•fi**"^ S At UBRARIEsl \ I ^ o/ tec* $* BASE to \RST. %K^ ^N^ NOV 12 1987 HD28 .M414 J ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT THE INFLUENCE OF COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES ON ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: A CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR FUTURE RESEARCH OSCAR HAUPTMAN THOMAS J. ALLEN MAY 1987 WP# 1892-87 MASSACHUSETTS TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 INSTITUTE OF THE INFLUENCE OF COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES ON ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: A CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR FUTURE RESEARCH OSCAR HAUPTMAN THOMAS J.' ALLEN MAY 1987 WP# 1892-87 integrate conceptually to is article the of knowledge-based tasks in a of dimensions related coLunicition is a static The initial information of the model simplified model. forms structural organizational and interrelation of task dimensions, The terms of these dimensions. most effective for tasks described in the hypothesized relation of consists model the of dynamic version related communication and structure organizational between sophisticated el ectronic mail, as such technologies, information search and retrieval systems computer-conferencing, and document task consequently, and communication, enhancing in systems, SI objective performance. dimensions, and cl « "^fj'j Tne metrics of the conceptual model's communication, and to managerial applicability to future research of practice in the technological era are discussed. -2- ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION AND PERFORMANCE determinants The communication technical of patterns R&D in organizations have been the subject of a considerable amount of study in recent years (Allen, Allen, 1984; Tushman, Lee, & 1979; Lee & Pelz & Allen, Tushman, 1980; Katz & Allen, 1982). A very Andrews, large technical recent 1986b) in R&D performance study 1984) and corroborates the in a be to a productivity Bernard, R&D of for 1964; technical among determinant significant major computer firm findings these & communication shows laboratories carried out (Shilling research of Allen, 1966; professionals body project (1986a, and development software A teams. Hauptman by of production, as well. These studies further demonstrate that communication patterns in such organizations are structure and the focus on information the largely determined location of physical first of technology by these affects and the factors: tjjo people. will The examine relationship organizational present the between paper will ways in which organizational structure and technical communication. INFLUENCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES ON ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION One cannot discuss organizational communication at the present without at least speculating about the impact that the explosive development communication-related information technologies will have on them. in -3- following The assessment rational-economic of communication digital is probably typical of the enthusiastic perception about the benefits new communication-related information technologies promise: The phone also shares a problem with all speech communication: Generally, the information density of speech is very low. electronic transmission of speech requires about 60,000 bits per second. These 60,000 bits of speech carry about the same information as 15 characters of written But test... you can transmit 15 cnaracters directly as transmitting only 120 bits of text by information, rather than. 60 000 bits of speech. In a very fundamental sense, speech is not an economic medium of communication (Marill, 1980: 185). . . . the ... It might seem that the new technologies, such as electronic mail or computer-mediated conferencing, would offer many advantages in comparison with oral communication. Picot, at. list such advantages as (1982) al. including work, at effective decentralization of autonomous work groups, home. Hiltz & Turoff (1978: 8-9) in detailed their study case of a computer-conferencing package suggest that: Time and distance barriers are removed. Participants can send and receive communications whenever it is convenient for them, with the material ... to be received or revised again and again 1. . . . . . . without decreasing actual expanded Group size can be participation by either member. No one can be interrupted or 'shouted down'. In addition, since it is possible to read much faster than listen, much more total infromation can be exchanged in a given amount of time. 2. ... 3. A person participates at a time and rate of his or her own choice. You need not leap out of the bathroom to answer a ringing telephone, or drag yourself out of a hotel bed at 7a.m. to make a meeting that begins at 9a.m. This Smith, positive Chairman communication of outlook is shared General Motors technologies as the by who some practitioners, refers vehicle for (1985: what 5) he e.g., to calls Roger information the "21st -4- According to Smith it entails Century Corporation". . . an integrated, coordinated, decision-soaking way cf functioning product plans, budgets, programs, comprehends business which corporate volumes, and everything else that helps run the business, it must create an integrated worldwide data base that brings all parts of the busines together. . If Hiltz & technologies as interactions, Turoff (197b) and replacing Smith (1985: 6) see the main application of complementing face-to-face predicts replacement the information and of telephone paper-based information and communication: Just as automobiles of today are increasingly moving from mechanical controls to elctronic controls, so must the businesses of today switch from paper to an electronic flow of data. This enthusiasm for a new set of technologies relevant to management is still in need of rigorous, governmental and interactions could possibly