MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 01917 7515 i^iliiliiiiLiiijliiiiiiiii 'i^iHHiiUh'l}W<l'li-:ii}iil MP 2 no. 3320 -li IMPROVING SYSTEMS DELIVERY: A MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE John F. Rockart J. Debra Hofman June 1991 (Revised May 1992) CISR WP No. 223 Sloan WP No. 3320 Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 ^ IMPROVING SYSTEMS DELIVERY: A MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE John F. Rockart J. Debra Hofman June 1991 (Revised ®1 991 , 1 May CISR WP No. 223 Sloan WP No. 3320 992 Massachusetts Forthcoming 1992) in the Sloan Institute of Technology Management Review. '^WuV t Center for Information Systems Research Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology .^ • j | „ IMPROVING SYSTEMS DELIVERY: A MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE John F. Rockart and J. Debra Hofman ABSTRACT In order to improve their capability to deliver information systems more quickly, inexpensively, in and effectively, new systems development many tools, decision of whether to invest in packages or nothing at all. organizations today are considering major investments methods, and techniques. CASE The tools, Many are struggling with the other types of tools and methods, software decision, however, is not an easy one. Based on conversations with senior managers in twelve companies, a framework emerges which can be used to address the many issues which are involved. redesigned systems development process context. The management is critical Rethinking and investing and must be anchored in the in a business associated issues are major, strategic in nature, and require significant senior attention. Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the managers we interviewed for their time and their insights into these to Christine Bullen, important issues. We would also like to express our appreciation John Henderson, Chris Kemerer, Benn Konsynski, Wanda Orlikowski, Judith Quillard, Elise Rockart, and James Short for their comments on this paper, to Deb Small for her support, and to the sponsors of CISR's Systems Delivery Research Program -- Ernst & Young, IBM Corporation, and Texas Instruments, Inc. -- for their support. IMPROVING SYSTEMS DELIVERY: A MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE Scene: Vie office of the manager of a strategic business unit a major in corporation. "We Vice President of Information Systems: better, at lower cost, Jliat's the SBU and in a way have to build systems faster, that they are easier to maintain reason we're going to bring Manager: just in CASE and change. technology." do and major change in ought not to be building systems at all! Tliere are good your organization. "packages" on the market today. Let's use them -- it's cheaper and faster -- and we know you can install them. We saw you do it over in accounting." "I'm told that's expensive to involves We INTRODUCTION Variations on the conversation described above can be heard today in organizations. In an era of cost-cutting and flat budgets, (CIOs) are requesting significant dollar outlays to radically are developed and to make some cases, the IS that help to in chief information officers change the ways the information systems (IS) organization managers want to in more which systems productive. buy computer aided software engineering (CASE) automate the process of developing systems; an "object-oriented" approach; methods many in still many in others, they others, they are bringing in want In tools to introduce new development combination with the above. At the same investment that this time, others in the organization are challenging the would require. Object-oriented systems development For many, the benefits is a relative newcomer to the to wisdom of the be achieved from an world of business systems, and both in terms of methodology and the tools required Where a traditional system is composed of programs that define to support it -- than its predecessors. procedures and use data, an object-oriented system is composed of self-contained objects, containing both represents a different approach to developing systems -- procedures and data, that send messages to each other. investment in the witnessed constant increases and the future" Year process of developing systems are unclear. in IS after year, they have They have been through myriad "waves expenditures. of fourth-generation languages, data-centered design, expert "silver bullets": systems, prototyping, relational technology, and others. Still, there For many companies, information systems are not only on the a software bottleneck. is critical path to getting a new product or service to market, they are the stumbling block on that path. Suggestions by the IS organization to improve the situation, however, are meeting with some skepticism many today. Rather than invest large sums in new IS development methods, business managers propose an alternative that they believe will be faster and cheaper ~ buy Instead of building the needed information systems internally and packages. continually investing in rapidly changing new methodologies, tools, or techniques, they propose to purchase off-the-shelf software packages wherever possible. Which approach tools alone. is correct? Any decision about The answer IS tools, is far more complex than the choice of the methods, and approaches - whether CASE, generation languages, object-oriented development, or software packages anchored in the context of the environment that will is not a question of Rather, it is CASE - must be company's future business environment and the systems be needed to support discussion about IS tools and fourth- methods tools or this business scenario. realistically begin. Only then can the Moreover, the decision ultimately packages or prototyping or fourth-generation languages. about choosing a portfolio of approaches or delivery mechanisms that will allow the fulfillment of the organization's business vision. Moving to new systems development technologies requires considerable time and thought on the part of both line and IS managers and involves a major investment of dollars and other resources. 