'villi?!; ii:i4i;!';:?!«;Wii!;Jfe' IXT. LIBRARIES - DEWEY HD28 .M414 no- SAMPLE PROPERTIES OF SOME ALTERNATIVE GMM ESTIMATORS FINITE Lars Peter Hansen, University of Chicago John Heaton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Amir Yaron, Carnegie-Mellon University WP#3728-94-EFA September 1994 Finite Sample Properties of Some Alternative GMM Estimators * Lars Peter Hansen! John Heaton+and Amir Yaron^ September 1994 Abstract We investigate the small sample properties of three alternative GMM estimators of asset The estimators that we consider include ones in which the weighting matrix is iterated to convergence and ones in which the weighting matrix is changed with each choice of the parameters. Particular attention is devoted to assessing the performance of the asymptotic theory for making inferences based directly on the deterioration of pricing models. GMM criterion functions. Iv'.ASSACHUSETTS iNSTiTUTi OF TECHNOLOGY DEC 01 1994 LIBRARIES "We thank Renee Adams, Wen Fang Monge, .Marc Roston and George Tauchen for helpful .Marc Roston for assisting with the computations. Financial support from the National Science Foundation (Hansen and Heaton) and the Sloan Foundation (Heaton and Yaron) is gratefully acknowledged. .\ilditional computer rfsources were provided by the Social Sciences and Public Policy Computing Center. Part of this research was conducted while Heaton was a National Fellow at the Hoover Institution. M.niversity of Chicago. NORC and NBER Sloan School of Management. MIT and NBER 'Graduate School of Industrial .Administration. Carnegie-Mellon University comments and Liu. .\le.\ander Introduction 1 The purpose of of this paper is to investigate the small moments GM.\f) estimators applied ( initial (consistent) and ones parameter value. The in which the weighting matrix last of is estimated using an is changed for but much has the attraction of being insensitive to it conditions are scaled. In addition, we study the advantages how to basing statistical inferences directly on the criterion function rather than on quadratic approximations to We • it. address the following issues: How does the procedure for constructing the weighting matrix affect the small sample behavior of the • is every hypo- these three approaches has not been used very in the empirical asset pricing literature, moment alternative asymptot- estimator of the parameter vector, ones in which the weighting matrix iterated to convergence the Our to asset pricing models. estimators include ones in which the weighting matrix ically efficient thetical sample properties of generalized method What GMM criterion function? are the small sample properties of confidence regions of parameter estimators constructed using the GMM criterion function, compared to confidence regions con- structed using standard errors? • Is the small sample over-rejection often found in studies of when using an estimator • How in which the weighting matrix is GMM estimators reduced continuously altered? are the small sample biases of the GA/.V/ estimators effected by the choice of procedure for constructing the weighting matrix? Since there has been an extensive body of empirical work investigating the consumption- based intertemporal capital asset pricing model using such models as a laboratories Kocherlakota ( 1990b]. all for GMM estimation our Monte Carlo experiments. of our experiments 1 come from single .\s in methods, we use Tauchen (1986) and consumer economies with power to annual time Some experimental design. flexibility in the to Within the confines of these economies, there utility functions. series monthly post war data. In the one of the parameters of nonseparabilities in the or habit persistence. Other economies are calibrated experiments calibrated to annual data and several of moment the experiments calibrated to monthly data, the least considerable economies are calibrated of our experimental data presuming a century of data. is still interest. conditions are nonlinear in at Moreover, some of the specifications introduce time consumer preferences which are motivated by either In the other experiments calibrated to conditions are, by design, linear in the parameter of interest. local durability monthly data, the moment Some of these setups are special cases of the classical simultaneous equations model. For other setups, the observed data modeled as being is time averaged, introducing a moving-average structure in the disturbance terms. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the alternative estimators we study and the related econometric use. Section 4 gives made based are results of the parameter of in literature. Section 3 specifies the an overview of the calculations including a description of how inferences directly on the shape of the criterion functions. Section Monte Carlo experiments 2 -5 then presents the calibrated to monthly data that are linear in the interest. Section 6 presents the results calibrated to which the moment conditions are nonlinear remarks are Monte Carlo environments we in the annual and monthly data parameters. Finally, our concluding in section 7. Alternative Estimators and Related Literature One ot tive GMM the goals of our study is to compare the finite sample properties of three alterna- moment conditions in an estimators, each of which uses a given collection of asymptotically efficient manner. Write the moment conditions Ey(X,.3)]=0 as: (2.1) where l3 is the k dimensional parameter vector of interest. In (2.1) the function We coordinates. distributed assume that {4fT.J=i'T^i-^t, ^)} converges in ip has n V (/i). Let Vjifi) denote (an infeasible) consistent estimator of this covariance matrix. typically is denoted {bj}. .\n efficient made b that first two l3 is /3, then constructed by minimizes: T The This operational by substituting a consistent estimator for GMM estimator of the parameter vector choosing the parameter vector k distribution to a normally random vector with mean zero and covariance matrix latter estimator > T GMM estimators that we consider differ in the way in which this is accom- plished. Tu-Q-step Estimator The first moment estimator, called the two-step estimator, uses an identity matrix to weight the conditions so that bj is chosen to minimize: T T (2-3) [l.Y.^{Xub)\'[\;Y.^{X,M\- Let 6y- denote the estimator obtained by minimizing (2.2). Iterative Estimator The second estimator continues from the two-step estimator by reestimating the matrix \'{3) using V'(6j~') or until j attains and constructing a new estimator some large value. Let 6'^ frj-. This is repeated until bj converges denote this estimator. Continuous-updating Estimator Instead of taking the weighting matrix as given in each step of the we also consider an estimator in which the covariance matrix is GMM estimation. continuouslv altered as b is changed in the minimization. Formally let bj- be the minimizer T of: T [\;Y:AX,M'[yT{h)V[\;Y.^{X,M- Allowing the weighting matrix to vary with that b clearly alters minimized. While the first-order conditions is (2-4) the shape of the criterion function minimization problem have an for this extra term relative to problems with a fixed weighting matrices, this term does not distort the limiting distribution for the estimator. [See Pakes and Pollard (1989, pages 1044-1046) for a more formal An advantage moment A discussion and provision of sufficient conditions that justify this conclusion.] conditions are scaled even multinomial models is that when parameter dependent simple example of a continuous-updating estimator for restricted two of this estimator relative to the previous in which the is a efficient three GMM estimators have antecedents yt at time is t the parameter of interest. = Let ^'xt Zt disturbance term is is minimum chi-square estimator used distance matrix is parameter dependent. the classical simultaneous equations (2.5) -f ut One way U(. to estimate 3 is to use two- conditionally homoskedastic. and serially uncorrected. In this case the and hence that the two-stage least squares estimator ( is constructed from is our two-step estimator under the additional restrictions that the iterative estimator converges after two-steps Hillier the denote the vector of predetermined variables which by definition are orthogonal to stage least squares which known how Consider estimating a single equation, say literature. where 3 in invariant to scale factors are introduced. the probabilities implied by the underlying parameters and hence The it is is is the two-step estimator. It is well not invariant to normalization. In fact 1990) criticized the two-stage least squares estimator by arguing that the object that identified is the direction 1 — .i but not its magnitude. conventional two-stage least squares estimator of direction is Hillier then showed that the distorted by its dependence on normalization. As an alternative, Sargan (1958) suggested an instrumental variables type estimator that uiiuiimzes ^T -1 . (2.6) by choice of this is b. Under the additional restrictions our continuous-updating estimator. in (2.6) and minimize, the solution is imposed on the disturbance term above, Notice that if we ignore the denominator term the denominator term, Sargan showed that for an appropriate choice of the (limited information) quasi-maximum which as an estimator of direction The estimation environments described. is By the two-stage least squares estimator. ~(, including the solution is likelihood estimator (using a Gaussian likelihood), invariant to normalization.