face-to-face, medium imposed via is by affective a computer-conferencing replace other telephone and mail. inherently the important several findings Hiltz & Turoff (1978) provide detailed protocols of disciplined written components of Valee, & Collins, 1977; The Nevertheless settings. should be mentioned. empirical evidence in real-life industrial asynchronous them more egalitarian. medium; human media and package, suggest communication, of that such it as It also seems that the electronic text because it should interactions of the cognitive presumably (see for filter instance structure out the Johansen, Johansen & DeGrasse, 1979). nature of computer-mediated interactions also make They are less influenced by status, or the verbal -5- eloquence aggressiveness or Both individual. the of Hiltz and Turoff (1984) show that participation in discussions (1978), and Siegel, et. al. is more equally distributed among participants than could be expected in similar face-to-face groups. The natural question should that be asked effectiveness of computer-mediated communication. al. about is efficiency and For instance Siegel et (1984) found that it usually took the computer-mediated groups longer Possibly the fact that these groups exchanged fewer to reach a solution. remarks than information. groups groups impaired It should be mentioned, were groups. face-to-face as task-oriented, Sproull & Kiesler addition, In information though, more and conveyed through medium this flow the task-relevant of the computer-mediated that quantitative than face-to-face found that much (1986) would have not been of the conveyed without it. These findings limitations are imposed indicative the by of potential the Obviously, medium. transmitting digital data via the computer, the described benefits and efficiency of by Marill (1980), narrows the band in the same ratio, in this case by 500 (60,000 to 120). Tne 60,000 bits of speech are transmitting only not characters 15 of verbal data but also vocalization - pauses, pitches and tones. Even the traditional voice medium, the telephone, more narrow-banded than face-to-face interactions. visual This channel, screening which can be includes the regarded potential biased responses, based as on physical positive It totally lacks the attributes because individual incomparably is the person. could prevent of it attributes unrelated to -6- the Obviously, task. movements, body contacts, the medium screens out facial psycho-physiological and responses, importance of these cues remains problematic (.Allen, D. Furthermore, can derived be questions the what are of communication-related from To what organizations remain unanswered. the potential are & Guy, , realistic information eye the but 1979). that benefits technologies to extent these technologies have "bottom line"', the tasks organizational some Clearly, show results at to the expressions, and amenable more in ways. what productivity to increase through information technologies than others, which might appear quite similar. has to clear that the exploitation of these technologies is It administered with insight about communication-related issues, be and with great organizational astuteness in implementing them. Several business et. recent papers organizations, al. telephone in their media found (1982) communication to and superior be stimulation and privacy address are electronic highly detailed that to the (with the managers indirect, dependability rates formality. study than implementation For instance, of how perceive TELETEX is the in Picot various face-to-face asynchronous exception of mail, On the other hand, better relevant. field well for privacy). and mail channels and for which rated quite perceived highest on face-to-face for comfort and On the task-oriented dimensions TELETEX is perceived superior than face-to-face in terms of promptness and accuracy, but is definitely worse on complexity of transmitted information, and confidence about the is a trade name of an European public domain electronic similar to QUICKCOM and DIALCOM. -'-TELETEX mail, -7- reaching information about perceived restructuring in authors The destination. its utilization: channel data provide also TELETEX does not seem to be a very strong competitor of face-to-face communication (only 5 mail and telephone rate only somewhat better with 12 percent and 18 percent potential replacement by teletext. Because it replacement); percent measured perceptual, issue of actual subjective data, study this still open leaves the restructuring of communication when computer-based media are introduced. There are several studies which come close to addressing the central implementation, issues of use, clarify the study Steinfield's information technologies. to benefits that could be expected from and typology of effectively via electronic (1984, communication tasks mail. He found that is an could be performed distinction clear a effort 1985) between social and task usages, and to what extent each sub-task was susceptible to mediation by electronic mail. (1982) His results support the Picot, et. al. warning about over estimating the impact of communication-related technologies on complex tasks. He found "resolve negotiations/bargaining", such that as tasks conflicts/disagreements", "carry on "discuss confidential matters", had never been carried out via the computer by at least 50 percent of the respondents. Culnan (1985) addressed of the medium as a the determinant narrow issue of its significantly information for only the other with accessibility, variables, knowledge but not of with perceived accessibility Her use. physical access to a system is a necessary, Controlling of but results that insufficient condition. system the suggest usage command terminal correlated language, accessibility, and or -8- Her results validate and update what overall reliability of the system. Gerstberger Allen (1968) found about the importance of accessibility as & a determinant of source