00.3610- ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates Subject to De-volatilization by Bin Zhou MIT Sloan School Working Paper 3510 Revised January 16, 1993 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates Subject to De-volatilization by Bin Zhou MIT Sloan School Working Paper 3510 Revised January 16, 1993 MAR 2 5 1993. Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates Subject to De-volatilization Bin Zhou Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 December, 1992 Abstract: There exchange is a considerable literature analyzing the behavior of However, the modeling and forecasting of exchange rates rates. has not been very successful. financial time series is One of the obstacles to effective heteroscedasticity. The modeling of recent availability of high fre- quency data, such as tick-by-tick data, provides us with extra information about the market. However, even with today's computer power, analyz- ing data with order of gigabits is extremely expensive and time consuming. This article proposes to analyze a homoscedastic subsequence of such data. The procedure volatilization. of obtaining such a homoscedastic subsequence The is called de- empirical evidence suggests that de- volatilization can help us to detect trends of the market quickly. Our forecasting results indicate that the exchange market can be forecast to certain extend. Key Words: heteroscedasticit}- high frequency data; volatility. Introduction 1 Empirical studies have shown and time rates using structural success at forecasting foreign exchange little models (Meese and Rogoff 19S3a,b). series and forecasting of exchange rates is conditional heteroscedasticity (changing variance). The ARCH model addresses heteroscedasticity by estimating the conditional variance from historof the obstacles to effective modeling One ical data and has been used in modeling many financial time The forecasting exchange rates remains difficult. frequency data has created new possibilities series. However, recent availability of high for forecasting exchange rates. High frequency data, such as minute-by-minute or tick-by-tick data, have recent received attentionly from (1992). As reported in Goodhart and suggested the following process S{t) d{-) ^ for is significant noise d{t) + + B{T{t)) t, B{-) is and increment of return Xis,t) = S{t) - r(6) - T{a) is (1) tt standard Brownian motion, a positive increment function, independent of Brownian motion B{-). volatility component. Zhou high frequency exchange rates: logarithm of price at time a drift, r(-) is noise, is and Zhou Zhou's paper, high frequency data behave differently from low frequency data and they have where S{t) Figliuoli (1991) tt Here is a r(<) mean is zero random called cumulate called volatility in period [a, b]. The S(s) then has the following structure: XisJ) = fi{sJ) + <7{sJ)Zt + et-es (2) where Zt is a standard normal random variable and a{s,t) = r(<) - t{s). Returns of high frequency data are often negatively autocorrelated due to the noises. This autocorrelation decreases as frequency decreases. This article presents a new approach to heteroscedasticity of financial time series. In Section 2, I introduce a de-volatilization procedure, which takes a homoscedastic subsequence from high frequency data. In Section various properties of .3, I test the de-volatilization procedure by examining de-volatilized exchange rates. Finally, in Section 4, procedure from the de-volatilized time series. I construct a forecasting De-volatilization 2 One of most significant characteristics of a financial time series Heteroscedasticity tends to ticity. become more severe as is heteroscedas- sampling frequency One increases. This poses a great difficulty in modeling financial time series. obvious shortcoming of equally spaced time series time intervals and sufficient at highly volatile A is that information is redundant time series with more data at highly volatile time and times data at other less Unfortunately no financial time series are recorded desirable. is in- is at other times. in this manner. However, availability of high frequency data allows us to sam- ple a subsequence that has equal volatility apart. The subsequence produced by de-volatilization. volatilized time series or dv-senes call I such a procedure the procedure is called a de- and differences of successive measurement of dv-series are called dv-returns. To carry out the de- volatilization procedure, I need to estimate the volatil- Given high frequency data. {5(^)}, Zhou (1992) has proposed an estimator of the \'olatility increment 7(6) — T{a] for any given ity process T(t) period first. by: [a, b] -r(a) = i J2 7(6) [-\''it,-,.t.] + -2X{t,_k,t,)X{t,_,kJ.