Vermont Illinois Minnesota Connecticut Indiana Rhode Island Delaware Ohio Iowa Missouri New York All Northern States 378 -930 10,095 9,013 9,713 3,406 6,784 2,708 2,155 3,465 1,184 5,612 4,166 459 6,930 565 772 7,555 2,274 11,209 10,362 97,497 569 701 -680 2,063 -1,116 4,111 599 -551 -387 245 392 1,343 47 1,391 -128 70 1,312 1,119 3,627 4,166 18,893 -1,433 -364 -2,228 -1,179 -1,057 847 -283 -433 -106 912 630 2,195 192 365 -143 -49 2,403 317 -151 3,523 3,959 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES -239 -1,465 -637 -770 -1,054 -430 -440 -691 -507 -210 -189 -356 -292 -354 -107 -90 -454 -68 -466 -619 -9,439 -287 -1,753 -784 -917 -952 -517 -493 -684 -535 -241 -214 -386 -345 -429 -117 -101 -560 -81 -564 -742 -10,701 -12,892 -10,310 -7,200 -6,459 -1,979 -9,141 -3,165 -1,391 -1,333 -3,049 -2,426 -4,051 -712 -1,724 63 -258 -2,987 -1,527 -567 -974 -72,083 Table A7.2 continued State A2-BIO 2050 to 2060 B2-BIO 2050 to 2060 Scenarioa A1B-BIO 2010 to 2060 A2-BIO 2010 to 2060 B2-BIO 2010 to 2060 ----------------------------------------------------------------(thousand dry tons)---------------------------------------------------------------- Maine Pennsylvania West Virginia Michigan Maryland Wisconsin New Hampshire New Jersey Massachusetts Vermont Illinois Minnesota Connecticut Indiana Rhode Island Delaware Ohio Iowa Missouri New York All Northern States a -18,649 -16,377 -14,292 -12,563 -1971 -15,832 -5,327 -1,106 -928 -5,177 -2,537 -11,761 -514 -2,260 -295 -248 -7,743 -2,228 -5,001 -4,073 -128,882 -7,587 -5,266 -3,505 -2,743 -1,505 -4,328 -2,433 -713 -259 -107 -1,382 -4,310 -256 -1,653 -112 5 -1,771 -1,107 369 -2,077 -40,740 -2,856 -2,638 -2,306 -1,452 -1,232 -1,026 -756 -750 -573 -469 -361 -251 -222 -150 -86 -86 -57 -48 376 1,071 -13,874 -4,350 -4,636 -4,274 -2,986 -1,449 -2,965 -1,265 -736 -499 -1,029 -444 -2,512 -160 -484 -96 -99 -1,290 -235 -663 471 -29,702 -1,401 -1,381 -1,297 -38 -976 198 -428 -437 -129 133 -112 -376 -200 77 -74 -40 566 157 935 1,357 -3,465 There are three scenarios, each representing a global greenhouse storyline (IPCC 2007) paired with a harvest regime. Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions, moderate gains in population, and large gains in income and energy consumption (but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio); A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions, large gains in population and energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions with moderate gains in population, income, and energy consumption. Scenario projections (labeled –BIO) assume harvest will increase to reflect increased harvest for bioenergy production. Appendices 379 Table A7.3—Values for annually available woody biomass for bioenergy by net annual woody biomass increase (NAWI), logging residues, standing dead material, and unused mill byproducts by State, 2010. Note that logging residues and standing dead material were assessed for both 100 percent availability and 65 percent availability to account for an assumed 35 percent retention rate for residues and dead material for ecological stability and physical inaccessibility. State NAWI Logging Residues 100 percent 65 percent Standing Dead Unused mill 100 percent 65 percent byproducts -------------------------------------------------------------(1,000 