faultzoneinthe history ofPaiarito Structural rift,NewMexico Basin,RioGrande Espanola Houston, TX Institute, MA,andLunarandPlanetary Amherst, of Massachusetts, University ofGeology andGeography, byMatthew p. Gotombek,Department Introduction The central section of the Rio Grande rift consists of three distinct, north-trending en echelon basins that step to the right. These three basins are from south to north: the Albuquerque-Belen, Espafiola, and San Luis Basins. Individual basins are approximately 60 km wide, fault bounded, and asymmetric, with valley-fill sediments tilted oppositely in each successive basin (Kelley, 1979). Sediments within the Espafiola Basin are tilted to the west. The border faults of the Espafiola Basin are poorly exposed.Moreover, the easternedgeof the Espaflola Basin is not marked by a single major fault (fig. l) but is defined by the both depositional and faulted contact of the basin fill (Santa Fe Group) with the Precambrian rocks of the Sangre de Cristo uplift. The western margin of the Espaflola Basin is marked by a seriesof northeast-trending, down-to-theeast faults. However, part of this fault zone is covered by young volcanics, indicating inactivity in the past few m.y. Manley (1979) defined the central intrarift Velarde graben within the Espaflola Basin. Stratigraphic relations indicate that the Velarde graben began forming in early Pliocenetime; detectableseismicity (Jiracek, 1974) and crustal subsidence (Reilinger and York, 1979) indicate that it is still active. Manley (1979) mapped the eastern border of the Velarde graben as a zone of prominent yet partially obscured north-trending, west-side- down faults that cut the SantaFe Group at least20 km to the west of the easternmargin of the EspafiolaBasin. The westernedgeof the Velardegrabenis definedby the Pajarito fault zone which exhibits predominantly In the Jemez displacements. down-to-the-east Mountains,this fault zonecutsa l.l-m.y.-old ash-flow tuff (Doell and others, 1968),producing a prominent fault scarp (Golombek' 1981).The objectivesof this study are to define the kinematics,timing, and tectonicsof the Pajarito fault zone by meansof detailed mappingand structuralanalysis,therebyproviding new insight into the evolution of this portion of the Rio Granderift. Completediscussionof theseresultsis reportedin Golombek(1982). StratigraPhY Volcanic rocks of the Jemez Mountains havebeencombinedinto threegroups(Bailey and others, 1969; Smith and others, 1970; Griggs, 1964):the oldest Keres Group (age datesof 9.1-8.5m.y.; Dalrympleand others, 1967) found as highlands in the southern PolvaJemezMountains,the intermediate-age deraGroup (agedatesof 7.4'3.7 m.y.; Dalrymple and others, 1967)found as highlands in the northern Jemez Mountains, and the youngestTewa Group (age datesof 1.4-0.4 m.y.; Doell and others, 1968)erupted from centralcalderasin the JemezMountainsand found within and flanking them as broad, gently dipping plateaus(fig. 2). Beneaththe volcanicrocksare the formationsof the Santa Fe Group (Galushaand Blick, l97l), a predominantly Miocene, fossiliferous,sedimenduringrifting. that accumulated tary sequence The SantaFe Group restsunconformablyon the GalisteoFormation, which was deposited in prerift Eocenebasins(Stearns,1943). General characteristics EXPLANATION Quoternory lo Miocene volconic rocks of Jemez Mounloins ouolernory to Pliocene tholeiitic ond olkoli olivine bosolts T--l I I Lower Tertlory, Mesozoic, o n d P o l e o z o i cr o c k s r:'i] f-'r'l Ll Precombrion rocks U -a.