Washington State Student Services Commission In Attendance Winter 2016 Meeting

Washington State Student Services Commission
Winter 2016 Meeting
Highline College
February 3-5, 2016
In Attendance
Bill Belden, Clark
Damon Bell, OC
Leslie Blackaby, YVC
Erin Blakeney, Cascadia
Ted Broussard, CPTC
Matt Campbell, Pierce
Deb Casey, GRC
Christina Castorena, EdCC
Mary Chikwinya, TCC
Jose DaSilva, WWCC
Jessica Gilmore English, RTC
Linda Fossen, BTC
Toni Castro, HC
Glen Cosby, Spokane CC
Robert Cox, Centralia
Chio Flores, WVC
Ruby Hayden, LWIT
Joe Holliday, SBCTC
Jason Hoseney, GHC
Jack Huls, Peninsula
Ata Karim, Bellevue
Luca Lewis, WCC
Amy McCoy, CCs of Spokane District
Bridget McDevitt, Seattle Central (rep)
Bob Mohrbacher, BBCC
Marci Myer, NSC
Dave Paul, SVC
Dave Pelkey, SPSCC
Darren Pitcher, SFCC
Kendra Sprague, LCC
Alison Stephens, EvCC
Wendy Lee Stewart, Dean, GRC, (WELA)
Kim Thompson, Shoreline
Sheila Walton, Dir. of Student Programs,
LWIT (guest)
Lin Zhou, Bates TC
Wednesday, February 3, 2016:
Commission Welcome
Michael Pham, VPA & Jeff Wagnitz, VPI, Highline
What’s Happening on our campuses
GRC: New student building
SPSCC: New Lacey Campus – pathway driven for academic transfer
Edmonds: Violence Against Women grant for building resources
Highline: Hosting NASPA, 13 May: Community College symposium focused on midlevel admin (~100; holding spaces for CTCs for VPs to bring a small team)
SFCC: New gym to break ground in fall
SPSCC: Safe Zone/Stop The Hate training; watch for details; still need registrations to
secure trainers!
WSSSC 2015-2016 Work plan Updates
A. Report out from three groups that met today.
1. Student Success
a. Joint IC/WSSSC Meeting: considering meetings in Summer or Fall. Exec Team
will pursue
b. Resources, training, etc on Title IX: Listserv for Title IX coordinators to be
explored/established by SBCTC; to include folks in a variety of roles (HR,
Student Services, etc.)
c. Joint WSSSC/HR: Had hoped that would happen at this spring meeting, but did
not work, so we’ll look at accomplishing that next year. We do have a person on
both, so she (Kendra Sprague; LCC) will be liaison.
d. Brief check-in on CampusClarity; some launched, some waiting for
e. Joe/SBCTC has survey questions draft for CampusClarity; goes to IRB for review
next; hoping to roll out at end of winter (in order to comply with legislative
directive of system-wide survey by spring). Looking for alternative solutions in
case not everyone is ready to go.
f. Decrease FinAid application barriers (data sheets); On March agenda for
discussion for FAC; Request for folks to chat with their FinAid directors in
preparation for this conversation for that meeting (what are the implications of
removing the data sheet?); Questions raised: How are folks getting accurate
information without the data form? Changes in enrollment as a result?
i. Advising enters at some schools
ii. Need to build trust in this process where it is an issue
2. Early Advising and Career Assessments
a. Create Task Force
i. Finalize reps by end of Feb
ii. Draft Survey in March
1. Survey draft feedback solicited through CESC, WEC, ACC
iii. Finalize in April
iv. Present to WSSSC in early May
v. Distribute in late May
vi. Discuss at summer meeting
vii. Report available for leg in fall
3. Technology Group
a. LGBTQI Indicators in Peoplesoft
i. Task group to explore and report to SBCTC/WACTC
ii. Told we cannot collect the data in Registration process in ctcLink
iii. Exploring putting on Admission Form (originally said we did not want
this to assure there was not opportunity for discrimination)
iv. So, how do we cover the legal/ethical concerns about this.
b. Technology Survey has been launched!
i. Please take it if you have not!
ii. Thanks to those who have!
iii. Plan to share with Technology Committee
c. Couple edits on Accessible Technology Policy to go to State Board for approval
at next meeting.
