HD28 M414 Dewey • '"-rL SEP 24 1985 XKic ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT MANAGING THE CORPORATE INTELLIGENCE FUNCTION Professor Sumantra Ghoshal Sloan School of Management August, 1985 WP# 1697-85 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 riANAGING THE CORPORATE INTELLIGENCE FUNCTION Professor Sumantra Ghoshal Sloan School of Management August, 1985 WP// 1697-85 'MANAGING THE CORPORATE INTELLIGENCE FUNCTION, Sumantra Ghoshal Room E52-580, The Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge MA 02138 The author is grateful for the comments and suggestions of Eleanor Westney, Donald Lessard, and Michael Scott Morton; for help and assistance from Seok Ki Kim and Yun Key Yun in conducting field research in Korea; and for financial support from the Sloan School of Management, MIT. - page - 1 GROWING IMPORTANCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL INTELLIGENCE turbulence" "Environmental fashionable obsession descriptions of board corporate regulatory changes of fears in competitive, have concerns of managers, daily the about and environments social even or part integral an Hopes meetings. discontinuous and technological, become a hard-cover books, it has now entered the agenda in unpredictable merely From colorful academics. business of longer no is particularly in medium and large enterprises. A number responsible for regarding need the environment. changes monitor to been have of corporate managers awareness enhanced the developments inter-related of in Three phenomena, in particular, of globalization, external the seem to have been most critical. First, trend the business environment dominant in now to with countries, resource-bases competition even seriously, been exempt have emerged contend from in from different cultural, administrative and physical While competencies. firms the become increasingly competitors with this trend of global multinational affected has has in Most medium and large businesses are diffei-'f-nt and 1970's, the 1980's. the required of manifest corporations most with purely domestic operations have not its consequences as multinational competitors businesses that have traditionally been purely domestic in nature. Such societal competition origins has among made firms the with need vastly for differing environmental - page 2 - intelligence both competitors are based currencies, same competitors often conscious exchange be by carefully without automatically, global such as competition, any contrast, in changes in relative wage rates, rates or public policies of countries differently and therefore need to competitors While some of such information may be routine course of business; not all are and the system formal and any change affects all corm^on With watched. in incur costs in the need not be explicitly factors almost firms interest different available are changes rates, of When all Besides, information on such factors are effort. environmental affect they equally. received and more complex. in the same country and number a because monitored compelling more a required to scan changes in the many national is environments which can potentially affect the firm. Second, has between a firm and its environment been eroded as life-cycles of products and technologies have shortened. become an buffer the defensively To explicitly era manifest advantages. The is changes after they have to no longer a feasible strategy in competition increased of react and enhanced first-mover benefits of early- warning and quick response have increased enormously. Finally, of most traditional competitive are absolute determined instruments advantages. almost competence the "catch-up" phenomenon has dulled or the scale hegemony not breakthroughs on in and the the of distant of technological operations. No one enjoys terms in their relative basis durable industries, major competitors In most indistinguishable developing for the edges competitive positions are of a technological or commercial past but could cope with the last wave of change. by how well each firm - page 3 - CORPORATE INTELLIGENCE UNITS A for organizational response to the increased need common external intelligence has been to create formal intelligence units monitoring for environment. Such Analysis carry different labels within intelligence special some corporate the planning often or functional departments such as R&D or marketing. very States to the Environmental few, competitor if analysis They are departments, functions such as technology monitoring are : Futures Group are some examples. and created usually though units interpreting different sectors of the Research and Analysis, Strategic Intelligence, Country Scanning, Risk and are integrated with In fact, there any, large corporations either in the United or abroad that do not have such an unit devoted full-time tasks of acquisition, interpretation and internal circulation of environmental information. Often, ineffective. however, such a unit has proved to be singularly The following are some of the more common reasons of why they have failed : The unit is headed by a bright, freshly- minted PhD in economics or political science. MBA, or a the task as one of In the worst sees case, he bunch of uninformed managers and educating a starts bombarding everyone with highly academic formidable tool-kit of his on based notes analytical techniques. These quickly degenerate from being perceived as refreshingly different to being seen as totally useless. Ultimately, the missionary of new wisdom leaves the organization, usually for graduate school or a consulting firm, redemption. firm is beyond the that convinced Otherwise he is fired. The unit, however, is not wound up but is just forgotten about. More typically, however, such a person makes an the organization and understand to honest effort its information needs but gets little support from as an outside seen He is the line managers. incapable of expert is pre-judged be and to - page 4 - understanding Failing to managers, the strengths of on published scenario takes the