utilization. Another critical concerns question communication-related information technologies. extent to whicn the existing bulletin computer-conferencing, mail, technological capabilities specific the is It as document and boards, still unclear the such options of electronic search and retrieval systems differ from each other in accomplishing organizational Probably an equally important question revolves around the objectives. for which task types issue is match to information they taxonomies communication media. Steinfield support for a & might Fulk related tasks of continue et to addressing (1986) hypothesis that advantages. task The communication and Using Watzlawick, technologies. "analogue" comparative provide elude the this issue related definitions, (1967) al. central computer-based found analyzability limited be should associated with use of elctronic mail, while job pressure and geographic dispersion spurred more frequent use of this medium. In this context, studies by McKenney and collaborators (McKenney, 1986; McKenney, Doherty, & Sviokla, for 1986) managerial suggest that electronic mail systems could be effective communication contact (McKenney, et al. when only supplemented by face to face 1986: 22): , The combination of EM [Electronic Mail] and FTF [Face-to-Face eliminated the anonimity and lack of non-verbal cues that could reduce social inhibitions and create social-psychological problems . . THE INFLUENCE OF STRUCTURE ON COMMUNICATION IN R&D: A CONCEPTUAL MODEL Communication playes a central role in achieving two goals critical to the performance of an R&D organization: that are -9- The activities of 1. the be coordinated in order specialties must various disciplines and to accomplish multi-disciplinary the work of tasks. Tasks must be provided with state-of-the-art 2. information in the technologies they draw upon. A trade-off organizational between forms these goal professionals output goal, current grouped are or technical spawned has the specialties,, i.e. into coordination of know-how technological project activities will be built is functional a second the R&D When . toward working teams various organization it will rncnt effectively accomplish organization, maintaining of When structures. and around specific disciplines (or matrix) goals two common a accomplished more effectively. The reasons organization, for by thsi grouping are straightforward. very together who people share functional The a common base on knowledge enables them to keep one another informed of new developments in that together area of knowledge. The people who are working on project a set of organization, related by problems, grouping enables those people to better coordinate their efforts on that set of problems. Allen (1984, 1986) has shown that there are three factors that determine which of the two organizational forms will be preferred in any instance. The following conceptual model is based on the informational needs of typical R&D tasks, to accomplish them. and shows how project and functional structures help The model is closely linked with the organizational -10- information processing tradition Tushman & (e.g., Nadler, Daft 1978; & Macintosh, 1981), and its more recent articulation in studies of advanced technologies information implications basis. defines an It following the development, design structural for rate the Steinfield, in on task the departmental a vary which new knowledge at processing, is based on rate of their some generated; is refining, oil or with functional or in 1985). level, Structure Space" and technologies first, such as metal technologies, on "Organizational premises: and in processing information addresses model The review literature (see presently are more mature and stable, others, e.g., bio-engineering, or the development of superconducting materials more are dynamic. rate The change of of technological know-how, defined as the first derivative of knowledge with time, dK/dt, Space; the effective greater serves higher the transfer of need the accomplish for value of of dK/dt, state-of-the-art Perrow's there (1967) the is 1983), Organizational for Consequently, the the is functional similarity some Structure need stronger technology. typology of (see also Whitey, Daft, & Cooper, the oriented specialty the Although this. dimension and coordinate one as to structure between this "non-routiness" technological or to Tushman & Nadler's (1978) these constructs lack the specific meaning of environmental uncertainty, this dimension for technical activities on the task level. The second requirement for dimension of organizational the decision space coordination, of is to the together the related bringing expertise of different professionals toward a single output goal. the interdependence comprises. The among higher sub-systems this and components interdependence ^ ss ^» co-influence of these sub-tasks in the joint effort, which an(* It the the is task mutual the stronger is the -11- demand upon Iushman across dimension cuts coordination for team task the Nadler's & intra- (1978) On the other hand, on Thompson's rather than a based to some extent is it inter-unit and task interdependence by looking at it as a task attribute, structural relationship. This activities. its of typology of task interdependence, and its articula- (1967) tion by Van de Ven, & Delbecq (1974), and Van de Ven, et. al. (1976). The related third dimension the to need the of Organizational acquisition for If the task duration of the task. (T) also is — information technical of Space Structure the comparatively short, a person is working in even a rapidly advancing technology is unlikely to lose tcuch On the with its state-of-the-art. carry long assignment in a of being isolated from peers in the specialty or discipline several years, will other hand, the dangers of reinforced on the group level by the This obsolescence. professional effects of Not the notion Invented is Here Syndrome (Katz & Allen, 