1990; Davenport & In fact, it is a prime example of "business process redesign" Short, 1990] for fundamental process in the it involves extensively reworking the information systems function ~ the way in [Hammer, which the process of systems development management -- The carried out. is decision attention. The conclusions about improving from discussions with senior managers management of information implementing new approaches $500 million major, and requires significant senior is to $30 billion, in the systems delivery process presented here arose twelve companies that are leaders in the use and technology. to systems and companies twelve All were aggressively development. The companies ranged industries included finance, insurance, in size from manufacturing, petroleum, chemical, and computers. Interviewees typically included the senior IS executive and three line to five managers as managers reporting well. to him or her. In Each discussion generally lasted companies were in the Significantly, these twelve some cases, from one we to two hours. minority in terms of their level of involvement with new tools and approaches. The majority of companies search for appropriate study sites were either scale or continuing with the old tools sometimes even line just we contacted and approaches. Although senior IS managers, and managers, were clearly aware of the need to improve systems The reasons included budget constraints, the perceived high cost of investment in appropriate doubt about the capabilities of available development our study sites hardware and software, and tools. were convinced that they had development and were aggressively investing to do so. differences in the approaches of these companies, a pattern to improve systems Although there were emerged as shown in phase, The framework management the business. describes a two-phase process. In the first, distinct Figure This framework will be used to highlight the similarities as well as the differences these companies. in the experimenting with new tools on a small development, the funding had not been committed. In contrast, interviewed senior 1. among or envisioning either implicitly or explicitly considered three future "environments" for These are as follows: the projected business environment • the it way in -- which the organization must operate to be effective in the and market(s) that serves; the projected systems environment • a vision of the future business organization - a strategic vision of the systems environment that will enable the business vision (an IS version of an articulated "strategic intent" [Hamel and Prahalad, 1989])(See also Henderson and Venkatraman, the projected development environment" • 1990.); the portfolio of delivery -- and mechanisms (including tools, methods, and approaches) that will enable the delivery of systems to meet the needs of the projected systems environment. The second phase encompassed projected development environment. specific tools and methods to the transition from the current environment to the Action plans for be installed in this the short and phase included the selection of medium term to migrate toward the projected development environment, taking into account both enabling and constraining factors in the current environment. The four environments depicted in the framework are directly related: the of one either drives or is affected by the next. regarding specific IS tools and methods -- Figure 1 highlights the fact that the decision the transition phase consideration of the environments noted in Phase outcome -- was made only after careful 1. ^ In this context, "development environment" refers to the full solution set by which the required information systems will be delivered to the organization in the future -- the portfolio of types of tools, methods, techniques, database structure, approaches, and so on. An "approach" might include, for example, whenever possible or a decision to While the projected systems environment defines "what," the projected the use of off-the-shelf software packages to deliver systems solutions outsource data center operations. development environment defines "how." ^ We among That is, while the projected systems environment, the projected business environment shaped the choices in the projected systems systems while projected the And, environment in turn shaped the projected business environment. recognize the reciprocal nature of the interaction these components. environment shaped the projected development environment, the reverse was clearly true here as well. The strategic planning underlying the decisions made in the projected business and systems environment is a complex and highly interactive process. However, direction described above and depicted in Figure 1. for the purpose of clarity, we focus here on the one External business External and market Technical trends/drivers Environment Transition Process Improving Systems Delivery: The Managerial Perspective Framework Figure 1 In the following, as well as The this discussion. first 1: company is will is a major provider of property and casualty a Fortune 100, multinational, company. ENVISIONING THE FUTURE ENVIRONMENT development tools, environments in framework The scenarios whom we is a multinational energy In describing the process by which choices are the in be used as representative examples The second company insurance products. life chemical firm. The third company PHASE process and the actions of these companies will discuss this Three of the twelve companies greater detail. throughout we -- the current and future IS we interviewed repeatedly noted each people the framework, made about in part or in total. In this section, the three-step process of envisioning the future for the first three environments, as spoke, were surprisingly similar. we of the describe Phase four 1 of development environment. developed by most of the IS directors with Although the industries were conditions and resulting requirements