Updated 10/06/10 COMMUNITY REHABILTATION PROGRAM (CRP) 1. Transportation: Vendor or client travel to acquire a job placement as well as vendor travel to perform monitoring of client on the job. 2. Plan Development: This is the initial face to face meeting with CRP staff, West Virginia Division Rehabilitation Services’ (WVDRS) staff and the client to develop a plan for services. 3. Extended Assessment: Must be provided when, because of the severity of the individual’s disability, the Rehabilitation Counselor finds there is insufficient assessment data to determine whether the individual can benefit from Vocational Rehabilitation services in terms of an employment outcome. This is not vocational goal planning. A. Trial Work Experience: Trail work experiences are vocational exploration and assessment services conducted in the most integrated work settings possible, and for the purpose of evaluating the individual’s capacities to perform in work situations. This experience may include supported employment, On-the-Job-Training and other experiences occurring in realistic, integrated work settings. This service provides the individual having a significant or most significant disability with the opportunity to explore different jobs at various community business sites to assist him/her in making an informed choice toward determining a vocational goal. Provided in an integrated setting; limited to 6 months not to exceed a total of 90 hours. Exceptions to the 90 hour limit can be made with District Manager (DM) approval and documented need before the extension begins. B. Extended Work Experience: Extended work experiences are vocational exploration and assessment services conducted in a non-integrated setting. Experiences using realistic work settings such as work center in a workshop facility may be arranged; however, attempts should be made to provide the service in the most integrated stetting possible within the workshop facility. Provided in a non integrated setting; limited to 6 months not to exceed a total of 90 hours. Exceptions to the 90 hour limit can be made with DM approval and documented need before the extension begins. 4. Community Based Assessment: This service provides the individual having a significant or most significant disability with the opportunity to explore different jobs at community business sites to assist him/her in making an informed choice toward determining a vocational goal. Limits: Must be provided in a community integrated setting. This is a one on one service. It can be provided in a paid or unpaid environment. If unpaid, counselor must follow trial work experience guidelines. This can be observation and/or work exploration; interview up to 4 hours; observation not to exceed 4 hours/site, total for interview/observation/work exploration not to exceed 90 hours and must be completed in 6 months. 5. Work Skills Assessment: This is an assessment tool utilized for the individual that has a general idea of a specific vocational goal but it is unclear if they can meet the daily demands of work. This can be done in a facility based or community based setting. If it is community based it can be completed in one consistent worksite for consecutive days. It can also be done in one vocational area and the experience can be a paid or unpaid experience. Limits: Up to 30 days, additional time (14 days) may be granted with District Manager approval Updated 10/06/10 6. Life Skills: This is a competency based curriculum training program designed to assist persons seeking employment to develop or restore effective work behaviors, attitudes, personal characteristics, and/or functional capacities, and to achieve and maintain positive employment outcomes. Limits: Must use the Daniel Memorial Independent Living Scale as pre and post test. Curriculum components must be discussed and agreed upon ahead of time with the Counselor and based on test results. Training must be accomplished thru a written competency based curriculum. Progress must be provided to the counselor every 25 service days. Service not to exceed 55 days. A period of up to 10 additional service days may be granted if needed to meet goals. 7. Work Adjustment: Work adjustment can be a training service that enables the individual to acquire job readiness skills while performing in actual work settings. This is accomplished through a written competency based curriculum in a paid integrated or paid non-integrated work setting. Limits: Not to exceed 60 service days. A period of up to 20 additional service days may be granted if needed to meet goals. If goals are completed prior to 90 hours, full payment will be rendered at that time. 8. Job Coaching – other than Supported Employment: Job coaching refers to the training of an employee by an approved specialist who uses structured intervention techniques to help the employee learn to perform job tasks to the employer’s specifications and to learn the interpersonal skills necessary to be accepted as a worker at the job site and in related community contacts. In addition to job site training, job coaching includes counseling, advocacy and other services needed to maintain the employment. These interventions may be done on and off the work site depending on client and employer needs. Limits: May not exceed 100 hours nor exceed six weeks in duration. Exceptions to the 100 hour limit or six weeks in duration may only be granted with approval from the DM. Justification must be documented. Purchased Placement: There are two types of purchased placement services, Direct and Supported Employment. 9. Direct Placement: With Direct Placement on-going support services are not necessary to enable the client to maintain employment after closure. Limits: Plan and Job development must be person centered. Will not be paid if position currently exists and CRP is filling a slot. Counselor sets expectation of what job development will be and includes particular job classification. 10. Supported Employment: Supported Employment enables clients with the most significant disabilities to enter or retain competitive employment in an integrated work setting. Clients eligible for this program will need intensive job site training / job coaching and will need on-going support services in order to perform their work after job placement and case closure. 11. Job Coaching – Supported Employment: Job coaching refers to the training of an employee by an approved specialist who uses structured intervention techniques to help the employee learn to perform job tasks to the employer’s specifications and to learn the interpersonal skills necessary to be accepted as a worker at the job site and in related community contacts. In addition to job site training, job coaching Updated 10/06/10 includes counseling, advocacy and other services needed to maintain the employment. These interventions may be done on and off the work site depending on client and employer needs. Limits: Not to exceed 100 hours in an 18 month period. If services end before completion, hours of service provided will be reimbursed. Exceptions to the 100 hour limit or 18 month limits may only be granted with approval from the DM. Justification must be documented.