M.i.T. LIBRARfES - DEWEY Q> Dewey HD28 .M414 '^ Integrating the Choice of Product Configuration with Parameter Design M. de Falco and WP #3749-94 K. T. Ulrich December 1994 ;/iAsaACHijstns iNSvirufe OF TECHN'OLOGY JAN 19 1995 LIBRARIES Integrating the Choice of Product Configuration with Parameter Design Massimo de Falco University of Naples "Federico 11" Dpt. of Materials and Production Engineering P.le Tecchio, Naples 80125 - Italy Karl T. Ulrich Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Cambridge, 02139 - USA MA December 1994 Abstract Parameter design and experimental techniques to develop new products essentially focus on the optimization of a single feasible configuration of a product. This paper, using an example, illustrates how to extend factor optimization to system design to support the designer in the choice of the product configuration. The proposed approach integrates the design phases to reach the best configuration using a process aimed at subsequent improvement of the product, providing confidence in the information underlying the decision making process, and correctly testing all hypotheses and assumptions. In this way, this paper is a further attempt to overcome barriers in industrial practice, by combining the engineering knowledge with effective statistical techniques. MIT - Sloan School of Management 12-19-1994 Integrating the Choice of Product Configuration with Parameter Design M. de Falco and K. 1 T. Ulrich Introduction The current concept of quality indicates that quality must be "designed in" the product, and that other forms of interventions present limitations and not be cost effective [Unal R., 1993]. In typical product may development practice "Quality by Design" consists of a three-step approach: system design, applies the available knowledge to produce parameter a basic functional prototype; design, identifies the setting of parameters which optimize the system performance; and tolerance design, establishes limits on allowable variation in the partial parameters [Dehnad K., 1988]. upstream extension of design However, this methodology for quality, since it is only a works only on a predefined product concept, and thus does not include the optimization of the product configuration. Using the Powered Fruit Juicer example, in this work, we will show how experimental design can be used to evaluate complex architectural factors such as different design solutions for head shape, or various technologies such as two systems of head rotation, and performance. how these choices affect final Including system design in the experimental optimization, this approach moves the development process naturally toward greater integration. The structure of this paper reflects the temporal differentiation in the underlying methodology between the framework" and the a priori stage, in which the "product "experiment pattern" are defined and the stage in which, after experimentation, analysis and feedback complete the development cycle. is a posteriori conducted to 1.1 Current Problems with System Design The new product development approach typical in industry has been characterized by strong pressure to reduce time and improve quality, while the lack of planning and statistical tools are One design [Goh T.N., 1991]. approach first is a process prototype and where its still strongly felt in all efforts are concentrated on the phases of development of the consequences of this realization of the subsequent optimization through the definition of tolerances [Unal R., 1993]. Pushing to reach quickly a first feasible row tuning of parameters under cost demonstrated to be ineffective. product architecture with subsequent and quality constraints has already been As Taguchi pointed out make products with high performance and optimize all key factors identifies the product's sources of variation. is necessary. a long time ago, to robustness, a design process to This phase, known as parameter design, parameter settings that reduce the sensitivity to Even if approach this is essentially the classical Design of Experiment [Kacker R.N., 1991], Taguchi popularized this approach in industrial applications [Pignatiello Concentrating efforts on the sequential way J. J., first 1992]. selected product solution, in a strongly that does not allow either for feedback represent a weakness in subsequent iteration or ongoing This tendency approach. this traditional endures in spite of the possibility offered by the prototype as a milestone to close the loop in the early stages of product design, required to validate the assumptions of the 1.2 and of verifications Objectives of Proposed Approach The present work points out the importance extending factor optimization back the product 1). with the integration of design phases to: is of to system design not yet frozen (Exhibit and the