^^'^m^ j::3t7^7rr..Trs?«rTr**i?? HD28 .M414 no. 173686 MAR 1986b The Management of Data: Preliminary Research Results Dale Goodhue Judith Quillard John F. Rockart 90s; 86-022 - 3 - 1990 c / I The Management of Data: Preliminary Research Results Dale Goodhue Judith Quillard John F. Rockart 90s: 86-022 May, 1986 CISRWP#140 Sloan ® WP #1786-86 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Manaqement in the 1990s Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology ^ MAR Management in the 1990s is an industry and governmental agency supported research program. Its aim is to develop a better understanding of the managerial issues of the 1990s and how to deal mosteffectively with them, particularly as these issues revolve around anticipated advances in Information Technology. Assisting the work of the Sloan School working partners in scholars with financial support and as research are: American Express Travel Related Services Arthur Young and Company British Petroleum Company, p. I.e. BellSouth Corporation Digital Equipment Corporation Eastman Kodak Company General Motors Corporation International Computers, Ltd. MCI Communications Corporation United States Internal Revenue Service Company The conclusions or opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Management in the 1990s Research Program, or its sponsoring organizations. THE MANAGEMENT OF DATA PRELIMINARY RESEARCH RESULTS INTRODUCTION 1.0 Today, corporations are placing increasing emphasis on the management of A number of factors, which include data. significantly more competitive a environment, more ubiquitous personal computers, rapidly improving software, and computer-literate more better personnel, Acknowledging data. this, have more led to more and demand a companies follow the exhortations of authors such as Diebold [1979], and Appleton [1986] to "manage the data resource". argue information that achieving and organizational data play a performance are more and trying Edelman to [1981], These, and other authors and significant therefore, and, for growing must be role in managed proactively. The available literature, however, contains little suggest to that organizations have successful track records in managing data from a business perspective, about the resource", companies. rather than characteristics we studied Almost all 17 a technical of viewpoint. effective data approaches management efforts of these efforts were information systems staff and user management. order In to in viewed as learn to "managing a set of successful the more data diverse by both Our research focused on the managerial motivations, planning processes, and types of outputs achieved. The authors would like to thank Judith Green Carmody, William A. Gillette, Lisa A. Johnson, Ruth E. Kocher, John S. Lively, and Judy E. Strauss, who did their Master's thesis research in conjunction with this study. They are: Three major themes emerged from our study. becoming increasingly important. is The management of data Major business and technology trends suggest that, if anything, this importance will increase. improving the to dominant approach single, There is no adopted multiple firms Rather, have management of data. approaches, contingent upon business needs. set of fundamental managerial issues must be considered selecting the appropriate approach to data management. A The rest Section of describes 1 research the method, in growing the importance of data management, and some current approaches to managing data Section in the literature. we Section saw. several presents summarizes 3 managerial key 2 they consider the options framework and describes the choices Section framework. the that issues a managers 4 explicitly should address Section suggested by our framework. addresses then 5 as concludes the paper by emphasizing the several major themes in our results. 1 Research Approach .1 These being resulted themes conducted the by Center of interviews, were conducted In addition, in Information for MIT's Sloan School of Management. 1985. first phase from the of data management a Systems Case studies, Research Figure in industries, including These firms 1 with at each involving 4 to 6 days six large corportions during the spring of organizations to learn about their data management efforts. In each firm, we (CISR) CISR reseachers spent 1/2 to 3 days in each of summarized study disguised electronics, consumer goods, other The companies, represent names, 5 range a insurance, and of energy. focused on one to four data management programs or projects. discussed with us the data-related policies, processes, controls, standards, and tools that were in place (or had been tried). Also discussed were the factors which motivated each organization to take action, and the results which were achieved. the opinions of I/S managers, line In addition, managers, regarding the most important problems and issues and use of data. our interviews collected and staff concerning professionals, the management -3- Figure 1. Firms in the CISR Data Management Study Description Data Management efforts cited in this paper Blame Corporation Personal care products; Fortune 500 Data access services Crockett Canadian subsidiary of Fortune 500 U.S. computer company Integrated database for finance and administrative applications and managerial reporting Diverse Conglomerate Fortune 500 Disguised Name Among Top Foothill Computer end users Information database for use by senior Dobbs Insurance for 10 in assets Fortune 250 management and new Strategic data planning systems for one division 1. Information centers provide data consulting 2. Set of standard data definitions established by corporate task force 3. Strategic data planning used for order flow function Global Products, Inc. Matrac Corporation Sierra Energy Spectrum Electronics Fortune 500 manufacturing Subject area databases being gradually implemented Fortune 100 manufacturing Data access services Among Information database for financial reporting lop 10 energy companies Fortune 100 Fortune 500 diversified chemical end users Integrated manufacturing dataoase Waverly Chemicals for 1. company in one Common division manufacturing Systems largest division 2. Common 3. Strategic data accounting systems used by multiple divisions done for l/S modeling planning in largest division 4. Set of standard data cfefinitions established corporate group Wmdsor Products Fortune 100 1. 2. Several information databases built 'Data Charting" effort by -4- 1 Managing Data .2 A rationale Huber' for characterized complexity by more and more , importance of growing the that prediction [1984] s Becoming Increasingly Important Is and increasing environmental changes, organizations to knowledge Huber turbulance suggests, more , levels of aggregation. organizations, Thus, of all at many sources need improved survive, will to be These management the in increasing and up-to-date information from multiple have will (author's emphasis). " require will found is society industrial "Post increasing and management data designs for information acquisition and distribution. As the business need increased, has so has deliver information. Over the last twenty years, declines costs hardware in gains and the benefits to be gained from timely, the costs effective decreased. have dramatic been Thus, as accurate information have increased, manage to have capability to functionality. illustrated in Figure 2, As organizations for there software in technical the new types become cost has it and greater quantities of information with computer technology. Because electronic manage the problem but also data with data applications, resource data which were access development accessible, to activities, initiatives. often and developed even led timing quality information, and has to a and today is data hinders constrains meet the in widely today often system the needs in to in attempts to underlying difficulty almost problem of This data of isolated of definitions, The managerial development ability only not dispersed, problems. limits in An the large corporation. coordination available corporate slate. discrepancies to growing clean start from a designed now is is Realistically, organizations in originally accuracy differences, of not do data of effectively data sub-organizations within decentralized lack that amount complexity. in managing integrating autonomous, managing form, importance, increasing rapidly a and undertake resulting and staff maintenance strategic Figure 2. HOW MUCH INFORMATION IS IT COSTBENEFICIAL TO "MANAGE" cost = benefit 20 years ago cost = benefit today Due to decreasing costs and increasing benefits, the sets of data that have been computerized in most corporations have expanded from accounting data to include a complete range of operational activities, staff functions, and line managerial activities. In addition to numerical data, increasingly, text is being stored. Efforts are underway to through "expert systems", some of the knowledge previously available only in people's heads. That much more data will be stored and accessed electronically in the next decade is relatively certain store, -6- 1 Current Approaches to Data Management .3 What means manner which which have should best been use firms contributes discussed existing the in objectives? business to of managing achieve the goal to in a approaches Various resource data data management (DRM) literature can be categorized as follows: Approaches with a technical focus. These include tools and data techniques such database management systems, as dictionaries [Ross, 1981], data entity relationship modeling [Chen, 1976]. Approaches with a focus on organizational responsibilities These include the establishment of organizational units such as and database administration data administration [Tillman, 1984], [Voell, 1979], and the formulation of administrative policies and procedures covering areas such as data ownership, access, and security [Appleton, 1984]. . Approaches with a focus on business-related planning. These include planning processes and methods such as Strategic Data Planning [Martin, 1982] and BSP [IBM, 1981] that link the acquisition and use of data with business objectives. It increasingly evident is adequate approach. Coul son that [1982] no one category provides acknowledges efforts many that completely a straighten out data management problems through the implementation of dictionary have failed. Kahn [1983] to data a evidence suggesting presents empirical most data administration groups have had little or no success in correcting key data management problems. Because the organizational ultimate units, goal well, investments discuss BSP however, of some requires time reasons and put to many require place tools needs with or to needs the create of the These significant resource commitments, and For example, Zmud [1983] notes that "to be organizational effort" why data in focused on the third type of approach. are often not easy to undertake. done not rather to link but business, much attention has planning approaches, is (Chapter large-scale, efforts are difficult to accomplish. 