Processing Table Data Budget Info SAF/BUD Conversion for Budgets Table SAF/CSS (DHP@@NR@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#) DL Config Page SAF/DIR FA-OVERRIDE = 0 NXX/Agency Session Create/Import Application Setup New Year Create Session (Winter 2011-12 too long for Aw Ltrs in Array format - Winter 2011 is OK) Transfer monitoring CIS/NSL Academic Tab SAF210-ssss (Where ssss is the session) SAF/Agency Description: MM/DD/CCYY (Slashes must be included) Purpose: To STOP the updating of the Funded Hours field on the Academic Tab to 0-zero for students when FAM210 Reconciliation and Posting job is run. Award Letters SAF010-ARRAY for Award Ltrs SAF/Agency (Winter 2011-12 too long for Aw Ltrs in Array format - Winter 2011 is OK) SAF010-EXCLUDE (To exclude printing of an updated Awd/20 codes) SAF/Agency Doesn’t work use SAF-NO-PRINT SAF010-EXC-EXT (To add more than 20 Aw codes) SAF/Agency SAF010-FAF-LIST SAF/Agency (Print Selected FA Data) SAF010-NO-PRINT (To suppress the printing of up to 20 award codes) SAF/Agency SAF010-NO-SES-INFO (Removes Summer line on Award Ltrs) SAF/Agency SAF010-NO-SIGN for Award Ltrs SAF/Agency SAF010-SKIP-HEADER-LINES SAF/Agency SAF010-SUP-ID (XXXXXX999) SAF/Agency SAF010-TRACK (AW code) SAF/Agency Session Names Application Setup New YearImport Session Award Tab Data ACTIVE-AWD-STAT (Has 2 options) SAF005-LOG SAF/Agency SAF/Agency Check Calc SM9407 All Entries CIS/WCC FA Tab Data ENROLL-LEVEL1-000-059=05 Enrollment Default – 11111 Freeze Status Session Start/end Range Schedule Sessions (B121-BSC-SESS = B121B122B123B124B125) CIS/WCC SAF/BUD SAF/CSS Application Setup New Year Award Year SAF/BUD ISIR Data Address (Update Address from ISIR) Comment Codes 01-XX (linked to FAF Setup page) Email Address (Update from ISIR) FAF Setup Page on each Year Tab CIS_IMPORT_PRIMARY (Desc = Y) Required entry for adding student from SMS HS/GED question on ISIR (Doesn’t look at SMS for this) HS-TRACK ISIR Setup by academic year IRS-FLAG-PAR-POST IRS-FLAG-STD-POST ORIG-NEED-DATA (Name/DOB from ISIR) SAF057-FAF-TRK (ISIR/NEED track code post from FAF Load) SAF005-Log (Initiate Logging for Award Tab data SAF502) NXX/Agency NXX/Agency NXX/Agency FAF Setup Page SAF/CIS Nxx/Agency NXX/Agency SAF/Agency SAF/Agency SAF/Pell SAF/Trackauto SAF/Agency Jobs AFR Auto-App SM9777-AA (A1 – A9) Auto Assign Package Codes Check Calc (SM9408-CHK-CALC to post CC track code) FISAP Need DB URR CIS/WRV CIS/WCC CIS/WPK CIS/WCC SAF/Agency CIS/WAT Packaging OPT-610-STATE = WA-09-2 SAF610-BUD-CHK SAF610-EFC-MAX (SEOG to 0-EFC only) SAF610-NF-STAT (No Funds Available award Status) SAF610-NO-NEED SAF010-ROUND (010 = 10%) SAF610-STATE = WA-09-2 (Out of funds change the 2) SAF610-WA-PER (% of Need for SNG) WA-PAC-DISTA3 (Description = A3 for SNG Packaging) SAF/Agency SAF/Package SAF/Package SAF/Package SAF/Package SAF/Package SAF/Package SAF/Package SAF/Package Pell ACAD-YR12 (B121 0711-0711 20110701-20120930 nnnn) AWARD-YR-B121 CURR-SESS (Default session range for RECON) ENRL-CDE (000-059=5) LAST-SES12 PELL-LEU-PCT (XX-YY where XX=Track Code YY=Notation Code) ISIR Verification Tracking Flag (see #65 Award Yr Setup Doc) SAF/Pell – nnnn Max Pell amount this year SAF/Pell SAF/Agency SAF/Pell SAF/Pell SAF/Agency SAF/Agency SNG Data SNG Proration State Residence = WA WA-GRANT WA01 – Waxx MFI WCC108-RES-CDS1 = 1 = WA,SR CIS/WCC (Not used any longer) SAF/CSS NXX/Agency NXX/Agency CIS/WCC Student Tab DEF-ELEC-ADDR-TYPE or CODE SAF/Agency STD-PIN (FAF Load populate PIN Field w/DOB) NXX/Agency Upper/Lower-Case (Names/Addresses loaded into FAM by FAF Load) Nxx/Agency Tracking Auto Tracking (DE, DV, IN, IV, OV) Comment Codes 01-XX (linked to FAF Setup page) DUPLICATE (Renew tracking codes but leave old one) NO-NEED = NN? PROBATION-TRACK SAF057-RENEW & RENEW2 SAF057-STD-STAT (Blank to pull Student Status from FA Tab) TERMINATE-TRACK SAF/Trackauto Nxx/Agency SAF/Trackauto Nxx/Agency CIS/WCC SAF/Trackauto SAF/Trackauto CIS/WCC Track Letters SAF056-EXCL-COM SAF/Agency ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACG ACG data To print a Processing Table report Reports Application Config Processing Rpt Close Prior Year Session Application Setup New Year Import Session Click the Edit icon for the session you want to close Set the Award Status field to @AWD SAF/ACG (Not used any longer) Validation Table ACG Rigorous High School program codes SAF_HIGH_SCHL_PROG Award Status Codes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, N etc…) SAF_AWD_STAT Award Tab Misc 1 & 2 codes SAF_AWD_MISC_1 (or2) Budget component codes SAF_BUD_ELEMENT Email Type and Code on Student Tab IDE_ELEC_ADDR_CODE Enrollment Codes (Names on FA Tab) SAF_PELL_ENRL_CODE Equivalent Sessions SAF_YR_SES_EQUIV Issuance codes to post or not to post to AR SAF_AWD_ISSUE_OPT Misc2 field for staff initials SAF_AWD_MISC_2 Session Budget Codes SAF_STD_BUD_CODE Student Status (DE, DV, IN, IV, OV etc…) SAF_STAT Student Tab – Misc-1 through MISC-30 IDE_MISC Tracking Codes SAF_TRACK_CODE (Delete button won’t display on Tracking Tab when the Long Description field is too long) Tracking Status/Notation Codes SAF_NOTATION_CODE Year in School on FA Tab SAF_YR_IN_SCHL To print a Validation Tables report Reports Application Config Validation Rpt