that were described were much different, the the same. The Projected Business Environment The three representative companies described their future business environments as follows: The Insurance Company. products as and "frenetic." service quality Tlie insurance provider described the demand for new Insurance products themselves are becoming commodities, is fast becoming the competitive differentiator introduction of new products is necessary just to stay in the game, products are developed almost daily. The Chemical Firm. product. its Each of the approximately subject only to a matters. For most of minimum history, this management of data firm had been organized by thirty divisions was of central direction in Wliere scale was an issue, certain centers) were centralized. Tfie and new relatively autonomous, financial and personnel corporate functions (e.g., the Vie advent of a new CEO three years ago globalization, a customer emphasis, all levels in is changing this. Citing the need for and empowerment through information the organization, as well as other factors, the integrating the parts of the organization. He is CEO is at steadily also imbuing a team-oriented philosophy and reorganizing around customer segments. The Energy Company. strategic review of its In 1987, one of the company's divisions conducted a information systems needs and capabilities. Management company had become very realized that integration across subunits in the important -- that, for example, what happened in the refinery was integrally tied Lack of integration was hurting performance, both in terms of customer service and the financial results. Management also recognized that change in the industry had become the norm, and that access to accurate, timely, and consistent information had become critical to nmning the business. to operations in the service Although each company to that industry, there is is stations. in a different industry and has specific issues that apply a centrality to the trends that were noted. All of the companies noted that the pace of change has quickened considerably and promises to continue. almost all, For competition has both increased dramatically and expanded into the global arena. Time has become a critical competitive differentiator: time to market for new products, manufacturing cycle time for existing products, and timeliness of decision making, previously important, are now critical. The focus is now on all the customer and on quality as perceived by the customer. Companies are taking three major involve significant changes in the actions to respond to these trends, way they are being operated and companies are realigning along "business process" lines [Davenport & all structured. Short, 1990; 1990] in order to serve customers faster and with better quality. Second, of which many First, Hammer, organizations are either physically combining or managerially restructuring formerly independent business units in order to reduce cost and improve customer service. Increasingly, the parts of the organization (functions, strategic business units, divisions, etc.) are seen as interdependent rather than independent [Rockart & Short, 1989]. number of employees and "empowering" Finally, firms are both decreasing the these employees with the information needed to Flatter carry out their tasks. to emerge order to reduce in and costs, The longer-term outlook perspective on the future. internal, will It leaner, but information rich, organizations are beginning is will speed decision making, and serve customers. less clear. However, most executives agree on one major be a future in which ongoing change, both external and have to be reacted to continually. The Projected Systems Environment The projected systems environment, business environment. as related to us, Although each organization faced a different industry and internal environment, the projected systems environments had some aspects of our was based on the envisioned much three example companies provides some in common. A brief look at insights: The Insurance Company. Tfiis company is faced with a mismatch between its information systems environment and its business environment. Currently, each new product requires the development of a completely new system. Vie sooner the system is developed, the sooner the company can realize the added revenue from the product. here is One manager talk [sell] all day, and described the business this way: is now on therefore, the critical path has decided that As such, it of new product must be able to has outlined a technology vision modular systems that can be easily customized for each new develop high-quality systems quickly. flexible, we do code all night." In the most fundamental way, the development of each system Viis company, development. of using "Wliat it product. The Chemical Firm. Based on the need for globalization, integration, a customer and common business processes, this firm recognizes that information must be easily accessible for empowered employees. In addition, transaction systems will need to be flexible and integrated, to transcend traditional boundaries, and to support common business practices. and team orientation, The Energy Company. company realized they had a (hardware and software) and redundant, Senior managers in this widely diverse set of technologies unreliable, and difficult-to-access data. Viey envisioned: I) an enterprisewide system comprising horizontally-integrated subsystems that could be changed to respond quickly to external changes and 2) a shared corporate data environment 8 -- an information architecture information to The its -- ihat would provide consistent and timeiv users. differences described above were dominated by the underlying similarities of the ultimate systems environment as proposed by our study sites. All organizations expressed a need for high quality, flexible systems that can be changed quickly to meet rapidly evolving These systems should be business needs. organization to another that need to -- perhaps cloning the fundamental in Not only Finally, all noted