where This main objective predispose and activate a continuous improvement process, - test correctly all know possibility of the architecture of - - all statistical analysis. is also combined hypotheses and assumptions, the reliability and confidence of the information underlying the decision-making process. Exhibit 1. Extension of the approach in the development processExtended Approach Idea-Need Analysis Architecture Definition Features Identification Cause-Effect Analysis Feasibility Analysis Solutions Compilation Alerna'tives' These goals are intended control. The Comparison Architecture Selection to Optimization Parameter Setting Variation Reduction Tolerance Setting achieve in the design process flexibility and flexibility is relevant because it avoids a situation in which, after the prototyping of product, the configuration is In fact, the treated as fixed. early freezing of the architecture has a strong impact either in finding the best overall solution for the product or in the creation of other alternatives. keys to and move to avoid knowledge about the This, integrated with the feedback, the process toward the common optimum, becomes one of the knowledge to formalize the mistakes occurring in the early stage of the design phases. 2 Approach 2.1 The "Powered An Fruit Juicer" Example application of the proposed approach has been conducted on a consumer product, the Powered Fruit Juicer (PFJ), using brands already on the market as prototypes for the development of a potential next generation. will be used cases to illustrate where the example does not apply, The Powered Fruit Juicers are home to hypothetical situations. products mostly used for oranges, and manufacturers offer products with similar designs. work through head This example the different steps of the present work, referring, in The rotation while the user holds the fruit pressure. These products exhibit some all juicers essentially and applies interesting features that are perhaps driven by the developer's experience and by n:\arketing considerations rather than by objective performance evaluation. For this reason this example appears to be appropriate for an application of the proposed approach, which introduces architectural performance evaluation as part of the product design process. 2.2 Logic and Stages of the Approach In our approach, from the two main concepts traditional differentiate partially the design process methodology. These and the "pattern of the experiment" are: the (Exhibit "framework of the product" The 2). first relates to the product/process under evaluation and synthesizes present knowledge about it. The second constraints and also identifies refers to the planned experimental process, respecting objectives, to improve the level of two stages of the improvement knowledge. The approach cycle, a priori and a posteriori of the experiment. With only one first iteration, like in the PFJ case, the design process provides the best configuration of the product Exhibi and updates related know-how. Framework 2.2.1 of the Product The concept of framework In fact, architecture. it an upstream extension of the product includes the final architecture and other feasible alternatives, and is way the framework In this is expressly defined to apply during the experimental phase. constitutes the experiment plan relative to the product and, although interrelated with the pattern of experimentation, it helps to simplify and to clarify the process. In order to settle the product framework, as illustrated in the a priori stage of Exhibit 2 , it is necessary to determine the predominant performance of the product, the hypotheses to investigate and the feedback plan. The performance under is evaluation, and the response factor associated. This a delicate point because, through a cause-effect analysis, the performance will be linked to the key factors, and the response controllable or uncontrollable factors. evaluation was the the juice produced of this response factor fruit, juice that is its remained factor 3. System performance under was in the fruit. very low sensitivity dimension and the shape of the the ratio between The characteristic to the "juiciness" of a specific a critical element in the experimentation, but sensitive to the Exhibit and the response juice yield, and the factor can affect either In the PFJ case the it remains fruit. table. KNOWN DOMAIN UNKNOWN Controllable Uncontrollable Selected Unselected I Steady • • ' Head shape Power (Engine) • Lateral Rotation technique • • Oranges dimension pressure Head dimension Operator Experimental time Variable Uncontrolled Rotation speed • Material • Orange shape • Envir. temperature Envir. umidity Vertical pressure • Squeezing time Axis slope • Rash • Filter control • shape Experimental Error ArchKecture factor = factor emlxxJied External Noise in