?' I ^ LIBRARIES § HD28 .M414 DEC 21 1989 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTAL FACTORS INFLUENCING PRICE EARNINGS RELATIONSHIPS: A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY Sudhir Krishnamurthi* Ram Ramakrishnan* WP 1719-85 October 1985 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 FUNDAMENTAL FACTORS INFLUENCING PRICE EARNINGS RELATIONSHIPS: A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY Sudhir Krishnamurthi* Ram Ramakrishnan* WP 1719-85 * October 1985 Alfred P.Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge MA 02139 FUNDAMENTAL FACTORS INFLUENCING PRICE EARNINGS RELATIONSHIPS: A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY ABSTRACT This paper investigates the firm specific characteristics that influence relationship between security prices and accounting earnings. This relationship is measured by the magnitude of the slope and the correlation coefficient of price earnings regressions. The results indicate that factors such as research and development expense, pension expense, extaordinary items, intangibles, capital intensity, size, growth, accounting methods, risk influence the price earnings relationship. Further the dividend earnings relationship for the firm and the industry to which it belongs also stongly the affect the price earnings relationship. FUNDAMENTAL FACTORS r„„, ALi0RS INFLUENCING PRTrr * PRICE EARNINGS — latrod Production 1 -**«*«« i " basis f . ]arge e number of , studies of this „,„.< relationship are those bv " " •»•»!• MralneS f -e - pr '" s „ „„ for.er ~« —» RELATIONSHIPS CR ° SS SECTI ° NAL ST ™* o„~ accounting ^«— Ban u„s y ste.at for . s studies th Th =»ajor , e and .««.« 0Clatl ° n ir »«., and h y Beaver ^' * - - — ma irnitude of t-u security rpi-.,,... V retUrns Js related ""systematic to the ma magnitude of + tj, °" emends out k „o„ -east error. ledge ., earnings ting the r relationship fcy in specifjc ""'"at^cs which i„ f]uence ™* results „ f th e paper, uie though a f — *» • «- • », — — — "~ - '"» —sting ^ rectors »", *"-«Platers ' or can "^ " h different f i- to help i„„ estors ^ ~" - -eded. "<"* ;— — '"» " -„i„g the °°" kl „ ds — Qf "'"* "«- -e "' ^'"on, thJs ' of accounting identify ai J nei situations where = y sltuaf P ^counting inf ormation and is ^adequate d ther eby „ focus f or •"-«- ' — "-. " ""^ * '^ "" - °»°" - aPP ° rU °n . Nation - • batons the earnings ^ S^ ~ of accounting aac„i„g s are "*« f »r «I. "-arch "-"«. 476 coef flcle„ t Be f development Pcohahl, distort r: „ . ' t ;::; '" 1 ' tl "^ -1 L — most -is changes l„„git udlnany iain iope Characteristics and ^ the «u* ^ flr „ s „„ ™ the -* ^~ ~- «* „ eake „ tne h^ ' '^ " rnlne5 "' h1 '' "*« a „ Mbe r '""^ "•«» f «< , -2- relationship Factors . dividend-earnings relationship. such size, as regression And finally, explaining the variability growth, are the explaining in the industry factor is important in the slope the of explanatory power of important also we find that the coefficient and its significance in the price earnings relationship. With the analysis in this paper we shed new light into phenomena observed For example, by other researchers. earnings regression, firms (Basu 'quality' the slope of the price which is similar to the P/E ratio, This [1978]). of we reconfirm that is higher for larger has usually been attributed to the better result earnings for larger firms. Our investigation reveals that this slope is larger for firms which have a higher dividend payout ratio. Further, we observe that large firms have a higher dividend payout ratio, which fully accounts for their higher price earnings slope. assuming that managements of We can explain this result by large firms pay out a higher fraction of their earnings as dividends because of the intrinsic quality of their earnings. other words, the dividend payout ratio perhaps, In proxies for the on average, 'quality' of earnings for different firms. The next section earnings and prices. used to sample, introduces price estimated and identifies the simple model that we use to relate Section 3 discusses the firm specific factors that are explain the earnings the the data, industry effects relationship. the that main Section empirical 4 describes Section results. alter earnings price the 5 relationships. Section 6 discusses the implications of the results and concludes the study. 2. Price Earnings Relationships Accounting researchers have shown are related to abnormal that security returns. the forecast errors in earnings The question then arises whether this earnings-price relationship differs across firms? And further if they do -3- any can ciiffer fundamental the of these differences? characteristics firm be used To analyze these questions a simple model price relationship is developed. to explain of the earnings The following valuation model is assumed for each firm: P.. = e.ExpjA.,. it i t lt+k ) (1 . where P.. is the stock price of firm it ( at time t, i is a factor used to e. i value the firm's expected future economic earnings A expected value at time seen ) ' arising as As Beaver et al.[1980] t. from primitive more and Exp , ( . ) , the point out this model can be settings and is therefore not unreasonable. To use this model empirically, two further specifications are needed: (1) A relationship between future economic earnings A.^ and future lt+k , accounting earnings e 1 earnings help e. and current accounting earnings e , l t+K change and (2) A relationship between future accounting t+K unobservable the future These specifications . it economic earnings in (1) into the observable current accounting earnings. A simple linear model is assumed to relate future economic earnings with the future accounting earnings Exp (A t it + k ) = a + B i Exp (e it t + it + k> T it (2) with the distribution of t.