WSSSC 2013 Winter Meeting Highline Community College January 31 and February 1, 2013 Meeting convened at 8:20 a.m. by Jack Huls. Jeff Wagnitz, VP of Instruction for Highline welcomed the group. Maureen Moriarty presented on The Human Dynamic of Change Dave Stolier – AG Report Discussed issues of Title IX Grievance policy work and the draft offered by HRMC. You are not going to be able to have a victim appeal something that is part of a bargained contract, so that needs to be addressed. Throughout the schools Title IX must be afforded similar opportunities to evident, information, appeal or remedy must be offered to both. How to possible resolve issues related interpreting the appeals. In case of student/employee/faculty, there may be issues of faculty or classified contracts. Cease process for Title IX at level of responsible or not responsible. THEN it would go to appropriate level of discipline (HR, Student Conduct, etc). Parties could appeal responsible or not responsible, but not necessarily the sanction or discipline. Appeal is limited for a request for reconsideration back to the Title IX Grievance officer. So, should outline what would be needed for reconsideration (need to make a case.) Student Discipline - Under the administration procedures act appeal is defined. Are there any concessions you need to make in your student conduct code for Title IX. Examine and see. Victim should not be made to have to take questions directly from the perpetrator (should go through Hearing Officer). Dave agreed to send out suggestions for VP’s to use to apply to their Student Code of Conduct policies. Questions: Who can be investigators? Where should they get the training? You can have multiple officers, as long as there is one head coordinator. Could be an outside investigator. Unsettled law in our state as to college authority to regulate arms on our campuses. There is authority that does give us ability to limit. Question is WA criminal law overrides any other regulations. We are not enacting criminal laws, so . . . we can control premises through our defined authority. Dave Pelkey, Student Services Conference Looked at five venues, two sites in Spokane, Tacoma, Wenatchee, Tacoma. Compared price and ability to accommodate the conference rooms of all venues. Red Lion Spokane or Morano in Tacoma seem to be best suited for our needs. Mary Chickanwa and Carol Green made a motion to use the Morano in Tacoma. Dennis Long seconded. Motion carried and was approved. Dates need to be confirmed, but asked that April 16, 17,18 for overnight accommodations or the following week (April 23, 24, 25). Year 2014. Need to make sure it doesn’t conflict with Students of Color conference which is April 16-19. Dave Pelkey and Deb Casey will co-chair the conference. Jack will co-chair the program committee and will accept volunteers. Jack will also ask for a CUSP member to co-chair programs as that was helpful in the past. ctcLink – Barbara Martin presented on the latest on the project. Recommend following the blog. There will be ITV sessions in late February that colleges should plan to participate in to learn exactly what is the latest with the project and executive leadership of the colleges should plan to participate. Question about funding for travel or how schools can best participate as SME’s . . . ctcLink does not have funding for travel for SME’s and is exploring more effective technology than ITV to facilitate participation. Currently exploring WebEx (free apps on iPad) Student Achievement Point System Updates were provided by David Prince. Committee Updates BAS Update – looking at how these programs are developing. Conversation around student fees and many colleges do charge the student fees, allow those students to participate in activities and government. NWAACC would be based on eligibility, so George Smith will discuss with NWAACC. NWAACC – George Smith. Now has a concussion policy requiring institutions to have a concussion management plan. Operational in spring quarter. Coaches code of conduct is being developed. Will be discussed more at the NWACC Winter Conference on Feb. 7. Code proposals will be introduced then, allowing for time on campuses for discussion. Title IX and Gender Equity will be the professional development topic. LGTBQ Student Success Taskforce – Toni Castro & Rhonda Coats Next stage is a toolkit for the schools to implement the process. Should be in place for schools to use starting in April. Messaging, website, social media and perhaps student videos are being developed. Adult Basic Education Grading TaskForce is meeting to discuss how ABE courses could be graded and if met outcomes for OSPI, could count for high school completion for students over the age of 21. This would allow for an alternate path to a high school. A lively discussion ensued regarding NWAACC and code proposals. Motion: Lisa Matye Ewards made a motion that WSSSC draft a letter to WACTC highlighting issues around the following three areas related to NWAACC. 1. Budget and Policy (Delegation of authority to set policy and fiscal to a non-government agency). 