i. Reps from this commission to be identified for implementation of the
Building a Framework for Social Justice & Cultural Competency Aaron Reader
1) Professional Development presented
2) Request/Question about having Aaron repeat this presentation for WACTC and Trustees
Thursday, February 4, 2016:
Dialogue with the AG
Derek Edwards, AG’s Office
1) Discussed challenge of collecting the LGBTQI information in ctcLink
a) ctcLink says only can collect in application (versus at registration, where it currently is
collected); issue of concern for screening and potential for discrimination (would need to
restrict screen access)
b) Need to explore the options/costs for building ability to do so at registration in a
Peoplesoft environment, as is currently done.
c) Believe there was a commitment to making this work, in registration/not application, in
the past; need to see if this is captured somewhere (minutes, Tech Committee, etc…)
d) Also committed to collecting at the institution level, which would not be the case if
collected as a part of the application
e) Discussion:
i) Though open admissions, we do have selective admissions in some programs. Who
would have access to that LGBTQ data?
ii) Also, registration allows students to change their status regularly, whereas
Admissions does not. (This identity can be fluid.)
iii) There is the economic perspective versus social justice perspective. WSSSC probably
should take a social justice perspective. Position for WSSSC is that we started this
and we have a commitment and obligation to continue to collect and protect this
iv) Yesterday, a task force formed to write a proposal regarding this issue. Asking the
task force to start their work with this questions: How can this data be collected via
CTClink in a way that takes these questions and concerns into account? Will
“permissions” still be in place? Is this still a voluntary question?
v) Suggestion that task force get their proposal in by end of February so Deb can share
recommendations regarding the LGBTQI coding request to Education Services
committee. Want this resolved before 1st wave comes on. We remember there being
an earlier discussion with Barbara Martin that though this wouldn’t be resolved by
pilot launch it needed to be by 1st wave.
2) HB 2488 – regarding place/space for free speech on campus. Heads up info. Legislation
would do away with “free speech zones” and allow anyone to go anywhere on a campus
not just the free speech zone. (Outdoor space = free)
3) Hate Crimes Bill / Malicious harassment (See handout 9A.36.078)
a) Does not apply to free speech (except where speech is a threat)
b) Focus on conduct
c) Cases discussed: WWU, Seattle Central, Univ. of Missouri
4) Whitehouse document regarding intersection of Title IX and Clery Act
a) Details on reporting and FERPA, Final Result Section (pg 7)
b) Can/Should include details of order/result, not just the outcome (we need to do more
than just say what the sanction is but also need to state the rationale for the finding.)
c) www.notalone.gov
d) Clery: It doesn’t hurt to report!
5) Concealed Carry (HB 2867), guns on campus bill:
a) The model rule was those with permits could keep their guns in a locked car. This bill
changes this. If someone has a permit they can carry their gun anywhere.
b) Can create safety areas and require “checking the gun” (such as child care centers,
residence halls, etc.)
c) Could not prohibit students/employees from concealed carry on campus
d) Concealed in locked car, out of sight, would not be good enough…
e) Will know status of this bill tomorrow (2/5/16)
6) Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity WAC (162-32)
a) See handout. Self explanatory but good conversation including how our technical systems
present barriers to support of transgender students.
b) Human Rights commission ruling effective January 1. 2016. Looks like it will go into
effect. Applies to all public entities.
c) Benefits, harassment, dress & grooming, facilities
d) Facilities: if complainant, “the person expressing discomfort should be directed to a
separate facility…”
e) HB did not make it out of committee, SB did. See email from Joe Holliday regarding
outcome (2/8/16)
7) Accommodations (6466) provide transferability of accommodations (provisions) between
a) Disability Support Services council does not recommend this bill. Intent is good but bill
is problematic.