^ to be specified. it A random walk model is assumed for accounting earnings = Exp.(e.. ) t lt+k . e.. it (3) This model has been shown to be a good descriptor of the earnings series (see Ball and Watts [1972], Watts and Leftwich [1977]). Together these assumptions imply = a. + b. P. e.. + e., it i it it it . where a.= e.a., i There l is b. = t it i no . e. i 6_ and it e., direct empirical = it (4) e.x.,. i it validation of the relationship assumed in -4- The specification assumed is a simple one which simultaneously satifies (2). certain empirically observable facts. (4) without error negative when price/earnings studies. ratio, an of those precludes (4)) ensures that P in Its absence implies a constant that obviously, does not hold for very low or negative been used has many in empirical Alternatively, a. may be thought of as the assets held by firm whose the economic never measured or included in the accounting earnings ej t earnings Taking the expected value of (4) for Pjt+l Ex Pt(Pit+l) using (2b) and aj = b it e it + Exp t + assumption Exp t the (b it+1 follows a random walk i.e Exp t (P it+1 must have Exp t = and hence (eit+l) = ) ) = P it serially autocorrelated. (e it+ i) b it (5) we assume If . then comparing Direct e it we have So the errors ej t in €it- are . The last remaining specification needed is about the distribution of in (4). it assumption This assumption, value term can determine prices earnings (and hence a. is negative. e. values of accounting earnings. market current Similarly the term a. . its error ii incorrectly suggesting that from is not For example, (4) thet and (5) (4) Pit- we follow a random walk estimations of (4) would be misspecif ied. A simple technique for eliminating the autocorrelation in the residuals is to regress earnings. the in prices on the differences first in In other words P it " P We further assume constant differences first it-1 = D it < b e b e it itit-l it-l> b.m = across all firms, m at different points in time, + £ it~ P it " P varies because the market as a whole might, value future earnings differently due to The market P/E ratio With this assumption (6) becomes . it-1 (6) it-l where m is a temporal market factor that is changes in factors like the riskless rate of interest. is used as a measure of m t £ " b < i m e t it" \-l e + it-l> e it" £ it-l (7) -5- assume that the first differences in the residuals are well behaved then If we we may estimate the slope coefficient using in variance being higher when stock (7) is in lieu of equation (4). In the residuals are heteroskedastic with the actual practice the differences the (7) prices are large. To correct for this divided by P^t-l to give —T— P P it~ it-1 b (m e t i = m p— it- t-l e it-l ) + 6 it-i it-i (8) it The focus of this paper is to determine the properties of the valuation of the may be interpreted as the response rate In this equation b equation (8). price to accounting earnings and is referred to hereafter as PRICERR This coefficient is similar to the P/E ratio. (Price Earnings Response Rate). If the estimate of PRICERR is significantly positive we can reconfirm earlier findings that accounting earnings do affect prices (Ball and Brown [1968]). The fit of the regression equations (8) are also of great interest. explanatory power of earnings will be high if the variance of e. is low. The It follows from (2) this will be true if the accounting earnings are very closely The t-statistic of the slope coefficient of related to the economic earnings. (8) referred describes hereafter to important how PRICEEX as earnings are (Price Earnings Explanatory Power) in determining the price for the particular firm. Relationship to other studies: Most of the prior studies analyzing the information content of earnings For example Beaver et al.[1979] have used have used stock returns. P U - p P P we get an b^ = for Pjt-i equation to associated with using (9). it-l It + * (9) t the denominator of the right hand side of in similar (i) ±± i e it-1 Substituting (4) (8) - e e At ~ 1 to (9). However there are two problems assumes that the constant aj is zero which -6- may not be true; problem with (ii) hand right the ej t _j If is side negative or close to zero then there is a of This study also allows (9). for the indirectly extended and coefficient b to vary across firms. A number studies of have either directly or refined the earlier findings of Ball and Brown [1968] and Beaver et al.[1979]. These extensions instance vary some of Hagerman et parameters the al.[1984] looked at studies use a cross sectional approach and security returns across firms. the joint distribution of (Marshall [1975]). of original the study; quarterly announcements. for These associate the earnings measure i.e. Their methodology implicitly assumes that earnings and returns same the is for firms all The one common result from all these studies is the strong contemporaneous relationship between accounting earnings and security prices. This study relaxes the assumption that the earnings price relationship is the same across firms. Other studies have information content of time the earnings unequal at differences sectional cross the earnings announcements Grant (eg. in the Zeghal [1980], They have investigated the information disclosed by different firms [1984]). at looked of earnings announcement. expectations were Differences then used as the in causal accuracy of the factor the explain the to security return reactions observed in the distinct firm groups. On the other hand this study is concerned with the cross sectional differences in the information content of earnings in determining security prices. The differences between the studies lie in the time period used for security price changes and earnings in the set of firm might have a great specific influence on variables prices, used. For a but the if given firm value of the earnings number to be announced is known to the market ahead of time, then the announcement period studies will fail to detect significant price changes. Cross sectional differences in the information content of accounting -7- method changes have also Leftwich been Collins et [1981], investigated al.