intricacies of the business. line obtain the support of the new recruit falls back on his own producing academic monographs based information and the worst case over. The unit acts as an advisory body to top-level comment on is asked to corporate managers and proposals at the last stage, when they are By this time the for final approval. received intricate social and political processes through large in at arrived decisions which are organizations have played themselves out: views about the proposal have hardened, sides have been taken and careers have been committed. At this if the unit supports the proposal, it is stage, seen as not contributing anything of value and if the proposal, it is seen as an auditor it opposes of sorts as "nay-sayers" who are to be challenged and overcome. Either way, it fails to get integrated with the rest of the organization and gradually ceases to have any impact on dec ision-mak i ng, — o Information is a principal source of power and To be effective, recognition in organizations. the intelligence unit requires information that collected by managers in different parts of are the organization. Managers, however, have no information to the unit incentive for providing since it does not offer any appropriable benefits. pass information along instead, to They prefer, their direct reporting hierarchy, in exchange for recognition, or to colleagues, through an informal system of barter. In other words, it is a classic managers like to all problem of externality have information from the intelligence unit but no one wants to contribute information to it. — These effectiveness the discussed formal the is and of corporations. large be but are intelligence increasing an a later. few of the many problems that impede a formal scanning or intelligence unit in a There are many others, some of which will The moot point is that simply creating a unit is intelligence rarely an effective means to meet needs of a firm. What is required organization-wide sensitivity to the external environment comprehensive system to develop corporate intelligence. . - page 5 - intelligence The information, available managers to interpretation Each special body so as to be information, such and its of line in the intelligence unit, and staff managers in : the different functional areas. these groups have different competencies with regard to of tasks the company These activities must be performed firm. the managers, general need the of by three different components of the organization collectively top who within acquisition the terms of the possible impact on the goals and in of includes circulation its performance function kinds different pathologies, overall interpretation collection, of group, no and To circulation of information overcome need to be combined in an competencies these all system information. of and in isolation, can put the whole puzzle together. understand To might system resource built far has of the kept being in and possess External information is a key companies and this particular company has reputation as a fast growing and Its principal competitors are the field. in size, have larger business over player comprehensive intelligence a Far East. formidable a aggressive the trading for up in such let us consider the case of a large trading work, based company how considerably greater experience in the more extensive networks of branches all Yet, this company has competed successfully, world. up a remarkable growth rate and has built a reputation nimble very on its feet in spotting and exploiting opportunities THE INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM IN SINSONG TRADING Sinsong trading arm of (1) a Trading (1) is the primary diversified business group that disguised name is international one of the - page 6 - 50 largest outside companies in Fortune's list of the biggest companies United the branches States. wholly-owned subsidiaries or world-wide people about 5000 third country trade revenue of over The corporate 1984, In Sinsong Trading had countries, employed in 60 and conducted import, export and in over 120 countries generating an annual billion. $3 intelligence planning function is the responsibility of the department Within Sinsong. in this department, there are two sections that are devoted full-time to this viz., task, the Research and Information (RI) the Overseas Planning (OP) The available general information agencies. economic, social, country products and suppliers, following section. specializes — Its in dealing with publicly mostly in printed form publications trade and government every section RI section and by and objective several is to — provided by private monitor overall cultural and political developments in almost of the world, to review broad trends in different markets, and to analyze published studies on major buyers and competitors. Its primary outputs are the : o Two fortnightly publications, one to circulate significant economic and political developments that have taken place over the preceding fortnight and the other a bibliography of all important articles, pamphlets, books, etc. that have been are that and noticed during the same period considered as potentially relevant to the business of Both the reports are sent to each the company. and every manager of the company and the managers, circulate them among in turn, are expected to their staff. o A monthly consolidation of key economic statistics approximately 100 countries in which the company has significant business involvement. The published as a pocket size booklet that report is managers can always have in their possession for Information contained includes, ready reference. for every country, latest figures for imports and of levels GNP, rates, interest exports, for and - page 7 - unemployment and inflation, and the exchange rates for all major international currencies. A major bi-annual compilation of detailed the world. in on 50 key markets information Titled "Management Environment", report the brief descriptions of the countries, contains their principal export and