^ that we study more complicated than the one are Sometimes the moment conditions are not linear in the parameters, just and the disturbance terms are often conditionally heteroskedastic and/or serially correlated. .'Xs a consequence, the two-step and iterative estimators no longer coincide. However, the estimation methods remain limited information in that the moment conditions used are typically not sufficient to fully characterize the time series evolution of the endogenous variables. The second goal of our analysis is to compare the reliability of confidence regions com- puted using quadratic approximations to criterion functions to ones based directly on the deterioration of the original criterion functions. The former approach used in the empirical asset pricing literature partially because it is is more commonly easier to implement. The latter approach exploits the chi-square feature of the appropriately scaled criterion functions. From the vantage point of hypotheses testing, the plausibility of an observed deterioration ot the criterion function caused by imposing parameter restrictions can be assessed by using the appropriate chi-square distribution. Using this ^S^e Imbens (1992) for an alternative mator IS constructed to coincide with the GMM same estimator that maximum is insight, confidence regions can be invariant to normalization. Imbens' esti- likelihood estimator when the data is multinomial computed by using the appropriate chi-square distribution to prespecify some increment the criterion function and inferring the set of parameter values that imply no increment. Such confidence regions can have unusual shapes and, connected. One of the key questions of this investigation is in" fact, more than may in that not even be whether or not they lead to more reliable statistical inferences. One performance of criterion-function-based inference of our reasons for studying the comes from the work of Magdalinos (1994). Within the confines of the classical simultaneous equations paradigm, Magdalinos studied the performance of alternative tests of instrument admissibility. As a result of his analysis, matrix to embody the restrictions as tion, is Magdalinos recommended altering the weighting done in the continuous-updating method. In addi- he found that test^-atistics are better behaved lusing the limited infopmation maxykiunT likelihood estimator than the two-stage least squares estimator. Recall that the former esti- mator coincides with our continuous-updating estimator and the later to our two-step iterated estimators in the classical simultaneous equations estimation ered by Magdalinos. Another reason is and environment consid- Nelson and Startz's (1990) criticism of the use of instrumental variables methods for studying consumption-based asset pricing models. These when the authors were concerned about the behavior of instrumental variables estimators instruments are poorly correlated with the endogenous variables. Their arguments are based on analogies to results derived formally for t-statistics and over-identifying The question restrictions tests the extent in the classical simultaneous equations setting. to which criterion-function based inference and continuous updating can help overcome the of interest to us is concerns of Nelson and Startz. The finite sample properties of the two-step and iterative pricing setting have been studied previously by and Person and Foerster (1991). GMM estimators in an asset- Tauchen (1986). Kocherlakota (1990b). These investigators did not study the properties of the continuous-updating estimator, nor did they study the behavior of criterion function-based confidence regions. Further Tauchen (1986) and Kocherlakota (1990b) considered only the case of time separable preferences for the representative consumer. Monte Carlo Environment 3 We consider several estimators described Monte Carlo environments in section 2. to assess the finite sample properties of the The data generating mechanisms are constructed to be consistent with a representative agent consumption-based asset pricing model {CCAPA'f). Estimators of the parameters of the representative agent's utility function are considered along with tests of the overidentifying conditions implied by the model. as the basis of our experiments because model. ^ Further, the «f CCAPM GMM forms the basis GMM cohducfced by TaiMen (1986) and We use the CCAPM has been used extensively in studying this for two studies of the Koc^rMota finite (1990b). ^> sample properties ^ W '^ms. ' Preferences and Euler Equations In the model the representative consumer assumed is to have preferences over consump- tion given by: Uo where C; is consumption preferences.'' If ^ > 0, = E at date h t. ,7>0 1-7 The parameter consumption is 9 captures (3.1) some time nonseparability durable or substitutable over time. preferences of the consumer are time additive. If ^ < 0, consumption is If ^ = 0. in the complementary over time and the preferences of the representative consumer exhibit habit persistence. We consider estimators of the parameters 8, on implications of the Euler equations. Let must as the indirect marginal utility for consumption 7 and 9 as well as tests of the model based = (C( + 9ct-\)~'' "services"" as which can be interpreted . measured by St — Ct -\- -See. for e.xample. Dunn and Singleton 1986), Eichenbaum and Hansen 1990), Epstein and 7in Person and Constantinides (1991), and Hansen and Singleton (1982). •'For models with time nonseparability in preferences see, for example. Abel 1990), Constantinides ( ( ( 9ct-\ . ( 1991), ( 1990), Detemple and Zapatero (1991). Dunn and Singleton (1986), Eichenbaum and Hansen (1990), Gallant and Tauchen (1989). Heaton (1993. 1994), Novales (1990), Ryder and Heal (197.3) and Sundaresan (1989). Similarly, let muct set at time = (c, + 9ct-i) The Euler equation t. ^ + + 6ct) 96E[{ct+i ^ where Tt gives the information J-t] | for a representative agent's portfolio allocation decision is given by: muct where a gross return on an asset from /?(+i is growing over time we divided equation that = E{Smuct^iRt+\ we consider is (3.2) < to < + A«(^.7.<') that when 9 [ct is unconditional +8ct-i)~'' not zero, moment + S6{ct+i (f)t+2 has an = we take to is (3.3) equation error: =^-«=^fl,., must MA(1) (3.4) must Notice that E((pt+2 . \ ^t) By choosing structure. = 0- Further notice instruments, r(, in JF(, conditions are given by: (i)t+2 can be expressed = E[zt<Pt+2{Sn.9)]^0. in terms of consumption ratios and returns, which (3.5) to be stationary processes. One unpleasant feature of these be satisfied degenerate fashion. inuc' r) I (3.3) results in the Euler +9ct)~'^ E[^t+2(Sn^9)] Finally, notice that Since aggregate consumption 1. then given by: Removing conditional expectations from = (3-2) by must to induce stationarity. The (normalized) Euler i^ = £U (,=±ifl,„ where muc' Tt) \ = in a moment conditions Suppose that and the moment conditions are is -) that they can always be = trivially satisfied. and S9 for the two-step and iterative estimators. 8 —1. then clearly Without imposing additional constraints on the parameter vectors, this degeneracy in the problems = made moment conditions creates Of course when time-separability is imposed (0 = 0), these problematic parameter values cannot be reached. When 9 is permitted to be different from zero, Eichenbaum and Hansen (1990) were led to divide the moment conditions by + ^^ 1 degenerate values. estimator is its in We order that the two-step and iterative estimators not be driven to the will do insensitivity to .An attractive property of the continuous-updating likewise. parameter dependent scale factors and hence to the moment transformation used by Eichenbaum and Hansen (1990). Moreover, the criterion of the continuous-updating estimator does not necessarily tend to zero S$ = Although the estimated mean —1. for {(^(+2} the vicinity 7 in becomes small in the = and neighborhood of these parameter values so does the estimated asymptotic covariance matrix, and the criterion function for the continuous-updated estimator plays off this tension. We buildiseveral Monte C^lol^nviconments that are consistent with (3.3). tee simulate returns and consumpti#t-graw^h These are used to assess the estimators of section 2 based upon the moment finite sample properties .. of the conditions (3.5). Log-Normal Model 3.1 Time Additive Model. So Time Averaging In our first Monte Carlo environment we model consumption growth and by assuming that they are jointly log-normally distributed Let Y{t) — [log(ct/c(_i ) log R^f log/?;]' where the gross return on a stock index at time We assume e, is is = ^i + ( 1983). t.R^f is the gross return on a bond at time B{L)e, a normally distributed three dimensional time, has zero a aggregate consumption at time is and R{ Hansen and Singleton t . that: Yt where t C( as in returns directly mean and covariance matrix matrix of polynomials in /. (3.6) random vector and where fi is the that mean is independent over of Vj. Further B(L) is the lag operator. To use this assumption about the dynamics of consumption and returns along with the Euler equation (3.2) we assume that the preferences of the representative agent are time additive. In this case the Euler equation error for each return can be written as: - where E{T}t+i The !Fi) \ = and «; 7log(ct+i/Q) is a constant + logi?