in NewMexico cycles of coalproduction Theeconomics NM87801 Resources, Socorro, andMineral oJMines NewMexico Bureau L. Wolberg, andDonald byjrin J. Anderson Introduction in territorial days, the its beginning Since New Mexico coal mining industry has experiencednearly three production cycles.If we have read all signals correctly, New Mexico is at or near the apex of the third such cycle. This report attempts to identify the economicand political factorsthat impact coal production and lead to these production cycles. Coal has held a specialstatusin the Western World since even before the beginning of the Industrial Age. Development and growth of an industrial economyand the advent of railroad and steamship transportation systemswere the impetus for large-scale coal production, but coal had been previously used as a residential fuel, for minor smelting, metal-smithing operations, and simple forging. To a great extent, the Industrial Age was spawned and fueled by coal as a basic processfuel. IndustrY 81ve birth-to world iommerce, enriched cultures, the and services increased several fold, New Mexico coal production declined overall. Discussion New Mexicocoal production history, with the peaks of each cycle numbered, is summarized in Fig. 1. Production peaks L and 2 correspondwith wartime economies.New Mexicoparticipatedin the national effort by supplying anthracitefrom the Cerrillos coal 22 Alsoin thisissue Peok3- zl age,and rates Stratigraphy, DatilGrouP of deposition, CrosssectionacrossJornada Engle,and delMuerto, Basins Palomas northern of the outcroPs Southernmost MorrisonFormation roundupin New Exploration Mexicoduring1986 Listof ongoinggeologic prolectsin NewMexico Service/News Staffnoles 20 t9 r8 t7 t6 ,13 c 9t2 orl -o 2$l .= f U'tn E o o -o o -Y = =8 = o E U' AJ @ I o E o o o o !, c o !, o o go E =E I !t -o AI 0 1880 o o a) c E !O g; €; :E c o o o .s : |l) o) o 3 o = t920 1940 C .9 o .! a, o .9 o c, ctl o J o 1960 P. 50 P. 55 P. 58 P.63 P. 64 p.67 p. 68 soon Goming E CL o E 1900 .E E^ cu) lc t- |oD- L FIGUREl-New .E -t field to the U.S. Navy during World War I and bituminous coal to the Los Alamos Laboratories during World War Il. By 192080Vo of the nation's energy needs were supplied by coal, and New Mexico had just experienced its first coal boom. Nationwide production peakedagainin 1947,in New Mexico in 1943.ihe earfidrpeak and onsetof decline in New Mexico has been attributed to a reduced labor pool-a result of the manpower demandsof the war effort. Production peak 3 is actually the culmination of a two-phase period of sustained qrowth. The first phase,initiated int952,was due to developmentof large strip mines by utility companies.The utility industry realZed ihat natural gas and fuel oil prices would probably undergo a sharp upturn and consequentlytook the initiative of establishing itself in the coal-mining industry at a time 1980 Mexicocoalproduction history (modifiedfrom KeystoneCoalIndustry Manual, 1981). collapseat Kilbourne Caldera-like HoleMaar and structure, Mineralparagenesis, "ore-shoot" geometryat the U.S. Treasurymine HarryMcAdamsStatePark of the Cutoff Sedimentology Mountains GuadaluPe Formation, wells,1986 Oil andgasdiscovery TABLE l-Fossil-fuel costs for electricity genera- plummeted; the low was reached in New tion in the United States,1965-1986(centsper mil- Mexico in 1958-59when annual nroduction lion Btu);* secondquarteronly (source:DOE/EIA, dropped to 85,000tons (New M-exicoState 1985a). 1965 1,970 7977 7972 1973 1974 7975 1976 1977 7978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19u 1985 1986 Coal Fuel oil Gas 1A 33 48 56 60 80 793 203 200 226 279 308 437 539 485 459 4U 25 27 29 JI 36 37 47 77 81 85 95 772 722 135 153 165 166 766 165 162* +JZ 1aA* JI 34 48 75 103 129 743 775 227 282 340 J+/ 358 343 237r efficient. Thus, 20-22 tons of coal are ultimatelv reouired to manufacture each automobil-e.And it follows that the loss of 4 million Inspectorof Mines, 1958).Nationally the low vehicles a year to the import market transcame somewhat later, during the 1972-73 lates into a reduction in coal demand of 88 period, and by this time the nation was re- million tons (if all the electrical energy relying on coal for only 1,8Vo of its energy needs quired was generated with