import commodities including major sources and destinations, external debt and its implications on trade policies, trade balance with detailed breakdown for most important and products, GNP with category-wise breakup, information about demand, competition and prices on number of specific products that are of a interest to the company. The publication is based on DRI reports, OECD publications, Wharton Country from BERI and Frost and Reports, market reports Sullivan, a host of journals including Euromoney special reports and Investor, Institutional and from private and public research institutions in Japan, Europe and the United States. o Besides maintains out periodic publications, this section also these the "data room", on topics suggested by the top management research special i.e., the company library and carries of the company. section The the company, was national major managers company headed by manager who, before joining a political and economic correspondent for a newspaper. section the in is a Neither he nor any of the other four have line experience within the any their entire career in the company has been spent in and the planning or other staff departments. devoted the to office of daily report five thrice the company the intelligence intelligence (OP) section, function, deals this to employing primarily with section more than five people send containing about customers and competitors. employees every week. branches the second unit data relevant for current business. Every overseas environmental than Planning Overseas The at primarily a market Offices with less are required to send such reports at least These reports are telexed by the managers of the end of every working day. Failure to send - page 8 - daily the reports worst days missed reports The reasons. seriously come had Beirut the office and requires very good in from Iran even during the Iranian revolution. of by taken is the Not a single report was when the city was under seige — being shelled by three different armies. To in submit require turn, there and must these field officers to turn in a daily report all an unwritten law in the company that officers exists information each day include at least one item of external their reports to reporting system, a in reports the managers of the branches, field personnel of the branch great deal the manager. Through this daily of pressure is exerted on all company to actively seek information through all their external contacts. The function. interpretation translates On a the same communication a them and an daily basis it summarizes the from the branches, into the local language, and circulates them to important managers of the company. read the both has items in the daily reports received important all section OP Managers are expected to report and to circulate it within their departments on day. The report usually contains just data, without analysis or interpretation. The confidential senior analysis report is which communicated in is a separate and highly sent in sealed envelopes only to managers who must read and destroy them immediately. following is an actual example of such an analysis : "If Iraq is ordering large quantities of army such uniform materials suddenly, fresh army recruitments in a large This may mean that scale can be anticipated. an escalation of the war is imminent. That, in turn, implies that Iraq may face further strain on its resources, particularly with regard to the availability of foreign exchange for payment of non-defence defer payment on such therefore, They may, materials. LC's We are heavily supplies, even if are opened. building materials, them with supplying involved in chemicals and fertilizers. Caution must be exercised supplies and the payment situation must on all future be monitored very closely." The - page 9 - While main information only ones. are foreign markets. report, covering of report information made information for the submit a detailed tour market(s), his conjectures the that may or may not be related to also and collected significant piece of any by him during the tour. A circulates through the manager's chain of copy goes directly to the OP section where and incorporated in the daily In 1983, Sinsong headquarter managers 700 business trips abroad, generating over 4000 pages over These were, in many cases, the richest source reports. tour must about appropriate. as of only what he did during the tour but also analyzed is source manager information another but reports, of Each not the OP section, they are not the reports of headquarter managers visiting possibilities this command the major responsibilities, environmental copy other impressions business own his for tour the general about sources The section his daily reports from overseas branches are the the of information for the OP section. The years the OP had spent over eight section in the headquarter and divisions in major international before being transferred to the corporate intelligence branches, All unit. of operative positions in the company, both in different in product manager other managerial staff in the section had a minimum of five years of field experience within the company. THE TWO COMPONENTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL INTELLIGENCE The quite environmental typical particularly decomposes of in the the intelligence similar Far systems East. environmental In system in many effect intelligence of Sinsong is large such function a firms, system into two distinct components, one for analysis of the general environment and overall the business climate and the other for monitoring the specific business situation. - - page 10 This kinds two purposes. — environment is based environmental of different on the view that a firm uses information Information day-to-day decisions. general the immediate business from Information social, kinds two the are, useful of on — about political and technological changes, contrast, utilized primarily for long in information The distinction is fuzzy and clearly overlap. But it seems make this distinction since the systems for acquiring to interpreting and is required the broader environment from economic, — — both operational and strategic taking for planning and strategy-making. term related but about current competitors, existing technologies, basis instance for two for product-markets in which the firm operates and a distinction kinds two the information of differ significantly. For instance: The information sources are different Figure 1 shows information sources environmental information. practices managers of companies largest participated.