SMS College Parameters Table of Contents

SMS College Parameters
Table of Contents
Using the College Parameter Table Screen ................................................................................................... 5
To Update the College Parameter Table screen (SM5025): ......................................................................... 5
Definitions of SMS College Parameters ........................................................................................................ 6
CM3001 - Clock Hour Indicator (CLOCK-HR-IND)...................................................................................... 6
CM3002 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)............................................................................................ 7
CM3003 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)............................................................................................ 7
CM3004 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)............................................................................................ 7
FC2001 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) ............................................................................................. 7
IS0001 - Employee Name (EMP-NAME) .................................................................................................... 7
IS1001 - Course Salary Cost Update Indicator (COURSE-SAL-UPD) .......................................................... 7
IS1002 - Allocation Group Initialization (ALLOC-GRP-INIT) ....................................................................... 8
IS1003 - Clock Hour Indicator (CLOCK-HR-IND) ........................................................................................ 8
IS1005 - Curriculum Option (CURRIC-OPT) ............................................................................................... 9
IS1008 - Room Assignment Type (RM-ASSGN-TYP) .................................................................................. 9
IS1009 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .............................................................................................. 9
IS1010 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .............................................................................................. 9
IS1011 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .............................................................................................. 9
IS1012 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) ............................................................................................ 10
IS1013 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) ............................................................................................ 10
IS1014 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) ............................................................................................ 10
IS1015 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) ............................................................................................ 10
IS1016 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) ............................................................................................ 10
SD1001 - Test Score Heading 1 (TEST-SCORE-HDG1).............................................................................. 11
SD1002 - Test Score Heading 2 (TEST-SCORE-HDG2).............................................................................. 11
SD5025 - Admissions Heading (ADM-HDG) ............................................................................................ 11
SD5026 - Admissions Heading (ADM-HDG) ............................................................................................ 12
SD5027 - Admissions Heading (ADM-HDG) ............................................................................................ 12
SD5030 - Configuration Value (CONFIG-VALUE) ..................................................................................... 12
SD5031 - Configuration Value (CONFIG-VALUE) ..................................................................................... 13
SD5035 - Configuration Value (CONFIG-VALUE) ..................................................................................... 13
SD5036 - Configuration Value (CONFIG-VALUE) ..................................................................................... 13
SD5050 - Profile Heading (PROFILE-HDG) ............................................................................................... 14
SM1001 - Schedule Change (SCHD-CHNG) ............................................................................................. 14
SM1002 - Decimal Grade Minimum (DECIMAL-GR-MIN) ....................................................................... 14
SM1003 - Output Device (OUTPUT-DEV) ................................................................................................ 14
SM1004 - Device Class (DEV-CLASS) ....................................................................................................... 15
SM1005 - Number of Copies (NUM-COPY) ............................................................................................. 15
SM1006 - Optional Registration Grading Symbol (OPT-REG-GR-SYM) ................................................... 16
SM1007 - Prerequisite Indicator (PREREQ-IND) ..................................................................................... 16
SM1008 - High School Transcript (HI-SCHL-TRAN).................................................................................. 16
SM1010 - Transcript Received From Previous College 1 (PREV-COL-TRAN-2) ....................................... 16
SM1011 - Transcript Received From Previous College 2 (PREV-COL-TRAN-2) ....................................... 17
SM1012 - Graduated From Previous College 1 (PREV-COL-GRAD-1)...................................................... 17
SM1013 - Graduated From Previous College 2 (PREV-COL-GRAD-2)...................................................... 18
SM1014 - Transfer College Transcript Indicator (COL-TRAN-IND) .......................................................... 18
SM1015 - Unusual Action (UNUSUAL-ACTN) .......................................................................................... 19
SM1016 - Quarter Acronym (QTR-ACRONYM) ....................................................................................... 19
SM1017 - Column Data Selection (COLMN-DATA-SEL) ........................................................................... 19
SM1018 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE) .................................................................. 20
SM1020 to SM1029 - Registration Operation Code (REG-OPERATOR-CD)............................................. 20
SM1031 to SM1035 - Description Text (DESC-TEXT) .............................................................................. 21
SM1036 - Number of Lines (NUM-LN) .................................................................................................... 21
SM1037 - Allow Alternate Class List (ALLOW-ALT-CLASS) ...................................................................... 22
SM1038 - Veteran Benefit (VET-BENE) ................................................................................................... 22
SM1039 - Student Fee Paying Status Codes (STU-FEE-PAY) ................................................................... 22
SM1040 - Update SM Indicator (UPD-SM-IND) ...................................................................................... 23
SM1041 - Update Transcript Indicator (UPD-TRAN-IND) ........................................................................ 23
SM1042 - Update Admissions Indicator (UPD-ADM-IND) ...................................................................... 23
SM1043 - Transcript Print Configuration (TRAN-PRINT-CONFIG) ........................................................... 24
SM1045 - Transfer Phone Number (TRNSFR-PHONE) ............................................................................ 24
SM1046 - Transfer Phone Number (TRNSFR-PHONE) ............................................................................ 24
SM1047 - Course Number Option (COURSE-NUM-OPT) ........................................................................ 24
SM1048 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 25
SM1049 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 25
SM1051 to SM1055 - Description Text (DESC-TEXT) .............................................................................. 25
SM1056 - COCO Security Control (COCO-SEC-CNTRL) ............................................................................ 25
SM1057 - Registration Appointment Hour Option (REG-APPT-HR-OPT) ................................................ 26
SM1058 - Screen Format Default (SCREEN-FORMT)............................................................................... 26
SM1059 - Screen Format Default (SCREEN-FORMT)............................................................................... 26
SM1060 - Registration Screen ID (REG-SCREEN-ID) ................................................................................ 27
SM1061 - Speak Student First Name (SPEAK-STU-FIRST) ....................................................................... 27
SM1062 - Speak Student Last Name (SPEAK-STU-LAST) ......................................................................... 27
SM1063 - Verify Student Elements (VERIFY-STU-ELMT) ......................................................................... 27
SM1064 - Block Grade Inquiry (BLOC-GR-INQ) ....................................................................................... 28
SM1065 - Speak Section (SPEAK-SECT) ................................................................................................... 28
SM1066 - Transfer Phone Number (TRNSFR-PHONE) ............................................................................ 28
SM1067 - Year Prompt (YRQ-PROMPT) .................................................................................................. 28
SM1068 - Speak Transfer Credits (SPEAK-TRNSFR-CREDIT).................................................................... 29
SM1069 - Speak Tuition Fees (SPEAK-TUIT-FEE) ..................................................................................... 29
SM1070 - Download Configuration (DOWNLOAD-CONFIG) ................................................................... 29
SM1071 - Download Configuration (DOWNLOAD-CONFIG) ................................................................... 30
SM1072 - Download Configuration (DOWNLOAD-CONFIG) ................................................................... 30
SM1074 - Download Configuration (DOWNLOAD-CONFIG) ................................................................... 30
SM1080 - Clock Hour Update Indicator (HR-UPD-IND)........................................................................... 30
SM1087 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 31
SM1089 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE) .................................................................. 31
SM1090 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE) .................................................................. 31
SM1093 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE) .................................................................. 32
SM1095 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE) .................................................................. 32
SM1096 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE) .................................................................. 32
SM1098 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE) .................................................................. 33
SM1099 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE) .................................................................. 33
SM1100 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE) .................................................................. 33