1982). The resulting dimensions (Figure representation assessment The 1). are the of Structure Organizational simple three prescriptions conceptually, variables Space emerging combines from although could the prove to the three graphic this quantitative elusive. be Qualitatively though the prescriptions to management of an R&D laboratory are: 1. For rapidly advancing technologies, ceteris paribus , prefer functional structures to project teams; 2. If the scale of the task is such that the assigned personnel -13- will be expected to spend a long period of time on the task, paribus ceteris prefer functional structures; , FinaLly, if the sub-tasks of the joint effort seem to be highly 3 interdependent, paribus ce teris influencing each other the an in intricate way, prefer the project structure, which will accomplish , effective coordination of these sub-tasks- proposing After which most team, the effectively question is information boards, — such Re-phrasing this, the influence electronic in Structure this information might way what on by computer mail, scientific and Organizational the of be as computer-conferencing, communication relevant will what technologies, technologies? division facilitate organizational for rules general these Space the into structure, the task model of bulletin- retrieval prescribed "Function" and "Project" be altered under the influence of new information technologies? Although, for a as we meaningful information emphasized before, answer technologies as are to whether powerful still there is or enough not to insufficient data communication-related change individual and organizational behavior and performance, we can hypothesize that some of the functions which are at the present assigned to organizational structure might be assumed by these technologies? ALTERNATIVES FOR MEETING COMMUNICATION NEEDS In the first two columns of Table I, we show two of communication needs with their organizational solutions. the fundamental In the third -14- column are solutions alternative possible drawing information en technologies. The first possible impact derives from the fact that some information technologies could prove effective in meeting the need within a project team. a for coordination This type of information system would accomplish goal currently provided by the "Project" structure, obviating the need for direct, members. face-to-face, Information synchronous technologies forums can be further now have useful in attaining this same goal. forms of electronic mail contact been among project developed, which are For example, there are sophisticated in which forums are organized by topic. organized team hierarchically into These subtopics or sub-subtopics, each of which can be a subsystem, element or component of Table I Communication Need and Organizational and Technological Solutions Need Organizational Solution Information Technology Solution Coordination of subsystem or subelement work on a project Project organization -Hierarchically organized bulletin boards for project status reporting and configuration control Knowledge transfer Functional or departmental organization -Document search and retrieval systems -Expert system-based selective dissemination of information -Bulletin-boards or forums for information search -15- a Status reports are maintained in these forums project (Stevens, 1981). and. regularly managing organizational structures be used become might queries for Consequently, subsystems. among interfaces also can They updated. feasible and functional even effective and for for highly interdependent technical tasks. As the second hypothesis one could in improvements that argue information technologies will make it easier for technical professionals to maintain up-to-date technological know-how. technological first The analog that one thinks of for this type of organization is the document These have been around for many years and search and retrieval system. provide direct access numbered 3800 to documentation files which by (Cuadra Associates, Although 1984). the end of 1984 proven at they have best moderately successful for some disciplines or specialties, some can now be augmented by selective dissemination services based on articifial These can learn a user's need and determine which journal intelligence. articles documents or unfortunately suffer will from be the of same interest. fatal information, but it must still be read. of All flaw. these of They can systems provide the And there is a substantial body research to show that for the average engineers that is a very high barrier (Allen, 1984). Knowledge is best transferred to engineers through personal contact. The connection to literature and documentation is best accomplished with the aid Cohen, of 1969; intermediaries Allen, 1984). known as More technological recent gatekeepers developments in (Allen & information technology may very well aid in the process of connecting an engineer to an appropriate gatekeeper. This is another adaptation of the computer -16- Some companies, bulletin boards board. bulletin development of the should things ways research (George, are that organized around Anyone can send questions, or answers, or even dicta technical subjects. describing forums or the encouraged have example, for shows that 1987) be these of one to Recent forums. individuals associated there are key with these forums who are usually experts on the particular subject and who supply entered. words, other In proportion high very the forum serves people to the appropriate gatekeeper. transferring knowledge in certain answers the of as queries to mechanism a are that connect to This can be very effective way of fields. At present, this seems more effective for software developers than for hardware designers. COMBINING STRUCTURE WITH TECHNOLOGY The development of the new technologies affords an opportunity to use them to augment organizational structure. matrix form exclusive. project project the An