Basement :,ji>-^^<^^us^ V HD28 The International Center for Research on the Management of Technology First in Financial Mover Advantages Service Innovations Luis E. Lopez Edward B. Roberts Sloan I We 2 WP October 1997 2 ^ WP# # 167-97 3991 INCAE MIT Sloan School of Management appreciate funding assistance provided by Research on the MIT International Center for and the (ICRMOT), of Technology INCAE the Management MIT Center for Innovation Product Development EEC-9529140, (National Science Foundation Grant # October 1, 1996). in 1997 Massachusetts Institute of Technology- Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology 38 Memorial Drive, E56-390 Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 FEB osigt Abstract A well-established stream of research indicates that innovative firms must careliilly time their entry into new markets, and that there are advantages to early market entry. Such empirical regularity has not been extensively tested in financial services, despite the importance that the timing order of market entry might have for financial innovations. Such importance derives This innovators. fi^om the characteristic approach toward appropriation. debit cards, in financial other and pension industries, traditional flinds), services innovations. particularly weak leaves appropriability regimes faced by financial service innovators Analyzing three we lines find important These with pioneering of financial as an important products (credit cards, market share advantages to early entry results are in line with other research consumer products. We find, model of order of market entry doesn't convey all performed in however, that using a the information that is revealed through a detailed qualitative analysis of longitudinal data. Moreover, traditional models of order of market entry do not distinguish simultaneous entries fi"om entries separated by long periods of time. A model using elapsed time since first entry seems more appropriate and renders stronger We results and better interpretations. thank Professors Donald Lessard and Scott Stern for their and suggestions. Please direct questions or comments Luis E. Lopez Apartado 960-4050 Alajuela, Costa Rica e-mail: to many thoughtfijl comments -] in financial advantages se.,ces^ examine To answer ..s ,ues„cn we ,he relations., products. for a set of financial long term n.arke. share and en.^ market between order of literature on pioneenng provides a review of the paper the of pan firs, Accordingly, the fo^ulate hypotheses and second pan we ,„ ,he .Kem This first entr^: is for prov.tie a research design and conclus.ons followed by data analysts ,n var.ahle pernnts ^uali^.ng as an .ndependent Our findtngs tndicate a more detati such relat.onsh.p Literature'-w "' "i" The .Hare for brand and long term market order of nnarke. en,,, between relauonsh.p en,p,r,ca, Urban ,1,92, analyzed ,8 new products ,s well-established product entrants in S different ,n,o ,„at later entrants i.,ance, as shown in new markets Table ., m Kalyanaram and packaged goods and found categones of consumer suffer long-term market share d.sadvantages, For the ptoneer brands in the market, the presence of 7 occur only through advantages whether such advantages ,n producon costs,, for to find after correcting the product hne, only of breadth and pnce ,ual.ty, distnbutton, an imponant, and to d.scover infiuences are not such that vanables. ,He effects of those for late entl^. apparently inherent penalty Table 1. Order of entry vs. market share (Taken from Kalvanaram and Urban. 1992) advantages A .nmm^rv of some selected emEiri^^' studies on pioneering T.hiP o Characteristics of the study and findings Study, year Bond and Lean, 1 977 Reviewed first 1 1 new entrants maintained market share leadership years in market Found producb. in two prescnption drug markets after more that 10 tlian Later entrants needed to otTer substantial additional benellts to surpass the first-mover. held over Studied 7 cigarette markets and found that pioneenng brands Wluttcn, 1979 50% of the market several years aller llieir introduction. These cigarette and widely brands were also those which were actively promoted dislnbuted. Kohiiison and I-onicll, 1985 Anahyed Irbun cl al 1 , average, first- market share of movers had a market share of 2(1%. early followers had a 17%, and I On mature consumer goods businesses. .''71 late entrains licld 1 3% of the market hnportant penalties Aiialwed 129 enlnes across 34 product categones for product controlling Table (see ) entrants were reported for late 9S6 1 positioning and marketing Robinson, .ambkin, 1 activity. Analwed 1209 mature induslnal goods manufactunng 9X8 businesses. Tlie Earlv Ibllowers and market pioneer holds 29% of the market on average. respectively market the 15% of and late entrants retain 21% on29 Considered 2 subsamples I'JHK. start-up businesses (data for their first 1X7 adolescent businesses (data for their fi.ur years of operation) and an important market second lour years of operation). Pioneers attained vs. 9.7% for pioneers 96"/n for (23. entrants advantage over later share m late entrants start-up subsample and 32.56% vs. 12.95% m the adolescent subsample). Lihcn and Yium, l')9(). The likelihood of success for first and second entrants was lower than and fourth entrants in a sample ol the likelihood of success for the third 112 Colder and Tellis. 1993. 1 994 Hutr and Robinson, 1994 industrial products from 52 French firms. Using an historical approach found m Brou-n and Lattin, new success. They Modeled the report a efiect of 47% time pioneenng may Re-anaK-zed Urban el al "s product categones Found efforts market on pioneering advantage exert a beneficial efiect that lime-in-market market share reward in that not all ended failure rate for pioneers. Found upon the pioneer (1994) data on 95 surviving brands in 34 that longer lead-time increases the pioneer's appear .o be qu,.e consistent acoss many produc, lines, as can be seen .n Table 2. generalizations that applied (1995) summarized some Urban and Robinson, Kalyanaram. ,0 prescriptton ami-ulce. reproduced in Table goods dmgs and consumer packaged These generalizations are 3. OrdeorfjMlVfl^MIX^ncLl^^ Tables ^i^escri^tionmTtiriilcer drut;L -p^;7;::;:^;q77;ri^ ^ Relative"^ the -} Pioneerin£B7^nd__ " ' Prescription Anti- UlcerDrm^s ConsumerPackaMed^oodi Kalyanaram and Rerndlelal(1994) Urban (1992) L„.le work has deal, with services existence of nnancal mnova.ions, the Tnfano (1989) found, ,He life ,<,S9: 23.) He showed remam consistent such advamage seems .o of the product. The same innova.ions imi.a.ions .ban wi.h firm sample of 58 pa.icularly son,e first-mover advantages, and marke.tng, underwntmg, form of lower costs of „„f,„„ for a ,s shown in ,n .ha. p.oneers subsequent years of less share .0 cap.ure This can be observed in Table 4, the w„h pnces for underwriting p.oneers did not charge higher Tufano's data showed that market prices, generated larger charging s.m.lar or lower than later entrants, and, by from lower costs of trading and advantages were reaped primanly shares. Thus, pioneer accrued through higher pncing. not from mcreased revenues from secondary trades and prov.des banks sources of suggests that innovation Tufano's (1989) study search to reduce information .nformafon that allow them difficulties involved in further pioneering. others (as be more innovative than is thus in turn, that certain The also apparent in Table 4). with additional have not been confirmed T.hle4 This suggests, costs, reducing the banks tend to findings, however, studies, Percema<4ec£the.ddiM,Yalu^^ ji^e^sitein^Shlhe^^^ Markets in wluch bank pioneers the Number an of Average share as Numhcr A>erage share as of products follower pioneer (%) imitated (%) innov ated Boston Morgan Goldman Sachs Slicarson Lehman Stanley Memll Lynch Smith Barney ofTers products Salomon Brothers First which bank in imitative product product Investment hank Markets Hams Blyth Eastman Dillon 47.8 16 7 6 54.4 12 187 168 18 3 45,3 12 5 35.5 10 12.4 4 47.3 15 15 8 4 3 37.4 12 23.0 54.7 2 2 2 61.6 Drcxcl Burnham 1 Bear Stearns Shcarson Locb Rliodes 1 1.4 42 9 1 15.1 69.2 7 3 4.5 11.7 62.2 0.6 1 1 154 47.9 Mean \,i7a^, luiaiiu (1989) om Tufano Taken from Smdying innovation should be enlightening in of services from .he perspective tlte pioneering literature oriemed, As economies become more the R&D fttnct.on within service firms emerges. Practitioners should benefit fi"om guidelines that can help to determine expected returns fi'om products entering markets at different stages of market evolution Moreover, the need to explore these issues particularly interesting in services is because there are possibly important differences between services and consumer or industrial products. These differences occur along many dimensions. products are bundles of physical objects and intangible attributes however, have a high degree of intangibility. This makes it For example, Many difficult to assess all services, the needs of the customer before creating a product and to measure objectively the satisfaction derived from purchasing a service (Bitran and Lojo, 1993) This thereby adds complexity to the design and testing of services, thus increasing the risk associated with 1987) development (Anderson, moment of are generated, they are Moreover, some services must be delivered accommodation, health consumed many at once care, The and the like. When such services o^ producing