the need for a flexible technological to the existing technology foundation. will past, but the types the characteristics of the systems environment be different than in the of systems that will be supported by For organizations with the above technological past no longer suffice. this environment will refer to as to process the operational function-specific systems that paperwork of the The systems of the firm. Built in they were stand- processed transactions for tasks such as payroll processing, general ledger, and material requirements planning. upon, processed, and produced their be different as transaction systems the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, they reflected the organizations of their times: alone, will vision, the information Most of these systems, which we were primarily developed (TS), logic to reflect business practices which new technologies can be introduced as they become available without major disruption well. from one part of the global be the same but allowing for quick and easy tailoring of some portions of each system to reflect local differences. environment easily transportable own Many of these systems drew localized data. kinds of information systems which are needed to support the process-oriented, interdependent, and information-rich organization of today are vastly different. The organization that works across functional (and sometimes divisional) boundaries needs on satisfying end-to-end business events or service strategies rather than discrete activities. Increasingly, these supporting cross-functional transaction systems, where the focus is systems must span not only the value chain but also multiple business units. the order entry system of the past must become the order logistics For example, management system of the future, managing and tracking each order through its life cycle across the functions of purchasing, inventory management, manufacturing, accounting, and distribution. With regard to these transaction systems, two implications are clear. systems development, long overwhelmed by maintenance of existing systems, necessary if process-oriented systems are to be created. The investment new First, will be will be major. Second, not only the nature of the systems has changed, the speed with which they are needed and, more important, with which they must be changed has increased as well. At the same time, the information systems needs of the organization are no longer limited to the realm of transaction systems. which timely decisions are critical A world of plentiful data, text, requires systems that allow people at levels to easily access, manipulate, all and images in organizational As and analyze vast amounts of information. such, decision support systems, executive support systems, spreadsheets, and end-user computing of all types are becoming increasingly integral this class components of the of systems as information support systems (ISS). IS portfolio. In the past, there has priorities refer to been less However, the business emphasis on developing these systems than on developing TS. environment noted above has shifted the We toward ISS and the firm's information architecture. Clearly, there has organization must deliver. ISS. A company may have been a dramatic change We in the types of systems that the IS have discussed here two major classes of systems: additional classes that are unique to example, an energy company has geological systems. The key strategies are necessary for the different classes its is TS and business operations; for that different development of systems. The Projected Development Environment Our company examples described their projected follows: 10 development environments as The Insurance Company. Based on its vision of modular, easily flexible, the insurance company projected a development include systems assembled (rather than developed) from standardized components residing in an integrated CASE environment. Some customizable systems, environment that components will will be built internally; others point, users might themselves assemble The Chemical Firm. TJiis be purchased externally. At some and reassemble these components. firm 's most significant current need access to consistent, reliable information. systems, and software databases, information to those seat. Tfiis will who need it; As such, the that gather, store, is companywide company Ls emphasizing and provide access to transaction systems are currently taking a back firm 's projected development environment will focus on tools and methods that will support the need for companywide access to consistent, reliable information and for software reuse in the development of transaction systems using both software packages and CASE tools. TJiis company envisions an integrated CASE tool The Energy Company. environment that will support development efforts, help create integrated systems, and provide a common from which to manage information resources. A user information environment would also be established with tools to allow users with a wide variety of skills and capabilities to easily access, understand, analyze, and communicate information. repository Certain underlying similarities were apparent here as well. environment, as perceived by most of the IS executives we The future development interviewed, will be composed of the following: An integrated toolset'* that facilitates the reuse of systems modules within a repository and an associated standardized methodology to deliver and maintain the The modules may be built internally or purchased form of packages, CASE-based templates, objects, and so on. transaction class of systems. We use the term "integrated toolset" to refer generically to any set of CASE structurally interconnected. Currently, this integration can be accomplished in in the tools that are logically two ways. and An organization may purchase various tools from different vendors that support the different phases of the systems development life cycle there are (i.e., design tools, code generators, etc.) and custom build the bridges between them. Alternatively, CASE tools, commonly connections already built in. referred to as I-CASE, which can be purchased with the integration or Please note that "CASE," we are not referring only CASE tools are continually evolving to the current incarnation of these tools. 