fir Tfc]^ I ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT THE DYNAMICS OF R5D COMMUNITIES: IMPLICATIONS FOR TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY by Michael A. Rappa June, 1989 WP^ 3023-89-BPS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 JUN 101989 THE DYNAMICS OF R^D COMMUNITIES: IMPLICATIONS FOR TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY by Michael A. Rappa June, 1989 KP^ 5023-89-BPS ")N 1 1989 THE DYNAMICS OF R&D COMMUNITIES: IMPLICATIONS FOR TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY by Michael A. Rappa Assistant Professor of Management M.I.T. Presented at May the 8, CORSATIMS/ORSA Conference 1989, Vancouver, Canada Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alfred P. Sloan School of Management 50 Memorial Drive, E52-538 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 USA (617) 253-3627 INTRODUCTION A central task of the research laboratory among allocation of scarce resources developed by the research staff. It is manager a difficult and unrelenting challenge with Whether the horizon or a technology currently in proving less promising than is determine the optimal a variety of technologies that could be clear answers and with the options changing over time. new technology on is to it is a promising development initially thought, the laboratory's ix)rtfolio no that is of projects subject to frequent review and reconsideration. In new what directions should a research laboratory expend its effon? What technologies should be vigorously pursued, and what existing projects should be curtailed? In sorting through these questions, the laboratory assess each technology's potential impact on current business, and estimate the length of time manager must its risks, its return, might take to reach the marketplace—all with an it eye toward what might be done by competitors. The time frame or window for a technology technology is particularly critical to the assessment. may seem significant, depending upon the length of time There is no easy formula it its Even though the potential of a importance will increase or diminish will take to develop. for estimating a technology's window. Over the past several decades the effort to develop the field of technological forecasting has yielded a limited number of approaches, heavily on expen judgement. ' The but even so most firms continue to rely benefits and limitations of fairly well understood: in short, experts in a knowledgeable to judge it, but they are more expen judgement given technology are the most likely to overestimate its potential 'Sec for example. Fusfeld and Spilal. 'Technology Foreca5ling and Planning Environment," 1980, and Mariin and Irvine, Foresighi in are Science, 1985. in the and Coqxsraie underestimate the degree of difficulty in bringing it to fruition. 2 Moreover, it not is unusual to find that for every optimistic opinion an equally pessimistic one can be found. Given that resources are limited, the determination over the worthiness of developing a particular technology may place a laboratory's researchers at odds with one another and the resulting debate can reach an impasse. This can laboratory for the life interesting for manager who needs one who enjoys hearty exchanges, but to take action the slowness in approving become impatient waiting no solace and make effective allocation decisions. Indeed, the entire laboratory atmosphere can become strained, become impatient with is it make for investments in new when researchers projects and managers ongoing projects to yield tangible products or processes. The discovery of superconductivity materials (namely, the at high temperatures in bulk ceramic compound of lanthanum-barium-copper-oxide) in 1986 serves as a excellent example of the challenge posed by an emerging technology. The event, which occurred by two scientists who at the later IBM research laboratory in Zurich, Switzerland were awarded considered today to be extremely significant technological implications and indeed, discovery of the transistor effect in forty years ago. Like the transistor, it a Nobel FYize for in terms of both some believe on its scientific and same scale as the at Bell Laboratories the semiconductor material their effort, is could ultimately lead to vast improvements in areas such as high-speed computing. However, the realization of a computer with components based upon it certain whether it the new superconducting material is not a trivial task nor is could be achieved-let alone when. Several problems will have to be addressed, such as, refining the crystalline structure of the material, improving in its electrical characteristics, fabricating it into useful devices and circuits high volume, packaging the components, integrating these components into the other parts of the system, and resolving the scientific question of why the materials behave as they do. ^See Anderson, Long-Pange Forecasting, Chapter 6, for a discussion of judgmental methods. Also see Luukkonen-Gronow, "Scientific Research Evaluation," 1987, for a review of qualitative and quantitative methods. ^See Muller and Bednorz, "The Discovery of High-Temperarure Superconductors," 1987, and Foner and Orlando, "Superconductors; The Long Road Ahead," 1988. The anticipated speed in overcoming the