Galdera-like collapse at Kilbourne Holemaar, NewMexico byWilliam R. Seager, NewMexico StateUniversity, LasCruces, NM88003 Introduction Kilbourne Hole, one of a group of Pleistocenevolcanic craterscollectively known as the Afton craters, is located about 20 mi southwestof las Crucesin south-centralNew Mexico (Fig. 1). Perhapsbest known for its wonderful array of mantle and lower crustal xenoliths, Kilbourne Hole has vielded considerable information about the mantle and deep crust of southem New Mexico (e.g., Carter, 1965,1970;Padovani, 1977; Padovani and Carter, I977;Reid,1976;Reidand Woods, r97q. Geologic studies focusing on the origin of the ejecta blanket as well as on the crater began in 1,907.ln that year Lee (1907)interpreted both Hunt's Hole and Kilbourne Hole as explosion craterscausedby ground water flashing to steam as the ground water was invadedby basalticdikes.Darton (1916)supported Lee's hypothesisand compared the Afton craters to similar craters in Germanv, India, Mexico, and at Zuni Salt Lake, New Mexico. In 1935,Dunham (1935)described Kilboume Hole and alsoseemedsatisfiedwith the explosion hypothesis for the origin of the crater. In the most detailed study up to 1940, Reiche (1940)rejected the explosion hypothesis, suggestinginstead that the craterswere formed by subsidence.However, Reiche (1940)believed that subsidencegreatly postdated explosivevolcanicactivity and was only vaguely related to it. In fact, Reiche (1940) suggestedthat subsidencewas causedeither by subsurface solution of limestone promoted by acidified volcanic waters, or by a vague "volcanic subsidence"that occurredat the site of an older volcanic vent but long after the vent had becomeinactive and buried by hundreds of feet of "fluvial" deposits. SinceReiche's(1940)paperwas published, little more has been said about the role of lo70 lo5" subsidence in the formation of Kilbourne Hole. Shoemaker(1957)recognizedevidence for explosive volcanic activity in the ejecta blanket that forms the crater rim, and, in a later paper (Shoemaker,1962),he noted "the Afton craters . . . exhibit downfaulting or collapse along the crater wall," an apparent referenceto the evidencethatled Reiche(19110) to his subsidencehypothesis.De Hon (I965a, b) studied Hunt's Hole and Kilbourne Hole and found evidence of subsidence lacking. 'Acollapse origin may be dismissed. . . (because)inward dips are absent at the holes as are ring dikes; (the) raised rims are not explainable by a collapsemechanism"(De Hon, I965a). De Hon (I965a, b) and Reevesand De Hon (1955) believed that phreatomagmatic explosions were responsible for the craters, although they did recognizethe role of "down faulting or slumping, accompanied by normal backwasting of the wall" ur pt: Alsointhisissue lO 1 5m i Sedimentology of the Cutotf Formation Pictographs in Arroyodel Tajo Oil andgas discovery wells drilled in 1986 Extractive minerals industries, 198ut-1986 Service/News Taxeson naturalresource production Indexfor volume9 Staffnotes p.74 p. 80 p.82 p.87 p. 88 p. 89 p. 91 p.92 Goming soon N FIGURE l-Location map of the Kilboume Hole maar and vicinity CastileandSaladoFormations. DelawareBasin LowerCretaceousstrataunder southernHighPlains Mineralparagenesis andstructure at the U.S.Treasurymine MineralSymposiumabstracts cessesthat "enlarge the diameterand filled the craters"(De Hon, 1965b).Hotrer (7973, 1976,7986)summarizedthe resultsof his and previous workers'studiesof Kilbourne Hole and Hunt's Hole. Like others before him, exceptReicheand probablyShoemaker,Hoffer apparently acceptedthe cratersas products of phreatomagmaticexplosions, with "normal backwastingand slumpageenlarging the crater to its presentshapeand size" (Hoffea 7976).By evaluatingDe Hon's (1965a) alternativehypothesesfor formation of Hunt's Hole, Stuart (1981)also concludedthat volcanic explosion was most likely ("blasting during eruption could have pulverizedrock, forming the crater"). Both Stuart (1981)and De Hon (1955a)visualizedHunt's Hole (and the other craters)as developing"passively," the result of "some form of coring