fl-:' /• /O K: HD28 .M414 ^2- ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT From Project to Process Management in Strategies for Improving Development Cycle Time Engineering: P. Adler, A. Mandelbaum, and E. Schwerer Vien Nguyen WP# 3504-92-MSA October, 1992 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 From Project to Process Engineering: Management Strategies for in Improving Development Cycle Time P. Adler, A. Mandelbaum, and E. Schwerer Vien Nguyen WP# 3504-92-MSA October, 1992 JAN I 1 3 1993 From Project Management to Process An S. Engineering: Empirically-based Framework for the Analysis of Paul in Product Development Adler Art Mandelhauui Department of Management and Organization School of Business Administration Technion University of Soutiiern California Haifa, Israel 32000 Los Angeles, CA Management Faculty of Industrial Engineering and 90089-1421 Vien Nguyen Elizahdh Schwerer Sloan School of Management (Iraduate School of Business Massachusetts Institute of Technology Stanford University Cambridge, MA 02139 Stanford. C \ 9430.>o01o Abstract Product development work has often been studied as though it consisted of isolated This approach allows organizations' activities to he described in terms of unique projects. PERT models, which either do not acknowledge resource limitations at all or assume that However, many product development organizations do not rely on fully-dedicated teams, so their projects suffer delays when re.sources have more than one project resources are dedicated. framework for analyzmodel the product development organization as a stochcistic processing network in which engineering resources are "workstations" and projects are "jobs" that flow among the workstations. At any given time, a job is either receiving service or queueing for access to a resource, and our model's spreadsheets and simulations quantify this division of time. This class of models provides a valuable managerial framework for studying product development becau.se it enables formal performance analysis and to contend with concurrently. This study develops an empirically-based ing development time in such contexts. it We points to data that should be collected by organizations .seeking to improve development cycle times. These models can serve as management regarding resource allocation and to help in tools, for example, to support decisions predicting project completion time. They also provide a vaJuable conceptual framework, since they point to commonalities and differences between engineering and manufacturing operations. November 1992 ^ Author's names are listed in alphabetical order. Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 A 2 3 The Conceptual 4 The Research 5 Constructing the Model 9 51 Project Types 9 52 Resources 10 5.3 Tasks 11 5.4 New Product Projects: Activity 5.5 New Product Projects: Precedence Const rauits 5.6 Reformulation Projects Brief Literature Survey Fi-aniework: Site: 6 Analysis, Stage I: 7 Analysis, Stage II: 8 The A Process Model Plastics division at Chemicals Inc. Capacity Cycle Time Times 5 7 12 13 16 16 18 7.1 The Simulation Model 19 7.2 Simulation Results 22 Conclusion 24 List of Tables Times of New Produoi Projects 1 Interarrival 2 Resource Characteristics 3 Fraction of 4 Activity Descriptions 5 Processing Times for 6 Probability of Involvement - 7 Maximum 8 Average Number of Times Activities are Executed 9 Processing Times for Reformulations 35 10 Utilization Profile 36 11 Utilization Profile with Pooling 37 12 Values of Adjustable Parameters 38 13 Simulation Model - Resources 39 14 Activity Descriptions - Simulation Model 39 15 Processing Times - Simulation Model 40 16 Utilization Factors - Simulation 40 17 Simulation Results 18 Fraction of Time Devoted 30 30 to Administrative and Support Activities 30 31 New Products 32 New Products 33 permissible pooling Time Spent 34 Model for New Protiucts 34 41 in Overtime 41 List Figures ()f 1 Processing Network Representation 2 Traditional 3 Organization Cliart of Chemicals Inc 4 Process Flow Diagram - 5 Process Flow Diagram - Reformulations 6 Iteration Structure for 7 Utilization Profile with Pooling - Graphical Representation 8 New Products 9 Reformulations Activities Flow Diagram - Simulation Model 48 10 New Products Project Completion Time - Histogram 49 11 New Products Project Completion Time - Cumulative 12 Reformulations Project Completion Time 13 Reformulations Project Completion Time - Cumulative Distribution PERT 42 Representation 42 43 New Products 44 45 New Products Activities Flow 46 Diagram - Simulation .Model 111 Distribution - Histogram '. 47 48 50 51 52 Introduction 1 I'm late. I'm late, Product development organizations often view unique activities. The While Rabbit, for a very important date. In reality, Wonderland Alice in independent collections of their projects as however, projects are often mutually dependent because they place simultaneous demands on shared resources. Moreover, different jirojects witlim an organization often exhibit substantial similarity the overall flow of constituent activities. in hypothesize that a process view - that therefore a view of the development process as a regular is, production process" - can provide a framework for better a project "design understanding organizations that pursue multiple concurrent non-unique projects using shared resources should allow us to quantify the delays We experiences as it particular, this approach In To waits for resources. test this hypothesis, we constructed a process model of an actual firm's product development activities. In this paper, we present the models that we constructed and discuss potential roles of process models for managing development cycle time. Several business observers, including Blackburn (1991), Stalk and Hout (1990). Clark and Fujimoto (1989a), and Wheelwright (1989), have noted the increasing pressures on firms to ac- and launching new products. The most prevalent tools for celerate their process of developing predicting product development times are descendants of Technique) and for several CPM (Critical phenomena PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Path Method) (Dean, 1985), but these techniques that can slow project progress. the> First. project activities in which activity times are predictable and first for attempts always succeed. Many at a time. resources We Thus they fail in We PERT/CPM assume that resources are dedicated development organization can be viewed terms of processes. development, which we survey instead of on the both activity times analyses, if they to a single project from contention for shared projects. posit that the product can be described all, Second, typical to account for the congestion effects arising among concurrent m example, proposed designs are often tested and iteratively redesigned and retested until specifications are met acknowledge resource limitations at to account depict an idealized flow of product development organizations, on the other hand, face uncertainties and number of activity repetitions: fail management in This approach Section "2, in that it differs as a system whose activities from previous studies of product focuses on the management of resources of individual projects. model the product development organization as a stochastic processing network iii which engineering resources are 'workstations'" and projects are jobs" that compete for "service' from the workstations. At any given time, a job Our representation ing for access to a resource. from either receiving service is is the spirit of in We turing. elaborate upon these differences models that we The subsequent use. tiiaii in workstation or queue- queuemg network models manufacturing processes, but the product development environment that lead to networks with different features a lias for unique characteristics those traditionally associated with manufac- Section 3, where we describe m detail the process sections of this report are organized as follows Section 4 describes the division that was our host for this project. Section 5 describes the components of the model and data that we collected. Sections specifies the discusses the first The underlying work with the time available is presented in Section and 'capacity analysis," which culminates stage utilization profiles. 6 7. A calculations to resources. first 7 m present OLir analysis. Section 6 spreadsheets displaying resource compare the average demand of project-related The second stage of analysis focuses on cycle time and companion paper Adier ( the methodological challenges of this study, and a second et. ( nl. AdIer 1992b) discusses tt m greater detail i992a) demonstrates al how such models can be used to better manage time-to-market. Section 8 highlights the lessons that we learned in carrying out the project, points out some limitations of our study, and discusses future prospects for process modeling Our objectives in this in product development environments. study were threefold. ment could be meaningfully represented within that see is, ment managers and tools based on such a to test whether product develop- framework of process models, "meaningfully," model that would be both theoretically interesting to researchers. would highlight major differences and effort the we wanted from the dual perspectives of the practitioner and the academic. Second, we wanted we could build if First, similarities to useful to product develop- Third, we hoped that this research between engineering 'knowledge work" and manufacturing operations. We feel that our effort has been successful on significant insights into a broad all of our three goals: a process model can offer spectrum of product development organizations; both our spread- sheet and simulation models appear to be promising practical and theoretical tools; and we have identified a rich framework for identifying the differences and similarities between manufacturing and engineering operations. 