i^kMMaaHMMiii^iidM M.l.T. UBRAR'^ES - Ui::wtT V oewey. HD28 .M414 no. ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Heavy Traffic Analysis of a ProductionDistribution System Elena V. Krichagina of Control Sciences Moscow, Russia Institute Lawrence M. Wein #3697-94-MSA June 1994 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Heavy Traffic Analysis of a ProductionDistribution System Elena V. Krichagina of Control Sciences Moscow, Russia Institute Lawrence M. Wein #3697-94-MSA June 1994 SEP 2 1 1994 UBBABIES HEAVY TRAFFIC ANALYSIS OF A PRODUCTION-DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Elena V. Krichagina Institute of Control Sciences Moscow, Russia and Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. Cambridge, Massachusetts June 13, 1994 Abstract We consider an optimization problem for a multiclass queueing model of a de- A produce a variety of products, and completed units pass through an infinite server delay node on their way to a warehouse inventory. Each product has its own warehouse, demand for each centralized production-distribution system: product is satisfied by its single server can associated inventory, and unsatisfied demand is backordered. Each warehouse operates independently under its own base stock policy: The initial is set at a base stock level, and each unit of demand triggers an order with inventory the server. The server processes the orders in a first-come first-served manner, the optimization problem is to find the base stock level for each product to the expected average inventory holding and backordering cost. A heavy and minimize traffic approx- imation of this problem yields an inventory process that possesses both diffusion and Gaussian components. Computational results are performed to our analysis. cissess the accuracy of Introduction 1 between nodes, or queues, in a queueing network model be instantaneous. However, customers in most The to travel time node to another. traveling from one congestion in the network, as infinite server is When real is, often the case, the delays are appropriately nodes within the queueing network. Examples include the delay move between workstations for line. An in for a vehicle in a factory, infinite server a large factory, such as a wafer fabrication approach developed by Harrison (1988) has been used traffic and node facility. The in recent years (see, example, Wein 1992a, Kelly and Laws 1993 and references therein) to control queueing networks that possess no The aim infinite server nodes. of this paper Towards this end, idealized queueing we focus on a specific problem that facility and K warehouses. and a completed unit of a given product is modeled distribution facility to unsatisfied demand is The its infinite server nodes. K is a random consists of respective warehouse; hence, In our queueing model, the production and each product has variable. An different products, its own general service time and renewal demand process. The delay incurred by a unit to a warehouse step These inventories service the actual customer backordered. as a single server, first simple but well motivated: facihty produces transported to inventories are held at the warehouses. facility is make a model of a multi-product production-distribution system that a single production demand, and is to is towards generalizing this approach to queueing networks that contain all modeled as be used as an aggregate representation of a large number of non-bottleneck (that low utilization) workcenters heavy assumed queueing systems incur delays when data to be transmitted over a dedicated low speed transmission also typically these delays are essentially independent of the to travel between traffic intersections, a job to may is travel As alluded to above, one could from the also interpret the model as a production-inventory system with a single bottleneck workstation, where the delay represents the aggregate sojourn time through the workstations downstream