-k)]. (3) (.e[a,6] where X{s,t) = S{t) S{s), and k is a constant. This volatility estimator For a given volatility estimator. nearly unbiased. is — I have following de- volatilization procedure: Algorithm 1 (De-volatilization): Suppose that {^(i,)} is a series of observations from process (1). This algo- rithm takes a subsequence from the r^. The i) ii) Let iii) initial value Tq Suppose that rr = and forms a i I = dv-series, same denoted as volatility. 5(^0); have obtained an element of dv-series at time tm- i-e., S{t^); Estimate the for series return of the dv-series has appro.ximately the = 1...., increment \'{tm+,Jjn) = — T{tm) by (3) until the increment V'(fm+,,^n,) exceeds the level v, a volatility 3 r(^n,+,) predetermined constant. Let = k r^+i iv) min{i\r(t„^+,)-T(t^) = S{tm+k) Repeat step iii) > and |5(i^+,) -5(^m+,_i)| < V i-}, (4) the next element in dv-series. is end of until series {5(^)}. Since the high frequency exchange rates are characterized by excessive noise, add an extra condition I the noise. Often, the first in (4) to see that price jump comes, it may make the dv-series less sensitive to jumps back and forth due to noise. When Waiting significantly bias the volatility estimate. next data point can minimize the impact of noise on the dv-series. for the The de-volatilization procedure namic structure is easy to carry out because of the dy- The parameter of the volatility estimator. v can be arbi- chosen to meet the different needs of a variety of analyses. However, trarily it I should be large enough so that the volatility estimate noise ratio Var(e(_)/i' should also be small enough is acceptable. so that the noise Ct The in the dv-series can be neglected. (DM/$) exchange rates procedure. The same data set has also US 1990 tick-by-tick Deutsche mark and are used to test our de-volatilization been used volatility Zhou in is (1992). It dollar has more than 2.1 million observations. Yearly estimated as .010349, and average noise level Var(e) Based on these figures, hundred data points I choose L'=3e-6. ^ 2.6e-8. This gives us an average of six to estimate the volatility between two dv-series data more than one hundred times the noise level. The k in (3) The basic statistics of the returns of is chosen to be 6 as in Zhou (1992). the dv-series are listed in Table 1. The statistics of bi-hourly series are also give in the table for comparison. The variance of dv-return is always a little bit larger than v. Both dv-series and bi-hourly series and their returns are plotted in Figure 1 and 2. points, 3 and it is Homoscedasticity of Dv-series Under the assumption that the process change rates, the dv-series should (1) is a good approximation of ex- be homoscedastic and dv-returns should be Figure 1: De- volatilized DM/$ and Its 1000 2000 1000 Returns (1990) 20X voltohcy: t4u(t) Figure 2: Bi-hourly DM/$ and Its ll Returns (1990) 3000 Table 1: Summary Statistics of the Returns: Dv-series and Bi-liourly Seires Figure 3: Monthly Sample Variance and Sample Kurtosis Table Month 2: Testing Normality of Dv- returns The normality should be some rejected by test results indicate that normal distribution A of the distribution of the d\'-returns. assumption may indicate that market may be To a forecastable component test homoscedasticity. is random walk and that there exxhange in not a bad approximation small de\'iation from the normal not a is rates. use the Chi-scjuare test I , which can be traced back as early as 1937 (Bartlett 1937; Ostle and Mensing 1975). to test the null hypothesis of k independent same The variance. test statistic = 2.3026 is k iogio-^'E("' -i)-E(", - 1=1 where s^ and n, niogio^^^ (5) 1=1 are the sample variance and size of i-th sample pooled variance defined designed It is normal populations having the k y However the tests for a large n. and s^ the is as: = -<' ^^^ E,=i(". - (6) 1) Under the assumption that data are normal and the variances are equal for all samples, \'^ — I monthly subgroups, I has approximately a chi-square distribution with k degrees of freedom. Dividing the dv- returns into twelve monthly groups. ,X'i.(ll) From the hourly series, which I = 22.35 (p = I have: 0.022) also divide into twelve have: vLw,(H) = 273.43 (p - 0.000) Clearly, heteroscedasticity exists in hourly series. cantly reduced .As do many other From our assumption financial of time series exchange rates autocorrelation of volatilities. its Box- Pierce it is signifi- in dv-series. hourly exchange rate shows autocorrelation turns or However, recorded in its in calendar time, the (1), this correlation Therefore, autocorrelation in comes from the its squared absolute returns should also be removed in dv-returns. Q statistic in (7) is bi- squared or absolute returns. re- The chosen to test autocorrelation: Til Qr,. - n Y: 1=1 rf (7) Table Testing Autocorrelation of Dv-series Returns 3: Qw where Qm -v, (p) 19.44 (.04) 16.75 (.OS) 20.70 (.02) bi-hourly series 13. 