- | | L-J Pliocene lo Eocene sedimentory rocks within the Espofrolo Bosin .v \._ Conlocl Foult ( bor ond boll on downlhrown side) River FIGURE l-GexeneuzED cEoI-ocrcrvrlpor EspeNoleBnsrx,Rro GnnNoERtFr,NEw MExtco (from Manley, 1979,with modifications). The Pajarito fault zoneextendsin a northnortheastdirectionalongthe eastflank of the JemezMountains(fig. l). Markedchangesoccur in both the stratigraphicsectionsof volcanicrocksand the characterof the fault zone along strike. These structural and stratigraphic changespermit subdivision of the fault zone into segments(fig. 2). Thesesegmentsare,from north to south: 1) SeNra Clann sncvnNr-single large fault scarp100-200m high; fault cuts intermediate-agePolvadera Group rocks and derivedvolcaniclasticsediments; 2) Gul,:E MoUNTAIN srclranNr-complex zone of small faults with displacementsdown both to the eastand west; fault zone disrupts intermediate-age PolvaderaGrouP rocks and derived sediments; volcaniclastic New Mexico Ceology August1982 (Manley, 1979),suggesting the entireVelarde grabenfloor rampsup. Because acrossthe Pajatotal displacement rito fault zone has been from 200 to 600 m during its entire history (5 m.y. ago-present; (indicated Manley, 1979),centraldepressions by gravity minima; Cordell, 1979)filled with wereprob2-2.5 km of low-densitysediments ably formedby old faultsthat becameinactive by middleMioceneand are not presentlyvisiDisplacements ble on the surface.The relativecontributionof Where the fault zone cuts the l.l-m.y.-old prerift and synrift sedimentsto this gravity BandelierTuff it has produceda prominent minima is unknown. However,in at leastone placealongthe Pajarito fault zone(St. Peter's 50-100-m-highfault scarp(Golombek,l98l). Correlationof ash-flowbedsacrossthe fault dome), prerift sedimentaryrocks probably indicatethat in most placesthe scarpheightis contributesignificantlyto the anomaly(Golequal to the stratigraphicdisplacement.Dis- ombek,1982). placementsof rock units older than the BanControlson thelocationand trendof the delier Tuff were estimatedusing standard Pajaritofault zone techniques that utilizeknowledgeof the stratigraphy.Theseestimatesof the total displaceAbrupt facies changes between older volment acrossthe fault during its 5-m.y. history canics and volcaniclastic sediments of the arebetween200-600m. Ratesof displacement Jemez Mountains appear to have controlled for the time periods0-5, 0-1.1, and l.l-5 the local position, trend, and character of the m.y. ago rangefrom .020to .136mm/year. Pajarito fault zone. Erosion during the active The lack of significant east-side-down dis- life of a volcanic dome would result in the depplacementsin the Guaje Mountain segment osition of volcaniclastic sedimentsin an apron (fig. 2) implies that the west side of the around the dome. Thus, the periphery of a Velardegrabenlocallyrampsup. An east-side- volcanic dome would be characterized by indown fault is present(fig. l) along the east terfingering of volcanics and volcaniclastic side of the Velarde graben at this latitude sediments. If the periphery of a dome re3) Palenrro PLATEAUsEclreNr-prominent 100-m fault scarp in youngest Bandelier Tuff which underliesthe gently eastward-sloping Pajarito Plateau:and 4) Sr. PernR's DoME secvnNr-wedgeshaped zone of two faults; Keres Group rocks on upfaultedside adjacentto 30-100-mfault scarp. n tl B o n d e l i eT r u ff ( 1 . 4 - l . tm . y . ) N P o l v o d e r oG r o u p( 7 . 4 - 3 7 m . y . ) V o l c o n i c l o s t i cs e d i m e n t s (7.4-2.8n.y.1 KeresG r o u p( 9 .t - 8 . 5m . y . ) E-JJ S o n l o Fe Group Con?oct (-/ Foult (bor ond boll o n d o w n l h r o w ns i d e ) Pojorifo P lo f e o u se9ment N O 6km St. Peler's dome segment FICURE 2-SecvnHrs August1982 New Mexico Geology Extensional Tectonics Mesoscopicfracture data were collectedat 30 stations,most of which are in the Tshirege Member of the BandelierTuff. Slickensides faults in the TshiregeMember on mesoscopic are typically well developedwith very smooth and polishedsurfaces.Displacements wereinvariably pure dip-slip and normal, indicating extensionapproximatelyperpendicularto the strikeof the fault. Fig. 3 illustratesthe traceof the Pajarito fault zone, the extensiondirections for each station in the BandelierTuff, and compositeplots for each domain (area with similarly striking mesoscopicfaults and derivedextensiondirections).Every domain S o n l o has an extensiondirection oriented approximatelyperpendicular