or rasping by jets of sediment-laden stream (which) gradually formed the crater" (Stuart, 7981,,p. 71). Evidence presented in this paper supports the interpretation that major subsidence was an important process in the formation of Kilbourne Hole, and that the crater is therefore a maar in the sense of Lorenz (1973). The subsidence immediately or closely followed Phreatomagmatic explosive activity and involved caldera-like collapse, along a ring fracture, of the tuff ring that had accumulated above and around the vent. The present dimensions of Kilbourne Hole are not so much a result of explosive excavation, slumping, Iandslides, and erosion as they are a product of large-scalesubsidence of the tuff )\ ring. Suchcaldera-likesubsidencealongring fracturesis an important part of the evolution of maarsand diatremesin Meico, France, Germany, Montana, and elsewhere (e.g., Jahns, 1959;Lorcnz, 1973;Gutman,7975). General features Kilbourne Hole is a roughly elliptical crater approximately 1.7 mi long along the major axis and a little more than 1 mi wide (Fig. 2). It is surrounded on all sides except the south by a prominent rim of ejectathat rises as much as 150ft abovethe surrounding La Mesaplainsand nearly450ft abovethe playa at the centerof the craterfloor. Although rim ejectaslopesmoderatelyto gently outward away from the crater,the inner walls of the crater are generallysteepor even vertical. Figure 3 shows the stratigraphyexposed in the inner walls of the crater.Pre-explosion rocks form the lower half of the crater walls and include the Camp RiceFormation (Qcr) age(Gileet al., of early to middle Pleistocene 1981)overlainby Afton Basalt(Qb). Exposed Camp Rice strata consist of basin-floorbolson sedimentsand minor fluvial gravelcont a i n i n g m u l t i p l e p a l e o s o l s ,i n c l u d i n g conspicuouscaliche. The upper surface of the Camp Ricestratais the constructionalLa Mesa surface upon which the paleosols evolved since the surfacestabilizedapproximately0.5 Ma. (Gileet al., 1981).The Afton Basalt,as much as 15 ft thick, locally buried the La Mesa surface and Camp liice For- ,l (l )F) New AAexnc@ !l J.r GEOLOGY . Science andSeruice I \k\ )) )t I ) Volume )l Y3:. -:::j57 ta o ff A 4,400 4,OOO 3,600 3,200 ' o.5 O O.5 ?- -,' lmi A. fr lkm Corp RiceFormof ion [@ bosoltexplosion breccio surgedeposits f [iTl pyroclostic @ attonBosotl oltuvium laqr-l ffilcolluvium 4,400 4,OOO 3,600 3.200 ffi Topogrophic -a flm Londslide blocks FIGURE2-Geologic map and crosssectionof Kilbourne Hole. All units are Quaternary November 1987 Neu Mexico Geology November 1987 Edifor Deborah A Shaw Drnfter:Mo te M Brown Publishedquarterlyby New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources a division of New Mexi@ Institute of Mining & T<hnology ,N l- 9, No.4, BOARD OF REGENTS Ex Officio Garry Carruthers, Couernorol Nru Mexico Alan Morgan, SupetintefldenL of Publiclnsfruction ADpointed Gilbert L Cano, Pi; ,1985-1989,Albuquerque Lenton Malry, SeclTreos,1985-1991.Albuquerque Robert O Anderson, 1987-7993,Roswell Donald W Morris, 1983-1989,Ins Alamos Steve Torres, 1967-1991,Socono New Mexico Institute o( Mining & Technology Laurence H Lattman President New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources Frank E Kottlowski DirTtot Ceorge S Austin DeputyDirector Issued quarterly, February, Mat August, Subscriptions: year price O0/calendar November; subscription $6 Editoilqlmatter:Articlessubmittedfot publicationshould be in the editor's hands a minimum of five (5) months before date of publication (February, May, August, or November) and should be no longer than 20 typewritten, double-spacedpages All scientific PaPerswill be reviewed by at least two people in the aPProPriatefield of studv Address inoui.ies to Deborah A Shaw, Editor New Mexico Bureau of Mines & of Nru'MexicoGeoLog11, Mineral Resources,Socorro,NM 87801 as publicdomain,therelorereproduablewithout PerPublished mission Sourcecreditreqrcsted 1,6N Circulalion: Printer:Universit'Jof New Mexico Printing Plant mation before formation of Kilbourne Hole. The basalt has