2 The literature on project A Brief Literature Survey management and product development addresses the question of congestion in is multi-project environments. voluminous, but A little of it brief survey ot previous studies highlights the need for research addressing this issue. A first body of research focuses on information and task flows within projects but does not tackle problems of queues within a single project or within rnulti-projerr environments For example, Cooper (1983) synthesizes the results of nian> held studies of product development. new product development finding several key phases of project success. a systematic A He proposes way a "flow" approach, to ensure that second body of research nothmg (for is in wiiose effective pxecution is critical to which management considers these phases in overlooked. example, Allen and Cohen 1969, Tushman 1978, and Tushman 1979) has studied both information flow in development organizations and the effect of organi- zational structure and behavioral patterns on the operation of these organizations. However, the focus on complex information flows in this research is not linked to the cycle-time performance of discrete projects. A third body of research product development work. is It more attentive complex iterations that characterize most to the attempts to describe the overall structure of these iterations but remains focussed on the single project environment. highlight lead time as a critical performance measure Clark in 1989a. 1989b. 1991) (1987. al f/ product development They analyze the coordination between development and manufacturing departments and the integration stream and downstream In p.articular tiiey consider the issues of activities. ^f up- simultaneous versus sequential performance of tasks and of the piecemeal rejt^ase of information from upstream sources to downstream ones, but they fail to recognize how these processes re- are affected by resource limitations. Imai, Nonaka, and Takeuchi (1985) consider both the ability of organizations to adjust their processes study these performance measures in in cycle time and response to exogenous factors. They the light of five cases of recent product innovations Japanese and American companies. They identify innovative development: "top new product development management six critical factors that encourage efficient in and as catalyst, sell-organizing project teams, overlapping development phases, multilearning, subtle control, and the organization transfer of learning." Again, the focus is on management of single projects. Black, Fine, and Sachs (1990) propose a matrix method for deciding of a product design process according to the flow of information how to order the activities among them Eppinger. Whitney, Smith, and Gebala (1989) take a similar approach based on models of the design process organizations. These studies focus on the overall structure of the work flow - in in several particular, the likelihood of iterations - but they consider neither the queueing effects created by the flow through this structure nor those created by multii^le concurrent projects A paper closer in spirit to ours is Taylor and Moore ( 1990) competing They take (Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique) network, which is a for resources. as their generalized that allows probabilistic routing and repetition of activities \ia fin^dhark ioo[is GERT model a PERT network (Neumann. 1979). They use the simulation package Q-GERT (Pntsker 1979) to study with multiple research teams and multiple projects. Since to a single project at a time, their a devplopment organization a.ssume that each tlie> team is dedicated model does not include any resource contention and queueing effects. Another group of studies in now emerging that is multi-project environments. highlights the importance of the process issues Hayes, Wheelwright, and Clark (1988) develop a framework understanding the management challenges of product development. Of particular relevance for to our research, they identify "manufacturing capability" as a key determinant of project performance (pp. 323-327). By manufacturing capability, they mean not only the manufacturing organization's readiness to ramp-up production, but also manufacturing They speedily constructing high-quality prototypes. s contribution to the earlier phases by further stretch the concept to include the design engineering organization's internal "process capabilities'" that allow for fast turnaround of key engineering tasks such as laboratory testing. This e.xtension of the idea of manufacturing capabilities to the engineering organization leads naturall_\- to the idea that engineering operations too can be organized according to JIT principles to make this new approach But tht.'v do not develop the concepts needed operational. Several recent studies have attempted to define the more specific concepts needed to flesh out a process view of project management. cessful new product development and Blackburn (1991) emphasizes the between suc- link the Just-In-Time manufacturing strategy In particular. he discusses the ideas of organizational design (how functional groups should be structurf>d ). batch sizing, and coordination with "suppliers"; and he discusses how to translate the Japanese manufacturing philosophy into the product development setting. VVatkins and Clark (199'J) present a framework for studying organizations that evolving portfolio of projects. They identify project scheduling, resource dedication, specialization as three key dimensions in the framework. They e.xamine manage an and resource strategies used by man- agers in deploying their resources and conclude that these strategies are based on assumptions about the nature of the new product development process that have become Clark identify the inherent uncertainty in the invalid Watkins new product development environment aiul as a source of difficulty for such stratgies. Schonberger (1986) discusses a case study of In-Time approach to identify the obstacles They found that a group that tried to implement to rapid project completion m their this type of Just- own organization careful recording of their work times highlighted bottleneck areas that they were able to reduce or eliminate. Finally, like Alexander ( 1990) sketches a queueing network model of product development projects the one we analyze in this paper. The author 4 discusses many issues of modeling and data collection, and he suggests how principles of queueing theory could he used Our present study contributes to this emerging body of research on the impact of congestion on project cycle-time in multi-project organizations. it to data from real projects 3 We focus on testmg this approach by applying a real organization. in The Conceptual Framework: A Process Model For our purpose, a stochastic processing network consists of a collection of "work- 1). stations" or "resources," each of which A "servers" working in parallel. in We propose to model the product development organization as a "stochastic processing network" (Figure the to identify bottlenecks. same title, who perform the is composed more interchangeable and of one or identical workstation corresponds to a pool of employees, typically with same functions interchangeably. For example, two of the resources our model are "process engineers'" (a pool of two employees) and "manufacturing engineers" (a pool of five). The servers are the technicians or engineers who make up the pool The organization processes projects, or "jobs," which consist of collections of tasks (such as "Product Prototyping" and "Product Testing") that are performed by specified resources tasks can be carried out tasks task may may in parallel while others must be performed sequentially not begin until several other tasks have been completed, we is called its '"processing time," or between the starts of new projects are called For example. Figure 2 1. is the PERT Each job consists of call it a 'activity time." When several "join." The time and the intervals '" ""interarrival times. use PERT-style diagrams to illustrate constraints on the order Figure Certain specified orders. begin processing at the same time, we refer to the phenomenon as a "fork": when a required to complete a task We in in which tasks are executed. diagram associated with the processing network depicted 7 activities. and "Slab Prototype" can be performed Activities "Vlanufacturing Process in parallel (they represent a fork) in Development" and "Manufacturing Scale-Up" begins when activities "Product Testing" and "Manufacturing Process Development" are both completed (a join). The processing network is stochastic because interarrival times, processing times, and prece- dence requirements may be subject to "type" if Projects are said to be of the statistical variability their individual precedence requirements, processing times, characterized by the we distinguished same set of probability distributions. In the 2 types of projects, ""new product projects"" discussion in Section same and interarrival times can be sample organization we studied. and 'reformulation projects" (see 5). Underlying our model are several assumptions First, we a.ssume that the organizations tasks and technologies are stable over time and that projects can !it^ characterized h\ sets of probability distributions. We further assume tiiat there m of projects and that projects within each type are uniform their realizations can be attributed fo stochastic varialnlity, many common organizations whose projects share this class are organizations devoted to the this paper can be read as a number small a is tlie of identifiable types sense that differences among Tliese assumptions restrict us to We cliaracteristics. hvpothesize that among development of well-defined families of products, and test of that hypothesis. On the other hand, our model not very useful for understanding groups whose mission is is probably where projects are by basic research, nature more idiosyncratic. When new a project enters the network, proceeds to the station(s) corresponding to it forking as necessary into the appropriate first task(s), number of tasks. In Figure project forks into three tasks, and each task then proceeds to its 1, its an incoming corresponding workstation. Notice that the activity "Manufacturing Process Development" requires attention from both the product engineer and the process engineer, we therefore distinguish "process development by product