SM1101 - National Student Loan Clearinghouse Block All Indicator (NSLC-BLOCK-ALL) ........................ 33
SM1102 - Full Time Student (FULL-TIME-STU)........................................................................................ 34
SM1103 - Half Time Student (HALF-TIME-STU) ...................................................................................... 34
SM1104 - Grades Requiring Last Date of Attendance (ALLOW-DROP-GR) ............................................. 34
SM1105 - Instructor No Grade Alpha (INSTR-NOGR-ALPHA).................................................................. 34
SM1106 - Instructor No Grade (INSTR-NOGR-DEC) ................................................................................ 35
SM1107 - Unusual Action (UNUSUAL-ACTN) .......................................................................................... 35
SM1108 - Min-Max Age (MIN-MAX-AGE) ............................................................................................... 35
SM1109 - Unusual Action (UNUSUAL-ACTN) .......................................................................................... 36
SM1110 - Number of Roster Pages (NUM-ROSTR-PAGE) ....................................................................... 36
SM1111 - No Count Failing Grades (NOCOUNT-FAIL-GR) ....................................................................... 36
SM1112 - Grade Transaction Log Indicator (GR-TRNS-LOG)................................................................... 36
SM1113 - Update Enrollment Grade Indicator (UPD-ENR-GR-IND)........................................................ 37
SM1119 - Force Last Attendance Date (FORCE-DATE)............................................................................ 37
SM1122 - Speak Class Section Option (SPK-SECTION-OPT) .................................................................... 37
SM1126 - Print Student E-mail Address (PRNT-STU-EMAIL)................................................................... 38
SM1127 - Display Student E-mail Address (DSPL-STU-EMAIL) ............................................................... 38
SM1133 - Require E-mail Address (REQUIRE-EMAIL) ............................................................................. 38
SM1135 - Transcript Logging Option (TRAN-CLASS-UPD) ....................................................................... 38
SM1301 - Biographic Screen Process ID (BIO-SCREEN-ID) ...................................................................... 39
SM1302 - Registration Screen Process ID (REG-SCREEN-ID)................................................................... 39
SM1303 - Screen Format Default (SCREEN-FORMAT) ............................................................................ 39
SM2001 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 39
SM3001 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 39
SM3002 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 40
SM3011 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 40
SM3012 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 40
SM4001 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 40
SM4002 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 40
SM4010 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 40
SM4011 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 41
SM5026 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 41
SM6013 - Grade Posting Indicator (GR-POST-IND) ................................................................................. 41
SM6017 - Printer Control Beginning (PRNTR-CNTRL-BEG) ..................................................................... 41
SM6018 - Printer Control Ending (PRNTR-CNTRL-END) .......................................................................... 41
SM6052 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 41
SM6100 to SM6109 - Common Course Numbering Message (CCN-MSG) ............................................. 42
SM6110 - Common Course Numbering YRQ START (CCN-YRQ-STRT) .................................................... 42
SM7001 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID) .......................................................................................... 42
ZX1001 - ID Card Type (ID-CARD-TYP)..................................................................................................... 43
ZX1002 - ID Card Type (ID-CARD-TYP)..................................................................................................... 43
ZX1003 - ID Card Type (ID-CARD-TYP)..................................................................................................... 43
Using the College Parameter Table Screen
The College Parameter Table (SM5025) contains parameters that control how various Student
Management System options are defined for your college. Entries in the College Parameter Table
control specific functions on other SMS screens and processes. This includes how data appears on the
screens, what data can be typed, and printer defaults. For example, for college parameter SM1003
(Output Device), you can indicate the printer on which student schedules should print by typing L
(system printer) or T (terminal printer).
Because the College Parameter Table is a control table that affects other screens and processes, any
changes made to it can impact all SMS users. It is recommended that your college designate one
individual who is authorized to make changes to this table. This individual will use the College
Parameters Table (SM5025) screen to update the table.
Each college parameter includes the following information:
the parameter number
the parameter ID and name
the values that reflect your choice of parameters
The SBCTC-ITD is responsible for adding new college parameters to the table. If you are authorized to
update the College Parameters Table screen, you cannot add parameters. You can, however, change the
default values to reflect your college's option for parameters.
To Update the College Parameter Table screen (SM5025):
1. In the Parameter Number field, type the number of a college parameter.
2. Press Change (F2).
The complete record for the college parameter is displayed.
3. In the Character Parameter Value field:
• Type your college's choice of any valid entries for the parameter (as defined in the
parameter descriptions).
Type your college's choice of code values or other specific information for the parameter (as
described in the parameter descriptions).
Important: When you type long entries in the two-line Character Parameter Value field, be
sure to type all the way to the end of the first line before continuing your entry on the
second line. In other words, don't leave more than one blank space at the end of the first
line, even if this makes it necessary to type only the first few characters of a word or
number at the end of the first line and then continue the rest of the word or number at the
beginning of the second line.
4. In the Numeric Parameter Value field, type a number value for the parameter (as defined in the
parameter descriptions).
5. Press the Enter key.
Note: For existing college parameters, type information into either the Character Parameter Value field
or the Numeric Parameter Value field but not both fields. The Character Parameter Value field is used
most frequently.
Definitions of SMS College Parameters
The SMS College Parameter Table controls specific functions on SMS screens and processes. This may
include how data appears on the screens, what data can be typed, and printer defaults. The following
lists all the college parameters in the Student Management System.
CM3001 - Clock Hour Indicator (CLOCK-HR-IND)
Use this parameter to control the default entry in the Clock Hr Ind field when a course is added on the
Course Catalog screen (CM3001).
The valid values for this parameter are:
Y (Yes, the class is a clock hour based class.)
N or blank (No, the class is a credit based class.)
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for CM3001. Do not type a value unless
your college is a clock hour institution. Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not
type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
CM3002 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Course Features screen (CM3006). This screen is used by Schedule 25 colleges.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter CM3002. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
CM3003 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Course Partitions screen (CM3007). This screen is used by Schedule 25 colleges.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter CM3003. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
CM3004 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Submitted Courses screen (CM5014).
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter CM3004. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
FC2001 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Touch-tone Optional Fees Table screen (FC2001).
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter FC2001. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
IS0001 - Employee Name (EMP-NAME)
Use this parameter to control whether the employee name (from the Payroll/Personnel database) is
displayed on the Advisor/Instructor screen (IS2002).
The valid values for this parameter are:
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
IS1001 - Course Salary Cost Update Indicator (COURSE-SAL-UPD)
Use this parameter to control whether the course salary cost (COURSE-SAL-COST) can be updated on the
following screens:
Class Schedule (IS1002)
Class Construction (IS1004)
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Yes, course salary cost can be updated on these screens.)
(No, course salary cost is display only on these screens.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
IS1002 - Allocation Group Initialization (ALLOC-GRP-INIT)
Use this parameter to designate that the allocation group code assigned to a course, a class, or both
(used in the FTE/FTEF Analysis process) is the same as the administrative unit code found in the course
or class record.
The following job groups will enter administrative unit codes in the allocation group field:
Update Catalog Allocation Group (SG140R)
Update Course Allocation Group (SG141R)
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for IS1002. You must type ADMIN-UNIT in
the Character Parameter Value field to copy administrative unit codes into the allocation group code
field when the specified job groups are run.
Do not type anything in the Character Parameter Value field if allocation group codes are not assigned in
this manner. Do not type anything in the Numeric Character Value field.
IS1003 - Clock Hour Indicator (CLOCK-HR-IND)
Use this parameter to control the default entry in CLOCK-HR-IND when a class is added on the following
Course Schedule (IS1001)
Class Schedule (IS1002)
Class Construction (IS1004)
Course Construction (IS1018)
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Yes, the class is a clock hour based class.)
N or blank
(No, the class is a credit based class.)
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for IS1003. Do not type a value unless
your college is a clock hour institution. Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not
type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
IS1005 - Curriculum Option (CURRIC-OPT)
Use this parameter to designate whether SMS processes access prerequisite information based on the
prerequisite checking process the college uses.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(SM Requisite Checking)
(CEIPlus Requisite Checking)
IS1008 - Room Assignment Type (RM-ASSGN-TYP)
Use this parameter to designate the valid room assignment codes used with Schedule 25. These codes
are used on the following screens:
Course Catalog (CM3001)
Course Schedule (IS1001)
Class Schedule (IS1002)
Class Construction (IS1004)
Construction Room/Instructor (IS1005)
Alternate Room/Instructor (IS1015)
Course Construction (IS1018)
The College Parameter Table initially contains these values: 1SM, 1XM, ASM, AXM, HSM, NXM, RXM,
VSM, and NSM.
Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter
Value field.