dry tons)------------------------------------------------------------ Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana Iowa Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri New Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin All Northern States 459 772 5,612 6,930 2,274 0 3,406 3,465 9,713 4,166 11,209 2,708 2,155 10,362 7,555 10,095 565 1,184 9,013 6,784 98,427 921 113 539 1,227 522 9,178 931 200 5,368 4,166 2,520 1,261 355 4,733 3,241 6,416 10 1,799 5,048 5,284 53,831 599 74 350 798 339 5,966 605 130 3,489 2,708 1,638 820 231 3,076 2,107 4,170 7 1,170 3,281 3,435 34,990 935 124 2,415 1,970 981 7,030 1,191 1,603 6,888 6,179 3,959 2,517 650 7,337 3,631 6,810 137 1,584 4,892 5,307 66,141 Please refer to the Literature Cited section at the end of Chapter 7 for the references. 380 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 608 81 1,570 1,281 638 4,570 774 1,042 4,477 4,016 2,573 1,636 422 4,769 2,360 4,427 89 1,030 3,180 3,449 42,992 13 0 58 34 1 141 57 0 46 89 259 23 5 91 75 570 1 0 394 212 2,068 Appendix Chapter 8 Table A8.1—Estimated value of shipment of forest products, 2001 to 2011, in the North (U.S. Census Bureau 2012). State 1997 2002 2005 2006 Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------(million dollars)------------------------------------------------------------ Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana Iowa Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri New Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin All Northern States U.S. total 191 215 242 251 244 90 89 ---1,138 1,301 1,500 1,515 1,729 3,167 3,121 3,558 3,434 3,243 1,063 1,464 1,884 1,979 1,802 925 1,079 1,290 1,150 1,149 567 905 1,118 1,166 802 398 506 732 768 617 2,034 2,022 2,501 2,535 2,410 2,499 3,002 3,697 3,643 3,585 1,030 1,169 1,264 1,240 1,289 476 629 606 599 544 406 484 715 810 806 1,334 1,439 1,607 1,713 1,622 2,386 2,505 2,749 2,784 2,559 3,293 4,090 5,539 5,401 5,027 101 137 ---420 429 424 416 383 1,074 1,620 1,999 1,887 1,808 3,748 4,302 5,281 5,169 4,756 26,341 30,507 36,704 36,460 34,376 88,470 89,436 112,095 112,403 102,029 --1,695 2,823 1,654 1,100 589 538 2,027 2,977 1,150 437 683 1,482 2,352 4,359 -344 1,522 4,184 29,917 87,765 --156 ---1,294 1,423 1,322 2,173 2,328 2,502 1,322 1,434 1,411 702 776 797 457 464 441 385 442 451 1,645 1,930 1,903 2,228 2,415 2,398 893 908 998 383 387 401 558 498 455 1,032 1,163 1,114 1,818 1,909 2,019 3,475 3,386 3,261 --277 239 239 1,034 1,191 1,185 3,159 3,297 3,324 22,837 24,190 24,378 65,440 --- --- Value is zero or not available. Appendices 381 Table A8.2—Estimated value of shipment of paper and paperboard in the North, 2001 to 2011 (U.S. Census Bureau 2012). State 1997 2002 2005 2006 Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------(million dollars)------------------------------------------------------------ Connecticut 1,839 1,736 1,675 1,700 1,791 1,678 1,554 1,501 1,560 Delaware 804 647 549 ------Illinois 5,873 5,290 5,801 5,782 5,768 5,829 5,239 5,615 5,281 Indiana 2,765 3,158 3,305 3,416 3,834 3,777 3,517 3,872 3,901 Iowa 1,531 1,345 1,407 1,522 1,759 1,714 1,467 1,611 1,638 Maine 4,460 4,131 3,840 3,476 3,914 4,491 4,080 3,512 4,028 Maryland 1,166 1,216 1,371 1,314 1,210 1,063 1,005 1,091 