obstacles facing the application of superconducting ceramics can make all the difference in deciding the proper allocation of a laboratory's resources over time. Yet judgments about the probable time frame for the technology's development are vague often divided. Initially, at best rapid progress leading to even and opinions are more important superconducting ceramic compounds (yttrium-barium-copper-oxide, in particular) generated widespread enthusiasm for near term commercialization of the technology. However, the reality of what sober opinion among some lies ahead now has given rise to a more researchers about the long term nature of the effort. TTie perils of this situation are readily apparent to the laboratory manager: if one accepts the opinion that such a computer can be realized within five years, the appropriate allocation of resources will be substantially different than the opinion that such a Ironically, it was the computer can be realized only within same firm, IBM, which beginning if one holds fifteen years. in the early 1970's attempted to develop a superconducting computer (using niobium alloys), but had to scale back its effort in 1983 spending as after reportedly much as one-hundred million dollars without success.'^ The case of superconducting ceramics is not unique. In the past, have wrestled with similar decisions and they will continue to do so Time and in the future. again, they must grapple with the laboratory's research agenda, seeking to understand momentum and what what new technologies are gaining grinding to a halt at the The purpose of this study is to assist the research laboratory in the development of technology improve their effort to optimize resource allocation. model proposed for assessing the developmental The model focuses on ones are researcher's bench. understanding the rate of progress is managers the manager in in order to Specifically, a theoretical rate of an community of researchers emerging technology. that coalesces around a ^See Robinson. "IBM Drops Superconducting Computer Project," 1983. 'Recent claims regarding "cold fusion," temperature superconductors. if verified, may hold a similar challenge as that of high- See Pool, "Fusion Breakthrough?" 1989. technology: that interrelated is, the scientists and engineers who are committed of scientific and technical problems, and set organizationally and geographically dispersed, but who to solving an who may be nevertheless communicate with each other. The model seeks to uncover the relationship between the structural and behavioral dynamics of this solving the mjtiad of problems certain may changes in the structural "R&D community" and its rate of progress in faces. The theory supports the contention that it and behavioral characteristics of the community be related to the acceleration or deceleration of a technology's progress toward commercial introduction. R&D COVnv^UNTTIES In his influential work The Limits of Organization, Kenneth Arrow that "...organizations are a situations may where be that which the firm helpful to which the price system in R&D means of achieving communities are a the benefits of collective action in fails." means of (or managerial hierarchy) fails. view such communities states Following in a similar vein, it collective action in situations in Given this perspective, it may be as efficient meta-organizational structures for accomplishing certain goals reasonably beyond the reach of the individual researcher or team. Despite the fact that the research community context of the scientific world, largely ambiguous. ^ employed It in university or invisible colleges, in laboratories. its is a familiar concept in the place in the realm of technological development is well understood that scientists (particularly those is government) are members of communities, the so-called which information flows with relative freedom between These communities provide the mechanism by which members mete out recognition and rewards and set the direction for future research. In contrast, technological development *The historian is typically seen as the Edward Constant, whose study of the domain of engineers and development of the turbojet elucidates the role of the technological community, colleges,' research fronts, and the community structure of science, there has been stales: the "While extensive research has been done on little sociological or historical investigation of technological practice." (Constant, 1980, p. 8.) studies of scientific communities see Griffilh and Mullins (1972) and Mullins (1972). 'invisible analogues For earlier industrial firms that employ them. Firms operate how, which then can be leveraged to to establish proprietary know- develop new products or processes that surpass those of competitors. Secrecy, competition, and managerial direction are the qua non of sine the technological landscape. conceptualization of technological development, community of researchers A members may traditional appears that the notion of a once incongruent To view communities as friendly clubs scientific freely share their ideas misleading. is in Community members which are not to fierce competition, racing to stake intellectual claims (typically in the form of journal it this closer examination of science and technology yields exceptions to such broad stereotypes. immune is at it Given articles, but increasingly in the form of patents'') and, even though be contrary to established scientific norms, acting to restrict the flow of information about their research. Likewise, the world of technology is equally as complex. Firms compete, but they also cooperate with each other, allowing technical information to flow among engineers in different organizations. 