engineers" and "process development by the sake of simplicity, we have and later figures tables.) one of the servers is to gain access to a server. it has received its a task arrives at a station, available), or two different tasks. (For out several arrows and tasks from Figure left When |5rocess engineers" as it joins the end of the queue for that its (if workstation and waits (stociiastic) processing time, Each task has an associated requisite service at the workstation, that appear in either served immediately is it 1 and when project proceeds to the next task(s), again forking or joining as necessary. In the context of product development, the entities passed from one workstation to the next could be engineering drawings, work orders, or Hence, one can think of a project "traveling" from one workstation to the next "departing" from the network when Although is it all of its for test results. processing and tasks have been completed. simplest to think of tasks as physical processes (this would be natural in ap- plications such as assembly or manufacturing operations), the flow of tasks can also represent information flow. Indeed, the ease with which tasks fork engineering from manufacturing tasks. Whereas allow different engineers to work component in parallel, a is one of the features that distinguishes drawing and a CAD file can be reproduced to manufacturing processes typically do not allow or subassembly to fork into different parallel processes. Process models for manufac- turing environments must allow for joins (as components and subassemblies they do not in The queue come together), but general need to confront the greater modeling complexity of forking processes. at each workstation (repre.sented by shaded boxes the "in-box" of the resource. A We in Figure 1) corresponds to complete description of the model must also specify the service discipline at each station - that the queue. for a is, the rule by which the server chooses the next task from implement our basic model using the 6 rouiKl-robm" discipline within priority In this discipline, a free server takes the next top |Driority task in the classes. on for a pre-specified length of time. it If queue and works she completes the task withm the time period, the corresponding project moves on to a successor task, and the server continues with the next top Otherwise, the task returns to the end of the queue, priority task in the queue. processing time updated is to reflect the last the server. When tasks in the same manner. Clearly there the queue empty is is it waits until its remaining next access to of top priority work, the station serves the second priority are other possible choices for service discipline, including first-in-first-out, last-in-first-out, or project the round-robin service discipline round of service, and its with the earliest due-date a reasonable first We conjecture that approximation of human response to important competing demands. In the summary, a complete number number of resources in specification of a processing network requires the following ingredients: the network and the iiumiier of parallel servers within each resource; the of project types; and for each project type, a set of probability tlistributions characterizing the type's precedence requirements (i.e., the numl)pr of tasks and the order in which they are to be executed), the processing time of each task, and the interarrival times of new projects. The model that we have proposed clearly draws from queueing theoretic concepts and terminol- ogy and can be seen as a "generalized queueing network." Since Jackson queueing networks as models of job shops, they have had ufacturing, communications, ( 1957, 1963) introduced a rich history of computer systems, and transportation science applications The in man- generalization of classical queueing networks to processing networks, which allow forking and joining, enables analysis of systems that are characterized by parallel as well as sequential processing (Nguyen. 1990, 1992). Such models have been used, for example, to represent distributed database systems (Baccelli, 1989). We hypothesize that stochastic processing networks can also be used to analyze product development organizations. 4 Our The Research The Site: Plastics division at Chemicals Inc. whom research site was an organization we call the Plastics division at Chemicals Inc order to protect their anonymity (Figure 3 shows an organization chart of Chemicals Inc Plastics division sales. made Historically, industries. With it plastic parts and accounted for some 79c had sold primarily custom-designed products the slow-down automobile industry - an in defense contracts effort that coincided moving away from defense and into a in recent years, ) in The of Chemicals' total domestic for the it was aerospace and defense shifting its focus to the with that industry's increa.sed use of plastics. In commercial market, the Plastics division was increasingly concerned with cost and time-to-market issues. The Plastics division offered several advantages as a research site. corporate management were interested development in both divisional and Fir^t, understanding how they could accelerate then- product m cycle, so they were eager to help us The our research. Plastics division had recently lost several potential contracts to their principle competitor, a large Japanese firm with significantly faster product development. Management support was project because of the time and effort involved crucial to the success of our helping us collect data in Second, years the Product Development manager had been collecting time cards from his for several staff, and these could be retrieved for our use. The staff of the technical department in the Plastics division consisted of engineers and tech- m nicians divided into functional groups specializing cations. test A technical services group supported these engineering groups by helping to product prototypes. other staff product design, process design, and appli- members all Finally, made make and manufacturing engineers, product managers, salespeople, and critical contributions to development projects All these resources constitute workstations in our network. Although the group considered ucts," - and it it its mandate principal to be the development of "new prod- also handled "reformulations" - projects to replace the materials supported products on the market. typically triggered by customer constituent material or when New i.iroduct development and support interest; reformulations arose either a better material became in e.xisting available when a products efforts were vendor discontinued a Reformulation projects tended to have little urgency: the plant might have several months' supply of the current material, and the potential cost savings from using a different material was typically small. circumstances force reformulation projects into top Management ically, rarely did jiriority assigned formal priorities to projects to help resources allocate their time. Typ- projects involving the development of priority) Only new products were gneii whereas most reformulation projects were treated as priority affected the trajectory of a project by department how they should communicating ]iriority 2 1 (the highest This priority system to resources both inside and outside the Managers and engineers often expressed exas- treat the project. peration over the long delays that priority 2 projects suffered while waiting for attention from product managers or the manufacturing plant If the priority reflectetl the true business impor- tance of the project, then such delays might seem inevitable and even appropriate. Nevertheless. one project we studied had spread two person-months of work over about inefficiencies to market, and the due to mental set-up time, the opportunity cost of delay toll of prolonged management quantify the delays arising from various more explicitly. 2 5 \ears. raising questions distraction. management in One purpose getting the product of our project is to policies so that these costs can be evaluated The Plastics division liad recently defined a standard, five-phase procedure for product de- velopment. This phase system was the product of to explicitly characterize the development process a for new products. Their a "living guideline which insured that key issues were discussed moved into the next phase" of team that had sought (luahty im|)rovement effort and com|)leted before from the beginning. A a them informed and in in project development (quoting from internal division documents). objective of the phase system was to get people from diflferent functions involved early stage in order to keep culminated One projects at an on customer needs to ensure that projects focused second purpose was to systematize project evaluation so that people would ask critical questions early and prevent wasted work. For us, the phase system proved crucial by establishing a nomenclature for project tasks. 