and consuming the act cases, simultaneously, and such services cannot be product occurs, therefore, in inventoried for later use Although the assets necessary to generate a ser\'ice can, course, be kept ready to deliver, the product per se cannot be delivered except (thus, yesterday's the at For instance, customers must be present to receive services their inception like transportation, hotel new product unused hotel room or airline seat is lost forever and in real of time cannot be inventoried for later usage). It is customer as to humans this reason, also salient that their many services have to be delivered by humans, have the primary input, or both Patients are the each delivery is, Health care, for example, is delivered by humans "raw material" of very complex production processes by definition, different. For As Bitran and Hoetch (1990: 89) some note, in specifications-, sei^ices "i. is to quality simply as •ccnfomiance no. sufficien. .0 define cannot be completely specified." because the human encounter Finally, impossible'). (although, of course, no. protect difficult to products or processes are very newly created service attribute this lack of Bitran and Lojo (1993) nature of services. appropriability to the imangible necessarily imply a difference These differences do no, of innovation are in all The phenomenon of innovation. In financial services dynamics of innovation: highly relevant to the a vety envtronmen. and, most, (1992), for ms.ance, creation of many new the prices advances ulobalization in financial augmemed changes creatton of new argue that m m Marshall and weak appropnabUi.y regime contributed to the environmental factors have environmental volattli.y are: ^ ^ong technological advances, of markets, regulatory changes, in the speed, frequency, schemes regard, Tufano (.989) ,s Pctruz,.,. 2 an incensing to For instance, the variations requires the and magnitude of price manage reporis, for a in.crcs, inTlic poss,bi,i,i«s the associated risk This results monopoly allowed sample of 58 innovations orpa.»n„6 nnancial Del Vallc. and '"<"»"«''««'. compiled a paniai Finned) (1988). for instance, seventies nnd 1988 the factors frequem and abrupt changes in iisi „,„„ oi mti ,„„ in a more to innovators. the secunties year after the ptoneer in the market less than one industry, that nvals enter iThcrc on two parameters are particular, and Bausal, 1992, theo^^ and others (Marshall financial that take to the increased volatility with respect reduced duration of the transient rapid dhftsion and a In this some parameters the last 20 years financal tnst^men.s durtng responsible for such mcrease ,„ motivations and related mechanisms, nature that have mdus.ries, events of s.milar 1992) different values (Geoffron, Bausal ,ts fundamental nature in the 60% innovations. See for of the e.a.ple ,„„„„ems created bcnvecn ,h= early cases. The mean number of deals the pioneer is able to close before rivals enter is in all cases less than two. The feebleness of First, little protection in from several causes. the form of copyright or trade secret laws. example, very few patents have been awarded for Lynch was awarded a patent Merrill company was allowed either is financial services, for When appropriabiiity regimes in services stems able to obtain for Patents are awarded to tangible things products. Cash Management Account, the its on the grounds that it new In it was a novel In financial services patents computer program. may only be given to -i systems (for example, mechanical or electronic systems) that make the product different or that serve to operate In these it weak appropriabiiity regimes, somehow new services are copied and improved after very short periods of time (Bitran and Lojo, 1993). case of financial services (SEC) many in cases the United States, the Securities and in forces "inventors" products they create (Tufano, 1989) created and marketed everv' year. is In spite As have occurred in changes cards), process innovations EFTs (ATMs this, numerous ..the word revolution in financial institutions and instruments financial -automated " teller new machines, CMA -electronic fijnd transferring) and financial strategies -cash which implies the commitment of development process, Anderson and is a great deal -leveraged In this regard, 1989) This is Clearly of resources into the undertaken as a profit-maximizing activity (Tufano, Harris, 1986). credit management (LBOs financial products requires large financial outlays (Tufano, financial innovation, securities (zero instruments (debit cards, buyouts, swaps, corporate restructuring) (Finnerty, 1988, Miller, 1986) developing the financial instruments are These innovations include the past twenty years." coupon bonds, junk bonds), consumer-type accounts, of Exchange Commission information about detailed Miller (1986:459) indicates: entirely appropriate for describing the that disclose to In the 1989, carried out despite imitators needing to invest only a and to replicate a financial product original investment to fracion' of the innovator's in the ntarket, product ,„e some As a law. about infringing any paten, wooing cycles ,n many in |<,89), life not as types of financial services, This is especally of secudties (Tufano, for the case we saw many sendees result, in some, ephemeral. industries are shc«, and in sell .t development cycles must be almost instantaneously and where products are copied (Quinn, 1992). reduced to the order of months Levin (1987) al et competi.,ve advantages of mechanisms firms use argue new that allernafve use firms means and products or .mproved processes ,0 appropriate the returns of mnova.ive They activities: the protect to 1) identify six patents to ume, 5) tncome, 3) secrecy, 4) lead patents to secure royalty prevent duplication, 2) moving quickly down sales or service efforts the learning curve, and 6) effecve as a means of Patents are not very few industries As Von Hippel(19S8 47) : c lud ng The patem L tato" grant is pro.ecng innovations except indicates: and/o! capturtng royalty mcome The ans-r no, useft.1 for either purpose m industnes instance, pha^aceuttcal industries but in patents are pari.culariy ineffective or not more un.formly found most mdustnes patems do appear ,0 offer Thou..h uenerally, For very in some effective than ,n protection in ceriain the some chemical and other alternat.ves telecommunication industries. the electronics and the to offer Similarly, secrecy appears little pro.econ know-how trading among repons the extstence of informal 325% 10 50%. Tufano 1990 to innovators Von Hippel specialists ,n a given discipline These specialists might find economically reasonable to trade information that could be it considered proprietary, even with Given the (Von rivals of some forms of appropriation relative inefficiency firms probably utilize a combination of That effective. on depending is, appropriation methods likely to is Hippel, 1988). means of appropriation the industry, methods. ineff'ective. Moreover, products, once released, are (1993) report financial services, In the financial ser\'ices industry, In order to inefficiency of some and secrecy are nonexistent relatively easy to imitate. or Bitran et al. ready by the time the first plausible alternative one way is institution introduces a to assess the strengths and it is in type of weaknesses of the the service industry in terms of new important to have the next service almost introduced. to protect and derive rents to introduce products that are hard to new very quickly, but often introduce an improved be a leader product introduction, therefore, et al patents whenever an it some time service since they have original service Bitran be cost- likely to that: account, others not only copy A relative is contexts, be balanced with a greater emphasis placed on other alternative In the that in certain copy This is difficult in (1993) indicate, because products are not from innovative some intrinsically activity is financial services, as complex The process of creation may be complex, involving high doses of creativity and the participation of specialists from different areas, but replication replicating a financial product Even products may render them a bit is is easy. on the order of 50% to Tufano estimates 75% Morone and Berg (1993) difficult to replicate are indicate, "... of less than the innovator. that require intricate technological or institutional more that the cost networking that not necessarily difficult to copy. As the relative benefits of pioneering versus fast following are particularly open to question since information technology can often be quickly copied, and later entrants often enjoy the benefits of lower-cost hardware." Hence, adding complexity to products through a more intensive use of information technology or other means competitors' will movement down Given this, we would not necessarily cause delays in product difHision or in the learning curve. expect that, at least in financial services, be an important form of appropriation if not the dominant protection and secrecy are ineffective and, for down If patent-related and moving practical purposes, absent, the learning curve occurs almost instantaneously because of the relative simplicity of the products, then lead time (being new products No in financial services that, related to order in at consumer markets. general, market share is For these types of products a) The dynamics of order of entry new disregarding