CAPITAL PROJECT ALLOTMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014 / 2015 Approp. Index Fund Prog. Project / Org. Index Title Prior Biennium Reappropriations - State: K05 K13 060 060 930 940 K190 K19S Original Allotment Allotment Balance Project in Reserve (1) Roof Repairs Facilities Repairs Sub-Total 171,000 602,000 28,983.00 275,401.13 304,384.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 456,800 19,304 321,610 290,838 235,000 21,022 184,968 21,010 67,000 1,500,000 7,820,000 1,042,800 336,359.95 19,304.00 319,449.13 290,838.00 235,000.00 20,068.00 184,968.00 21,010.00 67,000.00 1,500,000.00 2,473,127.65 521,400.00 5,988,524.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,717,326.00 0.00 4,717,326.00 2,200 1,000,000 6,000,000 3,000,000 1,972,000 0 2,000,000 300,000 500,000.00 895,638.17 4,130,973.41 3,000,000.00 1,503,715.55 780,000.00 2,000,000.00 120,945.00 12,931,272.13 19,224,180.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,717,326.00 Current Biennium Appropriations - State: S23 S23 S19 S21 S06 S07 S07 S07 S09 S26 S15 S10 060 060 060 246 060 057 057 057 060 057 057 060 910 910 920 920 930 940 940 940 940 950 980 992 L027 L459 L269 L335 L186 L077 L078 L079 L215 L364 L330 L291 ERI 13/15 Asbestos Minor Works-Telecom Minor Works-Telecom Roof Repairs Facilities Repairs-Stuc Facilities Repairs-Motr Facilities Repairs-SSS Site Repairs WATR Center (3) SET Bldg Fac Maint & Repairs Sub-Total Appropriations - Local: R10 R10 R10 R10 R10 R10 R10 R10 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 920 960 960 960 970 970 980 980 L270 L362 L363 L414 K518 L525 L415 K473 Minor Works-Telecom Maltby Bldg Remodel Gateway Hall Remodel (2 & 3) Snohomish Hall Remodel ESCO #5 ESCO #6 Acquire ELKs Property SET Bldg Pre Design Sub-Total Total Object/Sub-Object Description JE 00 Land JM 00 Art & History Landmarks JF 00 Building JN 00 Relocation Costs JH 00 Improvements Other Than Buildings JZ 00 Other Capital Expenses JJ 00 Grounds Development JA 00 Equipment-Under $5,000 non-capital JK 00 Arch. & Eng. Service JB 00 Software-Under $5,000 JL 00 Capital Planning JC 01 Equipment-Over $5,000 capitalized Footnotes: (1) All the biennium projects with balances were carried-forward, and rounded down. No round-downs occur in midbiennium. (2) The Gateway Hall remodel was approved for an additonal $1.2M. The SBCTC will approve the remaining $2.8M in Sept. Same project number will be used. (3) The Gateway Hall project was approved for an additional $2.8M, which brings the project up to $6M. The WATR Center allotment in reserve was released. (4) Facilities Repairs- SBCTC transferred $77,978 from L077 to L078, and $18,990 from L079 to L078. (5) Project L270 - the LEA for Network 3.0 increased this allocation by $497,800 in May. (6) ESCO #6 project allocation in May. Expect bulk of expenses in 15/16. Includes $220K from COM. Posted here on 2/2/15. CAPITAL PROJECT ALLOTMENT vs EXPENDITURE STATUS REPORT For Fiscal Year 14/15 through May 11th, 2015 DESCRIPTION Biennium Prior Allotment Fiscal Year(s) Expenditures Current Year Current Year Total Balance Allotment (14/15) (14/15) Expenditures Of Held in Expenditures Encumbrances & Encumb. Allotment Reserve Reappropriations 11/13 Roof Repairs 060 K05 930 K190 Facility Repairs 