6" ^ M.I.T. LIBRARIES - DEWEY ^)fe4>^7 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AN EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE FACTOR PROPORTIONS EXPLANATION OF MULTINATIONAL SALES S. Lael Brainard Massachusetts Institute of Technology WP#3624-93-EFA November 1993 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 AN EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE FACTOR PROPORTIONS EXPLANATION OF MULTINATIONAL SALES S. Lael Brainard Massachusetts Institute of Technology WP#3624-93-EFA November 1993 JAN 2 5 1994 AN EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE FACTOR PROPORTIONS EXPLANATION OF MULTINATIONAL SALES " * Abstract This paper provides empirical evidence that challenges the factor proportions explanation of multinational activity. volumes were used proportions and income that to demonstrate that affiliate on intra-industry ratios and total a substantial part of trade is explained by factor tests similarities rather than differences are applied to affiliate sales with Some support for the factor proportions hypothesis is derived by production destined for export to the parent's market, which is the surprisingly similar results. comparing The same category of activity most likely to be motivated by factor proportions considerations, with that destined for sale in the local market. Affiliate production destined for export moderately more responsive to factor proportions differences. activity differ more in their home is However, the two types of responses to transport costs and destination market income. Overall, the evidence suggests that only a small part of multinational activity into and out of the US in the late 1980s can be explained by factor proportions differences. JELNos. F12, F21, F23 "The author takes sole responsibility for the use and interpretation of the data, and for any errors therein. am Andrew Bernard, Julio Rotemberg, and Bill 2^ile for helpful comments and to Lilan Cheng for excellent research assistance. I am also grateful to Steve Landefeld, Betty Barker, David Belli, Ned Howenstine, Arnold Gilbert, Smitty Allnut, and Viji Canagasuriam at the BEA, Nick Orsini at the Census Bureau, and Jim Harrigan at Penn State **I grateful to for their generosity in providing data, and to the National Science Foundation for support under grant SES-91 11649. Introduction I. The imperfect competition models of the early 1980s provided an explanation for trade based on similarities between countries rather than differences. They also provided a more natural framework for treating multinational Although these models diminished the importance of factor proportions enterprises. in explaining trade flows, consistent with empirical evidence, they maintained the primacy of factor proportions in explaining multinational activities. Yet in recent years, this explanation investment (FDI) and multinational appears increasingly A activities. large and at odds with observed patterns of foreign direct growing share of multinational industrialized nations as both the source and destination markets, rather than flowing 1961 and 1988, over half of countries; this share all had risen direct investment outflows generated to nearly 70 percent by 1988 from North activity involves to South. Between by G-5 countries was absorbed by other G-5 (Julius, 1990). This paper provides empirical evidence that challenges the factor proportions explanation of multinational activity. The same part of trade is tests on intra-industry The export to the parent's market. The total volumes that were used to demonstrate that a substantial predictions of the factor proportions hypothesis for multinational sales by distinguishing between and out of the and explained by factor and income similarities rather than differences are applied to affiliate sales with surprisingly similar results. investigated ratios US in the late affiliate further production destined for sale in the local market and that destined for Together, the evidence suggests that only a small part of multinational activity into 1980s can be explained by factor proportions differences. factor proportions explanation for the location of multinational activity focuses characteristic of is on vertical expansion North-South flows (Markusen, 1984; Helpman, 1984; Helpman and Krugman, 1985; Ethier and A Horn, 1990; Ethier and Horn, 1991). factor proportions factor proportions are identical, the differential in model with differentiated products predicts GDP shares that when of the source and destination countries and their joint income should be the only determinants of trade volumes, and there should be no multinational activities. However, this paper finds that equations using only the differential in share of variation in the signs and significance. The volume of multinational This finding factor proportions is model GDP shares sales as in the and joint income explain roughly the same volume of trade, and the coefficients have similar inconsistent with a factor prof)ortions explanation of multinationals. further predicts that the intra-industry share of trade flows should be decreasing in factor proportions differences, while multinational activities should arise only in a single direction between countries with large factor proportions differences. lower than those of trade on average, they are still Although intra-industry significant, which ratios of affiliate sales are strongly counter to the factor proportions is Further, tests reported below on explanation, and they are {wsitively correlated with intra-industry ratios of trade. intra-industry ratios of trade and affiliate sales find that both are inversely related to factor proportions differences, and that a greater share of the variation similarities in factor pro[>ortions The of than of trade affiliate sales is explained by and transport costs. alternative to the factor proportions hypothesis formulates location advantages in terms of proximity to customers or specialized suppliers, scale in intra-industry ratios which motivate horizontal expansion across borders at the expense of reduced Proximity-concentration models predict (Knigman, 1983; Horstman, Markusen, 1992; Brainard, 1992). multinational activities will arise between countries with high transport costs and trade barriers in industries with low plant tests on scale economies, the total and involve increasing two-way volumes and intra-industry predictions, both for income and ratios factor differences more activity the of trade and roughly consistent with these affiliate sales are and for transport costs. The tests find that freight factors a strong negative effect on trade flows and a negligible or weakly positive effect on The paper affiliate The The similar are factor proportions. have affiliate sales. further evaluates the factor proportions explanation of multinational activity by comparing production destined for sale in the local market with that destined for export back to the parent market. factor proportions model predicts that all varieties of a final good produced by a foreign affiliate should be exported back to the headquarters market, while the proximity-concentration hypothesis predicts that multinationals will substitute overseas production for trade in final goods, so that flows of final will be zero. With a multistage production process, will generate one-way trade two-way trade while the US affiliates compare the share of that multinationals model predicts they will generate home on multinationals export 13 percent of their overseas production to the US, affiliate sales exported back of foreign multinationals export 2 percent of their total affiliate market small in both directions: The amount of owned by US to the parent model further predicts in intermediates, while the proximity-concentration in intermediates. aggregate, foreign affiliates the factor proportions goods back production destined for export back US is production to their parents. Tests that home with the share destined for local sale confirm that the two types of activity differ moderately in their relation to factor proportions differences in a home. However, they that is roughly consistent with a factor proportions explanation for the share exported in their responses to transport costs more The of its tests SIC differ and destination market income. use data on bilateral flows of trade and trading partners at the 3-digit way affiliate sales in level, as well as direct both directions between the measures of transportation costs. US The and 27 analysis focuses on bilateral flows rather than multilateral flows as would be suggested by theory, due to data limitations. In addition, a cross-section approach that for which the data on is taken because most of the independent variables vary at intervals longer than affiliate sales is available. Two Models n. Guided primarily by findings from case study framework explaining the decision to research, the managerial literature has developed a conceptual produce abroad rather than export as optimal in markets characterized by the conjuncture of internalization, ownership, and location advantages. In recent years, trade theorists have incorporated these insights into general