8 Some engineers attend conferences, present technical papers, and publish the results of their journals sponsored by professional societies. themselves as members of boundary of scientific their firm. a particular Indeed, Like community, this some ''Although ii is may see are scientists, in that they are trained in the the extent that researchers in a domain consider themselves members of community may play an instrumental a peer-review scientists, they too, new technology may a R&D role in influencing the rate and direction of the technology's development. Contrary development of in R&D community, which extends beyond the method and may have doctoral degrees. To particular technological work to established opinion, the not simply the activity of a handful of not new, major research universities, such as MIT and Stanford, are paying MIT has a well-organized staff increased aiteniion to opportunities to patent the inventions of faculty. of professionals dedicated to patenting and licensing activities. technology patenting and licensing activities See Eberlein (1989) for a description of MIT. The importance of patenting is illustrated in the case of cold fusion research with MIT's recent announcement (via press conference) that it applied for patents on a theoretical explanation of cold fusion, just one day after the theory was formulated (see "Fusion at in a Bottle," 1989). 'The flow of information among firms ha.s received attention from von Hippcl (1987) is documented in his in the work of Allen (1979), and recently examination of know-how trading. engineers, or of a firm, but instead many individuals working in numerous organizations spread throughout the world.9 In the context of this study, the R&D community is defined to include individuals in any type of organization, such as universities, private firms, new ventures, quasi-public corporations, and government research institutes, and furthermore, the community can be global in scope. community in that it This concept of a obviously more inclusive than that of an industry, but even more so is includes firms with no regard to what industry they classified (for R&D may be typically example, semiconductors, computers, chemicals, or aerospace) or no matter what segment they may operate in (such as with the semiconductor industry, there are segments dedicated to materials, devices, process equipment, and so forth), so long as they are focusing on some part of the relevant Thus, the community output, as is is set of problems. defined by the problem set and not necessarily by the normally the case with an industry definition. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS In reality, technological this purpose it development is a vastly complex process. But will be treated as a simplified theoretical abstraction. admitted that the theory does not adequately describe technological development as it all It is for readily of the subtleness of might actually occur. However, the intent is to capture the essence of the process such that a basic understanding of the rate of a technology's development can be established. The foundation of development is the model rests on the principle an intellectual process whereby knowledge is that technological created and applied to form new products or processes. The creation and application of knowledge 'Tlie notion of a development in teirns R&D community has been obscured by the tendency to view technological of inventors and their inventions, such as with the Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain and the transistor. However, a careful historical account shows "It is. ..unrealistic to see the men, or of one laboratory, or of Physics, or even of the forties. Rather invention required the contributions of hundreds of scientists, working in many different places, in transistor as a product of three its entails many different fields over many years." (Braun and Macdonald, 1982, p. 43). way of resolving certain problems which stand in the The outcome. 10 committed The central actors are the individual researchers to solving the problems, basic elements of the model Given represented as K. it is who they the state of the world at the time of the technology's body of knowledge interval of (0,«=) t decomposed into is projected as an increasing function over the represented as K(t) its in Figure knowledge, where Given K(t), Assume Figure 1(b). are P(t) state be (t made based on (tc), that K= where the = 1), is P also can be t {0,«»), all homogeneous decomposed units of problems, represented as P(t) in into its where P = Zp. constituent parts, The relationship given as is constant. given the assumptions about K(t) and P(t), a projection can knowledge anained (Kc) is in time of commercialization sufficient to reduce the to a level (Pc) necessary to apply the technology to practice. assumed can