yielded radiometric dates rangingfrom 0.5m.y. to about0.1m.y. (Seager et al., l9U; Hoffer, 1976;Hawley and Kottlowski, 1969).Based on soil development, Gile (1987)believes the basalt is approximatelv0.1 m.v. old. Tufi-ring ejecta overlies the Afton Basalt and forms the upper half of the crater wall, as well as the rim and back slopes.De Hon (195b),Hoffer (1976),Brenner(i979), Stuart and Brenner (1979),and Stuart (1981),give detaileddesciptionsof the stratigraphy,and Wohletz and Sheridan(1983)provide an excellent summary. In general,the rim ejecta canbe divided into two units. The basalunit, first describedby Reiche(1940),is an explosion breccia that varies in thickness from 0 to 150 ft, averaging 70 ft thick. The breccia consistsof angularblocksofbasalt up to 5 ft in diameterin a matrix of essentiallyunbedded, chaoticpyroclastic-falldeposits.The basalt blocks are fragmentsof the Afton Basalt disrupted by the eruption. Other accidental clastsin the brecciaincludemantleand lower and upper crustal xenoliths up to 1.5 ft in diameter.Much of the brecciamatrix appears to be disaggregated sand and gravel from underlying bolsondeposits.Minor pyroclastic-fall deposits with graded bedding have also been describedwithin or at the baseof the explosion breccia (Hoffea 7976; Stuart, 1981;Wohletz and Sheridan,1983). The upper part of the rim ejectaconsists Iargelyof much finer grained,thinly bedded pyroclastic-surgeand fall deposits that are 100ft thick or more on the eastrim. Reiche (1940)interpretedthesestratato be fluvial in origin, but Shoemaker(1957),Hoffer (1976), Brenner (7979),Stuart and Brenner (1979), and Stuart (1981)have shown them to be the depositsof basesurgesand air fall. The strata exhibit beautiful sandwave structures and "repeatedaltemationsin bedding from seams of coarseair-fall juvenile basalticlapilli" to finely bedded sandwavesto massive beds with abundant accretionarylapilli (Wohletz and Sheridan, 1983).The abundanceof juvenile lapilli increasesupward. Occasional basalt blocks or xenolith bombs are associated with sag structuresin the section.The uppermost 10 ft of rim depositsare unstratified, slightly palagonitized fine ash that De Hon (1965b)interpretedto be lahar deposits, but which Stuart (1981)recognized,at least at Hunt's Hole, as bioturbated,massivetuff. Accordingto Wohletzand Sheridan(1983), the stratigraphy suggeststhat "opening eruptions were dominantly low-energy strombolian ones that distributed fragments of the capping basaltflow and juvenile material toward the north and east.Subsequent eruptions becameSurtseyan and ejected dominantly reworked alluvial material from the underlying Santa Fe Group (Camp Rice and older formations) in highly inflated surges.These opening Surtseyaneruptions cleared the vent and excavatedthe large crater. As eruptionsprogressed,the proportion of juvenile material in them increased.Final eruptions were weakly Surtseyan,produc- ing wet, massive beds of ash that moved downslope as lahars." The age of Kilbourne Hole is late Pleistocene. It is clearly younger than the Afton Basalt,which has yielded conflictingage estimatesbetween0.5 and 0.1Ma. If Kilbourne Hole is approtmately the same age as Potrillo maar, a very similar structure located on the Mexico-USA border 14 mi southsouthwest of Kilbourne Hole, then an age of 180.000vearsis indicated.This date is based on a radiometric date from a late-stagebasalticflow on the floor of Potrillo maar (Seager et al., 1984).On the other hand, Gile (1987) estimates the age of Kilbourne Hole to be approximately24,000years,basedon the extent of pedogenic carbonatedevelopment in soils of the rim ejecta. Evidence for caldera-like collapse Although most previous workers (except Reiche and perhaps Shoemaker)visualized Kilbourne Hole crater being "excavated"by Surtseyan-typeexplosiveblasts,there are two lines of evidence that favor calderalike collapseas the most important processin forming the presentcrater.The first is the presence of large downfaulted massesof tuff-ring material located at the base of the inner crater wall and