1,056 Massachusetts 4,042 3,412 3,340 3,267 3,546 3,257 2,829 2,988 2,896 Michigan 4,878 4,632 4,802 4,965 4,944 5,189 4,482 4,848 4,968 Minnesota 4,050 4,050 5,067 4,384 5,204 5,420 4,791 5,504 5,853 Missouri 2,986 3,660 4,256 4,579 4,647 4,574 4,374 4,513 4,886 New Hampshire 882 511 496 415 -----New Jersey 3,211 3,255 3,476 3,241 3,216 3,198 2,760 2,427 2,582 New York 5,140 4,512 4,947 5,059 4,996 5,190 5,022 5,397 5,659 Ohio 6,844 6,858 6,904 7,422 8,119 7,785 6,653 7,188 7,415 Pennsylvania 8,901 9,236 9,793 10,935 10,285 11,057 10,503 11,336 11,554 Rhode Island 303 259 264 257 247 254 158 --Vermont 382 390 302 ------West Virginia 130 200 ------Wisconsin 12,652 13,603 13,261 13,806 14,193 14,258 13,042 14,221 14,465 All Northern 72,840 72,103 74,855 75,540 77,675 78,734 71,476 75,624 77,742 States U.S. total 150,296 153,223 161,929 169,033 176,108 179,249 161,816 ---- Value is zero or not available. Please refer to the Literature Cited section at the end of Chapter 8 for the references. 382 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES Appendix Chapter10 Table A10.1—Percentage and area of additional urban development, 1990 to 2000, in various land-cover classes in the conterminous United States (Nowak et al. 2005). State and region Foresta Agricultureb Otherc Developedd Woody Herbaceous wetlande wetlandf -----------------------------------------------------(percent)----------------------------------------------------- Connecticut Delaware Maine Maryland Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia Northeast total Illinois Indiana Iowa Michigan Minnesota Missouri Wisconsin North Central total All Northern States Florida Georgia North Carolina South Carolina Virginia Southeast total 64.1 28.4 54.8 43.5 62.9 61.3 48.4 51.2 31.6 42.7 64.8 39.7 62.2 47.9 15.2 15.2 12.1 31.2 17.7 28.6 18.3 20.9 37.0 18.8 64.0 55.9 52.9 48.4 44.9 11.5 45.6 7.7 40.7 7.6 10.2 28.0 28.1 50.8 45.5 5.7 28.1 25.4 32.0 64.8 66.8 52.3 47.5 52.4 44.7 62.0 56.7 42.0 17.9 18.8 22.8 21.4 28.1 20.6 0.9 1.4 1.3 2.6 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.5 0.4 1.4 0.8 1.7 1.8 1.2 1.8 0.8 8.0 2.1 1.1 6.5 2.2 2.5 1.7 13.8 3.1 1.1 2.3 3.4 6.1 16.2 15.3 26.1 9.5 17.7 20.7 12.7 17.5 14.3 9.7 19.0 22.4 10.4 14.1 15.2 14.9 25.4 12.2 17.6 19.0 14.5 15.5 14.7 28.9 8.9 14.5 15.4 13.9 17.8 5.8 5.2 3.7 2.7 6.1 4.2 8.6 1.9 2.3 0.4 7.9 5.5 0.2 3.4 2.4 1.9 1.7 6.1 3.7 0.8 2.2 3.0 3.3 14.4 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.5 7.8 1.7 4.0 6.3 0.9 4.2 2.4 1.3 0.7 0.6 0.2 1.9 2.6 0.1 1.4 0.7 0.5 0.6 1.0 7.4 0.3 0.6 1.3 1.4 6.1 1.3 0.6 1.9 1.7 2.8 Appendices 383 Table A10.1 continued State and region Foresta Agricultureb Otherc Developedd Woody Herbaceous wetlande wetlandf -----------------------------------------------------(percent)----------------------------------------------------- Alabama Arkansas Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi Oklahoma Tennessee Texas South Central total All Southern States Kansas Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota All Great Plains States Arizona Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Utah Wyoming Intermountain total All Rocky Mountain States Oregon Washington Pacific Northwest total California Pacific Southwest total All Pacific Coast States