coal). Moreover, (Lindbergh and Provorse,97n. As the 1950's this represents 4 million days of labor if we came to a close,petroleum imports had be- use the productivity figure of 20 tons per gun a steepclimb. The stagewas set for coal man dav, which in tum translatesinto 12.000production in the western U.S. to enter a 13,000jobs in the coal industry alone. period of sustainedgrowth that would span Although factors 2 and 3 are justifiable more than 25 years. concerns currently, surplus of crude oil and moderationin electricalenergy demand can be reversed quickly in times of prosperity, Current market factors bullish markets,and economicoptimism. In addition, world crude oil surpluses can be The four main factors that we believe will collectively shapethe U.S. coal industry during the next 2-5 years are: 1) the declining o c U.S. industrial base as manifested by the shrinking steel, base metals, and auto ino dustries;2) the current world surplus of crude oo oil and ample domestic supplies of natural Pgas that allow fuel oil and gas to compete . Y O o with coal on a cost/Btubasis;3) the moder- 4 tor . ation in the growth rate of U.S. electrical o consumption-in both residentialand com- oo mericalsectors;and 4) the recentcompletion and coming on line of nucleargeneratingsta- U) 85 tions. A fifth factoris federalcoal-leasingpolYeor 87 iry and other regulatory demands, which will probably have little effect in the short term, FIGURE3-Fuels used in generationof U.S. electrical energy since 1955 (hydroelectric share not but may have greaterimpact in an extended shown; after DOE/EIA, 1985b,p. 4). time frame. Of these five factors, the declining U.S. industrial base should cause the greatest concernbecauseit has the greatestpbtential for coalmarket devastation,influencingboth the steam-coaland metallurgical-coalmarkets. Manufacturing of an automobile requiresabout 108Btu's-the energycontained in about 5 tons of coal (Tien et aI., 1975). Actually the coal is first converted to elec. Science andSeruice Volume 9, No. 3, August 1987 tricity, a conversion processthat is only 24% L I when nationally the fuel-costfactor weighed in favor of naturalgas (Table1). The second phase of growth leading to production peak 3 was stimulated by the Arab oil embargoin 1973and the "energy crisis" that it produced. During and follo*ing that crisis many oil- and gas-firedboiler operations were cutback or scheduled for shutdown, and eisting coal-firedplants operated at-l,00Voof capacity while construction on new coal-firedfacilities accelerated.During 1974the Federal Energy Administration wai actually given the power to order existing gas- and oil-fired electrical generating stations to revert to burning coal. In the 1970's,as a result, 1) manv new coal minesopenedin the Powder River Basinof Wyoming, 2) the northeast Texaslignite fields were developed, 3) North Dakota's lignite reserves were developed, and 4) existing mines in New Mexico and Arizona were expanded (Fig.2). Theremight have beeneven more rapid growth in coal usageduring this time had there not been concernfor the nation's air quality. It is important to note, however,that despitethe growth in coalusage during the late L970's,coalnever did capture more than a 55%shareof the utility fuel market, the amount that it had in 1955(Fig.3). Thus the production matma are fairly well understood.Not so well understood are the / G r e e nR i v e r ; i declinephasesand productionminima. Referring back to Fig. l, we note that production minimum 1 coincidedwith the collapse leosin[-14? --=of the stock market and the depressionthat I followed. The gradual decline leading to Roton I minimum 1 reflectsthe post-WWI cooling of l4egg.