be Zk. expectations about the future point level of K that of knowledge and the level of problems to be solved = u/K(t), where u At time Assume the level of problems to be resolved (P) be an inversely let homogeneous between the 1(a). constituent pans represented as k, which are proportional function decreasing over the interval which process in motion. set the are outlined below. initiation, the (2) and who become Let the body of knowledge in a given realm of technology be (1) units of realizing the desired problems Notice that problems will be resolved, and, indeed, the problem solving continues after the technology's initial market entry. asymptotic to the x- and y-axis, implying that at the initial it is activity Furthermore, P(t) stage (t --> 0), P is new will never be satisfactorily resolved— it technologies. It is is the latter 'OThe idea (1985). The work ihal not rise to also important to note that even given the initial assumptions about K(t) and P(t), the probability of finding several disciplines. which gives is some ascertainable, and that as even as time progresses into the future (t —>°°), problems not technology is essentially a solution to knowledge has gained acceptance among scholars For example, see Arrow (1962), Layion (1974), Constant (1980), and Aitken of Kalz and Allen (1985) focuses on technology development as an information processing and problem-solving activity. knowledge, and problem -solving into The a unified each intent here is to link the concepts of information, model of technological development. in 8 problem uncertain. n is referred to as the which is Lastly, problem Ps ( = P, Pc) over the interval - (t > a relatively large value of Ps implies a technology set: a radical departure from the established base of knowledge to reach contrast, a relatively small value of Pj implies a technology nature; that is, it is be c), will more an extension than which is In tc. incremental in from existing base of a departure knowledge. Let Ri (3) create and apply at time by t. knowledge Assume self-interest. = Xr) represent ( in the they are rational, in the economic sense that they are motivated The researcher conducts two knowledge required creation of new to order to resolve the problems facing the technology and communication of information, and the community of researchers who attempt basic activities: (a) the production (b) the transformation of information into to solve problems. Information production implies the data through observation and experiment. Communication of information implies that the researcher can also gather information produced by another researcher, and disseminate to others the information he produces. Knowledge is a distinct entity from information in that knowledge enables the researcher to do something (know-how) or explain something (know-why). Having information does not necessarily imply make either; the researcher first must sense of the information available to him in order to solve problems. 12 The information production, communication and transformation processes are time consuming; therefore, any individual researcher can only accomplish a Assume certain level of effort in a given period of time. time, the amount of information generated by he can perform chooses transformations. transform to own researcher's "The m it into a single researcher (r) knowledge be influenced by the people with are not completely predictable '^The is "Producers [of knowledge] have piresent in a developed by many authors, to make decisions on inputs at the from the inputs. "(p. 610) See find. ..that technological fwogress is a also, Sahal cumulative process of learning to learn probabilistic manner. "(p. 216) literature on technological development tends indistinguishable concepts. See, for example. that may states and unlearn and an expression of the individual concept of uncertainty in technology development who contends "We i, is including (1983) is The information he produces and how he creativity, although he Arrow (1962) who moment, but outputs that in a single period of Arrow (1962). to treat information and knowledge as whom he collaborates. Not useful knowledge. Note transformations are successful in yielding a unit of aJl any given k might be obtained from different also, transformations, or from the same transformation implemented simultaneously, transformation will yield a unit of knowledge, priori, but rather is The by different researchers. albeit independently, probability that a particular p(m) = k, cannot be determined a learned over time as researchers generate information and perform transformations. Moreover, the relevance of any piece of information that (in might form part of the transformation which yields k) cannot be determined a it priori. The growth rate of in (Zm) diverse of transformations (Si) and information the commercialization (Kz = Kg expected that greater levels in the production of new knowledge (3K/3t) that are is performed, subject to the available amount of additional knowledge required - K,): that is, of in the diversity units of /(Xm 9K/3t = I Zi, K^). for It is m will be associated with higher rates knowledge. Moreover, the likelihood of success of any given transformation improves as the amount of information increases and as the number of a function of the amount of knowledge necessary it draws on for commercialization decreases. 