5 To characterize identify statistically Constructing the Model the projects at the Plastics division, we asked our informants to major categories of projects, according to the similarity of the projects' acti\ity histories. For each project type, we required data on the frequency of new job starts tasks involved, the order in which they were executed (pi ( mterarrival times), the edence requirements), and the time required to complete each task (processing times). Because we accounted explicitly for time spent on support and administrative duties, we also needed data on the time that each resource pool devoted to these activities. Recall from Section 3 that our model requires the entire distribution of these quantities and not only their averages. We collected our data in three half-day workshops with a group of Plastics division employees representing most of our resource pools. recent new product aisk new product We Our intended this preliminary exercise to provide our informants to generalize to probability distributions projects." The data from the Plastics division 5.1 m the group and had a baseline from which for the entire "portfolio of that we describe below are the final estimates that ue obtained for its portfolio of projects. Project Types categorization criteria for project types required that each type occupv a substantial of resource time and that each have We asked them to estimate average activity times for a project (Project X) which had enjoyed high visibility been well documented. we could We identified three main features of some structural features distinguishing a project: the it amount from other types. assigned priority, the characteristics of the final product, and the nature of the development effort as reflected in its precedence relationships assigned priority affected the service discipline ai^plied to the [)roject. The The characteristics of the product determined Finally, technical requirements and lience the necessary development activities. its the nature of the development effort determined the required resources and activity sequence. Following the suggestion of our key contact at the Plastics division, we focused our study on a family of products we will call plastic engineering organization's time. in the broader class of all This product family accounted parts The other family was made up eitlier priority Although we recognize two distinct project types, we and 1 explicitly less Our model 1 how consists of two plastic parts project types: We 1 Therefore, we modeled them simply as support new products and reformulations. Our First, it various project characteristics affect the product development cycle combination with support priority 2. of our simulation scenarios. these two categories of projects, In As model only new product decision to isolate these two types of projects accomplishes two goals. explore projects. or priority than 49c of the resources' capacity. collected only aggregate data for reformulation projects, and many of the Reformulation projects, which typically are smaller priority 2). than new product projects, constituted activities in more idiosyncratic 80% products, plastic parts work included both new product developments and reformulations, and these projects could be assigned projects (of both priority of for over we manage activities based our data all also treated as of the group's time. job interarrival times on management interpretations of quarterly for status reports for the few years preceding our study. there had been 3 priority .Second, with to capture the bulk of the Plastics division's time. and admivistratiie duties (which the group work), they accounted for virtually allows us to 1 new product percent more starts, or 3.15 per year. final Our informants estimated that recently design reviews per year, with approximately 5 Our contacts also characterized for us the distribution of project terminations for those projects that were never completed. Typically these terminations occurred toward the end of Phase 3 when engineers determined that no feasible solutions existed for the remaining problems inhibiting scale-up or launch. we learned that roughly summarizes these 5.2 The For priority 2 2.5 projects per year were initiated new product and none were terminated projects. Table 1 figures. Resources core resources are the product and process engineers and technicians to product development, but this "development group" relied who dedicated their time on several other resource pools. For example, they ordered materials from other divisions, ran prototypes in the manufacturing plant, requested tests from the technical services group, sought marketing and sales advice about the 10 concerns of the lead customer, consulted with the specifications group about possible legal and relied on product management wide differences effort revealed and promote these to coordinate actlvitit^^i issues. Our data gathering the quality of information available to us on these resources. in Considering these information gaps, we distinguished resources that satisfied the following two the group had potential impact on project process, and criteria: acti\ities its were adequately documented. Those groups that potentially affected the rate of project completion but that did not satisfy the latter requirement are combined into a group called 'Miscellaneous'" which includes the following functions: Sales. Finance, Specifications, Logistics, and Quality Assuranro We of identified 9 resources. According to management estimates of resource availability (number work hours per week per server within each resource), average work weeks varied from 40 55 hours depending on the resource. The name number of the resources, the of parallel servers within each resource, and the average availability per week for each are group are shown 2. The first 4 to Table in resources. Product Engineer, Process Engineer. Product Technician, and Process Technician, constitute the core development resources. Collectively they handled approximately 65% of the product development work. Table 3 shows estimated fractions of time devoted to administrative and support activities by each resource group Tasks 5.3 To find a partition of the product development activities the phase procedure mentioned in Section 4. at the Plastics division, we turned to This procedure described of the development process, specifying a standard protocol for resolving the key issues phase. Phase 1 phases five sequential each in ("Concept/Feasibility") was characterized by the intensive involvement of a few marketing and product development people who simultaneously explored technical, manufacturing and market feasibility. In Phase 2 ("Project project plan was drafted. as the Phase team worked out the 3 Plan/Team") a full team was assembled, and a ("Product Development") signaled the project's peak technical, legal, and marketing issues in detail. It effort, was here that the development group expected to face the project's critical challenges. Phase 4 ("Manufacturing Standardization/Launch") full-scale manufacturing. wrinkles, and it It marked the transfer of the project from the development labs to included a concentrated effort to eliminate any remaining technical closed with the product launch. Finally. Phase .j ("Continuous Improvement") Each phase consisted of represented ongoing refinements while the product was on the market approximately a dozen issues to be resolved. To simplify the data collection and the analysis, we decided to focus on the (through Manufacturing Standardization/Launch), aggregating Phases 11 1, 2. and first 4 into four phases one "activ- each and specifying Phase 3 (Product Development) ity" Phase 3 of the development process because illustrated some it ni greater detail W'e chose to highlight contained the bulk of project work and because interesting network features which distinguish product development from ufacturing, namely, forking, looping among activities, continual marked the time of it man- transmission of information be- tween steps, and resources who potentially juggled several activities at onct\ Phase to be a felicitous choice for the additional reason that it proved 3 later crispest activity definition. Working with the Plastics division staff, model of the development process and descriptions appear product development they skipped Phases in Table for 4. and 3. The complete consists of 17 activities whose names fewer resources and fewer person-hours to complete. Often and began with Phase as defined in Section 3 3. Each activity may require attention corresponds to an activity/resource pair Thus while each Review Patent/Product Engineer) (e.g. Phase Reformulation projects tended to be smailpr projects than new 2 entirely from several resources. A "task" identified 14 activities in new product projects efforts, requiring 1 we task is performed by exactly one resource, each resource can be responsible for several tasks. New Product 5.4 We Projects: Activity Times asked our informants at the Plastics division to consider their portfolio of projects' and estimate the 10th and 90th percentiles of the processing times expect that 10% of all occurrences of an activity took more time than our high estimate. less We characterize each time for tlian most activities. That we is, our low estimate and \0% took protyotyping activity by only one number, which we take to be the actual processing time. Members of the Plastics division perceived that these activities were of relatively short and invariant duration and that the variability spent prototyping activities was due mostly to the number of repetitions. product development projects are shown in Table 5. An empty The data activity /resource times in for new box indicates that the resource did not contribute to the activity. In empty Table cell 6, an entry of 1 indicates that the resource was always involved in the activity, and an implies that the resource never devoted time to the activity. Fractional probabilities, however, can be interpreted in two diametrically opposed ways. On might be independent, indicating that the activity was not necessary appropriate representation of the activity "Phase 2.'" According tiie one hand, such entries This for all projects. to Tal.de 6, only 30% is an of projects required application engineers to contribute to this activity, and independently of the application engineers' contribution, manufacturing engineers could expect to spend time on Phase 2 the projects. On the other hand, some m 90% fractional probabilities reflected interchangeability 12 of among Technical employees tend to liave more general resources. When suggest. the probabilities in Table 6 iiulicate the than their skills official functions average proportions of times that each resource was assigned exclusively to a task, we asterisk the corresponding entries. According to this interpretation, asterisked fractional probabilities in each row sum to the total probability that m any given project, either application the activity occurred. For example, Table 6 indicates that engineers or product engineers, but not both resources, spent time on A field trials. second issue arises from this tension between interchangeability and specialization. En- gineers and technicians - unlike machines and equipment which are their manufacturing counterparts - are capable of handling a wide variety of tasks beyond their formal functions in the organization. For