Electronic Award Letter Field Guide v. 6, 11.10.2006 Field Name/ Field # Screen Section Data Passed Data Source Notes <header> N/A N/A N/A N/A School Name N/A N/A Agency Name Institutional Master DOE School Code N/A N/A Title IV school code From the Institutional Can have problems if college has Master. junk data in this table. <section title> BEOG-CAMPUS Datafile Tracking Number N/A N/A Static version code. K-parm Not used by Nellie Mae programs anymore, but still required in record. Upload Date N/A N/A Run Date of Job Academic Year N/A N/A Range of academic year, Run Date of Job e.g. 2006-2007 Delimiter N/A N/A Delimiter Hard coded in job Version code N/A N/A Version code as specified K-parm by Nellie Mae <student info> N/A N/A Email Address 1 N/A Student email address Must match template version established by user. Option 1: SMS address Option 2: ISIR address as loaded into Screen 1 Option 3: Suppress email addresses. Specify 1 source or leave optional by using a key value to switch source. Validate email, MAX 75 char Sending email addresses: If email exists pass it and email code in field 6, if not send blank and do not send email code in field 6. Electronic Award Letter Field Guide v. 6, 11.10.2006 Field Name/ Field # Screen Section Data Passed Data Source Notes Social security number Student Master SSN in this field is NOT used to <section title> Unique Student ID 2 populate Section 3 of Web site. See fields 14-23. Student First Name 3 Name/Addrss First Name Student Master May require stripping of MI if data loaded from SMS. See stripping routine in SM9739J Student’s Middle Name 4 Name/Addrss Middle Initial Student Master NEED OUT does not load the middle initial, will only be passed if entered manually. Student’s Last Name 5 Name/Addrss Last Name Student Master Pass a period if last name is blank. Email code 6 N/A User defined email code. Key value in SAFERS If you have an email address, Table Master you MUST pass the email code (for example, 100). If there is NO email address passed in the data field, then you MUST NOT pass an email code in the data file. Student address 1 7 Name/Addrss Student address 1 Student Master Student address 2 8 Name/Addrss Student address 2 Student Master City 9 Name/Addrss City Student Master State 10 Name/Addrss State Student Master Zip (5) 11 Name/Addrss Zip Code Student Master Electronic Award Letter Field Guide v. 6, 11.10.2006 Field Name/ Field # Screen Section Data Passed Data Source Notes Zip (+4) 12 Name/Addrss Last 4 digits of zip code Student Master Blank OK. Additional data associated 13 Name/Addrss blank None (N/A) 40 char max, free form text not <section title> requested by users to populate. with student mailing address Users confirmed they will not use this field at 10/22/03 meeting. N/A Award Header User Setup on Template N/A User Setup on Template N/A Information (1) N/A School Address (2) A1 14 Award Letter taken from SAFERS. Social Security Number Information (3) From Student Master (Screen 1) STD-ID-NO A2 15 Award Letter Student Identification From SID-SSN-XREF-D Information (3) Number in the SM database. SID A3 16 Award Letter Information (3) A4 17 Award Letter Information (3) A5 18 Award Letter Information (3) A6 19 Award Letter Information (3) Defined by user on Web site, not Users have not defined what data should be passed in these fields. Users have not defined what data should be passed in these fields. Users have not defined what data should be passed in these fields. Users have not defined what data should be passed in these fields. Electronic Award Letter Field Guide v. 6, 11.10.2006 Field Name/ Field # Screen Section Data Passed 20 Award Letter Budget & Users have not defined what data should be passed in these fields. Users have not defined what data should be passed in these fields. Users have not defined what data should be passed in these fields. Users have not defined what data should be passed in these fields. Pass a user-defined 3character value from the SAFERS Table Master to specify text name code, for example 100 or TOP. Pass a user-defined 3character value from the SAFERS Table Master to specify text name code, for example 200 or MID. Pass a user-defined 3character value from the SAFERS Table Master to specify text name code, for example 300 or LOW. Enrollment level for Assumption Used Summer header. Data Source Notes <section title> A7 Information (3) A8 21 Award Letter Information (3) A9 22 Award Letter Information (3) A10 23 Award Letter Information (3) 24 Text Section – Introduction to Award (4) 25 26 B1: Summer 200x 27 Text Section (9) Text Section (9) Key Value from SAFERS Table Master. Key Value from SAFERS Table Master. Key Value from SAFERS Table Master. Enrollment level from Student Financial Detail (screen 3). to Calc Award (5) FIN-MISC position 1 B2: Fall 200x 28 Budget & Enrollment level for Fall Enrollment level from Student Financial Detail 10 optional fields Enrollment level, spelled out or “Not awarded for this term” if there are no active awards for a specific term. Enrollment level, spelled out or “Not awarded for this term” if Electronic Award Letter Field Guide v. 6, 11.10.2006 Field Name/ Field # Screen Section Data Passed Data Source Notes (screen 