the prototypes; Steady factor = factor settled for at) the experiment; Minimized = factor with reduced variability; factor Setting factor = factor varied In the experiment; = factor not oontmlled; Uncontrolled factor = factor uncontrollable. Variable factor somehow The principal hypotheses and • scientific to investigate. These synthesize the engineering knowledge about the phenomenon under evaluation. They are: the classification of the factors playing significant roles, with the choice of which are considered responsible selected factors, main for the on the effects Exhibit 3 shows the different categories using factors performance. identified for the PFJ application with oranges. The selected factors, which and architecture factors will be directly observed, are divided into setting factors; the first group constitutes the peculiarities of the product concept or configuration. is composed of two design factors, (1) the power, applied with different In the case of PFJ, this head shape (Exhibit electric motors the to 4) and (2) the then a heads; technological factor, the head rotation scheme, where way standard an alternated rotation in two rotation directions (Exhibit factors, require to 5). and the second type The is the first type is a one- architecture factors, as distinct from the setting more prototypes or a modular prototype with the possibility exchange the parts during the experiment, and constitute the critical elements to investigate. Exhibit 4. The two different solutions of head shape. Design Factor Head Shapes Type It is Type I worth mentioning I I that not all categories identified for unselected uncontrollable factors have to be present, but all of and them influence the experimental results and are helpful for correctly planning the experiment. The choice of juice yield as response factor implies the minimization of variation in the orange dimension to reduce the uncontrolled variability in the experiment; while the shape of the orange was left uncontrolled because of technical difficulties in measurenient. Exhibit 5. The two different technologies applicable to the PFJ. Technology Factor Head Rotation Technology I Technology • The interactions interaction intensities. and Exhibit Rotation Two Way Rotation the factors selected. In table 6 diagram showing the relationships among the is represented an factors and their These connections are generally based on previous experiences reflect present 6. among f^ One Way knowledge. Interactions diagram, the a priori hypotheses on interactions. = strong Effect = Weak Effect • Scaling and leveling systems. Assuming a metric and defining the levels at which the factors have to be observed, architecture factors, (Table 1). their levels. it is we necessary to divide the factors into different types For continuous factors, on the other hand, In the PFJ case the "range" difference of two levels and their was defined the factors. Table we 1. known Leveling for the factors c this determine between the range should be or supposed variation of Erroneous definitions of levels can lead will see for the time factor. we must as the ratio middle point; significantly close to the percentage of the as can face factors that are not In these cases, very frequent with measurable and/or not continuous. to altered conclusions, in order to achieve the right data at the important to plan the experinnent lowest cost. This by several often restricted The particularly true in the prototyping phase, is central point in this tradeoff experiment, which is can investigate, and defined, there still and economical technical the is linked with the number number constraints. of trials to run during the of factors the precision of the data collected. are many where we are and interactions we Once boundary this is parameters and structures to define in order to conduct the experiment that will yield the desired outcome. All these parameters along with the structure choices determine the "pattern of experiment". The outcome once we have of the experiment,, although the unknown, is completely defined framework of the product under study and the the pattern of experiment in terms of design constraints and definition of leverages. Design Constraints • Physical constraints. Once all factors are characterized control during the experiment are selected, some restrictions exist in it is and the essential to the measurement of these factors to understand due to if the characteristics of the prototypes. Some of the typical restrictions that can occur are the "nested factors" and /or "split-plot factors". These are particularly frequent testing because architecture factors separable. embodied in the in prototype prototypes are often not In fact, each prototype can constitute a specific solution that, because of the different design, assembly and parts, can interact