13 The research community, R, Xi] = Xi2 = Sis •••Zin; perfectly non-contiguous information is that if is, is said to be perfectly contiguous if for each r, information for each r, Zii is '^ symmetric. Ziz '' asymmetric. The degree of contiguity of R Conversely, Zis-.-Zini is R is that is, influenced by the existence of organizational boundaries between researchers and their economic motivations. Organizational boundaries are important for two reasons: first they give rise to information asymmetries because they impede the flow of information and increase the cost of information gathering. As a result, organizational boundaries can slow the rate of production of k within a community by reducing the amount of information available to each researcher. However, organizational boundaries can also enhance the rate of k production to the extent "This notion can be understood At the full, start, the puzzle the ease in fmding is in it terms of Kuhn's (1970) jig-saw puzzle analogy of science. quite difficult, but as pieces are linked together and the picture the next piece to fit increases the increases. becomes more 10 diversity of m R pursued by as a whole, since researchers in different organizations are likely to have different information sets and use different transformations. The communication impedance overcome via researchers who who effect of organizational boundaries is act as technological gatekeepers--that tend to communicate with others in different organizations. is, 14 researchers Given the economically rational behavior of researchers, the communication of information across boundaries occurs as a form of quid pro quo.n Boundary-spanning communication is defined here in a restricted sense as person-to-p)erson exchanges and does not include publications. (Papers are very limited mechanisms for information exchange because of the delay in publication, the problems in encoding complex information, and the inability to ensure fair exchanges. Published papers can serve as a mechanism, like patents, to stake The (4) researcher's objective is to claims to knowledge.) maximize the number of units of k he produces and can lay claim to before other researchers. Each knowledge unit has potential value, but it is assumed depends upon whether or not that the ultimate value of the researcher's claims problems necessary for reaching the point of all commercialization are resolved and the length of time taken. That has value only have. to to it is The when it is used, and the sooner researcher does not need to produce inconsequential to him who it all is is, knowledge used the greater value the knowledge required it will to reach solves the other problems, as long as his claims one or more k are established. The researcher's intellectual capital consists of disciplinary knowledge specialized knowledge (IM). assumed It is that is held in that flows from his common work two components: general with other researchers, and related to a particular technology that the researcher can contribute to alternative technologies within the realm of his disciplinary knowledge, and that he time. '*See Allen (1979). is free to switch at any 1 Since his choice is guided by the objective to maximize Zk, the researcher is motivated to enter only those fields in which he believes the transformation process has a high probability of yielding him units of knowledge he can claim. The value of p(m) = k is learned over time as the Thus researchers perform increases. field may be encouraged to enter a he believes might have a high value of p(m), but the actual probability can only be determined with experience. (i.e., a researcher number of transformations If p(m) is equal to or greater than expected the task of acquiring k is easier than anticipated), then the researcher will remain in the field; however, if /7(m) is lower than expected (i.e., acquiring k is harder than anticipated), then the researcher might switch to another field with The switching behavior of a researcher higher perceived p{m). is moderated by the length of time he spends contributing to a technology's development and the A amount of knowledge claims he accumulates. knowledge (Zk) becomes a sunk time, the less hkely he (5) above into At a Figure 2).i5 is to exit this point, it is possible to tc. draw together The (Xm). (Z'l) - tc 1)- in set confronting them, implies a toward commercial introduction of the technology (5tm/3t, where The resulting rate of progress, in turn, influences the decision of a importance to the acceleration or deceleration is Since the size of the produced and in the how many is of critical production of knowledge. important to notice that the researcher's decision to enter or exit a field '^To be more precise, for 1), each instant of time transformations are performed, the entry or exit decision of researchers communities. = researchers' effort yields a rate of growth in community determines how much information It is (t and perform a certain number of researcher to enter, remain in or leave the community. research development (see new technology number of researchers involved (Ri) who knowledge (3K/3t > 0) which, given the problem tm = the basic elements outlined the