of the bottleneck. The performance is employed. We of such a system relies heavily upon the production control policy that derive a control policy for a decentralized system: Each warehouse has an initial base stock level of inventory, and whenever a inventory at warehouse The facihty. no orders are i is for a unit of product i occurs, the depleted and the warehouse places an order with the production facility serves orders in in its queue. demand a first-come first-served (FCFS) fashion and The optimization problem for the is idle decentrahzed problem is if to derive a base stock level for each warehouse to minimize the average cost of holding and backordering inventory. Since the optimization problem appears to be difficult to analyze without making additional distributional assumptions, we resort to a heavy traffic analysis. This approprimation procedure requires the server to be busy the great majority of time to meet average demand, and assumes that the travel delays are lengthy. Under these assumptions, the inventory pro- cess for each product, appropriately normalized, has a diffusion and a Gaussian component. Although we have been unable to derive the stationary distribution of cess, this inventory pro- our analysis reveals the structure of the hmiting behavior of the production-distribution system. Under additional assumptions, we employ our analysis to numerically derive base stock levels, and find that they are very close in value to the optimal levels obtained via simulation. We initially planned to also analyze a centralized system, where a controller has global information about the inventories of each product, and decides in a dynamic fashion which product, if any, to produce next. Comparison of these two systems would allow us to assess the value of centraHzed information in production-distribution systems; see Zheng and Zipkin (1990) and Wein (1992b) for similar comparisons for production-inventory systems, which are essentially production-distribution systems with no travel delays. During the course of our analysis, we developed a variant of a myopic policy proposed by Pena and Zipkin (1992). Although numerical al. results in Pena and Zipkin, Veatch and Wein (1993) and Krichagina (1992) show that this policy performs well in a production-inventory setting, et we found that our variant of the policy did not perform well for the production-distribution system; in fact, the system did not stabilize under this policy in our simulation study. that the long travel delays lead to a system that is not easily controllable. It appears Consequently, paper does not contain an analysis of the centralized problem. this In summary, control policies for very difficult to analyze; if queueing networks with infinite server delay nodes are the delays are not exponential, then the cardinality of the state space can become unwieldy. Unfortunately, our analysis suggests that these types of problems not yield easily to heavy will The remainder of this paper the decentralized model heavy traffic is traffic analysis. is organized as follows. defined in Section is introduced in Section The queueing and a sequence of systems approaching 2, An approximating 3. fluid control approximating diffusion-Gaussian control problem are formulated analysis is a prerequisite to the more elaborate heavy the controls in the heavy traffic controls. Further analysis of the model model traffic study that assesses the accuracy of our undertaken problem and an in Section 4; the fluid approximation, and allows to be expressed as deviations is control problem for from the optimal in Section 5, along fluid with a computational results. The Problem Formulation 2 The decentralized production-distribution system pictured in Figure machine producing K products. Units of product distribution with service rate max{j : {i^j}i>i- ^1 + • • + ^j < //, and squared = I, . . . ,K have {i]j}j>i be the sequence of define the continuous distribution function