with other structure of prototypes where Precisely because of the power way power factor level of X B.J., is if is face a nested in the design factor. different electric motors, the output levels of are similar but not equal, even with the to recognize Winer two the we In the PFJ pattern (Exhibit 7) factors generating altered effects. a factor (X) is same power nested in another (Y) combined with every levels of factor is input. An to verify Y [Mason if easy each R.L., 1989; 1970]. The main consequence of this restriction is that the effect of the power will be confounded with the design-power interactions, and these data will require a different treatment (Appendix A). Exhibit Pattern of the 7. Powered Fruit Juicer experiment. Design Pattern Combmations 1st of the present factor levels 2nd Prototype Prototype Architecture A) Design Type B) Power C) Technology Setting Dl) Pressure D2)Time D3) Slope S L4 = 1 1 Peculiarity of the pattern Power nested in design type. 1 2 2 1 FiiJl 2 I 1 2 2 2 factorial for architecture factors. Half fractional factorial for setting factors (L4). Economical-technical constraints. These constraints determine the number • of prototype variants Knowledge • we can build and the number of upperbound constitute the constraints. for the total number Since this approach structured as an iterative is process, the quality of the pattern, and then of the data, knowledge, of which a fundamental element of the experiment (Cq). The is linked to previous the error standard deviation availability of this minimum number calculation of the is and so trials feasible, of runs in the experiment. parameter allows a better of trials that matches our expected reliability. Design leverages are the values fit • the strategy and design Acceptable Risk key factors, factor is a factor we level. can performed In the statistical analysis make two different types of error: considered significant and in reality is experiment parameters to to assign to the free constraints. is not; Type I and Type considered not significant and in reality it is. to identify the occurs 11 when a when occurs We prevent ourselves from making these errors by fixing the probabilities of their occurring at a low level, P(Type case we a fixed parameter p justified is design solution • =0.05 and if it in the error)=a and P(Type P =0.05, II error)=p. makes an improvement It is In the PFf the unusually strict control of the by the importance of avoiding the Precision of the experiment. change I in rejection of a new product performance. the required capacity to detect a specific average of a response factor due 10 to a factor or interaction. This value should be defined in accordance with the variation considered of interest. number Moreover we should observe and of trials are strongly interrelated coherently [Diamond W.J., 1981]. was the PFJ experiment the precision • 5=±4% in the ratio Degree of freedom previous parameters Once defined, the total available in the experiment (N-1) is fact, and factors in the experiment possibility to number of degree of freedom (doO is However, there with the nested and This is for the factor, including a reason the error. In more dof available for the error factors. still is more and more why a high not indicated for high precision experiments. Resolution of experiment. The last make choice to resolution, with related confounding, for each factor interest in the of trials (N) with factors, interactions means fewer dofs have confounded factors /trials ratio • factor. number determined. for each interaction In the total respecting constraints which require in our case one nested factor error. fixed as the capacity to detect a among possibility of deploying these dofs precision, without making type n risk of chosen as the response allocation. is imposed total be made their choice n\ust In fact, a high changing other parameters, implies a high variation of and that risk level, precision experiment [Tsui K.L., 1988]. the pattern of experiment, is is the definition of and interaction of This choice, which completes important because it defines factors that will be deeply understood and factors that will remain somewhat uncertain due to confounded Table 2. effects. Resolution and confounding for factors and interactions . Any knowledge about the impact of some a priori guide in the resolution decision [Alkhairy A., made Accordingly with the factor categorization effects could be a helpful 1991]. above, in the PFJ example, the architecture parameters were positioned in the highest resolution position, because an error in the architecture in the setting of the parameters (Table 2). trials, is more In this serious than an error way we can perform few reducing quality of the data only where eventual errors would be less serious. 