Out-of-State Facility On-Site Monitoring Special Education Interview Protocol WVDE Team Member: General Educator (s)(GE): Special Educator(s) (SE): Facility Administrator (FA): Citation §300.303(b)(1&2) Reevaluation Date: District: School: Question Do all students have a current eligibility and/or reevaluation? Probe Questions: Do students receive a reevaluation review in this facility? Explain the process (What are the component of the reevaluation?). Do you have the opportunity to determine the components necessary for reevaluations for students you serve? If assessments needed, who completes those? Are Eligibility Committee (EC) meetings held following completion of requested evaluations? Who are the EC members? GE SE FA §300.321 IEP Team membership Does the IEP contain signatures of required members? Probe Questions: Do you attend Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team meetings for WV students you serve? Are all members who sign actually in attendance? If no, explain. Who chairs the meeting? Does the Local Educational Agency (LEA) always participate? Is a draft IEP sent to the LEA 2 weeks prior to the scheduled meeting? Do you have or need surrogate parents? GE SE FA §300.324(b)(1)(i)&(ii) Annual Review Was the current IEP reviewed within 365 days of the previous IEP? Probe Questions: Do all the WV students with disabilities (SWD) have a current IEP? Explain the IEP Team meeting process. GE SE FA 1 West Virginia Department of Education October 2011 §300.320(a)(2)(i) Goals: How are IEP goals developed for students? Probe Questions: What is instruction based on? What curriculum standards are used to develop goals? Are they linked to the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance? How do teachers document implementation of goals? Who implements the IEP? Where? GE SE FA §300.320(a)(4) Services Do students receive all services required by the IEP? Probe Questions: Who monitors/verifies all students are receiving services as indicated on their IEPs? Who documents the provision of supplementary aids and services? Is the IEP Team able to consider the necessary supplemental aids and services necessary for the student to succeed in the general education environment? Documentation: School schedule, student schedules, teacher class schedules. GE SE FA §300.320(a)(3) Progress Reporting Is progress reported for SWD as often as for general education students? Probe Questions: How is progress reported? How often? To whom? Documentation: Evidence of progress reports in student file. GE SE FA §300.320(b) Transition How do students plan for post-secondary transition (education, employment, independent living)? Probe Question: Do all students 16 and older have measurable post-secondary goals? What transition assessments are used? Are students invited to their IEP Team meetings? Do they attend? How are their interests and preferences obtained? GE SE FA 2 West Virginia Department of Education October 2011 §300.320(5)(c) Age of Majority How do you provide notice of transfer of rights to students? Probe Question: What documentation is used? At what age do you address transfer of rights? Do you have any students age 18? GE SE FA §300.324(a)(2)(v) Assistive Technology Do you have students requiring assistive technology (AT) services or devices? Probe Questions: As a member of the IEP Team do you have the ability to consider a full range of AT services and devices? GE SE FA §300.106 ESY How is the need for ESY determined? Probe Question: What do you use to monitor student progress? Do any students receive ESY? GE SE FA §300.322 Parent Participation How do you ensure parents have the opportunity to participate in the IEP Team meetings? Probe Question: How do you schedule IEP Team meetings? See meeting notice, IEP attendance page. GE SE FA 3 West Virginia Department of Education October 2011 §300.110 Variety of educational programs and services What classes are available to WV SWD? Do they receive high school credits toward graduation? Probe Question: Are students earning standard or modified diploma? How are requirements determined for a modified diploma? See schedules for all WV students. GE SE FA §300.42 Supplementary Aids, Services, Program Modifications GE How do general educators document the provision of supplementary aids and services /accommodations as delineated on students’ IEPs? SE FA §300.324(a)(2)(i) Behavior Explain the discipline policy. Probe Question: Describe the positive behavior interventions, strategies and supports provided to SWD. Are these supports included in the IEP as appropriate for students with impeding behaviors? GE SE FA 4 West Virginia Department of Education October 2011 §300.530 Discipline Procedures; Suspension; Manifestation Determination What are your school’s procedures for addressing SWD’s behavioral needs? Probe Questions: Who conducts functional behavior assessments (FBAs) and implements behavior intervention plans (BIPs) in your school? Are seclusion and restraint used? What training is provided in non-violent physical crisis intervention? (Obtain a copy of the facility policy on seclusion and restraint, discipline, etc.). GE SE FA FERPA Do you receive annual training on Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)? What are your school’s procedures for maintaining special education records located in this school? Probe Questions: Where are the special education records located? Are your special education records locked and do they require a key for access? Do you have an access log displayed for staff that has access to special education files? Do staff that have access to special education records sign the access log (ask to see the access log)? How are general educators provided access to special education records/IEPs? GE SE FA Transition back to WV Have you discussed the transition needs of these students when they are discharged and return to WV? How would this be addressed? How is this documented? GE SE FA 5 West Virginia Department of Education October 2011