-^ represents the environmental bar in represents relative the It relative based on of importance information; the a bar each of from 16 of the Korea of kinds survey of scanning managers 111 Republic height The is which The in different acquiring for in importance of different (South in the Korea) diagram the particular kind of of height of each component of the the relative usefulness of the particular source providing such information. This into the picture organization of may how environmental differ in information flows different countries and Full details of this study can be found in the author's PhD " Environmental An Scan ning axui thesis, Ind ividua] Organizational Level Analysis ". MIT, 1985. : o Z Z > r m r> z z o r o P> \ c o -< X) 1/1 o c n -09 i/i 2 - page industries. similar However, 12 - pattern the broadly consistent with is studies conducted in a range of industries in the United States. Information available usually business associates such as Some of available from public sources but by the time they become is public, provide become also they differential much useful less as a source of Even consultants, though many exist to advantage. such information, are not very effective since generally information that is stale and not appropriable for provide they from only suppliers, trade associations, bankers, etc. customers, it about the immediate business environment is immediate business purposes. Information political and obtained from publications tanks changes, special General domain. or about broad technological, social, economic and contrast, sources and reports consulting in trade from that are exist journals, academic organizations are most efficiently within the public special government institutions, among the think- principal sources for such information. Similar findings, based on his study of scanning practices U.S. firms in the chemical industry, have been reported Frank Aguilar in Scanning the Business Environment R.F.Collings and W.J.Keegan New York, 1967. McGraw-Hill, investigated scanning behavior of American managers in the multinational in industry and services financial corporations, respectively, and their descriptions of usage sources were also generally information of different For consistent with the analysis presented in Figure 1. on studies references of these and many other research " Scanning scanning, see author's PhD thesis, Environmental An Individual and Organizational Lpvel Analysis". MIT, 1985. of by . : - Managers who acquire can page 13 - the kinds two information are of different Information be acquired only on immediate business environment can the managers by who have direct access to the grapevine, i.e.> line managers who meet representatives industry of customers, on a suppliers, competitors and other industry members Membership of reliability network the within oneself and are hooked to the appropriate network. basis regular but flow this is experience through only to position required not also judge to trial and relevance error. and and Staff neither receive such "hot information" from the market, managers can they readily discern their implications because of being nor divorced from the context. For acquiring more or political intelligence social contrast, specific sources information must manager a that general be are technological, public from economic, sources, in specially trained to know of the most useful for particular kinds of must also be able to interpret the implications and general developments on the specific businesses of the firm. Academic training, analytical skills and access to such sources are such of information useful in both intelligence special and acquiring interpreting such and staff are particularly suitable for both purposes. The information-acquisition processes are different task-related Specific surveillance, through sensitive by picking Often, quite or a the by i.e., information is usually acquired operative by managers being the continuous flow of information around them and to up what most chance, customer. they consider to be relevant and reliable. important in piece of information is picked up the course of a discussion with a reseller 14 - - page is General environmental usually acquired through general pre-determine needs its political concerned, must wants more through active surveillance. economic, it intelligence, on the other hand, as search In other words, far focused and surveillance than firm must social, informations are identify the sources and must acquire what through structured research. directed a broad such as technological and rather than monitoring and the much The process is relatively passive through which much of task-related information is collected. As would description managers roles the can different two almost operating the system preceding of Sinsong, line intelligence staff play very different circulating, interpreting, and using kinds of environmental information (see exclusively disciplines such relevant very economics, as from by limited the corporate involvement can sources political science or the directly acquire principal the interpretation of such such as publications, university consultants and research organizations. carry of Expert intelligence staff, skilled in technologies, information with dealt with unit managers. contacts, from The task of monitoring the broader environment 2). be intelligence acquiring, intelligence also the and special in Figure of manifest be They can responsibility for analysis and information