-..the economy, widespread unemployment, and the adventof natural gasusageon a local ,l scale. Production minimum 2 occurred in the B i l u m i n o u so n d 1950'sand is associatedwith a burgeoning subbiluminouscool \_ 600 mi petroleum industry, which supplied lbw-cost natural gas through major regionalpipelines Lignite to the utility industriesand homes.and also to the fact ihat diesel fuel displacedcoal as FIGURE2-Coal fields of the westem United States a railroad locomotive fuel. Coal production (after U.S. GeologicalSurvey,1960). i-J-'sT-l '{;!i.ti (,ff:'j-l I EI August 1987 New MexicoGeology ti:i: I New AAexuc@ GEOLOGV Edlror;Deborah A. Shaw D/4frdi Monte Brown Published quarterly by New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources a division of New Mqi@ Institute of Mining & Ibchnology BOARD OF REGENTS Ex Officio Carry Carruthers, Cooernorol New Mexico Alan Morgan, Supdiatendentol Publrclnstrucfion Appointed Gilbert L. Cano, Pres.,1985-7989,Albuquerque Lenton Malry, Sec. lTreas.,7985-1991,Albuquerque Robert O. Anderson, 1987-193, Roswell Donald W. Moris, 1983-1989,Ins Alamos Steve Torres, 1967-1997, Socoffo New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology Laurence H. Lattman Presidmt. . New Mexico Bureau oi Mines & Mineral Resources ....... FrankE.Kottlowski D i f e c t o.r. ...... Georges.Austin DeputyDirector Mat August, February, SubTriptions:lssued quarterly, November; subscription price $6.00/calendaryear. Editorialmaftq: Articles submitted for publication should be in the editor's hands a ninimum of five (5) months before date of publication (February, May, AuSust, or November) and should be no longer than 20 typewriF ten, double-spacedpages. All scientific PaPerswill be reviewed by at least two people in the apProPriatefield of study. Address inquiries to Deborah A. Shaw, Editor ol Nru Mexia Geology,New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources,Socoto, NM 87801 without per' as publicdomain,therelorereproducible Published mission.Sourcecredit requested. Circulation:1,6N Printer:Univercity of New Mexico Printin8 Plant reversed easily by developments in the politically volatile Middle East. Howevet it is likely that further development of African, Asian, and Latin American oil fields, with or without new Arctic American or Canadian finds, will have a depressive effect on world oil prices for at least the next decade. Factor 4, nuclear capacity, will produce a short-term blip in the cycle, but does add to the down cycle of coal at present. This factor is short term because no new nuclear facilities are being planned or sited, and when the current inventory of stations under construction comes on line it will then become a fixed quantity in an expanding population, and we hope, economy. Iamation will cost nearly $9,500/acre at one of New Mexico's active coal mines. The coal research and data processing proSrams sponsored by the federal government, almost entirely through the U.S. Geological Survey, place a great deal of high quality information in the hands of industry and the interested public. These efforts include detailed geologic mapping and coal resource assessment work within the National Coal Resource Evaluation Program, and the computerized coal National Coal Resource Data System (NCRDS). However, basic research, coal resource data, and coal quality information are not limiting factors in the coal industry. Economics-market forces-determine and limit the rate of growth of this industry just as they do for all business endeavors in a free society. So, despite their ambitious data-gathering programs/ the federal government's regulatory policies relating to coal leasing, development, safety, and reclamation will nonetheless add to the economic burden of the coal mining industry. It is worth noting that some government contractors are awarded contracts that specifv "a-cost-plus-fair-return." This guarantees the contra&or a profit. In contrasi potential developers of the raw materials of industry from U.S. owned lands are not accorded the same treatment. craticallycollecteddata. Under the old (PRLA) systemthe mining industry evaluatedits own data. Under the new system, the resource data that will be provided to prospective bidders is generatedby the federal government. The old system wasn't all bad. Thomas Kleppe, former Secretaryof Interior, recognized this in 1976when he stated:"The federal exploration program contemplatedin the coal leasingammendment act of 1975could be extremely costly (potentially billions of dollars) and would unnecessarilyinvolve the federalgovernmentin an activity that can be better handled in the private sector" (Coal Age Magazine, 1976). Fuel cost comparisons It is instructive to examine recent trends The fifth factor, federal leasing and reguand compare costs of boiler fuels and