11 -- when we refer to Flexible, robust access tools for the information support class of systems. Companywide systems, that subject is, and information databases that connect the two classes of detailed data organized around "subjects" for the TSs, which then feed the information databases for the ISSs. This development environment Given the dramatic change today. organization, it is not surprising that is in how very different from what most companies have what the it is IS department must deliver to the delivered must be changed dramatically as well. In the development environment of yesterday, the IS department responded separately to requests from each department. Accounting requested receivable and payable systems. systems. in a Manufacturing requested The personnel department requested company organized by product departments its line, it its benefits general ledger and accounts its scheduling and inventory and payroll systems. Moreover, was common for divisional manufacturing to request separate inventory systems. But as described earlier, Given a process changing. organizations are departments and sub-units are no longer independent, but interdependent. development process is to their parts in the 'arger process. the old one with connections between its coordinated rather than simply connected. environment systems; it articulated is is not simply one now one in the product be optimized, research and development, engineering, and manufacturing cannot remain completely independent anymore and play If focus, in -- The new organization subunits; In the it is is not simply a remake of a reengineered entity that same way, which bridges are they must be coordinated built the is now new systems development between previously unconnected which the relations and interconnections between systems are and well understood before they are developed, where each system is built so that coordinated systems can be one component within an integrated framework. In an environment such as this, for example, the design of one system would include the capture of information that could be used by other component systems downstream. 12 development environment, the creation and update of data by each system In such a is structured and managed. Portions of one system's design can be used in another. Systems are portable across hardware platforms, and parts are interchangeable: any element can be replaced without affecting business operations. flexible, and repeatable, so that measures of the the process In 1990]. and its summary, eventually allow the New types of this is And component systems methods, tools, to this is it and approaches is As discussed we drew [Kemerer, be needed earlier, there is in will easily. order to provide this a portfolio of solutions, for the different classes of systems needed. a distinction between two major classes of systems: The connection between the two the data they must share.^ Tools and methods are needed to support each of the three major components: must be effectively utilized engineered characteristic that will transaction systems and information support systems. classes of systems well defined, and productivity of be delivered quickly and changed approaches may be appropriate In the previous discussion, and is a structured, integrated environment in which systems are desired development environment. different quality, effectiveness, resulting systems can be easily captured engineered rather than built ad hoc. where The development process TS, ISS, and data. For the TS environment, there tools that will support the systems developers, tools that will allow the coordination and integration described above and that will result in structured systems that are easy to change. For the ISS environment, there must be tools that will allow the end user to easily access and understand data from multiple sources and to manipulate and analyze needed. Finally, there must be data management tools that data, will insure its integrity, and will will it as allow the structuring of the provide capabilities to migrate pertinent data into information data bases. That is. in addition to external information, information internally by the transaction systems. forms, and much of it is Today, this data is relatively inaccessible, redundant, 13 support systems must use data that is generated scattered throughout the organization in different and costly to utilize. Where do purchased software packages coordination, and flexibility are key? in fit an environment in which integration, packages^ that cannot easily be First, off-the-shelf customized may be appropriate for business practices that do not need a such as certain areas of accounting and is now appearing - changed and more We human resources. Second, a software packages built using CASE tool - lot of new breed that can be flexibility, of packages more easily easily coordinated with the rest of the organization's IS portfolio. have now reached the end of the have described the way in first phase of the framework (Figure We 1). which our companies envision the three future environments. Given the expected interdependent change-oriented business environment, and the expected integrated systems environment necessary to support this business environment, the the necessary future coordinated development environment above. Many in diverse IS organizations are already of the would be first different, reasonably clear this - as discussed development environment but ways. The Company Examples Summarized It moving toward is shape of -- useful at this point to three environments Phase 1 summarize the three company examples we have just discussed. each to one degree or another considered determination of a future development environment. similar definitions not only of the major attributes of in