Suspend Judgment
Take a Side
Organize Ideas
Plan More as You Write
Did I list ideas for each side?
Can I think of anything else? Try to write more.
Another point I haven’t considered yet is …
Put a star next to ideas you want to use.
Put an X next to arguments you want to dispute.
Number your ideas in the order you will use them.
Develop Your Topic Sentence.
Add Supporting Ideas.
Reject Arguments For The Other Side.
End With A Conclusion.
Suspend judgment- Brainstorm ideas for and against the topic.
For ____________________
Against ____________________
Take a side- Read your ideas and decide the side you will take. Place a “+” at the
top of the side that shows your position.
Organize ideas- Choose ideas that are strong (and an argument to refute) and
decide how to organize them for writing.
Plan more as you write- Continue to plan as you write. Use all four essay parts.
(Remember to use DARE.)
Develop your topic sentence.
Add supporting ideas.
Reject arguments for the other side.
End with a conclusion.
Cue Cards
(For teacher use to execute STOP and DARE)
First cue card for step 1:
Suspend judgment.
Did I list ideas for both sides?
If not, complete this now.
Second cue card for step 1:
Suspend judgment.
Can I think of anything else?
Try to write more.
Third cue card for step 1:
Suspend judgment.
Another point I have not considered is…
Think of possible arguments.
Cue card for step 2:
Take a side.
Place a “+” at the top of one column to
show the side you will take in your
First cue card for step 3:
Organize ideas.
Put a star next to ideas you want to use.
Choose at least______ ideas to use.
Second cue card for step 3:
Organize ideas.
Did I star ideas on both sides?
Choose at least ______ arguments that
you can dispute.
Third cue card for step 3:
Organize ideas.
Number your ideas in the order you will
use them.
Remember to use all four essay parts:
Cue card for step 4:
Plan more as you write.
Develop your topic sentence.
Add supporting ideas.
Reject arguments for the other side.
End with a conclusion.
Transition Words/Phrases
Introduce Ideas:
 I believe that
 I think
 for example
 as an illustration
 for instance
Add an idea:
 in addition
 furthermore
 also
 moreover
 another reason to support this is
 besides
 and
 secondly
 thirdly
 too
 finally
 next
 similarly
 however
 on the contrary
 yet
 but
 conversely
 regardless
 and yet
 nevertheless
 on the other hand
 otherwise
 still
 at the same time
 despite this
 although
Granting a Point:
 granted that
 even though
 in spite of
 although
 while this may be true
 despite
Conclusion or Consequence:
 accordingly
 as a result
 because
 consequently
 due to
 finally
 hence
 in conclusion
 in summary
 it follows that
 as a result
 for these reasons
 since
 so
 therefore
 thus
 to sum up