[1983]). recently These Holthausen (see attempt studies [1981], explain to either the choice of, or the reaction to, accounting method changes using firm specific characteristics. Our though study, in same the explain the information in accounting earnings perse, light, attempts to and is therefore more fundamental and basic in its focus and content. Factors Affecting Price Earnings Response Rate( PRICERR) and Explanator y 3. Power(P RI CEEX) In affect section we this propose economic fundamental some factors that may PRICEEX and PRICERR. Accounting Distortions: 3.1. The reported earnings of firms are the outcome of the accounting systems used. accounting convert Accrual the actual expenditures and cash inflows into revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities through accounting methods and These methods in some sense try to portray the future revenues assumptions. and expenses and hence the accounting conversion of unbiased, the is future expenditures income into in an expense unbiased manner. or asset figures, This though less accurate for some than for other types of expenditures. expenditures of accurate conversion valuing this firm. Net plant a firm predominantly of are the type If which preclude then the earnings figures are likely to be less useful in Some of these expenditures are discussed below. value is based on assumptions about depreciation. The depreciation expense used in the earnings computation is only an estimate of the decrease in the value of the related assets. For more capital intensive firms there is greater uncertainty associated with the future potential value of their assets and hence earnings will be less useful We expect the ratio of net plant negatively related to the PRICEEX. to total in valuing these firms. assets denoted by CAPINT to be -8- Research an Development expenses pose a similar problem. As the future value of the current expenditures is uncertain they cause a valuation problem. This happens whether the firm capitalizes or expenses its R&D expenses. In either case the reported expense will be inaccurate and distort earnings. We expect the ratio of the R&D expenses to sales denoted R&D to be negatively related to the PRICEEX. Pension Expense is it will of a current provision to cover what the company expects have to pay to its retired employees in the future. expected future payments into current a expense This translation based is on many assumptions about the employee tenure, life expectancy, interest earned by the pension Consequently the current pension provision may or may not funds. cover future pension expenditures. Accounting earnings figures which include pension expenses are likely to be distorted. the firm has few employees or ratio of the pension the pension plan if expense The distortion is not serious if to total sales is We expect the small. denoted by PENSION to be negatively related to the PRICEEX. During the period of this study (1975-1984) the underfunding of pension funds was widely prevelant. For most firms the present value of true future expenditures was more than their reported pension expense. this difference is propotional the earnings were more to the firm's total We propose that pension expense and that overstated for firms with higher PENSION. We expect PENSION to be negatively related to PRICERR. Extraordinary income measures the profit or reported period. It occurs loss that is unique to the usually because of discontinued operations. Let EXTRAORD be the absolute value of the ratio of extraordinary income to sales. If this figure is large it suggests that the firm probably keeps experimenting with diverse opportunities. poorer predictor of price. For these firms earnings are likely to be a We expect EXTRAORD to be negatively related to the -9- Higher EXTRAORD also means that the variability in the firm's total PRICEEX. This additional risk will decrease the rate at which the earnings is higher. earnings are evaluated by the market. EXTRAORD to be negatively We expect related to PRICERR. 3.2 Siz e . The : size usefulness of of the firm the been has proposed as reported accounted numbers. a The major factor reason posited in is the that large firms have many more stockholders than small firms and are more closely scrutinized by investors and regulators. They, therefore, try to make their accounting figures more representative of their future economic earnings and therefore current prices. but a An alternative explanation is that large firms are collection of many small are not fully correlated. divisions The earnings of useful in predicting the security price. individual earnings whose (firms), firms large therefore are more SIZE to be In either event we expect positively related to the PRICEEX. Studies analyzing P/E ratios have higher P/E ratios. As (Basu PRICERR [1978]) similar is have found that to the P/E large firms ratio we expect SIZE to be positively related to PRICERR. 