In the next part of our work, we’ll be working... Standards and their accompanying Function statements

WVDE Counselor Evaluation Task
In the next part of our work, we’ll be working together to understand the
Standards and their accompanying Function statements
We might look for places that Function Statements might be combined at a later
time and also identify the Function Statements that you feel are the most
important to use as the basis for a counselor evaluation system.
In the end, we want you to be familiar with the standards… so we can talk about
them to others……
Our goal is that West Virginia counselors will clearly know what effective
counseling should be (what counselors should know and be able to do) and be
able to talk about effective counseling using a common language with one
another and to the public.
To accomplish this goal…
You will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will be assigned a table and given a
specific Standard.
Now that we’re into groups, we’ll begin looking at the Standards and Function
Statements more closely. Has anyone in the group “deconstructed” or
“disaggregated” standards before—did any of you help deconstruct the WV
CSOs? If so, what we are going to do will be similar to that process.
At your table you will find Standards Disaggregation Forms. Let’s look at the
forms more closely.
As you do this work, your table may decide to work individually and then convene
as a large group to compare notes--- or you may talk about them as a large group
from the beginning of the task
You’ll see that you have yellow and green cards on your table.
As you read the function statement under each standard, decide whether the
standard is talking about something that a counselor needs to KNOW or is it
talking about something that a counselor needs to BE ABLE TO DO
Write the standard numeral on the top of the card. Then write the function
statement on the appropriate color of paper:
 Green card: something a counselor needs to KNOW
 Yellow card: something a counselor needs to be able to DO
Please remember to put the number of the function statement as you’re adding
them to the forms.
Let’s practice……. (I’ll do one to model)
Groups do activity…..
When they’re finished, they will put them on the wall for a Gallery Walk.
Each table places yellow and green cards on the wall on a large sheet of poster
paper that designates the standard.
Regroup--- after Gallery Walk
Place on wall – any comments? Do you notice anything? Discuss observations
Come back to table….
Summarize the thinking from your cards and write a 2-3 sentence statement
(power sentence or elevator speech) that concisely describes what a counselor
needs to know and be able to do in terms of your standard.
(Power Sentences)
Be sure to write your sentences as if you were talking to someone who is not an
When you are finished, please post your sentences on the wall with your function
Do another crosswalk……Look for overlap.
Power Sentences……
At each of your tables, look at your statements of what a counselor should know
and be able to do…… see if you can find any way to combine parts/statements to
make stronger, clearer functions statements that might be more manageable and
easier to understand….. or do you think that what we have is okay.