(+i [see, for relation (3.7) implies a set of restrictions restrictions we consider - K = (3.7) rjt+i example, Hansen and Singleton (1983)]. on the law of motion (3.6). To impose these methods several finite order parameterizations of B(L) and use the described by Hansen and Sargent (1991). These parameterizations are of the form: B(L) ^ = (3.8) a(L) where C(L) polynomial a 3 by 3 matrix of polynomials in the lag operator is the lag operator. in We restrict the and a(L) is a 1 by 1 polynomial a(L) to be second order and considered several different orders for C(L). To estimate the constrained law Aggregate consumption is of motion, equity return is risk free return CITIBASE. These data were converted total U.S. population for the value weighted return from CRSP, and from CRSP. Each of these return For simplicity we removed the sample and (3.7) did not be estimated is 7. The to a per capita each month, obtained from CITIBASE. The series the bond return was converted into a the implicit price deflator for nondurables and services from (3.6) to 1992,12. seasonally adjusted real aggregate consumption of nondurables plus services for the U.S. taken from measure by dividing by we used monthly data from 1959,2 mean from have to be estimated. As a is the Fama-Bliss real return using CITIBASE. the vector Vj so that the constants in result, the only preference results of estimating the law of motion parameter to (3.6) using exact Likelihood for different orders of the polynomial C(L) are given in table 3.1. Maximum The column labeled "Unrestricted Log-Likelihood" reports the log-likelihood in the case of unrestricted estimation of the polynomials in the lag operator. 10 The columns labeled "Xo Time .\vg." report the log-likelihood and the estimated value of 7 under the restrictions implied by (3.7).' Notice that there is a second order polynomial for C(L) a first order polynomial order polynomial in is needed in for first C(L) There . is little improvement going to a third in the unrestricted case. when the model restrictions are imposed. results reported by Hansen and Singleton (1983). log-likelihood in moving from a second order This Also there is great deterioration in is consistent with the is little improvement to a third order C(L). For this reason ^arlo experiments for the In assessing the finite loff'Ttorfnal model with.-jaao trime Monte Carlo samples each with a sample size of 400. the size of available monthly consumption data. upon the Euler equation We A this case (log) moment conditions based bond and the stock returns simultaneously. For errors for both the consumption growth as instruments since the data is we constructed 400 approximates each Euler equation error we used one period lagged (log) bond and one period lagged Monte size of sample constructed the ^«8e #' averaging. GMM estimators in sample properties of in we used the point estimates from the restricted model with a second order C(L) to conduct our •500 to the unrestricted case. This indicates that more than For both the second and third order polynomial cases there the log-likehhood moving from a substantial improvement in the log-iikelihood in We as instruments. (log) stock returns and did not include constants simulated under the assumption that it has a zero mean. Time Additive Model with Time Averaging As a further data generating mechanism, we decision interval of the representative agent is also consider an much example ^In searching for the * larger than We -50. The maximized log-likeHhood, is a which the smaller than the interval of the data. Suppose that there are n decision periods within each observation period. the representative agent's decision interval in week and data is For example if observed monthly, then n larger values of the log-likelihood were found for values of results reported in table 3.1 for the constrained used the local maximizers for our simulations because they result 11 models correspond in to local plausible values for 7. maxima. would be approximately 4. The representative agent's utility function at time 1-7 (^^^^) Ut^E we maintain the assumption given by: (3.9) J't that consumption and returns are jointly lognormally dis- tributed, the Euler equation error decomposed is 1 1-7 h=0 If - t again given by (3.7). Moreover, this error can be is r]t+i as: Vt+i = X! h=i (.3.10) C+iL " where C(+h In this = EiT]t+i I - J^(+i) E{T]t+i 3.ii; ^^_^.h^) I environment, we presume that observed consumption does not correspond to the actual point-in-time consumption the representative agent, but instead is an average of actual consumption over one unit of time. Specifically, suppose that observed consumption, c^, is a geometric average of actual consumption: l/n (3.12) n^f-i+^ yh=i and similarly for the observed return. 7 log«^^/cn + 7?^. Averaging = log /?:+, ^- over time implies that: (3.7) + - E= E r l C,-i + .+ - [3.131 h=l Notice that in this case the Euler equation error: ^t+\ = 7 im :1 is predictable at time /. However h = /",_!) E{r]'^_^_^ | c,_i+i+i (3.14) l = so that instruments can be chosen from the information set at time account MA(1) for the We estimated t — An 1. structure of the instrumental variables estimator of this model must moment condition. the log-linear law of motion (3.8) for consumption and asset returns'^ under the restriction implied by (3.13). Notice that this model imposes a weaker set of restrictions than does the model that takes no account of time averaging.^ third order polynomial for C(L) and a second order polynomial We consider the case of a for a(L). The results of this estimation are reported in table 3.1 in the columns labeled "Time Averaged." Notice that the log-likelihood function improves is However the model ignored. value of 7 We is used is somewhat compared still substantially at odds with the data. The estimated ^^OtT "As no time averaging, we studied estimators based upon the Euler equations for fthis model to create-^00 Monte Carl© draws each with a sample both returns. In this case the instruments were 3.2 where time averaging slightly larger as well. in the case of (log) to the case consumption growth all (log) stock returns, (log) size . bond returns and lagged 2 periods. Discrete-State Models In our second set of Monte Carlo environments we (1990b) and consider a Markov chain model .Aggregate consumption is assumed for follow Tauchen (1986) and Kocherlakota aggregate consumption and dividend growth. to represent the endowment sumer and dividends represent the cash flow from holding stock. of the representative con- We form one-period stock returns and the returns to holding a one-period (real) discount bond. Each of these returns "The actual consumption data is an arithmetic average of consumption expenditures over a period. model to the data we are assuming that geometric averages and arithmetic averages are appro.ximately the same. This assumption was made by Grossman. .VIelino and Shiller (1987), Hall (1988) and Hansen and Singleton (1993). Notice also that the returns in (3.13) are time averaged. For simplicity, in estimating the law of motion (3.8) we use the monthly CRSP series directly. Hansen and Singleton (1993) constructed time averaged returns from daily data in their analysis of this model. For the consideration of the finite sample properties of estimators, this is unlikely to be an important issue. In fitting the GMM '^'There is stock return. should be a additional restriction on the first-order autocorrelation of the Euler equation error for the In the limit case of 0.2-5 as continuous decision making, the first-order autocorrelation of the error discussed by Grossman. Melino and Shiller (1987) and Hall (1988). restriction in our estimation. 13 We do not impose this can be represented as functions of the state of the Markov chain. Construction of these turns in the case of time additive utility is re- described by Kocherlakota (1990b) and Tauchen (1986). Annual Model To calibrate the first Markov chain we used the method described by Tauchen and Hussey (1991) to approximate a first-order eters of the VAR are 6 0.004 lnA( 0.021 1^- + 0.117 0.414 In 0.017 0.161 lnA(_i 6-1 E(et^[) e, chain for (3.15) et • gross growth rate of U.S. per capita real annual consumption, and Further + the gross growth rate of real annual dividends on the S&:P500, where A( is ^t consumption and dividend growth. The param- taken from Kocherlakota (1990b) and are given by: In where VAR for is [if( assumed A(]' is In simulating = 0.01400 0.00177 0.00177 0.00120 i?y is ' the where [3.16) to be normally distributed and uncorrelated over time. The Markov chosen to have 16 states. data from of the representative this model we chose several values consumer. These are presented of the preference parameters Preference setting in table 3.2. TSl was used by Tauchen (1986) and preference setting TS2 was used by Kocherlakota (1990b). .As shown by Kocherlakota (1990b), these model of endowments, imply first and second moments sample counterparts. The large value of an equilibrium AV'e restrict in latter parameters, along with the 6 in TS2 is Markov chain for asset returns that mimic their not inconsistent with the existence of the model because of the large value of 7 [Kocherlakota (1990a)]. our attention to "moderate" values of 6 and 7 nonseparable preferences, and we consider a range of values of introduces a modest degree of durability by letting 9 14 = in our examination of time 9. Parameter setting TNSl 1/3 and TNS2 introduces habit persistence with d setting 9 in part = = —1/3. TNS3 results in a The asymmetry —2/3. (in more extreme amount of habit persistence by magnitude) across the specifications of 9 guided is by the a priori notion that there should only be limited amount of durability the goods classified as "nondurable" in NIPA and by in Person's and Constantinides's (1991) empirical evidence for a substantial degree of habit persistence. Since there moment sets of The used. great flexibility in the construction of is number conditions that differ in the alternative sets are listed in table 3.3. wa^ multiplied by the listed moment The Euler equation instruments to construct the moment We ^ GMM as an' instrument in •bmeht set M4 because of its we chose several and instruments that are of returns return to holding the stock and Rf to holding the bond. 4tl Pf conditions, for each listed return conditions, i?