i) concerns about the challenges of determining “core services” and those that offer
different types of services, particularly services above the core services
b) We generally work well together within the system; this may slow the process…
State Board Report
Jan Yoshiwara & Joe Holliday, SBCTC
1. Legislative Agenda
a. Fixes: Backfill compensation adjustments for faculty/staff; Tuition adjustments
(BAS); Capital funding
b. Workforce Fixes: Funding for BFET; MESA (all 34 of us to have MESA);
Opportunity Grant increases
c. Student Success: faculty innovation fund; advising services; allow correctional
institution fund use; increase WA state need grant (See handout)
2. Bill: Request to offer general bachelor's degrees (select and fund five colleges to
develop); link to high demand fields (Computer Science as an example)
3. Other miscellaneous related bills in some state of progress
a. tracking two need grant bills, HB2301 (testimonies against)and SB6512; both
divert grant funds in various ways (25% of state need grant to students in STEM
b. HB2853: Eliminates application fee for low-income students
c. HB2825/SB6466: Related to disability demographic collection
d. HB2796 (cluster): Inform students of the costs of textbooks (Studentgenerated)($1.4m fiscal); cluster of bills related to student costs
e. SB6354: Require all public universities and system to offer reverse transfer
degrees. All publics and CC’s to create a reverse articulation agreement, we are
already doing; fairly innocuous
f. CUSP: Modify campus voter registration deadlines and other rules...already
d. Free community college bill – assuming it will not go anywhere due to huge cost
4. Implementing last year’s bills
a. SB5719: creates state-wide sexual violence prevention & response task force
(publics/CCs); and related campus climate assessment (concerns voiced again
about the challenges with implementation with CampusClarity) (also need DSHS
guidance regarding how we collect/use data)
ii. Luca and Ruby our reps. Looks like survey is to be administered spring
quarter. Survey to be administered through SBCTC
iii. (Request to Joe to work with CampusClarity to address concerns we have
had using that tool; other discussions around working with Campus
Clarity to better develop tool for community college student, cultural
sensitivities, multiple languages, etc)
5. Task group on Smoke/Tobacco-Free Campuses
a. Grant opportunity being promoted
b. Sign-up circulated for interested colleges.
c. Deb and Joe have had conversations with WA representative from Trust
Initiative on smoke free campuses (see handout)
6. HB1138: Task for to study mental health and suicide prevention; survey in development
at the moment (campus self-assessment)
a. mandated taskforce to study mental health and suicide prevention. Survey
ready to go out to campuses on self-assessment of campus readiness to handle
these issues.
7. Two WACTC Workgroups
a. Evidenced-Based Practice Workgroup
i. Identifying set of practices at our college that provide evidence base of
student success and put together a funding proposal to support these
ii. Report and Recommendations document distributed
iii. Includes: FYE, Integrated/Accelerated Instruction, Completion Coaching,
HighTech/Touch Case Managed advising (total of 7 practices identified.)
iv. Advised to include the “N” (population of survey respondents) as well as
v. Report audience is presidents and leg; goal is leg funding ask
vi. Likely/Natural link to guided pathways approach
vii. Accepting comments for edits/suggestions
viii. Point raised about citing sources (link); and considerations for cost (next
ix. Talk w/ president's as advocates for the package
x. General conversation had about the nature of the framework, the role of
faculty, and ways to make these concerns/concepts more apparent in the
b. Enrollment Counting Workgroup
i. Document distributed by Marci
i. Discussed some of the details, many (particularly around modality and
classification) will be discussed in IC.
ii. Include on spring agenda: who will be trained and how?
Placement Work Group Update
Bill Moore, SBCTC
1. See documents emailed from Joe/Bill Moore
2. Two meetings held. Bill also pulled together some math faculty to look at math
alternatives – pulled into final recommendation package.
a. Group will continue to gather info from colleges and share around the system.
Ex. Work being done on Smarter Balance, self-assessment, etc. Continue to have
meetings, webinars, discussion with groups like Math faculty. Some colleges are
already in discussions. No specific statewide recommendations but support
colleges making their own decisions on replacement for COMPASS.
1. Recommendations: want a ‘good practice’ approach to decision making and develop a
framework for colleges to make their own decisions.
2. Sense was that colleges are “on their own” to determine what will work best for them;
the task force is supporting those decisions with the research, discussion, and
suggestions that they are making. REMINDER: that we maintain a reciprocity
agreement, so there are system implications, as well.
3. Can we link this to the Evidenced-Based Practices? Particularly a link to advising…
4. Discussed the larger complexity: while placement assessment has an impact, so does the
curricular model, faculty pedagogy and approach, level of support available, etc.
5. Request from Bill Moore to have a small workgroup bring forward recommendations
from WSSSC. (Dave, Ted, and possibly one more)
6. WSSSC would like stronger recommendations that will support the students and
7. “It is not about an assessment tool, it is about an assessment process.”
