April 22, 2015 Samantha Powers - Veterans Training Support Center Handout provided

April 22, 2015
Samantha Powers - Veterans Training Support Center
Handout provided
Accommodating Student Veterans presentation
April 23, 2015
Welcome by Ted Broussard, VPSS at Clover Park Technical College
ctcLink - Catherine Kwong
update on go-live
first link - August 24, 2015
2nd wave - May 2017 or August 2017
3rd wave
- Feb 2018 or Aug 2018
projected go-live for wave 1 is August 2016
Campus Solutions - Student piece is ready to go. Will not activate
until all pillars are ready to go.
Transcript template design to be finished by end of April 2015
current enrolled classes will appear on transcript
term and cumulative statistics
test credits - type and equivalency -AP/IB/CLEP/other
CCN notation for common course numbers
entire birthdate
awarded degree and honors
transcript texts/notes
can you suppress grades on PSoft transcript? - yes
no SSN on transcript - feedback from ARC - need SSN on transcript
used as identifier for students who have same name/name
changes/ etc. Refer to Dave Paul - came from WSSSC/IC
one transcript or two - academics and Continuing Ed. Option to
choose at each college?
cum GPA, credits attempted/earned/GPA credits appear on bottom
of transcript
college level GPA not included on transcript. Will need to hand
calculate college level GPA for graduation - 2.0 minimum for
DTA. Have to exclude CIP 32 AND 31 and dev ed
Need memo to SBCTC to include college level GP from ARC - Mike will
take care of this and be sure Dave Paul has it prior to WSSSC meeting
Degree audit in PSoft has ability to calculate degree GPA
? Degree awarded on top or bottom of transcript
Early Alert: part of PSoft
classroom issues/student issue (code of conduct)
each class has an alert button at end of each student name.
Class attendance/tardiness/low grades/missing assignments/poor participation
area to add comments
early alert ticket goes to appropriate contact on campus for intervention
Required: Grade rosters need to be generated early enough to enter early alert
can schedule grade rosters to update constantly
Is early alert optional ?- can choose not to use? - Catherine will check to be sure
milestones - can print at end of transcript – Joan has notes for here
transcripts - no longer need to request transcripts btw CTCs.We can
fetch transcripts. May have budgetary implications for our
campuses. What about 4-years? Will still need to order
can get transcript if student has debt to college. How do we
Carmen McKenzie - Coding
exit code reminder - credit thresholds around exit codes 9 & 4
SBCTC WEBSITE - Data Reporting: Guidelines
also in coding manual
SAI points more transparent
PLA workgroup - revised document
sent out a couple of months ago. On website and in coding manual
high school for transcripts for HS21+ question box. Look at coding
manual for coding instructions - Credit for non-traditional learning.
Questions about M intent code: Discussion
2 efforts - SBCTC staff discussing and also INTENT workgroup
M INTENT used like G intent but for selective admissions programs
taking academics as pre-req can use INTENT M.
Once in program we have to change code to INTENT F
How does this work with Pre-NursingDTA. Use INTENT B once
in program as transfer degree. Use INTENT M for pre-reqs.
New Nursing - RN degree use INTENT G for not in program. once in
program, then INTENT F
Institutional intent of 21 - voc prep - needs valid voc EPC code
May need to build INTENT M into SM6007
Golden Gate project - Carmen is working on this
will get colleges access to PSoft in real time speed – access to all tables in PSoft
will provide flexibility not available in Legacy
will replace database from each PSoft pillar to real time
data will be pushed into college-specific files for IR to do
ad hoc reporting in real time.
will replace ODS- can connect through Access
will replace MIS reporting - editing reports available daily rather
than MIS clean-up we are used to
Dannette Sullivan -NSC
Getting Data to Work for You - Student Tracker and Research
In WA all but Trinity University and NW University participate with
98% of colleges in US participate in NSC
Basically, we can get any data from NCS back that we send
In Student Tracker - Student Education Pathways...
who transferred or dropped out
who went from 2-year to 4-year
where did admitted,non-enrolled students go:
who is currently enrolled
who went to graduate school
free if you have degree verify, which we do SBCTC pays fees
How student tracker works
need to know cohort you want to study.
send to Dannette - NSC will run file against database
matches are compiled in a student tracker report
once report is ready it goes into your NSC mailbox
Data colleges provide for report:
student name, ssn, dob, search begin date, school code, branc
code, identifyer - SID
get aggregate report back and individual student report
reports turned around in 24 hours
NSC research center
Supporting a lot of stuff to include
impact of recession on enrollments
college completion rates
reverse transfer
mobility and transfer
SBCTC uses NSC student tracker
uses this for national trend comparisons
outcomes assessment
transfer indicator
can contact Carmen McKenzie if need help
Dannette Sullivan will send us presentation and who our institution
primary contact is if we requested it from her at ARC meeting.