3.3. Earnings Amplifying Factors In : any security valuation model (as in the growth in the economic (3)) earnings is positively related to the earnings multiple If e. the growth in accounting earnings per share is related to the growth in per share economic earnings (see Beaver and Morse accounting earnings growth will [1978] Growing employees with firms liabilities may be tenure. closer to newer So the to and We e. Cragg [1970]) then expect GROWTH to be ). usually have shorter related be positively related to PRICERR (see and Malkiel their economic layers of inventories, accounting figures values. As for such the plant assets and and information -10- content their accounting earnings of figures are likely higher. be to We expect GROWTH to be positively related to the PRICEEX. Intangibles normally arise in the balance sheet when the price paid for acquired assets greater is their than conservatively amortized over a period book values. 7-20 of goodwill This years although expect to earn returns from these assets for much longer periods. most is firms Further for many firms which have not been bought or sold the goodwill amount is not shown in the The earnings books. multiple will for larger be firms with large intangible assets. We propose that the intangible assets on the books are a good proxy magnitude of expect for the ratio the the intangibles to of intangible assets true denoted assets total the firm and of by INTANG to be positively related to PRICERR. especially the systematic Risk, market return index is important example Beaver and Morse [1979] risk relating returns the stream determining the value of the firm. in find that the some of the variations of the P/E ratios. relating percentage earnings growth of In the a For security return beta explains this study the accounting beta, firm growth of the market is used to measure RISK. to to percentage earnings the We expect RISK to be negatively related to PRICERR. 3.4. Accounting Methods The choice of : accounting methods affects If there exists two or more revenues or overstate the expenses in the reported earnings stream. acceptable accounting methods for determining the a given period, earnings compared with the then other. method may generally one If this is true then the PRICERR for firms using the method that overstates earnings will be expected to be lower. the firms those that For example, Beaver and Dukes [1972] find that the P/E ratio for that use use the the accelerated depreciation method straight line depreciation method. is higher than Three items for were -11- considered in this study. Depreciation Method: straight The method was assumed line be to the liberal method and the accelerated method the conservative method. Investment Tax Credit Method: The flow through method was assumed to be the liberal method and the deferral method the conservative method. Inventory Method: The FIFO method was assumed to be the liberal method and the LIFO method the conservative method. We expect use of 3.5. Conservative Methods to be positively related to PRICERR. Dividend Earnings Relationships Our focus so far has been to identify factors that influence the usefulness of current earnings in predicting the future operating potential of the firm. This problem is also faced determining their dividend policy. If by the management of the firm in they believe that current earnings are very useful in predicting the future operating potential of the firm then they will tie dividends more closely to relationship between dividends and current earnings. earnings is This factor DIVEX the correlation between dividends and earnings. dividends go up by a Similarly suppose the response rate of are understated larger amount. Denote by Then we expect DTVEX to the dividends to the earnings (DIVRR) is high for a firm. believe that earnings the therefore a good proxy for factors that determine the usefulness of current earnings, PRICEEX. be positively related to the PRICEEX. i.e as for So we each expect Then that firm must dollar of earnings the DIVRR to be positively related to PRICERR (Malkiel and Craig [1970]). This relationship is also to be expected from the investor's viewpoint. As Easton [1985] postulates the only fundamental relationship is between price and dividends. He further proposes that the relationship between price and earnings exists because of the relationship between dividends and earnings. -12- Data and Results 4_. T he Sample, 4 .1 Sample Characteristics and Variable Definitions The sample for the study restricted is included in the Standard and Poor's Annual : to NYSE and AMEX companies Industrial Compustat tape. If an industry, classified by the four digit SIC code, had fewer than 7 companies in the sample then all companies in the industry were dropped. hand an industry had more than companies 10 then If, companies in on the other the industry were dropped at random such that there were 10 companies from that industry in the final sample. with between The final sample included 476 companies from 54 industries, and 10 firms in each industry. 7 The variables representing the various economic factors discussed in the were obtained section above from the CRSP and definition and measurement of these 1. Capital intensity(CAPINT) : COMPUSTAT data bases. The variables is as follows: The average of the net plant to total assets ratio during the five years 1979-1983. 2. Research and Development expense(R&D): The average of the annual R&D expense to sales ratio during the five years 1979-1983. 3. Pension expense (PENSION): The average of the annual pension expense to sales ratio during the five years 1979-1983. 