IS1009 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Class Features screen (IS1023). This screen is used by Schedule 25 colleges.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter IS1009. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
IS1010 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Class Partitions screen (IS1024). This screen is used by Schedule 25 colleges.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter IS1010. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
IS1011 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Alternate Room/Instructor Features screen (IS1025). This screen is used by
Schedule 25 colleges.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter IS1011. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
IS1012 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Alternate Room/Instructor Partitions screen (IS1026). This screen is used by
Schedule 25 colleges.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter IS1012. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
IS1013 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Class Construction Features screen (IS1027). This screen is used by Schedule 25
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter IS1013. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
IS1014 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Class Construction Partitions screen (IS1028). This screen is used by Schedule 25
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter IS1014. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
IS1015 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Construction Room/Instructor Features screen (IS1031). This screen is used by
Schedule 25 colleges.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter IS1015. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
IS1016 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Construction Room/Instructor Partitions screen (IS1032). This screen is used by
Schedule 25 colleges.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter IS1016. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SD1001 - Test Score Heading 1 (TEST-SCORE-HDG1)
Use this parameter to determine the first line of the heading that prints above each test score on the
Test Scores screen (SD1002). See parameter number SD1002 for instructions for the second line of the
Type the desired first-line headings for each of the ten test scores. Space carefully; be sure that your
selected heading is:
Five characters long and directly replaces the word Test.
Less than five characters long but is centered appropriately in the available five spaces.
The College Parameter Table initially contains the word Test repeated ten times; once for each test
score on the screen. There is a blank space before and after the five-position heading allowance.
Note: Two blank spaces appear before the word Test, one of which is part of the five-position heading.
Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Character
Value field.
SD1002 - Test Score Heading 2 (TEST-SCORE-HDG2)
Use this parameter to determine the second line of the heading that prints above each test score on the
Test Scores screen (SD1002). See parameter SD1001 for instructions for the first line of the heading.
Type the desired second-line headings for each of the ten test scores. Space carefully; be sure that your
selected heading is:
Five characters long and directly replaces the word Score.
Less than five characters long but is centered appropriately in the available five spaces.
The College Parameter Table initially contains the word Score repeated ten times, once for each test
score on the screen. There is a blank space before and after the five-position heading allowance.
Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Character
Value field.
SD5025 - Admissions Heading (ADM-HDG)
Use this parameter to designate the title of screen SD5025 and the title of the optional field that is
defined on that table.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SD5025.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type the desired field title for the optional field defined on screen SD5025 in the first Character
Parameter Value field. Use uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or both.
Type the desired screen title for screen SD5025 in the second Character Parameter Value field.
Use uppercase letters only.
Do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SD5026 - Admissions Heading (ADM-HDG)
Use this parameter to designate the title of screen SD5026 and the title of the optional field that is
defined on that table.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SD5026.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type the desired field title for the optional field defined on screen SD5026 in the first Character
Parameter Value field. Use uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or both.
Type the desired screen title for screen SD5026 in the second Character Parameter Value field.
Use uppercase letters only.
Do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SD5027 - Admissions Heading (ADM-HDG)
Use this parameter to designate the title of screen SD5027 and the title of the optional field that is
defined on that table. The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
In the first Character Parameter Value field, type the desired field title for the optional field
defined on screen SD5027. Use uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or both.
In the second Character Parameter Value field, type the desired screen title for screen SD5027.
Use uppercase letters only.
Do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SD5030 - Configuration Value (CONFIG-VALUE)
Use this parameter to designate how a student name is matched for the duplicate name list on the
Initial Entry screen (SD5030) in Admissions.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Exact name match. The duplicate name list displays names that match exactly the name
specified on screen SD5030.)
(Abbreviated name match. The duplicate name list display names that match the first six
characters of the name specified on screen SD5030.)
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SD5030. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SD5031 - Configuration Value (CONFIG-VALUE)
Use this parameter to designate how a student name is matched for the duplicate name list on the
Information Entry screen (SD5031) in Admissions.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Exact name match. The duplicate name list displays names that match exactly the name
specified on screen SD5031.)
(Abbreviated name match. The duplicate name list displays names that match the first six
characters of the name specified on screen SD5031.)
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SD5031. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SD5035 - Configuration Value (CONFIG-VALUE)
Use this parameter to designate how a student name is matched for the duplicate name list on the
Activity Tracking Screen (SD5035) in Admissions.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Exact name match. The duplicate name list displays names that match exactly the name
specified on screen SD5035.)
(Abbreviated name match. The duplicate name list displays names that match the first six
characters of the name specified on screen SD5035.)
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SD5035. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SD5036 - Configuration Value (CONFIG-VALUE)
Use this parameter to designate how a student name is matched for the duplicate name list on the
College Document Tracking Screen (SD5036) in Admissions.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Exact name match. The duplicate name list displays names that match exactly the name
specified on screen SD5036.)
(Abbreviated name match. The duplicate name list displays names that match the first six
characters of the name specified on screen SD5036.)
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SD5036. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SD5050 - Profile Heading (PROFILE-HDG)
Use this parameter to designate the heading for Optional Profile Heading 1 on the Student Profile
Update Screen (SD5014).
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
In the first Character Parameter Value field, type the desired heading title for the Optional
Profile Heading 1. Use uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or both.
Do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SD5050.
SM1001 - Schedule Change (SCHD-CHNG)
Use this parameter to determine which schedule change codes highlight the building, room, days, and
start time on the Registration screen (SM7001 or SM7000A) when a student enrolls in the class.
Before this parameter was implemented, you could assign and define desired codes; however, only Y
triggered the highlight on the Registration screen. Now, you can specify which codes (besides Y) also
trigger the highlight on the Registration screen.
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y for all colleges.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type additional codes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the
Numeric Parameter Value field.
Up to 20 different codes can be designated to highlight fields on the Registration screen.
Type codes one after the other. Do not leave spaces between codes. Codes do not have to be
typed in a particular sequence.
SM1002 - Decimal Grade Minimum (DECIMAL-GR-MIN)
Use this parameter to designate the minimum passing decimal grade. All decimal grades below the
minimum are changed to 0.0 (failing grade) if typed on the Grade Roster Update screen (SM6005).
The College Parameter Table initially contains 0.0 for all colleges. Make changes in the Numeric
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Character Parameter Value field.
SM1003 - Output Device (OUTPUT-DEV)
Use this parameter (in conjunction with parameters SM1004 and SM1005) to specify the designated
printer on which Student Schedules print when you press the Print function key (F3) on the new
Registration screen.
This option affects only colleges that have implemented (at least) Phase 1 of Cashiering (Fee Calculation)
This option makes it unnecessary for users to designate a printer (using screen ZX0017) after logging on.
Parameter numbers SM1004 and SM1005 must also contain valid entries before entries typed in this
parameter become effective.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(System printer)
(Terminal printer)
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for SM1003. You must type the desired
parameter. Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
This parameter is not activated to print student schedules on a system printer (code L) unless parameter
SM1004 contains a valid code identifying the specific printer.
SM1004 - Device Class (DEV-CLASS)
Use this parameter (in conjunction with parameters SM1003 and SM1005) to specify the device class of
the system printer on which student schedules print when you press the Print function key (F3) on the
Registration screen.
This option is required only if parameter SM1003 contains an L (designating that student schedules print
on a system printer). This option makes it unnecessary for users to designate a printer (using screen
ZX0017) after logging on.
Parameter numbers SM1003 and SM1005 must also contain valid entries before entries typed in this
parameter become effective.
The College Parameter Table initially contains LP for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field. Type the desired
device class (Example: LP).
SM1005 - Number of Copies (NUM-COPY)
Use this parameter (in conjunction with parameters SM1003 and SM1004) to specify the desired
number of copies of the student schedules that print when you press the Print function key (F3) on the
new Registration screen. This option makes it unnecessary for users to designate a printer (using screen
ZX0017) after logging on.
Parameter numbers SM1003 and SM1004 must also contain valid entries before entries typed in this
parameter become effective.
Type the desired number of copies; then type a decimal point.
The College Parameter Table initially contains 1.0 for all colleges. Make changes in the Numeric
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Character Parameter Value field.