terms Although each organization all three steps In addition, the their business leading to is the companies used environments but also of the attributes of their projected systems and development environments. major insurance provider, the current and projected business environment is "frenetic" - new products must be delivered and current products adjusted daily to meet the changing demands of the marketplace. Service quality will be the competitive differentiator. Vie projected systems environment accommodates this • ^ At the We are specifically referring here to those off-the-shelf software packages that cannot be easily customized through changes to the code by the organization purchasing them. 14 need for speed and quality and is composed of flexible, modular systems that can be easily customized for each new product. Vie projected development environment is a structured one in which systems will be assembled (rather than developed) from predescribed, standardized components that are either built internally or purchased. Globalization, integration, a customer- and team-orientation and - most important - common business processes across geographical and product boundaries constitute the chemical firm 's projected business environment. In the projected systems environment, information is accessible to empowered employees. Transaction systems are flexible boundaries and support and common integrated; they business practices. span traditional divisional Vie projected development environment focuses on tools and methods that will support the need for (1) software reuse in the development of transaction systems and (2) companywide access to consistent, reliable information. Vie energy company recognizes that which its projected business environment is one in become very important, 2) change is the and consistent information is critical to 1) integration across subunits has norm, and 3) access to accurate, timely, running the business. Vie projected systems environment encompasses a shared corporate information architecture and enterprisewide, horizontally integrated systems that can be easily changed. Vie projected development environment based on an integrated systems and CASE tool that will produce these is integrated, flexible facilitate the establishment of a shared corporate information environment. PHASE 2: MANAGING THE TRANSITION While the IS directors we interviewed described similar scenarios for the first three environments, their transition paths differed widely. The Transition Process The transition process is the tactical implementation of the envisioned development environment. Taking into account the unique critical factors in its current environment, each organization selected the specific tools and methods to be installed in the short and 15 medium term order to migrate toward the projected development environment. Each of the three in companies we have discussed chose a different • initial path. Vie new senior IS executive inherited an environment The Insurance Company. that necessitated a relatively slow transition process. While his ultimate goal is to have an integrated CASE environment, he has decided that purchasing an integrated CASE tool would be too big a change for his IS organization. Instead, he is taking a gradual, step-by-step approach, then purchasing an analysis and • tool, training in order to slowly The Chemical Firm. With its and so on. first He purchasing a code generator, is also investing in education change the culture and upgrade current emphasis on skills. empowerment of individuals, the transition at this firm emphasizes the provision of relational information databases and other tools for the information support systems and the use of standard packages worldwide for the transaction systems. At the same time, time, significant effort, and dollars are being invested to change the IS organization in terms of both structure and individual attitudes about roles and responsibilities. These changes are being enacted as quickly as possible in this very large IS organization. • The Energy Company. Tfiis firm is making the fastest transition: management purchased an integrated CASE tool and established a user information environment. At the same time, it made major investments to change certain management processes, and system infrastructure. Significant time, dollars, and effort have been spent to reorganize, retrain, and educate the IS group in order to change the skills and perspectives of IS personnel. Only with senior management 's fidl understanding and strong backing aspects could of its structure, this transition process be carried out so quickly. These organizations anchored future their transition decisions in the context of and current environments. The former is especially important. Without both their this longer- term, business-based context, the real benefits associated with these often expensive choices would not have been clear. Without this clarity, business executives in our study sites would have understood only the cost side of the equation without the corresponding benefits. Whereas the projected environment indicates what should be done, the current environment dictates what can be done. In choosing the particular combination of IS approaches, techniques, and tools to be used, our interviewees, either explicitly or 16 implicitly, considered a clear set of components we will discuss these components, the the choices to be made in in way developing their transition plans. in which they interact, In this section, and the ways they influence defining the transition process. Rockart and Scott Morton, drawing on Leavitt, describe a conceptual model of organizational components that must be kept in balance when five introducing a change into an organization: technology, corporate strategy, organizational structure, managerial processes, and individuals and Leavitt, 1965]. in The their roles [Rockart basic idea is and Scott Morton, 1984; Scott Morton, 1991; that changes in one aspect must be balanced by changes other aspects for the organization to remain