^ denotes the used the dividend-price ratio, ability to predict equity E&t^ns^ estimates and test statistics were computed for 500 replications of a sample of size 100. This sample size corresponds approximately to the length of most annual data sets. Monthly Model We repeated some of the experiments using data. As in a first-order the construction of the VAR for a law of motion calibrated to postwar monthly Markov chain for the consumption and dividend growth. annual model, we started with The consumption data used in estimating the \'AR was aggregate U.S. expenditures on nondurables and services described in subsection 3.1. N\ SE constructed dividends implied by the monthly portfolio return. price deflator for series We is These dividends were converted to CRSP value- weighted real dividends using the implicit monthly nondurables and services taken from CITIBASE. This dividend highly seasonal because of the regular dividend payout policies of most companies. To avoid modeling this seasonality we let ^, = \og{dt/dt-i2)/l'2 represents the one-period dividend growth of the model. to be stationarv. 15 The and we assumed that series {\og(dt/dt-i2)} ^t appears The parameters of the VAR estimated 6 0.0012 InXt 0.0019 In + using this data are given by: -0.1768 0.1941 0.0267 -0.2150 In 6-1 + lnAt_i (3.17) et where E(etc[) As 0.1438 0.0001 0.0001 0.0145 X 10 -3 (3.18) annual Markov chain model, we approximated the in the case of the (3.18) with a 16 state Monte Carlo data = Markov chain using the methods of Tauchen and Hussey consisted of 500 replications of a sample size of 400. on the more "moderate" ^reSl^enc£ configuration (TSl) adjusting 6 (More interval. precisely, we used the we generated Monte Carlo data with and (3.17) The (1991). We focused exclusively for the she .eT-^Sipiing twelfth root of .97 in place of .97 for 6.) In addition, using nonseparable specification TNSl and TNS2. again adjusted appropriately. S Overview of Descriptive 4 VAR of Statistics for Monte Carlo Results In describing the results of the various Monte Carlo experiments in sections 5 and 6, we focus most of our discussion on the following calculations: 1. We found the distribution of minimum TJj is value of the criterion function. chi-square with degrees of freedom equal to the ment conditions minus the number of distribution to test the overidentifying 2. We parameters estimated. moment We The limiting number of mo- used this limiting conditions. evaluated the criterion function at the true parameter vector. Call this Jj. The limiting distribution of of Call this Jj- moment conditions. TJj is With chi-square with degrees of freedom equal to the this limiting distribution, 16 number we characterize the family of parameter vectors that look plausible from the standpoint of the moment conditions. It is of interest to see how well th(^ limiting distribution performs in making this assessment. 3. We found the true value. model, minimum value of the criterion function Call this Jj. in this Since 7 is when 7 is constrained to be its the only parameter estimated in the log-normal case Jj coincides with Jj. The limiting distribution of T[Jj — Jt) is chi- square with one degree of freedom. This limiting distribution allows us to construct a confidence region for 7 based on the increments of the criterion function from unconstrained minimum. value of 7 4. We is in By evaluating TiJy — Jt) we determined whether its the true the resulting interval for alternative confidence levels. constructed the more standard confidence intervals for 7 based on a quadratic approximation to the criterion function. Let 77 be an estimator of 7, and a^ be the estimated asymptotic standard error" of the estimator 77. Formally, we study T{lT — iYI{(^t)' which has an asymptotic chi-square distribution with one degree freedom. Notice that this object true value of the parameter Our Monte Carlo is is just the Wald statistic for the of hypothesis that the 7. calculations are greatly simplified by our knowledge of the true param- eter vector. In empirical work, the corresponding computations would be more complicated. For instance, to construct a confidence interval for 7 based on the original criterion function, a researcher would have to characterize numerically the hypothetical values of this parameter that are consistent with a prespecified deterioration in the criterion while concentrating out all of the other parameters. ter vector (in there are very few remaining components in the parame- our examples zero, one or two), this concentration 'The standard errors the sample When moment for the way to proceed tractable. However, this continuous-updating estimator were based only upon conditions with respect to the parameters. are analogous to the standard errors typically constructed in alternative is would be to base the standard errors respect to the parameters. 17 first derivatives of Standard errors constructed estimation [see Hansen GMM in this way (198"2)). Xn on derivatives of the criterion function with may become approach In reporting our very difficult Monte Carlo when the parameter results we use one vector is large. methods advocated by of the graphical Davidson and McKinnon (1994). For each Monte Carlo setup we computed the empirical and compare them to the corresponding chi-square distributions of the statistics tions. The results are plotted on a value (depicted on the x-axis), the fraction of the actual we computed the corresponding chi-square computed Thus the 45 degree y-axis). set of figures constructed as follows. For the quality of the limiting distribution. plots are referred to as "p-value" plots, since this bounds the re^&n ... ) is each probability critical value and above that value (depicted on the statistics that are line (depicted as distribu- the appropriate reference for assessing Following Davidson and and we present the of probability values used in McKinnon (1994), these results for the interval [0 0.5] most applications. Although wJsHise * probability values as our basis of comparison, confidence intervals at alternative significance levels can be assessed by simply subtracting the probability values from one. The figures are organized as follows. For each figure with four graphs titled as follows: and "Wald" corresponding To provide a formal distributions and line is TJt. TJj, T(Jj — Jj) statistical measure their theoretical counterparts, plotted using dotted lines. first consider a single "Minimized", "'True", "Constrained to the statistics respectively. Monte Carlo setup we This band - Minimized" and Tifj — , of the distance 7)^/(<Tj)^, between the empirical on each figure a band about the 45 degree is a 90 percent confidence region based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. This states that the probability that the maximal difference between the empirical distribution and the theoretical one percent. Maximal significance In differences within these bands are not will lie within those lines statistically significant at the is 90 10% level.** each graph, the dashed line gives the Monte Carlo results for the two-step estimator, the dot-dash line for the iterated estimator and the solid line for the continuous-updating estimator. For the minimized criterion function results there is a necessary ordering between ^The Kolmogorov-Smirnov confidence region is based on calculating the supremum between the empirical and the 4-5 degree line over the region [0,1]. distribution 18 When the continuous-updating and iterative estimator. the iterative estimator converges, the value of the criterion function ran also be obtained by the continuous-updating estimator. Since the continuous-updating estimator minimizes must he smaller than the its criterion, this As a criterion for the iterative estimator. minimized criterion of the continuous-updating estimator must result, the plot for the below the plot lie iterative estimator unless the iterative estimator fails to converge. minimized value There is for the no natural or- dering between the results for the two-step estimator and the continuous-updating estimator or between the two-step estimator To complement our and the p-value plots, we iterative estimator. also provide The formance of the implied parameter estimators. esstimates are of interest in tifeir own and right in 3ome some finite results summarizing the per- sample properties of the point cases provide additional insight^Kit^ the behavior of the p-value plots. 5 Monte Carlo Results, For the case of time-averaged data, tion 3.1. To account for this, the Log-Normal Model has an {i^(} MA(1) structure as we estimator of Vrib) was computed by discussed in sec- first considering an estimator of the form: ^T(b) = ^T.rT{x,.b)^Tix,.by + Y,yT(Xt-,,b)^T{Xt.by + ^T{Xt.b)^T{Xt-,.by]\ ^ Kt-l t=2 ) (o.l) where ^j( A'(. 