10, members p. 281). top-down to make Section strategic considerable 2.2.1 data will planning 2.0 A CONTINGENCY APPROACH TO DATA MANAGEMENT The picture emerges which from our "paths" to improving the management of data. on diverse in business motivation, type of result obtained. that effective are several Which path is selected depends considerations. organizational is Rather there single clear pattern. management efforts fit no heavily studies case Successful organizational scope, Certainly one must be careful efforts are planning method, very and in generalizing from less than twenty examples, but this variety (or contingency approach) in our case studies seems also to be borne out in discussions which we have had with a number of other companies. In analyzing the cases, we see four key areas which represent an interlinked set of choices that organizations make as they undertake a data management effort. These areas are: In the successful The identification of a business objective companies in our sample, data management actions were almost always justified not by conceptual or technical arguments, but by one of four compelling business needs: coordination, flexibility, improved managerial information, or I/S efficiency. . The scope of the data management project. The firms we studied had explicitly defined and limited the scope of their efforts. Some focused on a functional area (such as finance), others on a division, while some were corporate-wide. The data planning method. Top-down, in-depth strategic data In modeling was not the only data planning process we saw. fact, there appear to be a number of obstacles in accomplishing planning effort. The planning a large-scale strategic data processes utilized in our cases varied widely in terms of their formality, their detail, and their emphasis on data models. The range of options varied from strategic data modeling to more limited planning approaches to no planning whatsoever. The "product" of the data management effort. Much of the of DRM implementation existing literature centers on the subject area databases [Martin, 1982]. In our case studies, however, we saw five distinct "products", which were the end results of the data management project team's work. These products are: subject area databases for operational systems. conmon systems, infonnation databases, data access and architectural foundations for future systems. Figure generalized from our This cases. components four these presents 3 simple and services, shows the choices a starting represents framework point for visualizing what organizations are actually doing with respect to data management. The next four subsections of the paper (2.1 - 2.4) discuss We begin with the most tangible, the each of the elements of the framework. "products", and then in turn discuss planning processes, scope, and business objectives. Five Data Management "Products" 2.1 The most common "product" subject area identified databases systems as databases used products common These . development. identified two by multiple systems , are addition In other the products three products: foundations for the future. to data This DRM existing in and literature operational what we similar these "new access system" and services , of also We information call each set a systems. will that in is involves new products, we architectural section discusses at some length each of the products and presents case examples. 2.1.1 Subject Area Databases for Operational Systems Subject area databases important business products, rather processing or entities manufacturing applications may share SADBs. described four In as of SADBs (both the for subject or around than contain data (SADBs) individual scheduling. areas, we operational such Many studied, data. is In data the the customers such different from a results first, around organized as applications, access and update) companies which and order as operational single can set of best be strategic planning was the basis for the effort. Dobbs Insurance Companies is one of the nation's largest insurance companies. Dobbs has five major divisions which operate relatively autonomously. In the late 1970s, the Group Insurance Division (GID) began to address issues of data data -9- U O U c E a\ C 03 ro Q O g E ro m 01 -10- Due to a changing business environment and resource management. recent reorganization, the division wanted to reevaluate its After a significant amount of preliminary operational systems. work, GID undertook a strategic data planning effort based on From the resulting strategic data James Martin's approach. (including customer, dozen subject area databases a model, asset, and product) have been implemented as the foundation for the division's applications systems. a Subject area databases for operational systems can also be designed and implemented more gradually. Global Products, Inc., had a history of using selected reference files for static data elements such as customers, products, Integration of application systems was prices, vendors, etc. achieved by passing transaction data elements from program to In the mid-1970s. Global program following a predefined flow. Products decided to replace this sequential, applicationoriented approach with a subject area database approach for its finance, distribution and marketing functions. The goal was achieved not by forcing rewrites of all existing systems, but by offering new or rewritten applications access to the SADBs. The approach resulted in a growing set of integrated subject area databases. This improved the accuracy and timeliness of operational data, and reduced system development and maintenance effort. The difficulty with such an incremental approach is that each new system's data requirements may not be consistent with the current design of the SADBs. Where necessary, the set of databases must be revised to incorporate the requirements of the new system. The advantage, however, is that the changeover can be accomplished with minimum disruption to existing systems and a preplanned movement toward a consistent set of databases can occur, taking into account the resource constraints of the organization. Today, approximately 40-50 databases are shared by 30 applications at Global Products. Data management efforts began in the Consumer Products Division of Spectrum Electronics more than ten years ago with the creation of a centralized manufacturing database for its twelve plants. Pressed by Asian competition, the Consumer Products Division, with annual sales of almost $1 billion, started by developing and implementing a logical data model for five key manufacturing applications. The division then proceeded to incorporate remaining manufacturing the all systems into database, and now has subject area data for vendors, parts, assemblies, etc. -11 Common Systems 2.1.2 data files A second type of data management "product" is the operational or databases which developed are applications developed by used multiple copies of the system. discussed which above, applications, Common systems. systems are single, most often a central, organization to be organizational multiple by a common for Physically, units. opposed As developed are to shared be can subject the to there area by one be or databases of range a common systems approach tends to focus on replacing existing a systems in one specific application area. Many firms already have common systems in place, often developed not for data management purposes, but rather to ensure common procedures or to lower I/S A costs. typical example can although each division has its own seen be at Corporation Blaine products and sales force, where, common order entry and distribution systems are used by Its three major divisions. As data management may at Blaine, common systems effort. However, fact in definitions) systems is will not new, a be only a by-product of a common systems cannot be developed without surfacing and resolving data definitional old be discontinued. disputes, since while Thus, the old systems (and concept of common number of companies appear to be gaining major data management benefits from implementing common systems and/or from using the standard, sharable data in them. The largest division of Waverly Chemicals, Fortune 500 a diversified chemical company, operates about a dozen plants. Since about 1980, the division has emphasized the development of common systems for manufacturing applications such as production scheduling and spare parts inventory. The objectives have been to increase coordination among the plants and to reduce costs in A was areas such inventory. data management group as established as a key to the process. Several business firms area have which have found in the instituted era of common fourth systems generation they have derived significant value from the common data. in a critical languages, that -12- Based on data from its common order entry system, which spans manufacturing and distribution divisions, numerous internal able to provide salesmen with has been Grand Distributors, Inc., customer customer basis. information on a by complete sales total combined with an estimate of each customer's This, what salesmen not only vendors tells from all purchases customers are buying from Grand, but what they are buying from This others and, hence, where the