Guided Pathways
Joe Holliday & All
1. Discussion of upcoming Pathways grant opportunity
a. Joe distributed two documents: RFA Timeline and Sample Questions
i. 1st strand: grant to implement guided pathways at 10 colleges. $7Mtotal.
$100K to each college for 5 year. 2018 5 more colleges will come on
board. App to be released soon. College Spark board will make the
decision in July for the 5 colleges to begin fall. 2018 will do another
application for the next five.
1. Question: How will applications be evaluated? Those making
progress? Those starting from scratch? Answer: Both…should
probably have started and, at least, have a plan.
ii. 2nd strand: grant for a Student Success Center from Jobs for Future and
Gates. We will use this to bring guided pathways to scale. 2year grant
$250 per year. Interviews done last week for director; decision is
iii. 3rd strand: AACC guided pathways initiative selected three colleges to
participate: Pierce, South Seattle, Skagit Valley. No money attached but
iv. Discussed a variety of questions/recommendations (Institutional will,
faculty involvement, why interested, etc…). Feedback is needed by week
of Feb. 22.
2. The ATD conference is taking place the week of February 22nd in Atlanta. There will be
a preconference session on Guided Pathways recently announced. SBCTC wanted to be
sure we were aware of this session.
WACTC Report
Tim Stokes, liaison
1. Legislative Session: Friday, Feb. 5 is cut off day. It was noted that there is a new level of
regulation being proposed and the impacts to our system. Capital committee not looking
favorable for use of fees to put out COPs to move our building/remodel along.
2. International Student/FTE policy decision will be reconsidered in light of our system
wide enrollment drop.
3. Should CCs be offering BS degrees? There is a bill to run 5 pilots across the system.
4. CTCLink: Presidents are aware this is not working. There will be a delay in 1st wave
colleges, it will NOT happen August 2016, and no new date has been set. We also
discussed concerns about adding colleges to PeopleSoft if the system is not working
properly for FirstLink colleges (Tacoma and Spokane).
5. CC did not get anything in governor’s budget and don’t expect any in House or Senate.
WACTC Committee Reports
1. NWAC, Darren Pitcher
Meeting next week. Code proposals initiated (reading in Feb, then vote in June; we will
discuss in May). Discussed student appeals and need to make code book readable to
See emailed report.
2. Technology report, Damon Bell
Discussed most already throughout agenda.
See emailed report.
3. Operating Budget, Matt Campbell
Revisited FTE & International conversation; discussing work around developing a
tuition policy (including values); review of SBCTC admin costs/budget; fluidity of
ctcLink maintenance and operating costs (based on enrollment, so may vary); BAC to
present on results of modeling new allocation structure; review of gov. budget.
4. Ed Services, Deb Casey
Dual Credit conversation continues and Evidence Based (as discussed above),
enrollment counting, Pathways
Committees, Workgroups and Taskforces
1. CTC Leadership Development Association (formerly The Association), Ata Karim
a. See emailed report
b. March 4 next conference. Focus on Redesigning American Colleges. Summer
and fall meetings will continue with theme. Dave Pelkey will attend March 3 &4
meeting on Ata’s behalf.
c. August 11 &12 in Spokane.
2. Articulation & Transfer , Matt Campbell
a. Meets next week.
3. Common Application Workgroup, Jessica Gilmore
a. Meeting in November. Walked through application in ctclink. Will receive
updates from Jeff Wagnitz for next steps. Toni will connect with Jeff regarding
LGBTQ coding and questions.
4. Disability Taskforce/Accessibility, Deb Casey/Kim Thompson
a. Accessibility policy approved by WACTC. Needs to be approved by board at
next meeting. Implementation team put together; staffed by state board. Joe will
send latest draft to commission. WACTC agreed to cover funds for any
accommodation needs for commission/council/ workshop attendance.
5. Sexual Assault Prevention Workgroup, Luca Lewis & Ruby Hayden
a. Discussed in agenda.
6. Enrollment, Bill Belden & Marci Myer
7. Evidence Based Workgroup, Jack Huls, Matt Riggs, David Larsen
8. Data Governance, Alison Stevens and Dave Paul
9. eLearning, Glen Cosby & Lin Zhou
a. Met last week. Joint meeting with DSSC. Report sent out. Discussion on Civitas.