individual team or kept connection coordination benefits knowledge transfer. easier at the cost are If and functional structures can either directly be functional department with a project. the to in Despite their linking in If gained integrated at the into cost left in a department, of difficulty in the of mutually remain integrated a the into a possible matrix project team, greater difficulty the in knowledge transfer is made coordination. What can now potentially be done is to use either the project or functional structure and augment that with the appropriate information technology to reduce its innerent cost. In other words, when using project organization, individuals can be -17- connected to their knowledge bases by means of computer forums organized They thereby gain both the advantage around their technical specialties. of coordinating their work, and despite the organizational and physical separation from colleagues in their specialties, the advantage of keeping abreast of the state-of-the-art electronically. accomplished departments, functional using When for configuration control the team members to he and subsystem dispersed among status work of hierarchically organized computer using by coordination be bulletin boards This allows reporting. functional can thereby departments, and coordinating their joint maintaining contact with their specialties, effort electronically. On the basis of these arguments hypothesized the effect of information technologies on the Organizational Structure Space will be to move the dividing line between the project and functional regions in each of the three planes, changing slope and position as shown in Figures 2. of In the dK/dt —T which determine will structures. forums and plane we there are two opposing forces, the boundary The more capable are retrieval systems) the the project organization can be used. between functional the resultant project and knowledge-enhancing systems larger will be Conversely, the region the more in (i.e., which capable are the coordinating systems (e.g., hierarchical bulletin-boards) the larger will be the other area hand, in which functional because the two organization variables can dealing be with employed. know-how On the transfer (change in knowledge aand task duration) are not differentially affected by technological treatment, we don't expect significant changes in the Legend dK /dt -Rate of change of knowledge T -Task duration l ss -Task interdepen- dence F -Functional structure recommended P -Project structure recommended E-Mail -Electronic Mail STRS -Science & Technology Retrieval Systems B-Board -Bulletin Boards CC ComputerConferencing - Figure 2. Influence of Information Technologies on Organizational Structure -19- slope of the function-project separating line in this plane. In dK/dt the —I operate in opposite directions. also are there plane, In this case, which forces two will since one has more effect in dealing with subsystem interdependence, and the ether with changes in result in rotation a technological to treatment, the project-function the which the functional structure retrieval and systems is and dividing recommended. impact The probably of document arourd organized forums computer of will line increasing the set of tasks for shift more toward the dK/dt coordinate, search of Because the coordination requirements of the task may be more boundary. amenable will they knowledge, specialties is expected to be somewhat less discernable for the reasons cited earlier. Even though documents can be located and retrieved, still read. must effective be for Forums, at software developers, this but they will work in other specialties. dividing line coordinate, structure increasing in this somewhat is increasing recommended. functional the will plane the it As a shift of set Consequently area, interdependence and slow advancement remains will to result, tasks to from the On other the I shift, of tasks the project the significant for be seen how well for which more occur shown location of the knowledge. of be slightly only the been have point, they low hanc, the increase in the project area will be smaller and mostly for tasks of rapidly changing technologies and high interdependence. in the set of tasks in the two structure areas will The net change be a function of the power, effectiveness, and usability of the two information technologies. This can be seen diagrammatically in Figure 3. This figure illustrates the tradeoff which exists between coordination and knowledge coordination Advances in Information Technology between ti and the frontier to a different curve. t2 shift knowledge transfer 3. The Tradeoff Between Coordination and Knowledge Transfer in Project Management Figure -21- the better coordination Moving along one of the curves, transfer. sacrifice of some knowledge-transfer, and vice requires Improvements versa. in the technology of communication cause a shift to a new curve. curve does Depending have not whether on assume to improvement" the shape same the principally is predecessor. its as The new area the in of coordination or of knowledge transfer will cause a tilt of the curve in one direction or the other. the advances In the an assumption figure, is made that technology will affect coordination more than knowledge in transfer. This added information Systems flexibility in technologies (FMS), on the tar.k resembles needs, oriented variety, does not have the impact traditional matching attributes (Hayes & Wheelwright, product through communication-related design to 1984, towards 209, between product achievement traded and process With the use of FMS, 216). effective necessarily be Flexible Manufacturing of against off large batch manufacturing of standardized products. customer of efficient, This new information technology related capability makes feasible production systems which are both effective and efficient which will comparable be able to —a clear analogy to R&D project structures