SM1006 - Optional Registration Grading Symbol (OPT-REG-GR-SYM)
Use this parameter to identify the grade assigned to the student's enrollment when operators & and ^
are used on the Registration screen.
You must add the desired grading symbol to the Grade Attributes Table (using screen SM6002) before it
can be used with this parameter.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for SM1006. You must type the desired
parameter. Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
SM1007 - Prerequisite Indicator (PREREQ-IND)
Use this parameter to designate when prerequisite checking is ready to be activated. You should build
all prerequisites before the process is activated.
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of N for all colleges.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
When making changes, replace the N with Y to activate prerequisite checking.
Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
SM1008 - High School Transcript (HI-SCHL-TRAN)
Use this parameter to designate the code or codes that can be typed in the Hi Schl Tran (High School
Transcript) field on the following screens:
Admissions (SM2001)
Registration/Admissions (SM4002)
Information Entry (SD5031)
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y and N for all colleges.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type additional codes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the
Numeric Parameter Value field.
Up to 30 different codes can be designated for valid entry.
Type codes one after the other. Do not leave spaces between codes. Codes do not have to be
typed in a particular sequence.
SM1010 - Transcript Received From Previous College 1 (PREV-COL-TRAN-2)
Use this parameter to designate the code or codes that can be typed in the Prev Col Tran 1 (Previous
College Transcript 1) field on the following screens:
Admissions (SM2001)
Registration/Admissions (SM4002)
Information Entry (SD5031)
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y and N for all colleges.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type additional codes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the
Numeric Parameter Value field.
Up to 30 different codes can be designated for valid entry.
Type codes one after the other. Do not leave spaces between codes. Codes do not have to be
typed in a particular sequence.
SM1011 - Transcript Received From Previous College 2 (PREV-COL-TRAN-2)
Use this parameter to designate the code or codes that can be typed in the Prev Col Tran 2 (Previous
College Transcript 2) field on the following screens:
Admissions (SM2001)
Registration/Admissions (SM4002)
Information Entry (SD5031)
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y and N for all colleges.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type additional codes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the
Numeric Parameter Value field.
Up to 30 different codes can be designated for valid entry.
Type codes one after the other. Do not leave spaces between codes. Codes do not have to be
typed in a particular sequence.
SM1012 - Graduated From Previous College 1 (PREV-COL-GRAD-1)
Use this parameter to designate the code or codes that can be typed in the Prev Col Grad 1 (Graduated
From Previous College 1) field on the following screens:
Admissions (SM2001)
Registration/Admissions (SM4002)
Information Entry (SD5031)
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y and N for all colleges.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type additional codes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the
Numeric Parameter Value field.
Up to 30 different codes can be designated for valid entry.
Type codes one after the other. Do not leave spaces between codes. Codes do not have to be
typed in a particular sequence.
SM1013 - Graduated From Previous College 2 (PREV-COL-GRAD-2)
Use this parameter to designate the code or codes that can be typed in the Prev Col Grad 2 (Graduated
From Previous College 2) field on the following screens:
Admissions (SM2001)
Registration/Admissions (SM4002)
Information Entry (SD5031)
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y and N for all colleges.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type additional codes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the
Numeric Parameter Value field.
Up to 30 different codes can be designated for valid entry.
Type codes one after the other. Do not leave spaces between codes. Codes do not have to be
typed in a particular sequence.
SM1014 - Transfer College Transcript Indicator (COL-TRAN-IND)
Use this parameter to identify a one-character code to be automatically entered in the Prev Col Tran 1
(Previous College Transcript 1) or Prev Col Tran 2 (Previous College Transcript 2) field on the following
Admissions (SM2001)
Registration/Admissions (SM4002)
When transferred-in courses are accepted for a student, the following process occurs:
The Previous College 1 and Previous College 2 fields are checked for one or more matching
college codes.
If a match is found, Previous College Transcript 1 and/or 2 are updated with the code specified
in this parameter.
If a code already exists in Previous College Transcript 1 and/or 2 and an update is indicated, the
existing code is overwritten by the code specified in this parameter.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1014. You must type the
desired parameter. Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the
Numeric Parameter Value field.
The designated code must also be added to parameter SM1010 (Transcript Received From Previous
College 1) and to parameter SM1011 (Transcript Received From Previous College 2) in order for the data
on these screens to be validated.
SM1015 - Unusual Action (UNUSUAL-ACTN)
Use this parameter to designate Unusual Action codes that block access to the student's transcript
record on the Student Transcript screen (SM6015).The College Parameter File does not initially contain a
value for parameter SM1015.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type codes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
Up to 27 different codes can be designated for valid entry.
Separate each code with a space. Codes do not have to be typed in a particular sequence.
SM1016 - Quarter Acronym (QTR-ACRONYM)
Use this parameter to designate the acronym used for each quarter on the Student Transcript screen
The College Parameter File does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1016.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type entries in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
You are allowed up to three characters for the desired acronym. Acronyms that exceed three
characters are not displayed on the Student Transcript screen.
You must type quarter acronym entries exactly. To type a valid entry, complete the following
1 Type the desired quarter code.
2 Type an equal sign (=).
3 Type the one- to three-character quarter acronym.
4 Leave a space between quarter entries.
Example: 1=SUM 2=FAL 3=WIN 4=SPR
SM1017 - Column Data Selection (COLMN-DATA-SEL)
Use this parameter to designate whether an item number or grade points for each class are displayed on
the Student Transcript screen (SM6015).
The valid values for this parameter are:
(grade points)
blank (item number)
The College Parameter File does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1017. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Character Value field.
SM1018 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE)
Use this parameter to activate updating of the Trnsfr Col Cr field on the Admissions screen (SM2001)
when evaluated credits are accepted on the Transfer-In Transcript Courses screen (SD3005) or the
Transfer Evaluation Screen (SD3004).
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Yes, update the credit amount in the Trnsfr Col Cr field when evaluated credits are
accepted on SD3005 or SD3004.)
N (No, do not update the credit amount in the Trnsfr Col Cr field when evaluated credits are
accepted on SD3005 or SD3004.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of N. Make changes in the Character Parameter
field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
Note: Before changing this parameter, you should ensure that the credit amounts currently in the Trnsfr
Col Cr field match the number of transferred-in credits you have accepted for each student. Once the
parameter is set to Y, the credit value in the Trnsfr Col Cr field is updated with the number of credits
accepted using SD3004 or SD3005 (the numbers accumulate). If the credit amounts are inconsistent
prior to setting the parameter to Y, they will continue to be inconsistent after you set the parameter. It
is also important that you not switch the parameter from Y to N and then back to Y; any credits accepted
when the parameter is set to N will not be reflected in the Trsnfer Col Cr field.
SM1020 to SM1029 - Registration Operation Code (REG-OPERATOR-CD)
Use these parameters to select kinds of transactions that can be suppressed when enrollment
transactions are displayed on screens and reports. You choose a code, identify it in this parameter, and
specify the registration operands to be suppressed when the code is used.
Each parameter can be used to suppress a different combination of registration operands; you are not
required to use all ten parameters unless ten different codes are being established. Any operand can be
included in more than one parameter, if necessary, to establish different combinations.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for SM1020. You must type the desired
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
The code that is established to suppress printing can be any one-character code.
You are allowed up to thirty registration operands for each code that is established to suppress
printing. Operands can be one or two characters; however, each operand must occupy two
spaces. Therefore, leave a space after one-character operands; do not leave a space after twocharacter operands.
To type a valid entry, complete the following steps:
1 Type the designated code to suppress printing.
2 Follow the code with an equal sign (=). Do not leave any spaces.
3 Type up to thirty registration operands after the equal sign. Each operand can be one or two
characters; however, each operand (whether one or two characters) must occupy two
spaces. Therefore, leave a space after one-character operands; do not leave a space after
two-character operands. (note: underscores below represent a space.)
Example: G=! _^_
You can establish additional codes and operands in parameters SM1021 through SM1029.
SM1031 to SM1035 - Description Text (DESC-TEXT)
These parameters allow you to specify a message that prints on the student's PIN number mailer. This
text accompanies the PIN number assigned for the purpose of inquiry and prints on the mailer
generated from the Print function on the Student PIN Assignment screen (SM5027).