equilibrium models. Broadly, two types of models have emerged to explain the location Both focus on the choice between exporting and investing across borders decision. firms benefit from internalization due to multi-plant economies of scale. I starting from the premise that briefly contrast their predictions for the patterns of trade and of multinational sales. Factor Proportions i. Markusen, Helpman (1984), Helpman and Krugman, and Ethier and Horn (1990) explain expansion across borders in terms of relative factor endowments and technological parameters. ^ ' vertical The Helpman and Helpman, Krugman model incorporates multinationals into a differentiated products, factor proportions model ' factor somewhat more concerned with organizational questions against the background of a proportions motivation for overseas production; they model firm configurations as trading off economies of Ethier and Horn are scope against increased costs of managerial control and coordination. ^ In the Markusen model, factor explaining multinational production. endowments are symmetric, but sector-specific capital plays a key role in of trade by assuming that the production process in the differentiated products sector can be separated into multiple stages, and there are multi-plant economies of scale associated with a firm-specific input which has a public goods character. I briefly review the and then go on main predictions of the pure trade model to discuss the extension to multi-plant firms.' here, which will be familiar to most readers, Consider a two-sector, two factor, two-country world, where countries are distinguished only by their relative factor proportions differences and their relative incomes. Tastes are homothetic and identical, and there is a constant-retums-to-scale, homogeneous goods sector, and a differentiated products sector characterized by Chamberlinian monopolistic competition and increasing returns. by a In such a world, there is intra-industry trade in differentiated products motivated trade in the homogeneous product, and countries. Then, trading partners. the net factor content of trade reflects the relative factor if either there is specialization in the differentiated products, the total More taste for variety volume of trade is and one-way endowments of the production of homogeneous products, or if all trade is in a decreasing function of the relative size differential of the generally, the share of intra-industry trade in total trade is a decreasing function of factor proportions differentials. When the production process in the differentiated products sector is separable, so that firms can place headquarters activities in one market and manufacture in either market, the pattern of production will depend on the factor intensities of each stage of the production process and the relative factor economies. If headquarters activities and production have different factor activities endowments of intensities, the two single-plant multinationals will arise to exploit potential factor cost differentials, for large factor proportions differences. When factor equilibrium, there is endowments are no incentive sufficiently similar that factor price equalization obtains in the trade for cross-border investment, headquarters activities are relatively more capital-intensive. and the pure trade equilibrium When results. Assume factor prices are not equalized under trade, some of the firms in the differentiated sector locate their headquarters in the relatively capital-abundant economy and production in the relatively labor-abundant economy, and export back to the headquarters market. In general equilibrium, the ability to geographically separate firms' activities in the differentiated sector leads to an enlargement ' These predictions are derived in Helpman, Krugman, 1985. 4 of the factor price equalization set. Because cross-border investment is motivated solely by factor price differentials, multinational activities arise only in a single direction within an industry, in single-plant firms, between economies with strong factor proportions differences. With a two-stage production process, the existence of multinationals generates interindustry trade of final goods, and one would expect direction between countries with different factor proportions. may at to see multinational activities arising in a single With additional stages of production, multinationals generate interindustry trade of both final goods and intermediates, but again in one direction within an industry '' each vertical stage. The empirical implications of this framework are quite strong. arise only in one direction between countries in an industry different factor proportions that factor price equalization predicts that multinationals will it and only between economies would not are sufficiently different that firms have an incentive to First, move result under trade. Second, have sufficiently proportions if factor their plants abroad, the creation With an additional stage of production, diminishes the share of intra-industry trade. that of multinationals MNEs may interindustry trade of intermediate goods in one direction and of final goods in the reverse direction. increasing role for Similarly, it MNEs may weaken weakens the link between country size dispersion the link between factor proportions differences and the total generate Third, an volume of and the share of intra-industry trade. trade. With a two-stage production process, the intra-industry share of trade will be positively related to factor proportions differentials if the headquarters otherwise. With an market is a net importer of the final differentiated goods, and negatively related additional production stage, the intra-industry share tends to decrease with increasing factor proportions differentials because the additional trade in intermediates ii. is inter- industry. Proximity-concentration Tradeoff Another group of paf>ers uses the same differentiated products framework to explain horizontal expansion across borders motivated by considerations of access to the destination market at the expense of production scale economies (Krugman; Brainard, 1992). Consider the same two-sector, two-country world, but assume that factor proportions are identical, and firms in the differentiated products sector choose between exporting and cross-border expansion as alternative modes of foreign market penetration. The differentiated sector is again characterized by increasing returns at the firm level due to production facilities some input, such as with undiminished value, but now R&D, can be spread that there are scale economies among any number of at the plant level, concentrating production lowers unit costs, and a variable transport cost that rises with distance. whether to such that Here, the decision expand abroad via trade or via investment hinges on a trade-off between proximity advantages and scale advantages from concentrating production in a single location. In the absence of factor proportions differences between the two economies, the magnitude of variable transport costs and the size of scale economies at the plant level relative to the firm level will determine the location and configuration of production chosen by firms. Suppose there is a simple fixed cost associated with each plant of F; exporting costs of e^*" per imit, which incorporates both freight factors associated with distance, D, and barriers, T; per unit variable costs, V(w,r), that are declining in the amount of the firm-specific input, tariff r, and increasing in local wages, w; and costs associated with production of the input C(w,r). Then, with n„ firms in each market, firms will adopt multinational configurations with plants in both markets if the increase in variable profits associated with producing close to consumers in both markets outweighs the additional plant fixed cost. Combining the no-defection condition with free entry yields the equilibrium condition: F(w) (1) which simplifies by assuming price index (which is do not take increasingly accurate as the a multinational equilibrium, is that firms where all ^ (i-^n->pxi..)) into account the effect number of firms of their potential deviation on the market increases)'. Comparative firms have production facilities in both markets, is statics establish that more likely the smaller the fixed production cost relative to the corporate fixed cost, and the higher are transport costs and trade barriers. Here, as the corporate cost goes to 0, an equilibrium with multi-plant firms a fixed number of firms, the dual-plant equilibrium is more An * is two-way multinational never sustainable. In addition, for likely to hold the larger is the foreign market. an equilibrium, multinational production completely supplants trade in corporate services, and there is activity in the final same goods, there is In such trade only in 'invisible' industry. equilibrium characterized by single-plant, national firms arises under reverse conditions. Firms Brainard (1992) gives equilibrium conditions taking into account the effect on the market price index. 