to the local trend of the Cloro s e g m e n t fault zone. Theseextensiondirectionscould result from reorientationof the regionaleastwestextensionby the Pajarito fault zoneto a direction perpendicularto the fault zone in eachsegment. In addition. most domains have extension Guoje directionsorientedapproximatelyparallel to Mounloin subparallelto the local trendof the fault zone. segmenl Theseextensiondirectionscould be because of stressreleaseparallelto the intermediatestress directionwhich will be locally parallel to the fault if the direction of maximum extension has beenreorientedso as to be approximately perpendicularto the fault zone. This implies that both the intermediateand minimumstress directionsweretensional. n m I'F mainedin about the sameplaceduring its active life, then the stratigraphicrecord at the peripherywould showan abrupt changefrom mostly igneousrocks to mostly volcaniclastic sedimentsin a direction radially away from the volcaniccenter.This rapid facieschange betweenKeresand PolvaderaGroup volcanics and volcaniclasticsedimentsappearsto have controlledthe positionand trend of the Pajarito fault zone. The fault zone bows and/or stepseastwardwheretwo largevolcaniccomplexesare presentin the St. Peter'sdome and Guaje Mountain segments,but the zone is found further west in betweenand at either end of the volcaniccomplexes.One complex in the Guaje Mountain segmentwas sufficientlymassiveto interferewith the development of the Velarde graben, causing the grabento ramp up. or PnleRrro FAULTzoNE. Tectonic and geologic history of Espafiola Basin in Pajarito fault zone area In the area of the Pajarito fault zone, the early developmentof the Rio Granderift was marked by the depositionof SantaFe Group sediments(early Miocene) directly on flatlying, prerift GalisteoFormation and did not involvepervasivefaulting or tilting. Localized faulting createdcentraldepressions, indicated by gravity minima, in the EspaflolaBasin. Sedimentation concomitant with faulting allowedaccumulationof thick deposits(2-2.5 km) of SantaFe Group within the centraldepressions(fie. 4a). Faulting endedby middle Miocene,when filling of the EspafiolaBasin was completedin the study area (approximately l0 m.y. ago); these faults are not presentlyvisibleon the surface. n =l o 3 a) Eenlv MrocENn rrve. Fault depicted allowed accumulation of 2-2.5 km of low-density sedimentary fill (Santa Fe Group) in central subbasin within Espafrola Basin. n =4 3 b) 8-9 u.v. aco. Faults of central subbasin have become inactive. west tilting, due to movement on faults defining western margin of Espaflola Basin, has occurred after eruption of Keres Group volcanics in St. Peter's dome area. + o^" oo . J : n=39 .-)_ )A' /\ n =4 0 FIGURE 3-KINeulrlcs or Prunntro reulT zoNE.Dotted line is trace of major faults of Pajarito fault zone; solid lines indicate extension directions for all stations in Bandelier Tuff. Composite fracture-domain plots on lower hemisphere equal area projection; n : number of faults for indicated stations. Because faults at many stations cluster into two distinct setsindicating two extension directions, faults have been coded into two sets:solid dots are poles to faults that cluster into setsthat strike north to east, open circlesare poles to faults that cluster into sets that strike north to west. Domains are, from north to south: Santa Clara segment and northern Guaje Mountain segment, southern Guaje Mountain segment, Pajarito Plateau segment, and St. Peter's dome segment. Extension directions perpendicular to local trend of fault zone aie due to reorientation of regional east-westextension by Pajarito fault zone. Extension directions parallel (northern Guaje Mountain segment) and parallel to subparallel (Pajarito Plateau and St. Peter's dome segments)to local trend of fault zone are thus parallel to intermediate stressdirection if reorientation occurs as suggestedabove, thus implying that both minimum and intermediate stress directions are