Ff{t) + di denote the demand rate and Cj ^ 0' P{ti[ < t). iid finished good inventory delays for product We which is the number i/J, of product be the square i units = let Ai{t) service times i, and denote the mean of this Each product has an independent renewal process Di{t) C\ + = iid We i/^,. denote the renewal process associated with the warehouse. Let distribution by A~^. consists of a single a general service time coefficient of variation Completed units incur a random delay before entering the at the appropriate • i 1 demanded up = max{j to time coefficient of variation of the t. We : let interdemand times. We assume that warehouses operate independently. units of inventory, and each unit of demand for product i Each warehouse initially has C, simultaneously triggers two events: Product Vs inventory is machine serves orders in Tj{t) represent the total is depleted and a production order a FCFS lime in [0,/] the total numbe'- of product of product i fashion and i is idle if is placed with the machine. no orders are i's units produced delay node. the queue. devoted to the production of product up to time t. t. z, then If .4 we let i/^/)) Q,{t) the number Let Zt{t) be the r.r,'.Qber Denote orders in queue or in service at the machine at time of unite- in product in The l>y Then Q.(0 = A(0 - MT,{t)) [•2.r and (2.2) where r' when the is the time of the j'^ j*-^ DEMAND unit of product 1 i jump of the process A,{T,{-)); completes production. it corresponds to the epoch product i, and define the cost function = ^H,ix), H{x) 1=1 = where Hi{x) problem is hixf + biX~ to choose Ci , . . . , , J(Ci, = x'^ Ck . . . max(x,0) and x~ — min(a:,0). The production control to minimize the expected average cost , Ck) = lim sup T— oo ^E J f H{X{s))ds (2.4) . ^0 Since the optimization problem (2.1)-(2.4) does not appear to be tractable without additional distributional assumptions, system operates in heavy we turn traffic; to the aid of asymptotic analysis that the is, P = traffic intensity E^<1 «=i is close to 1. Assumption of time to satisfy demand and assume that the (2.5) f^' (2.5) requires that the machine be working the great majority over the long run. Hereafter, the production-distribution system described in this section will be referred to as the original system S. For subsequent use, we introduce the large parameter no = (1 - />)-' (2.6) and the rescaled distribution functions of delay times F.{t) 3 A = Ff{t{l-p)-')^F^{not). Sequence of Systems To implement the asymptotic analysis, in Heavy (2.7) Traffic we introduce a sequence of systems indexed by S'„ the parameter n {n —^ oo). Each system has the same structure as the original system S. We fix {Cj}j>i? {?/"'} j>i to ^ = ^^---if^i depend on n. which represent the interdemand intervals, and allow {^"'}j>i Thus, the parameters associated with the demand not depend on n, while the parameters /i", u^, and the function Fp{-), i = 1, . c?, , . . and i/^,- do A' vary with n. To emphasize T" yl", etc. procedure The will Let p" = this dependence we attach an upper index n to the appropriate processes initial inventories C", be implemented can dil ji^ = and p" = i also 1, . , . . A' with respect to depend on which the optimization n. Our main assumption on the sequence Sn ^j-xP". are the following: ^r^/i., K^^~^a^, riT /j" < 1 I = «"oS; 1 Ff{not/n), where F,(-) is defined in (2.7). sequence Sn, n > 1, • , • /T, , (3.1) (3.2) = r/"' is 1 (3.3) . given by P(7;"' Assumption which requires the • , and v/^(l - p") Observe that the distribution function F"(<) of for the = (3.3) < the heavy is = traffic Fi{t/n) condition p^ to converge to traffic intensity = 1. As a consequence of (3.1)-(3.3) we have p"^ —^ Pi = ^ d, ^ as — n > oo, ^ and /^' Assumption = p, 1 (3.4) . .