eleclation policy, is a controversial issue, We districal-generation technologies. The fuels are cuss only its economic impact and not the fuel oil, natural gas, coal, and the alternative relative merits and intent. Any regulatory to these fossil fuels-isotopically enriched policy has negative economic impacts, but uranium. Table 2 lists the current delivered current coal-leasing policy contains ecocoalpricesfor selectedsouthwestU.S. utility nomic disincentives for an already moderateoperations. While this cost-per-ton data is risk venture to the extent that federal coal useful economic information for geologists lands are now almost a priori removed from and coal miners, cost-per-Btudata for fuel consideration by the serious mining-indusoil, gas, and coal are necessaryfor compartry investor. A major factor, the moratorium ison. Table 3 compares 1973-1986fuel data, on leasing of federal coal, has been in effect and note that while coal has held a considanyway since 1971 (it was lifted from January erableprice advantage over both fuel oil and 1981 to September 1983, but has been reinnatural gas, the price differential between The abolishment of preference-right leases coal and fuel oil narrowed significantly durstated). The salient economic points of the new The preference-right-lease application ing 1985and 1986.Coqt of fuel oil had been federal coal leasing policy are: a) minimum (PRLA) system was abolished in 1977 in part as much as 10times the cost of coalas a New bonus bids in the competitive bidding sys- because it was said to encourage speculation. Mexico electricutility fuel, but by mid-1986 tem, b) the diligent development and ad- Perhaps it did. However, obtaining a PRLA it had dropped to approximately 1.6 times v a n c e r o y a l t y c l a u s e , c ) s i t e s p e c i f i c required that some exploration work be done, the cost of coal. environmental impact statements required and this preleasing exploration work was fiNatural gas prices have declined signififor each mine that is subsequent$ opened, nanced by the private sector. Once the lease cantly also, especiallysince 1983(Table3), d) the required posting of reclamation bonds, to a proven coal tract was obtained it became although not to the extent that fuel oil prices and e) changing federal policy that itself cre- income-producing property for the U.S. govhave dropped. New Mexico usesa relatively ates corporate uncertainties about financial ernment. Under the replacement system for minor amount of nafural gas in electrical undertakings involving federal land. An ad- PRLA's, the exploration work is financed by generation,and far lessfuel oil. The naturalditional point-the abolishment of the prefthe taxpayer and leasing revenues are lost as gas-firedgenerating capacity is centered in erence-right-lease system-is discussed under the federal agency responsible goes about the southeasternportion of the state,where a separate heading. All of these factors have the business of detailed tract analysis so that very little fuel-switchingcapabilityexists.In the effect of increasing the front-end capital it can eventually set a minimum bonus bid. the northwest, three maior utilities have required for any proposed mining operafion. The new system also places a prospective constructedcoal-firedeleciric-generationfa"Front-end" is the capital required to bring miner or developer at the mercy of bureaucilities, and two of these have natural gas a mineral property to the point of produccapacity at older, separate,plant locations tion. that aremaintainednow as peakingstations. Oulputper monper doy ot bituminous coolmines This peaking capacity is about 1,07a Other federal regulatory policies deal prior less of marily with mine safety, mine drainage, and the total generating capacity of the two util35 reclamation procedures such as timing, seities.Although the quantities involved in New quence, and end result. High safety stanMexico are quite small, we see that fuel oil dards are to be praised, but thev come at a Ea 3 0 and natural gas costs compare closely with cost of reduced productivity 1Fig. +1. Passage b z s the national average(Table1). o in 7969 of the Mining Safety Act ultimately Becausewe are not presenting specific 5 z o was reflected in a 25% drop in