INSTRUCTION COMMISSION July 8-9, 2015 Columbia Basin College Present. Laura Brogden [for Brinton Sprague], Matthew Campbell, Laurie Clary, Tim Cook, Charlie Crawford, Bob Francis, Mary Garguile, Deb Gilchrist, Brendan Glaser, Al Griswold, Joyce Hammer, Kim Infinger, Kristen Jones, Ken Lawson, Peter Lortz, Bob Mohrbacher, Tom Nielsen, Jodi Novotny, Mary Ellen O'Keeffe, Frank Powers, Marleen Ramsey, Rebecca Rhodes, Carli Schiffner, Alison Stevens, Rosemary Sutton, Virginia Tomlinson, Tod Treat, Jeff Wagnitz, Bob Winters, Cherisa Yarkin [for Wai-Fong Lee], Tomas Ybarra. Guests: Nancy Dick [SBCTC], Jon Kerr [SBCTC], Travis Kibota [Clark], Bill Moore [SBCTC], Lucas Myers [Lower Columbia], David Prince [SBCTC], Angel Reyna [WEC], Chris Soran [eLC], Kim Ward [CBS], Jen Whetham [SBCTC]. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 8:30am. Members introduced themselves and Derek Brandes welcomed the group to the Green River Kent Station campus. Centers of Excellence. Several reviews are upcoming and volunteers are needed. A sheet was circulated explaining the role, with a section for members to indicate their interest in volunteering. Faculty Panel/Institute for Systems Biology/Big Data. Dana Riley Black, Jen Ekland, and Chris Plaisier from ISB, Lucas Myers, natural science instructor at Lower Columbia, and Travis Kibota, biology professor at Clark College outlined ISB's role, big data activities, how colleges are using what they learned at the workshops, and next steps, including ISB's commitment to work with the community and technical colleges and possible future workshops. WIOA [Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act]. Jon Kerr, Carli Schiffner, and Jody Novotny outlined major guiding changes including a definition change and requirements for adult basic education; the timeline and implementation of the transition plan, an upcoming EL Civics funding change, challenges and opportunities in moving forward, and provided a few examples of program changes and how some colleges are handling those changes. Allocation Formula. David Prince and Darby Kaikkonen provided an overview on priority courses of the new allocation model and the weighting of FTEs. Executive Committee Report. Executive Committee issues include the 2015-16 committee assignments, committee roles and responsibilities, and the structure of IC and its committees. In preparation for the 2015-16 work plan, it was requested that each committee review the current plan and report back as to which items were completed, which should be rolled over, which stay but need refinement, and any new tasks to add. Jeff Wagnitz reported on the WACTC Ed Services Committee allocation conversation and the application form. Tom Nielsen had nothing new to report from the WACTC Technology Committee. Jan Yoshiwara will report on the WACTC Operating Budget Committee as part of the State Board report. WACTC has requested the Commission's input and participation in an Academy of sexual assault and response at their fall meeting, with effective responses to new Title IX provisions, how campuses are dealing with this, and how faculty are going to be trained and educated on these issues. Volunteers were solicited to participate on a panel to talk about the challenges at the Academy. Rosemary Sutton and Matt Campbell volunteered. COMMITTEE REPORTS Transfer. Issues covered included a review of the transfer related accomplishments of the 2014-15 work plan and a computer science pathway. College Transitions. Issues covered included the scope of the Transitions Committee, the Smarter Balanced Placement Policy and Bill Moore of SBCTC outlined the high school teacher workshop in August and the directed self placement program. The Committee requested the directed self placement program be included on the agenda at the fall meeting. Direct alignment of curriculum is a possible project for the committee next year. Workforce. Rebecca Rhodes will draft a report on the committee's work plan accomplishments. Frank Powers volunteered to serve on the BAS Committee. Issues of interest to the Committee include PLA and the policy for veterans, WIOA’s effect on workforce programs, dual enrollment and stabilizing dual credit policies. A motion will be brought forward later in the meeting to charge WEC with developing a process for workforce curricular, course, and program alignment, including a method for statewide recognition. Professional Development. Bob Winters shared the Committee's concern where they fit in the work plan, as well as the Committee’s role. The Committee recommended having a new committee established to address diversity and inclusion. Work plan accomplishments for 2014-15 were shared. The fall meeting professional development activity will look at Title IX as it relates to individual campuses. Instructional Technology. Mary Garguile brought forward the Committee's request that the Executive Committee consider a name change for the Committee that is more all-encompassing to the work of the group. Suggestions included Learning Strategies Committee or Learning Strategies and Innovation Committee. Other issues include keeping a mind-set of Open regarding open resources/open pedagogy, and establishing a culture of Open and a professional development activity on accessible technologies. Work plan accomplishments were shared as well as suggested revisions. Members will receive a letter of commitment from the Library Leadership Council for the library services platform at individual colleges to document acknowledgement of the commitment. Chris Soren went over the eLearning Council's activities that support IC's work plan. The BAS Committee will be added to the official committee list. Action items for Friday: Smarter Balanced agreement of changes to allow students to get assessment in the 10th grade for English and to add