6 maintain a single-plant production configuration as long as the increase in fixed costs to open a second plant in the foreign market outweighs the associated increase in variable profits. are characterized by the exact reverse conditions as in equation (1). prevail the higher is With The single-plant equilibrium the fixed plant cost relative to the corporate fixed cost the distance between the markets. Here, there factor proportions are equal, all trade is two-way trade intra-industry, as is in final free entry, the equilibrium conditions is more likely to and the lower are the transport cost and goods in the differentiated sector, and, if would be predicted by a differentiated products model of trade. In the intermediate range of parameter values, there coexist with national firms. In the is mixed equilibrium, some a third equilibrium in which multinational firms fraction, a, and exports, and the remaining fraction has production of firms in each market has a single both markets. For a given and trade barriers, the production facility number of firms, the prop)ortion with a single plant rises the smaller are transport costs facilities in greater is the fixed plant cost, the smaller are the savings in variable costs from additional larger is is investment, the the corporate cost for the two-plant configuration relative to the single-plant configuration, and the smaller the size of each market. multinational production. Thu£, this mixed equilibrium, there In the The is both two-way trade in final goods, and two-way share accounted for by multinational production rises with distance and trade barriers, and declines with production fixed activity R&D costs. model explains horizontal expansion across borders motivated by market access: multinational can arise in the absence of factor proportion differences and in two directions in the same industry, and is undertaken by multi-plant firms. Of course, the two models are not mutually exclusive. concentration tradeoff are combined, considerations. will emerge firms As Brainard (1992) shows make in a also and a proximity- on both hybrid UKxlel, this implies that vertical single-plant multinationals relative to proximity advantages that national firms may factor proportion differences the decision whether to produce abroad based for sufficient factor proportions differences, Single-plant vertical multinationals When would emerge when concentration advantages are sufficiently strong prevail in the absence of factor proportions differences. for strong factor proportions differences when proximity advantages are sufficiently strong that horizontal multinationals would form in the absence of factor price differentials. Thus, the addition of factor proportions differences increases the likelihood of concentrating production in a single location, leading to the coexistence of single-plant multinationals with either multi-plant multinationals or single-plant national firms. With a three-stage production process, when factor proportions considerations dominate, multinationals arise in a single direction between countries and generate interindustry trade in intermediate way and trade in final final goods, while when considerations of proximity dominate, multinational sales supplant two- goods of unequal magnitudes and may generate intra-industry trade to a multi-country context, one would expect to see a countries that are dissimilar and a pref)onderance of in intermediates. Generalizing preponderance of one-way multinational sales between two-way activity between countries with similar endowment ratios. Related Literature III. This paper is the first to investigate the empirical validity of differentiated products, factor proportions models of multinationals. The empirical research on multinationals has focused mainly on foreign direct investment flows, and much of the older research it has been preoccupied with responses to differentials in corporate income taxation. on non-tax determinants focused on hypotheses based on foreign direct investment is conceived in terms of physical capital. Much factor proportion differences, These empirical efforts of where were not successful at explaining the location of multinational activity.^ This literature missed two critical characteristics foreign direct investment and trade flows is of multinational activity.* First, the comparison between a conceptual mismatch. When multinational activities are considered as a substitute for trade in the presence of trade barriers, for instance, the relevant trade flows and multinational sales rather than investment. the current account, and this is Although trade and investment are connected through an interesting connection from a macroeconomic perspective, measure of the extent and location of overseas production. ' comparison should be between FDI is not a good Second, by their very nature, multinationals cannot See Caves (1982) for a survey. With the notoble exceptions of Swedenborg (1979) Blomstrom and Grubert and Mutti (1991). ' 8 et. al. (1985) and Lipsey and Weiss (1981) adequately be incorporated into perfect competition trade nnxiels. The literature has so far not directly addressed the predictions of imperfect com[>etition, general equilibrium models for multinationals. There are, however, several empirical findings US per worker ratios of that are relevant. parents and their affiliates are inversely correlated, which proportions account, but capital-labor ratios are uncorrelated. for Kravis and Lipsey (1982) find that payroll Swedish multinationals, Swedenborg (1984) finds is consistent with a factor Using cross-section and time that affiliate sales are increasing in series firm-level data wage She also finds exports are uncorrelated, and both increase in the natural resource intensity of the industry. neither related to per capita income, is which has been used to proxy capital-labor differentials differentials while that in the empirical trade literature. There is explanations of trade. exceeded its body of empirical research a large investigating factor proportions Several researchers have found that the strength of the empirical predictive power.' differentiated products have The HOS and differentiated products theoretical framework has predictions of a factor proportions framework elaborated to include met with more success (Helpman, 1987), but more recently Hummels and Levinsohn (1993) have questioned the robustness of the results and their interpretation. None of this work distinguishes trade mediated by multinationals from arms-length trade. Data IV. As is well known countries are daunting. Analysis activity US of empirical trade, limitations due to incomparability of trade data across Limitations on multinational sales data are even worse. (BEA) compiles between the in the field The US Bureau of Economic the most complete set of data disaggregated by industry, but and its trading partners. it covers only bilateral In order to fully exploit this data set, the analysis below confined to two-way bilateral relationships. Ideally, of course, a single equation would be used to multilateral relationships. ' the The analysis focuses on a cross-section of industry-country test a full set hypothesis. of pairs for 1989. See Deardorff (1984) for a survey, and Bowen, Learner, Sveikauskas (1987) for the most complete HOS is test of Trade flows and i. The Kong, They Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Ireland, Italy, Japan, at the 3-digit Mexico, Netherlands, SIC level was obtained from level of aggregation available, which is and production structure, and minimize missing New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Kingdom, and Venezuela. Data on both Census Bureau. the Data on wholesale and sets retail trade, between the 3-digit and 2-digit SIC data includes utilities, lowest at the which over SO were excluded, along with because the 'nontradeable' nature of these activities requires a local presence. Matching 292 were dropped because all US affiliates Because the multinational data I is is less familiar than the trade data, in the analysis, which will I sales allocated to wholesale trade. The Tlie data will describe affiliates in it the 27 countries and 64 industries included The reverse is sales in the true of trade flows: and imports (20 percent). The sample imports The share of both imports and exports accounted for is total some on the outward side. detail here. be termed 'tradeables", gross trade flows are positively correlated with gross affiliate sales in both directions, but the correlation and exports (60 percent) than for inward (BEA on multinational did not have matching trade data). on the inward side but only majority-owned foreign For the industries included billion. was compiled Industries for levels. manufacturing probably understates the true values because some proportion sales imports and exports of classifications yielded data on 64 industries, covering manufacturing and primary industries categories 150 and in bilateral affiliate sales percent of revenues are accounted for by services, including finance and two countries were selected to data. in geographical coverage, income, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United the The data includes trade and multinational sales for 27 countries in total. maximize diversity include: affiliate sales is much stronger for outward total level of outward sales for $ 542 billion, well above that for inward sales of $ 393 $ 380 billion, exceeding exports totalling $269 billion. by intra-firm transfers is roughly equal at one quarter.' When imports and exports to and from unrelated parties are included as well as those to and from affiliated parties, the ' US There may be some double counting in the two-way estimates, since some parents and foreign-owned affiliates, but for intra-firm trade 10 it US affiliates are classified should be very small. both as of trade mediated by ratio affiliates is 32 percent on the import and 37 percent on the export side, comparisons must be taken as rough approximations, however, as the BEA data on firm trade On industry of affiliate sales, while the trade data are classified by the actual product. foreign affiliates owned by US by foreign-owned parents generates $0. 