6S (.19) 85.14 (.00) 169.42 (.00) sample autocorrelation of time is approximately \'^(w). Q Pierce 1X1 (p) dv-series /•, is xf (p) statistics statistics for series By choosing m with lag — 10, I i, n is size of data. calculated the Box- both the dv-returns and the bi-hourly returns. The with their p-values are listed in Table These 3. results show that the autocorrelations of returns, scjuared and absolute returns for the dv-series are small. In conclusion, the de- volatilization procedure tic dv-series of the exchange rate. The distribution of dv-returns indicate that forecasting foreign exchange rates any traditional time I is much normal distribution than that of bi-hourly returns. These results closer to a section, produced a near homoscedas- series forecast propose a new is difficult. I do not expect models to be successful here. In the next forecasting procedure that utilizes the advantages of dv-series. 4 Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates After De- volatilization Since the noise e^ in dv-series .IV where cr^ is and a^ is a constant. When to 1.96cr. For 1990 there band. — I is = ^r-1 /'t fij is DM/$ + can be written as CrZr, the trend (which is often small), dv-returns obtained in last section, no trend, the return of dv-series ranges from However, when the market receives external information, a significant change occurs 1.96(7 Sr negligible, dv-returns the variance of the return, <T^=3.578e-6. — 1.96(7 = is in drift and the return is likely out of —1.96(7 to say that an "event" has occurred whenever a dv-return 10 falls Table 4: Correlation of Price Changes During and After the "Events" k • — If \Sr > Sr-\ 1.96(7 I <5r+i = — siga(^,- Sr-i), = 1 and 1, •••A\ t + i < n; This forecast overwrites any previous forecast. To evaluate the forecast. use following criteria: I CI = J2^rs\gnixr) (8) CI I = Y.^rXr (9) CI is the difference between the number of right and wrong predictions and CII is total return assuming no transaction costs. The larger they are the better. mean zero random noises, the forecast .r,, < r and both CI and CII have dv-returns are independent If depends only on returns signal 6r ; approximately normal distribution with E[CI] = Var(C/) and = np, and E[CII] = where ?7 is the number forecast signals and Var(C//) of non-zero returns among and p = npa 2 is the percentage of non-zero these returns. The only parameter in the procedure is the integer k, the length trend. The a is predetemined b\' the de-volatilization procedure and to be estimated in this procedure. Table 4 suggests that k to 14. in To Table illustrate, 5. zero at the I When k = 5% level. Although this is rates. I forecasting results of 1990 .5, CI and CII both It is more convincing DM/§ obtained 1991 DM/$ lie is not in the interval 3 for all k = 1, .., 15 are significantly greater than a nonparametric procedure, data retrospectively. exchange list of the it is analyzed using the 1990 to forecast a succeeding year of tick-by-tick data from J. P. Morgan. Using exactly the same de-volatilization procedure and forecasting procedure, I show forecast results of 1991 DM/!*! in Table 6. For 1991, not only significant at k I and = .5. but at many CI and CII are other choices of k as well. conclude that the exchange rate often forms a trend after the "event" this trend is forecastable. The forecasting result 12 is very encouraging. Table 5: Forecasting 1990 k DM/S by Forecasting Procedure I Table 6: Forecasting 1991 k DM/S by Forecasting Procedure I However profits are very slim if I take account of the bid-offer spread. Using = the following simple trading program with k of the price. I improvement have profit=2.l7c. is necessary to and bid more the forecast .At time 1. If (*)r+i 2. U dr+\ At time • • If suppose that no position r, r, = l. = take a spread .05% profitable. Algorithm 3 (Trading Program) This program assumes ber of US dollars are traded at each position. • offer 1990 and profit=2.6% for 1991. Further for make 5 that a fi.xed num- held. is long position; —1. take a short position; suppose that one position same is held, 1. If Sr+\6r >0, keep the 2. If (5r+i^r=0, terminate the position; 3. If 6r+\dr <0, re\'erse the position; one position bought at time position; and sold Tq at ^ ^,(exp(s.J-exp(.J) _ time Tj, ^QQC7,. QQQ^j ^ (iq) exp(.