=1 n (3.2) implies that the delays are increasing as — > oo. Let the processes Q^{-), Z^{-),X^{-) associated with system Sn be defined similarly to (2.1)-(2.3): and Xnt) = Cr - Q^t) - Znt) (3.5) . For the processes X", Q", Z" and the cost functional associated with the n^^ system, we will consider two types of X"(0 = rescaling: Fluid rescaling -J^"(ni) n , J(Ci",...,Q) Q^{t) = -Q'^int) n = , Z"(0 = -Z'^int) n n~'limsup;J;£; / T— oo T Jo c{X''{t))dt , (3.6) (3.7) we of tMs sect.on, remainder I„ ,,e wHh product ,. processes ; ..e associated Q, ™acH.e on a FCFS .e. n,.U-,dasssysten,s.Let n,.,Uiclass systems, mach,ne the production U.. descnbe ^^ . ^ = ";- Then ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^„,, ,,,„,. for ^^^^ ^^^^^ ,^„, ^_„,. «n,e du.n, ICl .- ^/^^^^^ ^^^ ^U w ,s .die. ^^^^ ,,fined by defined P e's h- queue at time t. Denote the O^ = "-'H-^'"'' ' *"" atnount of «o.. P^;;;;;;;^^;;;:^ ,e,ese„ts the total ^"(0 = " of W^ by _^^ ^^ ,,^ .escaied version space DlO.oo) the x(.) Iron, any funcfon _,„ensionaf teflect.on Fo. capping (1985)); (see Harrison that is, process Brownian motion Define the WW W^ W. and , „here W/ ^^^^^ = -' + «'.^w + ^' »"'*''''• IS " * a retlectea = *(IV)() , d ^^^^^ t=l The + (3.11) B(.) B ' ' ' "'" „« with variances Sf^i-'kC' processes Wiener independent are two respectively. Set Ef-,..^,<i^*i;'''3' SO that - ''' following result is .f of a consequence Theorem Theore 8 1 (1991). of Peterson Proposition — where > we have (3.1)-(3.3) stands for weak convergence in D^[0,oc). The Limiting Optimization Problem 4 As mentioned is Under assumptions 3.1. in the Introduction, a rather crude fluid approximation to the control problem required as a precursor to the heavy traflBc diffusion-Gaussian approximation. 4.1. Fluid approximation. For brevity of notation, we introduce G,(<) Proposition Assume 4.1. and n-^C^ -> (3.1)-(3.3) c\^\ = i = 1 — Fi{t). Then for any 1,...,A'. C >0, lim sup IX" - P- = Xi(t)\ a.s. , where Xi{t) = c^"^ - d, f G,{u)ds (4.1) . JO Proof. Proposition 3.1 implies that Or(0^0, n-^oo uniformly on finite time intervals. By 1975, page 188), n-'^D,{nt) -^ d,t as n = i , l,...,K (4.2) the elementary renewal theorem (Karlin and Taylor ^ oo. 0^(0 = n-^[D,{nt) - Since A^{Tp{nt))], we have n-'^A'^{Tp{nt)) Equation (3.5) ^ d,t n , ^ oo. impHes A^(Tr(nt)) xnt) = n-'cr - Qnt) - n-^ y: i=l Observe that n~^Tf\ j > I are the the distribution function F-'{nt) number (4.3) = jump moments F,(<). w + ^r > "O of y4"(r"(n-)) and (4.4) • n"^?;"* Therefore, the last term in (4.4) is = tiq Sj bas the rescaled of customers in an infinite server queue with service time distribution i^(-) and arrival stream A'^ {T-^ (nt)) Theorem (1984). in 1 Limit theorems for such models were considered by Borovkov . Chapter 2 of Borovkov implies that A?(Tr(nt)) y ^ '' uniformly on JivT > finite t t + > T?' J - u)du = nt) -^ d, / G,{t Jo J{C^, . fluid rescaling . , . G,{u)du P (4.2) completes the proof. can be written as ^E„ /-^ r H{X^{t))dt 1 = Q) / JQ time intervals, which together with Observe that the cost with d, lim sup T— oo' Proposition 4.1 suggests that the following deterministic optimization problem should be considered as the limiting fluid problem: Choose Cj 1 fT „ yj 1 Jo minimize lize iimsup— £^ T-.00 where a;,(-) are given by (4.1). If we the limit of 3:,(<) = n'^C^ as = — cx), > we to c{xi{i))dt / r G,{u)du d, and the associated cost n ,Cj^- (4.5) , set cp) then lim(_oo ,... set C" = equal to zero and is ' nc,- (4.6) , is minimal. Since + AC", where AC" = o[n)^ is c- and turn our attention to the next level of approximation. 4.2. Diffusion-Gaussian approximation. y;"(0 = ^."(0 - K"(0 = For each fixed n, define the processes y"(<) , < > ^ , = l,...,/^, (4.7) where V;"(<) = nc^P -ndi f " G,{u)du Jo and c,- ' are given by (4.6). Since V-"(<) i"(Cr,...,C^) = n-^/Mimsup^£; 7'_oo 1 / —* as < ^ cx) //(X"(0)d< Jo for each n, we have = n-^/Mimsup^£; / T-.00 1 H{Y''{t))dt . Jo (4.8) 10 . Thus, our goal minimize the right-hand side of to is Consider the rescaled process ¥"{1) = t > = 1, n-^/^Y"-{nt), that n~^/^AC" —* f Fi{t - u)dB{u) - Proposition 4.2 Assume (4.8). c, ', /i. /' G,{t ^0 i 0. . . , . Then A'. where Yi{t) = cp^ - d, Jo and Oi{-) is = r Fi{s - u)G,{t - u)du d, Oiit) (4.9) , mean and covariance function a Gaussian process with zero E0,{t)e,{s) - u)dWf{u) + <t s , (4.10) Jo independent of B{-), Wf{-) and Proof. Definitions y;."