tensional. North-northeast-extensiondirections in southern Guaje Mountain segmentdo not fit proposed pattern. Volcanism was underway by l0 m.y. ago, about when the western margin border faults became active. West tilting of sediments and old volcanics (Keres Group) occurred from 8.5 to 7.5 m.y. ago. BecauseSantaFe Group sediments on the upthrown side of the Pajarito fault zone are tilted to the west at the same (or larger) angle than Santa Fe Group sediments on the downthrown (east) side, faults responsible for the west tilting must be located to the west, probably along the western border of the Espaflola Basin (fig. 4b). With eruption of the Polvadera Group, volcanic activity shifted northward. Volcaniclastic sediments were shed off the volcanic constructs in the north and south (fig. 4c). The Pajarito fault zone and Velarde graben subbasin formed about 5 m.y. ago. Volcanism in the north slowed by 3 m.y. ago and shifted to the center of the Jemez Mountains. culminating with the eruptions of the Bandelier Tuff 1.4 and l.l m.y. ago. The last volcanic activity occurred about 0.4 m.y. ago, but faulting along the Pajarito fault zone has continued to the present, offsetting the Bandelier Tuff as much as 100 m in the past l.l m.y. (fig. ad). (continued on p. 48) c) Jusr nnron ro 5 v.y. lco. Volcanism has shifted to north depositing Polvadera Group. QTvc are eroded volcaniclastic sediments from Keres and Polvadera Grouos. d) PnnsnNr. Paj".ito fuult ron" formed about 5 m.y. ago with movement continuing to present displacing Bandelier Tuff. Canyons eroded through Pajarito Plateau. FICURE 4-Evor-urroNlRy BLocK DTAGRAMoF Plllnlto FAULTzoNE annl. Symbols for geologic units: Qb-Bandelier Tuff, QTvc-volcaniclastic sediments, Tp-Polvadera Group, Tk-Keres Group, Tsf-Santa Fe Group (synrift deposits), (prerift Tg-Galisteo Formation deposits), pattern-pre-Galisteo rocks. New Mexico Geology August1982 Palarito fault zone leaflocality LateCretaceous (continuedfrom (continuedfromp.45) p. 41) References Bailey,R. A., Smith,R. L., and Ross,C. S., 1969,Stratigraphic nomenclatureof volcanic rocks in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: U.S. GeologicalSurvey, Bull. 1274-P,p.l-19 Cordell, L., 1979,Gravimetric expressionof graben faulting in Santa Fe country and the EspafrolaBasin, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 30th field conference,p. 59-64 Dalrymple,G. B., Cox, A., Doell, R. R., and Gromme,C. S., 1967, Pliocene geornagneticpolarity epochs:Earth and PlanetaryScienceLetters,v.2, p. 163-173 Doell, R. R., Dalrymple,G. 8., Smith, R. L., and Bailey, R. A., 1968, Paleomagnetism,potassium-argonages, and geology of rhyolites and associatedrocks of the Valles caldera, New Mexico: Geological Society of America, Mem. | 16,p. 2l | -248 Galusha,T., and Blick, J. C., 1971,Stratigraphyof the SantaFe Group, New Mexico: AmericanMuseumof Natural History,Bull., v. lrM, art. l, 128p. Golombek,M. P., 1981,Geometryand rate of extension across the Pajarito fault zone, Espaiola Basin, Rio Crande rift, northern New Mexico: Geology, v. 9, p. 2t-24 -, 1982,Geology,structure,and tectonicsof the Pajarito fault zone in the EspafiolaBasin of the Rio Grande rift, New Mexico: GeologicalSocietyof America, Bull., ln revlew Griggs, R. L., 1964,Geology and ground water resources of the Los Alamos area, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey,Water-supplyPaper 1753,107p. Jiracek,G. R., 1974,Geophysicalstudiesin the Jemez Mountains region, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society,Guidebook25th field conference,p. 137-144 Kelley, V. C., 1979, Tectonics, middle Rio Grande rift, New Mexico, tr Rio Granderift-tectonics and magmatism, R. E. Riecker,ed.: Washington,D.C., American GeophysicalUnion, p. 57-70 Manley, K., l9?9, Stratigraphyand structureof the Espaflola Basin, Rio Granderift, New Mexico, in Rio Grande rift-tectonics and magmatism, R. E. Riecker, ed.: Washington, D.C., American Geophysical Union, p. 7l - 8 5 