13 of US affiliates in the down by Table lA breaks the data ratios of sales to trade in to country. It US exports, and $0. 15 of shows the statistics for an industry breakdown. by In both cases, trade mediated countries, 22 percent of outward sales are to Netherlands accounting for an additional 43 percent of the exports, with Japan a close second at 16 percent, and Mexico, the The additional 22 percent. the of UK, Norway, Germany, and Canada accounts percent. for ratio for 14 percent, The order is somewhat affiliate sales to Brazil. On exports is different for imports lower than that on the outward The last side, but is two columns of Table affiliates industry codes are listed affiliate sales variables UK, Germany, Canada similarly accounts UK, and Germany UK is France, and the for 21 percent of together accounting for an particularly high for Ireland, accounts for 25 percent of - affiliate sales, with Japan accounting for 24 percent, Canada accounting for 19 percent. The ratio of affiliate sales to imports extremely high for particular countries, such as the Netherlands, The 1 A report Grubel-Lloyd indices of intra-industry ratios are aggregated across industries US ratios of trade and similar by country as follows: Estimates of the share of trade mediated by multinationals seem to vary widely. include trade between parties in the and trade separately. UK. indices for affiliate sales. ' BEA affiliate sales, the and Germany, Japan, and the Netherlands together account for an additional 33 22 percent, and Mexico, Taiwan, and Germany accounting Switzerland, and the imports. imperfect). is 2.5 on average, and the inward side, the imports, while $1 of sales from the trade and Canada, with the total. by the average, $1 of sales by affiliate sales Descriptions of the affiliates is subtracted is classified of inward and outward minimize the overlap between the two (although, as noted above, the match Comparing is level US US exports and $0. 11 of each direction, and aggregate intra-industry ratios for Table IB gives the same in the appendix. generates $0.08 of US These side.' The estimates here do not parents and foreigners other than affiliates, or between foreign parents and unaffiliated US. For 1989, the ratio of merchandise exports shipped by (excluded) to exports shipped to foreign affiliates (included) 11 is 1.3; US parents to foreigners other than the analogous ratio for imports is 1.1. f^Min(X°Jc!j) nx. (2) where X^' and X^° are inward = ^ affiliate sales in industry j from country c and outward affiliate sales to country c respectively for the affiliate sales ratio, and total imports and exports respectively for the trade ratio (net of trade mediated by affiliates). Table IB reports ratios averaged by industry, which are calculated analogously by aggregating over countries within industries. The affiliate sales. In both cases, the average ratio is higher for trade than intra-industry ratio of affiliate sales exceeds 30 percent for 5 countries UK, and is a 17 percent correlation between the two indices. Transport Costs ii. Two SO percent. There is for (UK, France, Germany, Japan, and Canada) while that for trade exceeds 30 percent for 18 countries, with Mexico, France, the Ireland exceeding it Most of types of variables have been used to proxy for freight factors in past research. work on the gravity equations uses measurements of physical land and sea distances between national 'economic centers" to proxy for transport costs (Bergstrand, 1986, 1989), following the procedure outlined more industry level, a OECD on a fob basis import values reported on a cif basis by the importing country, and the associated value repmrted by the exporting country. I The results are disappointing, which Harrigan however, with freight factors for some attributes in part to inconsistent reporting procedures. use an alternative formulation of freight factors, which uses data on freight and insurance charges reported by importers to the values. the Harrigan (1993) approximates variations in freight factors by product, by using the ratio industries exceeding 5(X) percent, Below Linneman (1966). At accurate measure of transport costs should reflect specific product characteristics, as well as geographical factors. between in US Census Bureau. The Since no comparable data is available from exporters, and there differences in charges for transporting the transport, these values are used in the industry trade (95 ftercent of all freight factors are calculated as the ratio same goods between outward equations for all the is no reason of charges import to expect systematic same locations based on the direction of industry /country pairs for which there industry-country pairs), as well as in the inward equations for 12 to all is intra- industries. The resulting series appears in more accurate than either of its two predecessors, yielding values between 99.8 percent of the industry-country pairs for which freight factors are reported. compared with a mean ranging between 140 and 270 percent series. The series also for different It has a and 100 percent mean of 8 percent, as methods of correcting the OECD-based seems reasonable, with high average values for countries such as Philippines and Singapore, and for industries such as iron ore and concrete, asbestos, and cut stone, and low average values for countries such as Canada and Mexico, and for industries such as electronic components and Country Variables iii. Data on national income and per capita income are taken from the Detailed factor endowments data capital-labor ratios following V. scientific instruments. and per worker GDP is IMF Financial Statistics. constructed using the methodology outlined by ratios are constructed using data Bowen from the Penn Mark V World Empirical Estimates embedded in differentiated products models. However, the first same industry and increasing in the similarity between the markets - and income distinguish them, I first multinational sales. I - - arising in two directions that multinational sales look arising in a single direction and increasing in factor proportion differences. To apply the tests that have been used to assess the differentiated products model of trade to then exploit the distinction between multinational sales destined for the local market and those destined for export back to the home market in an attempt to evaluate a factor proportions explanation of multinational activity. i. are and differently with respect to proximity and concentration advantages. In contrast, the factor proportions explanation predicts like inter-industry trade activities predicts that multinational sales behave like differentiated products trade with respect to factor proportions differences more Tables Hummels and Levinsohn. Both the proximity-concentration and factor proportions explanations of multinational in the (1982), and Comparing the Total Volume of Trade with 13 the Total Volume of Affiliate Sales (Table 3) Helpman (1987) develops two of 14 OECD countries. More recently, by Hummels and Levinsohn. The first tests of differentiated products models of trade and applies them to a sample these have been replicated and extended to a sample of non-OECD countries assumes that all trade is in differentiated products. proportions differences, the theory would predict that the volume of trade This yields an equation explaining the trading partners. (3) where V^^ is the bilateral volume of total ^^ Ju^yJ 1 Y,*y, Y^ trade, Y; is income world income. This equation pairs over time. A is volume of trade between countries u and in country i and Y, is world income. of the two countries and the greater among similar equation should apply to the total it i: ' tested either for trade concentration, differentiated products mode, but determined by the relative size of ^*^'^ bilateral trade is greater the smaller is the difference in size relation to is In the absence of factor The volume of is their size in a group of countries or for a set of country volume of multinational would not explain multinational sales in a proximity- by sales motivated factor proportions differences. Figure 1 shows the distribution of total volumes of affiliate sales and trade and compares them to income. Figure la shows the distribution by income. Both multinational activity and trade are skewed towards the countries whose incomes are most distribution similar to the by per capita income. US, but Both the bias affiliate sales incomes and disproportionately so relative to income. complicated here, since there is is more extreme for affiliate sales. and trade are greater The Figure lb shows the for countries with similar per capita difference between affiliate sales and trade is more disproportionate trade with the 5 countries with the highest per capita incomes but also with the half with the lowest incomes. Below relying is on I modify equation it explains the bilateral volume of trade in particular products, by the assumption that preferences are identical a uniform elasticity of demand (3) so that demand among and homothetic. In the differentiated products model, there different varieties of a product for imported varieties within an industry should and constant expenditure shares, so depend similarly on differences in industry elasticities by including dummies. In addition, I relative country sizes. allow for include freight factors, which can easily be incorporated into a pure differentiated products model of trade (Helpman, Knigman). 