Transfer-In Transcript Courses (SD3005) • • • • • Description Using Course Evaluation Codes Using the Screen o Adding or Changing Transferred-In Course Information o Viewing Transferred-In Course Information o Entering Course Waivers o Entering Credit for Nontraditional Courses Data Field List Data Set Description Use the Transfer-In Transcript Courses Screen (SD3005): • • • To evaluate and accept courses transferred-in from other colleges To waive course requirements To accept nontraditional courses used to fill course requirements, such as, CLEP credits, experiential learning, and military credits When you use screen SD3005 to enter transferred-in course information, you are not using the Course Translation Table. You are essentially accepting the transferred-in courses from the indicated college (or colleges) and manually translating them to the equivalent courses at your college. Typically you would use screen SD3005 to enter and evaluate courses from colleges outside the Washington community and technical college system. Before you can enter transfer information for a student on screen SD3005, the student must have a biographic record in the SM database (Stu-D data set). Accepted courses are added to the student's records in the TRNSFR database. Transferred-in courses will not appear on a student's transcript from your college. Note: The transcript evaluation screens (SD3004 and SD3005) can be set to automatically update the Trnsfr Col Cr (Transfer College Credit) field on the Admissions Screen (SM2001) when evaluated credits are accepted. The credit amount is included when registration appointments are assigned, based on cumulative credits earned. To have accepted transferredin credits update the Admissions Screen (SM2001), use the College Parameter Table (SM5025) to set parameter SM1018 (Configuration Value Parameter) to Y (yes, update the credit amount in the Trnsfr Col Cr field). Using Course Evaluation Codes The course evaluation code that you enter on screen SD3005 designates the type of course being added to the transfer records. The following course evaluation codes are system-defined and are used for Degree Audit only (they are not with Requisite Checking): • • TR: A transferred-in course WV: A waived requirement Do not use the code SB (course substitution) on SD3005. Use the Substitute Transcript Courses Screen (SD3006) to identify course substitutions. Using the Screen Use screen SD3005 to add, change, or view a student's transferred-in course information, to enter course waivers, and to enter credit for nontraditional courses. Adding or Changing Transferred-In Course Information To accept or change transferred-in course information for a student, you must individually enter each course from another college using the following steps: 1. In the SID field, type the SID of the student whose transferred-in courses you are entering. 2. In the Trnsfr From Col field, type the college code for the college from which courses have been transferred. 3. Enter data for the course being transferred into the YRS, Dept Div, and Course Num fields. This is the course ID for the equivalent course at your college . 4. Press the key for the function you want: Add (F1) or Change (F2) 5. Enter data in the Gr (grade) or Dec Gr (decimal grade) field and the Cr (credit) field; make sure that the Course Eval Code field contains the default code TR (transferred-in course). 6. Press the Enter key. Viewing Transferred-In Course Information To view transferred-in course information for a student from all colleges, use the following steps: 1. In the SID field, type the SID of the student whose transferred-in course records you want to view. 2. Press the Enter key. All of the student's transferred-in course records are displayed. To view transferred-in course information for a student from a specific college, use the following steps: 1. In the SID field, type the SID of the student whose transferred-in course records you want to view. 2. In the Trnsfr From Col field, type the college code for the college from which courses have been transferred. 3. Press the Enter key. The student's transferred-in course records from the specified college are displayed. Entering Course Waivers To waive a course requirement for a student, use the following steps: 1. In the SID field, type the SID of the student for whom you want to grant a course waiver. 2. In the Trnsfr From Col field, type your own college code. 3. In the YRS field, type either Z999 (open-ended year/session) or the specific year/quarter in which the waiver was granted. 4. Type data into the Dept Div and Course Num fields. 5. Do not enter anything into the Gr (grade), Dec Gr (decimal grade), or Cr (credit) fields for courses you want to waive. 6. In the Course Eval Code field, type WV (waived requirement). 7. Press the Enter key. Entering Credit for Nontraditional Courses For Degree Audit purposes, you can use screen SD3005 to enter credit for nontraditional courses a student is using to fulfill course requirements at your college. To enter credit for nontraditional courses for a student, use the following steps: 1. In the SID field, type the SID of the student who has a nontraditional course to add to transcript records. 2. In the Trnsfr From Col field, type your own college code or 975 3. In the YRS field, type either Z999 (open-ended year/session) or the specific year/quarter in which credit for the nontraditional course was granted. 4. Type data into the Dept Div and Course Num fields. 5. In the Cr (credits) field and the Gr (grade) or Dec Gr (decimal grade) fields, enter the assigned credits and grade for the nontraditional course. 6. In the Course Eval Code field, type a code for the nontraditional course as defined on the TRANSSTAT item (Transcript Status Codes) in the CAA Table Maintenance Screen (SD4003) (COCO Degree Audit only), for example, CC (course challenge) or CL (CLEP credits). Data Field List • • • • • • • • • • • SID (key) Stu Name (display only) Trnsfr From Col (key) YRS (key) Dept Div (key) Course Num (key) Gr Dec Gr Cr Course Eval Code [ ] of [ ] (display only) SID (Student Identification Number) Definition The identification number of a student. Length 9 characters Stu Name (Student Name) Definition Display only. The name of a student. Length 22 characters Transfer from Col (Transfer from College) Definition A code identifying the college from which courses are transferred (or a general code for waivers and nontraditional courses). Length 3 digits YRS (Year/Session) Definition The year/session in which the student took the course (or Z999 for any year/session). Length 4 characters Dept/Div (Department/Division Abbreviation) Definition The department/division abbreviation (Course ID) of the equivalent course at your college (or a general code for nontraditional courses). Length 5 characters Course Num (Course Number) Definition The course number of the equivalent course at your college (or a general code for nontraditional courses). Length 4 characters Gr (Grade) Definition The letter grade earned by the student for the transferred-in course or nontraditional course. Do not enter a grade for course waivers. Length 2 characters Dec Gr (Decimal Grade) Definition The decimal grade earned by the student for the transferred-in course or nontraditional course. Do not enter a decimal grade for course waivers. Length 3 digits Cr (Credit) Definition The number of credits earned by the student for the transferredin course or nontraditional course. Do not enter credits for course waivers. Length 4 digits Course Eval Code (Course Evaluation Code) Definition A code designating the type of course being entered into the Transferred-In Transcript Courses File. Length 2 characters Values TR WV College-defined codes Transferred-in course (default) Waive course requirement Assign and enter codes for nontraditional courses [ ] of [ ] Definition Display only. The first set of brackets indicates the current screen (or page) number. The second set of brackets indicates the total number of screens (or pages) of transferred-in course data that exist for the student from the indicated college. Data Sets Additions and changes made on this screen update the following data sets: • • TRNSFR database, Transfer Course Detail (TRNSFR-COURSE-D) data set SM database, Student Course Detail (STU-COURSE-D) data set