_______ Interested in abbreviated schedule Drop ______________________ ______________________ RISING 12th GRADE REGISTRATION FORM St. Lucie Public Schools St. Lucie West Centennial High School 2016-2017 Student Name _______________________________________ Email Address _______________________________________ Student ID # ________________________________ DIRECTIONS: Please circle the classes you want to enroll in and write in your choice of electives. Obtain teacher signatures for courses requiring prior approval. ALL STUDENTS MUST ENROLL IN 7 TOTAL CREDITS (see page 13 of Curriculum Guide for qualifications for abbreviated schedule). SUBJECT AREA ENGLISH (4 credits) *on campus Dual Enrollment course name and codes (p. 33)may be written here* ______________________________ MATH (4 credits) *on campus Dual Enrollment course name and codes (p. 33-34) may be written here* ______________________________ ______________________________ SCIENCE (3 credits) *on campus Dual Enrollment course name and codes (p. 34) may be written here* ______________________________ ______________________________ SOCIAL STUDIES (3 credits) 1 credit each of World History and US History; 0.5 credit each of US Government & Economics COURSE English IV: Florida College Prep English IV Honors English IV- ESOL AP English Lit AICE General Paper Liberal Arts Math 2 Algebra II 1200330 Algebra II Honors TEACHER SIGNATURE 1001405 1001410 1002520 1001430 1009360 1207310 1200340 Math for College Success/Trig Honors (if already taken Alg II) 1200410 and 1211300 Probability & Stats (if already taken Alg II) 1210300 Pre-Calculus 1202340 Math for Coll Readiness 1200700 AP Calculus 1202310 AP Statistics 1210320 Chemistry 2003340 Chemistry Honors 2003350 Earth Space 2001310 Earth Space Honors 2001320 Marine Science 2002500 Marine Science Hon 2002510 Experimental Science Honors 2002340 Anatomy & Physiology Honors 2000360 Environmental Sci. 2001340 AP Environ Sci 2001380 Physics Honors 2003390 AP Physics 1 2003421 AP Physics 2 2003422 AP Biology 2000340 AP Chemistry 2003370 United States Government (.5 credit) 2106310 United States Government Honors (.5 credit) 2106320 AP Government/Research (1 credit) 2106420 and 1700300XG Economics (.5 credit) Economics Honors (.5 credit) 2102310 2102320 AP Macroeconomics/Research(1 credit) 2102370 and 1700300E AICE European History (elective credit) FOREIGN LANGUAGE (Elective – 2 years of same language required for 4 year University and Bright Futures) PHYSICAL EDUCATION PERFORMING/PRACTICAL ARTS (1 credit) ACCELERATED ELECTIVES French II 0701330 AP French Lang Spanish I/II blocked Spanish II 0708350 AP Spanish Lang 0708400 German II 0702330 2109371 French III 0701340 0701380 0708340/0708350 Spanish III 0708360 AP Spanish Lit 0708410 German III 0702340 HOPE (1 credit) 3026010 ____________________ _____________________ Course Title Course Number Student Success (Dual Enrollment) SLS1101 AICE Thinking Skills 1700372 ELECTIVES *Students that have not passed Reading Assessment may be placed in Intensive Reading* ____________________ ____________________ Course Titles _____________________ _____________________ Course Numbers Choice of teachers, periods, and lunches are not possible with computer scheduling. A course for a specific semester cannot be assured. Classes/course schedule are subject to change without notice. Student Signature ________________________________ Parent Signature _____________________________________ Counselor Signature _____________________________ Date ___________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------FOR COUNSELOR USE ONLY----------------------------------------------------Repeat Courses for Grade Forgiveness: Course _____________________________ Course # __________________________ Term(s) _______________ SLC0009 Rev. 01/2016