4. Extraordinary expense (EXTRJiORD) the annual : The average of the absolute value of extraordinary expense to sales ratio during the five years 1979-1983. 5. Intangibles (INTANG): The average of the intangible assets to total assets ratio during the five years 1979-1983. 6. Size(SIZE) : The average market value of common shares outstanding, as on the earnings announcement date, over the ten years 1974-1983. 7. Growth( GROWTH) : The median growth the ten years 1974-1983. in the annual earnings per share over ) : -138. Risk slope of the accounting earnings of the The : firm percentage growth the to percentage relating regression in growth in accounting earnings of a value weighted market over ten years 1974-1983 10. Accounting Policies: Three different accounting policy dummies used. a) Inventory Valuation Method( INVENT method valuation classified as one and those policy) (conservative LIFO method predominantly on policy) two as on this The average of this variable over the five years 1979-1983. variable. b) (liberal predominantly on FIFO Firms : Depreciation Method(DEPREC) using straight Firms line methods classified as one and those using accelerated methods (liberal policy) (conservative policy) as two on The variable. this average of this (If in a year both the methods were variable over five years 1979-1983. used then the value was set as 1.5.) Firms using flow through method c) Investment Tax Credit Method(ITC): policy) (liberal classified as (conservative policy) as two on and one this those using deferral variable. The method average of this variable over the five years 1979-1983. 11. Earnings per Share: extraordinary of quarters. 12. and quarterly earnings per share before discontinued operations adjusted for stock The earnings series is annualized by adding to the earnings per splits. share items The primary, any quarter the eanings share per of three the previous All regressions use the annualized earnings series. Dividend- Earnings Correlation(DIVEX) and Response Rate(DTVRR): correlation coefficient and regression between earnings per share the the slope of the simple The longitudinal annualized dividend per share and annualized (both adjusted for stock splits) over the period 1974-1983. 13. Prices: The closing stock price on the day following the earnings -14- announcement adjusted for stock splits. 4.2 Price Earnings Relationships The slope and correlation coefficients of the price-earnings relationship represented by quarters. estimated for are (8) market The factor mt to the firms in each period. It is then quarter first of study is firms calculated as value weighted market weighted market price the 476 the is the in the sample across ratio earnings of value the of the 36 sample scaled such that the value of the factor in 1.0. The factor varies between 0.8 and 1.5 during the 36 quarters of interest. using this assumption are presented in The results table The mean 1. Both PRICERR and slope PRICERR is 2.999 and the mean t-statistic is 1.155. PRICEEX are positive and significantly different from zero at the 0.10 level. We that find number the of positive slope coefficients is about 78% which, using a binomial test is significantly different from 50%. 4.3 Firm specific factors: Table also presents some descriptive statistics about the firm specific 1 factors used. The first five As variables are accounting ratios. can be the relationship between the earnings and dividends is significant. seen, 76% of firms the correlation between earnings and dividends the (DIVEX) For is positive and the mean DIVEX is 0.365. Because of lack of sufficient theory to postulate the exact form of the dependence of the price earnings relationship on firm specific variables we use only other the ordinal those than properties of for the different variables. All variables accounting methods are ranked and cross sectional regressions use these ranks. Table variables. find that 2 provides A few firms the correlation between the ranked independent interesting observations may be made with this table. We expenses, and with larger R&D expenses have larger pension f . -15- lower levels of capital intensity. intensive. Size intensity, not but strongly is with extraordinary income. In other words, correlated expense. R&D these firms are more labor Also pension and capital both with firms large have smaller Growing firms seem to have lower pension expenses. autcorreiation coef icicient postulated by as is, Lev The positively [1983], related to size, R&D expense and growth. 4.4 Cross Sectional Regressions PRICEEX: - The results of the regression relating PRICEEX (correlation coefficient) and the various explanatory variables PRICEEX. A = T + i where V. . B. V.. explanatory variable is + 1J J j e. (10) 1 for firm j i is presented in table 3. In column A PRICEEX is regressed against the six independent variables PENSION, CAPINT. R&D, EXTRAORD, and GROWTH. SIZE CAPINT and GROWTH are PENSION, statistically significant, with the expected sign, at the 0.01 level, with R&D and EXTRAORD at the 0.05 level. Size, because of the scaling of dependent and independent variable by price, is not significant. together in explain 13% of the variations both the The factors the explanatory power of the earnings However, when coeff icient(DIVEX) regression, The DIVEX PRICEEX. the independent variable, relating earnings and dividends, is the is by itself and EXTRAORD are negatively related to PRICEEX and significant at PENSION and GROWTH appear to significant manner. extremely significant no longer significant. directly influence the the correlation introduced significance of a number of variables decreases variable R&D, seventh a in into the (Column