10. Joint Access/JTC, Marci Myer & Matt Campbell
a. See emailed report.
b. Continued discussion on Computer Science DTA. Update on reverse transfer
pilot. Over 900 students reported to state board as possible cc DEGREE
completers. 25 have contacted SBCTC interested in obtaining degree.
11. Math & Common Core, Blackaby & Ata Karim
a. See emailed report.
b. work continuing
12. Capital Committee, Darren Pitcher and Erin Blakeney
a. See emailed report.
b. Members are busy reviewing 34 requests.
Conference 2017
Need to determine location; chairs and other volunteers;
a. Sense of the group was “let's get the information about cost”: Have bid for
Murano (Tacoma); Need to get bid from Davenport (Spokane)
b. 580 attended last conference held in Tacoma at Murano.
c. Group was in favor of Exec Team collecting bids and making decision (bids from
Darren and Dave)
d. Let Deb or Damon know if you are interested in being on the conference team!
e. Rosie Rimando-Chareunsap volunteers as first Co-Chair
Student Rally Update, Erin Blakeney
a. Report distributed by Erin on latest rally. 24 schools 210 students attended the
rally. Send thank you to CUSP for taking this on. Continue discussion with
CUSP regarding their recommendations for future participation.
a. For the Work Plan sub-group looking at councils, consider also the structure of
certain councils and/or if there is a need for restructuring (such as separating
Advising and Counseling)
i. What do councils need? What about blended councils (with breakouts
(e.g. academic advisors, counselors, directors, etc.)).
ii. Sub-group will work on survey/eval for councils to indicate needs,
service, etc…
Historian’s Report, Mary Chikwinya
a. See emailed report, also distributed
President’s Report, Deb
a. Spring meeting in May. Checked on structure: format good. Request that Bill
send out the internal listserv of members only.
b. Spring meeting: topic is pathways.
c. Brief discussion on whether commission is reflecting the values we espouse. Deb
suggests taking some time in spring meeting talking about values and how we
then demonstrate/share with our councils.
i. Discussed exploration of “values of the commission”: What do we value?
How is that reflected in our work? In our work plan? In the goals/work
plans of councils?
ii. Executive Committee will attempt to frame this a bit and bring back for
greater, deeper work at the commission level
d. Council presidents had requested more than one meeting/touch point with us
than just the summer meeting. Executive team will invite them to join at next
conference call/meeting. Executive team will also continue work on council
structure. Request to include LGBTQ committee listed with other committees
and workgroups.
Treasurer’s Report, Matt Campbell
a. Approx. $50K in fiduciary account. Still reconciling the fall conference.
Approximately $6K in Umpqua account.
Council Liaison Reports
1. Admissions & Registration, Dave Paul
a. After discussions with ctcLink staff, ARC believes our efforts should concentrate on
stabilizing ctcLink rather than pursuing a process to add the college-level GPA and
Social Security Number to ctcLink transcripts. ARC recognizes the issue of the
college-level GPA may be of more importance to our 4-year partners.
2. Advising & Counseling, Jessica Gilmore
a. Discussion on structure. These should probably be split out.
3. Career & Employment Services, Robert Cox
a. Group had questions about College’s Women’s programs. CES wants to be
connected with them.
4. College Women’s Programs, Rosie Rimando
a. No report, group has not convened in over a year.
5. Disability Support Services, Kim Thompson
6. Financial Aid, Christina Castorena
a. The winter FAC meeting is scheduled on March 9 -11, 2016, in North Bend. The
agenda will include a discussion on one of WSSSC's work plan goals: "decreasing
financial aid application barriers".
7. Multicultural Student Services, Ata Karim
a. SOC conference. Yakima April 21 – 23. Queer I AM March 21-25. SPSCC
b. Winter meeting upcoming. MSSDC concerned about data collection around
LGBTQ. Some sponsorship being sought from commission for LGBTQ/Queer I
Am conference. WSSSC members should go talk with our campus MSSDC reps
to understand the issues and needs.
8. Unions & Student Programs, Erin Blakeney
May 4-6 Spring Meeting, Yakima Valley Community College
Guided Pathways focus: We are interested in bringing in authors from common read
Redesigning America’s Community Colleges
Recorded by M. Myer and M. Campbell
Compiled by R. Rimando-Chareunsap, WSSSC Secretary 2015-2016
Finalized: 2/22/2016