example, during busy periods at the Plastics division, the development group might turn some of work over to engineers with nominally its different functions, such as manufac- turing or applications engineers (who normally dealt with factor^' and customer implementation Since specialization issues respectively). technical capability, is it up to the The terize as fixed versus variable. our informants, indicate the A resources. modeler to decide how much of entries maximum feature that plan? if it Or is 7, which we obtained from conversations with was we did not include In this table, the substitute resources are in our models prolonged Phase a 1 is time resolving Phase 1 issues, Our model assumes that among assumed was was more representative it to long Phase 2 - also difficult to formulate a process if the development group spent more straightforward we would need a activities. it the two activities are independent activities, among the possible dependence was topically followed by difficult to resolve feasibility issues, the opposite scenario of dependence it. efficiently as the original resources. One might wonder whether is, Table negative entry indicates a resource giving away some responsibility, and a positive complete the work as that m this specialization to charac- extent to which we permit reallocation of work between entry reflects another resource accepting A often a matter of organizational choice and not of is for them more to formulate process plans'?" To answer empirically the question a joint distribution of all the tasks that compose a product development effort; the engineering organization we studied did not keep the detailed data necessary for such analysis. New 5.5 Product Projects: Precedence Constraints Simultaneously with our effort to identify tasks, we asked our key contact at the Plastics division to translate the phase system into PERT-like diagrams illustrating the flow of activities. flow diagram presented shown in in The activity Figure 4 reflects the resulting model of the [irocess flow. Activities are boxes, and arrows indicate precedence among 13 activities; if several resources were involved in an activity, we assume they could execute their tasks tliat have only forward arrows: a downstream activ it> Figure 4 represents the following process flow: a to Phase and testing material samples ("slabs") product prototypes and finally ideal" project would ne\er be followed by an upstream new project begins Product engineers and technicians begin 3 activities. An Phase at 1 would activity. and then proceeds completion of Phase 2 triggers the start of several (possibly) simultaneous Phase Its 2. ui |)arallel. making acti\ities in the prototyping cycle: to refine the material formulation, making and testing the lab to explore product geometries and to study the material's behavior, in making product prototypes in the plant to uncover manufacturability issues Product engineers, process engineers, and technicians simultaneously develop the manufacturing process, getting information from the product engineers about special product reciuirements and sharing their own cost and feasibility results. At the same time, people and product management begin the sales in lower-left corner of the flow chart. These activities initially have acti\ities shown m the impact on the technical little side of product development, but ultimately the two groups negotiate through the interface of the product specifications effort. When a final product and set of specifications are defined, technical services performs a comprehensive set of qualification tests to ensure that the product meets these specifications. If all goes well, the new product proceeds on to review, and ultimately to the The full field trials, to the phase 3 (design) manufacturing scale-up and launch of Phase 4. proliferation of reverse arrows in the flow chart illustrates necessary iterations activities. For the sake of simplicity in among our model, we include onl> those loops that our informants believed occurred with significant frequency. As we mentioned, Figure 5 displays the process flow diagram for reformulation projects reformulation projects are simpler than new product development efforts and require significantly fewer activities. In particular, note that our model bypasses Phases 1 and 2. and Phase 3 contains fewer activities. The likelihood of iterating characterize it, we would need but also the order in was the most difficult part of to describe not only the our model to specify. To completely number of times that activities occurred, which they occurred, and we would need probability distributions over both of these differentiating features. The informants found it diflicult to discuss the range of possible configurations that they encountered or to identify characteristic patterns, so we needed to take a simpler route. We asked the engineers to cla.ssify 11 recently completed projects according to the complexity of the iteration structure (2 projects were simple, 5 medium, and 4 complex); we developed profiles for each class as we describe below; and then we used the weighted average uf the resultant profiles to analyze the organization's overall performance. Implicit the assumption of dependence among different iterations in a project 14 m this In reality, it approach was appears that in some projects, correlated; but some iterations were independent of one another, and others were negatively we only picked up piecemeal indications of what form of data collection might prove most revelatory. We gathered two forms of data making and (involving the times, we have "expected For "inner for the iteration structure. prototyping iterations number total of iterations per project expectation of strong negative correlation among '" This form of data reflects an nested levels of iterations It we considered it which typically did not occur often, we For "outer iterations.' sometimes with collected data in the form of "probability of iterating." times that an activity could be executed. when question: the maximum number maximum is numbers of best to ask each informant only for estimates of the iterations she herself performed. treat visits before the also reflects our phenomena outside finding that our informants were typically not well informed on the iteration their domains; many testing of materials and products), which were typically repeated We maximum treat this a maximum number maximum as a global of and This raises the following interpretive as independent. reached, should we assume that further visits to the activity will always succeed, or should we allow the possibility of failure (representing project termination)? Figure 6 displays data of the iteration structure ities within a among each cell are assumed new product development in to proceed either in sequence (i.e other) or in parallel. Arrows indicate the direction arrows indicate that an activity is in . there is no chance of iterating which activ successfully completed and the project projects. Activ- ities flow: moves on "forward" to successor activities must be repeated. Num- bers accompanying backward arrows describe the likelihootl of repeats Percentages indicate the activities, and "backward" arrows indicate that number of a probability of iterating, and integers denote the expected executed. Figures parentheses indicate the in maximum number executed. Each pair of numbers corresponds to data for tively. Following our informants' recommendation, we use profile of a a project of medium complexity. otir is of times that an activity can be medium and complex in projects, respec- baseline project (project X) as the 20% medium 60% the problem could be solved Table 8 complexity, there was a 15 In in manufacturing scale-up. for it 20% -309^ chance of such cases required product redesign, and them condenses the iterating data each activity. testing experience of of complexity, however, one expected to execute the three times. (|ualificatioii returning to a previous activity the flaw required material reformulation, in the remaining about the 6 reveals For a project of that a qualification test would result visits for of times that an activity simple project. As an example, consider what Figure medium number In any project of t|iialification testing activity at new products in into an average most number of Reformulation Projects 5.6 Finally, Table 9 These summarizes the average work content of new product that we presented for data: from an internal study figures were obtained that is, number for the total number reformulation projects. at the Plastics division numbers i)rojects, the these numbers are the total eacli activity in Unlike the figures Table 9 correspond to "aggregate" in of hours required for each task, accounting of times that tasks are carried out and weighted with the probability of involvement of each resource. 