effective. may For example, a strategy change necessitate changes in organization structure, technologies, jobs. Morton use the model to discuss the organizational changes that are necessary to successfully introduce technology-related change into an organization. adapted the IS to describe the organization. organization, it is The components • Tools Rockart and Scott Figure 2 shows this model, changes necessary to successfully introduce technology changes into Although the focus here is on the components within the important to also consider the parallel components at the company IS level. are as follows: and Methods. development methods, These are the processes used tools, techniques, standards, project to create systems management -- systems processes, and measurement processes. Systems Infrastructure. This includes data, applications, and the underlying technology, • that is, the hardware, system software, and network. The organization needs to evaluate the status of the current infrastructure, the extent of changes necessary, to make the changes. This is a key area for consideration: transition process involves migrating technology, data, and systems -- what for most organizations and the steps required a significant portion of the is a massive base of existing often stand-alone, function-specific, data-redundant systems 17 DaERNAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 1 EXTERNAL TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND THE CORPORATE CULTURE y 1 THE ORGANIZATION'S STRATEGY E\ MANAGEMENT PROCESSES T INDIVIDUALS AND ROLES Leavitt's Balancing Act (adjusted) Figure 18 2 TECHNOLOGY -- into new development environment, and the new interdependent solutions to support the • IS Organization Structure. integrating these previously disparate organization. IS organizations One have unique structural patterns. dimension (centralization versus decentralization) places analysts and programmers either close to or remote from their "customers." Change may be appropriate arrangement. Another dimension, the degree of specialization within change as new development tools and procedures are introduced. generators become more sophisticated, there will be less need in this organizational may be IS. forced to For example, as code for the specialized, technical more business-oriented function of function of "programmer," and greater need for a "analyst." • IS Management Processes. These are the procedures that guide daily operation. Some of the most important are short- and long-term planning, formal and informal incentive and reward customers/users, • building, Some etc.). Individuals responsibilities. management and systems, and Roles. in Figure the decisions to be 2, to there are three segments, or sub-components, IS, both Changes in in the roles skills, roles, senior management, and and technical areas responsibilities skills, roles, - and all and is and It is in tool. line/business. analysts, programmers, responsibilities must be in general business areas, such as important also to note that assigning not enough; 19 it is critical to also As of which influence development environment require changes communication and negotiation. new vendors, more deeply entrenched. be changed with the addition of a new development individuals in the IS organization reconsidered. skills, (including This component includes people and their managers, and so on - and their IS relationships are easy to change; others are made. These are Clearly, IS. external Also included here are issues of training, education, and relationship which may need can be seen of change the assumptions that people hold about ihose roles and responsibilities [Gash and Orlikowski, 1991]. Development choices are affected by how well senior Senior Management. managers understand the process, as well as by senior management's and the company's committed to the -- If necessary changes, the implement greater changes simply recognize constraints. financial in a IS senior managers are executive shorter period of time than or do not recognize at all -- priorities may be if that change fully able to senior managers is A necessary. lower level of understanding also requires a greater investment in education by IS management. - Line/Business. Similarly, how well other also relevant. Certain changes in the functional managers and others level of managers understand the process development environment who must rely is directly affect on the new systems.^ The understanding these managers need depends on the degree to which they are affected by, and need to be involved in, the change. In turn, as is the case with senior management, their current level of understanding directly affects the • IS Development Strategy. components change but amount and speed of change how tools, will in the This is that can be made [Orlikowski, 1991]. the conceptual approach to how all of the other be configured to carry out the systems development process. With a major development process, the strategy must include not only what will be done, the other components will be brought up to speed through education, purchase of change in processes, and so forth. Q For example, because cross-functional systems by definition have multiple user groups, developmg them effectively requires a very different project management structure than would be typical for the development of a function-specific system. 