6) = v( A',, b) — j YJ=\ r(-^'(- b). we used an estimator proposed by Durbin (1988)].^ Durbin's estimator order autoregression. 'In the The is When this estimator was not positive definite, (1960) [see also Eichenbaum. Hansen and Singleton obtained by first approximating the MA(1) model with a finite residuals from this autoregression are used to approximate the Monte Carlo experiments with tune averaging, not necessary at any of the converged parameter estimates. 19 the use of this covariance matri.x estimator was Then innovations. the parameters of the MA( 1) model are estimated by running a regression of the original time series onto a one-period lag of the "approximate" innovations. Finally, an estimate of Vj(6) is formed using the estimated moving- average coefficients and sample covariance matrix for the residuals. This procedure has the advantage that the finite-order moving average structure construction. However it of {(^J is imposed and the estimator does rely on the choice of a the approximation. In implementing the estimator finite is positive semidefinite by order autoregression to use in we ran a 12th order autoregression in the initial stage. Criterion functions Figures 5.1 and 5.2 reportJJae properties of the criterion functions for the two Mact|; Carlo experiments. Figure 5.1 case of time averaging. is for the case of The lower (approximate quadratic) criteria. is linear in the The results for the and Two-Step estimators. parameters and the weighting matrix criteria are different for the Wald and "Constrained-Minimized" is Jt)- For the continuous-updating estimator the results for the Minimized" is right plots in the figures report the results using the VVald criteria are identical for the Iterative model no time averaging of the data and figure 5.2 This occurs because the fixed in constructing (Jj Wald and — the "Constrained- due to the dependence of the weighting matrix on the hypothetical parameter values. Notice that the small sample distributions of the minimized criterion functions for the iterative and two-step estimators are greatly distorted. The small sample size of tests of the overidentifying restrictions based upon the minimized criterion values are too large leading to over rejections of the model when using these estimators. The minimized tion for the continuous-updating estimator distribution is is much criterion func- better behaved and the small sample very close to being \^ for both Monte Carlo experiments. Tests of the overi- dentifying restrictions of the models using the minimized value of the criterion function of the continuous-updating estimator have the correct size for the model without time averag- 20 ing and similarly for the Even 0.1. for the The for -y model with time-averaging for probability values greater continuous-updating estimator finite than is 0.1, for probability values less the distribution of the minimized criterion not greatly distorted. sample coverage probabilities of the two ways of constructing confidence regions are depicted under the headings "Wald" and "Constrained- Minimized". these two methods coincide when they are based on the two-step and but when the continuous-updating estimator differ than about is used. Recall that iterative estimators, The small sample coverage probabilities are greatly distorted for the intervals constructed with the iterative and two- step estimators. In particular, they do not contain the true parameter value as often as is to be expected from the limiting distribution. In the case of the continuous-updating estimator, coverage rates again are too smali' for confidence intervals built from the Wald cri^fria,*but the distortion is substantially smaller than with the other two estimators. Finally, the coverage rates of the confidence regions implied by the "True-Minimized" criteria for the continuous-updating estimator accord well with the asymptotic distribution and are clearly better than the coverage rates for the other three criteria. These Monte Carlo results for the log-normal model support the following remedy the concerns raised by Nelson and Startz (1990). From the standpoint of hypothesis test- ing and confidence interval construction, use of the continuous-updating criterion more reliable than the other methods we study. The for is much tests of the overidentifying restrictions based on the continuous-updating estimator do not reject too often and in fact are quite well approximated by the limiting distribution. While confidence intervals based on the Wald criteria can be badly distorted, particularly for the two-step and iterative estimators, confi- dence regions constructed from the continuous-updating criteria have coverage probabilities that are close to the ones implied by the asymptotic theory. Parameter Estimates Table 5.1 reports summaries of measures of central tendency •21 for the three estimators of 90% 7 along with 10% and quantiles. The medians are considerably lower than the true value of 7 while the updated estimator estimator 90% is also quantiles. timator is is much more two-step and iterative estimators for the median smaller. However, the distribution for the continuous-updating disperse as evidenced by the larger increment between the Moreover, the Monte Carlo sample means much more bias for the continuously- 10% and continuous-updating for the The severely distorted than they are for the other two estimators. enormous sample means for the continuous-updating estimator occur because in es- the case no time averaging and of time averaging there were 23 and 31 samples, respectively, of which the estimates the are, in absolute value, larger Monte Carlo samples, the sample means to the true values than 1^ the means than 100. When in these are removed from of the continuous-updating estimator are closer for the other &' two estimators. ^ Recall that the analog to the two-step and iterative estimator in the classical simultaneous equations model estimator is is two-stage least squares and that the analog to the continuous-updating limited information (quasi) maximum likeHhood. known from It is that there are settings in which two-stage least squares has finite information (1972)]. maximum likelihood does not [e.^., In light of these theoretical results updating estimator is Sawa moments but and our Monte Carlo On moment limited (1969) and Mariano and Sawa findings, the continuous- not an attractive alternative to the other estimators bases of comparison are the (untruncated) as in Zellner (1978)]. see the literature we consider if our properties [or even relative squared errors the other hand, Anderson, Kunitomo and Sawa (1982) advocated use the limited information estimator over the two-stage least squares estimator because, among other things, the median bias of the former estimator is smaller. We also find less distortion in the medians for the continuous-updating estimator in our experiments.^" .As its we noted previously, one attractive attribute of the continuous-updating estimator invariance to ad hoc (parameter dependent) transformations of the '°Even though our model is linear in variables not coincide with limited information ma.ximum moment is conditions. and parameters, the continuous-updating estimator does likelihood in our setting. heteroskedasticity consistent estimator of Vj{h). 99 .A.mong other things, we use a For instance, when the object of interest the continuous-updating estimator information is maximum is a "direction" is in the sense of Hillier (1990), invariant to normalization. Hillier's defense of limited likelihood over conventional two-stage least squares a better estimator of direction.'' To is that the former see whether such a conclusion might well extends to comparisons between the continuously-updating estimator and the other two estimators we consider, We 5.4. axis we report smoothed distributions of the estimated "direction" in figures 5.3 and measure direction by the angle and the point identification, we we used Gaussian (1,7). Since there is still in radians) kernel with a bandwidth of circle. between the horizontal a sign normalization that must be imposed for restrict attention to the interval [— 7r/2, 7r/2]. In each of the sample point#using a a^. measured (as 0. 1 . The smoothing the histogram, value of the density estimate The ^ape of the is plotted smoothed distribution afengS* with the mass of the plotted circles provides evidence about the small sample distribution of the parameter estimators. Notice that the primary modes of the continuous-updating angle estimator are very close to the true parameter values, while the two angle estimators are distorted. Moreover, the density estimates larger for the continuous-updating for the magnitude estimates of the other modal angle are method. However, the Monte Carlo distributions continuous-updating angle estimator also have secondary modes near to large in modes of 7 with the wrong — 7r/2, for the corresponding sign. Continuous-Updating Criterion Function The criterion function for the continuous-updating estimator can treme outliers for some for the minimizing value of of the trials as that there is 7. This occurs we discussed above. To see why in sometimes lead to ex- the two .Monte Carlo experiments this can occur suppose for simplicity a single return under consideration, no time averaging and several instruments. GMM estimator of direction in which the absolute value of normalized to one instead of one of the elements of that vector. He found that this alternative estimator \\ss finite sample properties that compare more favorably to those of the limited "Hillier (1990) considered an alternative the parameter vector is information ma.ximum likelihood estimator. 