6 Our first level related work with the time available the resource can complete shown I: of analysis estimates divisional capacity by as Table 10) Capacity comparing the average demand of project to the resources. For each resource, we calculate average rate at which the resource receives work to utilization: the ratio of the is Analysis, Stage it. We calculate utilizations by means tiie which the organization can take on new work management can examine their influences top row of Table 10, labeled resource group spends on an average on the average load "NP Although the division did not keep track in the spreadsheet, each resource. The second and actual data that is project. (We discuss how third rows of Table 10 these compare available for the Plastics division. of the time spent by individual resources on individual did record the total hours spent by various groups on recent projects. Thus, we can development resource pools on an average not too far from the division estimate of 4408. However, we appear to significantly overestimate the time spent by technical services on an average project, and appears that we may in particular it be attributing to them work actually performed by the development group. This kind of analysis can point to interesting of their work and the way it difi'erences between the way our contacts conceived actually occurred, or between the nominal functions of resources and the roles they actually performed. For example, to rate at Hours," shows the total amount of time that each see that our estimate of 3910 hours spent by the four is for new product develoi)ment some spreadsheet-generated measures with project which to identify under- maximum and estimate the By varying key parameters figures were calculated at the end of this section.) it rate at For managing development cycle-time, utilization information provides staffed resources, determine probable project bottlenecks, activities, percentage of a spreadsheet (part of which important first-order performance measures. Managenient can use these figures The its it appe.ir* that technical services was cliartered do a significant amount of routine testing that was often may have been because clone by the development group. This technical services was often a project bottleneck, so development engineers 16 felt they could do the work more efficiently themselves. Finally, the fourth row of Table 10 shows the amount It is of time resources sjient on an average reformulation project. useful to decompose the work and project-related and non-project-related work, lo compute the 1 new product development product project (displayed new product projects Table 2). That projects, the in we multiply the average number are started (Table Then we 1). to priority of hours devoted to a at new which priority 1 divide the result by resource capacity (from new product projects (NP) 1 due utilization row of the spreadsheet) by the rate first the utilization due to priority is, and low priority utilization factors into categories of high priority for resource A is calculated by . utilization (NP pri 1,A) (rate of prioritv = NP 1 starts) x (avg hours per utilizations similarly. due to priority Beneath the priority 1 to the various activities. A for almost all are calculated reformulation utilization row are two rows showing contributions activities. estimates from our informants as reported The A new product projects and reformulation projects 2 from administrative and support the longer work weeks. project) : capacity of resource The NP ^ Unlike the other rows, these entries represent direct in Table 3 (eg total utilization factor is from then simply the percentage utilization close to 100 of the resource's time. Note that we ilo i|iiarterly reports), 7(. sum adjusted to of the utilizations due indicates that our model accounts not have figures for the administrative and support activities of those resources formally outside of the product development organization In that Table is, 11, we show percentage utilizations when resources are allowed to pool their work - resources share their work with others according to the Reallocation level specified at the bottom of Table 12 and the Maximum Permissible Pooling Level defined we multiply the maximum permissible hours given amount 7 to obtain a total in Table 12 in Table 7. Specifically, by the weighting parameter in Table of work that the resources exchange. For example. Table 7 shows that product engineers can potentially turn over much of their prototyping work to product technicians, and the Reallocation parameter of 0.80 maximum permissible perfect efficiency, and thus the summarizes The for i.e,, total The Total column example allows them indicates that to do so at 80 percent of the we assume reallocation happens with a task does not take any longer when performed by a substitute resource, number of manhours does not change when we introduce pooling. Figure 7 this information in a barchart. utilization figures in Tables 10 some resources them level. in this to complete to maiximally reassign for this result. all work and 11 raise several issues. One of these of their work (including priority 2 work), to other resource groups. There are a Since engineers estimated most of our numbers. the> overestimated their own contributions at that in order we need to allow few possible explanations may have the expense of their technirian^ 17 is systematically ,\nother possibility is that the group simply took on more work tlian gotten done for in last minute stints of We be simply too high. This extra work may have overtmie as deadlines approached. Our model does not allow overtime beyond the hours estimated may could handle. it Table in Fnially. our average activity time estimates 2. believe that this last factor cannot account for much of the problem because our calculations of total average time per project agree closely with the division's own data. Table 12 summarizes the adjustable parameters of shows how we compute the average eter" activity times percent and 90 percent estimates. The value We estimate and 10% to the higher one. .9 total hours per project. Although this from the figures that we collected means that we give 90% was order to arrive at in a significant negative correlation in the activity times: a given project is a distribu- reasonable estimate of disturbing finding, we think a initially likely to it may point to have one or two "sticking points" that take abnormally long to complete, but the process of working through facilitates other activities. skewed to the The It as 10 of the weight to the lower needed to use such a high factor (indicating skewed towards the lower estimates) tion heavily The "weighting param- this spreadsheet. also implies that the processnig time distributions may them be heavily left "loop factor adjustments'" were introduced in response to an informant's comment that our estimates for the number and duration of the prototyping loops were unreasonably high. This too most is likely 21 iterations (as number full to negative correlation. shown in Table in the The average but each iteration first iteration their estimates of each Iteration, example is slab prototyping effort did indeed take unlikely to take the Product Engineer the Based on our informants' reaction to the totals we introduced the Loop Factor Adjustments to bring the totals into closer conformity to reality. 7 To 8), of hours required by the we derived from shown due Analysis, Stage II: Cycle Time carry out the second stage of our analysis, we developed a Miiuilation model for cycle-time performance of the product development process at the Plastics division. first-order analysis which used only information regarding averugt processing times new start rates, the simulation process. some model explicitly incorporates the uncertainty of the studying Unlike the and average development For example, interarrival times as well as activity times are subject to variability, and activities may need to be iterated several times before they are successfuly completed. In the next section, we show how the simulation model can be used to identify trends, develop qualitative insights, The and suggest system improvements. basic information regarding resources, project types, activity rimes, and routing require- 18 ments necessary to build a simulation However, instead of using all of this information, significantly by aggregating activities of detail provided in a Section 5. represt^iitation of the process simulation model at the level Section 5 (and indeed to experiment with such a model) would require an it would only marginally improve insight. Our intended to capture the spirit of the product development process at the is Plastics division without actually mimicking manual (Conway, 1990) provides an els we simplify the and resources. To create overwhelming amount of time, and we believe simulation model m model of the Plasties division are roiitained all levels of interactions. (Section H of the XCELL excellent discussion of the virtues of keejjing simulation small and simple.) All simulations were performed using the simulation package Siman ( mod1990). The Simulation Model 7.1 Resources The simulation model aggregates pools (see Table 13) First, the 9 resources we group shown combined Table 2 into 7 composite resource the product engineers and process engineers into a single resource called product development (PD) engineers cess technicians are m Second, the product technicians and pro- into a pool called product replace the group miscellaneous, which previously was develoment (PD) technicians. Third, we composed specifications department, solely by the specifications group of several groups including the (i.e., all other groups in the miscella- neous category have been deleted from consideration). Our aggregation, which coalesces several resources into a single group, essentially creates pools of interchangeable resources that were not Such an aggregation scheme clearly creates treated as interchangeable in the original model more efficient a organization and consequently results more optimistic predictions of system perfor- mance. However, because we are pooling resources with comparable levels of utilization, we do not expect this aggregation to have a significant impact on system performance. Finally, we allocate additional capacity to resource pools that belong in the technical group of the Plcistics division (these include product development engineers and technicians, application engineers, and technical services). These resources typically work extra hours backlogged or when deadlines approach, and the 13 reflect the In maximum number maximum when server capacity figures projects are shown m Table of hours that these resources uork during those critical periods. our simulation models we report the fraction of time that each resource pool must work maximum overtime. 