060 K13 940 K19S ESCO #5 147 R10 970 K518 (170,999.85) 142,016.85 28,983.00 0.00 170,999.85 0.00 0.00 (601,999.99) 326,598.86 275,401.13 0.00 601,999.99 0.00 0.00 (1,972,000.00) 468,284.45 1,144,806.69 121,073.48 1,734,164.62 (237,835.38) 0.00 (456,800.00) 120,440.05 184,872.94 18,998.51 324,311.50 (132,488.50) 0.00 (19,304.00) 0.00 19,304.00 0.00 19,304.00 0.00 0.00 (321,610.00) (290,838.00) (500,000.00) 2,160.87 0.00 0.00 68,118.07 0.00 0.00 251,331.06 290,838.00 298,261.84 321,610.00 290,838.00 298,261.84 0.00 0.00 (201,738.16) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (235,000.00) 0.00 32,437.27 0.00 32,437.27 (202,562.73) 0.00 (21,022.00) 954.00 19,157.01 0.00 20,111.01 (910.99) 0.00 (184,968.00) 0.00 141,800.64 24,739.17 166,539.81 (18,428.19) 0.00 (21,010.00) 0.00 6,389.33 0.00 6,389.33 (14,620.67) 0.00 (67,000.00) 0.00 51,440.91 0.00 51,440.91 (15,559.09) 0.00 (1,500,000.00) 0.00 618,915.38 151,612.00 770,527.38 (729,472.62) 0.00 (1,000,000.00) 104,361.83 895,638.17 0.00 1,000,000.00 (121,677.23) 121,677.23 (6,000,000.00) 1,869,026.59 0.00 1,519,696.41 0.00 0.00 3,388,723.00 Biennial Appropriations 13/15 ERI 13/15 060 S23 910 L027 Asbestos 060 S23 910 L459 Minor Works-Telecom 060 S19 920 L269 246 S21 920 L335 147 R10 920 L270 Roof Repairs 060 S06 930 L186 Facilities Repairs-Struct 057 S07 940 L077 Facilities Repairs-Motr 057 S07 940 L078 Facilities Repairs-SSS 057 S07 940 L079 Site Repairs 060 S09 940 L215 WATR Center 057 S26 950 L364 Maltby Remodel 147 R10 960 L362 Gateway Hall Remodel 145 196 2GWY 147 R10 960 L363 Snohomish Hall Remodel 145 196 2SNH 147 R10 960 L414 ELK Property Acquisition 147 R10 980 L415 SET Bldg 057 S15 980 L330 121,677.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,611,277.00) (13,552.30) (3,000,000.00) 13,552.30 0.00 0.00 174,037.97 0.00 316.66 174,354.63 13,552.30 (2,825,645.37) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,000,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,000,000.00) 0.00 (3,102,674.00) 629,546.35 906,188.69 95,874.55 1,631,609.59 (1,471,064.41) 4,717,326.00 (299,999.25) 179,054.25 0.00 0.00 179,054.25 (120,945.00) 100,000.00 (1,042,800.00) 521,400.00 521,400.00 0.00 1,042,800.00 (22,943,254.62) 4,499,073.63 6,608,587.61 1,253,045.27 12,360,706.51 Pre Design fr 12/13: 147 R10 980 K473 Facility Maintenance & Repairs 060 S10 992 L291 GRAND TOTAL 0.00 (10,582,548.11) Footnotes: All state funded capital balances from 12/13 were carriedforward, AND rounded down to the nearest dollar. 1) Gary rounds down after the end of a biennium, not at the end of the first fiscal year. The rounded down amounts from the previous year are shown in colume C as deductions from the original allocation. SET Bldg allotment is $300K, but only $200K was transferred into that account in 12/13. 2) Facilities Repairs- SBCTC transferred $77,978 from L077 to L078, and $18,990 from L079 to L078. Posted here on 2/2/15. 0.00 RETAINAGE STATUS For Fiscal Year 14/15 Company Bayley Constr. Bayley Constr. Saybr Contractors Saybr Contractors Ameresco, Inc Ameresco, Inc Garland/DBS, Inc Locally Roosendaal-Honcoop Bank Locally retained Locally retained Locally retained Locally retained Locally retained Locally retained Project Gateway Maltby GWY Kitchen WWY Electrical Gateway ESCO #4 Coding (145-100-4ZRT) (145-100-4ZRT) (145-100-4ZRT) (145-100-4ZRT) (R10-960-L363) (K13-060-940-K19S) 2,500.00 8,872.08 18,661.