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for any of these parameters; you must
supply the desired entry.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Each parameter represents an individual line available for the desired comment. The comment
can consist of up to five lines.
Begin entry on the first parameter; use as many of the five assigned parameters as necessary for
the entire text.
Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
Each Character Parameter Value field consists of 80 spaces. Do not use more than 70 spaces for
each line of text.
SM1036 - Number of Lines (NUM-LN)
Use this parameter to specify the number of blank lines that appear before the college name and
address on the student's PIN number mailer. The appropriate number of blank lines correctly positions
the student's name and address for a window envelope.
The College Parameter Table initially contains 1.0 for all colleges.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Make changes in the Numeric Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Character
Parameter Value field. .
Type the desired number of lines and then type a decimal point.
SM1037 - Allow Alternate Class List (ALLOW-ALT-CLASS)
Use this parameter to designate the maximum number of alternate open sections to be listed by the
touch-tone registration system. This option affects only colleges that have implemented touch-tone
The College Parameter Table initially contains 05 for all colleges.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
Type the desired number of sections; include a leading zero if appropriate. Maximum entry is
SM1038 - Veteran Benefit (VET-BENE)
Use this parameter to designate up to 10 different veteran benefit codes that identify students whose
veteran benefits might be affected by a credit load reduction. When a student identified with one of the
codes drops classes using touch-tone registration, the touch-tone system can speak a message to the
This option affects only colleges that have implemented touch-tone registration. The College Parameter
Table does not initially contain a value for SM1038.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type the desired benefit codes (up to 10 codes); separate each with a space.
Type entries in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
SM1039 - Student Fee Paying Status Codes (STU-FEE-PAY)
Use this parameter to designate up to 10 different fee paying status codes that identify students whose
benefits might be affected by a credit load reduction. When a student identified with one of the codes
drops classes using touch-tone registration, the touch-tone system can speak a message to the student.
This option affects only colleges that have implemented touch-tone registration. The College Parameter
Table does not initially contain a value for SM1039.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type entries in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
Type the desired fee paying status codes (up to 10 codes); separate each with a space. Use
leading zeros when appropriate.
SM1040 - Update SM Indicator (UPD-SM-IND)
Use this parameter to control whether data typed on the Transcript Biographic screen (SM6008) should
also update biographic data on the Student Management database.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Yes, update the Student Management database from the Transcript Biographic
N or blank
(No, do not update the Student Management database from the Transcript
Biographic screen.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1041 - Update Transcript Indicator (UPD-TRAN-IND)
Use this parameter to control whether data typed into the student's biographic record in the Student
Management database should also update the transcript biographic data.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Yes, update the transcript biographic record from the Student Management
N or blank
(No, do not update the transcript biographic record from the Student
Management database.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1042 - Update Admissions Indicator (UPD-ADM-IND)
Use this parameter to control whether data typed into the Transcript Biographic screen (SM6009) and
the screens that update the student's biographic data in the Student Management database should also
update the Admissions database.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Yes, update Admissions from the transcript biographic record, from the Student
Management database, or both.)
N or blank
(No, do not update Admissions from the transcript biographic record, from the
Student Management database, or both.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1043 - Transcript Print Configuration (TRAN-PRINT-CONFIG)
Use this parameter to control the default printing parameters that appear on the Transcript Print Screen
(SM6017). The parameter controls the following fields:
The printer device class.
The left margin.
The number of copies.
Type each of the desired default parameters in the sequence listed above. (note: underscores below
represent a space.)
If you do not want a default printer displayed on the Transcript Print Screen, leave the first two spaces in
the Character Parameter Value field blank. Example: _ _ _2_2
To designate no left margin, type 0 (zero) in the fourth space of the Character Parameter Value field. To
designate zero copies, type 0 (zero) in the sixth space of the Character Parameter Value field.
The College Parameter Table initially contains LP_0_1 for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
If this parameter is blank, the following defaults appear on screen SM6017:
Printer: blank
Left margin: 0 (zero)
Number of copies: 1 (one)
SM1045 - Transfer Phone Number (TRNSFR-PHONE)
Use this parameter to designate the phone number to which the touch-tone registration system
transfers students if critical information (name, residency, or fee paying status) is missing from the
student's biographic record.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for SM1045. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field. Type the
desired phone number without hyphens or spaces.
SM1046 - Transfer Phone Number (TRNSFR-PHONE)
Use this parameter to designate the phone number to which the touch-tone registration system
transfers students for tuition payment or payment information.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for SM1046. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field. Type the
desired phone number without hyphens or spaces.
SM1047 - Course Number Option (COURSE-NUM-OPT)
Use this parameter to designate the way the course number is spoken during the touch-tone
registration system response.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Speak the course number as individual digits, for example, "Math one-two-four.")
(Speak the course number in the conventional manner used by the college, for example "Math
The College Parameter Table initially contains 1 for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1048 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Transcript Evaluation Screen (SD3004).
The College Parameter Table initially contains SD3005 for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1049 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Transfer-In Transcript Courses screen (SD3005).
The College Parameter Table initially contains SD3004 for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1051 to SM1055 - Description Text (DESC-TEXT)
Use these parameters to specify a message that prints on the student's PIN number mailer. This text
accompanies the PIN number assigned for the purpose of registration and prints on the mailer
generated from the Print function on the Student PIN Assignment screen (SM5027).
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for any of these parameters; you must
supply the desired entry.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Each parameter represents an individual line available for the desired comment. The comment
can consist of up to five lines.
Begin entry on the first parameter; use as many of the five assigned parameters as necessary for
the entire text.
Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
Each Character Parameter Value field consists of 80 spaces. Do not use more than 70 spaces for
each line of text.
SM1056 - COCO Security Control (COCO-SEC-CNTRL)
Use this parameter to designate the appearance of the operator ID prompts for financial aid applications
from COCO.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(The user is prompted for Operator ID on all financial aid [SAFERS and NEED] processes.)
COCO (The user is prompted for Operator ID on SM9906 and SM9912 only.)
COCO (The user is prompted for Operator ID on SM9912 only.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains 3COCO for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1057 - Registration Appointment Hour Option (REG-APPT-HR-OPT)
Use this parameter to designate if registration appointments spans designated on the Returning
Students - Registration Appointments screen (SM4006) are total clock hours, rather than total credits.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Yes, registration appointments are based on clock hours.)
N or blank (Registration appointments are based on credits.)
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for SM1057; you must type the desired
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Do not type a value unless your college is a clock hour institution and you will be assigning
registration appointments by clock hours.
Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
SM1058 - Screen Format Default (SCREEN-FORMT)
Use this parameter to designate which segment (format) of the Student Enrollment Transactions screen
(SM4010) is displayed when users initially access the screen.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Display Format 1: left page, credits)
(Display Format 2: right page, credits)
(Display Format 3: left page, clock hours)
(Display Format 4: right page, clock hours)
The College Parameter Table initially contains 1 for SM1058. Make changes in the Character Parameter
Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1059 - Screen Format Default (SCREEN-FORMT)
Use this parameter to designate which segment (format) of the Course Enrollment Transactions screen
(SM4011) is displayed when the screen is initially accessed.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Display Format 1: credits)
(Display Format 2: clock hours)
The College Parameter Table initially contains 1 for SM1059. Make changes in the Character Parameter
Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1060 - Registration Screen ID (REG-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number used for the next screen when the Reg Screen
function key (F1) is pressed on the Student Search screen (SM5015).
The College Parameter Table initially contains SM7001 for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1061 - Speak Student First Name (SPEAK-STU-FIRST)
Use this parameter to designate if the student's first name is spoken in response to an inquiry
transaction through the touch-tone system.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Yes, speak the student's first name.)
N (No, do not speak the student's first name.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y for SM1061. Make changes in the Character Parameter
Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1062 - Speak Student Last Name (SPEAK-STU-LAST)
Use this parameter to designate if the student's last name is spoken in response to an inquiry
transaction through the touch-tone system.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Yes, speak the student's last name.)
