PST 2: Student Data Collection: Staff Input & Observations

St. Lucie Public Schools
PST 2: Student Data Collection: Staff Input & Observations
(To be completed by someone other than classroom teacher, only if student is being considered for ESE program)
Two(2) required
Student Name _____________________________________________________
School ______________________________________________
OTHER ID _________________________
Grade: _____
Observer Name
Position __________________________
Observation Date _____________________ Observation Time ______________
(minimum 20 minutes)
Subject/Activity Observed ____________________________________________
Teacher Observations: Check all observed.
Appears inattentive, easily distracted
Misinterprets verbal questions & directions
Difficulty following direction in sequence
Difficulty staying on the line when writing
Impulsive-talks out-difficulty waiting turn
Stays in seat during instruction
Works well in groups
Follows direction independently
Participates in lesson
Flexible ; Adapts easily to new situations
Leader in class or group activities
Inquisitive; asks questions
Independent; takes initiative
Constantly seeks attention-especially from adults
Reverses or confuses letters-numbers- words
Leads or joins others in inappropriate behavior
Use of poor judgment in social and interpersonal relationships
Makes inappropriate responses to conversation
Engages in destructive and/or aggressive behavior
Slow to react to and follow directions
Volunteers or raises hand to answer questions
Able to answer questions posed to him/her
Creative in thoughts, new ideas, seeing associations, etc.
Empathetic; Sensitive to the feelings of others
Humorous; Highly developed sense of humor
Persistent; Stays with a project until completed
Low frustration tolerance
Poor fine motor control
Poor gross motor control
Difficulty expressing ideas
Difficulty completing assignments
Poor understanding of vocabulary
Appears motivated
Prepared for class
Positive Attitude
Positive Role Model
Narrative Observation: Please make note of any observations not listed above.
Observer’s Signature ___________________________________________________ Date ______________________
Revised: 6-15-13