Conterminous U.S. total 384 55.5 36.8 38.1 36.3 41.9 16.9 48.0 21.2 33.8 39.9 8.3 3.2 3.3 5.5 6.3 8.4 10.3 3.1 5.5 0.8 3.2 6.8 1.8 6.2 6.3 26.3 46.5 40.3 9.3 9.3 19.1 33.4 30.2 44.8 46.1 38.7 39.5 38.5 37.6 40.9 39.3 29.0 46.8 68.9 32.7 50.6 51.3 19.2 26.1 54.6 37.4 7.7 11.4 40.5 11.1 22.5 27.0 41.3 20.4 26.9 20.1 20.1 22.2 32.7 1.1 0.6 0.4 1.1 1.0 24.4 0.6 22.1 10.6 8.1 23.7 12.4 19.5 19.9 20.1 60.7 48.6 26.0 23.9 77.8 73.8 41.1 60.2 57.6 51.7 14.2 13.9 14.0 58.9 58.9 44.7 14.0 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 8.8 16.3 13.3 16.5 11.6 19.8 12.4 14.3 13.7 16.0 19.6 14.4 42.9 22.2 20.8 11.6 15.0 15.5 30.9 13.5 11.0 11.1 24.5 13.4 14.5 17.3 18.4 18.0 11.3 11.3 13.4 15.1 4.2 1.1 1.9 4.4 5.4 0.3 1.4 0.5 1.8 5.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.9 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.2 3.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 3.1 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.7 1.9 1.4 0.8 1.5 1.4 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.5 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 1.4 Table A10.1 continued State and region Foresta Agricultureb Otherc Developedd Woody Herbaceous wetlande wetlandf ----------------------------------------------------------(acres)---------------------------------------------------------- Connecticut Delaware Maine Maryland Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia Northeast total Illinois Indiana Iowa Michigan Minnesota Missouri Wisconsin North Central total All Northern States Florida Georgia North Carolina South Carolina Virginia Southeast total 108,600 15,800 22,800 98,800 198,600 66,100 130,200 152,500 131,600 251,800 26,400 7,000 47,600 1,257,900 59,900 45,900 9,500 124,800 30,000 61,800 39,000 370,800 1,628,700 182,300 472,100 381,900 161,800 141,800 1,340,000 19,400 25,500 3,200 92,500 24,000 11,000 75,300 83,700 211,500 268,600 2,300 5,000 19,500 841,400 254,800 201,100 41,200 190,100 88,700 96,500 131,700 1,004,200 1,845,600 173,200 138,400 155,900 65,500 82,400 615,500 1,500 800 600 6,000 4,400 1,400 2,600 1,500 1,800 8,500 300 300 1,400 30,800 7,000 2,300 6,300 8,400 1,800 14,100 4,700 44,600 75,500 133,500 22,700 7,700 6,900 9,900 180,700 27,500 8,500 10,800 21,600 55,900 22,300 34,200 52,200 59,400 57,500 7,700 4,000 8,000 369,600 59,600 44,800 20,100 48,700 29,900 40,900 30,900 274,800 644,400 279,700 65,700 99,400 47,200 40,700 532,700 9,800 2,900 1,600 6,100 19,400 4,500 23,300 5,700 9,700 2,600 3,200 1,000 100 89,800 9,300 5,600 1,300 24,500 6,300 1,800 4,800 53,600 143,400 139,400 29,300 34,100 18,300 13,000 234,100 2,800 2,200 2,600 2,100 13,300 2,500 3,400 2,000 2,600 1,500 700 500 100 36,400 2,900 1,400 500 4,100 12,600 700 1,400 23,400 59,800 59,300 9,800 4,000 6,000 5,100 84,100 Appendices 385 Table A10.1 continued State and region Foresta Agricultureb Otherc Developedd Woody Herbaceous wetlande wetlandf ----------------------------------------------------------(acres)---------------------------------------------------------- Alabama 163,800 Arkansas 51,200 Kentucky 63,000 Louisiana 73,600 Mississippi 57,900 Oklahoma 22,200 Tennessee 190,000 Texas 209,600 South Central total 831,300 All Southern States 2,171,200 Kansas 8,700 Nebraska 1,500 North Dakota 600 South Dakota 1,100 