ABBREVIATED TEACHER SELF-PERCEPTION QUESTIONAIRES SCHOOL ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your school leadership has requested that a team visit your school to conduct a Mathematics Program Improvement Review. This review will use self-reported data from this questionnaire as well as interviews and observations on the day of the visit. None of the collected data will be used to identify or single out any teacher. The report issued as a report of the visit will be an analysis of the overall mathematics program. After completing this form, return it to your school secretary to be placed anonymously in an envelope. Compiler’s Use Professional Background and Affiliation a. I have ____ total years of classroom teaching experience. b. I have a certification to teach mathematics in the following grade-span (circle one): K-4 K-6 K-8 5-8 7-12 9-12 c. I am a member of a state mathematics organization and/or NCTM. d. I have attended a state, regional, or national mathematics conference in the past three years. ____ YES ____ NO Instructional Approaches How often do you use each of the following techniques to teach math in your classes? Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never a. Students solving real-life problems ……… ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ b. Library research …………………………… ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ c. Mathematical writing (reflections) ………. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Concerns To what extent is each of the following a problem that limits students’ mathematics learning in your school? Not a Problem Slight Problem Moderate Problem Major Problem Availability of funds for mathematics materials and supplies ………. ___ ___ ___ ___ Availability of appropriate curriculum materials (texts, calculators, Software, etc.) …………………………………………………………… ___ ___ ___ ___ Availability of and access to computers and other technology ……. ___ ___ ___ ___ Training Reflect on the in-service training you have received and evaluate how prepared you feel to perform the following activities: Not Well Prepared Somewhat Prepared Well Prepared Very Well Prepared Develop lessons with problem-solving focus ……………………….. ___ ___ ___ ___ Use an approach that provides mathematical connections ……..... ___ ___ ___ ___ Develop lessons that provide opportunities for students to actively construct their own mathematical knowledge ……………………… ___ ___ ___ ___ Preparation Do you feel well prepared – either through professional development or coursework – to do the following? Not Well Somewhat Well Very Well 1 Prepared Prepared Prepared Prepared Encourage participation of males in mathematics ………………………. ___ ___ ___ ___ Listen/ask questions as students work in order to gauge their understanding ……………………………………………………………….. ___ ___ ___ ___ In the past three years, how many hours of professional development have you had in mathematics of mathematics education? ___ None ___ 6 hours or less ___ 7-15 hours ___ 16-35 hours ___ More than 35 hours If you have had professional development related to your mathematics teaching in the past three years, what was the format? (Check all that apply) ___ None ___ Attendance as a workshop on mathematics teaching ___ Observation of other teachers teaching mathematics as part of your own professional development (formal and informal) Instruction How much emphasis does your instruction place on each of the following elements? Not Much Some Moderate Extensive Mathematical concepts ……………………………………………………….. ___ ___ ___ ___ Problem solving ……………………………………………………………….. ___ ___ ___ ___ Mathematical reasoning ………………………………………………………. ___ ___ ___ ___ How much homework do you assign in an average school week? ___ 0-10 minutes ___ 11-20 minutes Technology Use In which of the following ways do students use calculators or computers in your math class? (Check all that apply) ___ Do drill and practice ___ Demonstrate mathematics principles ___ Play mathematics learning Resources/Equipment Indicate the degree of use of each of the following in your math instruction. Do Not Use (Not Needed) Do Not Use (Not Available) Use Overhead projector ………………………………………………….. ___ ___ ___ Videotape player …………………………………………………….. ___ ___ ___ 2 Videodisc player ……………………………………………………… ___ ___ ___ Use of Textbooks/Commercial Programs Which of the following best describes your use of textbooks or alternative commercial programs in your math classes? ___ Use one textbook or program all or most of the time ___ Use multiple textbooks or programs ___ Do not use a textbook or commercial program 3