(<) = n-v2Acr - Since n~^T'^\ j RCLL (3.5) = 1,2, .. . Oj{-), j and (4.7) n-^/2 / {ij i = 1,. . . , A')- imply that Yl are sequential A'/r' + ^r' > "<) jump moments - ^r(o +d, G,it - u)du of the process A^{TJ^{n-)), for any function /(•) one can write K{Tr(nt)) E fin-'r-) = which fact is and f f{u)dAnTnnu)) , •'^ j=i a Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral with respect to a nondecreasing function. Using this we derive (3.2) y;"(0 = n-'/'AC." - f F,{t-u)dQ'i[u)- JofG,{t-u)db^iu) + ent), (4.11) Jo where A?iTp{nt)) 0?{t) = n-'/' j] [/(noS] + n-V;- < t) - - F,{t n-'r^')] (4.12) . «=i The process 6" can be represented as an integral with respect to a case is we random field, which in this a stochastic process with a two-dimensional variable. To derive such a representation, define the random fields [nt] UJ'it.x) = n"'/^ II[/(^.(«oSi) < 3=1 11 a:) - max(x, 1)] , ^ > , x > and = Vrit,x) n-'/' < [/(no^* Y. - x) F,(x)] > i , x>0. , Hence, Vnt^x) = C/r(n-Mr(7;"(nO),F.(x)) (4.13) . Observe that the random variable F,(no^7/p has a uniform distribution on and Stute (1979), statistical literature (see Gaenssler The ferred to as the stochastic empirical process. [0,1]. example), the process for trajectories of [/"(•, t/" In the is re- belong to the space •) D^[0,oo)^ (see Pardjanadze and Hmaladze (1986) and Gaenssler and Stute), which is the space of functions u{t^x) defined on [0,oo) x [0,oo) such that the limits u{t+,x+) = lim u{s,y) = u{t+,x-) , lim u{s,y) u{t—,x+)= hm u{s,y) , u{t — ,x—)= and u{t+,x+) = u{t,x). The space rohod's Ji topology for Z)[0,oo) for details). An lim u{s,y) s]t,y]x s]t,ylx exist , ait,y]x slt,ylx i)^[0,oo)^ endowed with topology similar to Sko- a complete metric space (see Pardjanadze and Hmaladze is increment of a function u € D^[0,oo)^ = u((r,y),(/,x)) u{T,y) - u{t,x) is - defined by u{t,y) + u{t,x) . Using this concept one can define the space of functions with bounded variation usual way (see (V^"(s,x),5 > Kolmogorov and Fomin 0,x > 0) (1975)). Observe that the trajectories of the process belong to Z)^[0,oo)^ and have bounded variation. Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral below is e^{t) well defined = in the f' I{s Therefore the and we can write + x< t)dVi^{s, t) (4.14) . Jo Using the definition of increments given above, one can easily check that (4.14) to (4.12). Bickel weakly is equivalent and Wichura (1971) proved that the empirical process Up{s,x) converges in D^[0, oo)^ as n -^ oo to the Gaussian random field U{s,x) with zero mean and covariance function EU{s,x)U{t,y) = sAt{x Ay 12 xy) , x < 1, j/ < 1 . (4.15) For fixed fixed s. x, a standard Brownian Motion, and U{s,-) is Since t/"(-,) (4.3) 3.1, U{-^x) is independent of (5"() and and (4.13) give the in (4.11). = i = 1,..,A', Proposition joint convergence ^ (Or(-), A"(-),K"(-,-)) where Vi{t,x) each £>"(•) for a Brownian Bridge for is {d,B{-),fl,Wf{-),V,i;.)) To complete the proof we need U{dit,Fi{x)). , n -. oo to take the (4.16) , Hmit as n —+ oo Applying the integration by parts formula and the continuous mapping theorem, one can easily verify that the second and third terms in (4.11) converges to those in (4.9). Define = Oi{t) f I{s + x < t)dV,{s,x) , .70 where the integral Then (4.14) and is interpreted as the mean-square integral with respect to a Gaussian field. (4.16) imply that e^ ^e, n^oo , (4.17) . Unfortunately, the integration by parts formula cannot be applied directly in this case, since I{s + X < t) as a. function of {s,x) does not belong to D^[0,oo)^. Hence, a careful analysis is required to justify this convergence. it was carried out in Theorem We do not provide here the proof of this result, since 2 of Borovkov by different techniques. Readers are referred