County Superintendents
County Career and Technical Administrators
County Instructional Leaders
Jacob Green, Special Assistant to Associate State Superintendent,
Office of Institutional Education Programs
Dr. Martin Keller, Superintendent, West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and
Sherri Nash, Ed.D., Executive Director
Office of Career and Technical Education Accountability and Support
West Virginia Department of Education
Career and Technical Education Technology Integration Specialist
March 11, 2016
Our students need to be successful in today's classrooms and tomorrow's workplaces.
West Virginia educators are responsible for integrating learning skills and technology
tools needed for 21st century learning. The Division of Technical and Adult Education is
continuing their instructional technology initiative for high school and technical center
career and technical education educators who meet the criteria in the application and have
commitments of support from their superintendents, CTE administrators, and principals.
A maximum of ten (10) educators will be selected to participate.
The CTE teachers selected to participate in this initiative will participate in the equivalent
of 40 days (320 hours) of professional development to be completed on or before
September, 30 2016 that parallels the professional development received by all of the
Technology Integration Specialists (TIS) groups. The 320 hours of professional
development will include:
Introductory online collaboration during May – June 2016
A three-day face-to-face conference in Beckley, WV on June 14 - 16, 2016
Five days face-to-face in conjunction with the WV Statewide Technology
Conference in Morgantown, WV July 18 – 22, 2016
Other professional development opportunities related to topics such as blended
delivery, online resources, WV Next Generation Standards, Smarter Balanced
Assessment, the CTE Common Core, simulated workplace and other technology
integration issues
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Participation in a support community of other TIS-CTEs
In addition to the required hours of professional development, the selected teachers will
receive ongoing support and mentoring in their schools by a WVDE field coordinator.
Teachers who participate fully and successfully complete the 320 hours of professional
development will be eligible to receive an advanced credential as a Technology
Integration Specialist awarded by the WVDE Office of Professional Preparation.
Districts employing selected teachers will receive a $6,000.00 grant per selected teacher
to defray the costs of the required professional development. These funds can be used to
pay the costs for stipends, substitute teachers, travel expenses, conference registration
fees and other costs associated with the teachers’ participation in the required
professional development. Grant award monies cannot be used to pay tuition costs for
graduate credit or for the cost of the equipment provided by the county as required for the
teacher to participate in this project.
To make an informed decision about whether to apply to participate, teachers must have
prior information regarding: 1) the scheduled dates of required professional
development, such as seven days in summer of 2016; 2) the commitment they are making
and the district’s expectations that they honor that commitment; 3) the benefits to the
students they teach, to their co-teaching team and to them personally; and, 4) the
expenses covered and district procedures for documentation, reimbursement and
acquisition of equipment.
Up to $1,000.00 of the grant may be used to purchase a tablet or other piece of
instructional technology hardware for each participating teacher. This technology
hardware purchase should be cleared with Joshua Ratliff in the Office of Instructional
Technology before it is made. The county is responsible for providing a laptop capable of
running Windows 8 or above, a LCD projector, and color printer/scanner for each
selected teacher to use in the classroom. This equipment must be up and running in the
teacher’s classroom by October 1, 2016. Teachers will work with their tablets/laptops
during the June workshop. CTE administrators and/or principals should work with county
technology contacts to ensure appropriate configurations and to take advantage of state
contracts for the required equipment.
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The career and technical education teacher must meet the following criteria:
Certification in a career and technical education program area
Two years or more experience as a career and technical teacher
A flexible instructional style
A demonstrated collaborative attitude and belief in co-teaching
Demonstrated ease with using instructional technology
Demonstrated computer literacy, including word processing, communication
professionally via email, use of browser to research the Internet and experience
using presentation software
Regular access to a computer and Internet at home and school
Career and technical education teachers who participate in this initiative are expected to
maintain their current teaching assignment and to bring knowledge and skills in
technology instruction to their classroom(s). In addition, they are expected to be a
resource to other CTE educators in the school as appropriate and relevant. Participating
CTE teachers must complete the required training provided within this initiative and are
expected to remain in CTE assignments for at least two years following completion.
An application for the teacher to complete can be found at
http://wvde.state.wv.us/technology/tis. Assurance statements to be completed and signed
by the superintendent, county career and technical education administrator, county
technology administrator and principal are attached to this memorandum.
The application and the signed assurance statements must be submitted by April 15,
2016 to:
Sherri Nash, Ed.D., Executive Director
Office of Career and Technical Education
Accountability and Support
West Virginia Department of Education
Building 6, Room 221
1900 Kanawha Blvd, East
Charleston, WV 25305
FAX – 304-558-3946
March 11, 2016
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Please contact Dr. Sherri Nash at sherri.nash@k12.wv.us or 304-558-2348 for further
information regarding the Career and Technical Education Technology Integration
Specialist project.
c: Monica Beane, Executive Director
Office of Professional Preparation