14 I that the The equation to be estimated for affiliate sales MTOTJ (4) where MTOTi^ is is: = o^TGDP,*o^SHDIF,*o^FF|*Y^ the log of total affiliate sales (net of imports) between country is the log of the total shares of country income of country i and the US, and EV i and the US, SHDIFj is sectors, a proximity by model would predict a to be equal. to differ. affiliates), rising I would Past research The same equation GDP TGDPj minus the sum of the squared income 1 on is all activity is in rises trade volumes where the then used to explain the differentiated products trade and multinational sales as the as their joint transport costs rise, while a factor proportions model Below TTOT/. When volume of becomes increasingly similar and trading partners of product j, report results for the case where they are allowed trade (net of trade mediated US SHDIF coefficients are constrained and volume of and the j.'" TGDP and the log of is i a variable specific to industry constrained the coefficients on total '^z.P'^^i, income of the and a declining volume of trade as volume of trade predict only a rising as relative income shares converge. The affiliate sales data suggests a strong similarity between the volumes of trade and affiliate sales: the volumes of gross and gross trade flows have a correlation of 56 percent, although netting out trade mediated by Columns reduces the correlation to 33 percent. affiliate sales net ff3=ff4=0. The of trade using equation coefficient (4). on RELSH, which is 1 on TGDP and SHDIF to differ. through 3 of Table 3 report estimates of the volunw of Column 1 reports an estimate of the equation with 0^=02 and the product of be predicted by a differentiated products model, and the TGDP and SHDIF, The explanatory power of the equation remains This result probably reflects collinearity between the adds freight factors and industry dummies. share differential rises to unity. The coefficient Columns 4 through 6 of Table '" Trade flows mediated by As explained above, however, The fit on is highly significant, as would Column 2 elasticity is close to 1. permits the coefficients constant, but all of the significance resides in the share differential variable, with the elasticity slightly larger than the first equation. affiliates on the scaled share differential in SHDIF and TGDP variables. Column 3 of the equation improves markedly, and the elasticity on the the freight factor is significant at -0.35. 3 report analogous estimates of trade volumes net of internal transactions. affiliates are netted from both the affiliate sales the trade mediated by affiliates includes products are not sensitive to the use of net versus gross flows. 15 and trade flows to avoid overlap. from other industries. The results In the column same 4, the coefficient on the product of the share differential and joint size as in the affiliate sales equation, coefficients to differ in and the column S does not improve the The addition of freight factors and industry of the trade equation even more than the the freight factor is TGDP is over twice affiliate sales equation. nearly twice that of affiliate sales and In sum, the relative share variable performs as is The is significant nearly identical. is of the equation. In contrast to the fit both variables retain significance, and the elasticity on the probably reflect collinearity. of the equation fit GDP, RELSH, that elasticity Allowing the affiliate sales equation, on SHDIF, but again dummies in and of the results column 6 improves the fit of trade volumes with respect to highly significant. would be predicted by a trade in explaining both the volumes of trade and of affiliate sales. The differentiated products model of finding that the responses of trade and affiliate sales to the relative share variable are nearly identical suggests either that the predictions of a differentiated products model absent factor proportions differences or with specialization in the homogeneous product sector for trade apply equally well to affiliate sales, or that the [wsitive relationship between relative border transactions is better relative share variable explained by a different model. Similar to the findings in income shares and cross- Hummels, Levinsohn, performs almost too well, considering that the group of countries includes those for factor proportions are sufficiently different multinational activity to prevail. from the US that In addition, although the is whom one would expect inter-industry trade and one-way volume of both increasing transport costs, the elasticity of the trade response the affiliate sales and trade contracts with nearly twice that of affiliate sales, weakly consistent with the proximity hypothesis. ii. I Comparing Intra-Industrv Ratios for Trade and Affiliate Sales (Table 4) next turn to the second test developed by Helpman, which allows for the co-existence of differentiated products trade and factor proportions trade. predicts that the share of two-way The differentiated products model in a factor proportions framework trade in total bilateral trade should increase with factor proportions similarities, holding relative country size constant, and and decrease with factor proportions affiliate activity should arise only in a single direction within an industry similarities. Figure 2a plots the Grubel-Lloyd index of intra-industry trade against a similar index of intra-industry 16 averaged across industries by country, which affiliate sales correlation between the two indices. defined in equation is it is somewhat stronger is a clear positive Figures 2b and 2c plot each of the indices against income-per-worker ratios by country, as a rough proxy of factor proportions differences. In both but There (2). for affiliate sales. Although cases, there is a clear negative relationship, what would be predicted by a differentiated this is precisely products-factor proportions model for trade, the existence of intra-industry affiliate sales and their negative relationship with per worker income are strongly counter the analogous intra-industry indices averaged across countries The figures suggest that freight factors have little to this Figures 3a and 3b plot model. by industry against average industry no influ^ice on negative relationship on intra-industry ratios of trade. of to the predictions This freight factors. intra-industry ratios of affiliate sales and a roughly consistent with the predictions of the is proximity-concentration hypothesis. Helpman and Hummels, Levinsohn test the relationship between factor proportions differences and industry ratios of trade for a multilateral sample of country pairs over time. fit I stick with cross-section analysis and expand the equations to include freight factors. equation for multinational sales MJNTRaI ,j. MINTRAjJ is US their equations to two-way i: in country affiliate sales to total affiliate sales (net differential in per capita differentials. i and MAXGOP; is the reverse. the trading partners' endowments of estimating as well as freight factors. I in both directions in industry US is is the minimum the country with the highest GDP MAXGDP takes the place of the constant. CAP capital ratios high-skill workers, illiterate Since the GDP, and between per capita measures per capita In addition, of exports) MINTRA^J = 2*min(N0UTiJ,NINi>)/(N0UTj'-l-NINi*). MINGDPj MINGDP is simply LAB3 first is: the absolute value of the differential differentials, The In both niCAPi*iiJABli*njIAB2,+n^IAB3t+njLAND,*n^MINGDP,*it.,MAXGDP, and country US GDP and GDP in the sample, is = the ratio of between the of modify I first the bilateral and industry-specific nature of the data and then present results for the country aggregates. cases, j Here intra- LAB2 between country i and the US, measures per capita unskilled, labor differentials, and LAND LABI is the literate labor measures per capita arable land allow for differences in industry responses by including industry-specific variables, D', Analogous equations are used to estimate TINTRAjJ, the to total trade flows (net of internal transactions) in both directions in industry j 17 ratio of two-way trade flows between the US and country i. The first three columns of the upper panel of Table 4 report estimates of intra-industry shares of MINTRA. Column sales, 1 reports an estimate of equation (5). Intra-industry ratios of affiliate sales are decreasing in differences in the relative in income The abundance of skilled labor and of levels, but the coefficient coefficient on the on MAXGDP is freight factor is negative but insignificant. 