Welcome Chris Bailey- LCC Achieving the Dream school. Enrollment dropped... 2,600 intervention phone calls. Effective means to get students...

Chris Bailey- LCC Achieving the Dream school. Enrollment dropped 21% and the Advising Center made
2,600 intervention phone calls. Effective means to get students re-enrolled and find out what the
barriers were. Noted barriers were book costs, tuition, etc. The Foundation found $54,000 to give to
students. Made donations of $300-400 to students and had high retention of those students. Raising
1.5m to have a permanent fund to make available to students via the Advising Center.
Tools of the Trade: Placement Reciprocity
Approved Spring 2013 by Student Services Commission and Instruction Commission.
Placement Reciprocity is only for Washington CCs- does not include four year scores or out of
Good only one year back
There is a form that can be modified to fit the needs of your campus, but the integrity needs to
stay there. See the form here:
Stephanie sent out a crosswalk that Edmonds has created.
Some campuses have had a lot of response and others have had minimal.
Many schools are honoring the placement even if the form is not submitted with the scores.
Some are honoring back more than one year.
Walla Walla is using out of state as well b/c they are so close to the boarder
Tracking is done through the test score screen at most colleges. Some are scanning.
Processing is being split between testing/admissions/advising/credentials eval.
It would be nice to have a cross walk created across the state.
Some confusion over this is just on placement from scores or placement from transcript. Ex: If a
college requires a specific grade to move on to the next course and a student brings a transcript
showing a grade below that but at the home college they would have moved on is the transfer
institution required to honor that placement even though it doesn’t meet that school’s grade
The idea is that a student shouldn’t have to repeat courses if they were on track at one school
and now they are not on track at another.
Policy & Practice
CTC Link
 Implement modern software to replace the HP system (SMS), finance and HR Payroll.
 Meant to have “Anytime/anywhere” access to online tools for students, faculty and
 Links all the CCs together.
Why? The HP system is over 30 years old. Want to keep pace with modern innovations.
New way of thinking and doing business.
The information is connected- so when something is updated in admissions then it is seen by the
student and faculty instantly.
The four waves have been collapsed to three, but instead of 9 months to implement
each wave it will now take a year.
Currently they are moving data from SMS to CTCLink. There are some cases where
moving the data for the first link schools requires clean up by all the CCs.
Threshold is for any student who has had activity in the last six years they will be moved
into people soft. Anyone past six years will be brought in if they become active. Those
who have applied in the past two years will have info brought in.
Degree Audit as we know it is going to be rebuilt b/c the rules can’t be brought into
People Soft. There will be the ability to “lock in” classes into certain sections of the
degree. Ex: the PPG says you must take ACCT 201 and the Accounting faculty say you
can use ACCT 205 as a substitute you can lock it in.
A student will be able to see their affiliation- it will show in the start screen. Test scores
will be available globally. The transcript will only be shown when logged into that
individual school.
Students will be able to apply to special programs from the web app
Advising Center tools:
o Online one stop shop to see student schedule, records, enrollment, tx
o Tabs on the top for navigation
o Will be able to have a tab to see what the student sees when they log in.
Students will have a shopping cart, be able to see any holds they have with details about
the holds
Our colleges are going to have to really discuss the access levels and who has access to
what- jobs may change based on what CTC link can do and how it identifies users.
Will have service indicators that can block a student from something or positive access
Can set up “to do” lists for students
So far, it looks like students will have to be assigned to an individual advisor. Can be set
to see multiple advisors. Can assign to no one, but cannot assign to a “department” like
“Advising Center” **SBCTC needs to clarify**
Certs that have classes that are not embedded in degrees will have to be manually
checked by Fin Aid and tagged. The colleges need to start alignment now. Otherwise
Title 4 is going to have issues.
Can have multiple program codes.
Course Prereqs- if we create the rules then transcripts can be imported and
automatically evaluated. Can also be used for out of state and four years. The equiv.
tables have to be set.
PeopleSoft doesn’t recognize the “&” so there will have to be something else in place to
show the CCN info.
Preparing: Students need to have accurate degree and plan codes. They need to have
complete student records- transfer credits, substitutions, waivers, etc. Need to set
transfer equivalency rules. What is the workflow for transfer of credit evaluation,
prereq checking, test placement.
Staffing Models Inventory
We brainstormed different information we would like included. The spreadsheet will be sent
out for the winter meeting and finalized in spring.
