CBS has established the following goals for our committees and... Washington State Council for Basic Skills – Work Plan for 2015-16

Washington State Council for Basic Skills – draft Work Plan for 2015-16
CBS has established the following goals for our committees and standing Task force work: Transitions, Retention and Completion, Innovations, and HS 21+ Task
Force .
The CBS committee structure reflects the following list of priorities. Each committee integrates advocacy, retention and completion, evidence of success,
professional development, and equity between colleges and community-based programs into their work.
Goal 1: Implement and scale comprehensive innovative college and career pathways to accelerate student completion and foster economic growth.
Increase participation and success of
underrepresented populations
1. Identify best practices taken
from 2015/16 Transitions plans
2. Strengthening the connection
between adult education,
postsecondary education, and
the workforce.
3. Continue to expand I-BEST
4. Full implantation of WIOA
5. Establish increased navigational
support to BEdA students.
6. Work with WSSSC to strengthen
wraparound services to BEdA
Begin system-wide discussions about
overlap/alignment with
developmental education and basic
skills transitions to strengthen
pathways to college and careers.
1. Meet with executive Committees
of WEC and/or ATC about changes
and discuss potential
collaborations between councils
2. Educate all councils on new WIOA
requirements related to college
3. Begin planning a system-wide
convening with a focus on
precollege instructional alignment
Group(s) Involved
CBS, CBS Executive Committee,
SBCTC , Retention Committee
IC Alignment:
4.1 Increase participation and success of
underrepresented populations in workforce
and transfer pathways
4.1a Expand the number of
contextualized integrated and
accelerated instructional models
and student support services and
other best practices in order to
increase access and success of
underrepresented populations in
pathways. This includes expanding a
variety of IBEST programs.
CBS Executive Committee
Expected Outputs or Outcomes for
1. Increased statewide basic skills
FTE for underrepresented
2. Increased transition rates for
underrepresented populations
3. Increased SAI points per students
1. Identification of key stake
2. Identified opportunities,
challenges and promising
practices related to
administrative structures,
curriculum, and instruction.
4. Identify where in the system this
work has been successful.
Goal 2: Guide and support transformational instructional practices that accelerate student completion to certificates, the Tipping Point, and AA/BA degrees
leading to family sustaining employment and foster student self-efficacy.
Support and improve high quality
instruction in IDEA, HS 21+ and
contextualized pathway courses.
1. Develop “Coaching Model” for
classroom observations
2. Develop and disseminate Canvas
/online resources for HS21+
Group(s) Involved
Innovations Committee
CBS Executive Council
HS21+ Task Force
Expected Outputs or Outcomes for
Disseminate full menu of sample
online resources/curriculum for
HS21+ - OER
Goal 3: Maintain, catalyze, and develop innovative practices in contextualize adult education to support transition to high school completion & equivalency
certification, postsecondary education and employment
Support development and expansion
of adult high school diploma
credential (HS21+)
Group(s) Involved
Expected Outputs or Outcomes for
1. Continue HS21+ Taskforce as
part of CBS committee
structure for 2015-16
HS21+ Task Force
Alignment with K-12
Implementation of CCR Standards
2. Pilot Bridges Curriculum and
provide feedback to CBS
3. Proposed design for Bridges
to College.
2.1: Increase student access and success
2.1 a Continue to expand HS21+
2.1 b Expand placement options for
new or transferring students
2.1c Support the work of the math
strategic plan initiative
Professional Development and
training for implementation and
sustaining HS21+
4. Increase HS21+ enrollments
and completions
5. Explore and share open
educational resources for ABE,
ESL, HS21+
2.2: Explore learning options that hold
student competencies as a fixed factor and
time as variable factor in learning
2.2a. Expand innovative credit for
non-traditional learning
opportunities, including veterans
Increased number of programs
implementing HS21+ option
Increased national awareness of
Increased HS21+ partnerships
between colleges and CBO’s
6. Collaborate with system
partners to explore expansion
of HS21+ for CBO’s, Corrections,
and/or other partners
Support implementation of
contextualized instruction aligned
with CCRS
1. Expand state-wide training on
contextualized instruction and
2. Reinstate regional trainings and
3. Work with professional technical
and academic transfer to
establish articulation
agreements for students
transitioning from basic skills
into college programming
3.2: Support and improve quality e-learning
for students including online, hybrid, and
enhanced courses, that improve teaching and
3.2a: increase use and effectiveness
of OER and instructional technology
CBS, Innovations Committee
HS 21+ Task Force
CBS Executive Committee
Professional development
opportunities for all Basic Skills,
program administrators and staff to
innovation and implementation
Improve attainment of state basic
skills targets and WIOA Performance
Transfer agreements exist between
all stakeholders
Goal 4: Strengthen and maintain a culture of rigorous instruction and evidence of increased performance
Meet federal performance targets
1. Conduct a national scan to
explore correlations between
the tests states use and
achievement of federal level
2. Conduct a comprehensive
evaluation of the basic skills
assessment policy to determine
if current policy supports
attainment of new measures
under WIOA.
Group(s) Involved
Retention Committee
Expected Outputs or Outcomes for
Recommendation for Assessment
Policy revisions by June 2016
Recommendation for state-wide
assessment tool
Goal 5: Create and maintain strategic alliances to leverage local resources and increase navigation support to students.
Engage local workforce development
partners to explore opportunities
that support adult learners in
accessing employment and training
1. Collaborate with WEC and ATC to
plan joint meeting or
professional development
2. Local participation / attendance
at Workforce Training and
Education Coordinating Board
WIOA public forums.
3. Engage internal and external
stakeholders in developing local
WIOA implementation plan and
4. Establish clear roles for partners
and all core programs
5. Identify and leverage key
resources and attributes for all
core programs in an effort to
achieve common performance
measures across the system.
Evaluate and develop the appropriate
role for CBOs in relation to the
College & Career Pathways
HS 21+
1. Utilize CBO’s collaborative
relations in communities to
enhance strategic alliances
for entire CBS system.
2. Investigate and make
recommendations regarding
tracking system and SAI point
structure so that work that
CBOs do in moving students
forward is appropriately
Group(s) Involved
Expected Outputs or Outcomes for
CBS Executive
WEC Executive Committee
ATC Executive Committee
WSSSC Executive Committee
1. Clear roles for all core
programs / partners
2. Established MOU’s between
local WDC’s and BEdA
providers, including CBO’s
2.3 Increase transitions for students:…From
basic skills to college level
Monitor WIOA impacts and support
implementation work
CBO Committee
CBS Executive Committee
On-going reports from CBO at CBS
Increased HS21+ , College and Career
Pathways, I-BEST, partnerships
between colleges and CBO’s
Identified partnerships between
CBO’s and colleges
3. Explore ways to better utilize
complementary strengths of
CBOs and Colleges.