marketing possibilities are. would not be possible if each division had its own order entry In fact one systems, since the data would not be compatible. small division does use its own order entry system, and its data can not be included in the information provided to salesmen. Information Databases 2.1.3 A third new "product" system is information Whereas databases. the first two products provide data to be used by transaction processing systems and monitoring for real-time aggregations of data which are information operations, primarily used databases staff analysis for and are line management information. Most databases" "information for managerial information. In can be general, defined as subject for data management purposes, can be distinguished from subject area databases for operational two primary existing Information ways. systems. Instead, databases "bridges" systems to provide the appropriate Depending bridging on the process information level may databases external data. of be data are to compatibility straightforward usually contain databases area not do often the of or the rewriting from existing the subject area existing quite aggregated systems in necessitate built new they data database. systems, difficult. and, the Also, sometimes, [See Note 1.] Windsor Products, management's corporate demands for information led to the development of several new databases. However, existing applications have not been rewritten and the operational databases on which the transaction systems depend remain in place. Automated bridges from the existing systems populate the new "information-only" databases for customer, product and shipment. At Sierra Energy Corporation has an information database for the key financial information required by the corporate controller's function. This database is incorporated in a system called DMS -13- DMS was developed in the late 1970s System). data from divisions to flow of financial geographic sectors and, then, to corporate, as well as to A generic bridging increase data integrity and security. mechanism to capitalize on the data collection processes in existing systems was developed, along with download capabilities Standardization of data for forms and report structures. definitions controlled by master tables in a data dictionary helped create the data integrity feature of DMS. (Data Management to improve the next The case illustrates conceived originally as an effort an information where an database, is integrated now database, also used for transaction processing. computer Crockett, Canadian subsidiary of a major U.S. the corporation, has developed a single integrated database to support all administrative applications, including accounting and order It was The effort began as a prototype within I/S. entry. originally aimed at removing the operational drain of running report programs on the transaction processing systems, by creating a user friendly managerial information database. The system which encompasses the database has evolved to include data capture and transaction processing as well as to provide A cornerstone of the new extensive end user access to data. system is an active data dictionary, which is used to determine how to calculate derived data elements and, by end users, as a directory for data definitions. Crockett has devoted considerable hardware resources to the system, but feels it is benefitting from the investment. 2.1.4 Data Access Services The first three products discussed emphasize developing new databases or files study, with pertinent, however, accurate, focused mainly and on consistent improving data. managerial Some firms access to in our existing data, without attempting to upgrade the quality or structure of the data. Though the particulars of the efforts differ, each is centered around small cadre of personnel whose goal is to better understand what data a is available in current systems and to put in place mechanisms to deliver this data. These efforts seem to be widely applauded by managers who are able to "get their hands on" existing data. questions concerning definitional make use of the data provided. They also have the promise of surfacing inconsistencies as managers attempt to -14- mul ti -bil 1 ion dollar manufacturing finn, Matrac Corporation, has put in place a "data warehouse" for its corporate end users. Briefly, the data warehouse organization is a small group within that provides access organization data corporate I/S the for The arranges group locates data, services users. to of the in user's choice delivers data the extracts, and The group maintains copies of most of the data it formats. A The next step for provides and arranges for periodic updates. data management team is to develop a data warehouse the directory designed specifically to assist end users by listing Included for each and cross referencing the data available. data item will be key information such as update frequencies and times, contact people for more detailed interpretation, accuracy characteristics, etc. Obviously, provision of element key a human both delivering of assistance and data improved to end users for tools is the access and analysis. At Blaine Corporation, corporate I/S provides informal data "consulting" services to help end users locate, access, and interpret the data they need. There are several infomiation centers at Foothill Computer. Although the charged with centers are the provision of analytical tools and support of end user computing, they also devote significant time to the provision of data consulting services. Not surprisingly, where data reasonable of is Delivering data data access services appear more helpful in its quality current form than to where managers, data is, in companies frankly, however, can a mess. spur action towards increasing data definition and control mechanisms. 2.1.5 In Architectural Foundations for the Future most of the firms we data serving a portion of danger business that by studied, managers the approaching corporation. data unit by business unit, or company leaves itself open to real management focused on However, in a a there function subject area by subject limited set of clearly by is the function, area manner, a problems if, in the future, it is desired to integrate data across these boundaries. 15- attempt To organizations architectural will to, have these avoid to on focused future incompatibility problems, architectural foundations. developing some By foundations we mean policies and standards which, when adhered lead to a well -structured consistent and data environment. Managers allocating resources for architectural foundations are investing in Our cases the future without necessarily having immediate benefits in mind. foundations: emphasized two different types of architectural wide scope (1) strategic data models, and (2) common data definitions. One data view model to development. a model of a data firm's serve as an architecture underlying is a blueprint strategic corporate-wide for all future systems James Martin's Strategic Data Modeling approach produces such as one of its products [Martin, 1982]. IBM's BSP methodology [IBM, 1981] and Holland's methodologies [Holland, 1983] are others that produce a version of a data architecture. strategic data model Proponents of these approaches claim that a provides an architectural consistency of information, foundation that will more easily integratable systems, lead to improved and productivity in system development and maintenance. Only one of the ten firms we studied developed a strategic data model primarily for architectural foundation purposes. At Waverly's General Polymer Division a strategic data modeling effort was begun for the entire division after the successful implementation of common manufacturing systems. The model has been completed and will be an input to the division's I/S strategic plan. It is still too soon to tell whether that effort will eventually lead to benefits for Waverly. A second approach to definitions. data architecture is the standardization of data The choice of which data elements should have corporate-wide, standard data definitions is an important architectural there are some data elements which are so basic to issue. the In operation any firm of the business and which are the basis of so much shared communication, that it is critical for all parts of the organization to refer to these elements in the same way. Presumably these data elements should be given global, mandatory definitions. Below the corporate level, it may make sense for a particular •16- division standardize to that division. a Thus, certain on additional data elements, just within the standardization of data definitions can be seen as hierarchical process. Most of the new system "products" (Sections 2.1.1 firms the our in personnel agree elements, as several a on was the required however, intended that precise prerequisite cases, definitions study of set a as definitions building to management line an of the a and [See technical set Note of 2.] corporate-wide foundation architectural I/S specific product. standardized developed by to 2.1.3) for data In data unspecified future systems development work. In 1984, Foothill Computer formed a task force, chaired by corporate I/S, to identify and define key data elements being The members of the task used in multiple areas of the business. force came from the I/S groups in the various functions and There were no immediate plans to implement the divisions. agreed upon definitions. Rather, it was assumed that future systems development work would conform to these definitions. In addition, it was established that any group supplying data to another group within the corporation would be required to if deliver that data in conformance with the definitions, asked. After coming to agreement on definitions for over 200 data elements, the task force has refocused its efforts to concentrate only on those elements for which a specific business impact can be identified and pursued. corporate I/S group at Waverly developed rigorous a As of March, 1985, methodology for data element definition. approximately 150 data elements had been formally defined by the Another 500 elements data management