N (No, do not speak the student's last name.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of N for SM1062. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1063 - Verify Student Elements (VERIFY-STU-ELMT)
Use this parameter to designate if the touch-tone registration system prompts for the pound (#) symbol
to verify the entry of biographic information.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Prompt the student to press pound [#] on the telephone keypad to verify entry.)
N or blank
(Do not prompt the student to press pound [#] on the telephone keypad to verify
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y for SM1063. Make changes in the Character Parameter
Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1064 - Block Grade Inquiry (BLOC-GR-INQ)
Use this parameter to designate if the touch-tone system blocks a grade inquiry by a student with a
registration hold.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Block a grade inquiry by students with registration holds.)
N or blank
(Do not block a grade inquiry by students with registration holds.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of N for SM1064. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1065 - Speak Section (SPEAK-SECT)
Use this parameter to designate if the touch-tone registration system speaks the section (in addition to
the department/division and course number) of the course for which the student has registered.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Speak the section designator of the course for which the student has registered.)
N or blank
(Do not speak the section designator of the course for which the student has
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of N for SM1065. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1066 - Transfer Phone Number (TRNSFR-PHONE)
Use this parameter to designate the phone number to which the touch-tone registration system
transfers financial aid students for processing of their financial aid payment.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for SM1066. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field. Type the
desired phone number without hyphens or spaces.
SM1067 - Year Prompt (YRQ-PROMPT)
Use this parameter to designate whether or not the touch-tone registration system prompts the student
for the year (in addition to the quarter). If you choose not to prompt the student for the year, the year is
determined from year/quarter values specified when job ZX0606J is run.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Prompt the student for the year.)
N (Do not prompt the student for the year.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of N for SM1067. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1068 - Speak Transfer Credits (SPEAK-TRNSFR-CREDIT)
Use this parameter to designate if the touch-tone system speaks the student's total transferred-in
credits in the touch-tone grade inquiry function.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Yes, speak credits.)
N (No, do not speak credits.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1069 - Speak Tuition Fees (SPEAK-TUIT-FEE)
Use this parameter to designate if the touch-tone system speaks tuition and fees when the student
requests to hear tuition and fees during the registration session or ends the session.
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Yes, speak tuition and fees.)
N (No, do not speak tuition and fees.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of N for SM1069. Mark changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1070 - Download Configuration (DOWNLOAD-CONFIG)
Use this parameter to define the field and record delimiters for the download file created in the Early
Intervention Extract job (SD5108J).
Values typed in the Character Parameter Value field must be the numeric representation for field and
record delimiters that are required by the specific word processing software. Values must appear in the
following order separated by a space; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field. (note:
underscores below represent a space.)
the delimiters for WordPerfect are: Y_018_005_026
the delimiters for Word for Windows are: N_009_032_032
SM1071 - Download Configuration (DOWNLOAD-CONFIG)
Use this parameter to define the field and record delimiters for the download file created in the
Admissions Module Extract job (SD5131J).
Values typed in the Character Parameter Value field must be the numeric representation for field and
record delimiters that are required by the specific word processing software. Values must appear in the
following order separated by a space; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field. (note:
underscores below represent a space.)
the delimiters for WordPerfect are: Y_018_005_026
the delimiters for Word for Windows are: N_009_032_032
SM1072 - Download Configuration (DOWNLOAD-CONFIG)
Use this parameter to define the field and record delimiters for the download file created in the Honor
Roll/Probation Download job (SD5110J).
Values typed in the Character Parameter Value field must be the numeric representation for field and
record delimiters that are required by the specific word processing software. Values must appear in the
following order separated by a space; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field. (note:
underscores below represent a space.)
the delimiters for WordPerfect are: Y_018_005_026
the delimiters for Word for Windows are: N_009_032_032
SM1074 - Download Configuration (DOWNLOAD-CONFIG)
Use this parameter to define the field and record delimiters for the download file created in the Unmet
Prerequisites Report job (SD5119J or SD511IJ).
Values entered in the Character Parameter Value field must be the numeric representation for field and
record delimiters that are required by the specific word processing software. Entries must appear in the
following order separated by a space; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field. (note:
underscores below represent a space.)
the delimiters for WordPerfect are: Y_018_005_026
the delimiters for Word for Windows are: N_009_032_032
SM1080 - Clock Hour Update Indicator (HR-UPD-IND)
Use this parameter to designate if GPA is calculated based on clock hours or on credits.
The valid entries for this parameter are:
(Yes, calculate the GPA based on clock hours)
N (No, calculate the GPA based on credits)
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of N. Do not change the value to Y unless your
college is a clock hour institution. Make changes in the Character Parameter field; do not type anything
in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1087 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Student Search screen (SM5015).
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1087. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1089 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE)
Use this parameter to designate whether or not degree titles should be printed on the student
transcript, as printed from the Student Transcript screens (SM6015 or SM6054). Titles of degrees with
exit codes included in this parameter will be printed on the transcript; titles of degrees with exit codes
not included in this parameter will not be printed.
In the Character Parameter Value field, type the exit codes associated with the specific degree titles you
want to be printed on the student transcript. To print titles of degrees with exit codes type the exit code
value in this field. To prevent the titles of degrees without an exit code, type zeros all the way across the
remaining spaces in the field. If there is a blank space anywhere on this field, degree titles without exit
codes will print on the transcript.
For example, the value 1230567890ABEMN0000000000000000000000000 prints titles of degrees with
exit codes of 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, E, M and N. Degrees with exit codes of 4 and degrees for which the
exit code field was left blank are not printed on the student transcript.
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of 123456789_AB000000000000000000 which
allows printing of all degrees. Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field only. (note:
underscore represents a space.)
SM1090 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE)
Use this parameter to designate whether or not degree titles should be printed on the student
transcript, as printed from the Transcript Print Screen (SM6017) or the Transcript Print Screen--With
Course Requirements (SM6053). Up to four titles of degrees with exit codes included in this parameter
will be printed on the transcript; titles are printed for the first four degrees listed on the Transcript
Degree Information screen (SM6009). Titles of degrees with exit codes not included in this parameter
will not be printed.
In the Character Parameter Value field, type the exit codes associated with the specific degree titles you
want to be printed on the student transcript. To print titles of degrees with exit codes, type the exit
code value in this field. To prevent the titles of degrees without an exit code, type zeros all the way
across the remaining spaces in the field. If there is a blank space anywhere on this field, degree titles
without exit codes will print on the transcript.
For example, the value 1230567890ABEMN0000000000000000000000000 prints titles of degrees with
exit codes of 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, E, M and N. Degrees with exit codes of 4 and degrees for which the
exit code field was left blank are not printed on the student transcript.
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of 123456789_AB000000000000000000 which
allows printing of any of the first four degrees listed on the Transcript Degree Information Screen
(SM6009). Make changes in the Character Parameter Value field only. (note: underscore represents a
SM1093 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE)
Use this parameter to block touch-tone registration transactions when past-due fees exist in the current
quarter or any past quarter.
Note: The block for online registration transactions must be established prior to establishing the block
for touch-tone registration transactions. The block for online registration transactions is established
using parameter CA1811 on the Configuration Parameter Table (ZX0070) in the Financial Management
The valid entries for this parameter are:
A or blank (Registration activity is blocked for any past due fees for past quarters or the current
(Registration activity is blocked for any past due fees for quarters other than the
current quarter.)
(Registration activity is not blocked.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of N for all colleges. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1095 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE)
Use this parameter to designate whether or not course requirements for which a final grade has been
given are printed on Student Grade Entry Form A (SM6155) or Student Grade Marking Sheets (SM6156).
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Yes, print course requirements for which a final grade has been given.)
N or blank (No, do not print course requirements for which a final grade has been given.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of Y. Make changes in the Character Parameter
Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1096 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE)
Use this parameter to designate whether or not course requirements for which a final grade has been
given are displayed on the Student Grade Roster Update screen (SM6051).
The valid values for this parameter are:
(Yes, display course requirements for which a final grade has been given.)