2. Recruiting issues 3. Reporting Authority Rhonda Coats seconded. Letter will be developed and circulated for feedback to the Commission. Data Governance WSSSC discussion regarding having the ad hoc groups of FA and ARC being more at the Strategic Level vs. Tactical Level. See the current Data Governance Operating Model which is sponsored by the Research and Planning Commission. WSSSC discussed requesting 2 votes at the strategic level vs. just the tactical level. The case being made is that while Research and Planning Commission was tasked with this, Student Services staff are responsible for input and maintainers of data, so what may strategically make sense may have significant operational impacts. Friday morning Jack Birmingham welcomed the group and shared his reflections on the latest issues. Eric Murray reported from WACTC. ctcLink - President’s learned what was reported by Barbara Martin to WSSSC yesterday. LGTBQ Student Success Task Force was discussed, specifically the expenses incurred. Reallocation of funds for ABE. President’s received information and a packet to take back to campuses, so VP’s should follow up with their respective president for details. TACTC & Legislative updates – Leg is looking to CTC’s to scale up RS and College in the High School. Support CTC’s and know we are doing lots of critical work for middle skill jobs. Higher Ed Leg seems very bipartisan regarding Higher Ed issues and working together. Any new revenues would be tied to outcome based results is the message. SBCTC Digital High School – lots of discussion with a possible bill. Credit for Prior Learning – very premature, so probably not a good idea to base individual school policies on this. Joint Transfer Council will be looking at it. (Note – all except U of W agreed that they do take AP courses transcribed to credit for the DTA at the CTC’s with exception of major courses). State Need Grant – 30,000 unserved, 60% were CTC students. David Prince is doing additional data analysis regarding these students. SBCTC is going to work with FAC and WSSSC to address this and supporting policy development. Additionally, there is a new Gates report regarding Pell that is raising concern. FAC has it and it will be sent to WSSSC. SBCTC wants to have a VP level inputs on policy issues and is structuring a group for inputs. Watch for more information. Placement Reciprocity – working on implementation. The Articulation and Transfer Council is moving this through the process. ATC will work with ARC, send it out to the campuses. The ATC representative from each campus has been tasked with soliciting feedback. Will address precollege math and English. Principle is that students are treated equitably as students move and swirl. Math in the DTA – have the intermediate algebra requirement removed from the DTA. By pathway. Instruction Commission will be looking at it in two weeks, then to Joint Transfer Council. It includes Logic. Statewide Committees: Competency Based Education – Trish Onion and Dave Pelkey are on the work-group. Group is exploring and working on the issues and logistics that would need to be addressed in order to implement. Group is tasked with a general structure of how this could do this. This is a part of the WACTC Strategic Visioning. Applied Bachalorate Degree - Warren Brown and Mary Chickinwa are on the work-group. Reviewed the Governor’s budget proposal. Includes reinstated 3% for classified. State allocation $ not used for athletics budget proviso was renewed, but local tuition can be used. Vet’s Priority Registration – moves forward. Doesn’t address waitlists for high demand programs. WAC Student Association – new. Every college has a member. SBCTC agreed not to do anything with WACSA without coordinating with CUSP. Cannot use 522 monies for lobbying, so how the group will fund is going to be an issue. Jonathon Brown and Sean Cook from CUSP are the current contacts. SBCTC has been provided policy leadership and input opportunities regarding VOICE. WSSSC should be checking in with how this is developing on individual campuses. Jean Flouten shared the latest with WGU. Council Liason reports: Career & Employment Services submitted by-laws for approval. Changes stemmed from putting into bylaws what was being used Warren Brown. Maddy Jeffs moved WSSSC approved bylaws provided that the language about the specifics positions was included regarding the position of Secretary. Rhonda Coats seconded. Motion passed. FAC met in fall. Trish Onion reported out three major topics. 1. Enrollment may be dropping, but FA workloads are increasing. 2. Manual processes are continuing to challenge FA’s ability to award. 3. Increased federal complexity – training from the feds regarding upcoming changes. Return to Title IV – for all colleges across the nation – this process ONLY – 10 person years for what is done in one annual year. Fall had some glitches with the College Bound processes. FAC was concerned about the wording and talking about templates for common language, etc. MSSDC. Rhonda Coats provided a written report. Core Technology was discussed. The document with the draft of guiding questions was circulated electronically for feedback. Meeting adjoined at 11:37 a.m.