3 The PFJ Experiment The experiment completely designed once is , we have determined previous elements in the framework and in the pattern. The trials can be calculated using tables available which express the relationship /(a, p, the number total of in literature [Davies D.L., 1956], O, n)=0 (Appendix F), where 0= 8/Ge is the ratio between the precision of the experiment and the error standard deviation, n (equal, for is two the sample size of each group compared level factorial design, to half of the total in the number In the design of experiment of PFJ, because of a total lack of conducted a preliminary test to (=0.04/0.0277), if Oe is we find n=14. number not known, the help of R.L., 1989]. is trials). knowledge, estimate Oq [Davies O.L., 1978], which out to be approximately 0.0277. In Table Fl of the Appendix then the total of experiment The closest orthogonal array of trials will be N=32. to define 5 as is Another system percentage of Gg. F, we came with 0=1.45 n=16=N/2 and to determine O, This can be done with some conservative considerations [Diamond W.J., 1981; Mason The minimum number of trials so calculated (32) matches the reduction imposed by the resolution choices. The resulting pattern of the experiment factors and a half resolution V is a full factorial for the architecture factorial for the setting factors, thus for the architecture factors, a resolution and a resolution IV for the interactions III we obtained the for the setting factors, between the factors of the two different categories. The pattern is recognizable in Exhibit 8 thanks to the positioning of the architecture factor presence of all on the top of the matrix, where combinations among 12 the factors. full factorial On the side implies the we have the setting factors where the half fractional design implies the presence of only half the data, but the orthogonality of the design guaranties the possibility of comparing any Exhibit 8 factor at each of its two levels. Before starting the experiment, useful to check it is possible sources of if all error variation have been considered, because too high an error variation can compromise the variations, ability according The main distinguish factor effects. to the to error previous categorization of factors, are conceptually illustrated in Exhibit 9. From we this description, see that the preliminary error estimation could be underestimated, since this error did not appear the "parameters setting" component, because were made trials at the same error can be estimated only Exhibit 9. Components of This factor level. is the preliminary all how evidence of the correct by an analogous experiment. measured experimental error. Experimental Error Misured Error EEl = Erroneous parameters setting EE2 = Erroneous response measurament EE3 = Erroneous control of steady factors External Noise ENl = Variation due to variable factors EN2 = Variation due to uncontrollable EN3 = Variation due to factors The experiment has been conducted with technique, which trials the means that all trials is fixed factors level and randomized [Montgomery D.C., 1984]. an argued point, because, against perception, the randomization is 1992]. between The main trials. This difficulties are may 3, where two due to much [Pignatiello setup and tuning to change significantly enlarge experimental time. The random sequence and outcome Table The common very expensive and the tendency to conduct grouped runs often compromises the quality of the experiment J.J., factors factors were kept at defined levels and sequence of runs was random randomization of unknown of the 32 trials conducted levels of factors are indicated 14 with indexes is 1 illustrated in and 2. Table 3. Ranciom [Phadke M.S., still presents 1989]. many In spite of abundant available obstacles to adoption in industry. Exhibit 10. Different analyses involved in the approach. literature, this problem Table 4a. Also supplied in the table is level at is significant. we that a factor or Since high significance of a factor or interaction does not mean necessarily a strong impact on the product, as "probability value", which the null hypothesis can The smaller the p-value, the higher the chances be rejected. interaction known the p-Value, which gives the smallest significance final performance of the also provide the percent contribution of each effect, the percentage of total variation This information is due to a factor or interaction often important; in fact, as we which gives (Appendix B). note in Table 4 for the head-rotation factor, the significant level obtained (p<0.05) is related to a low impact on performance variation Ur=2%. Pooling Technique Although this is a controversial step improve the analysis by observing [Davies O.L., 1978], from Table 4a that the power and we can many the time with other interactions have a high p-Value (p>0.5), and so their variation can be considered