process of technological produce a cenain amount of information rate of progress the researcher accumulates over begin, suppose that at the initiation of a there are a certain transformations more k a field prior to dynamic model of To the cost: researcher's specialized it may be possible to formulate a systems Although not presented here, one an overview of system dynamic modclhng. is dynamic model of currently under consideration. R&D See Roberts (1981) 12 subject to consideration over time. The attractiveness of developing a particular technology changes over time, as more is not a one-time choice, but rather information is is produced and researchers learn the probabilities information into knowledge. in other technologies, Its attractiveness also may be in transforming this influenced by changes and indeed a variety of other events, all of which will be reflected in the researcher's decision. Suppose, as time progresses, the degree of difficulty transforming in information into the required knowledge becomes more apparent and it is lower than expected. This will result in an acceleration in the rate of knowledge growth (32K/9t2 > 0) that implies a point of commercialization sooner than anticipated. Some researchers will respond to this change in conditions by entering into the field (3R/8t > 0), which and will contribute to the production of information transformation process and feed the acceleration further. Conversely, suppose the transformation process performed by researchers proving more difficult than is expected. This will result in a deceleration in the growth of knowledge (32K/3t2 < 0) and, consequently, the point of commercialization will be shifted further out into the future. This is a negative signal to potential entrants and exit of researchers from the field (subject to their mentioned above.) The effects of these changes are The impact of the burgeoning community may sunk cost considerations illustrated in Figure 3 on dKJdt the flow of researchers into a field community's structure and behavior: 4. moderated by that is, the contiguity assume illustrate this point, conditions of perfect contiguity and perfect non-contiguity. In the research community grows, Thus researchers are assumed to have the all of transformations performed is researchers are employed by of the is working from is maximized. Simply community has case, as the same organization. set, but the diversity stated, in employed a different set and performing independent transformations, such is first the extreme limited by the researchers' mutual influence. In the organization. Thus, each researcher transformations the same information second case, as the community grows, each researcher the is and as determined by the distribution of researchers across organizations and the communication between them. To all also lead to the one that in a separate of information the diversity of situation each researcher in a wealth of information but a limited number of approaches in 13 transforming that information into knowledge; in the other situation, although the community generates the particular researcher small and the variety of approaches taken is same amount information, the amount available to any is great STRATEGIC CONSIDERATIONS Technology strategy has tended principal units of analysis. is It community may have something on the firm and industry as the proposed here to add may prove development, and thus to focus that the concept of an R&D our understanding of technological to useful in the strategic considerations of managers. This section will review the possible benefits of an R&D community perspective to technology strategy. First, examination of the R&D community broadens analysis of firms in a panicular industry (as define by its attention products), to from all types of organizations in various types of industries and sectors of the economy. This comprehensive perspective can be most new technology, since a whole semiconductor technology, industry based on it lead to the formation of a the established the efforts of these the case of the in more understanding the emergence of a may form from industry For example, disparate organizations. the new critical in the new emergence of industry distinct from technology (that is, vacuum tube manufacturers). 16 Second, analysis of R&D communities of emerging technologies. development for evolution of the industry by many firm's technology a It is typical for decade or more prior R&D to may emerging technologies commercialization. community can precede years. Strict focus development Third, focusing on the to be in Therefore, the the formation of an identifiable on the industry may lead to chronic lags in a efforts. R&D community may provide managers with insight into the structure of the social 6See Braun and Macdonald provide for better anticipation network among researchers and communication (1982). 