20 • Culture. members Schein defines culture as the "basic assumptions and beliefs shared by of an organization" [Schein, 1985]. It and relies on, is built from, the policies, procedures, and methods that are associated with "the way things have been done" components of the diagram. The components. Therefore, culture arises from and pervades traditional IS culture with its where the can be very difficult. status of a component has been not is As in the 1990s. changing the assumptions which underlie each component of particularly the other all heavy technical orientation clearly appropriate for the organization and types of systems required earlier, in all the stated model this -- relatively stable for a long while Schein believes that major culture shifts -- can only be accomplished through extremely effective, almost charismatic, leadership or by changing the key personnel involved. • Technology Capability. Clearly, an important factor in choosing IS tools and expected capabilities of these tools. Equally important mainframe-centered or client-server) that install CASE For in the organization. tools CASE because current emerging client-server environment. were not mentioned by each interviewee. However, a (e.g., should be noted that the above components represent a composite picture; It factors its the current the systems environment expected to prevail is example, one organization did not purchase integrated technology did not support is is new development process without technical infrastructure, senior all are important. One cannot the appropriate balance of IS personnel management understanding, and so lack of balance in upgrading an organization has on. been dramatically skills, The problem illustrated all in of a the automobile industry [McKersie and Walton, 1991]. In some plants, huge investments have been made in production line technology. However, the lack of equivalent investments education and training of plant employees has The key question for IS management is: made in these investments ineffective and costly. given the current status of all the existing components, how much can each component be changed, while maintaining the necessary balance? And, therefore, what should the transition plan look like? 21 the transition plan, the IS executive must To develop of the organization interaction proposed change in and necessary changes development tools to likely necessitate action in others in -- a greater a number major change of in order to keep them components and financial A will affect m balance. and human resources in one component Magnitude from current practice shift each one change to a greater degree. development process, the to the systems whether the necessary each of these components for any be successful. change that represents a major a evaluate the current status terms of these components. Second, the IS executive must consider in and address the important factor first IS executive exist to is will another will affect In considering must determine reach the stated objectives. CONCLUSION Understanding and implementing a major change The neatness some is of the cases and the process presented here of the IS executives we interviewed first complex and often nonlinear. is perhaps misleading. visualized the systems In fact, and development environments and then urged senior management to think through the business environment as a means to facilitate the senior investment. In almost all managers' understanding cases, however, of, and support for, the required to all of the steps in both managers paid attention phases. In closing, we The Change business, systems believe five points are worth emphasizing. is Critical. In most of the companies we and development environments was They are as follows: visited, the similarity in striking. If the IS organization keep up with the business's future needs, a new systems development approach necessary. The question The Choices are an operational delivery level. is mechanisms are is is to absolutely not whether, but when and how. Strategic. It projected has Too often organizations discuss the issues in this paper at become increasingly clear that decisions regarding systems strategic in nature, are major, 22 and must be addressed by senior management. Moreover, the transition process significant time and energy must be spent planning and executing and the necessary "balancing" investments in education, training, new methods, and so forth. The Change is environments depicted The frozen. is in It is framework the important to recognize that the three future will not — and should not The ability to defined and then accommodate and manage such uncertainty people's assumptions and mental models about change. in — be future environments represent strategic intent and should continue to evolve as realities change. change Ongoing. Tfiis is requires a not an event: this a process. Context Determines the "Portfolio of Solutions." Returning for a who scenario: the SBU is right, the vice manager arguing packages by themselves for will moment president of information systems arguing for packages? The answer is neither. Neither to our original CASE CASE tools or tools nor provide the answer to any organization's total set of needs. Rather, each organization must (1) design a combination of delivery mechanisms that serve its particular needs delivery. and then (2) reposition the organization to achieve excellence in The combination must depend on current capabilities. What is wrong will is the organization's envisioned future and on its the selection of a particular path without the type of careful analysis suggested by our framework. This is a Major Business Process Redesign. business process of the IS the systems development process. Changing the organization is therefore, a major "business process redesign." is The key their business practices, placing special way systems are delivered, IS often helps other functions redesign emphasis on helping them to meet future as well as current needs and to redesign the associated roles, processes, and structures. If the cobbler's same thinking must be brought to bear on the children are not to be without shoes, the redesign of the systems development process. 23 REFERENCES Davenport, T.H. and Short, J.E. "The New Industrial Engineering: Information Technology and Business Process Redesign," Sloan Management Review (31:4), Summer 1990, pp. 11-27. Gash, D.C. and Orlikowski, W.J. "Changing Frames: Towards an Understanding of Information Technology and Organizational Change," The Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, Academy of Management. Miami, August 1991. Hamel, G. and Prahalad, C.K. "Strategic Intent," Har\'ard Business Hammer, M. 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