N or blank (No, do not display course requirements for which a final grade has been given.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of Y for parameter SM1096. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1098 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE)
Use this parameter to specify the Unusual Action code of DC to indicate deceased students in the NSL
Clearinghouse Extract (SM9705, SM9708, or SM9709).
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1098. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1099 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE)
Use this parameter to specify the college-designated Unusual Action code to indicate that students have
blocked the release of their records in the NSL Clearinghouse Extract (SM9705, SM9708, or SM9709)
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1099. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1100 - Configuration Parameter Value (CONFIG-VALUE)
Use this parameter to modify the certification date used in a rerun of the quarterly final Technical
College NSL Clearinghouse Extract (SM9709J). When the quarterly final extract is scheduled, the
certification date is stored in this parameter. If you need to reschedule the final extract process, you
must reset the certification date.
The format for the certification date is Year/Quarter:YYMMDD (Example: 9782:971201)
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1100. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1101 - National Student Loan Clearinghouse Block All Indicator (NSLC-BLOCK-ALL)
Use this parameter to set the Data Block Indicator in the file submitted to the National Student
Clearinghouse. The National Student Clearinghouse uses the Data Block Indicator to identify students
who want to block the release of their directory information to other institutions through some of the
Clearinghouse’s optional services.
Valid values for this parameter are:
N (default) The Data Block Indicator for all students in the National Student Clearinghouse
extract file will be set to “N” with the exception of those students with the privacy
block Unusual Action code. This is the recommended entry by the Clearinghouse.
The Data Block Indicator for all students in the National Student Clearinghouse
extract file will be set to “Y”.
If your college is using National Student Clearinghouse services, the Data Block Indicator in the extract
will be "Y" for students who have been assigned the privacy block Unusual Action code (established on
College Parameter SM1099).
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of "N" for parameter SM1101. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1102 - Full Time Student (FULL-TIME-STU)
Use this parameter to specify a minimum number of credits or clock hours per day to be considered as
full-time enrollments in the NSL Clearinghouse Extract (SM9705, SM9708, or SM9709).
The College Parameter Table initially contains a value of 12 for parameter SM1102. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field. Your entry
can include one decimal place.
SM1103 - Half Time Student (HALF-TIME-STU)
Use this parameter to specify a minimum number of credits or clock hours per day to be considered as
half-time enrollments in the NSL Clearinghouse Extract (SM9705, SM9708, or SM9709). If this parameter
is left blank, half the full-time value specified with parameter SM1102 is used automatically in the NSL
Clearinghouse Extract.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1103. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field. Your
entry can include one decimal place.
SM1104 - Grades Requiring Last Date of Attendance (ALLOW-DROP-GR)
Use this parameter to designate unofficial withdrawal grades, failing grades, and any other grades for
which your college requires a last attendance date. You can specify up to 10 grades.
The valid format is alphabetic with two spaces per grade. One-character grades should be followed by a
space. For example, for grades V, NC, and Z, you would type V_NCZ_ (note: underscores represent a
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1104. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1105 - Instructor No Grade Alpha (INSTR-NOGR-ALPHA)
Use this parameter to designate grades that you do not want to appear on the grade list on the Web
Grade Entry form. These grades may be active grades and are used only by appropriate registration
The valid format is alphabetic with two spaces per grade. One-character grades should be followed by a
space. For example, for grades W, D-, and N, you would type W_D-N_ (note: underscores represent a
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1105. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1106 - Instructor No Grade (INSTR-NOGR-DEC)
Use this parameter to designate decimal grades that you do not want used on the online Grade Roster
Update screen (SM6005) and the Web Grade Entry form. Do not type grades that fall below the
minimum (failing) grade identified with parameter SM1002. All grades below the minimum grade are
automatically changed to 0.0.
The valid format is numeric, with three spaces including the decimal point. For example, for 3.9, 2.9, and
1.9, you would type
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1106. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1107 - Unusual Action (UNUSUAL-ACTN)
Use this parameter to designate up to five Unusual Action codes that will be displayed above the
transaction line on the Registration screen (SM7001 or SM700A).
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1107. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field. The
format is the two character code with no spaces.
SM1108 - Min-Max Age (MIN-MAX-AGE)
Use this parameter to define the age a student must be to enroll in classes without appropriate
paperwork, or to be eligible for the senior citizen tuition waiver. When this parameter is defined, a
message is displayed on the Registration screen (SM7001or SM700A), or a message is spoken when
students register via touch-tone telephone.
Type the maximum age for underage students in the first two spaces of the parameter. In the third and
fourth spaces, type the minimum age for senior citizen students. For example, an entry of 1760 would
block students who are under the age of 18 without appropriate paperwork and would indicate that a
student who is over the age of 60 may be eligible for the senior citizen tuition waiver. If you want to
activate only the under age edit, type that age in the first two spaces, for example, 17_ _. If you want to
activate only the senior citizen tuition waiver eligibility, leave the first two spaces blank and type the age
in the third and fourth spaces, for example, _ _60. (note: underscores represent a space.)
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1108. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1109 - Unusual Action (UNUSUAL-ACTN)
Use this parameter to designate one Unusual Action code to automatically override the registration
block of a student who is under age.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1109. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1110 - Number of Roster Pages (NUM-ROSTR-PAGE)
Use this parameter to designate the number of grade roster pages for a class that can be retrieved at
one time in web grading. For example, if this parameter is set to 3.0, then a 7-page grade roster appears
in the Briefcase Contents frame as "pages 1-3", "pages 4-6," and "page 7."
The College Parameter Table initially contains 3.0 for parameter SM1110. Make changes in the Numeric
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Character Parameter Value field.
SM1111 - No Count Failing Grades (NOCOUNT-FAIL-GR)
Use this parameter to designate the grades specified with parameter SM1104 for which the last date of
attendance is to be ignored in the student status calculation in the NSL Clearinghouse Extract (SM9705J,
SM9708J, or SM9709J).
For example, suppose you designate grade F for parameter SM1104 and also for this parameter. As a
result, an instructor who assigns an F to a student must also specify the last date of attendance, but this
date is not included for the student in the NSL Clearinghouse Extract.
The valid format for this parameter is alphabetic, two spaces per grade. For example, for F and Z, you
would type F_Z_. (note: underscores represent a space.)
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM1111. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1112 - Grade Transaction Log Indicator (GR-TRNS-LOG)
Use this parameter to designate whether grading transactions are stored in the STU-GR-TRNS-D dataset.
The grading transactions are specified on the following screens or processes:
Web grading
Registration (SM7001 or SM700A)
Grade Posting Screen (SM6004)
Grade Roster Update (SM6005)
Post Student Grades to Enrollment (SM6220J)
The valid entries for this parameter are:
(Yes, post grading transactions to the STU-GR-TRNS-D dataset.)
N (No, do not post grading transactions to the STU-GR-TRNS-D dataset.)
The College Parameter Table initially contains an N for parameter SM1112. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1113 - Update Enrollment Grade Indicator (UPD-ENR-GR-IND)
Use this parameter to activate the posting of grades directly to the student’s enrollment record when
using web grading. If activated, instructors can modify the grades posted to the enrollment record until
you run the Post Student Grades to Enrollment job (SM6220J).
Valid entries for this parameter are:
Yes, automatically post the grade to the enrollment record.
N No, do not automatically post the grade to the enrollment record.
The College Parameter Table initially contains an "N" for parameter SM1113. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1119 - Force Last Attendance Date (FORCE-DATE)
Use this parameter to designate whether instructors will be forced to enter a last date of attendance
when a grade of 0.0 is assigned during Web grading.
Valid entries for this parameter are:
Yes, force the entry of last attendance date when a 0.0 grade is assigned.
N No, do not force the entry of last attendance date when a 0.0 grade is assigned.
The College Parameter Table initially contains an "N" for parameter SM1119. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1122 - Speak Class Section Option (SPK-SECTION-OPT)
Use this parameter to indicate whether the section of a class should be spoken in Touchtone during the
quarterly grade inquiry.
Valid entries for this parameter are:
Yes, the section should be spoken during quarterly grade inquiry.
N No, the section should not be spoken during quarterly grade inquiry.