as a component of unexplained (casual) variation and pooled in the residual. Thus the residual reaches 22 degrees of freedom, which means more accuracy factors and in the error estimation. interaction. p-Value (p<0.1) is 5. Anova can also the design-slope interaction, so interactions to obtain the final Table We test better the remaining Table 4b shows that the only interaction with a low model shown table for the final model. in we keep pooling the other Table 4c [Ross P.J., 1988] factors, interactions From this and main effects. we information, beyond the significance of the model, can determine the quality of the approach by observing the overall Percent Contribution (n) of the model. Exhibit 11 shows the generic alternatives we can encounter. The bounds are arbitrary and only indicate a tendency rather then a rule. In the PFJ case, the sufficiently high, but still 83% of contribution of the final model is requires a careful analysis of the residual to explain eventual anomalies either in the framework or in the pattern of experiment. Alternatives in the Exhibit 11. model contribution analysis. The explained part unknown in the n:\issed domain. of variation. total variation sources it likely necessary to is diagnosis of whether we have phenomenon, ca n procede with the v\fe analysis. explained by the model. where the model contribution appears where situation adequately the which can be the right data, = Percentage of the In the cases describe the inadequate. n The model perforin a We don't have known relevant Residual Analysis to identify eventual We can be in domain, but is but it is necessary to to be very low, we face the A row change the framework. the right data or not can be made through the observation of the ratio between the dof available for the error and the total When number of dof. analysis was conducted fact relevant. The the ratio alternatives domain or the key is correctly factors is high, and that if we should check if everything in the one of the "not" selected factors is in missed key factors are in the unknown have been neutralized as steady factors. This is a pertinent point in any case, because during the definition of the framework, any architecture and then it factor left out of the selected set will not behaves as a steady be possible to make any inference on 19 it. factor, In the PFJ we example, the head dimension was not included in the experiment, and so did not know if it was At the same time, we do not know a key factor. performance has been significantly affected by the the if and head ratio of fruit diameter. Residual Analysis This part, often neglected, is most important, if all to verify essential to complete the preceding analyses and, assumptions underlying the methodology are met. The analysis of residuals requires a previous regression analysis (Appendix from which we calculate C), verification if we and residual fitted values and residuals. interpretation are detect any pattern in the residual two it sides of the means The assumptions same coin. In fact, some assumptions that are not completely verified and therefore an unexpected effect can be in the residual, and vice versa [Montgomery D.C., 1984]. The assumptions of the analysis of variance are: and homogeneity of many literature and in There are residuals. some software to verify the of residuals, such as the Shapiro-Wilk test last assumption to the others accomplish is the [Dunn normality, independence tests available in the normality and the independence and the Durbin-Watson most important, since the methodology A O.J., 1987]. is test. The quite robust complementary and easy approach this analysis is to plot the residuals against any of the factors parameters that can be considered worrisome. In the PFJ residual analysis assumptions were verified and contribution variation. it was impossible The obtained in spite to identify error variation of the indication of to and all model any other form of unexpected was explained with the low precision of the experiment (Appendix D). Sensitivity of Experiment After the experimental phase, although defined in the pattern of experiment, it is useful to recalculate the precision of the experiment, "sensitivity", Difference. now called with the formula coming from the Fisher's Least-Significance This also gives the confidence interval for the difference of the means estimated [Mason R.L., 1989]: 20 Sen = ± this is relative to (2/n)l/2 [a/2, V] t samples of same and size, Sg t[a/2, v) is the t-distribution with an upper-tail of probability a/2; v = degree of freedom of error; n = size of each sample compared; Se = error standard deviation. In the PFJ example, where a = 0.05, we V = 26, n = 16 and Se = 0.0608 Sen = ± 2.056 * have: 0.354 * ± 0.0608 = 4.42 % This indicates again the capacity of the experiment to detect a variation in the