^ro) Recent stock market studies suggest that price has less autocorrelation during period of large volume or large volatility (LeBaron 1990. Campbell, 1992). etc., If this is also true for currency exchange markets, an event occuring during a period of extremely high volatility trend. I Algorithm 4 (Forecasting procedure II) Given a dv-series procedure generates forecasting signals 6r this downward, price .St may not form a future therefore modify our forecasting procedure as follows: is flat and upward trends. = n}, corresponding to Let <(r) be the time (in second) that recorded and Vhr be a\'erage hourly volatility, • Initialize all Sr to 0, r • If \Sr 1. 6 { — 1,0,1} {s^, r — if Sr-i\ > a-7[^(^) dr+i 1.960-. = ;;; 1 and -t{r - D] < — sign(.s,. — ar/.,/.3600, .Sr_, ). 15 I = \. ...k. and t + i < n\ \icr^/[tiT)-t{T 2. - > 1)] nonzero Qf,,, /3G00, set all 6,+,, i > 0, to be zero; This forecast overwrites any previous forecast. Empirical results show that forecast procedure CI and C I L values of = with Q 5 are listed in Table 7 procedure 4 < < A: but the profitability as is 11. arbitrary. and CI and CII for The well. choice of results of forecasting a = 5 in the forecasting both 1990 and 1991 are significant at the in dv-.series; (b) forecast signal St in — For k 10, there is the market. In Figure 5 and and 5% 9.03% profit in the market and 18.62% profit in 1991 profits. 1990 with only 26.7% of total time with only 25.5%i of total time There increases not only the Results for a between 4 and 6 are very similar. For Both years show sizeable level. The 8. II (c) 6, I show: (a) cumulate profit/loss curve. result: most profits are from "events" that European and the happened in US markets. The "events" in other markets are merely noises. Dividing the 24-hour market into four sections: Eu- another interesting is rope only (3:00am EST/EDT - EST/EDT) day), EST/EDT - 8:00am EST/EDT), Europe and US (8:00am 12:00pm EST/EDT), US only (r2:00pm EST/EDT - 5:00pm and .\sia/other (5:00pm EST/EDT - 3:00am EST/EDT next calculate possible profits from the "events" in different section of the I market (Table 9). The numbers may not add up to the total in Table 7 and 8 because that a position taken in one section may hold into next section of the market. The largest number of "events" occur during the period that both Eu- ropean an .American markets are open, although only lasts four hours. ket is relevant to the DM/$ exchange correlation between the "events" in events in market Profit distribution in different sections of the consistent with our expectation that only news from is markets my rates. These mar- European or US results indicate the forecasting procedure real news random walk. and the market. Discussion 5 I this section of the believe that foreign exchange markets do not follow a pure It is consisted with many small trends. These trends last only a day or two 16 Table k 7: Forecasting 1990 DM/$ by Forecasting Procedure II Table k S: Forecasting 1991 DM/S by Forecasting Procedure II Figure 5: Forecast 1990 D.M/S b}' Dv-s<ii<s; 1990 Foicc>slSi([uls Piofivlon K«1 e 19 Procedure 11 {k = 10) Figure 6: DM/S Forecast 1991 by Procedure Dv-s(2ics: 1991 FoKCistSifluls __, - »v 'r- ry~ I I Halt) Piofit/Losi K i>«9) 20 II [k = 10) and occur in random exchange rates is extremely difBcult. De-volatilization is an efficient only reduces the noise effect well. The Consequently precise forecasting of daily directions. in way to use high frequency data. de-volatilization procedure takes market and helps to detect trends early. It more observations in not any market with high frequency observations. 21 in an active corresponde closely to the way sophiscaticated traders "look" at exchange markets. used It the data, but reduces heteroscedasticity as The procedure can be References [1] Richard T. and Patrick C. Baillie, McMahon (19S9), The Foreign Ex- change Market, Cambridge Univ. Press. [2] Danschke and N. Henze (19S9), "Recent and classical normality: A comparative study." Communications in Statistics Baringhaus. tests for R. L., 18, 363-379. [3] Bartlett, M. S. in agriculture [4] Bollerslev, (1937). "Some examples and applied biology." T ./. methods of research Roy. Stat. Soc. (Suppl.) 4, 137. autoregressive "Generalised (1986), of statistical conditional het- eroskedasticity." .Journal of Econometrics. 31, 307-28. [5] Calderon-Rossel, .Jorge and Moshe Ben-llorim (1982), "The behavior of foreign exchange rates, [6] Campbell, John ing volume and " J. Y.. Sanford of Inter. Busine.'^s Studies, 13, 99-111. .J. 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Zhou, Bin (1992), "High Frequency Data and Volatility In Foreign Exchange Rates," MIT Sloan School Working Paper 3485-92. 24 5939 G55 Date Due JUL 08 199^ MIT IIBBARIES lillll 3 TOflD DQaMb3S2 D