19 its Project Types As described Section in 5, the two job types the network are "new product projects'" and in "reformulation projects," and eacii job type can be assigned either priority Plastics division initiates an average of 3 priority product projects per year. Times priority every year. starts of new Activities In addition, of new new product projects and 1 starts an average of it 1 1 or priority 2 The 2.5 priority 2 new reformulation project of each project starts are typically uncertain, and we assume that the projects are characterized by a Poisson process. and Precedence Constraints model In addition to aggregating resources, the simulation as shown as "Review Patent" and "Identify Lead Customer" in Table we coalesced 14. For example, we grouped prototyping activities into all also groiip.s together several activities activities related to all into an activity called "Marketing." a single activity called much subset of a network can be replaced, without among "Prototyping sacrifice in accuracy, suitably defined processing times and routing instructions times, queueing times, and routing marketing and sales such by The combined "" Moreover, any In general, a single node with effects of processing the nodes of the subset can be reasonably approximated We by a single node whose processing times and routing probabilities are defined appropnatel_v. investigate a simplified model. Subsequent studies can determine the first and examine these individual nodes in new product in have been aggregated, the simulation model activities. In our simulation model we treat route of a job is not affected by its of repeating a prototyping activity manufacturing scale-up is 0.60. prototyping are carried out are all still nodes 0.75, projects Note that even though some exhibits iterations among ac- the aggregated routing as "Markovian." meaning that the future processing history is significant greater detail. Figure 8 depicts the flow of activities tivities most As indicated in Figure 8, the probability and the probability of returning to prototyping after Thus, the average number of times manufacturing scale-up and (1 - .60)"' Figure 9 illustrates the flow of activities = 2 m nd 2.5x(l - 75)~' ' = 10 respectively. reformulation projects. As discussed in Section 5, reformulation projects constitute a very small fraction of project-related work and we collerfed only summary data projects at the same for this type of projects. level of detail as for iterations between the activities, whereas Consequently, we do not model reformulation new product m reality, projects For example. Figure 9 shows no one typically experiences several iterations of the prototyping activities. Even with these simplifications, our simulation models were to predict cycle-time performance with reasonable accuracy 20 still able Task Times Table 15 displays the average processing time spreadsheet calculations discussed Section in 6. several sub-tasks, then the average task time sub-tasks in the aggregated task over simplified matters pair: We all If is an activity corresponds to an aggregation of calculated by if discussed in this task times of those We (m terms we consider that resource to spend chose the level of significance based on our understanding of the at Chemicals, Inc section, our goal was In working out this issue, as well as several other issues to identify the suwplfst organization at the Plastics division that captured its model of the product development essential characteristics. Even though we collected some distributional information and 90 all that resource's contribution of hours) exceeds a pre-set level of significance; otherwise, development process summnig a "level of significance" test to each activity/resource assign time to an activity/resource pair only We derive these averages from the resource groups composing the aggregated resource. somewhat by applying zero time on the activity. We for eacii task percentiles of individual task times), in the end for task times (for we modeled all ta.sk example, the 10 time distributions as exponential. In our preliminary simulation experiments, we found that system performance did not vary significantly with different distributional forms for several key activities We and manufacturing scale-up). We in in the variability of [processing times produce imperceptible cycle-time prefonnance. took support ami administrative times from Table 10 otherwise, prototyping conjecture that because there are several other contributing sources of uncertainty, small changes changes (e.g. we approxmiated them based on our understanding when such figures were available; of the role of the resources and the nature of their work. (For example, because the manufacturing engineers primary responsibility is to the production and manufacturing operations, they spend the bulk of outside the product development arena. This is their time on activities reflected in their high support times.) We found it necessary to reduce the administrative times for several resources to obtain reasonable performance measures. This modification be forgone is in critical situations. to be attended, and training partially justified by noting that many adminstrati\e duties can For example, vacations can be postponed, meetings do not have activities can be rescheduled. We model support and administrative activities as exponentially distributed Wheras support arrive according to a Poisson process, administrative times, which are arrive deterministically. •21 activity times for both more regular activities in nature, Pooling Using spreadsheets similar to those described noted ronment is the possibility of pooling work other resource groups is we calculate the percentage 6, utilizations results of these calculations. Section 6 that an important characteristic of the product development envi- in analysis from Section 6 indicated that there Section summarizes the of each resource in the network. Table 16 We in let some resources had to maiimally reassign their work From Table Ki, it product development engineers reassign part of their work PD engineers to PD -5 ongoing projects technicians only ufacturing Scale-Up. For each of these activities, at most SO'/J. Phase in 1. to also appears that part of their work with technicians for engineers to sharf development technicians whenever there are more than can be transferred from Moreover, our spreadsheet various resources. they are to have enough capacity if much opportunity simulation model, we among to We assume In our product that work Prototyping, and Man- of the engineers' work can be given to technicians. Service Discipline We set the service discipline at each segments equal to two weeks. Under workcenter to be the "round robin" discipline with service an engineer or technician processes the this discipline, task in his queue for two weeks or until the task is finished. weeks (the service period), then the job moves on to end of the queue and to the its its next remaining service time is If first he completes the task within two Otherwise, the task returns ta.sk(s). updated to reflect the last round of service. Simulation Results 7.2 Table 17 shows various statistics primary interest paper cycle time. It the project. is in the New this amount is and end when the product we study is Our will also refer to as project product projects begin with concept generation and number is in feasibility studies (Phase 1), Reformulation projects begin with prototyping -4). launched (Phase of unfinished projects calibrate our models, of of elapsed time from the beginning"" of th* iTOject until the "end" of activities To we project completion time, which and they end with the product launch (Phase the The performance measure obtained from the simulation 4). Another nieasure of performance that the organization. we compare our findings with figures provided by the Plastics division. host was able to provide us with detailed timelines for priority which we were able to compute average project completion •22 tinies 1 new product projects from Such records were not available for other types of projects, and we for these statistics, relied on estimates l)v the manager of the Plastics division. Table 17 shows that the simulated average completion time of priority is 1 new product 84 weeks, compared to the figure of 82 weeks reported by the Plastics division. On projects the other hand, both simulated and reported figures indicate that the Plastics division requires more than 3 years to finish priority 2 new product projects. For reformulation projects, the simulated completion times are 5 months for priority and year for priority 2 projects. These numbers are 1 somewhat lower than by the manager of the Plastics division: 6-9 months for priority projects 1 the figures estmiated reformulation projects and 1-3 1 years for priority 2 reformulation projects. Although reformulation projects are formally assigned or either priority 1 projects of the same is it reality they are generally treated with less priority. We mentioned in likely that a priority 2 reformulation project is This informal setting of priorities may partly explain the biases simulated completion time for priority 2 reformulation projects cycle time, whereas priority 2 urgency than new product Section 4 that refornnilation projects are treated and only when a project needs to be expedited as low priority work, Consequently, in 2, new product projects take longer is it elevated to priority 1. often treated as "priority 3." in our simulation results: the is shorter than the actual project to complete than reported by the Plastics division. Figures 10-13 show histograms and cumulati\e distributions of the project cycle time for the The 90th 2 types of projects. Figures 11 and priority 1 13, are siginificantly new product than 2.5 years! percentiles of project completion time, which can be read from longer than the corresponding averages; for example, while projects are completed in clear with these displays that It is 84 weeks on average. it is lO'/J of them take more not enough to measure just average project completion times; information concerning the distribution of project completion time must also be considered. To measure the impact of variability and congestion on cycle time performance, the last column of Table 17 shows the ratio of the actual average project completion time (which appears fourth column) to the project cycle time predicted by "actual- to- PERT" ratio, to the amount of time an average priority 10% of its time is 1 it compares the amount of time that actually spends being proces.sed. new product project spent idle waiting for resources. reformulation projects, which are It less A its column). (fifth a project the This number, the spends waiting for resources For example. Table 17 indicates that suffers relatively little other hand, spends (on average) more than half of from the congestion. PERT m priority 2 from congestion, as new product less than project, on the time waiting to be processed Priority 2 time-intensive than new product projects, suffer e\eii more spends approximately twice as much time waiting 23 for a resource as ii does being processr^d. The last four rows in Table 17 compare the siniulateil iiuinber of Plastics division with the figures estimated by uiiftiiished projects in the manager. Again, readers should note the its dis- parity between averages and 90th percentiles Finally, must work PD Table 18 shows the fraction of time that each resource pool its maximum maximum work-week their the core technical group overtime. These numbers appear to be quite high for engineers work 60-hour weeks more than work in less 65% On of the time. the other hand, As pointed out than 6 weeks per year. some resources - in PD technicians Section 6, our data appears to be heavily skewed towards engineers: because much of our data was estimated by engineers, we suspect that they may have over-estimated that of their technicians. It is also possible that their contribution more work is |")ooled and under-estimated l.