such in terms of the potential impact can be circulated by them to operating managers so as also to serve as the monitoring the immediate business environment, other acquisition lie with the principal responsibility for both hand, information of operating intelligence circulation The processed information inputs to the long term planning process. For on firm. the on unit of and managers and becomes one such its interpretation has to the main function of the information of communication within the and company. INTELLIGENCE IMMEDIATE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT BUILDING TASKS INFORMATION ACQUISITION INTERNAL CIRCULATION interpretation/ USE LINE MANAGERS BROAD BUSINESS CLIMATE - page 16 - However, serve to even day-to-day operational intelligence unit who might the intelligence role as a intelligence, corporate PABX for managers of the need the ability to relate the information to business possible their this profit implications In other words, managers of having it. from to identify managers and responsible for maintaining the internal unit specific task-related information need to have at least flow of some experience with the businesses of the company analytical skills ; academic or not as important for meeting the demands are of this role. ENVIRONMENTAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS most The that decision viewpoint, problem intelligence resulting the actual vexing in environmental analysis is rarely is Considered making. from used by firms for a very practical information and intelligence, irrespective of quality or appropriateness, in the worthless unless used. are Unfortunately, of my research on the environmental intelligence course confronted repeatedly the situation of function of managers busily engaged in developing increasingly sophisticated firms, computer-based oblivious of such reports they are to techniques the within anyone the for that fact firm. analyzing environmental change, reports are rarely used by their In many cases operative managers keep within easy reach and are lyrical about how useful making difficult judgement calls. for recall I the contents, even On being asked however, it becomes manifest that the opened. Junior managers feel that the reports are not reports are useful for top managers, top managers are confident that junior effect, the managers whole are benefiting enormously from them. exercise becomes a In fashionable symbol of the firm being "progressive", and is carried out for its own sake. . - - page 17 There many are between environmental Business systems analytical effects techniques, reductionist and their in are usually approach. They contrast, of reality and are therefore ignored oversimplify the richness managers who have to take by are facts and values. as in For performance are business of disentangle, to analysis Environmental making. highly complex and involve processes that and difficult extremely decision and multidimensional and causally confused. causes firms, most intelligence are heterogeneous, are for this permanent separation reasons holistic view of situations and a unlike some economists, cannot assume reality away. Besides, the making process has decision information files clearly stored that is files or and evaluating alternative will systems is mostly action. of courses has Information for packaging used initiating for or Going from data-bases relational learning for and Most environmental reality and assume that managers this ignore information use computers rarely proposals analysis on-line, the problem but has not overcome it. eased in far higher chance of use than a stored within the organization. user-friendly, to that is received in the course of information available in storage. Managers, alas, do not Usually, late decision making hierarchy. firms in processes acceptance. has already serious follows and By the acquired internal use environmental top managers is a too much consequences. perhaps the by internal social and complex and convoluted and final proposal reaches senior levels, it time analysis as too too high a level in the momentum-building, initiation, of at influenced highly considerations political and provided is been widely documented, decision has As is intelligence process decision the in environmental momentum to be changed without As a I have suggested earlier, to special intelligence source for single most common reason why it ceases to have any effect on decisions. - page 18 - Finally, between information information piece there a from the why environmental set of interactions influences that and acted upon by managers. the way The same differently when it is received seen favorite and trusted subordinate than when it is received manager intelligence of such section, is either discussions information, with managers collection managers. Such suggestions acceptability experts seen are business, develop to outsiders as ray their biggest problem is not acceptability is difficult is : In all intelligence function, this analyses to be used. or the their personal acceptability to but personal because not trusted. or the in information of is the manager of the intelligence respected not ignored is come out quite clearly has A major reason the intelligence section. of provider their is complex a source its perceived is from point and information of exists who pre-requisite for a In most cases, because do not such intelligence understand the auditors who come in the way of getting work done, as and as lackeys of top managers with great nuisance potential. How There are problem in answers analysis to be made more useful this question. ? However, the of the ways in which firms have tackled the some are : Making, 1. simple no following environmental can special efforts to involve iunior and middle managers operative functions most In actually carry : situations, out the junior and middle managers, who day-to-day operations of the firm, are the most important sources of environmental information and also the most managers, can, about important in a external intelligence. Top