B). explaining the The size variable is 0.05 level. CAPINT, PRICEEX variable in a These variables together explain 20% of the variations in PRICEEX. To explore this change in significance further, a third multiple . . -16- regression of DIVEX against the other six independent variables is run (Column confirms C). This SIZE, EXTRAORD and GROWTH. that the DIVEX value of is strongly influenced by R&D, The relationship suggests that large growing firms with low R&D expense and extraordinary income tend to tie their dividends more closely with their earnings. influence PRICEEX SIZE and R&D, solely through their influence on the dividend policy(DIVEX) 4.5 Cross Sectional Regressions results The PRICERR regression the of - relating PRICERR against sectional characteristics of the firm is presented in Table 4. the In cross Column A PRICERR is regressed against six firm specific variables and three different accounting methods. Four variables viz., are statistically significant at the 0.01 Of the three accounting methods, ITC have the expected viz., sign and are PENSION, EXTRAORD, SIZE and GROWTH level and have the predicted sign. DEPREC, INVENT and ITC only DEPREC and statistically significant at 0.05 the level As with which the is slope introduced next extremely cross sectional analysis the in regression the of PRICEEX discussed relating earnings regression(Column B) into the significant and . introduction its results regression at in the SIZE which was 0.01 level which was not significant 0.05 level with the in right and dividends, increases the statistically significant first regression the All sign. is is correlation from 0.19 to 0.27. becoming insignificant. to DIVRR The coefficient of DIVRR is coefficient of the multiple regression considerably, also above, in the It original The RISK variable now significant at the other variables, except INTANG, are significant explanators of PRICERR at least at the 0.05 level. A regression of the DIVRR variable against the other six independent variables, DEPREC and ITC clearly explains the reasons for this result (Column C). It demonstrates that SIZE is an extremely important determinant of the -17ciiviciend larger DIVRR. Also riskier firms have a response rate(DIVRR). The ITC variable is significant mainly because of the correlation between size and ITC accounting method. 5 Industry Analysis: 5.1 PRICEEX Regressions (including industry specific dummies): The next step in the analysis differences in price the following regression using earnings a dummy identify if there exist systematic to is relationships across variable for the industries. industry is The estimated first PRICEEX. = i F , k D.. + A, ik k i where k denotes the industries and = D.. if firm 1 lk belongs to industry k i (multiple correlation coefficient) The explanatory power otherwise. and = (11) e. This obviously means that the of this regression is 0.22 (F statistic 13.2). industry factor is an important determinant of the price earnings relationship and should therefore be introduced as an explanatory variable. This is done by introducing industry specific dummies instead of a single We therefore have: constant term in the cross sectional equation (10). F PRICEEX. = l For the (12). sake of D., ik , k A, T + k B. V. . + (12) e. ij j . i j tractability we do not actually use equation computational Instead we estimate all coefficients of the equation except the industry specific dummies by using the equation given below (see Murphy [1984]). (PRICEEX. - i where PRICEEX mean of k is F £ D., ik PRICEEX, j for variations within the industry. of - Y J B.(V. v . ij j - [ £ D,, ik V. this regression industry k. This The explanatory power is 0.13. The (13) .)+ € kj' mean PRICEEX for the firms in industry k and explanatory variable coefficient) ) k' V, . kj is the equation relates the (multiple correlation correlation coefficient of -18- easily determined equation (12) is equation (11) with portion unexplained figure product the of equation of adding the correlation coefficient of by that 0.22 i.e. (11) equation for multiplied by the (13) 0.13(1-0.22) + = 0.32 (see 1) From Table dummies we see that the column D, 3 increases correlation the inclusion of industry specific coefficient of cross the sectional In the new regression the significance regression from 0.195 to 0.316. levels The explanation for this drop of most slope coefficients drops appreciably. is that there exist systematic differences in the magnitude of the explanatory variables across We industries. test this by industry regressing the mean PRICEEX variable on the mean industry explanatory variables. 5.2 Industry PRICEEX Table 5 : (similar to table 3) reports the results regression industry mean PRICEEX as the dependent variable. The regression using the (Column A) using the seven variables other than DIVRR can be expressed as PRICEEX, k = A £ + C.V j . kj (14) + e, K CAPINT All the estimated coefficients are of the predicted sign. are statistically and R&D the at significant at the 0.01 0.10 level. level, EXTRA0RD at the 0.05 level statistically PENSION and SIZE are not The correlation coefficient of the regression (0.376) significant. higher than that for the regression in Table 3 the and GROWTH variables and the F statistic of the (0.135). is much The t-statistics of regression are less significant, primarily because of the fewer number of sample points in the regression (54 industries versus 476 firms in table 3). Adding the DIVEX variable increases the correlation coefficient to 0.457 (Column B) . As in table 3, with the addition of this variable, the significance of R&D and SIZE variables reduce drastically