23 The moment conditions are constructed using: <l>{Xt,g) where Zt is = [\ogRt+,-g\og{ct+,/ct)]zt a vector of instruments and E[(i){Xt,f)] = ' (5.2) Since the [see (3.7)]. moment conditions are linear in g, the criteria for the iterated and two step estimators are quadratic in g. In contrast, the criterion for the continuous-updating estimator converges as g gets large. To see this, observe that for a large value of g the g times the sample mean of log(Q^.i/c()^( and the sample covariance times the sample covariance of \og(ct+i/ct)zt is approximately a quadratic form that is sample average of 4>{Xt,g) Therefore for large . g, is approximately approximately g^ is the criterion function (4) times the chi-square test statistic for the null hypothesis that £[log(Q+i/Q)r,] As a result it is = 0. (5.3) possible for the minimized criterion for the continuous-updating estimator to occur for a very large value of g. To further illustrate this potential problem, the upper plot in figure 5.5 function for the continuous-updating estimator for a of g that minimizes the criterion function is Monte Carlo draw 673750.4. the average value of the criterion function over the The lower is in of the criterion which the value plot in figure 5.5 gives Monte Carlo experiments. These results are for the case of no time averaging. Notice that in the upper plot, the criterion function approaches its lowest value as g becomes large in absolute value. the criterion function asymptotes to a local minimum for large Even in the lower plot negative values of numerical search used to implement the estimator could be complicated by the of the criterion function When the parameter vector is The sections and the search routine could end up spuriously searching direction of very large values of g. easily flat g. in the of low dimension, this can be assessed by gridding the parameter vector and evaluating the criterion function 24 at the grid points. This is what we did to make sure that large estimates of g were not due to numerical problems. However when the parameter vector the continuous-updating estimator Monte Carlo 6 Results, Time Separable 6.1 First we consider the may sometimes Markov Chain Models The For these runs Vr(6) {9 = is computed 0) using the Markov as a simple resulting p- value plots are depicted in figures 6.1 through 6.6 for different combinations of the preference settings 3.3. implementing difficult. time separable preferences where Chain model calibrated to annual data. and of large dimension, Preferences, Annual Data results for covariance matrix estimator. be is and moment sets given in tables 3.2 Featlires of the Montfe Carlo distributions for the point estimates of 7 are Reported in table 6.1. Results for 7 We start = 1.3 and 6 = .97 by discussing the results obtained using the more "'moderate" values of the preference parameters TSl which were used by Tauchen (1986). Figure 6.1 includes a repli- it is known from Tauchen phenomenon can be seen is below the 45 degree is always less converges), which that the over-identifying restrictions test '"under rejects." This in line. the upper left conditions Ml. plot in figure 6.1 It is an example by noting that the dot-dash line Since the minimized value of the continuous-updating estimator than or equal to that of the iterative estimator (when the iterative estimator we expect the under restrictions tests is moment in cation of findings in Tauchen (1986) using is more substantial rejection to be more pronounced when the over-identifying based on the continuous-updating estimator. Indeed, the under rejection for both the two-step and continuous-updating estimators. Interestingly, the underlying central limit approximation for the continuous-updating estimator looks quite good as depicted by the upper right plot dence sets are evaluated in the lower left in figure 6.1. The plot in figure 6.1. criterion-function based confi- The confidence sets based on the continuous-updating estimator do not contain 7 as often as predicted by the asymptotic theory as might be anticipated from the downward distortion of the minimized criterion functions. In contrast, the limit theory works well for the confidence intervals based on the Wald statistic when the continuous-updating estimator Consider next the set of eight ment conditions relative to approximations are much sample less moment size, is used. conditions M2. Given the large it is number mo- of not surprising that the underlying central limit While the accurate (see the upper right plot in figure 6.2). asymptotic approximations are better with the continuous-updating estimator, at least smaller probability values, the criteria evaluated at the true parameters when compared to the magnitudes predicted by the asymptotic theory. much the minimized criteria %^cti<3iis are updating estimator with probability values still On are too large the other hand, better behaved, especially for the continut»»asless than .15 (see the upper left plot in figure 6.2). Confidence intervals based on criteria function behavior performed poorly ting, although they performed better other two estimators. for in this set- continuous-updating estimator than for the Moreover, the criterion-function based confidence intervals for the for the continuous-updating estimator proved to be more reliable that the confidence intervals based on the Wald statistic. Figures 6.3 and 6.4 report plots for the sets of four moment reduction in conditions (relative to M2) moment leads to an conditions M3 improvement in and M4. The the underly- ing central limit approximations depicted in the upper right portions of the figures. is especially true for the continuous-updating estimator used in conjunction with conditions M4. restrictions The minimized behave ment conditions as predicted M3 are used. estimation methods when is below the moment criterion function values used to test the over-identifying by the asymptotic theory In contrast there moment solid line in the This conditions upper left M4 is for all three estimators when mo- substantial under rejection for all three are used. Interestingly, the dot-dashed line plot in figure 6.4. This means that the minimized values of the criteria for the continuous-updating estimator are not always below those of 26 ' The reason the iterative estimator. for this apparent anomaly is that the iterations on the weighting matrix often did not converge for this experiment. The criterion-function-based confidence intervals work quite well for the continuous-updating estimator conditions M3 are used and both the two-step estimator methods for constructing confidence intervals when moment conditions summary, with the possible exception In moment when moment M4 work well for are used. of the over-identifying restriction test using conditions Ml, the asymptotic approximations for inferences based on the iterative estimator perform worse than the corresponding approximations for the other two estimators. In comparing the continuous-updating estimator to the two-step estimator, we found the following. First the asymptotic distribution for the over-identifying restrictions tests when based on the Ifcntinuous-updating reliable ^sstimator. Second, for both is more estiniafegrS'l*' confidence intervals constructed based on the original criterion functions, are often distorted, but with the exception of Ml they are no less reliable and often more than confidence reliable intervals constructed via quadratic approximations. Of course, assessing the reliability of the asymptotic theory as applied to the different parameter estimators is a different question than assessing the performance of the parameter estimators themselves. In regards to this latter question, the results in the table 6.1 show that the continuous-updating estimator tends considerably less bias in to first portion of have either comparable or the medians than the other two estimators. On the other hand, the dispersion in the estimators as measured by the width between the .10 and .90 quantiles always less and often much less for is the iterative estimator than for the continuous-updating estimator. Results for - = 13.7 Next we consider (1990b) (TS2 using moment in and = S 1.139 results using the preference specification considered table 3.1). conditions We M3 only consider the performance of and M4. Our 6' by Kocherlakota MM estimators obtained results are displayed in figures 6.5 and 6.6 and With table 6.1. this change parameter configuration, the results in there is M3 moment M4 moment However under the conditions are similar to those in figure 6.3. for the no longer evidence of under rejection of the over-identifying conditions, As restrictions. the weighting matrices for the iterative method often failed to converge for the In contrast to our earlier findings, the limit theory no longer provides a the coverage probabilities for the criterion-function-based confidence sets estimator is used in conjunction with In regards to the median moment conditions M4 before, M4 runs. good guide when the two-step (compare figures 6.4 and parameter estimates, the continuous-updating estimator again has bias than the other two estimators but more dispersion for 6.6). less measured by the distance (as between quantiles.) Time SeparaBle 6.2 To e.xplore the extent to for larger sample Preferences, Monthly Data which the limiting distribution provides a better guide sizes (with less extreme data points), we redid some our calculations using simulations calibrated to monthly data as described in subsection sively on the more "moderate" preference configuration adjusting we only looked at estimators constructed using ticularly interested in post war data. all Our moment for inference set M2 moment because of its results are reported in figures 6.7 and We M2 and M3. use in practice 6.8 focused exclu- 8 accordingly. In this case conditions common 3.2. and table We are par- when analyzing 6.2. Notice that of the asymptotic approximations are consistently reliable for the continuous-updating estimation method. In sharp contrast, large sample inferences for the two-step estimator are of particularly M3. .