the characteristics of firms that launch the The are a has been literature sometimes national distribution" (e.g.. by national advertising Urban (e.g., is products. et al., in evaluated Thus, whether in the firm's seldom studied. identifies as first entrant a product that first "achieves 1986) or requires that the product be supported Whitten, 1979) advertising or national distribution of entry, number of sometimes because they lack strategic relation with other products portfolio, or for other reasons not related to order b) in in\ersely (though not necessarily lineariy) on pioneering advantages does, however, contain literature fail it saw, of market entry problematic aspects products we on pioneering advantages has primarily concentrated, as packaged goods aimed The to market) and a quick response in introducing study, however, aside from Tufano's, has looked into this problem in depth literature determined first might be the most effective methods of appropriating the returns of innovation efforts The all one. pioneering should "Hence, a national market, 11 if it a firm does not have national does not qualify as an entrant. (Robinson, Kalyanaram and Urban, 1994:2). This might be problematic because indirectly it means that the product that qualifies as an entrant has an important set of complementary assets thus precluding distribute), methodology one runs (i.e., been launched by a firm that has being able to nationally advertise or many products launched by smaller firms. By the risk of confounding "entry" with financial muscle. using this The method also censors entrants that have failed to stay in the market, thus overstating the effect of entry on the survivors. c) Units of analysis tend to vary. while others analyze organizations Some Making studies center their attention on products generalizations from the literature as a whole is difficult. d) Censoring: Many studies cannot or do not consider the products' entire historv', thus overestimating or underestimating pioneering. e) A rapidly changing market subsequent entrants in a ver\' may defy order of entr>' dominance, especially if environment are able to incorporate into their volatile products characteristics that take such changes into account f) Finally, premature market conditions obscure the effect of order of entry fijture Pioneers consumers or creating network others to invade As may end up have died in may also bearing the weight of educating externalities yet unconsciously level the field for though empirical Some of this results controversy appear strong, empirical generalization show for a variety their youth. of products Colder and specified scale of commercialization and is discussed by Colder and Tellis (1993) who, is using an historical approach, argue that moving contrary, they pioneering "too early") it. a result, controversial. (i.e., first that almost Tellis achieves no advantage. all of those 12 the who have moved first to reach any do not require the pioneer many of those pioneers do On not have a meaningfijl share of the market in the long run. information from articles some In their as far back as 1842 to prove their point. approach solves the problem of reverse causality historical being identified quasi-automatically as pioneers), market methodology, Colder and that are not well gather Though this high market share firms can also overlook other entries into the documented. Such aspects should be taken study the phenomenon it (i.e., Tellis when choosing an appropriate methodology into account to in financial services. Hypothesis On we account of the aforementioned hypothesize first mover advantages for financial services innovations: H There of is a negative relationship financial services between order of market entry and market share innovations, controlling for firm size and product interrelatedness. This proposed relationship been discovered in many consumer products, consumer packaged goods (Robinson, Colder and with the same empirical regularity that has falls in line et a!., in particular the pharmaceutical industry and 1994), but runs contrary to the findings of Tellis (1993). 13 Methods The study is based primarily on historical analyses. financial products are Product histories for several assembled and reconstructed using archival records. These records are information available in published sources of information (which include primarily newspapers, regulatory institutions. informants in and research papers) and from other sources such as trade journals, The historic information is then launched in Costa Rica within the past 15 years. lines (credit card, debit card, sample we in which product sample of Costa Rican we and pension fijnd) A is is a set of used whose in Thus, through three product this choice This study is oi' part of commercial banks were reconstructed for For the purposes of financial institutions. included only those products done with the line histories financial services sample of 36 entries are trying to minimize the problem of lack of fine-grain data. of a larger one a from data pertinent institutions and by others familiar with the industry. For convenience of data gathering, the sample chosen •"t with validated histories this paper, were reconstructed however, This was in detail. intention of a) correctly identifying pioneers, b) avoiding censoring, and c) choosing products which had been launched potentially different market effects in roughly similar time-frames (to control for when agglomerating the sample). The sample of products was circumscribed purposefully to a small market under progressive deregulation, and, thus, historical information could be obtained to permit an accurate determination of pioneering and subsequent entries. which these products have flourished provided an related innovation. No more Moreover, the interesting case for studying service- than 20 years ago, the commercial banking sector Rica was a heavily protected and regulated domain. domains of activity were allowed 14 to in Costa Economic deregulation dramatically changed the structure of the industry since 1980 and companies specific industr>' in offer new that services were confined to in areas that had traditionally belonged to banks offer a wider range of products AJI financial institutions in have been forced to renew and order to remain competitive and the development of new products in Over 15 years, innovation the financial services industry have become increasingly important. Our choice of sample includes products that have been created in the near past. This allows for a relatively simple process of information gathering from public records. also permits us to gather first-hand information from people launching of the products Another important advantage dynamics of the dependent product-lines whose variable, is that we were Thus, within organizations who may not be entirely accurate. able to assess the Moreover, we chose comparison and contrast of trying to avoid overreliance on single informants overstate pioneering status, or To avoid participated in the we were market share, over time history could be reconstructed through several data sources. who It whose recollections might these problems, multiple measures were collected both from organizational informants and from secondary sources, allowing us to cross validate and triangulate data from different origins (scholars, experts, journalists, etc sources who were An fact not interested in be censoring the dependent variable, since case the long term Although marketing field, may sur\'ival and component is little has been widely used Utterback in their is plausible that not that we may in enough time has In this not yet be long enough. particular interest are the studies 1992), it is and performance of the different market entrants. historical analysis it particularly overstating the pioneering status of a particular firm. important disadvantage with the chosen sample of products elapsed for assessing the ), (1994) used in in studies of pioneering carried out in the studies of technological innovations. Of done by Cooper and Schendel (1976), David (1986, AJI these work. 15 authors incorporate a strong historical The dependent variable in this study will be total market share of the nth entrant at the time of the study, measured as percentage of total customers using a particular financial instrument committed and reports archival A periodicals. financial, Data sources for to the financial instrument. Archival data. manual search of all of percentage as alternatively, and, total of dollars portfolio this variable included informants' were obtained primarily from data the issues of the four most important financial local business, and economic journals since 1985 (and a selective search of some older issues) was coupled to both electronic and newspapers. We libraries, the manual searches of the countries' most important also searched several libraries in the country (for Central Bank Librar>', the library example universities' of the Stock Exchange Commission, and several others) for sources of information which included books, unpublished theses and papers, and monographs In all we were able to assemble over 100 articles or printed pieces of information which referenced the product lines under scrutiny was This information validated with data provided by organizational level informants and three industry For experts. pension funds Commission which required portfolio size, information