Effective Leadership
Maria Agnew: Performance Conversations- Conflict vs Confrontation
Who you are having issues with is not important- behavior is behavior. It is the behavior that we
need to deal with.
To manage people you don’t have to like them. It’s about finding ways to show up and connect
consciously with staff to identify processes.
People resist change because they weren’t the ones to implement it.
Staff are always looking for W.I.I.F.M (What’s in it for me?). How to you bring value to change
or direction for them.
Managing people is a whole new skill set- it’s not just teaching or doing the work. It is a whole
different relationship with staff.
People are messy- we have to be ready to go and get messy in working with them.
It’s about 10% of the people we work with/supervise that take 90% of our time and supervisory
Book: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There- Marshall Goldsmith
It is time to invest in ourselves as administrators so that we can be effective with our staff.
North Seattle has a six month program that focuses on developing yourself as a manager.
Increasing specificity is going to increase trust and ability to act/change. The fear is that we are
There are four core dimensions of the influencing options model: Respect, Empathy, Specificity
and Genuineness. You have to deliver all four, but they might be in varying degrees.
Try to stay away from the “shoulds”. Do not assume people know how to do their job or the
behaviors you expect from them.
Do we show up to work to see how many times we can screw up in the day. We have to have
values and beliefs that they want to a good job and it is our job to give specific examples of what
we expect from them.
When you have increased Respect then you have increased trust.
Empathy is the “what and why” without judgment. Empathy doesn’t have a degree about
caring, it’s the degree of being present.
Specificity is about supplying feedback, clear direction and demonstrate
We don’t get to just hire good people- we need performance. There has to be the aptitude for
the work.
Most of us define conflict as “To contend, do battle”. Confrontation is a respectful request for a
new behavior or change.
Every relationship has a perceived risk. Are you willing to step into the conversation and take
that risk? When you use a script and practice taking undesirable behavior and turning it into
desirable behavior it will mitigate the risk.
This is more of an art than a science! We are all good people- our job is to help them create the
behaviors that allow them to perform to their best.
President’s report: accreditation & changes. Colleges are required to do more around financial
reporting and accountability. More robust audits.
Push at the state for the no smoking campaign.
Mission of the colleges need to be a bigger driver of the funding rather than the funding driving
the mission. Need to get funding focused on the mission we have. Instead of being pushed by
the ledge.
Presentation by Walla Walla on the Success Coaches. Fits well with the completion initiatives.
CTCLink- LGBTQ coding. Colleges can implement coding changes to make “Queer”
“Questioning” and to make the questions optional. However, moving to CTCLink we will all have
to be on the same page. This year needs to be spent thinking about how to move forward with
everyone on the same page. Should it be collected on the admissions form or registration form.
CTCLink is looking at where it might be able to fit and be most respectful to students so they
don’t feel it will impact their admissions or registration at the college.
Working on a uniform student code of conduct. Changes to Title 9 have prompted the changes.
Needs to be in place by March 2014. Each college needs to move forward with changes to be in
compliance with the law.
2014 conference save the date will be coming out soon. April 30-May 2nd. In Tacoma.
Presidents are contributing $5,000 for speakers. Great way for front line staff and admin to
come together and learn and engage together. Time to start thinking about setting aside travel
Developing taskforce to look at technology use and DSS concerns. Concerned about how the
colleges purchase technology and/or software. Would have DSS help evaluate technology
purchases up front instead of trying to adapt them after the fact.
State Need Grant- hasn’t been adjusted to reflect the applied BA programs. The formula will be
tweaked to acknowledge how many applied BA programs are at each school.
WSAC working on a 10 year plan with transition points. Done by the end of the year. Looking at
integration of dual credit and dual enrollment programs. Bringing back State Need Grant.
Looking at best way to implement DTA math changes. Idea is to number the math courses so
there is an easy way to see which math classes will transfer and which will not.
Placement reciprocity- meant to place students into the equiv. course.
There is a transfer liaison that students can contact if they are having issues with transfer from 2
year to 2 year or 2 year to 4 year. The liaison is Jim West. The transfer rights and
responsibilities are supposed to be on all our college webpages.
Running Stat enrollments are up more than transfer students. Overall enrollments seem a little
soft across the board. But most seem to still be overenrolled.
WGU transcripts are starting to come through for the first time to our other four years and two
years. But most students are transferring in instead of out.