3 uses the capital-labor ratio differential, the coefficients trade on DKL. significant, as predicted for trade, but those is are also decreasing in differences endowments worker income contrary to prediction. The MAXGDP on coefficient on are insignificant. differential, of the equation fit the factor proportion differential proxies are negative and significant, as The in differences in Following Hummels, Levinsohn, column 2 In both cases, the by a factor proportions, differentiated products model. which They Relative capital insignificant. replaces the factor proportions variables with a single measure of the per column weakly decreasing illiterate labor, unskilled labor, and increasing in arable 'and ratio differentials. literate, affiliate on coefficients falls DGPL, and moderately, but would be predicted MINGDP for are both positive and are positive and significant in the equation with DKL, freight factors remains negative, but is significant only in the equation with the per worker income differential. Columns 4 through 6 of trade. The the upper panel of Table 4 report analogous estimates of intra-industry ratios of signs and magnitudes of the coefficients on the factor pro()ortions differentials are similar to the affiliate sales equations, but the significance labor is lower. Compared ratios is explained. DGPL, and column Column of the coefficient on literate, to the affiliate sales results, a smaller fraction on DKL. three equations, the coefficient wrong on high skilled Similar to the affiliate sales the factor proportions differential variables are negative and significant, consistent with on MINGDP is is half that of affiliate sales in both cases. sign in the equations with DKL equations, the coefficient on freight factors and is In positive and significant, as predicted, and the magnitude of the coefficient is less than half that in the corresponding equation for affiliate sales. the greater and that of the variation in intra-industry trade ratio differential, a differentiated products model, but the magnitude of the response all is 5 replaces the factor proportions differentials with the per worker income differential, 6 replaces them with the capital-labor equation, the coefficients unskilled labor DGPL and is 18 coefficient significant in the equation with negative and significant and affiliate sales equations. The much on MAXGDP has DKL. In all three larger than that in the parallel Roughly similar is used instead, so results obtain for the signs do not report them here. I and significance of the coefficients when a tobit specification Overall, the results of both equations are consistent with the predictions of a differentiated products, factor proportions model for trade, modified to incorporate transport costs, but the affiliate sales equation Moreover, there that is squarely at odds with the predictions of the same model for affiliate sales. a surprising similarity between the responses of the shares of intra-industry affiliate sales and is of trade to differences in particular factor proportions. Indeed, intra-industry shares of affiliate sales and trade appear to differ most in their responses to freight factors and income differences. The lower panel of Table 4 reports estimates comparable to those in Helpman and Hununels, Levinsohn, which use as the dependent variable the Grubel-Lloyd coimtry aggregate intra-industry find that the intra-industry index of trade ratio. Both sets had the predicted negative relationship to variables measuring factor proportions differences two decades ago, but conclude that the relationship has since deteriorated. Hummels, Levinsohn find that The contrary to theory. Columns and 4 use the fiill pair effects are controlled for, the relationship and scales by the total volume of CMINTRA, which is becomes positive, intra-industry trade across trade, as in equation (2). set and columns 4 through 6 repeat the same tests for trade, CTINTRA. Columns of factor differentials, while columns 2 and S include only the per worker income and columns 3 and 6 include only the capital -labor factor, volume of In addition, through 3 of the lower panel of Table 4 report results for the aggregate intra-industry ratio of 1 multinational sales, when country intra-industry index for each country aggregates the industries within a country of authors ratio differential. 1 differential, Each equation includes a coimtry freight averaged across industries." Similar to the industry-level results, the coefficients on both types of literate labor are significantly negative in the affiliate sales equation in be attributable MINGDP is I 1. The coefficient on the capital differential is insignificant, but this to collinearity with other factor variables, similar to the industry equations. as predicted and significant, while those of the equation " column is very good - on around 78. Replacing the MAXGDP and list FF In addition, the sign of are positive but insignificant. 19 The fit of factor differentials with a single income per worker experimented with both weighted and simple averaging; the results are not sensitive so weighted average. may I report only the DGPL, differential, results, in column with some sacrifice in and a 2, capital labor differential, DKL, in column 3 yields surprisingly similar Similar results are also obtained using per capita income differentials, so fit. I do not report them here. The estimates of the intra-industry shares of trade in columns 7 through 9 are very similar to the Levinsohn findings (with the exception of the freight factor). differentials are largely insignificant, with the exception and arable land (which However, the is positive). coefficient on Surprisingly, the the freight factor is In all three equations, the coefficients of unskilled, MINGDP and literate labor (which on Hummels, the factor marginally negative) is MAXGDP variables do not fare negative and significant, as would be expected. much These better. results are robust to the use of per capita income differentials. The of the intra-industry share equations together with the results of multinational activity that a significant part of factors, rather than differences, which is of country-wide intra-industry ratios suggest than and trade flows are fairly similar, even complementarity. The similarity breaks both total inconsistent with a factor proportions account. that the predictions Indeed, the estimates of the differentiated products model for trade down mediated by affiliates, which may in the responses to increases in freight factors, much Comparing The two tests Affiliate Production for however. While affiliate sales Export and Local Sale (Tables 5 and 6) above do not rule out a factor proportions explanation of multinationals; they simply establish does not account for a significant amount of multinational would be careful test of the affiliate sales smaller magnitude, and intra-industry ratios are essentially unaffected. iii. differences fits in part explain flows and intra-industry ratios of trade diminish significantly with increasing transport costs, diminish by a it motivated by similarities in income and proportions of certain types after controlling for trade their that volume equations make a strong case does trade. The roles of relative incomes and income shares in determining affiliate sales better it is total tested using data HOS activity. of factor proportions from input-output matrices and factor endowments, along the hypothesis for trade in Bowen, Learner, and Sveikauskas (1987). industry categories do not permit the degree of vertical separation that which would require Ideally, the role would be necessary lines of the Unfortunately, the for such a rigorous test, factor intensities data not only for individual products, but also for separate activities within 20 each product's business system. activities However, some light based on whether their primary market distinction between horizontal cost differences. Below I can be shed on this issue by distinguishing between by proximity advantages and activity motivated which corresponds roughly local or export-oriented, is vertical activity motivated produced abroad are exported back to the headquarters market, A significantly different factor proportions. by factor be consistent with overseas production destined for export as the category most all varieties of a final good and such activity arises between countries with proximity-concentration explanation predicts that overseas production substitutes for trade in final goods, so that exports back to the home to a exploit this distinction in an attempt to evaluate the factor proportions hypothesis. Recall a