with the former no longer significant at the 0.10 level. The regression of DIVEX and the other -19- independent variables six (Column confirms C) industries with that large, growing firms and low R&D tie their dividends more closely to earnings. other words, In used cross the in PRICEEX across inclusion of results these industry the look aL A factor that explain regression sectional industries. indicate figure as the explanatory variables 45.7% of the explanatory variable an (10%+10%) statistic = to 32%. A Chow test indicates in clearly demonstrates how the 1 increases the correlation coefficient of the cross sectional 20% variations that this in effect regression from increase has F- a 9.7, which is statistically significant at 0.01 level. The question naturally arises as to why the industry factor is important in explaining the differences explanatory variables. variables (not this in firms over and above PRICEEX across explanation The considered in is study) that there the are other explanatory which differ systematically across industries and are important in explaining cross sectional differences in the price earnings relationship. 5.3 PRICERR Regressions (including industry specific dummies): To determine the slope and correlation coefficients in the cross sectional regression for PRICERR using industry specific dummies, we use the same methodology used above for PRICEEX. PRICERR using only industry coefficient of 0.32. A regression similar to dummy variables yields a A regression similar to (13) (11) for multiple correlation for PRICERR relating only the variations within industries yields a multiple correlation coefficient of The correlation coefficient of equation 0.16. (12) for PRICERR is easily determined by adding the correlation coefficient of equation (11) for PRICERR with the product of that for unexplained portion of equation equation (11) (13) for for PRICERR PRICERR multiplied by i.e. the 0.32 + 0.16(1-0.32) = 0.43 (see figure 2) From table 4, column D we see that the correlation coefficient of the . -20- regression increases to 0.431 from 0.272 (column B). coefficients the of compared to those are in general in column significant less example, For B. Further the in column D. Here, as this regression EXTRAORD and ITC are both significant at the 0.01 and 0.05 level, respectively, significant at all in statistics t in column B but are not we propose for PRICEEX, that the drop in significance is due to the systematic differences in the magnitude of the explanatory variables across industries. We, regress the mean therefore, industry PRICERR on the mean industry explanatory variables. 5.4 Industry PRICERR: From results at level. the the results firm Table in level (Table 6, 4) we for can the that the cross PRICERR carry over to the sectional industry Of the nine independent variables used in the first regression, one is statistically significant at the 0.01 level, at see 0.10 level regression (0.434) (Column A). is, The however, three at the 0.05 level and two correlation coefficient of the industry much higher than that for the firm regression (0.186) Including the of the industry mean DIVRR increases the correlation coefficient regression insignificant. to The 0.492(Column B). regression The between SIZE variable continues DIVRR and the other to be independent variables confirms that there exists a strong relationship between DIVRR and SIZE (Column C). In other words industries with large firms tend to have higher payout ratios. These results indicate that the explanatory variables used in the cross sectional regression explain 49.2% of the total across industry variations in PRICEEX. A look at figure 2 clearly demonstrates how the inclusion of the industry factor as an explanatory variable in effect increases the correlation coefficient of the cross sectional regression from 27% Chow test indicates that this increase has a (11*+16%) F-statistic = to 43*. A which is 16.1, -21- significant stat istically level. 0.01 at factor in explaining variations in The importance of the industry PRICERR is once again due to the omission of other explanatory variables in the cross section regression. 6.0 Implications and Summary The purpose of this : paper is extend the results of previous studies to which find that earnings incorporate information that affect security prices. this by analyzing whether We do information content of earnings differs The explanatory power of earnings (PRICEEX) and systematically across firms. the response the security prices to earnings rate of factors will specific are computed for We postulate that some fundamental each firm using time series regressions. firm (PRICERR) affect PRICEEX and PRICERR and find evidence supporting our hypotheses. This study differs from most of the earlier studies in that the security price is directly used to explain the information content of earnings. This avoids the problems of scaling when earnings are low or negative. 