0ccurrence of Bishop AshnearGraffi?, NewMexico by curtis P. Kortemeier,Industrial Minerals Exploration, Anaconda Minerals company, Denver, c0 At leastthree principal centersof rhyolitic volcanismwereextantduring pleistocenitime in the westernUnited States.Thesethreecal_ dera complexes,wjth associatedtephra units and outflow sheets,are: yellowstonevolcanic complexin Wyoming and ldaho, producing the Pearlette family ashes; Valles caldera. northernNewMexico,with the Tsankawiand Guajepumicebeds;and Long Valleycaldera, easternCalifornia, producingthe BishopAsh (Izett and others,1972).Theseairbornepyro_ clastic deposits, forcibly ejected simultaneouslywith the eruption of outflow sheets. arewidelyusedtodayasmarkerbeds.In ordei to serveasmarkerbedsthesedepositsmust be identifiableand stratigraphically unique. While attempting to identify ar isolated outcropof volcanicashin the southernpart of the Jornadadel Muerto of south-centralNe* Mexico, I investigatedthe criteria of various workers in volcanic ash correlation for the purpose of establishinga standard set of criteriafor readyidentificationof pleistocene and MineralResources. Stratigraphyand regionalgeology An outcropof white, friable volcanicashis Iocatedapproximately8 mi north of Rincon, New Mexico,in an arroyoat the Gramasiding of the Atchison, Topeka, and SantaFe raill beenassigned a Pleistocene ageon the basisof paleontology(Strain,1966). Cavp Rrcs FonuarroN-In the base of Grama Gully, fine-grainedsedimentsof the Camp Rice Formation are exposed(tie. 2), representinga distinct basin-floor facies of deposition.Fossilfauna from the Camp Rice have beendated paleontologicallyas pieistocene in age (Blancan and Irvingtonian) by Strain (1966)and Hawley (1978,correlation chart2). The bulk of Camp Rice Formation is consideredto havebeendepositedthrough much of Pleistocenetime by river distributaries which fannedout from a narrow basinin the PalomasBasinaboveHatch. The locusof active depositionduring Camp Ricetime seems to havewanderedwidelyacrossthe broadcen_ tral plain of the southernJornadadel Muerto (Seager and Hawley,1973). A subfaciesof the Camp Rice basin floor preservesthe ash bed (fig. 3). This subfacies consistsof l-3 ft (0.3-l m) of reddish-brown clay, overlain by l-2 fr (0.3-0.6 m) of light greenishclay which is interbeddedwith and overlain by a bed of white, friable. biotitic volcanicash.The ashrangesin thicknessfrom 0.5 to l.l ft (0.15-0.35m). This extremelv fine-grainedsubfaciesis indicativeof a lowenergyenvironmentof depositionand rapid ments of the Camp Rice Formation and has R e c e n fl i l l d i r t Bosin-floorfocies Olderpiedmonlfocies CompRiceFormotion ond.gul ly- bollom sedtments meosuredseclrons benchnork showinq elevoton in fl FIGURE l-Locerrox MAp sHowlNGAREAoF rso_ LATEDourcRop or Brsxop Asn in south_central FIGURE 2-LocerroN New Mexico. coLuvHs oF MEASURED srRATlcRApHrc and surficial geology of Grama Cully. 22 May 1982 New Mexico Geology aggradation.This is interpretedas an overbank depositlaid down in the final stagesof aggradationof the ancestralRio Grande.Both the upperand lower contactsof the overbank subfacieswith the basin-floorfaciesare conformableor paraconformable. The Camp Rice then marks the final stages of aggradationof the Pleistocene Jornadadel Muerto Basin(Seagerand others, 1975).The constructionalRincon surfacewas stabilized soon after the depositionof the ash marker bed and representsthe cessationof aggradation for this part of the Jornadadel Muerto Basin(Seager and