to Krichagina and Puhalskii (1993) for an alternative proof based on the representation (4.14). The joint convergence obtain the desired result. the process K(-, •) = It = (4.17) allows us to take the hmit as n — > oo in (4.11) and follows from (4.15) that the covariance function Ki{u,v,x,y) of Ui{dit, Fi{x)) Ki{u,v,x,y) The and of (4.16) is given by EVi{u,x)Vi{v,y) = di{u A v){F{x) A F(y) - F{x)F{y)) . properties of the mean-square integral imply that I{u / ' ^oo TOO Jroo + x<s)dV,{u,x) ^0 roo = / Jo roo / Jo Iiv + y<t)dV,{v,y) Jo ^oo / Jo roo / I{u + x<s)I{v + y<t)dKi{u,v,x,y). Jo 13 duAv = Since = I{u the right-hand side ior s /OO < t / / Jo Jo Jo /•TO /-co + x<s)dudF,{x)- I{u Calculating the integrals For each fixed we obtain let F,{t), i, I{x = y)dF,{x) and dFi{x)F,iy) = dF,{x)dF,{y), equal to is /OO (fj/ = v)du, dF,{x)AF,{y) / /(ii + a-<5)/(w + j/<0<iuc?F,(x)(fF.(r/)} . Jo (4.10). < i Jo /-OO be the distribution on ( — oo,0] generated by F,(-) as follows: F,{t) Denote by and 'yf = 1 - F{-t) = G,{-t) (the superscripts represent 'yf^' t<0 , demand and . delay, respectively) dependent Gaussian random variables with zero means and variances di and parameters that RBM Fi{u)Gi{u)du, respectively. Let 5*'(-) be the stationary f^ it is as B{-) (see (3.10)-(3.12)). Since B^* defined for is Gi{—t). f^ G^{u)du and with the same structure a stationary process is we can assume f d, B'\u)dF{u) (4.18) , J — OO the stationary Brownian motion averaged by the distribution function Fi{t) The in- ^ (— oo,+oo). Define / 7f = which diV^- two = following proposition describes the steady-state distribution of yi(-). Proposition 4.3. Under the assumptions and definitions above, Yi{t) — > 5^(00) as —^ 00, t where y;(oo) Proof. To prove the result = cp^-7f-7f + we take the 7-^'. limit in (4.9) as < — (4.19) > 00. Our first step is to show that R,{t) = r F,{t - u)dB{u) Jo An 4 J-/ B''{u)dF,{u) (4.20) . 00 application of the integration by parts formula yields R-{t) = /' Jo For yV such that FAt - u)dB{u) =- f B{u)dFi{t -u)= Jof B{u)dG,{t - u) . (4.21) Jo < TV < <, define R'^{t) = f B{u)dG,it Ji-N 14 - u) . (4.22) By Theorem from the statements below: 4.2 of Billingsley, (4.20) will follow R^{t) -^ I B''(u)dF,{u) J-N ° L-N B'\u)dFi{u) f -i t^+oo , B''\u)dF,{u) N lim \im sup P{\R,{t)-R^{t)\ t—oo we (4.23), (4.24) ; > = e) , e>0. (4.25) = J^ B{t - N + u)dG,{N - u) that B{t + )—> B^\-) as < —> cx). ^f (<) — the continuous mapping theorem gives we have a stationary process, +00 by deriving R^{t) start Standard arguments can be used to show is AT -^ , (4.23) ; J — oo N^co To prove N for fixed > /q B'\u)dGi{N — /q B"\u)dGi{N — u) = u), t from (4.22). For fixed —^ oo. A^, Since B'* J_^ B'\u)dGi{—u), and (4.23) is proved. Because EB'\u) {const)GiiN) -> = as TV const, it ^ oo. follows that Thus, (4.24) E jZ^ B'\u)dF,{u) = EB{t) < for the distribution of B{t), inequahty and allowing zero i > mean and 0, the i B — > variances dii^j- The variables f^'^ B{u)dGi{t-u). The closed (see p. 15 of Harrison 1985) implies that Jq Gi{t jQG]{u)du and of $i Gi{t)). The (f, — u)dWf{u) and 0i{t) are Gaussian with /q F,(u)G,(u)c?u, respectively. joint convergence follows and B, Wf. Thus, one can take the As — < > oo, from the structure limit in (4.9) as i ^ 00 result. cost functional given by (4.8) can be expressed in terms of limsup;^;^ / this fact and Propositions lim sup T—.00 »oo is ^E -I as . 