productivity plant-fuel costs,the tablesdo not show that E because more "unproductive" or "indirect" some major utilities in the state were able to o personnel were required in the mine. This purchasegasfor 185Cper million Btu by midCIU had the effect of reducing our competiveness 1985.These are delivered costs of fuel and in the world export market. With respect to do not take into accountsuch post-combus5 coal surface mines, reclamation and revegetion factors as flue gas desulfurization, wet tation work is widely viewed as necessary, scmbbers,electrostaticprecipitators, and ash but in New Mexico this adds approximately removaUhaul-back,all requirements that ap1969 $0.50 to the cost of each ton of coal produced FIGURE 4-Coal productivity in U.S., 7950-1977; ply to coal use only. Therefore, the cost of (Tabet, 1977;Roybal and Eveleth, 1983). Roy- note that the Mine Safety Act was passed in 1969 delivered gas does not have to decline and Federal coal leasing policy bal and Eveleth (1983) determined that rec- (after Lindbergh and Provorse, 1977). Nal Mexico Geology Augtst 1987 TABLE 2-Delivered coai prices for some selected utility operations in southwest U.S. in 1986; * major participant in a consortium (from industry sources). cost of operating the coal-fired plant and transmission line losses. A significant cause for the softening coal Cost/ton demand at electric utilities in New Mexico (dollars) Supplier Purchaser Point of delivery during 1986-1987 was the commissioning of units no. 1 and no. 2 of the Palo Verde NuArizona Public ServiceCo. Arizona Public Service Co mine-mouth generating 77.00 Navajo mine (NM) Four Corners Generating Plant plant clear Generating Plant 30 mi west of Phoenix. Unit no. L was authorized for full-power opService Co. Public of NM* Public Service Co. of NM* mine-mouth generating 24.00 eration in 1985;unit no. 2, inApril 1985. Each San Juan mine (NM) San Juan Generating Plant plant unit uses a pressurized-water reactor and can Pittsburgh & Midway Arizona Public Service Co Cholla Generating Plant 31.00-32.00generate 1.,270megawatts. At present, total McKinley mine (NM) near Winslow, AZ (recent range installed capacity there is 2,540 megawatts. 29.00-52.00) A third L,270-megawatt unit has begun receiving fuel and is scheduled to go into opAlamito Coal Co. (NM) Salt River Project Springerville, AZ 40.00 eration during the third quarter of 1,987; (recent range t? 4n-45 I q\ Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) authorization for full-power operation, barring Spot market purchases Salt River Proiect St. Johns, AZ 43.00 any unforeseen circumstances, will be given (recent ranSe 4 ? ? \ _ 4 6 R 5 \ by early 1988. The plant will at that time become the largest nuclear-generating facilPeabody Coal Co. Salt River Project Navajo Generating Plant, 20.00 ity in the United States. PNM has a 1.0.2% Black Mesa mines (AZ) Page, AZ (Lake Powell) (recent range interest in the facility, but has opted for a 78.80-22.40) sale-leaseback arrangement on units no. 1 and 2. However, it will begin accepting power from unit no. 3 late in'1.987 and is entitled crossthe coal price graph, it has only to ap- consequently,the nationwide consumption to 130 mesawatts. Under the sale leaseback, proach,perhapswithin 760to 780%,the coal of natural gas by utilities IelI 8.3Vaduring PNM has the option of ultimately accepting price in order to initiate somefuel switching. this time period (DOE/EIA, 1985).This in 390 megawatts from Palo Verde. Whether the The switching is constrainedby the fuel ca- turn helped drive down the price of gas so company exercises this option for the addipabilitiesof the plants within a grid system. that in certain regions, such as the south- tional power depends on the economics of The Departmentof Energy'sviewpoint on west, a slight increasein gasusagewas noted, coal vs. nuclear, not load on the system. the industry's fuel-switching capability fol- initiating a trend oppositethat of the nation. PNM's excess capacity problem, in part due lows (DOE/EIA,1985b): Overall, falling petroleum prices have had to currently low oil and gas prices, which are little impact on the fuel mix in the Four Cor- displacing part of the California market, is . . . datasuggestthat the utility industry