while, produce the dazzling coup of finding out forthcoming confidential also of through their network of high-level personal contacts, once a consumers plans change of government policy or some highly of customers or competitors. At times they initiate major strategic moves and can greatly benefit from page 19 - - advice of butter intelligence the of the information from obtaining on levels of the company and in operative lower depends function intelligence the bread and However, expert. available environmental intelligence to the same level at making which most proposals are initiated. mechanism One in company the as been over and assigned and units the and the these task forces through from normal by unit the all on to the them pass and collate They duties. they also disseminate all intelligence reports headquarter the to other managers within the this activity takes up about an hour of their Normally, day but most junior managers look forward to the task each because both force assignment their performance is between task as an additional responsibility, their above headquarters time the intelligence corporate the routed are this acquired unit. and communication intelligence received in temporary structures constituting junior managers who are have unit department intelligence departments task forces have been created which act the All department. or In each subsidiary of major all in as temporary between links which well as headquarters, functional different in manufacturing multinational. large a involvement is to such Such a mechanism has been successfully used units. geographic forces task intelligence create developing for is a positive signal about also because of the moderate budget that and available made it force task the to entertainment, for subscription to journals, and other miscellaneous expenses. experience are extremely forces The sensitivity to intelligence. intelligence hand, they needs of useful in creating organization-wide the environment and also in involving junior and managers middle of the company so far is that such task They function educate operational acquiring both in create bridge using between the the rest of the company. and the a and intelligence units and, on external corporate On the one staff on the information the other, they foster a - better appreciation among page 20 - line managers regarding the function served by the intelligence unit and also about the ways in being which the intelligence department can be of help to the unit. 2. Dependina more on gestalt than on storage In Strategic fact a large a U.S. Intelligence section, quarterly of presentations managers the of range of topics to the senior a He started with profiles of competitors demographic next years, 25 presentations within continued part to be of operated shared his to delight that his at the level of the CEO. What he wrote ignored but what he presented became an integral context which in managers of the learning from this experience was simple. becomes useful, at attention time a conferences it or effective most organizational actually gestalt. firm and active his information, of when make To it to meetings becomes such large solution not minds of managers. in to a widely intelligence — ensure — through presentations, that those few topics receive wide Those discussions then become memory of the organization by becoming a External far better to focus on a few important is within the firm. memory words, found and firm's prospects over on the . intelligence the even shared the His topics patterns were being widely referred to in business meetings firm, the Soon he broader subjects, such as the possible effects covering changing the the firm. on these briefings he made In gradually the attendance in such meetings improved. started of being frustrated by the after briefings. audio-visual of Fortune 100 firm, the manager of the that his reports seemed never to be read by anyone, started system and : number of key individuals. a part part of a In other the problem was to store environmental files or computer data-bases, but in the - page 21 3. Focusing Information on - "Wants" not and on Information "Needs" There need the what and often wide gaps between information managers are information They do not receive all get or even want. they want they or and they receive need information they do not either want or need. information they need diagrammat ically Most that premise the information information, see This is represented to environmental analysis are based on manager needs then and to provide that The assumption is that managers will needed. of the information they really need even if usefulness the They also receive objective of the analysis is to identify the a as not want.^ lot of Figure 3. in approaches the do but a they did not want it at the beginning. and overlooks the complex set of cognitive assumption This issues that underlie a manager's determination of political required. It perhaps naive to assume what information that information, by itself, can change the complex "world-view" that determines is information wants. is To an extent, environmental analysis fails because of that assumption. Environmental if it currently as strike can want a and intelligence can prove to be more useful better balance between information managers information that analytical methods suggest their real needs (even if we assume that such methods somehow determine the needs quite accurately) . There is usually a substantial area of overlap between information wants and ^ This concept Business was suggested by Frank Aguilar in Scanning the Environment . McGraw-Hill, also reproduced from this book. 1967. The diagram is BOX 1 : INFORMATION A MANAGER RECEIVES BOX 2 : INFORMATION A MANAGER WANTS BOX 3 : INFORMATION A MANAGER NEEDS FIG 3 : INFORMATION MANAGERS RECEIVE, WANT AND NEED page 23 - - needs that are currently not met and Converting the be of focus, on this area that the initially. least at systems interpretation or of environmental analysis function, but it the term objective to be