3). FIN-MISC position 2 there are no active awards for a specific term. Enrollment level from Student Financial Detail (screen 3). FIN-MISC position 3 Enrollment level, spelled out or “Not awarded for this term” if there are no active awards for a specific term. Enrollment level from Student Financial Detail (screen 3). FIN-MISC position 4 Enrollment level, spelled out or “Not awarded for this term” if there are no active awards for a specific term. Enrollment level from Student Financial Detail (screen 3). FIN-MISC position 5 Enrollment level, spelled out or “Not awarded for this term” if there are no active awards for a specific term. Cost of Attendance from Student Financial Detail (screen 3). STD-BUD-AMT Cost of attendance is also <section title> Assumption Used to Calc Award (5) B3: Winter 200x 29 Budget & Enrollment level for Assumption Used Winter to Calc Award (5) B4: Spring 200x 30 Budget & Enrollment level for Assumption Used Spring to Calc Award (5) B5: Summer 200x 31 Budget & Enrollment level for Assumption Used Summer trailer to Calc Award (5) B6 Cost of Attendance 32 Budget & Cost of Attendance Assumption Used to Calc Award (5) B7 EFC 33 Budget & Estimated Family Assumption Used Contribution (EFC) to Calc Award (5) B8 Need 34 Budget & Need Assumption Used to Calc Award (5) B9 35 Budget & Assumption Used Users have not defined what data should be passed in these fields. EFC from Student Financial Detail (screen 3). BEOG-INDEX Student need from Student Financial Detail (screen 3). STD-NEED referred to as the student budget. Electronic Award Letter Field Guide v. 6, 11.10.2006 Field Name/ Field # Screen Section Data Passed Data Source Notes <section title> to Calc Award (5) B10 36 Budget & Assumption Used Users have not defined what data should be passed in these fields. to Calc Award (5) 37 Student Specific Section (10) Free form, unlimited text section that is specific for each student. Data is placed on Web form as passed in data file. Unlimited field, free form text. Users have not defined what data should be passed in these fields. Users decided not to use this field. <aid data section> Unique Student ID Multiple aid data sections to one student info section in the file. Each aid data section pertains to one award code or FAPC code and specifies the session for the awards. 1 N/A SSN, must match SSN Student Master from <Student Info> section. Award Code 2 Award Award Code or Sub Code Student Award Detail 1 line, per student, per award. Information (6) Pass award code unless there is section. a 3-digit numeric in the sub-code field. If so, pass the 3-digit numeric from sub-code field. Electronic Award Letter Field Guide v. 6, 11.10.2006 Field Name/ Field # Screen Section Data Passed Data Source Notes 3 Financial Aid Award Amount from Student Award Detail for Summer term (first). If not aid in Summer, leave blank. Award amount for Year session equal to Summer header (e.g. A341) from Student Award Detail that pertains to the award being passed in field 2. Up to 10 periods of enrollment, predefined for each field (summer, fall, winter, spring). Our system will only use 5 periods of enrollment (sessions). <section title> N/A Award Information (6) Should not include leading zeros as this will appear on website. 4 Award Amount from Student Award Detail for Fall term. If not aid in Fall, leave blank. Award amount for Year session equal to Fall (e.g. A342) from Student Award Detail that pertains to the award being passed in field 2. Should not include leading zeros as this will appear on website. 5 Award Amount from Student Award Detail for Winter term. If not aid in Winter leave blank. Award amount for Year session equal to Winter (e.g. A343) from Student Award Detail that pertains to the award being passed in field 2. Should not include leading zeros as this will appear on website. 6 Award Amount from Student Award Detail for Spring term. If not aid in Spring leave blank. Should not include leading zeros as this will appear on website. 7 Award Amount from Student Award Detail for Summer term (last). If not aid in Summer leave blank. Award amount for Year session equal to Spring (e.g. A344) from Student Award Detail that pertains to the award being passed in field 2. Award amount for Year session equal to Summer trailer (e.g. A345) from Student Award Detail that pertains to the award being passed in field 2. Should not include leading zeros as this will appear on website. Electronic Award Letter Field Guide v. 6, 11.10.2006 Field Name/ Field # Screen Section Data Passed 8 N/A Blank – no session Data Source Notes N/A Leave blank, not for CTC use. <section title> equivalent. 9 N/A Blank – no session equivalent. 10 N/A Blank – no session equivalent. 11 N/A Blank – no session equivalent. 12 N/A Blank – no session equivalent. <estimated billing section> N/A N/A N/A <student specific section> Free form text section. Unique Student ID 1 N/A SSN Student Master Student specific message 2 Section 10 N/A N/A Users decided at 10/22/03 (No max length meeting that nothing will be on this field.) passed in this section. <trailer> N/A End of File – college Institutional Master for Hard-code the words: name field name. End of File – College name is variable.