6.1 The explanatory power of earnings (PRICEEX) translates cash liabilities. inflows The and outflows assumptions into inherent : accounting system The expenses, revenues, in assets and the accounting system though reasonable and unbiased could distort the economic earnings of the firm and thereby limit the usefulness of earnings in predicting future cash flows for the firms. large We hypothesize that the distortion will be higher if the firm has cash flows translation. development We in find expenses, an that account higher a category firm's pension expenses and least capital amenable intensity, to accurate research and absolute value of extraordinary expenses the lower the explanatory power of its earnings. For these firms the market relies less on earnings in determining the prices. A major objective of accounting standards regulation is to make . -22- accounting earnings has centered useful four the on extraordinary expenses. Considerable discussion security valuation. for issues depreciation, viz., pension R&D, and The results of this paper show that this emphasis is not mislaced. Grant [1980] and Zeghal the [1984] found that the security price reaction at time of earnings announcement was greater for explained accurate this for influence of smaller that firms. earnings This firms. showing by in implies market's earnings the This smaller firms. study, expectations are other hand the on determining security prices that the results from They have finds greater is for earlier the that less the larger studies are understated We also find explanatory power that the industry to which a firm belongs influences the of its earnings. This gives a rationale for designing industry specific accounting standards. Another earnings is interesting finding strongly This earnings. not is is influenced by surprising if that the correlation between price and correlation between dividends and the we assume that the dividend earnings correlation is a signal by a firm's management about the usefulness of current earnings in predicting future cash flows. We believe the market incorporates this information when determining prices based on current earnings. 6.2 The Price Earnings Reponse Rate (PRICERR) : response The rate of the security price to the earnings is higher for growing firms and for firms that have lower levels of extraordinary income. These results predictions based on standard capitalization models. conform to the We also find that the market believes that both pension expenses and the value of intangible assets are understated. We observe that related to PRICERR. dividend This earnings confirms the response agreement rate in (DIVRR) the is strongly beliefs about the Table 1 Summary statistics of the variables used in the paper. Variable Table 2 First order correlations among the variables used to explain cross sectional differences in the parameters of the price earnings regression CAP I NT R&D R&D PENSION EXTRAORD INTAN SIZE -0.173 0.096 0.261 EXTRAORD -0.016 0.048 -0.103 INTAN -0.158 0.136 -0.009 0.167 0.264 0.083 0.326 -0.163 -0.077 GROWTH -0.074 -0.034 -0.209 0.043 0.174 -0.015 RISK -0.019 -0.019 0.000 0.071 0.112 -0.039 PENSION SIZE GROWTH 0.121 Table 3 T-Statistics of cross sectional regressions relating both price earnings explanatory power(PRICEEX) and dividend earnings explanatory power(DIVEX) with relevant cross sectional factors at the firm level for 476 firms. Independ. Variable: A B C D PRICEEX PRICEEX DIVEX PRICEEX Dependent Variables DIVEX NOT USED 4.85*** CAP I NT -2.70*** -2.73*** -0.99 R&D -2.03** -0.66 -4.24*** PENSION -2.53*** -2.75*** -0.67 EXTRAORD -1.68** -0.91 -3.25*** 0.03 8.12*** -1.60* SIZE 0.29 GROWTH 5.77*** Industry Specific Dummy Variables % F-statistic R -1.97** 4.42*** 4.41*** 4.97*** -0.71 0.06 -2.39*** 4.20*** 54 13.3 Table 4 T-Statistics of cross sectional regressions relating both price earnings response rate(PRICERR) and dividend earnings response rate(DIVRR) with the cross sectional factors at the firm level for 476 firms. Independ. Variable: Dependent Variables DIVRR A B C D PRICERR PRICERR DIVRR PRICERR Table 5 T-Statistics of cross sectional regressions relating price earnings explanatory power (PRICEEX) and dividend earnings explanatory power(DIVEX) with the cross sectional factors at the industry level for 54 industries Independ. Variable: A B C PRICEEX PRICEEX DIVEX Dependent Variables DIVEX NOT USED 2.63*** CAP I NT -2.65*** -2.34*** -1.15 R&D -1.38* -0.35 -2.85*** PENSION -0.84 -0.86 -0.07 EXTRAORD -2. 13** -1.87** -0.96 SIZE 0.33 GROWTH 2.87*** % F-statistic R 37 -0.81* 2.02** 3.27*** 2.36*** Table 6 T-Statistics of cross sectional regressions relating price earnings response rate(PRICERR) and dividend earnings response rate(DIVRR) with the cross sectional factors at the industry level for 54 Industries Independ. Variable: A B C PRICERR PRICERR DIVRR Dependent Variables DIVRR NOT USED 2.11** PENSION -2.50*** -1.96** -1.72** EXTRAORD -1.76** -1.64** -0.56 INTAN 2.01** SIZE 0.52 GROWTH 1.93** -1.30* RISK DEPREC(Acc Method) INVENT(Acc. Method) ITC(Acc. Method) 2 * F-statistic R 1.27* -0.81 1.61* -0.28 2.04** 1.34** 2.54*** -0.09 -1.56* 0.65 1.04 0.82 -0.68 -0.49 2.25** 1.65** 1.87** 43.4 3.4** 49.2 3.8** 34.2 2.4** * Significant at the ten percent level. ** Significant at the five percent level. *** Significant at the one percent level. Figure 1 Cross Sectional Regressions of Price Earnings Explanatory Power (PRICEEX) across Firms using Industry Factors and the Explanatory Variables PRICEEX, D A * I <* Firm variations through industry variations PRICEEX imnnr 87% 13% I! r rD ik PRICEEX k = £ B.{V. f ED.^.} Within industry firm variations through variations of explanatory variables •jinn lililliiii PRICEEX i Z D iR ^ + Z V B J ij Firm variations through variations of explanatory variables with industry dummies l ..- r , Figure 2 Cross Sectional Regressions of Price Earnings Response rate (PRICERR) across Firns using Industry Factors and the Explanatory Variables PRICERR, - pi- 32% 68% _ £ Dlk k ^ Fira variations through industry variations 64% DIPH T B,{V..- TP..V. .} ij lk kj' j J J Within industry firm variations through variations of explanatory variables PRICERR i'! iiiifniii ' • j i i ' » 4 > j s :u ^D-J^ICERR. - £ ik i is n = RR i p k D = l k ik A k + ? 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