Reilinger,R. 8., and York, J. 8., 1979,Relativecrustal subsidencefrom levelingdata in a seismicallyactivepart of the Rio Grande rift, New Mexico: Geology, v. 7, p. t39-143 Smith, R. L., Bailey,R. A., and Ross,C. S., 1970,Geologic map of the JemezMountains,New Mexico:U.S. GeologicalSurvey,Misc. Inv. Map I-571 Stearns,C. 8., 1943, The Galisteo Formation of northcentralNew Mexico:Journalof Ceology,v. 51, p. 301319 E APPENDIX Unia No. A (continued) Totsl ahickness-16.t4m (55.9ft) Unil No. Description 0 1 0 White sandstone,medium-grained; with larg€ plant fragments up to 5 cm'1;well indurated and forms characteristic popcorn surface texture upon weathering;somehoodoo (columnsor pinnacles)development 009 White sandstone, fine-grained; about 5q0 plant debris concentrated in laminae. Undulating bedding finely developed; well indurated with frne laminationsand mud oartrngs 008 Dark gray-greenmudstonewith 1520olo plant debris up to 3.5 cm'1; coarsensupward oo7 Gray-green mudstone with about 590 plant fragments and stems; gradesupward into 008 006 Sandstone,white, medium-grained; with large fragmentsof plants up to 5 cm'; about loqo plant content 005 Mudstone, gray-green; with approximately l09o carbonaceous debris;coarsensupwardsinto 006 0(X Carbonaceousmudstone,dark-gray; up to 40qoplant debrisis up to 2 cm' poorly sorted;coarsensupwards;becomesmuch lesscarbonaceous laterally (about l09o) 003 Olive sandstone, medium-grained; with some iron staining along bedding planes;5-1090plant debris 002 Gray siltstone;590plant debris;iron stainingin fractures 001 White sandstone;fine-grainedlenses of sand rich in carbonizedplant debris and silt lacking plant debris; lensessubparallelto bedding; fines upward into 002; much lateral variation in plant debriscontent(5-20q0) Thickness (ctn, inches\ 89 60 30 28 t1 z5 IO 6l 24 28 tt7 lI 47 l8 30 T2 APPENDIX B-MsesunEp secrroN Unil No. Descriplion Concretion, dark-brown; siderite with veins of barite; rare, poorly preserved leaf impressions extend l a t e r a l l yl . 8 m ( 5 . 9 f t ) Thickness (cm, tnches\ 35.6 14.2 I)escripaion Thickness (cm, inches) Siltstone, gray-green; scattered subrounded plant fragments; wellsorted,averaging5 mm (.2 inches)in l5.2 diameter C Mudstone, gray-green; a few scattered stem fragments; poorly 3.8 sortedup to 3 x 5 cm (1.2x 2 inches) D Mudstone, gray-gre€n; occasional horizons with leaves 3 cm (1,2 inches)in length and also horizons of poorly sorted stemsup to 1,3 x 2 22.8 cm (.5 x .8 inches) Mudstone, gray-green; many jumbled leaves,many of which overlap; leavessubcomplete2-5 cm (.8-2 inches)in length,small fragmentsup to 5 mm (.2 inches)in length; poorly sorted stem fragments l-5 cm (.4-2 inches)in lengthand up to .75cm (.3 inches) wide; slickensidesup to 39 cm (16 inches)in length, leaveson laminaeaveraging.3 cm (.12 inches) 17.8 apart Mudstone, gray-green; scattered leavesfew in number: (a), lens of a) 7.6 few scatteredcompleteleavesgrades laterally into stems and poorly sortedsmall plant fragments,but no leaves;stems 5-10 cm (2-4 inches) long and up to I cm (.4 inches)wide, fragmentsare subrounded2-.25 mm (.08-.01 inches) in diameteri O) b) 5.0 sameas lateral, stem-richportion of (a), sharp contact with plant-rich portion of (a) G Lateral from (a) and (b) siltstone, yellow-green;few broken plant fragments(no leaves);lens-shapedcross section7 x 60 x 15 cm (2,8 x 24 x 6 inches) 7.0 Mudstone, gray-green; full of overlapping complete leaves that cover 10090of surface on laminae about every .5 cm (.2 inches);intervening layers produce complete 7,7 leavesnot overlapping Mudstone, gray-green;large stems 5-10 cm (2-4 inches)long and I cm (.4 inchcs) wide, also rnany small stempieces,subroundedfrom 3 to 8 mm (.12to .32inches)in diameter 15.2 J Grades down with less stem to subrounded fragments less than 2 mrn (.08 inches)in diameter to un45.9 fossiliferousgray-greenmudstone 6.1 t.5 9.1 a, 3.0 2.0 2.8 3,1 3.1 IE.4 o il0. Bol[ 0rBanilrnon U.SPOSTAGI PAIII NEW SOCORRO, PERMII NO9