achieve higher levels of efficiency in requirements for innovativenss, knowledge tasks transfer, of and flexibility. PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH Managers can use the model described in Figures 1 through 3 not only to determine the preferred organizational form for a given situation, but also the choice of technology to effectively complement that choice. If -22- a decision is made to group individuals organizationally into a project then that team should be provided with technology that will enable team, them stay to forums of organization using answers seeking for the their in retrieval systems and should be given access to use developments with toucn in widely form project acquainted with the be would be An questions. technical to They specialties. advised well to encourage the informal development of such forums. the If "matrixing" decision is them a to retain to joint technology will certainly ease bulletin-boards can be used people effort, keep to provision the manager's project the functional in all team of job. members departments, coordinating Hierarchical informed developments in those parts of the task that are of concern to them, of or that would have an effect on their work. Theoretically, the proposed conceptual model is one of many that are It will mainly apply at the useful in studying organizational behavior. task departmental and organizational utilizing domain. this organizational level, model task. The operational the unit of analysis and for a not the strategic hypothetical professionals study performing an Although the model was defined with R&D tasks in should be a group of mind, it will apply to any organizational tasks based on a changing field of knowledge, in nature; economic analysis, or expertise. This expertise does not have to be technical marketing or financial tasks, knowledge and from will benefit better from based on consumer behavior and coordination-innovation understanding of what oriented communication-related information technologies can do for their effectiveness and efficiency. -23- defining Thus question will how be domain general the operationalize to proposed the of empirical for it model, Although the suggested model does not preclude qualitative, and case investigation, dimensions. model's final objective should the This will not research. ethnographic quantification of be there but easy, be next the certainly are possibilities. In basic scientific fields, dK/dt can be estimated by measuring the There are half life of citations to journal articles (Ke3sler, undated). other possible measures (Fusfeld, that might 1970) technology. such as technical progress slope of the curves and more appropriate for applied science, be These should be investigated in greater depth. Subsystem interdependence can be estimated by managers. project Harris (1987) has shown that valid estimates can be made and that project performance has interdependence. field (e.g., very a subsystem to Harris's research reinforces previous research in this Thompson, interdependencies and Van 1967; the resulting de Ven, et. problems interface al., 1976) seriously that affect the need for solutions to the problem of It also emphasizes performance. relationship inverse strong coordinating work in highly interdependent projects. But Figure this 1. only addresses understanding our of the static model of Research is also needed on the dynamics of the process which results irom We need to the introduction of know much more about over by the technology. information/communication the actual functions that can be Before that can be done, far more about the nature of the work itself. technology. taken however, we must learn Much of this was done many -24- years ago for routine, even the to functions point (Bright, of mostly menial analyzing feasibility work Recent 1958). (Taylor, tasks automation of Fayol, for collar," "white on 1911; 1949) specific non-routine tasks (see examples in Fleishman & Quaintance, 1986) approaches the early work in degree of specificity, but much more remains to be done in this area in articulating task dimensions, and related research instruments. Recent (Hiltz 1978; studies communication-reiated of Turoff, 1982; Rice, Steinfeld, 1984) have & technologies and to some 1980; Rice certainly degree, their & information Case, improved effects on Picot et. al. knowledge of these nature of work. 1981; our technologies the , , Still, the MIS epistemology of technological dimensions and attributes is incomplete, and is mainly task related. Context-free typologies of these technologies should be quite useful for better matching of and in this case —white technologies collar tasks. Table II Communication Need and Organizational and Technological Solutions (Future) Need Organizational Solution Information Technology Solution Coordination of subsystem or subelements of work Project organization -Hierarchically organized bulletin boards or forums for status reporting and configuration control Knowledge transfer Functional or departmental organization -Document search and retrieval systems -Expert system-based selective dissemination of information -Bulletin-boards or forums for information search Stimulation of creativity Interaction enhancing techniques -Computer mediated brainstorming -Unstructured bulletin boards -Computer/video conferencing systems -25- Finally, even new questions. offer As a case — creativity To be of this article new capabilites in point, to additional advances organizations, and in raise how would the third determinant of R&D achieved through organizational and technological And bow the proposed model should be modified to include means (Table II)? creativity? writing the technologies information performance at summarize we would like to emphasize only that rigorous empirical research will show the usefulness of theorizing, and the suggested theory is no exception to this rule. 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