All Great Plains States 11,800 Arizona 28,400 Colorado 18,000 Idaho 2,000 Montana 1,700 Nevada 1,200 New Mexico 4,600 Utah 7,100 Wyoming 300 Intermountain total 63,300 All Rocky Mountain States 75,100 386 89,200 62,400 76,100 78,400 54,500 50,400 148,600 405,300 964,900 1,580,400 48,900 31,600 5,700 10,200 96,300 65,500 45,700 34,200 11,300 10,800 16,300 42,000 2,000 227,800 324,200 3,400 800 700 2,200 1,300 31,900 2,200 218,800 261,300 442,000 24,700 5,700 3,400 4,000 37,800 206,600 85,200 16,300 7,200 109,100 105,800 42,700 10,700 583,600 621,400 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES 25,900 22,700 21,900 33,400 16,100 25,900 48,900 141,800 336,600 869,300 20,500 6,600 7,500 4,500 39,100 39,600 26,200 9,700 9,300 18,900 15,700 11,600 4,300 135,400 174,400 12,300 1,500 3,200 8,900 7,500 400 5,400 5,300 44,400 278,500 100 100 0 100 300 0 0 300 600 100 600 500 200 2,400 2,700 700 600 200 6,200 800 100 300 9,000 18,000 102,100 1,500 400 200 300 2,300 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 300 900 3,300 Table A10.1 continued State and region Foresta Agricultureb Otherc Developedd Woody Herbaceous wetlande wetlandf ----------------------------------------------------------(acres)---------------------------------------------------------- Oregon Washington Pacific Northwest total California Pacific Southwest total All Pacific Coast States Conterminous U.S. total 33,700 133,400 167,100 83,600 83,600 250,700 4,125,700 52,900 58,600 111,400 181,200 181,200 292,600 4,042,800 18,200 40,000 58,100 530,400 530,400 588,600 1,727,600 22,200 52,600 74,800 101,500 101,500 176,200 1,864,400 400 1,900 2,300 600 600 2,900 427,500 700 200 800 3,500 3,500 4,300 169,500 a Deciduous, evergreen, or mixed forests, with 25 to 100 percent tree cover. b Pasture, hay, row crops, small grains, or fallow (75 to 100 percent of the cover); or orchard, vineyards, or other planted woody vegetation (25 to 100 percent of the cover). c Bare, rock, sand, clay, quarries, strip mines, gravel pits, transitional areas, or shrubland (25 to 100 percent of the cover); or natural, seminatural grasslands and herbaceous plants (75 to 100 percent of the cover). d Areas characterized by a high percentage (30 percent or more) of constructed materials or vegetation (primarily grasses) planted in developed settings for recreation, erosion control, or aesthetic purposes (75 to 100 percent of the cover). e Areas where forest or shrubland vegetation accounts for 25 to 100 percent of the cover and the soil or substrate is periodically saturated with or covered by water. f Areas where perennial herbaceous vegetation accounts for 75 to 100 percent of the cover and the soil or substrate is periodically saturated with or covered by water. Please refer to the Literature Cited section at the end of Chapter 10 for the references. Appendices 387 “Best of all he loved the fall, the leaves yellow on the cottonwoods, leaves floating on the trout streams and above the hills, the high blue windless skies. Now he will be a part of them forever.” –Ernest Hemingway 388 FUTURE FORESTS OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: EST SERVICE FOR U RE DE P A U S R T M ENT OF AGRIC U L T U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report NRS-151 2016