The College Parameter Table initially contains a "Y" for parameter SM1122. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1126 - Print Student E-mail Address (PRNT-STU-EMAIL)
Use this parameter to designate whether the student e-mail address prints on the Stock Class Rosters
(SM4114/SM7114). When this parameter is activated, the student's e-mail address (if provided) appears
indented on the line below the student's information.
Valid entries for this parameter are:
Yes, print student e-mail address on the Stock Class Roster.
N No, do not print student e-mail address on the Stock Class Roster.
SM1127 - Display Student E-mail Address (DSPL-STU-EMAIL)
Use this parameter to designate whether the student e-mail address is displayed on the Web Class
Roster. When this parameter is activated, the student's e-mail address (if provided) appears in the third
column of the roster and replaces the roster data element that normally appears in that column.
Valid entries for this parameter are:
Yes, display student e-mail address on the Web Class Roster.
N No, do not display student e-mail address on the Web Class Roster.
SM1133 - Require E-mail Address (REQUIRE-EMAIL)
Use this parameter to designate whether or not a student's e-mail address is required in SMS when the
student attempts to register for a class with an entry in the WAOL-ID field or with a "3" in the first
position of an entry in the DIST-ED field. This parameter affects touch-tone registration, Web
registration, and the Registration screen (SM700A).
Valid entries for this parameter are:
N E-mail address is not required for online classes.
E-mail address is required for online classes. This entry blocks registration if a student does
not have an e-mail address in SMS.
Advise student that e-mail address is required for online classes. This entry does not block
registration for Web or touch-tone registration but provides an informational message
indicating that an e-mail address is needed before classes begin.
The College Parameter Table initially contains an "N" for parameter SM1133. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1135 - Transcript Logging Option (TRAN-CLASS-UPD)
Use this parameter to designate how you want changes to transcript classes and degrees logged. The
transcript transactions are displayed on the following screens:
Display Transcript Log (SM6036)
Display Transcript Degree Log (SM6037)
Valid entries for this parameter are:
Do not log transcript transactions
Log all screen and batch transactions
Log screen transactions only
The College Parameter Table initially contains a "0" for parameter SM1135. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1301 - Biographic Screen Process ID (BIO-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number used for the next screen when the Bio Screen (F2)
function key is used on the Program Enrollment screen (SM3001).
The College Parameter Table initially contains "SM4002" for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1302 - Registration Screen Process ID (REG-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number used for the next screen when the Reg Screen (F3)
function key is used on the Program Enrollment screen (SM3001).
The College Parameter Table initially contains "SM7001" for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM1303 - Screen Format Default (SCREEN-FORMAT)
Use this parameter to designate which segment (format) of the Student Program Enrollment
Transactions screen (SM3011) is displayed when users initially access the screen.
The valid values for this parameter are:
1. (Display Format 1: left page)
2. (Display Format 2: right page)
The College Parameter Table initially contains "1" for SM1303. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM2001 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Admissions screen (SM2001).
The College Parameter Table initially contains SM5026 for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM3001 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Program Enrollment screen (SM3001).
The College Parameter Table initially contains "SM3002" for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM3002 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Program Section Waiting List screen (SM3002).
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for SM3002. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM3011 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Student Program Enrollment Transactions screen (SM3011).
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for SM3011. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM3012 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when the Next Screen (F6) is
pressed on the Program Enrollment Transactions screen (SM3012).
The College Parameter Table does not initially contains a value for SM3012. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM4001 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Registration screen (SM7001 or SM7000A).
The College Parameter Table initially contains "SM4002" for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM4002 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Registration/Admissions screen (SM4002).
The College Parameter Table initially contains "SM7001" for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM4010 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Student Enrollment Transactions screen (SM4010).
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM4010. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM4011 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Course Enrollment Transactions screen (SM4011).
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM4011. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM5026 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Student Outcomes Screen (SM5026).
The College Parameter Table initially contains SM2001 for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM6013 - Grade Posting Indicator (GR-POST-IND)
Use this parameter to designate the code provided as a default as the Grade Posting Indicator when the
Transcript Classes screen (SM6013) is displayed.
Type Y or N in this parameter. Although the screen allows other entries for this parameter, the
Transcript Classes screen accepts only Y or N as valid codes.
The College Parameter Table initially contains Y for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM6017 - Printer Control Beginning (PRNTR-CNTRL-BEG)
Use this parameter to define the beginning escape sequences needed to print transcripts from the
Transcript Print Screen (SM6017) on a laser printer.
The College Parameter Table initially contains the default value for an HP laser printer. Do not make
changes to this parameter without assistance from SBCTC-ITD technical support. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM6018 - Printer Control Ending (PRNTR-CNTRL-END)
Use this parameter to define the ending "escape sequences" needed to print transcripts from the
Transcript Print Screen (SM6017) to a laser printer.
The College Parameter Table initially contains the default value for an HP laser printer. Do not make
changes to this parameter without assistance from SBCTC-ITD technical support. Make changes in the
Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM6052 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Student Course Requirements screen (SM6052).
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM6052. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM6100 to SM6109 - Common Course Numbering Message (CCN-MSG)
Use these parameters to define the text block that appears on the printed student transcript to describe
common course numbers. Each of the 10 parameters is used to define two lines of the message, with 40
characters per line. The maximum message length, therefore, is 20 lines.
A five-line default text block is provided in parameters SM6100, SM6101, and SM6102. The complete
default text block (as approved by SBCTC and ARC) is as follows:
Lines 1 and 2 are defined in SM6100; lines 3 and 4 are defined in SM6101; and Lines 5 and 6 are defined
in SM6102. Line 1 (in SM6101) and Line 5 (in SM6102) consist of 40 equal-sign characters; these lines
serve as a top and bottom divider to make the message stand out on the printed report. If you edit the
default message, we suggest you maintain the use of these dividers as the first and last line.
Make sure there are no blank lines within your text block (between the top and bottom dividers), since
any lines after a blank line will not be printed on the student transcripts.
SM6110 - Common Course Numbering YRQ START (CCN-YRQ-STRT)
Use this parameter to designate the year/quarter during which common course numbers will be
implemented at your college. This determines where the text defined in parameters SM6100 through
SM6109 will print on the student transcript. The text prints just above the classes for the year/quarter
you specify with this parameter.
For example, if you are implementing common courses numbers in the Fall quarter of 2007, you would
enter A782 here. The text block will print after courses taken Summer 2007 and before courses
completed Fall 2007.
The College Parameter Table does not initially contain a value for parameter SM6110. Make changes in
the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
SM7001 - Next Screen ID (NEXT-SCREEN-ID)
Use this parameter to designate the screen number provided as a default when users press the Next
Screen (F6) key on the Registration screen (SM7001 or SM7000A).
The College Parameter Table initially contains SM4002 for all colleges. Make changes in the Character
Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric Parameter Value field.
ZX1001 - ID Card Type (ID-CARD-TYP)
Use this parameter to designate up to six codes that identify a student ID card. When entering ID card
information (using screen ZX0501), entry of any one of these codes retrieves the student's name from
the student biographic record (STU-D).
The College Parameter Table initially contains STUD for all colleges.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type entries in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
Type up to six ID card codes; each code is four characters. Separate codes with a comma (no
ZX1002 - ID Card Type (ID-CARD-TYP)
Use this parameter to designate up to six codes that identify an employee ID card. When you are
entering ID card information (using screen ZX0501), the use of any one of these codes retrieves the
employee's name from the employee's biographic record (EMP-M).
The College Parameter Table initially contains EMPL for all colleges.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type entries in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
Type up to six ID card codes; each code is four characters. Separate codes with a comma (no
ZX1003 - ID Card Type (ID-CARD-TYP)
Use this parameter to designate up to six codes that identify a library patron on the ID card. When
entering ID card information (using screen ZX0501) entry of any one of these codes requires entry of the
patron's name.
The College Parameter Table initially contains LIBR for all colleges.
Follow these guidelines when making changes:
Type entries in the Character Parameter Value field; do not type anything in the Numeric
Parameter Value field.
Type up to six ID card codes; each code is four characters. Separate codes with a comma (no