factor profwrtions explanation of multinational activity predicts that export affiliate home market should be to third markets, so I zero. Both explanations could focus on affiliate sales destined for likely to reflect factor proportions considerations and contrast it with local sales as the least likely category. Table 5 reports the shares of affiliate production destined for the local market and for export back to the parent market for inward and outward sales, averaged by country and by industry. ratios suggests that for the directions, but particularly affiliate sales US, multinational on the inward sales account for 92 percent of total sales are destined primarily for the destination On side. on aggregate, while exports back ratio with the exception of Canada. On US of sales destined for sale back side, the inward side, only percent of their production to their parents. The side, and iron ore on the inward side. Figure 4a plots the share of inward of illiterate inward which fits Many home is the inward side, local highest for Singapore, Hong a factor proportions explanation fairly well, Taiwanese and Brazilian wood affiliates export more than 5 home market products, and other transportation equipment on the of these industries are resource intensive. affiliate sales same On to the foreign parent account for only exported to the parent against the difference in the ratio labor to unskilled literate labor in the source market relative to the affiliate sales sold locally against the market in both industries with the greatest ratios of exports to the are iron ores, nonmetallic nonfuel minerals, lumber and outward account for only 13 percent. on aggregate, while exports Kong, Canada, Taiwan, and Mexico on the outward the aggregate the outward side, local sales account for 64 percent of total to the affiliate sales 2 percent. Broken down by country, the A simple glance at US factor proportions differential. 21 ratio, and 4b plots the share of The share exported to the parent market exhibits a clear positive relationship to the factor proportion relationship. differential, while the local share has a negative Similarly, figure 4c plots the share of outward affiliate sales exported to the in the ratio of unskilled literate labor to skilled labor in the destination the share sold locally. Again, the share exported home market relative US to the against the difference US and 4d plots ratio, increasing in factor proportions differences, while here is the share sold locally appears uncorrelated. I next present equations that examine these relationships more rigorously. importance of factor proportions differentials in determining with their importance in determining (6) OXShI where all = A destined for export to the the home market affiliate sales sold locally: X^CAP|*XJLABl^*k^B2^*X^LAB3^*kJHND|*)i^GDP^*k^USGDP*X^F|*ef, the independent variables are in logs, and back to the US. affiliate sales The equations compare OXSH is the share of total outward sales comprised of exports similar equation explains the share of outward sales destined for the local market, OLSH.'^ Table 6 reports estimates for equation (6) for the share of outward sales destined for the local market column 1 and the share of sales destined for export back to the US in column share accounted for by local sales decreases in differences in per capita arable land, while it increases in differences in the share accounted for by exports back to the illiterate labor, and decreases of activity the greater is endowments of US endowments of literate unskilled and capital, skilled labor, illiterate labor. increases in differences in per capita in differences in unskilled, literate labor. destination market 2, using a tobit specification. in The and In contrast, endowments of capital and In addition, local sales are a larger share income and the greater are transport costs, consistent with a proximity- concentration hypothesis, while sales for export are unaffected by income levels and fall with increases in transport costs. Estimates of the levels of each type of sales suggest that the difference in responses to factor proportions differences is one of degree rather than kind. Column 3 reports an estimate of the log of the destined for the local market, level of becomes Gross flows are used of outward sales using equation (6), and column 4 reports the same equation for the log of the outward sales destined for export capital differentials '^ OUTL, level to the US, OUTX. Compared insignificant in the local sales equation, in this section. 22 to the share estimates, the coefficient and the coefficient on tmskilled on literate labor differentials becomes The two flows insignificant in the export sales equation. differ most magnitude of in the their responses to destination market income and to freight factors, with local sales three times more responsive to income, and export sales three times more responsive to freight factors. Comparable estimates for inward sales are reported columns 5 through 8 of Table in a tobit estimate of the share of inward sales destined for sale in the US, INLSH, based on equation 6 reports an estimate of the share destined for export back to the parent, response to increases in unskilled, the US on moderately abundant in unskilled is likely to literate labor differentials, be destined for export back to the parent the poorer sales: falls. on outward INXSH. The (6), reports and column shares differ in their with local sales falling and export sales rising. Since literate labor, this the freight factor are consistent with the results Column 5 6. implies that affiliate production in the is US the parent's market in this resource. sales is The above and with a proximity hypothesis results for local the share destined for local sale increases with the freight factor, while the share destined for export The the size of the equation on income are inconsistent, however: the share exported coefficients is home inward export sales, decreasing in the INX, illiterate in The level equations for colunm 8 provide little inward local additional insight. sales, The The fit INL, in of the export share column 7, and for levels of both types of sales are labor differential; given the relative scarcity of this resource in the US, this implies that countries which are relatively abundant in illiterate labor are not fertile ground for corporate headquarters. coefficient on GDP is significantly positive in both equations, and that on home to the source country increases with country market, while the share sold locally actually decreases. particularly poor, however. more freight factors is The significantly negative, although smaller in the local sales equation. A few inferences can be drawn from the two sets of estimates. in high-skill labor differentials (to countries scarce in high-skill labor) (to countries abundant in illiterate labor). Outward Outward sales and increasing sales destined for export of both types are decreasing in illiterate labor differentials back to the US differ from those destined for local sale in that they are increasing in capital and arable land differentials (to countries with either extreme scarcity or abundance of capital and scarce in arable land) differentials (to countries scarce in unskilled, literate labor). illiterate and decreasing in unskilled, literate labor Inward sales of both types are weakly decreasing in labor differentials (from countries abundant in illiterate labor) and weakly increasing in arable land 23 differentials (from countries scarce in arable land). Inward sales destined for export back to the parent differ from those destined for local sale in that they are increasing in unskilled, literate labor differentials (from countries scarce in this resource). relatively poor This implies in capital, multinationals that use the US multinationals use countries that are relatively abundant in illiterate labor and arable land, and unskilled, literate labor as offshore production bases. US as a base for exports back home tend to be relatively poor in unskilled, literate labor (perhaps suggesting they are locating a different part of the production process in the abroad). deficit Further, the US results provide destined for local sales. US compared has a net surplus of sales with countries relatively abundant in with countries relatively poor in arable land. The some evidence illiterate production destined for export back home in factor proportions differences. The The share of both inward and outward while the export shares decreases. outward equations support the hypothesis that the income And tests also that is market support the home are more sales destined for the the coefficients level of the destination determinant of local sales than of export sales, but this result VI. from for the factor proportions hypothesis in explaining the share exported similar to trade in their response to freight factors. in freight factors, affiliates labor and a net differs predictions of the proximity hypothesis for local sales, while affiliate sales destined for export market increases US - back home, while local sales appear to be decreasing local to , that affiliate They provide support Foreign is a on income in the more important not robust in the inward equations. Conclusion The data clearly rejects a pure factor proportions explanation of multinational activities, although factor proportions appear to explain some portion of these activities. Total volumes of affiliate sales (net of internal trade) are strongly increasing in similarities in relative income shares, as identical factor proportions, in affiliate sales. trade, they are and this variable together would be predicted for trade in a model with with transport costs explains over 40 percent of the variation Further, although intra-industry ratios of multinational sales are lower on average than those for still by factor proportion significant, and the variation in intra-industry similarities and relative incomes than factor proportions explanation of multinationals, is that and suggest ratios of multinational sales better explained of trade. Both findings are inconsistent with a pure that a substantial part motivated by similarities rather than differences in factor proportions and incomes. 