4.2-4.3, the limiting optimization to the diffusion-Gaussian approximation mmimize H{Y''{s))ds ¥" Jo J r-.oo Based on Applying Chebyshev's —^ oo yields (4.25), and hence (4.20). //; 7^^', respectively. and the independence and obtain the N oo and then random they converge to ff and of > = Thus E\R,{t) - R^{t)\ < {const){G,iN) - const. For each t = verified. is Equations (4.21) and (4.22) imply that R,{t)-R^{t) form expression {const)Fi{-N) to choose c[ , . [ H{Y{s))ds = Jo 15 , . . c^- problem corresponding to EH{Y {00)) (4.26) = where V'(oo) (y'i(oo), , . . ^^-(oo)) individually. Thus, (4.26) i given by (4.19). is The additive structure of the cost equalities (4.19) imply that the minimization can and steady-state component . is be implemented for equivalent to finding min EH,{Y,{oo)) for each i = 1, . , . . K . Let c| , z = 1, . . . each , A' (4.27) be the solution to (4.27). Then our two-stage asymptotic analysis implies that nearly optimal values for the parameters C",...,C^- are given by C^ = ncl'^ + V^c*'' i = l,...,K Two-Stage Approximation 5 In this section, we employ the limiting fluid tions for the original optimization problem, additional assumptions. n > if , j/^-, that the dynamics of 1 is we i set — The — //, 1,. . . ^i^° ,K and i/^, — relation S for the Original System and diffusion-Gaussian problems as approximaand provide numerical solutions under certain between the original system S and the sequence Sn, can be identified with that of {i^aiY- (4.28) . S'no, where no is given by (2.6), Notice, however, that the hmiting parameters /i, and are not directly connected with those of the original system S; they were introduced to justify the Hmiting procedure in Propositions 3.1 and 4.1-4.2. Therefore, to obtain the diffusion-Gaussian approximation for the original system 5, we substitute limiting "tilde" The parameters by the corresponding parameters of the original system. original optimization problem with the cost functional Uq^ can be approximated by the fluid model (4.1), (4.5). As (2.4) normalized by the factor the optimal parameters in (4.6), are cS'^ = d, r G,{u)du = T^ z , = 1, . . . , A' . A, no Jo In accordance with (4.28), the nearly optimal parameters at the fluid level of approximation are C.«nocS') 16 = ^. (5.1) Since d The are the initial inventories, this expression admits the following explanation. system operates in a balanced regime and the average production rate demand rate d, for each product number in inventory is number Therefore, the i. approximately equal to the Over the long run, the average number of product and therefore product's Vs inventory of units in the delay node plus the units at the delay roughly C, is — equal to the average inventory C, for any initial i is If di/\,. node i = 1,. . . ^K. equal to di/\i, is C, differs from (5.1), then there would be a constant backlog or a constant excess of inventory over the long run, which would increase the cost functional. The diffusion-Gaussian approximation corresponds to the original problem with the cost functional (2.4) normalized by the factor no (4.28), we must solve the minimization To . find the corresponding term y/noc- problem min EH,{Yi{oo))ds for each i = !,...,/<', = c<^)-7f-7f + 7f^ 7f is the stationary and ff and ances diU^- ff^' RBM f^ G^{u)du and is C, fluid on [0, d, f B'\u)dF,{u) di J^ , oo) with drift —p and random variance X^aLi + '^dk)i mean and vari- ^ArA'fc ^('^ait variables with zero F,{u)Gi{u)du, respectively. Once the parameter found, = (5.3) J — CO are two independent Gaussian minimizes the cost (5.2) The (5.2) where K(cx)) B^^ ci'^no we use + and the c- ' that (4.28) to set cj"v/n^ = d,/X, + c!'V(l - (5-4) p) approximation yields the crude deterministic description of the system of the average values, in diffusion- Gaussian in terms approximation provides the distribution of fluctuations around these average values. Thus, the second term on the right-hand side of (5.3) characterizes the steady-state inventory's fluctuations size of the caused by the variation in the machine's queue. The third term represents the impact of 17 demand variabihty, and By the fourth term quantifies the effect of fluctuations in delay. and distribution function of the delay times, Due these quantities. it to the rescaHng procedure as the length of delays, in the compressed time (2.7), F,(-) — {t > nt), we observe random easily derived. variables 7f and ^f all Thus, our analysis scale. is processes, as well oriented towards "wide" distribution functions is, Unfortunately, problem (5.2) does not admit an exphcit solution. that the the resettled plays an integral role in the definition of systems with long and significantly uncertain delays (that is is The main difficulty are dependent and their joint distribution However, the expression for the steady-state distribution not is (5.3) reveals the structure of the limiting behavior of production-distribution systems with long delays, and can be used that F^ is for their analysis. To illustrate the use of a uniform distribution on the interval our analysis, we assume for simplicity - af''')/\,, [(1 (1 -f af^')/A,], where af^' < characterizes the uncertainty of delays. In this case, the rescaled distribution function Fi uniform on an interval of length /, = 2af^'{l ^ Jo/' B'\u)du — RBM on [0, Define the unitless constant I, = d,h equal is is in distribution to (5.5) . Jo oo) with drift = and ff C d,B'\hu)du = /; Let B-*{-) be the unitless p)^/\,, 1 —p and variance - pYidJX,). 2af''{l Since d,B'\l,-) = Bf{Li-), equation (5.5) gives /' 7f = Jo Bf{L,u)du = ]- r Bf{u)du (5.6) . Li Jo The variances of ff and jf^' are equal to 4L,/3 and respectively. In the remainder of this paper, magnitude of Z/,. Case 1. Suppose that the parameter L, enough or have low variability, or the is we L./6, investigate three cases according to the small. This demand 18 (5.7) rate is happens when the delays are not long small. Then the distribution of 7,- is close to that of Bf'(O), which variables 7/ and 7^^' have is sniall variances and can be neglected. V;2 jf). Thus, / 1 ip — + h, ^^ (2) minimizes EH,{c\'' By exponential with parameter 'Ip/E^. - (5.7), the random easy to calculate that It is b, h, for small L,, the variability in the size of the machine s queue has the largest impact on the fluctuations of the inventory. w— *• .i.- .- ;:.. -t. ^ ' J L=0.1 L=1.0 L=5.0 EXP. DISTR. EXP. MEAN 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.4 Figure Case By 2. 2. The simulated Suppose that L, is large. distributions of By f^ 0.6 for various value.s of L,. (5.7), the variances of 7/ and -ff^' are large a? well. the Birkhoff- ivhinchinc theorem, we have -- /"" Bfiu)du ^ EBf {00) = L, Jo Hence, by (5.6), 7,^ Ri TJlj2p. the distribution of ^f for large Since '^f and 7,*^^' //, are independent, their 19 ^ Ip , I, ^ 00 . has small variability, and one sum .,an let has a Gaussian distribati:'n with zero mean and variance Li{i/jj3 cS'' + 1/6). The value of the parameter = argmin,//.(c-S + 2p is + ^f ^_<^e/) easy to find numerically. Case 3. Problem (5.2) is more further progress in this case, neglected. That assumption is is, i/J, is difficult we make the small and the when L, neither small nor large. is additional assumption that demand is 'yf « To make and can be nearly constant. As alluded to earlier, this required because jf and 7,^ are dependent random variables. The distribution of 'yf also cannot be calculated explicitly. However, a one-dimensional reflected diffusion is easily simulated. The simulated predicted by Case distributions of 1, we observe jf that for small values of L, the distribution exponential with parameter 2p/S^ shown by the dashed line. mean of the exponential distribution shown by the vertical line. function Hi{x) averaged by the convolution of the distribution of and a normal distribution with mean for any given c, and find the ('2\ c\ is is As 2. close to the In accordance with Figure 2 also indicates that for larger values of L, the distribution the Figure for various values of Li are presented in Case 2, concentrated around By calculating the cost 7P found by simulation and variance Li/G, we were able to obtain the cost minimum. Tables 1 and 2 compare our with the results obtained via simulation of the original system results (COST SIM) (COST TH) for one- and two-dimensional problems. The service times were assumed to be uniformly distributed on [(1 — Q,)///i, (1 -f Qi)///,], i = 1, . , . . A'. 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