beneaththe craterfloor. The second is the small volume of pyroclastic material in the maar rim and on the La Mesa plains compared to the volume of the crater. Perhaps the most compelling evidencefor subsidenceof the tuff ring is the downfaulted pyroclastic strata within the crater. These downfaulted stratawere also recognizedby Reiche (1940)and constituted his basis for emphasizing the subsidence origin for Kilboume Hole. The downfaulted tuff-ring strata are exposedalong the northwestern,northern, and northeasterninner walls of the crater (Figs. 2 and 4), through an arc of nearly 180'. Elsewherethe subsidedmasspresum- ably underlies the crater floor but is hidden by alluvium. The subsided beds are mostly correlative with the thinly bedded surge and fall deposits that compose the upper part of the rim ejecta, although basal explosion breccia constitutes part of the subsided mass at the northern edge of the crater. Relative to the samestrata in the maar rim, the downfaulted pyroclastic deposits have subsided a minimum of 350ft. This has resulted in the crater floor being 200 to 300 ft lower than the surrounding La Mesa plains, clear evidence for subsidence (Cas and Wrigh;7987). Observeddips of stratain the sunkenblock range from 8 to 35', and all dips are centroclinal, toward the center of the crater (Figs. 2 and 4). Steepestobserved dips are at the edgesof the subsidedmassat the craterwall, becoming flatter toward the centerof the crater. Thus, available strike and dip data suggest that the subsidedblock is saucer-shaped in three dimensions. There is no evidence that stratal dips are the product of draping of pyroclastic debris across a pre-existing crater wall. Rather, faulting and tectonic rotation are indicated by the upbending and especially by the truncation of strata at the lower crater wall. The ring fault that presumably borders the subsided mass is nowhere visible becauseof the thick colluvial apron of basaltblocks that mantle the lower slopesof the crater wall. In the northern part of the crater, however, the fault can be confidently placed in the lower part of the crater wall beneath the Afton Basalt (Figs.2 and 4). In this areait is clearthat the fault is a simple fracture rather than a wide, complexzone. No fault, exceptthe ring fracture, disrupts the continuity of either the Afton Basalt or the downfaulted pyroclastic beds. In fact, along the easternmargin of the crater, nearly continuous outcrops of in- FIGURE 3-Eastem part of crater wall and rim of Kilbourn Hole looking north. Qcr, Camp Rice Formation; Qc, colluvium; Qb, Afton Basalt;Qe, basaltexplosionbreccia;Qs, pyroclasticsurge deposits; Qal, alluvium Nm Mexico Geology November 1987 ward-dipping,-but unbroken, tuff-ring strata can be traced for 0.5 mi (Fig. 4). Seeiringly, very large parts, if not all of the crater fldor. subsided as an unbroken, saucer- o, .on"- outcrop data in the northern part of the crater, the extensive alluvial cover in the central blowing winds) and dispersedacrossthe La Mesa plains, then a total of 3.0 x 10 , mi. of pyroclasticmaterial was ejectedduring the explosive phase of the volcano. Much of this was juvenile materialfrom a deepsourceand not a result of excavationof the crater.Consequently, the volume of the ejecta, especially accidental ejecta, seemingly falls far short of filling the crater as it must if the crater is to be excavatedentirely by phreatomagmaticexplosions.Subsidencemust have played a maior role in the formation of the crater. Summary and discussion The evidence favors the evolution of Kilbourne Hole first as a typical phreatomagmatic tuff ring (Lorenz, 1973;Wohletz and A second, less certain line of evidence faSheridan, 1983) and finally as a small calvoring subsidence at Kilbourne Hole is the dera-a maar (Lorenz, 1973).The Kilbourne small volume of ejecta compared to the volHole rim deposits,as well as pyroclasticshata ume of the crater. If the crater were excavated in the subsided block, all exhibit characterby explosions, the volume of accidental maistics typical of a tuff ring rather than a tuff