staff using this method. have been identified as candidates for the process. The definitions have been documented on a data dictionary but have not yet been incorporated into applications development work. The Thus, model or a as these examples set of illustrate, standard definitions can be Their usefulness can be questioned, to either a wide scope strategic however, guide future systems development, in either operational or managerial a product in its own right. unless the data model or the definitions become databases. data is used incorporated -17- A Variety of Data Planning Processes 2.2 We now focus on the planning processes used to select the "products" in To many people, DRM is synonymous with a large-scale, the previous section. There are, however, other less strategic data planning and modeling effort. all -encompassing planning effective. section studies This four into approaches categorizes which approaches; and no explicit planning. equally, be from more, our case "80-20" "targeting"; modeling; data not if processes planning the strategic types: can These approaches represent a continuum of planning processes which assist the organization to identify the target for management data continuum The pursue. relatively action, to choose the action from scope models of the "product") (or methods well-defined ranges broad detailed, and enterprise to (producing and its data), through less formal and rigorous approaches, to no data planning at all. 2.2.1 Strategic Data Modeling Section 2.1.5 discussed strategic developing a data architectural modeling data foundation. focus on using the approach in we section, this In context the in of primarily situations where the near-term objective is to build new systems or databases. The — underlying assumption of the strategic planning methodologies data that it is impossible to plan effectively if one does not know what the business contest. is, what it However, of and does, what data companies eleven it uses studied, we — is difficult three only used to a strategic data modeling approach, and as yet only one of those has succeeded in implementing that model many other firms have actual in surfaced many systems. Informal disappointments with discussions such with approaches, and few successes. The diagram in Figure 4, adapted from James Martin's Planning Methodologies , is representative of several planning approaches. The left side of the Strategic Data - data-oriented strategic diagram shows the top-down planning approach, leading to the bottom-up design shown on the right side of the diagram. -18- Figure 4. Strategic Data Planning -19- The model, (Box in 1 with begins process Figure development the 4). The of enterprise an enterprise model depicts business or the functional areas of the firm, and the processes that are necessary to run the business. next step The is identify corporate to processes or activities, enterprise model, the (Box 2). leading to Data the entities and to link them to data requirements are thus mapped onto identification of subject areas for which databases need to be implemented, (Box 3). In general only selected portions of the enterprise model Building the logical data area databases are selected for bottom-up design. is the first step. model The data model, (Box 5), of detailed end user and management data views, the previous subsequent entity top-down design analysis, of application in Section (Box programs, subject and results from synthesis a (Box 4), with the results of 2). (Boxes Database 6), design proceed and from the logical data model. As mentioned 2.1.5, developed a strategic data model future model. systems, but has Waverly Chemicals for use as an architectural not as yet implemented any successfully has systems foundation for using Dobbs Insurance is so far the only reasonably successful the data example in our study of this approach leading to actual systems development. Dobbs did successfully use the top-down bottom-up approach in its group insurance division, modifying the approach somewhat to reduce the detail required. Within a few years, the division rewrote virtually all its systems to conform to the data model it had developed. Some departures from the model have been necessitated on occasion to meet the requirements of short-term deliverables. Efforts to resolve these "nonconforming" systems with the data model are made at a later point in time. While the strategic data modeling approach resulted in new systems Dobbs, it did not at Foothill Computer. In the late 1970s, Foothill Computer recognized data management as an important issue. A group, composed primarily of senior I/S professionals, began to study and then to develop top-down, data-oriented methods for strategic systems planning. After much exploration, the group developed a strategic data planning method that integrated views of design. both data-oriented and process-oriented at -20- In 1982, the method was used to analyze one major functional The project team area, the flow of orders through the company. worked for six months to define and get consensus from the They also worldwide business units on a logical data model. Logical reached agreement on data elements and definitions. subject area databases were designed, and much effort was spent The systems, those databases with user views. validating A host of problems led to however, were never implemented. discontinuing the project. These included the difficulty of consolidating disparate user views, doubts about whether all the key user views had been obtained, and not least of all, a The course multi -million dollar price tag for implementation. of action finally chosen was to make extensive modifications to an existing system to address its shortcomings. There studied. proceed as were In 14 none other of data these suggested by the management did the strategic efforts planning the in and a firms implementation we process data modeling methodology. we saw a variety of other approaches used successfully. previously, depicts eleven Instead, Figure 4, discussed generalized strategic data planning process. Figure 5 illustrates the actual planning process in four of the case study sites. shown in Figure 5a and 5b, both Spectrum Electronics and Waverly Chemical chose to develop manufacturing systems without having used any top-down, data-oriented planning methodology to arrive at that decision. They started with a particular set of applications (1), then developed a logical data model (2), and finally designed the physical database and the applications (3). As Sierra Energy, (Figure 5c), started with a particular user's view (l)--that of the corporate control ler--and designed a data model (2) and physical data bases (3) from that perspective. Methods for "bridging" data from existing applications were then developed (4). At Windsor Products, (Figure 5d), the data management group in corporate I/S consulted extensively with the distributed I/S groups and with senior management to reach a consensus on what new corporate-wide databases would have the greatest impact on the business (1). The data management group then consulted with all users of that data as it built the logical data models for those databases (2). They essentially replaced the entire left side of the diagram by wide-ranging deliberation within the distributed I/S organization, then proceeded to build databases and "bridges" (3). In all side" or of these cases, top down the firms either skipped or abbreviated the "left portion of the top-down planning bottom-up design -21- Figure 5. The Planning Reality Figure 5a. Figure 5b. SPECTRUM WAVERLY (General Ploymer Div.) o PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS DATABASE PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS DATABASE \ DATA MODEL DATA MODEL USER VIEWS USER VIEWS Figure 5c. SIERRA PHYSICAL DATABASE -22- process. In fact, they followed discussed in Sections 2.2.2 - process that do follow reflection more there firms are significant have appear not to planning processes to be 2.2.4. Some companies, like Foothill, planning alternate the be a difficulty number of successfully using a top-down, strategic data implementing reasons which strategic data the help plan. explain planning Upon why methods. Among them are: The strategic data planning process, done in detail and with wide scope, can be very time consuming and expensive. a Also, for the process to be successful, key managers must This commitment is often commit significant time and effort. difficult to obtain (and keep) from these busy individuals. It is not always clear to the planners or top management whether strategic data modeling is being done to create an It architecture or to immediately build new systems. is difficult to manage the expectations of involved those regarding the results and benefits of the process. Total implementation of a wide scope data modeling effort can be extremely expensive. There is a tendency to avoid these new costs, especially if many of the existing systems which represent a huge Investment are still effective. When implementing only a subset of the plan, it can be difficult to bridge the gap from the top-down plan to bottom-up design. If proposed and existing systems interface along different boundaries, it may be hard to isolate and replace a subset of existing systems with a subset of proposed systems. The use of application packages also creates interface and boundary problems. Because of the upfront effort needed, organizations face a longer and more expensive development process for the initial Line managers systems developed with this planning method. do not like to see project schedules lengthened. Similarly, I/S managers, who have incentives to deliver quickly and contain costs, may resist the additional effort involved. Often the business will developed and implemented. change while the plan is being The methodology requires new I/S skills. Thus, process for all and these reasons, manage expectations it is difficult to gain commitment to the regarding the outcome of strategic data -23- We planning. will discusses several return some to these of items Section in 4.0 which issues affecting the implementation fundamental managerial of data management efforts in general. 