14 flows. The evolving network structure may be an early signal to the formation of between firms as the technology approaches commercial strategic alliances Also, analysis of the network structure will enable the firm to introduction. determine whether or not grapevine." Where available to its it is fum a it the network determines sits in researchers. network, so long as adequately--as researchers say--"plugged-in to the TTie firm does not knows and have how much infoimation node to be a central interacts with those organizations is in the which are the central nodes. Fourth, the R&D community perspective dimension of technological development, and strategic interdependence produce all which may arise. highlights the collective action in this way it addresses directly the Unless a researcher or a firm can the necessary information and resultant knowledge required commercialization of a technology, then the technology's development a collective action is for ultimately problem where the decisions of researchers and firms are interdependent. Managers can view themselves in a adversarial position, where the object is to monopolize claims knowledge with respect to all units of to a panicular technology; or mangers can see themselves faced with a collective action problem, at the same time promoting the technology's development among other organizations so that all the in which the goal is to establish some claims to knowledge while necessary knowledge will be established. The approach taken has implications risk facing the firm. for the return, rate of development, and In the first case, the return is relatively high, but the speed at which the technology develops may be slower and effort great. rate of the risk of absolute failure in the In comparison, in the second case the return development faster The well-known and the risk of absolute failure historical example may be less. that illustrates this development of semiconductor technology beginning with the invention of the point contact transistor strategy to promote development of transfer information and at lower, but the concept Bell Laboratories, the transistor to the transistor. After the AT&T the technology broadly holding knowledge about is all pursued a symposia to other interested organizations, and offering low-royalty Hcenses on the transistor patent. The effect 15 on the growth of a semiconductor organizations did critical R&D community was noticeable, as many more become involved advancements in in developing the transistor. Indeed, many semiconductor technology necessary for commercialization of the technology came from researchers outside of Bell Laboratories, researchers who might not have taken part in the technology's development had it not been for AT&Ts promotional efforts. CONCLUSION This paper proposes the idea in that the "R&D community" is a useful concept understanding the rate of a technology's development toward commercialization. An initial theoretical exposition is implications for technology strategy. fully understand the A importance of Clearly much more is research is required to conception of technological development. research program focused on the study of technological development R&D communities in currently in progress. This research seeks to identify and measure changes over time R&D this provided, and a brief discussion of the in the structural and behavioral characteristics of communities and the relationship between these factors and the rate of progress achieved. Technologies under investigation include: -GALLIUM ARSENIDE INTEGRATED dRCUTTS -JOSEPHSON JUNCTION DEVICES -REDUCED INSTRUCTION SET COMPUTERS NETWORK COMPUTERS -MAGNETIC BUBBLE MEMORY STORAGE DEVICES -IvTEURAL -HIGH-TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTING MATERIALS -POLYPROPELENE PROCESS TECHNOLOGY -EPDM RUBBER PROCESS TECHNOLOGY -MICROGRAVITY MATERIALS PROCESSING Although these studies are already yielding a wealth of information about communities, further research is required for insight into why R&D R&D communities 16 function as they do and to provide better a understanding of the implications for technology strategy. 17 BreLIOGRAPHY Allen, TJ., Managing Annstrong, J.S., Arrow, K.J., Flow of Technology (Cambridge: MIT the Long-Range Forecasting, 2nd Edition (New York: Wiley, 1985). "Economic Welfare and ihe Allocation of Resources for Invention" in Direction of Inventive Activity, Arrow, Kenneth Press, 1977). J., NBER The Rale and (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1962). 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Mullins, N.C., "The Development of a Scientific Specialty," Minerva 10 (1972): 51-82. Pool. R., "Fusion Breakthrough?" Science 243 (1989): 1661-1662. Roberts, E.B., Managerial Applications Robinson, A.L., and System Dynanvcs (Cambridge: MIT "IBM Drops Superconducting Computer Project," Science. Press, 1981). Ill (1983): 492- 494. Rogers, E.M., "Information Exchange and Technological Innovation," in D. Sahal, (ed.), The Transfer and Viilizalion of Technical Knowledge (Lexington: Heath, 1982). Sahal, D. "Invention, Innovation and Economic Evolution," Technological Forecasting and Social C/w/igf 23 (1983): 213-235. Sahal, D. "Technological Progress and Policy," in D. Sahal (ed.), The Transfer and Utilization of Technical Knowledge (Lexington: Heath, 1982). von Hjpf)el, E.A., "Cooperation Between Rivals: Informal 16(1987): 291-302. Know-How Trading," Research Policy FIGURE (a) K Kt Pc ic 1 FIGURE 2 KNONM-EDGE R.ATEOF INFORMATION PROGRESS LN DEV'ELOPMENT RESEARCH COMMUNIPJ' nCfRE nGLTRF.4 3 Kt Kt Pc Pc IC t tc i+8i+7 U2 1 Date Due NOV 13 JUN US 119:}0 Lib-26-67 MIT 3 LIBRARIES DUPl TDflD 1 0DSb73T5 b .- ?