terial in the ejecta should approximatelv equal cone (Wohletz and Sheridan, 1983).Consethe volume of the crater. Lorenz (1973) siug- quently, it seems likely that phreatomaggests that becauseof the juvenile componeit matic explosions initially constructed a low, of the ejecta apron, the'volume of material broad ring of ejecta. The size of the vent eru.pted from maars (before collapse) norassociatedwith the tuff ring must have been mally exceeds that of the crater. Calculations considerablysmaller than the modern crater, from Kilbourne Hole indicate that the voland presumably now lies buried beneath the ume of the crater below the pyroclastic-fall centralcraterfloor (Fig.2, crosssection).Caldeposits is on the order of 6 x'70 , mi3 and dera-like subsidenceloilowed all explosive the volume of the pyroclastic rim deposits is approximately 1.5 x 10 'mi3. If one issumes Afton Basalt (Qb), may have been eroded back from its original position. These processes of "normal backwasting," however, have been minor in the formation of the crater compared to caldera-like collapse. Kilbourne Hole is not unique in exhibiting subsidenceas a part of the evolution of i phreatomagmaticeruption. Cratersin the Eifel district of Germany are thought to be true maars produced by caldera-like subsidence because in most craters the volume of the existing ejecta does not equal the volume of the crater (Frechen, 1951, 1962;Noll, 1962 Lorenz,1973).Maarsof Seneze,France,also show evidenceof prolonged subsidenceby their ring faults and thicli lake depositsencountered by the drill beneaththe craterfloor (Lorenz, L973).Inthe Pinacatefield of northwestem Sonora,Mexico, Cerro Coloradoand Kino Crater and particularly Crater Elegante are wonderful examplesof the role large-scale subsidence plays in the formation of maars (Jahns, 1959;Gutman,1976). Arcuate, concentricfaults and fault blocks,exposedalong the perimeter of Zuni Salt Lake-maar,Nevi Mexico, indicate subsidence was also important in the developmentof that structure (Shoemaker, t962; Btadbury, t967; Cummings, 1958;Wohletz and Sheridan, 1983). Hearn (1968)has shown that subsidenceof 330 to 3,300 ft characterize the kimberlitic diatremes of Montana. Lorenz (1973) observed that "this clearly indicatesthat surface expression(of the diatremes)must havebeen wide craters formed by subsidence. These craters must have appeared as maars or tuff rings modified by caldera-likecollapse(Francis, 7970)." What causesfoundering of large-scale blocks during the formation of a maar?With- subsidencewas repeatedand obviouslyconcurrent with a long interval of diatreme formation, the Woolsley et al. (1975)model applies nicely. The model also probably applies well to Kilbourne Hole and many irth-er maars, although in scarcelyeroded maarsthe causeof subsidenceis hardlv obvious.It mav involve evacuation of a magma chamber bv drainageor eruption as wel'[as by the probable predominant mechanismof mechinical enlargement of the eruption chamberby gas coring, attrition, and spalling at depth. Ac<Nowr-rocEMENrF-I thank John Hawley, Bob Osburn, and Mike McCurry for their thoughtful and constructivereviews of this article. I am also grateful to Lee Gile for proFIGURE4-Downfaulted tu.ff-ringsurgeand fall depositsalongbaseof northeast wall of Kilbourne viding me with preprints of his papers on Ringfaultoccu--rs in 6asalt-strewn itopebetwe?n efion n"r"iiiqul unddownfautted, the soils and chronology of events at KilIltl: lTfll$ lorth. lrgnt-colorecl surge deposits. Note westward (left) dip o1 surge deposits toward center of crater. bourne Hole. November 7987 Nan Mexico Geology a\ J-','1\I\ ")?_ fi: (L .-c .r, ?"| o"nlt^--. " Fl*ll$m,.**;*filH 3 FIGURE S-Diagrammatic evolution of Kilbourne Hole. 1) Initial perforation of Camp Rice Formation and Afton Basalt and formation of basalt explosion breccia; 2) formation of tuff-ring through accumulation of pyroclastic-surge deposits during Surtseyan-type eruptions; 3) caldera-[kJcoilapse of part of tuff ring to produce the maar structure. 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