Hawley, 1973). YouNcen oeposrts-Younger depositsin the area overlie the Camp Rice Formation disconformablyand are dividedinto two distinct facies.A piedmont-slope facies(epo of fig.2), consistingtypicallyof gravellycoarsegrainedsediments,forms a thin veneerover the Camp Rice Formation. Thicknessof the piedmont-slopesedimentsis generally less than l0 ft (3 m). A youngerbasin-floorfacies is also present,locatedalong the present-day axis of the basin. It is comprisedof finegrainedloamy sediments(fig. 2) of unknown maximum thickness.Thesesurficial deposits are correlativeto the JornadaII and the petts Tank morphostratigraphicunits (Seagerand Hawley,1973). Correlationand dating Any correlations between volcanic ashes must be attemptedusingas many physicalparametersas possible.While this seemsintuitively obvious,realizingthat any correlationis by nature permissiveis extremelyimportant; that is, a correlation is permitted if the physicalpropertiesmatch, never demanded. The physicalparametersthat correlationsare basedon typicallyinclude:chemicalcomposition, age,petrography,and, tentatively,shard morphology.Of these,greatestcredenceusually is given to the absoluteageand chemical analysis. Whole-rockanalysisof the ashfrom Grama Gully was made using X-ray fluorescence methods.Table I shows the results of this analysisand comparesthe analysisof the ash from GramaGully with analyses of the Bishop Ash, the Bishop Tuff, and the pearlette type-O ash. Visually, the compositionof the ash from Grama Gully apparentlyis closer chemicallyto both of the Bishop volcanics than to the Pearlettetype-O ash. This visual inspectionis not conclusive. Statisticaltreatmentof the data (after Bor_ chardt and others, l97l; Borchardt and others,1972:.and Sarna-Wojciki,1976)shows that the ash from Grama Gully is chemically very similar to both the Bishop Ash and the BishopTuff of Long Valley,California.Table 2 shows the various statistical parameters calculated.Thesestatisticalparametershave beendevelopedempiricallyfrom ash samples knownto correlate.The criticalvaluesofthese parameters are: X-Bar = 1.00 +0.20, Percent Coefficient of Variation = 250/0,and Coefficientof Similarity = 0.8. Usingthesecriteria, one can see that apparently the ash from Grama Gully has closechemicalaffinities to both the BishopTuff and the BishopAsh. It is nNnI-vsls or Btsgop Ass aNo Prenr-Errr rvpn-O ASHwrrH AsH rnov Gnevn Gullv. TABLE l-CIrEurcel l, analysis by XRF Ted Bornhorst, personal communication, 1980 (whole rock); 2, Borchardt and others, 1972 (glass sep:[ates only); 3, Izett and others, 1970a (glass separatesonly); 4, Wes Hildreth, personal communication, I 979 (whole rock); and 5, Izett and others, I 970b (glassonly). GramaAsh' BishopAsh' Bishop Ash3 Bishop Tuffa Pearlette type-O5 percent SiOz TiOz AlrOs Fe,Os FeO Mgo CaO NazO KzO PzOu Na K 77.9% 0.11"/" 13.4 o/o 1.0 "/" Rb Ba La 1 8 3p p m 1 0 9p p m 3 5p p m 87ppm 3ppm 57ppm 56ppm 22ppm 0.4 0.6 3.4 5.1 72.3 o/o 0.06% 12.5 o/o 0.7% 0.5% 0.05% Q.45"/o "/" % % "/o 3A% 4.9% 77.4 "/" 0.07o/o 12.3 y" 72.63o/o O.12"/" 11.71% 0.57"/o 1.40% 0.17"/" O.7 Y. 0.01y" 0.45V" 3.9 "/" 4.8 "/" 0.01% 2.O o/o 5.44% O.02"/" 2.5"4 4.1o/o : parls per million Zr Sc Sr Pb Y 1 6 0p p m 5 0 - 1 0 0p p m 1 6 - 2 7p p m 80 ppm ,:rr^ tu _Tot 5 ppm 1 3 5p p m 40ppm 35ppm 1 9 0p p m 1 0p p m 1 9p p m ":o' 3 . 