response factor average of ± 4.42 %, which previously imposed. This increment greater than the precision is essentially is the initial precision, in N=2n=128 trials at the cost of same condition, (0=0.04/0.0608=0.658). This some power of the preliminary to Using the obtained underestimation of the error standard deviation. reach the due we should perform Se, to at least number would be reducible only test. Multiple Comparisons Another useful technique to included in the framework is advantage to be easy to calculate Experimentalwise (E) error, which least and interactions the effects of factors test the multiple comparisons and consents the probability of is one null hypotheses when making test. statistical tests of two or more it is the clear that, number 1 - of population even with a The comparison among is ( 1 - approximately 0.005 The (a) •^-1 ) means compared. From if the number the four averages of the reported in the PFJ example (Exhibit to select the a low comparisonwise error reach a high experimentalwise error used null R.L., 1989]. is: E = is the rejecting at between the experimentalwise error and the comparisonwise error defined previously where k introduce to wrongly hypotheses using the data from a single experiment [Mason relationship This has the 12). (i.e. 21 a=0.05), we can of comparisons increases. head shape-slope interaction The Bonferroni procedure was comparisonwise error (a /2k), which [Ibid.]. this expression, is resulted to be Exhibit 12. Multiple comparison diagram for the head shape-slope interaction 85.00% , The PFJ experiment revealed since it is intuitive that sec) there must be relationship Exhibit 13. that the time factor between a very short time a difference, we have between response and the Comparison of curve (Exhibit 14) (R=46%) was not big enough view this implies that we and after the experiment. Factor Nested Not Evaluable O O = Strong Effect = Weak Effect observe that in reality the range chosen to detect a change, but from a practical point of excluding short uses of the product the performance quite robust with respect to time. power (10 of the curve Rotation! I this and and a longer time row deduction Rotation! : From (1 sec) significant, time. interactions tables before I a was not Analogous inferences can be made factor. Exhibit 14. Relationship between Time and Response 23 factor is for the The final, but no less important, information created a better estimation of is This allows more precise planning of any the error standard deviation. subsequent experiments. 6 Conclusion Although the concept of quality keeps evolving [Gehani R.R., 1993] and many quantitative techniques have been developed for optimizing products, emphasis has been placed on identifying This work is a further attempt to all move little their possible applications. quality by design upstream, by introducing in the experimental phases factors typically neglected and otherwise not easily evaluable. learning process, it is Nevertheless, in the improving-through- necessary to place the proper emphasis on competencies, which have to complement engineering statistical skills. 7 References Alkhairy A., "Optimal product and manufacturing process selection: issues of formulation and methods of parameter design", Mit Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1991. 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Defining response observation as the generic corresponding to factors A, start the first step B, C, Dl, D2, with calculation of the Yij^imn/ with indexes D3 and varying between 1 and 2, we Correction Factor (CF) [Montgomery D.C., 1984]: CF = Y2 where dots indicate that indexes have been totalized. squares can be expressed SStot and all factors SSA = IiY2i SSb(A) = ^i ^] /24 - Y2ij..../23 - Ei Y2i - CF of squares are: /24 CF - - CF SScB(A) = 5:i5:j5:kY2ijk.../22 - SSD2 = ^mY2....n,./24 n/24 sums Y^ijj^imri CF ^A^h-k-n^ SSD3 = 5:nY2 ^m ^n = ^i ^j ^k ^1 interactions SSdi=I:iY2...,../24 Then the Total sum of as: and SSc = IkY2..k.../24 SSAC = /25 - SSa - SSc Zi2:jY2ij..../23 CF - - - CF CF 27 - EiIkY2i.k.../23 + IiY2i /24 CF - SSa - SSdi CF - SSa " SSd2 5:i5:mY2i...n,./23 SSAD3 = ^i5:nY2i....n/23 - CF - SSa " SSd3 SSadi - =2:iSiY2i..,../23 SSAD2 = - - SSb(A)D1 =Si5:jIiY2ij.i../22 SSb(A)D2 = Si ZiIjY2ij..../23 ^ Sm Y2ij..n,./22 SSb(A)D3 = li Sj In Y2ij...n/22 Zj Zj Y2ij..../23 - IiE,Y2i..i../23 - ZiY2i - Ij Zj Y2ij..../23 Ij " Zj - Zm ^h-mJi' Zn ^ /24 ^ Y^i Y2i....n/23 + Zi Y2i /2* /24 SScDi =5:k5:iY2..ki../23 - CF - SSc - SSdi SSCD2 = ZkZm Y2..k.m./23 - CF - SSc - SSd2 SScD3 = SkInY2..k..n/23 - CF SSc - SSd3 " The sum of squares for the residual can be calculated as difference the total sum of squares and the sum of sums all between of squares previously calculated: SSResidual = SStot It - SSa - SSaDI - - SSCDI - " SSb(A) SSaD2 SScD2 - " SSc SSaD3 - SSdi - SSd3 - SSac SSb(A)D2 - SSb(A)D3 SSd2 SSb(A)D1 - - - SSab(A) - SScD3 could be easily demonstrated, developing the formulas above shown, that the effect of the nested factor B the factor A and factor is confounded with the interaction between B [Montgomery D.C., 1984]: SSb(A) = SSb + SSab and analogous considerations can be made for any interaction with the nested factor B, for example: SSb(A)C = SSbc + SSabC and so on. The value of the correction factor the values assumed by the was CF= 12.934 and in Table Al are reported variables appearing in the previous sums, in function of their levels. 