There is a new statewide RN to BSN transfer degree pathway. Idea is to help transfer students
to get through in about the same amount of time as a native at the four year.
Discussion about an Associate of Fine Arts degree. Not a MRP- but a new degree option. First
focus area in Music. The idea is that it will be the like the DTA where it will direct transfer. Any
colleges that have a Fine Arts degree already are encouraged to have representation on the
work group.
Elementary Education MRP- colleges all have their own set up and not much common ground.
The MRP is going to be recommended to sunset.
PLA workgroup is meeting tomorrow. Workgroup does not set policy, it sets example policies
for institutions to look at to see how they want to apply it. Copy of the handbook will be online.
DTA Changes
The system is still working on what the changes in the DTA will mean for each campus.
It used to be that Intermediate Algebra had to be required for DTA transfer math classes.
It is no longer listed, but it is a prereq for the college level math classes that are acceptable for
Means that there could be some flexibility for Inter. Alg. curriculum on our CC campuses.
WAAC- offering quarterly summits on a 10a-2p format. Talk about the organization continuing. Kerri is
trying to get strong representation from the college Advising staff. Summits are free. Fall summit
looked at SmarterLearning (assessment for seeing if online learning is right for you as a student). It’s
expensive, but rumblings about the state doing a state-wide contract. It can be integrated into CANVAS.
Many colleges trying to figure out where to offer it- in testing, in first year experience, in ABE/precollege classes, ect. Opening up for nominations in January. Next summit is January 13th.
Running Start- No changes for the new school year.
High School Completion- HS21. Meant to help students move through HSC quicker. Meant only for
those 21 and older. Very competency based. Traditional HSC is becoming more just for those under 21
or disappearing altogether. Current GED is ending on Dec. 14th. Any students who haven’t completed
will have to go through and do the new test in January. Colleges need to inform students about this
conversion- Pearson View will not be able to stop students from signing up for the old test prior to the
cut off. This means they will lose their money and have to pay again for the new test. Accommodations
will be very different- all coordinated through Pearson View.
WCTCCA- Not going to have a separate conference. Going to meet for the spring conference in Tacoma.
My CCMajors
MyCCMajors start at SBCTC with Jack Hull. Written up in a digest to see if schools wanted to
participate in a feasibility study. Visited 27 campuses to see what Advising looks like for us.
The idea is for MyCCMajors to help take the information from the divisions and get it to the
students from the front end. Looking at competencies vs. interest
Geared to help students find a major at the two year college level. MyMajors is meant for four
year native students. It’s trying to accumulate the information about how we assess
appropriate majors for students based on a holistic look at likes/dislikes, GPA, Course strength,
This is in Phase I. Looking at could an interview be created to match to appropriate measures.
Phase II if funded would move into more of a production mode for the site.
Begins with a survey that students take asking questions like “Do you need financial support
from your family?”, “how much coursework do you think you can handle online?”, “Are you
willing to relocate for training or employment?”, etc.
Helping students look at whether a major area is a good fit, the things to consider, prior to
getting into the coursework.
Looking for interested schools to give a few hours of time from multiple advisors to assess the
questions, language, etc.
Today they are looking for approval to continue by receiving endorsement so that the Student
Services Commission can acknowledge our support to send on to the National Science
Contact: Dr. Fritz Grupe Project Director fritz@unr.edu 775-813-7407
Contact: Dr. Kim Washington KEW Consultants, LLC dr.kim@kewconsultantsllc.com 253-6867590
Click on registration and enter in your own username and password. MYCC2013 is the passcode
The first page you come to is informed consent. You have to accept to go on into the site
Concerns from the group that this has not been taken to CESC group for preview.
Also concerned that SBCTC is asking the Council to make a recommendation
Concerned with CTCLink implementation and the timing of this as well.
How much feedback would we be giving based on the next level of work?
Feel like they do not quite understand advising and placement at the community college level
and what we are here to assist our students with.
What four year universities are using the MyMajors product?
How does this compare to the other tools that are already out there? WOIS, Big Fish
Based on what was presented at the ACC fall meeting by MyCCMajors, ACC cannot make an
endorsement. It does not seem appropriate for a Council to endorse a product for a private
company or vendor. There was not enough information for ACC to make an informed decision
on whether or not it would be of benefit and use to our students and staff.
Business Meeting
Next meeting will be January 23-24th at Bellingham Technical College.
Spring meeting minutes- approved