0p p m more similar to the Bishop Tuff than to the Bishop Ash. One possible explanation for this is that the analysis of the Bishop Tuff was done on the whole rock, as was the ash from Grama Gully, but the analyses from the Bishop Ash and the Pearlette type-O were performed on glass separates. Because of the small volume and simple phenocrystic assemblage, the differences between the whole-rock and glass-only analyses are expected to be small. These differences should be primarily in Fe, Mg, and Ti. A zircon fission-track age date was obtained to verify the Pleistoceneassignmentof the ash and to justify its comparison to other Pleistocene ashes. Zircon microphenocrysts were extracted from a lO-kg sample of the Grama Gully ash and prepared using the methods of Naeser (1976). Approximately l0 kg of ash was sieved and separated with heavy liquids. The resulting zbcon fraction was irradiated and etched. The resulting fission tracks were counted and yielded an age of 0.754 + 0.2 m.y. with a standard deviation of 2690 (table 3; fig. 4); although the standard deviation is high, it agreeswell with agespreviously determined for the Bishop Ash by other workers. 25 ppm oF AsH FRoM TABLE 2-VaxtarroN ANALYSES Gnnva GulLv roorHERAsHEs. SOUTH NORTH No.2 No.3 B o s i n - f l o of ro c i e s t_l1grL1Lo r mIt v 91o1oLo C o m pR i c e B i s h o pA s h B i s h o pT u f f P e a r l et t e " O " C r a m aA s h Fossil fission tracks C .9 E g r e e nc l o y E r e d cr o y o.9 E - - - o silty loom o.6 = Ar royo bottom clov cross-bedded sono silt with corbonote cemenl corbonote c o nc r e t i on s e r o s i o ns u r f o c e volconic osh sond FIGURE 3-Meesunro Absoluae age (m.y.) 0.015152 0.011561 0 . 0 115 6 1 0.011029 346 373 272 ^l / - - \ \ F-= 't.37 15 10 8 13 1.22 1.35 1.00 Cumolaaiv€ oge (m.y.) .855 .664 .915 .622 .855 .695 .799 .754 o ----- == 31.5 27.9 41.82 0.00 CefficiHl ol sinilodly Ageof BishopAsh: SampleST-05-.754 + .2m.y Standarddeviation:0 = 26.9V0 E o | 1.77 1.16 1.26 1.00 Numhr ol species Induced lission tracks 166 4 6 3 v o l c o n i co s h t - .---l _l loom or slll Cfttficicnl ol vsdcbilily (qo) TABLE 3-CalcuLerrD AGEoF AsHFRoMGnane Gurrv; s/i, fossil track density/induced track density. colcoreous silt Arroyo b o it o m X-Bor o.3 4 srRArrcRApHICcoLUMNsFRoMGRAMAGur-ly, showing faciescorrelations. \1 f--'-8...t-----a-(9'lorrBj) / Y O i n d i v i d u o lc o u n l s A cumulolivecounls o.2 0.1 t23456789lOllt21314 Fissiontr@ks counled AGEDETERMTNAFIGURE 4-ZrRcoN FrssroN-TRAcK IF rroN for ash from Grama Gully. New Mexico Geology May 1982 Morphology and petrology To gain further evidenceas to the identity of the ash deposit preserved near Grama. other physical properties were examined. Class shards from the sample were examined with an optical petrographic microscope. The average index of refraction was 1.500 + 0.005. The only phenocrysts identified were biotite, magnetite, and zircon, for which the indices of refraction were not determined. Detailed three-dimensional-shard morphol_ ogy was examined using a scanning electron microscope. The sample from Grama Gully is typified by complex shard forms: 65go pumiceous shards, l09o complex bubble-junction shards, and 20-25V0 bubble-wall shards. Table 4 contrasts the physicat properties of the Bishop Ash with the Pearlette type-O ash. When the physical properriesof rhe ash from Grama Gully are compared to the properties sbown in table 4, one can seethat the ash from Grama Gully has properties consistent with thoseof the Bishop Ash. near Mount Blanco, Texas with the Guaje pumice Bed of the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: Quaternary Research,v 2,p 554-578 Naeser, C. W , 1976, Fission