ners and Rockv Mountain stateswhere oil- compounded by events in their own load is, by and large, able to respond to shortfired plants aciount for less than 1% of inregion. The most important of these is the ages of specific fuels by switching to alterstalledcapacitv. virtual disappearance of uranium mining and nate fuels, at least in the short run. The In mid-tggO"U.S.electricalgeneratingca- milling in the Grants uranium region; the options for switching, however, are pripacity by fuel type was asfollows: coal,54.3%; uranium industry was one of their largest marily availabie for responding to coal strikes fuel oil, 5.2%; natural gas, 10.9%; nuclear consumers of electrical energy, and indeed or natural gas shortages. p o w e r / 7 5 . 6 % . H y d r o e l e c t r i c p o w e r a c - it appeared to be a thriving industry back in Fuel-switchingcapabilitiesare unique to cer- counted for virtually all of the remaining the 1,973-1,975period when commitments tain regions.The northeasternU.S., the mid- M.jqa (DOEIEIA,1986). were made to the Palo Verde Generatine StaAtlantic states,and California have considtion. Also, the utility has some overcapacitv erable fuel oil to natural gas switching cabecause of a slightly less than projected New Mexico pabilities. On the other hand, the electric growth rate in demand in the private/resiutilities in the Southwestand Rocky MounInsulated as it is from the effects that dedential sector. tain states,have only limited flexibility in clining petroleum prices can have on fuel mix Faced with this overcapacitv PNM will be switchingfrom coal to natural gas,not at the at electrical generating plants, why is coal forced to choose between co;tinued operasameboiler but in the form of standbv units demand in New Mexico moderating and likely tion of all four coal-fired units at the San f uan calledpeakingstations.An interestingnote to decrease during 79877 One reason is that Generating Station west of Farmington or to on fuel options is that the Fuel Use Act of the major state utility (Public ServiceCom- accept their share of power from the Palo 1976would prohibit the use of natural gas panv Verde Nuclear Plant. This decision will be an w Mexico; Mexico; PNM) designed its coalPNM) desiened its coalPanyof New as an electricutility fuel by 1990.However, fired fired plant with export capacity and for 20 economic one, and it focuses our attention the Oil and Gas Production Revitalization years has sold power into the Southwest grid, on the importance of nuclear-fuel procureAct introduced in Congressin January 1987 including California. The southern Califomia ment costs to New Mexico's coal mining in(H.R. 5596)containsa clausethat would re- system left some of its natural-gas- and fueldustry and employment figures. peal the natural gas limitations set forth in oil-fired plants idle and purchased the cheaper During late 1986 fuel costs for coal delivthe 1976act. If this revitalization act is not coal-generated electricity from New Mexico. ered at the San Juan Generating Station were passed,maximum flexibility in electricutility This occurred under the late 1970's fuel price in the 1L9C to 128c per million Btu range. fuel options may be curtailedby government structure; under current fuel-price structure, Most recent cost estimates for nuclear fuel regulation within 21Iz f ears. fuel-oil- and natural-gas-fired plants are being delivered to the Palo Verde plant are 79.84 Nationally, during the past 2 years, de- operated at capacity, and electric power from per million Btu (Pers. comm./ Media Relaclining crude oil prices have made fuel oil coal generating plants in New Mexico is being tions Department, PNM, 1987). While there availableto utilities at much lower prices.As refused. are additional operating costs at the plant a result, fuel oil consumptionincieasedbv The economics are this: although natural that can moderate or increase this fuel cost nearly48Vobetweenmid-i985and mid-l986, gas at the California plant may be-160-200Vo advantage, these costs are not available. an increase confined largely to New Eng- of the cost of coal at the New Mexico plant, Construction and financing costs, however, land, the middle and south Atlantic states, the cost of electrical energy delivered io the far