we all we contacted pension fijnd number of customers, and an incipient operators the like in Pension Fund Regulatory' the country to report data When we on found contradictory either sought a third piece of confirmatory evidence or asked an industry expert for clarification. Because the products were recent, confirmatory evidence was generally found with only a moderate degree of difficulty. operationalized as the Pioneers are entry will be used as an independent variable. The order of market first entrant. Time of entry informants. Most organizations had personnel who were of entry of their product. was obtained using able accurately to recall the time This was confirmed with archival data and, 16 primarily in the case of pension funds, with the date reported to the Pension Fund Regulatory Commission as the first year of operation An additional independent variable will be the elapsed time delay since the The entry until the nth entry. rationale here is that the impact vary depending on the time elapsed since the we had determined once The of being the nth entrant entry. first first will Elapsed time was easily dates of product introduction per institution. institution's size, in terms of total Number of employees study, will be used as a control variable. These correlated with total assets size number of employees measures are leverage existing resources to support a product reputation, and distribution channels in a is at the time of the highly and positively proxy for the bank's ability to terms of advertising expenditures, This information was obtained through informants within the organizations rest of the institution's products can also have a moderating variable People may be inclined to switch to certain institution's Relatedness with the effect upon the outcome products because of the added convenience of carrying on organization For this businesses with purpose a measure of strategic focusing was used of the point cloud on the client-product matrix of each of product interrelatedness may be all Institutions with larger/ampler arrays better positioned to leverage which quantified the change institution in the new product offerings'* The dispersion was used as a measure of products and An one clients alternative measure, dispersion of each bank's product cloud, was also used as a measure of interrelatedness (small values indicating small departures fi"om current product offerings). Finally, a dummy hypothesized relationship. variable This was used for assessing the regulatory effect dummy was •Please sec Appendi.v 4 for details. 17 upon the assessed with the help of three industry experts who were independently asked which of the product lines was influenced by regulation (when operation required permission from the regulator, or only permitted certain institutions to operate The model to be tested can be a2 ^nc ' as: a3 ^ ^nc nc the regulator the time of entry). summarized ai ^ ^nc •fe at when a^ ctA '^nc '-•tie ! where, Snc = market share of the nth entrant in Enc" ^ Order of entr>' of nth product Tnc "=Elapsed time category in c, in category percent c. delay between nth entry and the first =Re!ative size of institution that released the nth product Anc as a ratio of total employees with respect to largest entrant Rnc Gpc entry in category " in for ^Regulatory variable (dummy variable, 18 (measured in category c. dichotomous). Following a section of exploratory data analysis, regression models. category' c months. category). bank releasing product n =Index of product relatedness in c, in we will fit a taxonomy of Results Qualitative Analysis In general, ail products examined here present different patterns of entry, seemingly different relationships between order of entry and performance. exit, and For some products, particularly those which only add features or are exclusively driven by changes the effect of pioneering in regulation, upon performance seems strategic products that enter the market in the absence expected negative relationship between order to be small. However, of regulation reveal an apparent of market entry and measures of performance. Pension Funds. Pension funds in this market had traditionally been administered by the Economically active people contributed a fixed percentage of fund. In such environments, their salaries to a national private pension fijnds tend to be successful operated pension system gives small pensions at high retirement ages. customers would have an incentive to transfer to Problems with the state-administered fijnd fijnds that opened an opportunity offer In if the state- such a case, more until July of 1995. benefits. for other institutions to enter the market and offer complementary pensions This industry operated with no supervision state. little In fact, before that time, private pension funds or could not operate openly as such, but only as providers of additional coverage to that given by the state. Even of 1988. In so, the first private pension fiind operator entered the market in August 1995 the funds were authorized to operate as such and also received an 19 additional impulse in the form of a tax break'. between 1991 and September of 1996. Table number of clients, and Table 5 -i 5 Ten more operators entered the market summarizes the order of market entry, the the size of the portfolio for the last three years. % of market When share is measured in terms of portfolio size (not shown on graph), the pioneer also appears to retain an important portion of the market. % of market (Sept 96 as total % of customers) 2.5 Order Figure 2: Order of market measured as % of total 7.5 5.0 entrN' vs. of 10.0 Market Entry market share for pension funds 1996 customers as of Sept Market share Figure 3 shows a longitudinal history of total market shares (measured as total customers) for in this all market for a participants total The pioneer of 23 months in this According first pension funds entrant gained a maximum market 50% of the pioneer's share. % of market was able to operate alone Firms' market shares start leveling off after approximately 4 years since the entry. is . to these graphs and data, an early share over time that In this case, not considering the is approximately one apparently atypical data point (PF6), firms that entered the market within an elapsed time delay between 27 and 57 21 months eventually averaged 57% of the pioneer's share. Very stabilized with market shares that represent approximately (8% share appear to have late entrants 5% to 10% of the pioneer's in this case). Order of entry vs. marltet share for pension funds Entrant 10CW. •- 90% - 80% - 70% - —V 60% - I 50% — — -• ia -o 2nd -— -— m\ 3fd - -' V 5»i — -a 30% • OT* • 10% - -• - 0% o- — em 7th 8th S=^ 92 93 Year Figure 3 Order of market entry vs market share for pension funds. Other factors, however, particularly organizational effect upon market share size, seem Figure 4 shows a scatterplot of order of to have an important entr>' vs. percentage of the pioneer's market share (measured as the relative size of its portfolio vs that of the total market). same 1996. The squares for the year Symbol represent this percentage for the year of 1994, the triangles say the of 1995, and the size is circles represent this percentage at the an indication of organizational size (the larger the symbol, the larger the size of the institution measured in total scatter plot reveals an apparent influence market shares. end of August of Notice that entrant number of number of employees) size five, 22 Inspection of this upon the dynamics of an incumbent's which is also the largest as measured by symbol size, increases its combining the pension offer market share noticeably fiind business also banks, but 8, three years, signaling the possibility of with a larger platform of products, thus being able to more complete product packages entrants 7 and in it is exclusively operates this pension fijnd) or A to customers. similar effect not observed in entrant is number observed three (which number four (an insurance company). Size may also signal a greater ability to leverage sales efforts and achieve scale effects. relationship to between SIZE and market share is positive and significant for the years The 1994 S-r=0 70, p<0 05, for 1995 S-r=0.63, p<0.1, for 1994 S-r=0 61, 1996 (for 1996: p<0 1). Entry vs %of pioneer's share 1996 1.2 Variables "o ol pioneer'*: PFl share O 9 PV(, 0.9 Entry vs. ^ Entry vs. E Entry vs. %of %of %of pioneer's share 1 pioneer's share 1 pioneer's share 1 PF2 PK5 6 0.5_ in "P J - PF7 0.2PF4 O PF8 e PF9 10 0.0 Order of entry Figure 4 Order of market entry vs pioneer's share for three years 23 P ension funds 996 995 994 Table 6 shows a matrix of Spearman-rank correlation coefficients for order of market entry and market share measured as a fraction of the pioneer's share total customers) for the years ended in (in terms of December of 994, December of 995, and August 1 1 1996. Tabic 6: ENTRY and the Spcarman-rank correlations between the variable \anablcs SIZE and market share for \anous \ears (Market share measured as % of the pioneer's share m terms of total customers) Pension Spearman-rank correlation Variable SIZE -034 MARKET SHARE: %PION% -0.72* %PION95 %PION94 -0 81** -0 80** fiinds. coefficient. **p<{).()l.*p<().