28 Table Al. Sums of Experimental Observations Appendix B Percent Contribution Calculation The variance calculated in the fixed Anova interaction, listed in the error [Phadke M.S, 1983; Ross observed (Vx ) can be written experiment for a factor or levels some amount contains Table, P.J., of variation The generic 1988]. due to factor variance as: Vx = V*x + Ve where V*x is the variance due solely to the factor x The pure variation of the error. in the Anova Table is the variance of factor x can be isolated as: V*x = Vx and since and Vg - the variance Ve expressed as the ratio of is squares and degree of freedom of factor (Vx=SSx/Vx) we sum of have: SS*x/Vx = SSx/Vx-Ve Solving for SS*x we obtain: SS*x = SSx - Ve Vx X then the percent contribution of the factor x expressed in terms of sum Ox = SS\ The contribution of error variation removed by where dof p.i. is the total / SSTot (residual) then the factors He = (Fix) respect the total variation of squares can be calculated as: and (SSx + dof number X is 100 calculated replacing on it all interactions: F.l. X Ve) / SSjot of degree of x 100 freedom available for factors and interactions. This correction effects, Table and it is is necessary to avoid overestimating the contribution of the cause of the presence of negative number in the (14a). 30 initial Anova Appendix C Regression Analysis The regression analysis, conducted with the MINITAB® software results obtained with the then it Anova Analysis produces residual and fitted for the factors , confirms the for the model, values necessary for the Residual Analysis, the regression results are listed in Table CI: Table Cl. Regression and The residuals obtained from the regression analysis are listed in Table C2, where it is also shown fitted values, sorted residuals and normal quantile values. Table C2. Residuals of the Trials final models. D Appendix Residuals Analysis Using the regression with the intent to investigate if results, it is possible to perform the residuals analysis assumptions of the Anova Analysis and to test the basic some unpredicted sources The assumptions homogeneity of to errors. The of variation are detected. independence, normality distribution and are: test first, and most important, can be tested with the Durbin-Watson method, which requires the calculation of the d = Zi where T\ is the residual, and the value d*=1.80 obtained with the bounds du and dt [Mason literature with / ZiT^i (fi - ri.i)2 R.L., et To 1989]. test the dt, 11) do not we is did not reject Hq if d>du; HI) draw no conclusion required for negative autocorrelation. reject = 2, 3,...32 must be compared hypothesis Hq: errors not autocorrelated vs Hg: errors positively autocorrelated, reasoning i a=0.05) from the tables available in (1.18, 1.73 for al., statistic: we if can: I) reject Hq if d< dL<d<du. Analogous In the FPS case d*>du and Hq, which means that the independence assumption was supported. The normality assumption can be which requires to tested using the Shapiro-Wilk order ascending the residuals and calculate the W = b2 where b = Zi tables [ibid.] ai r^j we hypothesis of normality critical. S^ = and The value is rejected for the aj )2 with and the the value if statistic: / S2 Ei (ri.Ijri/n obtain the values method, i=l,2,...,n critical W FPS case was W*=0.966, obtained that and from the value for is less W. then The W- compared with the W(n=32, a=o.45)= 0.965 did not allow us to reject the hypothesis of normality. Independence and homogeneity assumptions can be further investigated plotting the residuals vs the factors and interactions (exhibit Dl), vs fitted values and time (exhibit D2, D3); the normality assumption with the plot of the residuals vs the fitted values D4). and These do not show any pattern do not help in finding other the to normal quantile values (exhibit D3, worry about. On missed sources of variation. 33 the other hand, they Table Dl. Exhibit D2. Plot Residuals vs Experimental 0.12 1 Time Appendix E Exhibit El. 3 9080 00922 4194 Appendix F Table Fl. Sample size requirements for tests on difference of two means from independent normal population, equal population standard deviations. BARCODE ONNEKT TO LAST PAQB J Date Due ^P^ 2 JUL. KV rEB 23 8 B 1^98 *^ i«a9 2 8 Lib-26-67