track dating: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Repr 76-190, 60 p Sarna-Wojciki, A.,1976, Correlation of Late Cenozoic tuff Central Coast Ranges of California by means of traceand minor-element chemistry: U S. Geological Survey, Prof Paper972,23p. Seager, W. R , and Hawley, J W., 1973, Geology of the Rincon quadrangle, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Bull. l0l, 42 p. S e a g e r ,W . R . , C l e m o n s , R . E . , a n d H a w l e y , J . W , 1 9 7 5 , Geology of Sierra Alta quadrangle, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Bull 1 0 2 , 5 6p . Strain, W. S , 1966, Blancan mammalian fauna and pleistocene formations, Hudspeth County, Texas: Austin, Texas Memorial Museum, Bull 10, 55 p n NewMexico's minerals Bishop Ash Paarlelte typc-O chalkywhire minutelypumiceous averaSe| 49+l 496 biotire 0 G0 7 perc€nt 06- 0t percenr 30-4Oppm srlvergray bubblewalls,juncrions avetage | 499 ferroaugite I 2-l 5 percenr l0- 12 perc€nl 70-90 ppm Conclusions On the basis of fission-track age, chemical similarity, petrography, and ash-shard morphology, the ash from Grama Gully correlates with the Bishop Ash of Long Valley, California. The ash was ejected during a calderaforming event approximately 0.75 m.y. b.p. The ash was carried westward by prevailing winds and was deposited and preserved in an overbank depression genetically and spatially related to the ancestral Rio Grande. The sediments that preserve the ash reDresent an overbank subfacies deposired during an aggradational cycle that culminated in the con_ struction of the Rincon surface sometime in post-Bishop time, probably about 0.6-0.5 m.y. ago. References Borchardt, G. A., Harward, M. E., and Schmitt. R. A.. I 9 7 1 , C o r r e l a r i o n o f v o l c a n i c a s h d e p o s i t sb y a c r i v a t i o n analysis of glass separates:euaternary Research,v. l, p. 247-260 B o r c h a r d t , G . A . , A r u s c a v a g e ,p . J . , a n d M i l l a r d , H . T . . Jr., 1912, Correlation of the Bishop Ash, a pleistocene marker bed, using instrumental neutron activation analv_ s i s :J o u r n a l o f S e d i m e n t a r yp e t r o l o g y , v . 4 2 , p . 3 0 1_ 3 0 6 Hawley, J. W., 1978, Correlarion chart 2-Middle to upper Cenozoic stratigraphic units in selectedareas of the Rio Crande rift in New Mexico, iz Guidebook to Rio Grande rift in New Mexico and Colorado: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Circ 163. p.239 Izett, G. A., Wilcox, R. E.. powers, H.4.. and Desborough, C. A., 1970a, The Bishop Ash bed, a pleistocene marker bed in the western United States:euaternary Research,v . l, p- l2l-132 -, Wilcox, R. 8., Powers, H. A., and Desborough, G. A., I970b, Pleistoceneash beds in California, Utah. Col_ orado, and Nebraska relared to rhe Bishop Tuff of Cali_ fornia: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, p. 336-337 Izett, G. A., Wilcox, R. E., and Borchardt, G. A., lg7l. Correlation of a volcanic ash bed in pleistocene deposirs a/ May 1982 New Mexico Geolog! U.S. Boardon Geographic Names Pinatosa Canyon-canyon, 34 km (21 mi) long, heads 5.6 km (3.5 mi) south-southeastof Callinas Peak at 34"12'14'N., 105'45'46'w., trends southwest to Largo Canyon 34 km (21 mi) north of Carrizozo; Spanish word "pinatosa" means "stand of measured pine"; in Lincoln County, N e w M e x i c o ; s e c .2 0 , T . 4 S . , R . 