2.2.2 Targeting High Impact Areas Most corporations that abbreviate or skip methodology do not act without a plan. the top-down planning There are a variety of alternative planning processes which can be used. The most conrion process other business area. the is companies some In "targeting" of a important particular function or or problem opportunity areas are quite clear without an extensive analysis. Sierra Energy, the controller knew from his experience that needed, (and did not have), consistent, accurate data for At Windsor Products, it was quite corporate reporting purposes. clear that consistent and accurate customer data and product data needed to be shared to support changing business demands and, after some discussion, it became clear that shipment data At Spectrum Electronics, the head was also critically needed. of the I/S department was certain, and was able to convince the manufacturing vice president, that an integrated manufacturing database and common systems were the answer to coordination problems and high systems costs. In he none In But, improved data rigorous a key managers who there were all, in these companies was of quality. each In case, data could visualize data a method planning used. benefits the management program of was undertaken which was limited in scope, but was effective and implementable. "80/20" Planning Methods 2.2.3 In some firms, without planning data there necessary to carry out aim in these implemented global cases is (bottom-up), planning is desire to get the major benefits of global a having invest to full-scale a to zero while (top-down) in strategic quickly reducing phase. amounts the This the on of data planning the amount key of and time The process. "products" effort type of planning can money spent be to in be a termed an -24- "80/20" approach, after the adage that for many undertakings, 80 percent of the benefits can be achieved with 20 percent of the total work. Windsor Products, having carried out its first round of data management in a quick targeted manner (as shown in Figure 5d), found itself uncertain as to the next subject databases to implement. Management decided, however, that a full strategic What it needed data model was not necessary for its purposes. identify fairly rapidly planning process means to from a was a It the next round of candidates for subject area databases. therefore developed its own abbreviated planning approach which This involves identification of the it calls "Data Charting". the corporation and the groups which major data aggregates in The use of this method took less than six man months used them. of effort, and involved reviews by line managers in all parts of the business. This "Data Chart" is serving as the basis of planning for the next round of information databases. A different type "80/20" of approach was used to identify key data elements that should have common corporate-wide data definitions at Foothill Computer. In Foothill 1984, put priority on developing common data definitions to promote data consistency, as described in Section A Key Data Task Force was formed to identify and resolve 2.1.5. high impact data definitional problems. The method used was to ask distributed I/S groups to each nominate 50 important, cross functional data elements. There was a 30 to 40 percent overlap among the twelve lists of data elements nominated. Work then proceeded on the "product" of developing common definitions for the identified critical data elements. The problem with strategic data planning approaches is the investment of time and dollars needed to obtain results. probable the inconsistencies that Drawbacks of "targeting" include arise will from multiple targeted projects, and the fact that, in some companies, the most appropriate targets may not be evident. An "80/20" approach, while not providing the detail strategic data planning or the quick hit of targeted approaches, of does offer the major benefits of both previous approaches. 2.2.4 No Planning Process There are also data management actions that can be taken without doing any data-oriented planning. For example, if a decision is made to provide -25- better access to existing data, without addressing changes that data, then no data planning methodology is needed. form of the in This was the case at Matrac with its data warehouse approach, described in Section 2.1.4. Bounded Scope 2.3 our In study, corporation; all attempted firm manage the data used by the limited the focus of the effort in one or more ways. An no to all important factor in the success of data management efforts is that the scope of the effort be carefully defines which part of selected. As organization the described to is this in section, included be the in scope data management effort. Most firms which focused on functional a targeted manufacturing corporate targeted finance management efforts was Section (see Section (see divisional An . such as Spectrum Electronics 2.1.1), or Sierra The scope of some case of the area, 2.1.3). example the is Energy which data Group Insurance Division of Dobbs, described in Section 2.1.1. In some of our cases, However, small in set all of but two standard staff. small In within instances, definitions. data selection of corporate-wide data. these of planning effort was corporate scope of the the subject areas: the product was Windsor Products customer, relatively focused and product, on a shipment Matrac focused on making data available to the corporate headquarters Thus, while corporate these efforts, in were scope, limited to a subset of the total data used by the corporation. addition a to functions corporation. and Among districts, and product lines. divisions, these are: other suborganizations groups, show, the scope of the sectors, exist geographic Some organizations may choose one or another of these units as a locus for data management efforts. will a . data determined by the business objective. management As the next section effort is substantially -26- Business Objectives, Not Conceptual Justifications 2.4 The proponents of data management either soundness conceptual the of data-centered underlying rationale far too often base their arguments on viewing data systems design. as resource a or assert They the that processes change while data is relatively stable, and therefore data should the be element key management in the individual a plan that global data developing before the pieces built one at a plan, be entrenched time inconsistencies in While these arguments are appealing, engender action in the pragmatic, not argue global a and the result will myopically designed systems. they Or, needs one Without such pieces. not fit together, will planning. because essential is I/S they do cost-conscious world of the business manager. The for successful most the exploiting problems part, an and data at management processes we solving clear a opportunity. This opportunities which section observed specific and discusses motivate have been problem business the executives kinds aimed, of business consider to or more intensive management of the data resource. 2.4.1 Coordination within or across Business Units A major motivation better coordination business units, of for data management action is the perceived need for activities, or across them. either within specific Improved coordination requires ability to communicate within or between organizational units. terms this means more than the rapid sharing of data. be shared usefully, it must be functions in a language In understood enhanced an In or practical order for data to by all involved. This implies common data definitions and common codes for key data elements. There are a number of clear examples of coordination as a motivation in our case studies. Both Spectrum Electronics and Waverly Chemical felt the need to standardize their manufacturing systems so that many plants could be coordinated more effectively. In both these cases. 27- Better led to significant benefits. have efforts their coordination between the production schedules of separate plants has led to reduced in-process and inter-plant inventories; the coordination of spare parts inventories has led to smaller inventories and reduced downtimes; and coordinated purchasing and operations has brought economies of scale special arrangements with vendors. Sierra Energy is a different type of example. In order to meet needed better external reporting requirements. Sierra to coordinate the financial information being fed to corporate from Again the need was for a diverse decentralized divisions. coinnon "language" so that critical information could be rapidly and accurately available to the headquarters units. 2.4.2 Organizational Flexibility A second category of motivation greater organizational for data management is desire for the flexibility to allow either an internal restructuring of the organization, or a refocusing of the organization due to changes in the environment. Waverly Chemical merged two large manufacturing divisions in the mid 1970s, and faced major problems with accounting systems which had been designed and implemented separately in the The company faced similar problems in the original divisions. late 1970s when it again reorganized, this time combining five old divisions into two new ones. It was quite clear to senior management that there would be other reorganizations in future As long as each division had its own accounting systems years. with much incompatible data, the problems would persist. In faced regards with to refocusing, important changes a in number of companies the marketplace we which studied have have put been intense competitive pressures on them to change from a product focus to a market or customer focus. At Dobbs, each product line in the Group Insurance Division sold its own customer directly to customers and maintained information. Each product line had its own set of customer As the competitive environment changed, the inability to codes. present a single face to a customer interested in many types of services put Dobbs at a disadvantage. -28- flexibility Organizational have designed been but which support often hindered data by particular applications flexible enough to be able not are to is to which structures suborganizations, or provide strategically new important "views" of the business. 