^etween engineers and technicians than we have allowed. Readers may notice that we have presented our results times and "average" number of unfinished projects. in terms of "average" project completion We obtaineii these figures by simulating the models until they reach "steady-state" and take the long-run averages as our performance measures. The time horizon we used is clearly inappropriate the simulation in when considering run takes approximately 80 minutes of experiments- approximately 2000 years! - the product development environment CPU time on a Micro\',4.\ 3800-) essentially one of finding the correct initial conditions for the system. data concerning the present distribution of workloads the system and the amount i.e., Because we have no information regarding systems long enough for The difficulty here we were able is to collect the luimber of projects currently in of work remaining to be done on each project by each resource - then simulation could answer practical questions such as "how five years." If (Each simulation them to accumulate a will initial the system perform over the next conditions, we must simulate the reasonable amount of work, and we approximate the performance measures by their steady-state values. 8 When we began this project, Conclusion we hypothesized that process management would offer opportunities to improve product development in a wide class of businesses and that process modeling would prove to be a valuable tool supporting that effort. We believe that the results reported previous sections are sufficiently positive to encourage further research along these hurdles we encountered along the way, however, lines. are also valuable research results in the The Here we discuss these lessons under two headings - technical constraints and organizational impediments From a technical point of view, there are some 24 difficulties inherent in the differences between Whereas manufactur- product development engineering and repetitive manufacturing operations ing produces thousands of identical units of dozens of different products, the tasi< of ing organization has tiie inverse structure: it tlie engineer- produces dozens of different product designs using thousands of possible engineering and support activities. For manufacturing, repeatability is of the essence, and the constituent activities have to be rigorously standardized. In the engineering product design case, the required activities in aims at the optimal unique solution, and effort whatever order, combination, and form necessary group performs the tlie (Of to reach that goal course, customized manufacturing job shops look a lot like engineering from this perspective seem- In this technical setting, a process perspective development engineering, and the difficulties essence of product iitithetical to the very we encountered in ) building a process model have helped us better understand the distinctive nature of engineering. Our research was designed to test the hypothesis that that there is tliis view of engineering as essentially non-routine enough repetitiveness model possible and useful. We in at least is sufficiently false - some engineering organizations - make to a process believe the results reported in the previous sections support our hypothesis. Second, even if a process view complexity of process modeling. is feasible, another technical difficulty Many managers are familiar with the in lies the intrinsic enormous complexity of manufacturing process plans, and they justifiably worry that the burden of creating, maintaining and exploiting "engineering process plans" would outweigh any benefits. We hope that this project has shown that this burden can be greatly reduced by appropriate simplifications and that the benefits are potentially considerable. A third technical impediment that surfaced only occasionally m our project might prove to be an interesting subject for future research. Our approach takes the project as the unit of analysis, but in reality ones. For example, dialogue with adapt product specifications in of project data proved difficult, the organization's work as If we new products projects belong to streams: new customers are often generated as variants of old often leads the product development group to order to broaden their potential customer base it was composed in If our collection part because the engineers and managers tended to view of such streams, rather than as a set of discrete projects. are right and a process approach could be a powerful been attempted before? Our project also led us to several nizational impediments that account for engineering management tool, why has it not hypotheses about the specifically orga- management's traditional focus on discrete projects rather than on ongoing processes. First, engineering managers have tended to concentrate on the unique features of each project. a point of view that depends most is critically rooted in the assumption that the effect ivene.ss of an engineering project on creativity. It is natural that the culture of engineering should 25 hie;hli,B,ht and celebrate the distinctive and novel challenges organizations, however, there to non-routine activities. is in engineering work. In many engineering considerable cross-project commonality and a high ratio of routine such contexts, projects can be managed as variants of previous In and effectiveness depends not only on the creativity with which the truly creative parts projects, of the project are conducted but also on the efficiency with which the routine parts are conducted. As product development time becomes shift its attention there is no unobtrusive way to nomenclature of way to to consider as for engineering managers is the lack of requisite data. It is determine what data ought to be gathered; moreover, unlike manufacturing operations, some organizations do the management needs development process. second organizational impediment difficult to salient competitive factor, from an exclusive focus on creativity and product features and well the efficiency of the product A more a collect the data that process modeling would require. Nevertheless time cards from engineers, and collect activities, then times to systematic process can be collected the organization has a consistent if for projects and perhaps most fundamentally, the reluctance stem from an image of engineers their jobs. Indeed, process believe, however, that if as process management as a way of making engineers work harder but will be enthusiastic about found a high level of support Our experience for will is done on is a recipe for presented as opening CAD/CAE grow. to develop process "autonomous" professionals who should not be models might connote it. activities, thus modeling. In the future as engineering work workstations, the opportunities for unobstrusive data collection Finally, and models might told how to regimentation and alienation. a route as a tool that helps do We towards effectiveness - not them work smarter - then they at the Plastics division supports this hypothesis. We our project, and the engineers were very cooperative throughout our time-consuming data collection effort. It is appropriate that we close this report by thanking them. Acknowledgements: tion of the and staflF This study would not have been possible without the generous coopera- company we have of its called Chemicals, Inc is thanks m particular to the Plastics division. This project has also benefited from the advice Chuck Holloway and Mike Harrison. Funding from Automation We owe manager and support of the Stanford Institute for Manufacturing and gratefully acknowledged. Elizabeth Schwerer was supported by a National Science Foundation graduate fellowship. References Adler, Mandelbaum, p., a. agement: Strategies , , for in "From Project , Data Collection Challenges Alexander, E. Schwerer, "From Improving Development Cycle Time," submitted AND , Nguyen, and V. in UCLA Building a Process Model," for publication Management: Modeling to Process unpublished master's ( thesis, 1992a). 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Figure 3: Mfg Product Mktg Finance Mgt Organization Chart of Cliemicals Qlty Assurance Inc. ] Figure 5; Process Flow Diagram - Reformulations 101.26 98.46 100.00 97.7 93.62 80.00 — New Products Priority New Products Priority 2 ^ Reformulations U Reformulations Priority 1 1 Priority 2 [H Admin 60.00 td Support e o a D e u a 40.00 20.00 ~ 18.19 0.00 Prod Proc Prod Proc Tech Prod Engr Engr Tech Tech Svcs Mgt Figure 7: Utilization Profile with Pooling Misc - Graphical Re presentaiion Mfg Appl Engr Engr -[ Phase 1 \^»[ Figure \-^'( Phase 2 8: New Products Activities /^ Proto -^^y'Plam Figure 9: Phase4 Flow Diagram - Simulation Model A ^.(>hasc4 Reformulations Activities Flow Diagram - Simulation Model j^> L 1 OOlt- O'OLi ooee 0063 Q 00 It' - OQLi 3 > 3 £ 3 U 0) E c o a _u o. E o U o 3 1) z 3 SO d so d d d d d d 0>8 0-9L 089 009 ao <N S T O't^ - 09Z. g •s a JO I "a- E s U o "S "5. E 6 I 09 e I OS d 00 d d d d d d / 7bb ,85 Date Due UBBABlE'>„P!'f,\, llllll 3 c,Q60 00624021 ?