()5 As expected, a negative relationship between order of entry and market strong and statistically significant throughout (only last three years shown). these years the relationship conserves the expected direction, but decrease (from 0.8 to upon the outcome relationship 72), presumably because other variables between order of market entry and SIZE. ones) are not, according to these data, the pioneers fijnds But these advantages associated with some first seem are, ones or the fairly Throughout coefficient starts to start exerting influence Table 6 also suggests that there variable market share These data on pension its is is no significant Larger institutions (or smaller last ones to enter the market. to indicate that there are some rewards for the however, quickly overcome by other factors organizational characteristics of subsequent entrants. 24 Later entrants into this financial market are not delayed by any sort of proprietary considerations, hence the pioneer enjoys only a relatively short period to operate as a monopolist. Debit Cards Debit cards were recently introduced into the financial system under study. payment instrument requires the cardholder to have a checking account with the issuing institution, with the debit card ser\'ing to automatically from the checking account businesses. The product and electronically deduct payments requires a fairly extensive network of affiliated Moreover, debit cards become more useflil if they can also be utilized to obtain cash from automated teller machines or from bank offices would expect Hence, a priori, large banks, or banks with extensive geographical coverage to be successfijl in this market. Table 7 Raw data for debit card industry Tot. assets. Operator DCl This Dale of Order of Customers as 12/95 entr> entr\ of 10-96 (mu)' # employees one more The debit card entered the market being studied in first additional operators had entered the market by 1996 and another enter soon. The above data commercial banks. between the pioneer and the next two entrants caused by regulatory changes that allowed made it Six two were planning Table 7 summarizes some characteristics of these operators. institutions are This change August of 1987. to All debit card reveal a fairly short elapsed time A wave of new entrants occurs in 1996, banks to provide regular checking accounts. all unnecessary for banks to circumvent this regulatory constraint, which they often did, through alternative and more creative means. Figure 5 total is a scatterpiot that market share measured as industry' at % the time of the study shows order of market of customers for all entr>' versus percentage of participants in the debit card Inspection of this scatterpiot doesn't suggest the presence of a negative relationship between order of market entry and long term market share The pioneer doesn't have any significant advantage. able to capture market share one sixth The It is the third entrant pioneer's market share, in this case, of the third entrant's market share A is who is approximately very late entrant (with a total elapsed time of 106 months after the pioneer's entry) appears to capture approximately 50 percent of the pioneer's share in a relatively short period of time. 26 60 4 2 80 Order of market entry Figures datapoinis No Order of market entry is vs. market share For debit cards longitudinal data could be obtained for this product notwithstanding, an examination, even a cursory one, factors may be inferred that additional factors of the institution, data pomt The size of the an indication of the relative size of the institution. It might be that this is in much determined by number of employees, minimum technological platform is In Figure 5 the size represented by the size of the is Obviously, the very large institutions entered suggesting that a shorter life-cycle, and of pioneering. effect this market in isolation As must be kept by the customer with the issuing operator. drive customers to adopt one or the other debit card, overcome the effect of eariy entry number of ATMs each incumbent first, perhaps necessary for firms to enter into this market because convenience to the customer drives the adoption of Moreover, the product cannot be adopted This particular. order so that the effect of other product has a have already overcome the in a minimum, a this product. checking account Convenience, however, and this factor may may quickly Figure 6 shows, through the size of the data point, the has. Entrant number three holds the largest 27 number of followed by entrant number five with those by far, nearly as many as entrant 5. Though 60% as many. this relationship evidently the cross-sectional information at hand, there is Entrants 1 and 2 have cannot be established with apparently a positive correlation between market share growth rates and # of ATMs. Market sluirc (as % of pioneers). 4 2 6 Order of market entry Figure 6 Order of market entry and market share The debit cards. size of the data point is as % of pioneer's market share for an indication of the number of ATMs each participant has The entry. entries effect of entPy' may also be influenced The absolute order of market entry could hide nearly simultaneous entries or which are separated by long periods of market share at by the time elapsed since the pioneer's time. In Figure 7 we have plotted the time of the study against elapsed time since the pioneer's entry. groups can be cleariy recognized in the graph. One group of Two eariy entrants introduced debit cards into the market within a total elapsed time of 17 months. 28 total The next entry occurred 58 months and more than eight years later, after the pioneer's entry we can observe a second group of institutions entering the market. 0,8 Market sliarc. -, 1996 •1. 85 50 15.0 120 Elapsed months since pioneer entered Figure 7: Elapsed time since pioneer's entry vs Two observations are inconveniences of utilizing in order First, total the data on debit cards indicate the potential order of market strict might be preferable to moderate this strict market share for debit cards entry' as Alternatively, time elapsed since independent variable. Second, different institutions entering a strategic while the later wave of first entry could be used as an can see that different motivations market In this case, early entrants entrants It order by coding entries as early entries, early followers, and so on we an independent variable. may chan^e. 29 just may may stand behind well be termed as be taking advantage of a regulatory Despite this, we do significant relationship 8 observe for the case of debit card introduction a between order of market entry and long term market share shows a matrix of Spearman-rank correlation coefficients interest. We indicative of total number of customers), the two variables total %PION_SHR number of employees), total and % Notice that market share (as a that the time elapsed since for is measure SIZE! and -0.96 with p<0 001 between market share and number of for The observed SIZE2). ATMs is come ATMs) positive relationship p<O.OI. Though between order of market entry and may models give an incorrect picture of the though in this case no firm conclusion can be drawn, that into play that eventually dilute the pioneering effect. case of debit cards network of -0 86, p<0.01 observation. Finally, the data suggest, other factors negatively also important to note that examination of statistical alone, without further expIorator>' data analysis, phenomenon under = S-r statistically significant at the table generally supports a negative relationship is and are using ranks, with negatively correlated with both measures of entrant size: it is terms of ELAPSED is of In this case the large established players entered first (time first entr\') long term market share, (which size (in of the pioneer's share) we Table variables CLIENTS variables correlated with order of market entr>' (and similarly, given that elapsed for several have included for reference purposes the variable and assets statistically we observe that entrants with larger coverage are apparently able to data also suggest that, for this product, a grow much more much 30 In this particular (in the form of a rapidly than pioneers. shorter transient monopoly The existed than for pension funds. Three firms entered the market within a period of 17 months. second wave of entry, presumably driven by changes months after. are less than Table 8 in regulatory conditions, occurred 58 Nonetheless, very late entrants appear to stabilize with market shares which 8% of total. Spearman-rank correlation coefficients for variables of interest. Debit cards A all banks in 1979 in the United States offered a credit card plan (Federal Reserve Bulletin, 1973), 71% (Mandell, of all banks had (BankAmericard shown in By 1976 1990). Figure (later 8. and credit card plans; there were VISA) and Master in 1985 the figure had grown to two dominant organizations Card). Notice that explosive growth The growth of in 90% the business their total accounts is starts after 1975. r^f^.r^r-^r-^rv.'^*''*-'''^ CO GO ^ CO co aa ^ <c as o^ oi o> O^O^a^C^o^o^<T'O^C^tcT>0^0^<x>o^CTlcno^O^O^O^O^CTlCTl oo fv. Figure 8: Groulh of Credit Card accounts in the US (VISA and Master Card) Taken from Krumme. 