exceeded original estimates. Currently, it and California.Fuel oil displacednatural gas California consumer from either plant will appears that this fuel-cost differential is going as an electric-utilityfuel in these areas,and be about the same. This is due to the higher to be significant because plant-operating costs August 1987 New MexicoGeology TABLE 3-Fossil-fuei costs for electricity generation in New Mexico, 1973-7986; contract purchasesonly (in centsper million Btu);* month of May only (source:DOEIEIA, 1986). Coal t973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 t979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 15 79 LO 26 29 42 48 56 70 78.5 83-7 93.4 r09.2 102.8* Residual fuel oil 77 159 777 784 204 279 379 545 599 580 509 547 370.9 175.9* Natural gas 42 58 73 q1 7M 164 207 247 283 ,)LZ 363 349 359 374', dition, but these stations have been baseloaded since their inception. On the positive side for the mining industrv is the ultimate intention of the Salt RiverProject(Arizona)to expanda pilot coalstripping operationin the SaltLake coalfield (west-centralNew Mexico)into a commercial stripping operation. The open-pit mine would be develonedin the Moreno Hill Formation (Upper Cietaceous),and the coal would be transported by truck 70 miles to the Coronado Generating Plant near St. Johns, Arizona, while the feasibility of a railroad is studied. Production at the new site could more than offset the oroduction lossesdue to the shut down of Cirbon Coal, but would not compensatefor the potential scaleback at the Sin Juan plant. However, the longterm cost effectivenessof this Salt Lake coal mine is uncertain. to open in the stateof New Mexicohave been on privately owned land. AcrNOwLeoGl"tENTS-Theauthors are particularly indebted to the New Mexico coal industry for supplying coal production and cost data and to the DOE-Energy Information Administration office in Albuquerque for supplyrng comparativefuel-costdata. We also wish to acknowledgeFrank Kottlowski, Director, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,who encouraged the study; Lynne McNeil, who typed the manuscripf and Cindie Salisbury,Irean Rae,Becky Titus, and Monte Brown, who drafted the illustrations.The manuscript was improved by the following reviewers: Frank Kottlowski, GretchenRoybal, and Dave Love. References CoalAge Magazine, 1'976,Complexities burden new leasing 1aw,October, p. 23. KeystoneCoal Industry Manual, 7987,p.574. Lindbergh, Kristina, and Provorse, Bany,1977, Coal, a contemporary energy story: Scribe Publishing Co. and Coal Age-EMJ,207 PP. New Mexico Stateinspector of Mines, 46th annual rePort, 1 9 5 8 o, . 2 0 . Rovbal.b. H., and Eveleth,R. W., 1983,Reclamationof surface-mining areas in New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Annual Report 1981,-1982,pp. 41.-47. Tabet,D. E., 197, Redamationof coal suface-minedlands in New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and MinAnnual Report, 1975-1977,pp. 81-85. eral Resources, Tien,J. K., Clark,R. W, and Malu, M.K.,"1975,Reducing the energy investment in automobiles:Technology Review, February1975,p.39. U.S. Department of Energy-Energy Information Agenry 1985a,Stateenergy price and expenditure rePort: DOE/ EIA-0376 (82), pp. 6-7. U.S. Department of Energy-Energy Information Agenry 1985b,Fuel choice in steam electric generation: DOE/ E1A0472,p. XIX. U.S. Department of Energy-Energy Information Agenry 1986,Electric power quarterly: DOE/EIA-0397 (862Q), 329 oo. U.S. Geological Survey, 1950, Map of coal fields of the United States,1 sheet. Summary and outlook at Palo Verde are not expectedto bring any surprises.The NRC has written a favorable Optimism on the part of the U.S. coalminreport on the constructionand operation of ing industry has to be tempered by 1) conthe plant. tinuing decline of the U.S. industrial base The transmissionsystem serving the Palo and 2) continuing low to low-moderate crude Verdeplant has been completedunder budget oil and natural gas prices, which encourage and is in operation. It was financed by and fuel-switching in the electric utility industry. will be mahaged by the Salt River Pioject. Both these factors have had a greater effect Power will be distributed to the other utili- thus far on the nation at