achieved incrementally, long a gradually is that they want what is really needed must be one of so objectives should maps cognitive the managers must intelligence for search it chipping away This margin. the at will make intelligence much more use-driven instead of being environmental either need or availability driven. Environmental Analysis More Business-oriented 4. Making form a training of oriented analytically The used. clearly be makes gradually that both from a firm more responsive to external change. more and This processes leads of intelligence managers top and invested unwilling to information cut is from the But the back intelligence because always useful. both on the part results of their see no direct returns from the who the in visible no find — of a function vague but feeling are that Such rationalizations severe the loops between environmental analysis and the mainstream feedback firm's business and such feedback is required to prevent the intelligence Providing useful function intelligence of from becoming an academic exercise. information must be the principal objective of environmental ground who staff resources the environmental monitoring. of to self-defeating rationalizations it efforts, arising benefits making such benefits an explicit objective is that with trouble important argument and there can an is "mind-stretching" organizational the argument, the activity is therefore useful even if the intelligence is not directly of heard academics and from managers that environmental analysis business is repeatedly have I : unit directly system. intelligence must strive supporting assumed and untestable culture or orientation. claims to earn The corporate its legitimacy on the business performance and not on of changing the organization's This is not to claim that the process - page 2A - benefits that of intelligence-gathering do not exist but to highlight benefits those can be achieved if this principal only objective is effectively attained. CONCLUDING NOTE At environmental competitive firms advantage managerial BEWARE paper this of ~ had I intelligence is rapidly becoming that are era an in increasingly competencies operations. building beginning the U.S. FIRMS : and conclusion, In the let major source of global competition among of similar in a argued that technological in size and scope of their and me sound the warning that in effective intelligence systems, U.S. firms start from a considerable disadvantage. In term the country, this "intelligence" has context intrigues and covert expected to indulge intelligence building organizations and extremely the U.S. have activities. It triggers images of activities that responsible firms are not This in. is is unfortunate essential an illegitimate rare. modes activity because for all of acquiring information But, given the connotation, many firms in have thrown away the baby along with the bathwater and avoided any explicit action to build corporate intelligence problem systems. The anti-trust laws their very unsavory connotation when used in a corporate of are perhaps more than anywhere else, the been exacerbated by the fear of and many firms, occupying dominant positions in industries, intelligence, has have meticulously particularly competitor avoided any mention intelligence, of anywhere within the organization. Firms have in other countries, particularly those in Japan, always considered effective intelligence as resource and a key corporate have built up extensive organizational systems for - page 25 - monitoring actions Today, competitors, customers, as long-term other and governmental technologies, socio-political developments. intelligence have become increasingly important, these investments are paying corporations have not off for putting started even American many while them a comprehensive intelligence system in place. Past hegemony in most major industries is another U.S. for the relative underdevelopment of intelligence systems reason Traditionally, U.S. firms had no need in American corporations. to monitor anything except other U.S. corporations and therefore had experience of scanning beyond their home-shores. no other hand, Japan but been normal practice for firms not only in has it On the in Europe to monitor developments in the United also they learnt have the of arts that process multinational scanning and emergence of global competition, this past history has become liability for States. In companies American the With the analysis. environmental a an asset for their and global competitors. Besides, fragmented very Up American to 60's their 70's, the the and and corporations usually have narrow view of environmental intelligence. reacting to the wave of expropriations in the oil crisis of ^73, most U.S. corporations focused environmental analysis efforts only on the regulatory environments, particularly in developing countries. inundated the by environmental and Japanese and more and intelligence firms, in comprehensive Since then, wave from Japan, they have switched to tidal competitors monitoring taken a technologies gathering as activity. their sole Both European contrast, have usually taken a broader approach, monitoring both the immediate environment as well as the larger social, political, competitive technological and economic environments in which they operate. I am corporations. not Some suggesting of that this is true for all U.S. them such as IBM and GE have developed - page 26 - environmental competitors environmental point strong now intelligence all over the intelligence systems are the envy of their that But, in general, gathering world. quickly and of the typical American accurately firm. is not Unfortunately, even the realization of this shortcoming seems to be limited. develop an involves often putting effective internal intelligence processes For contradictory. such a that system a takes time To for it are complex, interactive and the firms that have not yet started system in place, it is perhaps not too late yet but soon it might be. -0 825/+ [}7k MIT LIBRARIES ./ TOMn^ UUN 10'M Lib-26-67