2.4.3 Improved Information for Managers A third motivation improved information for more data management effective senior managers, middle management, for These information consumers want two things: personnel. the is and for need key staff improved access to data and improved data quality. Top management at Windsor asked for a list of their fifty They were told that because the data was largest customers. organized around product lines with different customer codes within each product line, it was very difficult to respond to their request. At one bank, the quality of computerized management information on such items as loan position and bankers acceptances was so poor that managers relied on manually prepared, redundant reports. Since it took almost three months before reported errors were corrected, some managers stopped notifying systems personnel about errors and only used the manual reports. When problems such these as become important enough to management, strong motivations arise to improve data quality and access. 2.4.4 I/S Efficiency As backlogs adopt methods productivity considered standard avoid to and having definitions. increase, and or be tools reducing a way stabilized to and as that I/S costs climb, show maintenance addressing of Reduced data both "reinvent redundancy increasing of Improved costs. environment, data constantly promise there is a clear need to of these wheel" should also of management problems. programmers the data should data trim costs. development In be a more able structure is to and Presumably, reduced inconsistencies will make it easier to access information for either new applications or new reports. -29- few of the cases we studied was In for taking action. contrary, To the efficiency a primary motivation I/S number of firms felt that the data a management actions they were undertaking would involve greater, not lower, I/S costs in the short run. Some firms did look for improvements in efficiency as a I/S secondary benefit, and some have achieved it. Spectrum eliminated separate programs and programming staffs in data processing and using a its plants by centralizing all centralized database and common software for all manufacturing The company also claims to have reduced maintenance systems. costs by eliminating not just redundant data, but the programs that updated redundant data, and the programmers who maintained those programs. Crockett claims a 40% reduction in development costs through use of its active data dictionary, the refocusing of the development process on eliciting business rules rather than programming procedures, and user generation of their own reports. 2.4.5 Summary of Motivations What linked these all the to factors. None motivations them in reflect They business. of have draws on the common competitive, to The they better manage data and cost that data managerial, companies tightly are justification conceptual should be considered a corporate resource. our research are taking steps that is participating in for concrete business reasons. In a few cases, these motivations to better manage data emerged from a line manager's need to respond to changes in his departments, successful however, have also efforts we have seen. had a key role or her environment. I/S initiating many the in of Many line-sponsored efforts have occurred after months, or even years, of education by I/S managers. -30- FOUR CRITICAL COMPONENTS FOR DATA MANAGEMENT: SUMMARIZING THE CASES 3.0 The previously Figure in for These discussed framework Figure for each in area together with presented is provide a rough a corporation. choices actual planning framework Section In In presented data scope, separately. the action, shows the filled in framework. 6 section made by the the case under alternative the used it in each column the firm's name In major a management data subscript to distinguish between the efforts. a we 2, this effort. Where a firm had more than one major effort, its name appears several with for A few evident patterns emerge. study firms. appears choices the objectives, components thinking about data management actions management data business are: 3, "product". and process, components critical four times, Refer back to Figure 1 for capsule descriptions of each effort. observations are evident from the figure. Several from a coordination planning process, to reflects been able functional a existence the see to flexibility or of business objective, to managers in one is specific benefit/cost functional ratio targeted a scope, to a variety of products positive a there This path, with 4 companies, especially prominent path through the diagram. is First, The path . who areas their in have area of responsibility. Second, another path that stands out (with 3 companies involved) an is from objective of improved management information , with various scopes, to no planning process to , a "product" improved of data access This . is an important option, with real benefits at minimal cost. In addition to these two prominent paths. choices, firm, several predominantly guided and its unique appropriate are not the only application by situation. planning the Figure 6 shows particular Strategic processes. data business rich array of objective modeling Likewise, a subject is only area provide useful, usable data; information one the of databases "product" through which benefits can be delivered. files of Common databases -31- c CD Q. E o u c o § a; E -32- "bridged" application existing from contain systems data useful for managers; and even the improvment of data access services can have important benefits. There is Multiple corporation. organization path improving to options contingent are organization at 4.0 single no readiness the data of choices correct The exist. upon management the a any for that of needs and in particular point in time. a FUNDAMENTAL MANAGERIAL ISSUES AFFECTING DATA MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION Our Interviews with I/S and line managers, and our own reflection on the concerns seem to raised, have underlie many suggested of fundamental five affecting problems specific the effectively implement data management efforts. managerial These are which issues ability the trade-off the (1) to between short-term deliverables versus long-term plans or architectures; the tendency to centralization inherent in data management; new organizational roles responsibilities; and the need for (3) impact the (4) (2) data of management on I/S culture; and (5) the process of effective introduction of innovations into thoughts these on organization. an issues as a In means section this laying of the we present groundwork our for early future research. 4.1 The Trade-off between Short-term Deliverables versus Long-term Architectural Foundations Managers trade-off considering between foundations. The data short-tenm development management actions deliverables of a data today architecture and often diffuse. A fact short-term focus of line managers. architecture demonstrable are in results, direct of life in is with a architectural long-term and infrastructure decision, like the building of roads. term faced are in essence an The benefits are long American business is the Decisions to allocate resources to data conflict with managers' near-term earnings per share, and focus on this year's quickly return -33- efforts reported in Not surprisingly, most of the successful on investment. this paper have tended toward the short term end of the spectrum. The danger of limiting the scope of data management action to areas with a near-term payoff is that this may result in problems later on if the local "architecture" Efforts usually are each however, inconsistencies data models data with continuum, the of prevent to strategic end incompatible prove ultimately solutions also corporate-wide developing by many and the to problems. its has expensive, very Moving other. not have succeeded. What is needed is a extensive, less expensive less architecture than strategic data modeling. In approach data to order to develop such new a approach, we need to understand better what aspects of current data design might with conflict efforts in future constructive, what and needs, minimally principles restrictive planning effort at Windsor Products seems a The ways. very useful current guide can move "80/20" in data right the direction. 4.2 The Centralizing Tendency of Data Management Underlying organization greater any effort reality the is toward centralization of more that decision effective improved data in an lead to standardization of management data Increased making. management can data does facilitate increased central control. For example, standard systems are developed. executives, If data the definitions may be on this instituted as common resulting data is made accessible to senior they may have a vastly enhanced ability to compare operational details of business units under their jurisdiction. act established data. to In fact, facilitate several "central" of the There is a tendency to systems coordination and described control. increased centralization is not a design objective, it may be a here Even result. were if -34- Data management thus presents corporations with a particular business unit environment, unique its in there is make explicit choices concerning the balance of centralization flexibility that will importance greater, to best serve the business as recognition of the the is the implementation of actions which shift real to versus local inevitable almost need a Of equal, whole. a For familiar dilemna. a not if resistance or perceived power in the organization [Markus, 1983], 4.3 Responsibilities New Organizational Data management organizations. established is It is changing old apparent that creating responsibilities new units organizational new data-related various handle to and activities. being are addition, In policies are being set that describe the responsibilities of personnel respect areas to such as collection, data access, with Perhaps security. and in most significantly, the new responsibilities have an impact on not only the I/S