24 is of multinational activities Some evidence is for the factor proportions account is derived by distinguishing affiliate production destined for sale in the parent's US foreign affiliate production destined for export back to the and unskilled, literate labor, and abundant in illiterate labor, is home market: highest in markets scarce in capital, arable land, while US affiliate production destined for export back to the foreign parent is highest for countries that are scarce in unskilled, literate labor. Interestingly, both the tests on intra-industry ratios and total strong dampening effect on trade flows, and a much volumes confirm that freight factors smaller or insignificant effect on affiliate sales. have a In addition, distinguishing affiliate production destined for export from that destined for local sale reveals an important difference in their responses to transport costs: while export sales diminish as freight factors rise, local sales are either unaffected or increase. Taken activity. together, these results provide only weak evidence of factor proportions motivations for Factor proportion differences are strongest in explaining the f)ortion of affiliate sales that multinational is destined for export back home, which accounts for 13 percent of foreign affiliate production and between 2 and 8 percent of affiliate US production, while local affiliate sales are decreasing in differences in capital and skilled labor endowments. In addition, the results on transport costs shed concentration hypothesis (Brainard, 1993). some light on findings in a companion paper That paper finds that the share of total testing the proximity- flows accounted for by affiliate sales is increasing in freight factors and both the share and level of trade are decreasing, consistent with the proximity-concentration hypothesis. However, the robust. This finding may be partially explained effect of freight factors on the level of by the presence of some affiliate sales is vertical affiliate activity, which would be consistent with the negative relationship between transport costs and affiliate sales destined for export to the market documented above. 25 not home Table lA! Affiliate Sales and Trade Flows, by Country Net of Trade Mediated by Affiliates' 64 Tradeables Industries 1989, $ Millions Table IB; Affiliate Sales and Trade Flows, by Industry Variable Definitiona MTOT TTOT Sum of affiliate sales (net of trade mediated by affiliates) Sum of trade flows (net of mediated by affiliates) MINTRA TINTRA Intra-industry ratio of affiliate sales (net of mediated trade) Intra-industry ratio of trade (net of mediated trade) FF Freight factor: transport cost as percent of value TGDP SHDIF RELSH Total GDP of trade partners Income share differential TGDP*SHDIF DPCY DKL CAP LABI LAB2 LAB3 LAND Differential Differential Differential Differential Differential Differential Differential OUTX OUTL OUTXSH OUTLSH Outward affiliate sales destined for export back to US Outward affiliate sales destined for local sale OUTX /OUT OUTL /OUT INX INL INXSH INLSH Inward affiliate sales destined for export back to parent Inward affiliate sales destined for local sale INX/IN INL/IN in in in in in in in per capita income capital/labour ratio per capita capital endowment per capita endowment of skilled labour per capita endowment of literate, unskilled labour per capita endowment of illiterate labour per capita endowment of arable land 28 Table 2A; Inward (obs=1731) 1 Correlations Table 3; Total Volume of Trade and Affiliate Sales Affiliate Sales MTOt/ = a^TGDPi + a23HDIFi*o^FF/*Y^* a^,jD^->-\iij Trade TTOr/ DEP VAR relsh = mvol e^TGDPi*djSHDIFi*djFFi^*Y^* Qj^jD^t-e^j mvol mvol tvol tvol tvol — Table A. Intra-induatrv Ratios of Trade and Affiliate Sales Industry Ratios Affiliate Sales MINTRa/ B. 4; = nJ^CAP^+K2LABli+n^LAB2+n^LAB3^^n^LAND^+n^MINGDP^+n^MAXGDPJ^ Trade TINTRA/ = Pj^CAP^ + p^LABli + PjLAB2^*p^LAB3i+py^LAND^*piMINGDP^ + p^MAXGDP^ ————————— T— ————————— DEP VAR mintra _________J 1 Table 4; Intra-industrv Ratios of Trade and Affiliate Sales Country Aggregates cmintra DEP VAR ^^__^^^^^^ 1 Table 5; OUTWARD LOCAL COUNTRY RATIO TOTAL Share of Affiliate Sales Sold Locally and Exported Home 64 Tradeables Industries, 27 Countries, 1989 OUTWARD EXPORT HOME RATIO INWARD LOCAL RATIO INWARD EXPORT HOME RATIO BEA OUTWARD LOCAL RATIO OUTWARD EXPORT HOME RATIO INWARD INWARD EXPORT LOCAL HOME RATIO RATIO Table Factor Proportions and Local and Export Affiliate Sales 6; Outward, Levels and Shares A. OLSHi = ^Ji^CAP^*u>^LABl^^lJi^LAB2^*^li^LAB3^*utc,LAND^*lj>^GDP^*<Ji^USGDP^(,i^FFl*\i{ OXShI = A,iCAPj+X2LASlj+X3LAB2j + A,^LAS3j+A,5LAWDj+A,5GZ?Pj+A.,£/SGi3P+XgFF/+e^ Inward, Levels and Shares B. ILSHi = K^CAP^+KjLABlj+KjLAB^^+K^LABJj+KsLAiVDj+KjGriPj+ICjaSGDP+KgFF/'+lA^ IXSh/ = x^CAP^*X2LABl^+t^LAB2^*x^LAB3^+x^LANDitZ^GDP^+:^USGDP+x^FF/+e{ TOBIT DEP VAR _________^ 1 outlsh TOBIT OLS OLS TOBIT TOBIT OLS OLS Appendix; 010 020 080 090 101 102 107 120 133 140 201 202 203 204 205 208 209 210 220 230 240 250 262 265 271 272 275 281 283 284 287 289 291 299 305 308 310 321 329 331 335 341 342 343 349 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 363 366 367 369 371 379 381 384 386 390 BEA Industry Definitions Crops Livestock, animal specialties Forestry Fishing, hunting, trapping Iron ore Copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver Other metallic ores Coal Crude petrol extraction, natural gas Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels Meat products Dairy products Preserved fruits and vegetables Grain mill products Bakery products Beverages Other food and kindred Tobacco products Textile mill products Apparel and other textile products Lumber and wood products Furniture and fixtures Pulp, paper, board mill products Other paper and allied products Newspapers Miscellaneous publishing Commercial printing and services Industrial chemicals and synthetics Drugs Soap, cleaners, toilet goods Agricultural chemicals Chemical products, nee Integrated petroleum refining and extraction Petroleum and coal products, nee Rubber products Miscellaneous plastics products Leather and leather products Glass products Stone, clay, concrete, gypsum, other nonmetallic mineral products Primary metal products, ferrous Primary metal products, nonferrous Metal cans, forgings, stampings Cutlery, hardware, screw products Heating equipment, plumbing fixtures, structural metal products Metal services; ordnance; fabricated metal products, nee Engines, turbines Farm and garden machinery Construction, mining, and materials handling machinery Metalworking machinery Special industrial machinery General industrial machinery Computer and office equipment Refrigeration and service industry machinery Industrial and commercial machinery, nee Household appliances Household audio, video, communications equipment Electronic components and accessories Electrical machinery, nee Motor vehicles and equipment Aircraft, motorcycles, bikes, spacecraft, railroad Measuring, scientific, optical instruments Medical and ophthalmic instruments and supplies Photographic equipment and supplies Miscellaneous manufacturing 35 DISTRIBUTION OF US TRADE & AFFILIATE SALES BY PARTNER'S GDP RANK 1.2 TRADE GDP ^5 Highest 1 2nd 5 ^ 3rd 5 AFFIL. SALES EZLower 1 Figure la DISTRIBUTION OF US TRADE & AFFILM TE SALES BY PARTNER'S PER CAPTTA INCOME RANK 1.2 TRADE GDP ^5 Highest \2nd5 ^3rd5 Figure lb 36 AFFIL SALES ^Lower 12 INTRA -INDUSTRY RATIOS OF TRADE AND AFFILIA TE SALES Slope 0.63 ven 0.1 Figure 2a 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 Intra - Industry Affiliate Sales INTRA -INDUSTRYAFFILIATE SALES RATIOS By Country, 1989 Slope 15 Figure 2b 20 -&9e-6 30 Thousands Per Worker Income Differential INTRA -INDUSTRY TRADE RA TIOS By Country, 1989 0.7 fra 0.6 ft; J" J - 0.5 0.4 0.3 I a 0.2 ^ 0.1 b Figure 2c 35 TWO-WAYTRADE RATIOS BY INDUSTRY AVERAGED OVER COUNTRIES 0.8 101 ^ 0.4 ^ 0.3 386 331 30tn o a2 ^ 102 0.1 202 D3 a2 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 Frei^t Factor Figure 3a 2-WAYAFFILIATE SALES RATIOS BY INDUSTRY AVERAGED OVER COUNTRIES 0.9 101 ^ 0.8 - a? 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