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47,852.80 17,945.13 7,913.53 11,930.75 3,289.25 1,542.85 1,433.90 0.00 9,893.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,380.26 0.00 2,500.00 8,872.08 120,462.56 1,380.26 √ √ Beg. Bal. 0.00 0.00 0.00 731.15 0.00 July August September October November December January February March April May June 99th Mo. 0.00 0.00 13,590.26 14,690.34 0.00 10,037.40 3,289.25 0.00 1,433.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34,262.54 3,254.79 0.00 1,213.77 0.00 1,542.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 679.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,893.16 0.00 6,557.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,913.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTALS 43,041.15 40,273.95 679.58 731.15 9,893.16 14,471.49 √ √ √ √ √ Locally retained Field Netting Seaview Rood (570-265-2070) (145-100-4ZRT) √ Footnotes: √ This amount agrees with the last invoice seen and by fund. Escrow accounts at banks have not been set up for the following companies listed below. All locally held retainage is in 145-100-4ZRT-0499 AstroTurf, LLC Garland/DBS, Inc Saybr Contractors Inc. Bayley Ameresco, Inc. Ebenal General Inc. Held & Peoples Bank & Horizon Bank Retainage Snoh - Third Floor MDL Renov Total (R10-960-L414) (057-960-BC7G) √ 287,185.63 Monthly Total 305,846.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (287,185.63) (239,332.83) 0.00 17,945.13 0.00 7,913.53 0.00 11,930.75 0.00 3,289.25 0.00 1,542.85 0.00 1,433.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,273.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 121,842.82 √ Totals By Fund: 145 147 057 060 Totals 120,462.56 1,380.26 0.00 121,842.82 Equipment / JC, JC80 Reconciliation FY 13/14 Description Mo. Name July Pro-Org Taricco Corp111-4409 " Dakronics 920-K196 " Dakronics 920-K196 Adj. Amount Purchase Check State Tag Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Requisition Number Number 001 448 145 148 147 057 522 149 148,098.75 MK12144 664686 B76374 22,375.23 SV12131A 664461 B76375 148,098.75 11,187.62 SV12131A 664461 Aug Perkinelmer 011-6425 25,018.62 DD13001 665877 " Products Un 111-4409 27,742.16 MK12164 665319 B76372 27,742.16 Miller 10,979.19 MK12198 667002 B76391 5,489.60 B76392 5,489.59 Sept 111-4409 Nov Laerdal Med 041-2511 10,644.13 Dec Extron Digita264-2940 Jan Proton360 April B76376 GD13016 670258 B76387 12,563.00 SL13001 670893 B76410 6,412.44 MV13012 673052 B76414 Nissan - Cam097-2200 22,396.40 RS13031 675181 B76433 960-L363 11,187.61 25,018.62 DD13001 S/B B76337 10,644.13 12,563.00 6,412.44 22,396.40 " Nissan - Cam097-2201 22,396.40 RS13031 675181 B76434 April Sharp - LCD 111-4406 5,970.20 MK13120 675226 B76435 5,970.20 " Apple Comp 100-4Z22 7,000.00 MT13004 675616 B76430 7,000.00 " Sharp - LCD 111-4406 11,939.55 MK13148 675884 B76436 5,969.78 B76437 5,969.77 " 22,396.40 " Kodak Printe255-2101 60,225.00 PR13034 671160 B76409 May Hewlett Pack086-2860 13,840.20 TT13009 678873 B76454 6,920.10 " Hewlett Pack086-2861 TT13010 678873 B76456 6,920.10 June Bargreen 5,021.67 EZ13065 678615 B76476 " Moto Electric097-2200 15,984.24 