largethan they have ties with part interest in PaIo Verde-Ari had on New Mexico and the Four Corners zona Public Service Company, Southern states. This is becauseof the very limited CaliforniaEdison,Los Angeles-Department industrial/manufacturingbasein the Southof Water and Power, and El PasoElectricwest (excludingCalifornia),the very limited severalof which are among those who have fuel-switching capacity of the electric utility already been by-passing New Mexico coal- industry in this region, and almost nongeneratedpower. If Palo Verde turns out to existent fuel-oil-fired capacitv. be a reliablesourcewith a high plant capacity Impinging directly upon the New Mexico (the percentageof time it is on line), its 3,800 coal industry and threateningto interrupt a megawattsof power will obviously have an 27-yearperiod of continuousgrowth, are deimpact on the New Mexico coal industry. velopmentsin the uranium and nuclear-fuel PNM is currently evaluating the econom- industries.Theseare 1) the decline and virics of the situation and will have an an- tual demise of the uranium mining/milling nouncement by or before mid-1987. One industrv in this state.which was a larse conalternativeis to shut down one or more units r.r-". 6f electricalenergy and 2) thE comat the San Juan plant, with a resulting re- pletion of units 1 and 2 of the Palo Verde duction in capacity of 330-500 megawatts. Nuclear GeneratingPlant near Phoenix and This would correspond with a decreasein the expectedcompletionin the third quarter coal consumption of at least 1.7 million tons of 1987of unit no. 3. PNM has a 10.2% inper year. Depending on whether or not any terest in the plant and will begin accepting onGeographic Names U.S.Board new coal markets are developed,this scale- power from unit no. 3 following start-up later back could changethe coal-mininggrowth in 1987.This interest reoresentsexcessca- Cieneguilla Creek-sheam,23.3 km (14.5rni) long, heads on west slope of Agua Fria Peak at curve New Mexico has enjoyed for 27 years. pacityfor PNM, and thus the companywill 36"21'51'N,105'13'18'W,flows west and north Or, as we indicatedin Fig. 1, the production end up with some fuel-switching options. to EagleNest Lake, 7.4 km (4.6mi) north-northfall off may be of such magnitude and du- Currentlv fuel-procurementcosts favor the easto-fA6ua Fria; ColfaxCounty, NM 36"30'02'N, ration that the peak of cycleno. 3 will emerge nuclear facility by a significant margin, but 705'75'42'\\'l; USGS map of Eagle Nest, scale by the end of1987.The statehas alreadylost there are some plant operation costs yet to 1,:24,000. one coal mining operation during the last be determined. Comanche Pass-pass, in the Manzano Mounhalf of 1985:Carbon Coal Company at Galtains at the head of Comanche Canyon 9.7 km Federalcoal-leasingpolicy does not have (6 mi) west-northwest of Torreon; Torrance lup, New Mexico. Their only customer,Ari- immediate, short-term implications for the County, NM; 34'M' 20"N, 106'24'15"W. zona ElectricPower Cooperative,shut down New Mexico coal industrv. The policv does all the coal-fired generatorsat the Apache have long-term implications becauseiuch a TusasMountains-mountains, 80 km (50 mi) long and 32 km (20 mi) across, extend north-northstation during August and September1986, significantpercentageof the state'sstrippawest from Ojo CalientebetweenTres Piedrason and beganbuying power from the Southwest ble coal is on federal land, and interested the east and Tierra Amarilla on the west to a grid. The PaloVerde plant is, of course,part bidders will be forced to look at federal coal point 12.9 km (8 mi) northeast of Chama; Rio of this grid. Any scalebackin operationsat leaseseventually.The leasingpolicy contains Arriba County, NM; 36'59'30"N, 106'29'00'W the Arizona Public ServiceCompanv's Four many provisions that tend to increasefront( n o r t h w e s t e n d ) , 3 6 " 1 8 ' 0 0 ' N ,1 0 6 " 0 4 ' 0 0 " W CornersGeneratingStation or ai thi: Cholla end capital requirementsand consequently (southeast end); not: Brazos Mountain Range. plant near Joseph City, Arizona, would, of become a disincentive to leasing. It is sigcourse,onlv exacerbatethe coal market con- nificant to note that the last three coal mines Names Geographic New Mexico Geology August 7987