\lso. of poor quality with the exception of the over- identifying restrictions note is that the iterative estimates very close to one another 6.2 as well as in the reason for this is when M3 is test using and the continuous-updating estimates are used. This is "Minimized" and "Constrained reflected in quantiles reported in table - Minimized" graphs. Presumably, the that the weighting matrix tends to be a relatively "flat" function of the parameters. 28 parameter estimates of In regards to the both the continuous-updating estimator and 7, the iterative estimators have distributions that are parameter value than the distributions for much more concentrated around the two-step estimator (again see table 6.2).'^ These particular Monte Carlo experiments are ones restrictions provide much more the true which the unconditional moment in identifying information about the power parameter 7 than any of the other experiments we report on. Not only are estimates more accurate than the estimates obtained from the Monte Carlo experiments the estimates from the log-normal the same sample 6.3 Monte Carlo experiments reported in section 5 which have size.^'^ Time Nonseparable As we discussed calibrated to annual data, but also Preferences, Annual Data in subsection 6.1, the reliable inference in the case of continuous-updating estimator generally provides more time separable preferences when data are generated from the annual Markov Chain model. However even for that estimator, ditions M.3 are used that the distributions of the criteria TJj it is only when moment ("Minimized"), TJj con- ("True") and T{Jj — Jj) ("Constrained-Minimized") accord well with the corresponding chi-square distributions. For these reasons only moment conditions M3 we consider and only results with for the time nonseparable preferences using continuous-updating estimator. To construct our Monte Carlo data sets we used the three time nonseparable settings of the parameters listing in table 3.2 as TNSl, TNS2 and TNS3 data generated with ^ separable preferences = 0, but when the still {9 = 1/3,^ = -1/3,^ = estimated the parameter restriction ^ = is imposed in 9. -2/3). We also used Unlike the case of time the estimation, the estimator '-The performance of the two-step estimator could potentially be improved by using a different weighting For example, the residuals from nonlinear two-stage least squares applied to each Euler equation could be used to estimate the asymptotic covariance matrix of the moment conditions. Another possibility is to use the covariance matrix of the prices of the "synthetic" securities implicit in the matri.K in the first-step. use of instrumental variables. See Hansen and Jagannathan (1993) for a discussion of this weighting matrix. '^Presumably, the main reason for this disparity is that the Markov chain models are calibrated to div- idend behavior rather than return behavior. As is well known from the empirical asset pricing literature, the dividend calibrations imply returns that are less volatile than historical time series because of fundamental model misspecification. 29 some accommodates an MA(1) structure Vrib) of the asymptotic covariance matrix equation errors. As in section 5 was not positive definite in we used the Vrib) estimator given in (5.1) in the Euler except when it which case we shifted to Durbin's (1960) estimator with a 4th order autoregression. Figure 6.9 presents the p- value plots for the criterion functions for the different settings 0.^'* for of the time separable case (the In contrast to the minimized imply small sample over-rejection of the moment conditions criteria each of the settings for solid line in figure 6.3), the distribution Further, even $. when evaluated at the true parameters, the criterion functions are not distributed as a chi-square. This occurs for ^ = moment cc^itidns, which assumes an MA(1) small sample distortion of the GMM criterion function. VVald statistics are very far from being chi-square in section 5 and subsections 6.1 much criterion function perform all four settings of 6 including Evidently the estimator of the asymptotic covariance (time separable preferences). matrix of the and 6.2, . structure for the errors, caiSses Notice that the distributions of the Consistent with the results reported confidence intervals for 7 constructed using the better than those based on the Wald statistic. Table 6.3 reports statistics summarizing the properties of the estimators of 7 and estimator of 7 does not in the estimators of 7 at least in part \1.\(1) terms estimators of and 9 The median = —1/3 and = 1/3, The 77 is substantially below the true value = for 9 when time 1/3. Further, the dispersion of separability is correctly imposed, due to having to estimate an additional parameter and to accommodate estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrix there is V'(6). Regarding the substantial dispersion for each case as evidenced by the 909c quantiles. Notice further that there cases of ^ for above considerably larger than is in the 9, = 0. general perform as well as in the time separable preference case (see table 6.1 for the comparison). of 7 in the case of ^ for is some median and -1/3 (panels A. B and C of table 10% and bias in the estimators of 9 for the 6.3). In summary, the annual data ^^The Monte Carlo e.xperiments used to construct these results are independent across the different values 6. The p- value plots of Figures 5.1, 5.2 and 6.1-6.8 considered results for fixed preference parameters and the three different estimators. The same Monte Carlo data was used for the experiments for each estimator of in these plots. 30 do not permit simultaneous estimation of 9 and 7 with any reasonable precision, moment conditions M3. Time Nonseparable 6.4 at least for Preferences, Monthly Data Using the Monthly Markov chain model we also examined the time nonseparable model — for 9 and -1/3 and 1/3, M2 conditions for moment conditions M3. We further considered moment and since the continuous- since these conditions are often used in practice updating estimators demonstrated reasonable small sample properties under time-separable We preferences. did not consider the case of ^ Markov chain model with the monthly model because the implies that the covariance matrix of the Euler equation errors to being singular at this When = —2/3 valu^f 9^ Once again we used the estimator of V{b) given is by close (5.1). Durbin's (1960) estimator was necessary we used a r2th order autoregression. Figure 6. 10 reports the results for criterion functions using M2, the minimized moment conditions M2. Under criterion performs reasonably well for all three settings of 9. Tests of the overidentifying restrictions of the model have the correct small sample size in this case. Notice further that the criterion T{Jj — Jj) ("Constrained-Minimized") chi-square distributed, but that the distribution of the square. Hence, much more Finally, we we continue table 6.4, panels estimator of 10% -, summary .\. to be B and statistic to find that inferences based directly reliable than those based report Wald is is close to being very far from chi- on criterion functions are on quadratic approximations to the criterion functions. statistics of the central tendency of the estimators of 7 and 9 in C. Lack of prior knowledge of the parameter 9 again causes the much less precise as quantiles. (For instance, Figure 6.11 presents the compare the measured by the distance between the 90% and first p- value plots for column moment of table 6.2 to panel conditions M3. B of table 6.4.) In this case the dis- tribution of the minimized criterion functions and the "Constrained-Minimized" criteria are not chi-square. The modefs over identifying conditions are rejected too often for parameter settings and confidence intervals for 31 the parameter -/ ail of the have the wrong coverage probabilities. substantial With moment conditions M3, allowing number for time nonseparability results of very large estimates of 7 as reflected by the size of the (see table 6.4, panels C, D and (the difference between moment E). It 90% in a quantiles appears that the addition of returns as instruments conditions M2 and M3) improves the performance of the estimator and the quality of the central limit approximations. Concluding Remarks 7 In this paper we examined the that differ in the way in finite sample properties of three alternative which the moment conditions are weighted. Particular attention was paid to both the performance of alternative we used tests of over-identifying restrictions ways of consti^ctmg apnfidence sets. In documenting several different specifications of the consumption-based differed substantially in the interest. GMM estimators amount sample information there is finite and to comparing sample properties, CAPM. The experiments about the parameters of While the experiments do not uniformly support the conclusion that one estimator dominates the others, some interesting patterns emerged. • Continuous-updating in conjunction with criterion-function based inference often per- formed better than other methods mations are • In still for annual data, however the large sample approxi- not very reliable. monthly data the central mation method applied in limit approximations for the continuous-updating esti- conjunction with the criterion function-based method of inference performed well in most of our experiments, including ones in which the pa- rameters are estimated very accurately and ones in which there is a substantial amount of dispersion in the estimates. • Confidence intervals constructed using quadratic approximations to the criterion function performed very poorly in many of our experiments. 