1 0 E . ; 3 3 " 5 6 , 3 5 , N . , 1 0 5 ' 5 4 ' 4 0 " W . i n o t : P i n a t a s aC a n y o n , p i n a toso Canyon, Pintosa Canyon Pinatosa Tank-tank, in a tributary of Pinatosa Canyon 8 km (5 mi) south of Gallinas peak and 20.9 km (13 mi) southwest of Corona; Spanish word "pinatosa" means "stand of measured pine"; in Lincoln County, New Mexico; sec. 33, T. I S.,R. l1 E.; 34'10'40'N.. 105"47,48,,W.: n o l . ' P i n t o s aT a n k . Tecolote Peak-peak, elevation, 2,230 m (7,315 f0, 7.2 km (4.5 mi) north-northwest of Tecolote and 20.9 km (13 mi) southwest of Corona; Spanish word "tecolote" means "owl"; in Lincoln Count y , N e w M e x i c o ; s e c .4 , T . 3 S . , R . 1 2 8 . : 3 4 " 0 4 , 4 0 ' N . , 1 0 5 " 4 1' 1 8 ' W . ; n o t : C e r r o T e c o l o t e . Cerro Tecolote Peak. TABLE 4-Suvuanv or cHARACTERrsrrcs oF BlsHopAssaroPEARLErrE rypE-Oesu(modified from Izettandothers,1970b). Color Diagnoslic shard shape Glass refracbvc index Diagnostic phenocryst Total iron (as qo FeO) Tio, Zn names Geographic MACNETITE,FE,ON. BESSEMER IRON PITS, FIERRO, GRANTCoUNTY,NEw MExIco Crystalsystem:isometric Hardness:6 Specificgravity:5.18 Magnetic Color: black S p e c i m e np i c t u r e d : 3 / 2 " x 3 V 2 , ' a q o s sw i d e s tD o i n t Magnetite, the most abundant member oi rhe soinel group, is a common constituent of igneous rocks. The specimen pictured is from a contact-metamorphic deposit where a hot igneous intrusive body came into contact with limestone. Copper, zinc, lead, gold, and silver mineralization also occur in the immediate area of this soecimen. Magnetite is an important iron ore. Golondrina Draw-watercourse, 13.7 km (8.5 mi) l o n g , h e a d s a t 3 3 " 2 1 ' 2 5 " N . , 1 0 5 " 5 0 , 4 0 "W . , trends west-northwest to Three Rivers 2i km fi1 mi) west of Ruidoso; Spanish word "golondrina" means "swallow"; in Otero County, New Merico; s e c .1 3 ,T . l l S . , R . 9 E . ; 3 3 ' 2 1 ' 2 7 ' N . , 1 0 5 . 5 8 , 0 4 " W . ; n o t . ' G o l o n d r i n aC r e e k . Hasperos Canyon-canyon, 80 km (50 mi) tong, heads in Jicarilla Mountains at 33053,36, N., 1 0 5 ' 3 8 ' 2 3 ' W . , t r e n d s e a s t - s o u t h e a st to A r r o y o del Macho 3l km (19 mi) north-northeast of Arabela and 69 km (43 mi) northwest of Roswell; "hasperos" is a local Spanish word applied to a white rock found in the canyon; in Lincoln C o u n t y , N e w M e x i c o ; s e c .2 6 , T . 5 S . , R . l g E . ; 33'50'21' N., 105'01'42" W.; not: Big Asparos Canyon, Hasparos Canyon. -Oave Love. NMBMlvlRCorrespondent Photo b, K. S Ridel quadrangle Update onNURE reports Neu')Mexico Geology, v. 3, no. 4 (November l98l) featured an article "Uranium resources in New Mexico-discussion of the NURE program," by Virginia T. Mclemore. Appendix I of that article was a list of available NURE quadrangle reports (DOE open-file reports) available at NMBMMR in Socorro, NM, and U.S. Doe in Grand Junction, CO. Following is an update of that list. Quadrangle Aztec Brownfield Carlsbad Clifton Clovis Douglas El Paso Ft. Sumner Hobbs Las Cruces Raton Roswell Silver City Tucumcari HSSR GJBX-129(78), 321(81) GJBX- 103(78), 50(76),3I 9(8l) GJBX-415(81) GJBX-69(78),359(81) GJBX-69(78),244(81) GJBX-21(77),345(8t) GJBX-103(78),288(81) GJBX-215(81),416(81) GJBX-138(78), 358(81) GJBX-69(78),320(81) Tularosa GJBX-104(78),215(Sl),326(81) iPreliminaryreportsfor public inspection. ARMS Folio cJBx-65(80) GJBX-33(76) GJBX-412(81) GJBX-23(79) GJBX-33(76) GJBX-23(79) GJBX-412(81) GJBX-412(81) cJBX-228(80) GJBX-412(81) GJBX-9(80) GJBX-412(81) cJBX-23(79) GJBX-33(76) GJBX-67(79) PCJ-012(80)r PCJ-l l6(81) PGJ-l l8(81) GJQ-005(80) PGJ-l3l(81) PGJ-004(80)r