— 70 — Part I Security Environment Surrounding Japan — 71 — Fig. I-2-4-1 Russia’s Defense Budget from FY2006 to 2010 Defense Budget (billion rubles) Year-on-year growth rate (%) (%) (100 million rubles) 14,000 40 35 12,000 30 10,000 25 8,000 20 6,000 15 4,000 10 2,000 0 5 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 (FY) 0 Note: Official figures announced by Russian Government. COMMENTARY — 72 — Part I Security Environment Surrounding Japan — 73 — Fig. I-2-4-2 Russian Military Deployment in Areas Close to Japan MiG-31 260 fighters, including MIG-31 and Su-27 fighters 110 bombers, including Tu-22M bombers Magadan Petropavlosk 15 submarines 5 destroyers and frigates Tu-22M Su-27 Su-27 Sovetskaya Gavan Frigates Khabarovsk (Far Eastern Military District Command) Korsakov MiG-31 Su-27 Tu-22M 5 submarines Naval infantry 15 cruisers, destroyers, and frigates Vladivostok (Pacific Fleet Headquarters) Notes: 1. represents the number of divisions and brigades. 2. represents the locations of main naval bases. 3. represents the locations of main air bases. 4. Figures shown are approximate. — 74 — Part I Security Environment Surrounding Japan Fig. I-2-4-3 Changes in the Russian Ground Forces in the Far East Region (10,000 troops) 40 (Divisions and brigades) Number of divisions and brigades Number of personnel 40 20 20 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 (Year) Source: Based on the Military Balance of each corresponding year and others. — 75 — 0 Fig. I-2-4-4 Changes in the Russian Naval Forces in the Far East Region (Ships) 150 (10,000 tons) 100 Conventional submarines Nuclear-powered submarines Total tonnage Frigates Destroyers Cruisers and others 100 50 50 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 (Year) Fig. I-2-4-5 Changes in the Russian Air Forces in the Far East Region (Fighters and Bombers) (Fighters and Bombers) (Fighters) (Bombers) 4th generation Tu-22M 3rd generation Tu-95 400 200 2006 2007 2008 2009 A Tu-160 long-range bomber flying near the Hokkaido area — 76 — 2010 (Year) Part I Security Environment Surrounding Japan Fig. I-2-4-6 Changes in the Number of Scrambles against Russian Aircraft (Times) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 — 77 — 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 (FY) Fig. I-2-4-7 CIS Member States Norway (Riga) Sweden (Tallinn) Finland Estonia Latvia (Vilnius) Poland Lithuania (Minsk) Romania Russian Federation Belarus (Moscow) Legend: (Kiev) Signatory countries to the CIS Collective Security Treaty Countries that have withdrawn from the CIS Collective Security Treaty Non-signatory countries to the CIS Collective Security Treaty Georgia withdrew from the CIS in August 2009 Moldova (Kishinev) Ukraine (Tbilisi) (Astana) Georgia Kazakhstan Turkey Armenia (Yerevan) (Tashkent) Uzbekistan Azerbaijan Iraq Mongolia (Baku) (Bishkek) Turkmenistan Iran (Ashkhabad) Kyrgyzstan (Dushanbe) Tajikistan — 78 — China Part I Security Environment Surrounding Japan — 79 — — 80 —