32 • The continuous-updating estimator timators, but the much • The had typically Monte Carlo sample less median bias than the other es- distributions for this estimator sometimes had fatter tails. tests for over identifying restrictions are, the weighting matrix reliable test statistic. is by construction, more conservative when continuously updated, and in many cases this led to a more (However, we made no attempts at comparing power even for size corrected tests.) Our Monte Carlo experiments us to reexamine tests of the [see, for is some monthly data were for sufficiently successful to convince of the empirical evidence for the consumption-based consumption-based CAPM, CAPM. In most the model's over identifying conditions ar€;¥eje?ted example, Hansen and Singleton (1982)]. Since the two-step or iterative estimator typically used in practice, one potential explanation for these rejections could be the tendency of these estimators to result assess this possibility in over rejection of the model in small samples. To we estimated the time separable and time nonseparable models the continuous-updating estimator. moment subsection 3.1 along with We used the consumption and return data described M2 conditions given in table Estimation of the time separable model resulted 720.65 respectively. This estimated value of 0.43 hence it 7. is an example where the The minimized GMM in tail -3.3. behavior of the criterion results criterion we found in several of far little near the true parameter values so at plausible values of the not at our Monte Carlo experiments, with the continuous- deterioration in the criterion function in practice parameters. is of from being economically updating estimator, extreme point estimates of the parameters are possible. those cases there typically was in large was 5.94 with an implied p-value appears that the continuous-updating estimator implies that the model .\s in point estimates of 6 and 7 of 0.25 and odds with the data. However the estimate parameters are very plausible. using it is in when evaluated important to evaluate the criterion tunction In this case 33 However we restricted 7 to the range [0 20] and estimated 8 for each hypothetical value of of 7 is 7. The resulting minimized criterion as a function plotted in the top panel of figure 7.1. Notice that for this range of 7 the minimized criterion function once a plausible is well set of above 30 where the implied parameters is p- value is essentially zero. considered, the model is still rejected As a result, when using the continuous-updating estimator. In estimation of the time nonseparable model the point estimates of the parameters were also quite implausible with estimates of 6, The bottom panel of 13.55 with an implied p-value of .035. In is still of 1.20, 267.96 and 0.32 respectively. of figure 7.1 presents the criterion function for the continuous-updating estimator with 7 restricted to the range model 7 and [0 20]. 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Median Mean Truncated Mean'' 10% Quantile 90% Quantile Time Two-Step Iterative .Averaging, True 7 3.48 1.75 -518.14 1.88 3.18 1.88 -10.48 -0.29 11.52 4.22 = 4.55 1.73 = 4.99 Table 6.1: Properties of Estimators of 7, Markov Chain Model, Annual Data Continuous- Updating Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile Mean Truncated .Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile Iterative Two-Step Table 6.2: Properties of Estimators of 7, True 7 = 1.3, 6 Markov Chain Model, Monthly Data = Continuous-Updating 0.97i/'2 Table 6.3: Properties of Estimators of 7 and 6, Markov Chain Model, Annual Data Continuous-Updating Estimator, True 7 Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile ^- 90% Quantile Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile = 1.3,6 = .97 Table 6.4: Properties of Estimators of 7 and 9, Markov Chain Model, Monthly Data Continuous-Updating Estimator, True 7 Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90%' Quantile Mean Truncated Mean" .Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile .Mean Truncated Mean" Median 10% Quantile 90% Quantile = 1.3,6 = .97*'''^ Figure 5.1 Criterion Functions Monthly Log-Normal Model, No Time Averaging ....Iterative, Minimized 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Two-Step, Continuous-Updating Figure 5.2 Criterion Functions Monthly Log-Normal Model, Time Averaging .Iterative, Minimized 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Two-Step, Continuous-Updating Figure 5.3 Smoothed Distribution of Estimated Angle implied by (1, 7r] Monthly Log-Normal Model, No Tim^ Averaging Continuous-Updating Two Iterative Step I 1.5 46 Figure 5.4 Smoothed Distribution of Estimated Angle implied by Monthly Log-Normal Model, Time Averaging Continuous-Updating (1, 7t] Iterative 1 Two Step I 1.5 47 1.5 Figure 5.5 Criterion Function for Continuous-Updating Estimator Monthly Log-Normal Model, No Time Averaging (D _3 CO > c g O Figure 6.1 Criterion Functions Annual Markov Chain Model = .97, 7 .Iterative, = 1.3. ^ = 0. Moment Two-Step, Conditions Ml. Continuous-Updating Figure 6.2 Criterion Functions Annual Markov Chain Model = 7 .97, = 1.3, ^ = 0. Moment Conditions M2. Two-Step, .Iterative, Continuous-Updating Minimized 0.1 0.2 Constrained 0.1 0.2 0.3 - True 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 Wald Minimized 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.1 50 0.2 0.3 Figure 6.3 Criterion Functions Annual Markov Chain Model /^ = .97, 7 = 1.3. ^ = 0. Moment Two-Step, .Iterative, Conditions- M3. Continuous-Updating Minimized 0.1 0.2 Constrained 0.1 0.2 0.3 - True 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 Wald Minimized 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.1 51 0.2 0.3 Figure 6.4 Criterion Functions Annual Markov Chain Model = .97, 7 = 1.3, ^ = 0. Moment Two-Step, .Iterative, Conditions M4. Continuous- Updating Minimized 0.1 0.2 Constrained 0.1 0.2 0.3 - True 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.4 0. Wald Minimized 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.1 02 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Figure 6.5 Criterion Functions Annual Markov Chain Model = 1.139, 7 = 13.7, ^ = 0. Moment Two-Step, .Iterative, Conditions M3. Continuous-Updating Minimized 0.1 0.2 Constrained 0.1 0.2 0.3 - True 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.4 0. 0.4 0.5 Wald Minimized 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.1 53 0.2 0.3 Figure 6.6 Criterion Functions Annual Markov Chain Model l3 = 1.139, 7 = 13.7, ^ = 0. Two-Step, .Iterative, Moment Conditions M4. Continuous-Updating Minimized 0.1 0.2 Constrained 0.5 / 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.3 - True 0.4 0.5 Minimized y^ y^ '.' 0.1 0.2 0.3 Wald 0.4 0.5 Figure 6.7 Criterion Functions Monthly Markov Chain Model l3 = .97^/>2 7 = 1.3, ^ = 0. Two-Step, .Iterative, Moment Conditions M2. Continuous-Updating Minimized 0.1 0.2 Constrained 0.1 0.2 0.3 - True 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 Wald Minimized 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.1 00 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Figure 6.8 Criterion Functions Monthly Markov Chain Model /? = .97^/^2^ 7 = 1.3, ^ = 0. Two-Step, .Iterative, Moment Conditioas M3. Continuous-Updating Minimized 0.1 0.2 Constrained u.o 0.3 - True 0.4 0.5 Minimized 0.1 0.2 0.3 Wald 0.4 0.5 Figure 6.9 Criterion Functions Annual Markov Chain Model, Continuous- Updating Estimator = .97, 7 = 1.3, Time Nonseparable. Moment Conditions M3. 13 e = ^ 1/3 = 0, _ ^ = -1/3, • Minimized 0.2 Constrained 0.5 0.4 0.3^ 0.2 0.1 0.3 - = -2/3 True «J- 0.1 e 0.4 0.5 Minimized ,!» 0.1 0.2 0.3 Wald 0.4 0. Figure 6.10 Criterion Functions Monthly Markov Chain Model, Continuous- Updating Estimator .97^/*^, 7 = 1.3, Time Nonseparable. Moment Conditions M2. l3 = ......e = 1/3 e = o,_0 ^ -1/3 Minimized 0.1 0.2 Constrained 0.1 0.2 0.3 True 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 Wald Minimized - 0.2 0.5 0.1 58 0.2 0.3 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 00897 4716 Figure 6.11 Criterion Functions Monthly Markov Chain Model, Continuous-Updating Estimator /J = .97*/*^, 7 = 1.3, Time Nonseparable. Moment Conditions M3. e= 1/3 ^ = 0, Minimized 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 -1/3 True 0.5 0.1 _^ = 0.4 0.5 y/r'y. tl76 ni^i4 Date Due m .^9199*! Lib-26-67