department, but also the roles of line managers. In addition which groups, companies some access groups". responsible sometimes, as an highlighted are 1985], administration database to A for few study firms had development the architectural important our in the in part of the administration groups" organization end "data groups, guidelines, plans, supporting and planning DRM emergence of data The [Gillenson, 1981] DRM corporate corporate data [Ross, "corporate created foundations. of literature had and groups access and, groups computing user deserves to be emphasized. For the end user, assistance with hardware and software Increasingly, user is consulting. the organizational responsibilities appropriate redesign must also organizational effort. be of data owners, data suppliers, To assigned administrative policies and procedures clarified. end support includes data (See Section 2.1.4.) Establishing the enough. not units achieve for just effective establishing related to data data custodians, is part of implementation, and quality. and data one executing The users need roles to be -35- administrative the clear assignment of how of One example from Diverse quality data comes helped responsibility information database used by the extensive an Conglomerate, where chief executive was fed by many operational systems from many The quality and consistency of the CEO's database divisions. depended upon coordinating the update data from the divisions so that the database reflected a view of the corporation at a single In order to manage what was becoming a difficult point in time. problem, the group in charge of the CEO's database developed a "master data input calendar" for critical data files coming from The MDIC specified the schedule of updates from the divisions. the person responsible for data arriving on and each division, formalized the operational coordination problem. Thus it time. The Key Data Task Force at Foothill Computer, mentioned in Section 200 data for some definitions standard issued has 2.1.5, As part of the process, the task force identified a elements. The "controller" of a data "controller" for each data element. element is responsible for its definition, but not necessarily for The the acquisition, updating, or accuracy of the physical data. Not all of the typical "controller" is a senior business manager. the readily took on controllers data selected as managers responsibility. the organizational At this point in time, to data management are still the cases, these fledgling Significant thought must be given to evolving. establishment of appropriate roles must groups responsibilities with respect be and organizational given strong units. sponsorship, In many and be protected from the vicissitudes of corporate politics. 4.4 Impact on the I/S Culture A fourth managerial culture. DRM implies the issue is impact of data management on the I/S significant changes in the ways systems planning and design are carried out. As Durrell [1985] points out, "data administration challenges the basic process-oriented approach that has been employed during the last 20 years. This can be many long-time DP professionals" disconcerting and sometimes insulting (p. ID/29). The new data-centered system used at Crockett (Section 2.1.3), has had a major impact on the work of programmers and analysts. The major activity now of these people is working with business managers to define the business rules governing the meaning of into the data data rules elements, and entering those There is really no such thing as an applications dictionary. to -36- Not surprisingly, this has had programmer at Crockett anymore. a significant impact on the attitudes and turnover of the A great many programmers found programmer/analyst staff there. their skills of no value in the new environment, and many left While the level of excitement of during the transition period. those who remained is high, Crockett personnel admit that they have more luck hiring recent graduates than they do bringing in experienced programmers to fill the new applications development role. problem The professionals new support move the incentive not is skills. of There must also programmers reward schemes one data-oriented toward for information teaching only implementing systems to current example, For design. and not for conforming to, or petitioning for changes to, data changes organizational be systems schedule on the data model or Without changes to these incentive structures, when system standards. deadline pressures develop their become own programmers high, structures data local have a strong rather tendency enter that time-consuming negotiations with the data administrator for changes to into to the corporate data model. The cultural changes organizational and data-oriented approach to systems implied development are adopting by important a anticipate. to The incentive structure appropriate for programmers and the skills needed by them two are obvious areas. apparent as organizations of new methods and tools Other important changes will gain more experience in this area. reflecting approach to systems development will a major change not be successful to become probably The adoption traditional the if the organizational change is not carefully managed. 4.5 The Process of Effectively Introducing Innovations into the Organization The viewed Implementation as the process of of initial effectively methods or tools of unproven value, that in general the data management diffusion of introducing innovations is the relative can usefully be innovations, into the organization. things, on five characteristics of the innovation. (1) efforts new i.e., Rogers suggests dependent, among [Rogers, 1962] other These are advantage of the innovation over its alternatives; (2) the -37- observability of the results; the compatibility of (3) existing values, past experience, and perceived needs; the and innovation; trial ability, its (5) the or innovation with the the complexity of (4) extent which to the innovation can be experimented with on a small scale, low risk basis. Rogers' argument can help explain why it has been difficult theoretical First of all the to implement data management actions in many corporations. advantage relative most of results to observe Where results are available, . it current to there have been few in most organizations, To date, practice is not known. compared actions management data extremely hard to is separate, and quantify, the impact of data management from other related (or unrelated) actions. As noted Section in 4.4, data-focused a approach to I/S not is compatible with the existing application/procedure/project focus, where the systems to specification on time, rather than to is to build individual goal create a architecture data data management applications involves a functions, and organizational management actions efforts. risk financial have not DRM Instead, meet current and great down torn are to and interrelationships units are examined. been has presented as been sold the between systems, wery often data Finally, low scale, small basis the walls between trial able , on Certainly, needs. complexity as of deal future that major a investment and top to bottom commitment in the organization will be needed to achieve results. If one does adopt Roger's perspective on the diffusion of innovation, is in easy to understand the difficulties that organizations implementing large-scale data management have This efforts. it encountered perspective argues for more limited approaches where the relative advantage is clearer, the impacts more observable, and where complexity is lessened. limited approaches can be viewed as trials or experiments. trial is successful, the ambitious second trial, infrastructure". organization will probably be and ultimately for significant In addition, When the first ready for investment in a more "data -38- CONCLUSION 5.0 from our study. Three major themes emerge research ability The managing that operations, data is managerially access of firms to reorganize, to significant a or change to First, issue it corporations in relevant their clear from our is data, to strategic today. coordinate can focus be severely limited by poorly managed data. there Second, range of options exist depend heavily scope. As can tailored to be particular the on needs the data in management and, A wide data. of a particular "product" to deliver objective business demonstrated by our case examples, considered be that managing to The appropriate planning process to use and business. to clear-cut approach one, no is organizational and there are many contingencies multiple thus, paths take. to Another view of these contingencies is that data management actions can have an impact on three aspects of a corporation's data: its infrastructure, its content, or its delivery. infrastructure we mean design or definitional By current flexibility local future. Enforced definitional development of common set data of which can contribute tend to to is a be of flexibility global standards are one of many the infrastructure. data difficult and data management Actions expensive, the in example. with their implicit enforcement of another both greater coding and systems, definitions, infrastructure favor in standards which limit to build and the a The single actions a data benefits from such actions are most often realized only in the longer term. Content refers to the choice of what data policies that address the accuracy of that data. more detailed data, actions which to maintain, data content. These also to Systems to capture new or and decisions to purchase external affect and efforts data are examples of tend to be moderately expensive, with benefits in the middle term. Delivery it. refers to making existing data available to managers who need Data consulting services, extract policies, and the provision of fourth -39- generation reporting tools are examples of mechanisms improve to delivery. Actions in this area tend to be less expensive, and have short term benefits. The choice of where a firm should best allocate its resources infrastructure, content, and delivery between - depends ^ery much on the willingness - Current and ability of senior