1987 The first credit card plan in the financial system by a commercial bank (this is a relatively early second entrant appeared advantages in may have been the market after 108 obtained in under study was created entrance even by U. months In this S. in 1976 standards). The environment pioneering terms of network externalities Card operators derive income from customer's interest payments and also from the commisions paid by vendors, thereby making it crucial to develop a large network of affiliated businesses. Figure 9 displays a scatterplot of total credit card market share for three years (1993, 1994, and 1995) versus total elapsed time since the 32 first entry. As shown, the very early first entry doesn't sustain an above average market share over time. (108 months after) captures In this case is it approximately 45% of the market and retains is having any important appears that large institutions (as indicated by symbol size) enter In relationship it entrant consistently. not apparent that size of the institution or the plausible combination of this product with a more ample product platform entry The second effect. in a Moreover, it second wave of however, the observed scatterplot seems to support a negative general, between order of market entry and market 05 share. Variables • A ElDSdtotvs mi<t%95 ElDSOtotvs mkt%94 ElpsStotvs mkl%93 0.4 02 1 -0 V- - 1 25 -50 100 175 250 Elapsed months since pioneer's cntp. Figure 9 months since the pioneer's entry versus market share of total customers. Market share measured as Elapsed credit cards total time in for % Figure 9 reports total market shares for the credit card market and Figure 10 market shares measured as a percentage of the pioneer's share percentage of total customers). (in both cases as Notwithstanding that the pioneer had a period of approximately seven years operating as a monopolist, 33 it fails to reap long term market share advantages. In this case the second entrant became (and stayed) the market leader After this period another three competitors entered the market during a three-year period. Credit card marl^et shares Figure Market shares 10; Notice also increases This is may its in for credit cards Figure 1 1, that the pioneer retains the number of customers somewhat reflect different strategic intentions growing overall. of the from other incumbents but rather from the any type and in the early entrants' total third entrants into this customers they This may intrinsic grow without taking market share growth of the market, perhaps explain in part the absence of erosion of 1 market do exhibit consistent growth 34 Moreover, the market different firms. number of customers. Figure attract. (in fact consistently) despite losing market share. This means that later entrants can attacking different market segments. number of customers 1 shows in that the the total second number of ^} Figure first 1 number of customers shown Total 1 four entrants for participants in Credit Card business Only Table 9 displays Spearman-rank correlation coefficients for several variables of interest. Notice, as observed elapsed time since first in the scatterplots, the strong negative relationship entry and market share in the credit card business negative relationship between order of entry and market share statistically significant throughout, the coefficient coefficients of -0.94, -0.90, and -0 69, p<0.001). negative relationship between size (measured by 0.69, p<0 001). As observed when later in this case. Finally, market share for diflferent Though becomes smaller Notice also the There between is also a this relationship is as time passes (S-r statistically significant number of employees) and entry (S-r = - exploring the scatterplots, large firms seem to enter one can observe a positive relationship between all measures of years but, again, the sizes of the coefficients diminish. could signal that the early entrants' market shares are starting to erode. 35 This Tabic 9: related to Spcarman-rank correlation coefficients for \anables Our goal in this part of the paper for the dependent performance variable of the institution's total is to build a sensible and eflficient baseline SHARE, exist controlling for institution size, the effect product offerings, and the effects of regulation. construct a model to include question predictors model ENTRY and We will ELAPSED. Should then a link between the question predictors and product performance, controlling for the aforementioned accordingly or, effects, practitioners at least, qualify their could then design their product launching initiatives perceptions about possible performance outcomes of financial products. First, are shown Table 10 in the raw data Table set and the distributions of all variables were examined These 10. Descriptive statistics for selected variables Normaiit> of distribution C^) Variable SHARE Mean s d Min Max. this to the large average elapsed time since entry (125.4 months), first we can infer a possible negative relationship between elapsed time and share. The average size of the institutions Given institution in that product category. influence on the outcome variable is SHARE. approximately this, it is 27% the size of the largest plausible that size will exert Such presumption is some reinforced with non- normalities observed for this variable. In general, the non-normalities comparison of coefficients for Pearson the observed signal the presence of curvilinearity. correlation variables at issue relationships which included the variables announcing the need for transformations. Tabic 1 with coefficients rendered large SIZE and Spearman-rank differences SHARE (as for shown A correlation all in bivariate Table 11), positive relationship between order of market entry and elapsed time. This relationship not a straight hne because of the different product categories present Second, we sample (though it is Third, there appears to be a clear negative and curvilinear relationship ENTRY INNOV appears to indicate a strong negative relationship between the two at various markets, i e., more innovative in this regard) tend to enter This graph, however, does contain a few seemingly atypical data points the scatterplot of order of entry real between ELAPSED time. (ENTRY) ELAPSED the graph of consider when our This could indicate that those firms which have wider product platforms (more products aimed earlier, in between Fourth, inspection of the scatterplot of order of market entry and market share. variables not clear whether such entries are prototypical This clearly indicates the need to control for size for certain product categories) versus the sample. can see that a group of notably larger institutions appear to have entered relatively early in the analyses in is A and vs similar thing INNOV vs. SIZE suggests SIZE suggests happens when that we Fifth, first. although that large firms tend to enter this look must be qualified at if we the relationship extant This suggests that different results could be obtained using either variable as predictor, thus pointing to the need for differentiating any implications in terms of order of entry and timeliness of entry. 39 Figure 12: Scatterplots for selected bivariate relationships . ENTRY vs ELAPSED ENTRY 250 vs SIZE 2 1 • •' SIZE 175 •• • .••' 09: ••• 1000 •• ©•• .•• •• "it*. §• 50 CL 00 00. 18 12 6 12 6 ENTRY ENTRY SHARE ENTRY SHARE VS INNOV OS ENTRY VS INNOV 80 < 06 • • ••A* ••••si • ••« 02 0_? fiS«e«**««««A«*»4 6 12 18 0„ 25 ELAPSED SIZE 1 25 12 J ENTRY ENTRY EUPSED INNOV VS SIZE 2. VS INNOV 80 • A * f * • • 40 03 •- • 20 >.• Hi. 1000 175 250 25 100 ELAPSED ELAPSED 40 175 250 As suggested by transformations on the results variables the of the exploratory data SHARE transformations and the Rule of the Bulge, We perform best for these cases Appendix 1). and we presumed nevertheless tried In fact, the natural log Tukey's ladder that natural logarithms several possibilities showed that both sariables Figure 13 Normal Probability Normal Plot of will analysis utilizing the be designated here as probability plots (coupled with SHARE* had attained normality, as indicated probability plots for SHARE* SHARE* in Figure 13. and SIZE Normal Probability 15 15 Normal Distnbution 00 Normal Distnbution 41 ^ Plot of -80 00 were Kolmogorov-Smirnov 00. 15 in Various analyses were performed to assess the convenience Normal of such transformations of would (shown Bi-variate scatterplots confirmed that the selected transformations adequate (see Appendix 2) SHARE- we performed of both variables seems successfully to restore transformed versions of the original variables (which tests) Using Then we proceeded with our data linearity in the relationship. and SIZE*) SIZE. analysis, SIZE* A comparison of Spearman-rank correlation coefficients and Pearson correlation coefficients Appendix showed Once comfortable with 3). had been minimized (see that the previously observed differences the variables to analyze, we developed bivariate correlations, estimated through Pearson correlation coefficients summarized in Table 12, revealed that the dependent variable negatively correlated to both (Pearson p = -0 69, p<0.001). ENTRY Moreover, the variable SIZE* SHARE* Pearson correlations ELAPSED SHARE* was strongly EL.APSED negatively correlated to (Pearson p = -0 67, p<0.001) and (Pearson p = 0.64, p<0.001). (pair-wise deletion) is of This analysis, (Pearson p = -0.78, p<0.001) and (Pearson p = -0.68, p<0.001) and positively correlated to Table 12 ENTRY a table suggesting that institutions with a larger array of products are not necessarily the ones that move first in the case of regulation-driven entries. This interrelation class of question predictor. defined as alterations SHARE* in total predictors. which We established The entries are driven their size and REGUL was by regulatory changes in