“The Playbook Challenge” 2011- 2012 Breakfast Expansion Proposal Application Purpose and Intent of the Grant Program The Office of Child Nutrition is pleased to announce a competitive grant opportunity to assist schools with implementation of “The Playbook Challenge” specifically breakfast expansion projects. Request for funding may be made for up to $10,000 per proposal. The Office of Child Nutrition has approximately $200,000 available for this competitive opportunity. Funding for this opportunity is provided by grants from USDA Team Nutrition and the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation. The funding period for funded projects is January 1, 2012 – September 1, 2012. For more information on “The Playbook Challenge,” including tools/resources, please visit; http://wvde.state.wv.us/nutrition/PlaybookInformation.html Reviewing and Evaluation Criteria: The review will be a scored review where eligible proposals are scored by a team of reviewers based on the merits of the individual proposal. A final administrative review will be conducted by the Office of Child Nutrition to assure for geographic and other administrative factors if deemed appropriate and necessary. In general, the highest scoring proposals will be selected for funding. However, the Office of Child Nutrition reserves the right to fund any or none of the proposals submitted in response to this funding announcement. Proposals must be submitted, by either the county food service director or a school principal, via e-mail by 11:59 pm on November 18, 2011. Please submit proposals to the Office of Child Nutrition at wvchildnutrition@gmail.com. If you have any questions regarding this opportunity please contact either: Keri Kennedy, keri.kennedy@access.k12.wv.us 304-558-2709 Kristy Blower, kblower@access.k12.wv.us 304-558-3396 Janet Yost, jyost@access.k12.wv.us 304-558-2709 “The Playbook Challenge” 2011- 2012 Breakfast Expansion Grant Application WV Department of Education/Office of Child Nutrition County Name:__________________________________________________________________ Food Service Director:___________________________________________________________ Food Service Director’s E-mail:____________________________________________________ Food Service Director’s Phone Number:_____________________________________________ School Name:__________________________________________________________________ School Address:________________________________________________________________ Principal’s Name:_______________________________________________________________ Principal’s E-mail:______________________________________________________________ Principal’s Phone Number:________________________________________________________ Total School Enrollment:_________________________________________________________ Grades to be served:_____________________________________________________________ Breakfast Participation 2010 -2011 school year:_________________ Breakfast Participation (please provide current %): __________________________________________________________ % Needy (based 2011- 2012 data): ______________________________________ 1. Description of breakfast program you are requesting funds for. If you are currently implementing the program you are requesting funds for please state that in your response. 2. What Breakfast Strategy option are you offering (or the one(s) you intend to offer)? Please check all that apply- you must select at least one strategy to be eligible to receive funding. ____ Breakfast in the Classroom ____ Breakfast After First ____ Grab ‘N’ Go ____ Elimination of Reduced Price Meal ____ Universal Free ____ Other (Please describe in detail) 3. Describe in detail your plan to ensure that all students have access to the selected breakfast strategy (ies)? 4. Please describe in detail your plans to: a) implement the selected strategy (ies) be sure to include dates and responsible parties; b) continue the program after the grant funds expire. 5. Would your school be willing to incorporate more school made meals into your menu? 6. Would you be willing to let your cooks participate in a training on school made meals? 7. Describe the steps you will take (or have taken) to gain support from administrators, teachers, classified staff, parents and students regarding your breakfast expansion project. 8. How will you market or promote your new breakfast program to increase participation and inform your community? 9. Additionally the OCN is interested in improving the overall school environment. One of the ways we can accomplish this is to adopt school level policies. As part of this funding you as the principal must agree to also adopt, from list below, one additional policy that will improve the overall school environment. You will have the entire project period for adoption and implementation, this should give you time to get the necessary support from staff, parents, and students. Please select which policy you are willing to implement in your school. _____ Role Modeling (e.g., prohibiting teachers from having soda in the classroom and cafeteria area, prohibiting staff from bringing in fast food into the school environment) _____ Require booster organizations to have at least 50% of the items offered at concessions stands be healthy (as defined by WVBE Standards for School Nutrition Policy 4321.1) and priced at an equal or lesser amount than unhealthy items. ______ No unhealthy foods will be used for school fundraising that occurs outside of the instructional day. Note: The sale unhealthy food as fundraisers is currently prohibited during the instructional day. _____ Daily Physical Activity (e.g. recess before lunch, mandatory recess, other opportunities during the school day for physical activity) Budget: The maximum grant award per school will be $10,000; there is no minimum level for which you can apply. Detail all expenses. Remember funds may not be used for food or labor associated with your breakfast or lunch program. Examples of allowable expenses are listed below: Equipment: small kitchen equipment, coolers, carts, trashcans, baskets, bags, cleaning supplies, etc Promotion: letters to parents, articles in local paper, bulletin board supplies, posters, etc Point of Service: wi-fi, computer, hand held scanner (for use with Primero), keypads, etc Tasting Parties Physical Activity materials: i.e. balls, jump ropes, hula hoops – this expense is only allowable to those schools selecting the physical activity policy. Expenses for physical activity equipment cannot exceed $500 dollars. Expense Quantity Unit Cost Total requested Total Cost By signing below you are affirming that all three parties have been involved in the preparation and submission of this grant proposal. Furthermore, you are acknowledging that you understand that an unannounced technical assistance visit, conducted by Office of Child Nutrition, may take place as part of the review process. Principal’s Signature/Date:________________________________________________________ Cafeteria Manager’ Signature/Date:_________________________________________________ County Food Service Director’s Signature/Date: ______________________________________ In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.