Clearinghouse will report International Student information if we report it. Need to send
international student institutional ID (data element in enrollment reporting)
Scott Copeland - SBCTC report
notes from Joan
SB5969 - is with IC now. Will involve ARC in workgroup to set up this
requirement. ARC will work with Dave Paul. ARC workgroup members: Steve Ashpole, Anne
White, Cindy Mowry
SB5318 - last year - veterans - resident tuition passed
choice act 2013 Congress passed re: residency tuition
if we do not align WA residency policy by July 15th, Veterans will
not be allowed to use VA benefits...13,000 ctc students effected
sitting in senate and house for 6 weeks. using it as hostage for
budget resolution. Effective July 1 regardless of governor's
no tuition increase is firm - possible 6% decrease in tuition for CTCs
backfill loss of tuition revenue is on the table. May or may not
happen. State Need Grant decrease if this happens
Reports Overview - Patrick Brown
presented RTC reports he has created
Showed how to create DATAX report
Dave Paul, WSSSC
meeting next week
data governance committee
subgroup on INTENT coding - Teresa Nording and Steve Downing on
committee - both PSoft and Legacy
Dave/Mike working on legacy transcripts with SBCTC - not a hot issue now,
but will be when last wave goes live. Still time to work on this.
talked to Mike Scroggins/Joe Holiday
new proposal in the works
ARC's concerns were heard
address concerns: creating system that would allow the
schools to request transcripts, not students. Holds
will remain. Cost for official transcripts necessary to
off set the cost - colleges charged, pass cost to students
fee is a "couple of bucks"
colleges will still be able to see legacy transcripts
be able to correct unofficial transcripts, then get transcripts
to students. Will need to build transcripts into PSoft
questions: will colleges be able to see/remove hold.
printed transcripts will be sent to colleges
Juanita Morgan - CIS updates
taking off edits on SSN fields in Legacy system. Does not allow 000 or 666 in first field
Social Security admin randomly assigning SSN - 000 and 666 appearing
working on screen list, description of each screen and where the
data goes. Will be on website for us for reference.
NSC add SID to extract - please add. and possibly delete certain EPC codes.
Marla Coan will take over as SMS consultant when Julie Sharp retires on June 30, 2015
Question Box
1. Can GPA be corrected on the transcript? IE: student takes 2- 2.5 credit classes and earns a 3.69 cum. Can this
be changed to 3.70 on transcript? Answer: yes. No updates to Legacy to do this automatically. It’s manual.
The answer to this questions needs clarification if Joan, Mike, or Janet have a more clear answer
2. A) Do colleges admit prior to age 18 or proof of high school diploma; specifically graduating seniors? Yes, almost
all admit prior to above. B) Do colleges go back and check to see if students has graduated or turned 18 prior to
enrollment? No, too much work.
3. A)How many colleges placement test in the high schools? About ½ of those in attendance placement test in the
high schools. B) Do you charge high school students? No.
Additional Question Box questions? Mike and Joan have these I think.
April 24, 2015
Steve Ashpole suggested ARC create small groups to look at different areas of PeopleSoft. This will help identify other
issues that any arise.
Send ARC representatives to OHUG PeopleSoft users conference. This year is June 8-11 in Las Vegas – is this the
correct conference?
It was also suggested on Thursday that a Washington PeopleSoft users group be established and possibly meet
Annually at WaACRAO or even set up a listserv.
Discussion on CRMs – Azzores, Hobsons and others. Need a content developer. Question came up regarding colleges
having an IT person in Enrollment Services. None of us do. Peninsula shares one with Financial Aid. Need to convince
our colleges IT support is critical with PSoft and any CRM.
Posthumous degree question – Cindy Mowry will follow-up with Scott Copeland on whether or not technical colleges
can award posthumous degrees
Reverse Transfer degrees will be housed with SBCTC to determine what CTC gets to award degree for SAI points. Will go
to the CTC who has the most credits for awarding and SAI points. Colleges will need to address residency for degree
purposes and do away with it.
Discussed number of meetings per year. It was decided to stay at 3 meetings per year. 1st day is professional
development (1/2 day in afternoon), second day – full agenda of updates/presentations from
SBCTC/ctcLink/WASC/Clearinghouse, etc. Third day, council liaison reports, Business meeting (1/2 day in mornin
In time of change, how do you improve morale in office? Birthday potlucks; no occasion potlucks; retreats
Business Meeting:
Letter needs to be written to SBCTC requesting PeopleSoft transcripts display full or partial SSN and cumulative collegelevel GPA. Dave Paul needs the letter from ARC before the WSSSC meeting in Spokane April 29-May1. Also requesting
Dave Paul invite Steve Bays or Roanne Beloit from Spokane to attend WSSSC meeting to answer questions regarding
ARC’s request.
Asked ARC members in attendance it think about professional development ideas for 2015-16 year.
Two ideas so far: FERPA update – FERPA undergoing huge revamp due to increasing use of electronic
State Archivist attend ARC to update group on records retention, etc.
Panel of ARC members to facilitate discussions within ARC
Ideas: Entry processes; drop for non-payment; working with Financial Aid/ working with
Curriculum/ transfer degrees - DTAs
Meeting locations for 2015-16:
Fall: October 21-23 at Skagit Valley
Winter: January 27-20 at Peninsula College, Port Angeles
Spring: April 20-22 tentatively at Spokane.
Cindy will confirm dates with colleges and find alternate location for spring.
Elections: Steve Ashpole nominated Patrick Brown, Renton Technical College and president-elect. Patrick accepted
Patrick Brown nominated Janet Garza, Columbia Basin, secretary. Janet accepted nomination
Need more detail here – who seconded, votes in yea,nay?
Treasurer’s report needs to be added.
Who moved/seconded spring meeting be closed
Didn’t have minutes from winter meeting – Karl in China with Everett CC.