management to invest now for future benefits. systems, resource constraints, management style, strategic vision, and the evolution of the industry are all important factors. The third theme is number of managerial order to affinity and successfully for that no matter which organizational implement short-term data results, path is issues which must management management, the need for new organizational efforts. Treating introducing a tendency managerial of data and present issues that, if severely inhibit the effectiveness of data management initial innovation The roles and responsibilities, the impact of data management on the I/S culture all not managed well, will are addressed in be efforts. centralizing the there chosen, can forays help into data managers practical in their organizational environment. management understand as which a process efforts of are -40- NOTES NOTE 1 . The two diagrams in Figure 7 show alternate visions of the relationship In between operational databases and information databases. the first diagram, transaction processing (TP) systems are segregated from end user information databases to allow better tuning of the high volume TP applications and databases. Only selected and usually aggregated data is downloaded to the information database, making the latter smaller and more easily tuned to the very different load and demand pattern of end user queries. Thus, the TP database has complete data, but only for a limited time horizon. The information database has only selected and aggregated data, but for a longer time horizon. , This two block model requires either that we know detailed historical data managers will be interested in, or to the information database all detailed data purged from or that we accept that some future questions will have to go , advance what that we download the TP database, unanswered. in The three block model, pictured in the second diagram in Figure 7, recognizes that the questions of interest to the managers querying information database will change over time, in ways that cannot be predicted in advance. Therefore, it adds the historical database which is intended to carry al 1 data about company transactions at the lowest level of detail available. This is obviously a large database but one with very lenient efficiency demands. Extract programs to feed the information database can change as needs change, and if it is necessary to view data in a new configuration, both current and historical data can be put into that form. extreme example of problems with historical data comes from Southern Cross Products, which consumer and gift sells products. There is currently a major push at Southern Cross to develop better product line sales forecasts by including economic indicators in the anlysis. Thus, the marketing analysts want data on past sales to as far back as 1950. Unfortunately, the data processing group maintains data for one year on tape, then discards it. The solution has been to locate "old timers" who have been with the company for years and might have old printouts of sales data hanging around on a shelf The data which the marketing analysts have found in somewhere. this manner has been rekeyed to create a patchwork database for the forecasting analysis. An more typical example comes from Boston Mutual. In this insurance company, a front-end policy preparation system records all agents who share in the credit (and compensation) for any particular policy. policy takes force, When the actually however, the preparation information passes to an information A -41 Figure 7. Conceptual Views of Operational and Informational Data Applications Applications Applications Information Transaction processing Database Database End Users Applications Applications End Users End Users Applications Transaction Processing Historical Information Database Database Database End Users End Users End Users -42- Recent database which carries only the first agent listed. business pressures have forced Boston Mutual to begin to dock agents for policies which are not maintained beyond the first year, but the data to do this accurately is not available. The two models in Figure 7 illustrate an important architectural choice Depending on the business demand for data and on that firms must make. firms may make different choices for different technical constraints, For instance, detailed sales-related data may be categories of data. captured using the three block model with an historical database because of the likelihood of having to reaggregate in different forms as marketing requiring real Detailed manufacturing time change. data structures accuracy, but with no presumed historical significance, might be purged from the transaction processing database without loading it into the historical database. NOTE 2 . Establishing data definitions was important in many of our definitions and codes are key standards for a consistent data The process of resolving specific data definitions, however, While as many as 50 percent of the data elements in a given defined without any disagreement, those that remain may be >/ery resolve. cases. Data environment. is not easy. area may be difficult to mentioned in the section on conmon systems, data management began at Waverly's General Polymer Division as part of an effort to develop Today, common manufacturing systems. the standardization of data definitions is viewed as central to GPD' data management program. The cornerstone of the program is an internally-developed data dictionary, with over 5,000 total and 500 standardized data elements. A committee composed of the data administrator, systems analysts, and user representatives facilitates the definitions of standard data elements. These definitions are then used by all new applications. As Many of the companies we studied, including Waverly mentioned above, used a task force of both I/S and user managers to resolve definitional problems. I/S personnel are familiar with the technical aspects of the definition, including how implementing the definition might affect other systems. User managers can see the impact on their business practices from different definitions. A technique we saw at Foothill Computer for resolving definitional disputes is to refocus the dispute from "what should the definition be" to "who has final authority for deciding". This person or position is then the "owner" of the data element, and has both the right to decide on the definition, and the responsibility of responding to others who are unhappy with the current definition. -43- Metadata standards add structure to the definition process by explicitly setting out what a data definition must include to be complete. Several of the companies in our study had formal metadata standards to improve the quality of data definitions and the productivity of the definition process These standards ranged from being data-type [Symons and Tijsma, 1982]. classification schemes to being format "languages" with syntax rules for the structure and completeness of definitions and a controlled vocabulary of permitted terms to be used in definitions. In spite of the importance of developing and managing standard data definitions, tools in this area are not yet technically adequate. Most data dictionaries on the market were designed to support a particular software environment, and thus are extremely cumbersome or unworkable in the typical corporation with data on multiple hardware and software systems. This has forced several of the corporations we studied to invest in designing their Satisfaction of the own data dictionaries to be able to meet their needs. corporations with their proprietary data dictionaries varies, but it is clear that there is an unfulfilled need here. -44- REFERENCES Appleton, Daniel October 1984. S. "Business Rules: The Missing Link", Datamation , "Information Asset Management", Datamation, February 1, 1986. Chen, P.P.S. "The Entity-Relationship Model - Toward a Unified View of Data", ACM Transactions on Database Systems Vol. 1, No. 1, March 1976. , Coulson, Christopher J. "People Just Aren't Using Data Dictionaries", Computerworld August 1982. , Diebold, John "Information Resource Management--The New Challenge", Infosystems June 1979. , Durrell, William "The Politics of Data", Computerworld . September 9, 1985. Edelman, Franz "The Management of Information Resources: A Challenge for American Business", MIS Quarterly , Vol. 5, No. 1, March 1981. Gillenson, Mark L. "Trends in Data Administration", MIS Quarterly , Vol. No. 4, December 1985. 9, Holland, R.H. "Tools for Information Resource Management" Paper presented at The Guide Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 9, 1983. Huber, George P. "The Nature and Design of Post-Industrial Organizations", Management Science Vol. 30, No. 8, August 1984. , IBM, Business Systems Planning Kahn, Beverly, K. the ACM Vol. , , IBM Manual #GE20-0527-3, July 1981. "Some Realities of Data Administration", Comnuni cations of 26, No. 10, October 1983. Markus, M. Lynne "Power, Politics, and MIS Implementation", Communications of the ACM Vol. 26, No. 6, June 1983. , Martin, James Strategic Data-Planning Methodologies Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1982. Rogers, Everett M. , Prentice-Hall, Inc., Diffusion of Innovation s, Free Press, New York, 1962. Ross, Ronald G. Data Dictionaries and Standard Data Definitions: Concepts and Practices for Data Resource Management New York, Amacon, 1981 , Symons, C.R. and Tijsma P. "A Systematic and Practical Approach to the Definition of Data", The Computer Journal (British Computer Society), Vol. 25, No. 4, November 1982. Tillman, George D. "Data Administration vs. Data Base Administration Is a Difference", Infosystems February 1984. , - There -45- Voell, Ronald F. "The Evolution of Data Administration", Text of an address delivered at the Information Management Conference, New York, October 17, 1979. Zmud, Robert W. Information Systems in Organizations Company, Glenview, Illinois, 1983. , Scott, Foresman and ^3ki\ ^Ak MIT LIBRARIES 3 TDfiO D05fl2T3t. fl -^^i;^v-># R^se^l^l ue HOV. >WR. 2 9 1992 J 9 7S99 Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 3 TDflD 1 DDSaeTBb fl fit' .vt y^-^-n:-^^ mm^^mm^^§m^^m