problems This INNOV The variables ENTRY as control of the and level to ELAPSED the analysis. among will, evidently, the highly correlated and redundant variables, then, to build a SIZE* and classified as a control predictor noted that the relatively large correlations result in multicollinearity one network with an ample ability to classified the variables were established as question predictors We classes of control predictors and market share from entrants which are able to push average Thus we variable two estimated that "networking effects" could take place, up or down on account of platform of products -) we of course not dummy REGUL conclusive given the dichotomous characteristics of the Following these analyses, is practically become ELAPSED and all variables could a problem in the case ENTRY It of was decided, sequence of nested models paying attention to the plausible occurrence of collinearity. Three regression models were subsequently of creating an appropriate baseline model Second, SHARE* was regressed on predictors in the regression analysis The and, finally, results are 43 and analyzed with the intention SHARE* was First, ELAPSED, fitted regressed on we used summarized in ENTRY. both variables as Table 13. Table Regression models 13: in which market market entry and elapsed time since first SHARE*, is predicted by order of ENTRY and ELAPSED, singly and share, entry. jointly. Model ENTRY Intercepts 1 -1.79*** 2 -1.82*** 3 -183 EL.AJSED -0.24*** R2 (%) df Error 61.59 34 -0.015*** 47.47 34 -0.0018 6165 33 -025*** ***p<().0()l. **p<() Ol. *p<0.05. ~p<().l For model residuals did not probability plot distributed. (in 1 Table reveal evidence of heteroscedasticity the were obtained residuals for of models models 2 and 1 overestimates share for intermediate values of and ELAPSED Table as predictors 13, the introduction seems to correct Variance Inflation statistic accepted cut point of 5, and 2 entr>' this Inspection of the normal A Figure 3, as illustrated in suggests that model 14. 1 slightly The introduction of both ENTRY discrepancy of both predictors renders caused by the already noted multicollinearity of this of scatterplots of raw and studentized and histograms of residual distributions reveal them to be normally Similar results Comparison of 13), the inspection ELAPSED However, as in This is = 0.20) and a non-significant tolerance statistic (Tol shown (VIF) of 4 89 do indicate values approaching the usually thus indicating multicollinearity problems (particularly size). 44 in a dataset Figure Model 14. Histograms of residuals for three fitted models Model 2 1 Model HttSaQTtm Re*.duais of Two SHARE* Residii*u of additional factors model baseline First, and has a coefficients tor maximum somewhat tests more undergo a 1 full ancillary, we have Entry has a used as units maximum in value of 21 while very small Beta SHARE, of predictor have different that This results thus Second and more important, a difference and 2 with respect to model of the R-squared significant increment in the value with the reduced model number the deciding upon the adoption of a sensible value of 246 (months). difficult. performed for models in differently. ELAPSED when interpretation a bit SHARE* were considered dimensions and must be interpreted ELAPSED 3 Hiatot^m 1 (Fobserved = 5.16 > 3 statistic F^pitical (Fobserved ^ 12.20 with the reduced model number 2 shows = > in rendering R-squared that both Comparing J 29), models the fijll and comparing F^ritjcal - 3.29), we notice in both cases, but particularly in the second case, the real and important change in the magnitude of the R-squared statistic. However, the observed multicollinearity problems, and the potential interpretation difficulties urged us not to choose our baseline model as the most sensible one, but rather analyze models 1 and 2 separately. After reaching a decision about the choice of question predictors, a taxonomy of multiple regression models was fitted. This taxonomy included ihe "networking effect" 45 dummy control variables and the summarizes the An results REGUL, variable Table entered sequentially. 14 of these analyses. examination of this table shows that the control predictors SHARE*, important influence upon the dependent variable either do not singly exert any or jointly. Further inclusion of these variables into the model does not change the intercept and the coefficient of (p<0.00] in ENTRY. ENTRY We most cases) ENTRY INNOV and REGUL seems remains negative throughout with a value close to -0.25 observe that interactions of SIZE with the variables have no significant to have an important effect effect either. The upon the outcome interaction variable (Beta coefficient =0.49, p<0.05) which permits to reject the null hypothesis that the slope population) Likewise, the interaction between ENTRY an important influence upon the outcome variable. and When the baseline model, both the intercept and the slope of REGUL is zero in the does seem to exert this variable is ENTRY of SIZE and introduced into remain stable, but its own beta coefficient acquires a value of -0.24 with p<0 05 (which permits rejecting the null hypothesis that this slope is zero in the population) In both cases differences in R- squared tests support the inclusion of these variables into the baseline model (for model 10, Fobserved Fcritical=3.29). = 515 2 upon the dependent present. Fcritical=3 29 These interactions seem regulation, size, and entry effects > do not, to and make for model sense. It 12, is Fobserved=520.5 > perfectly plausible that through their additive terms, completely specify their variable SHARE* because synergies or other effects may be These interactions taken together would take the place of a good approximation of the combined effect of regulation, firm size and entry upon the dependent variable. 46 -3 00 t^ r^, r^ r^i r-. I- c: 3 r^ r^^ r-\ r^. r-i r^ o 9 o 00 a: P Z o o 'J ^•t -3 '/i -3 O O a. a E \0 00 o > E — r^i c o U O o O c/: 3 (.- 11 o > E D. ooooocoocpoo o c o o «y^ c o oV C 00 w^ r^ iAi -rr '/^ o V c CO ^ »Ai o r^ 00 c^ However, when both statistical significance. ENTRY_REG correlated The Beta of SIZE_REG goes from 0.49 fluctuates (but "pointing" information, a composite Components Analysis combined standardized variables We variance from -0.24 to was created SIZE_REG Based on order not to lose valuable agglomerate the interaction using Principal to To ENTRY_REG to denote the create the composite These two we first of variances units total we fitted a final The model model in is model adding the composite summarized in Table to the 15. which the dependent variable SHARE* is predicted REGUL. by and a composite that captures the interactions of ENTRY, SIZE, and Final Intercept ENTRY -1.65*** 25*** -0 PCI R-sq (%) 0.44* 67.52 dfE 33_ *p<().05 ***p<()()()l difference in R-squared test for this model again important change to In composite that ended up containing 98.7% of the this, Final fitted regression Model A directions). then calculated scores for the composite and used the scores to construct baseline model already chosen ENTRY and of This denotes that both variables are of these three variables. into the single the variable at issue Table 15 different in 0.2. to -0.15 and the Beta The composite thus created has been termed PCI interactive effect became subsumed variables are included jointly they change signs and lose 524 9 which is in studentized that there the magnitude of the R-sq. statistic (Fobserved greater than the critical F value of 3.29). appears to capture shows many of the residuals for variables of interest. this model permits 48 An is, The model is is in this a real and case, equal parsimonious and inspection of the scatterplot of validating the assumptions about independence of errors (see Figure 15) was The assumption about normality of the validated through inspection of the normal probability plot (Figure 15). residuals Furthermore, no evidence of multicollinearity was found when the model was tested through the tolerance statistic (Tol=0 95). Figure -•( 15. Plot of residuals and normal probability plot for final model Figure 16. Cook's Plot of influence statistics. Hat H vs. Cook's D . Hat vs Cooks D 0.5 116 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.0 00 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4 Hat The analysis revealed the presence of having a considerable impact on the impact of this observation on the fit fit have an unusual impact on the model. SHARE sensitivity analysis showed of the chosen model to climb from 67 dependent variable A one single data point (case 16) which was 52% that to its performed to investigate the removal caused the R-squared value 68.46%. Case 15 was also identified to These cases show unusually low values of the for their relative sizes, thus causing high values on the created composite PCI, as shown on Table 50 16. them to show unusually Table 16 Impact of atypical data points on fitted model Inspection of plots of raw and studentized residuals permitted histogram of the .esiduals. validation of the assumptions about independence of errors as Figure 17. Normal Probability Residual vs Predicted Plot of . 