specific language to identify Bridge courses rather than the general language in the agreement now. Workforce Development Council's motion to charge WEC with development of a curricular and program alignment process. Laurie Clary moved and Ken Lawson seconded the motion to approve the two changes to the Smarter Balanced agreement to allow 10 th grade students to use their assessment scores in the agreement and to add specific language to identify Bridge courses rather than the general language in the agreement now. Motion carried. John Martens moved and Mary Garguile seconded the motion that the Instruction Commission charge WEC with developing a process for workforce [versus transfer] curricular, course, and program alignment, including a method for statewide recognition. Motion carried. Discussion took place on the Professional Development Committee's recommendation to have a diversity and inclusion committee established and how that fits into the Commission's structure. Meeting during lunch will become a regular part of future meetings for the corrections work group. A recommendation was brought forward from the BAS Committee for a modification to the minimum general education requirements for applied baccalaureate degrees. The committee requested a vote to adopt. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30pm. The meeting was reconvened at 8:30am on July 9. Approval of Minutes. Laurie Clary moved to approve the minutes from the May 20-21, 2015, meeting and Tim Cook seconded the motion. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report. Marlene Ramsey and Tom Nielsen reported the account balance and outlined the plan to move the Commission account to the State Board. Marlene Ramsey will assume treasurer duties in the fall. Membership fee notices will be sent out in September. Meeting Dates. Fall 2015 - October 22-23 Cascadia Winter 2016 - February 18-19 SBCTC Olympia Spring 2016 - May 19-20 Yakima Valley Professional Development Committee Structure. Alison Stevens moved that professional development become an integral part of each committee's role within the Instruction Commission, and that the committee as a separate entity be dissolved. The IC Executive Committee will determine what committee or group will take responsibility for professional development for each meeting. Virginia Tomlinson seconded the motion. Ken Lawson brought forward a friendly amendment to dissolve the Professional Development Committee and add an Equity and Diversity Committee. Member discussion centered on keeping the Professional Development Committee and to focus on diversity and equity for the coming year, then move to other committees for future activity. It was agreed to add an item to the work plan centered around equity and inclusion. The Professional Development Committee to recommend goals to be included in the work plan. After continued discussion, Alison withdrew the motion to dissolve the Professional Development Committee and Virginia seconded the withdrawal. Brendan Glaser moved to form an ad hoc committee to prepare a fourth item for the work plan to present at the fall meeting and charge this committee based on Jan's information from the diversity and equity people in the system; use that information to draft a recommendation for adding an additional committee and integrating equity and diversity into the Commission's work plan. Matt Campbell seconded the motion. Motion carried. Members who volunteered to serve on the ad hoc committee are Mary Ellen O'Keeffe, Matt Campbell, Derek Brandes, Alison Stevens, Ken Lawson, Tom Nielsen, Brendan Glaser, Jan Yoshiwara. Ken Lawson will convene the committee. WACTC Report: Warren Brown updated members on the President’s Academy focus on equity gap of students and the diversity gap of staff and faculty, the capital budget, and the new allocation model. STATE BOARD REPORT Budget. Members were updated on the tuition backfill allocation, upper division tuition on baccalaureate degrees, the new allocation formula and weighted FTEs, and enrollments targets. Legislation. Joyce Hammer provided updates on bills relating to computer science education in K12, College in the High School and dual credit. Best Practices Work Group. Tim Cook, Tom Nielsen, Frank Powers, and Virginia Tomlinson are members on the system work group looking at data driven best practices work that could drive what kinds of initiatives to focus on for next year. Enrollment Counting Work Group. Carli Schiffner, Joyce Loveday, and Jim Minkler are the Commission's representatives on the work group. Joyce reported that at the first meeting members identified issues that were part of the work content. The work group will prepare draft recommendations for the Commission to review at the winter meeting. College Spark. A guided pathways proposal has been submitted to College Spark. If approved, funding would start in October as a system planning and assessment year, with a four year implementation for 5 to 6 pilot colleges to support closing the opportunity gap in the system. A decision may be forthcoming in late July/early August. Math Strategic Plan. A funding decision hasn't been reached by the Gates Foundation. It is hoped a decision will be reached by fall. Competency-based Degree Consortium. Columbia Basin and Olympic are actively participating in the program. Faculty have been hired, curriculum created, assessment tools and marketing tools developed, and the financial model set. Colleges reported where they are in their accreditation process. General Education Requirements for BAS. Jeff Wagnitz moved for the adoption of the general education requirements as proposed by the BAS Committee and Jim Minkler seconded the motion. Motion carried with one abstention. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned 11:50am. Next Meeting. October 22-23 Cascadia