RS13033 678053 B76470 " Laerdal Med 011-2W30 14,304.01 GZ13073 677731 B76463 " Generator G 111-4406 23,808.59 MK13156 678145 B76489 " Sewer Snake092-2300 6,711.45 RM13017 677340 B76462 " Morgan Sou 041-2512 11,363.95 MA13049 679643 B76496 011-2W30 Total ** reconciliation item per OFM JC00, JC80 484,795.18 60,225.00 5,021.67 15,984.24 14,304.01 23,808.59 6,711.45 11,363.95 19,325.68 60,225.00 235,538.44 47,026.70 6,412.44 22,375.23 12,563.00 81,328.69 ACCOUNT GROUP 997 DESCRIPTION FAE-997 Beginning Balances Prior Year's Manual Adjustments FMS Fund 997 Balances LAND 2110 2210 5,844,267.00 117,235,299.68 0 0 5,844,267.00 117,235,299.68 0.00 13/14 Additions: SET Bldg Gateway Hall Remodel Maltby Bldg Remodel Snohomish Hall Remodel 522 Bldg to 997 transfer Library Equipment OFM Capitalization Changes OFM Capitalization Deprec Changes 13/14 Disposals: Library Equipment Current Net Change to 9850 Subtotal Fixed Assets BUILDINGS 6591 0 (2220) RECONCILIATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 13/14 I. O. T. B. 6591 2310 (34,221,548.00) 0 (34,221,548.00) 23,060,985.02 0 0 0 23,060,985.02 0.00 (2320) 2410 (16,905,734.00) 0 (16,905,734.00) EQUIPMENT 6591 (2420) 5,678,551.00 0 0 0 5,678,551.00 0.00 2430 * (2,923,903.00) 1,135,209.15 0 (2,923,903.00) LIBRARY 6591 0 0 0 1,135,209.15 0.00 C.I.P. 2510 (2440) (974,457.00) SUMMARY 9850 279,521.00 0 (974,457.00) 0 0.00 279,521.00 98,208,190.85 629,546.35 (629,546.35) 1,554,032.69 (1,554,032.69) 104,361.83 (104,361.83) 13,552.30 1,290,140.00 (566,581.00) 28,745.04 (432,969.00) (28,745.04) (412,007.18) 0.00 187,841.00 0.00 0.00 274,098.00 (24,580.00) 1,061,237.00 0.00 (378,740.00) 5,844,267.00 118,296,536.68 0.00 (34,600,288.00) 3,001,039.00 (3,001,039.00) 3,001,039.00 (37,601,327.00) (432,969.00) 22,628,016.02 0.00 274,098.00 0.00 (16,631,636.00) 464,852.00 (464,852.00) 464,852.00 (17,096,488.00) 661,872.00 (461,939.00) (8,000.00) 0.00 (13,552.30) (723,559.00) 412,007.18 (228,903.00) 98,208,190.85 24,580.00 0.00 8,000.00 404,007.18 0.00 6,082,558.18 0.00 (2,915,903.00) 563,209.00 (563,209.00) 563,209.00 (3,479,112.00) 0.00 8,000.00 4,165.04 0.00 24,580.00 2,301,493.17 1,139,374.19 0.00 (949,877.00) 2,581,014.17 44,454.00 (44,454.00) 0.00 44,454.00 (994,331.00) 2,581,014.17 (3,265,871.39) 101,474,062.24 (beginning bal. plus current change) Depreciation (1) Final FMS Totals-Fund 997 5,844,267.00 118,296,536.68 22,628,016.02 6,082,558.18 1,139,374.19 Reconcile to FAE: Proprietary Funds-Ending Balance Final FAE Totals-All Funds (4,073,554.00) 97,400,508.24 (2) 0.00 200,046.70 (132,707.00) 259,878.39 (259,878.39) 367,780.55 (279,201.26) 0.00 5,844,267.00 118,496,583.38 (37,734,034.00) 22,887,894.41 (17,356,366.39) 6,450,338.73 (3,758,313.26) 1,139,374.19 Reconciliation with all funds: Footnote: All Funds: Ending Cost (1) Only the accumulated depreciation credits are added into the Summary Column (Not the 6591 G/L). (2) The FAE change accidentially removed the CIP beginning of a $3M project. It will show later when project expenses exceed $100K. OFM Capitalization reconciliation CIP item. All Funds: Depr Allow 0.00 (994,331.00) 0.00 155,918.99 2,581,014.17 97,556,427.23 CR2128 FAE/FMS 157,385,922.00 157,399,471.88 13,552.00 0.00 (59,843,046.00) 97,556,428.00 (59,843,045) 97,556,427.23