10| • • . Residuals of 20 • -1 ,0- Figure in ./• • y •20l_ 55 -4 00 -2 5 Normal Predicted The final Table 17 17. Plots of residuals and normal probability plot for final regression model Residuals 20 shown model obtained is shown Fitted final model: in Table 17''. Distribution 1 5 SHARE* . parsimonious coefficient fitted model regresses SHARE* on ELAPSED (intercept = -1.82, p<0.001; of ELAPSED = -0.00154, p<0.001). Summary and Conclusion We wanted controlling for enti^' to assess the effect of order of market some "networking initiatives in the The goal was effects" development of new upon market to determine whether innovation semces may render financial share, better performance if launched during certain time frames. We found market entry that a baseline (ENTRY) model in which 70% explained almost SHARE* was of the variability in size and the amplitude of control variables such as the firm's have a sizable effect Our upon our baseline model most of the prior research work that has regressed against order of its performance Including product offerings did not analysis turned out to be in line with been performed in other industries, particularly consumer products. Our analysis shows timing the release of the>r for different orders results that financial industry practitioners new products of market entry. The Figure 18 is may benefit a visual display of our visual display has 53 model results been "umransformed" and the pioneer's share to have been computed as a percentage of interpretation. from correctly facilitate Figure 18. Results of Final model of order of market entry versus market share for a prototypical case. 4 6 5 Order of Market Kntr> Our findings indicate a negative relationship long term market share A second entrant pioneer's eventual market share results appear to be such a comparison. in line It entrants are penalized A is between order of market entry and likely to tenth entrant will only capture with those performed in heavily. 54 1 ]% on 78% of the average. The other industries. Table 18 establishes appears that our model slopes more capture approximately downward more rapidly and later Table 18: Order of market entry and market share for consumer packaged goods. prescription anti-ulcer drugs, and financial services innovations. Forecasted Market Share Relative to the Pioneering Brand Consumer Packaged Goods Entry order ") Prescription Financial Anti-Ulcer Drugs Products We can also observe that the use of order of market entry alone tends to average out elapsed time between entries. With our data such average comes out to approximately 15 months between entries. This means that the results for the second, third, fourth, and so forth entrants are roughly equivalent to entries occurring after 15, 30, and 45 months respectively in the second model. Use of elapsed time these models. the pioneer which is We may since first entry also adds to a managerial interpretation of see that, for our sample of products, entrants which follow shortly after obtain substantial market shares relative to the pioneering brand, a result not obvious by looking at order of market entry alone. Figure 19 Results of final model of elapsed time since first entry' a_prototypical case 21 41 61 Elapsed time 56 81 in 101 months versus market share for In summary, several important results First, there are innovations. important advantages to early entry this research. in financial services This result extends established generalizations to other industries and settings in a field that " relies heavily either the emerge from Urban et al. on North American manufactured goods that are included Assessor data or the PIMS data" (Kalyanaram et al., in 1995: 9). Second, several outcomes of this research contribute more generally to the -) literature on order of market entry matters. If we look at individual operationalize pioneering as the retain an appreciable lines in explored This On the one hand observe that level of analysis products, establish their longitudinal histories, and first entrant, we find that the pioneers market share advantage. This is we is do not necessarily two of the three product true in consistent with the exposition of Golder and Tellis (1993) although our case the product histories are more concise because of the youth of the product lines studied On early entry effect the other hand, is observed. when our product sample We get results which are is in line aggregated, an important much with on pioneering advantages. Evidently by aggregating the data we can only advantages of eariy entry and not those of pioneering strictu sensu. other literature assert to the History reveals a more detailed picture that cannot be completely captured in cross sectional studies. Third, it appears to be usefial and important to reframe the original research question here posited and to consider elapsed time since first entry when evaluating these models. These effects have been, to the best of our knowledge, explored only 57 in two The study of Huff and Robinson (1994) determined studies. competitive rivalry (i.e., that increasing the years of reducing the pioneer's lead time) tended to reduce the pioneer's market share advantage. Hurwitz and Caves (1988) examined 56 pharmaceutical products and performance their after patent expiration. They report that longer patent life longer pioneer lead time) renders appreciable market share advantages of entry in terms of elapsed time since literature, particularly the work of Sutton mover advantages may have important time, a first-mover first may spend more on (i.e. Evaluating order entry also ties to the industrial organization (1995). effects Sutton posits that the presence of first- upon industry structure. Given enough lead advertising, thus preempting or relegating subsequent entrants to weak positions. Sutton's (1995) empirical examples do indicate that such preeminence might be subsequent entries Because tightly linked to the time elapsed first mover advantages affect between first and market structure, one could plausibly argue for a negative relationship between elapsed time and market concentration Such elapsed time might obey indicates). exogenous Moreover, it is to historical occurrences (history matters, as Sutton (1995) interesting to speculate that in the absence influences, historical or otherwise, the of all sorts of phenomenon of innovation could render sequential entries with characteristic periods per industry Variance in such "characteristic frequencies" could point to more or less difficulties in imitating products, establishing the necessary network externalities for products to diffuse rapidly and dominate the market, or both; thus establishing a firmer tie innovations and dominant designs. with the literature about product and process Moreover, 58 it appears that such frequencies should be related to characteristic should be evaluated in life cycles of revenues whereupon entry at any point new product into the firms current product offerings (using our client-product matrix similar ones) clearly deserves fiarther evaluation over longer periods larger samples of detailed data. it in fact a seems compelling firm pioneering is may Although to use such in our case we not be advantageous measures of hedging are not in left current strategy. away from its core, case of banks, particularly where alternative available, such occurrences could point to These ideas are methodology or did not find any significant measures to proxy deviations In the (or brand) of time and with venturing to pioneering a product that appears too far institution's risk profile time terms of its concomitance with the characteristics of such cycles. 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Whitten, cntn,'. I. T. (1979). 1913-74 " The sources of innovation. "Brand performance New York; Oxford Umversit>' Press. in the cigarette industn' and the advantage Staff Report to the Federal Trade Commission. June, 63 to early Appendix 1 Scatter-plot matrix report for various transformations of 1 SHARE and SIZE Appendix 2 Selected scatterplots after transformations. ENTRY o . o < ^ ENTRY SHARE- o ^o'^^„'^ a. vs . ai 1^°o vs SIZE* Co 1 qo - o O o O r qOO *- "•f 125 125 J ELAPSED ELj^PSEDvs SHARE* o c C.Co VS SIZE* <b o 9 -o o < » 25 188 ENTRY ENTRY o 'y Oo a. 6 o -I '=t. (% 'rc' <o — -1 •50 25 100 ELAPSED INNOVvs SHARE* 'tC' o 100 ELAPSED INNOV vs SIZE* 175 250 Appendix 3. Table Ap3-1: Difyerence between Pearson and Spearman correlations ( pair-wise deletion) Variables ENTRY ENTRY 0.000 ELAPSED INNOV REGUL SHARE* Appendix 4 Measure of Strategic Focus To obtain a measure of strategic focus, product matnx. Though normally used to we used test we used the chi-square distribution of each bank's client hypothesized relationships among categories of data points, chi-square in this case as a measure to establish degree of strategic focusing. institutions' clients and products and de\eloped "client-product" matrices. We first classified Therupon, two measures were developed. A) ^i In the first measure, a comparison was made between the chi-square obtained for particular client-product matrices with respect one with a large to a client-product inalri.x number of products each in cell of a totally unfocused institution (for practical purposes of the client-product matri.x). The procedure used was as follows: Let Ncp = number observed ccp= number expected large in (c.p)th cell in the (c.p)th cell and equal number of products forc= 1.2..V andp= of the client product matn.\. and in under the assumption of each cell. 1.2.3. Let Np = '^Ncp Nc = Then we Y,N.-j, calculated a chi square as follows: 67 .and a totally unfocused institution with a 7 J 58 Date Due NuV 1 3 1998 MAY 0% t Lib-26-67 |[ii|!iiiiiiimiMi™S 3 9080 01444 5057