Dfc HD28 .M414 % ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Do Nominated Boundary Become Spanners Effective Technological Gatekeepers? Kumar S. Nochur Thomas J. Allen WP # 3198-90-BPS June 1990 MASSACHUSETTS TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 INSTITUTE OF Do Nominated Boundary Become Spanners Effective Technological Gatekeepers? Kumar S. Nochur Thomas J. Allen WP # 3198-90-BPS June 1990 f\ Abstract recent years, organizations have started formally assigning In technical professionals to this study spanners we examine in transferring organization to its fill the role of technological gatekeepers. In the effectiveness of such nominated boundary technologies from the operating units. We R&D find that center of a large more than half the designated liaison agents do not function as gatekeepers because they lack either for the internal being effective or external in that role. communication networks that are critical Introduction Numerous researchers have pointed out transfer can be facilitated by the presence of special different organizational identified task-force groups, corporate level, mechanisms that various their ideas as integrate the values, a research result in is to for for this According to to groups staff at individual of organizational purpose. coordinating this generally the same: mechanism formal between them. a key factor is and perspectives roles, some divisions through some examples companies have used but the underlying idea conflicts the boundary Quinn and Mueller (1963) have corporate development units, Other descriptions and classifications exist, agents, liaison research groups with special budgets, and who champion researchers units. technology of who span operating either individually or as part of a group, between process that the there role also a need is to different functional of resolve differences and Roberts and Frohman (1978), "when be transferred, movement research personnel of is the project's survival through the torturous journey toward manufacturing or the market." Allen (1977) has identified the technological gatekeeper in The gatekeeper functions. boundary spanning the context of is R&D and role of the other technical who connects an He keeps up with a high technical performer organization with outside sources of technology. technical developments outside the organization by reading the professional literature because Further, experts. of his proven technical competence he As a frequently consulted on technical matters. acts as a very effective channel across organizational boundaries. initially identified by Allen in for is the gatekeeper technical information Though the gatekeeper phenomenon was the context of R&D project groups, the role information transfer has been extended and in terms analyzed in other contexts also (Roberts, In result, transferring definition of more and by communicating with external technical recent years there has been a trend 1978). in technical organizations towards formalizing the role of the gatekeeper. In this study we examine whether people effectively such formally designated boundary spanning roles in fulfill Data charter. their the study were gathered from for company geographically separate operating divisions of a large five The company's Corporate Research Center energy resources industry. (CRC) technologies to at the new responsible for developing and disseminating is the in these operating To units. facilitate exploration transfer process this divisions has a formally designated operations level, each of the Technology Resource Group (TRG) whose members are charged with two tasks: 1) act as internal consultants to in providing technical information, and 2) to act as a liaison with the and promoting learning about technologies developed there their CRC by use by the professionals. divisional The members TRG of the are the focus of our attention nominated boundary spanners. the divisions and the emergence of We we paper this In examine the degree and technical gatekeeping. facilitate and solving technical problems identify the between of overlap as their role in gatekeepers in TRG membership also discuss the factors that prevent or nominated liaison agents as effective gatekeepers. Thirty-two technical members 282) are professionals of the charged with the task of approach the divisions in Technology Resource Group. communicating with the technologies developed there important to see Resource Group Members Technical of Profile among this issue from a number a in this of angles, liaison of total Since they are and promoting new other divisional professionals, they are successful if CRC (out of We role. each touching on a it is will different aspect of the boundary spanning function. 1. TRG Communication with the CRC to communicate more professionals. This is 1.7 communication partners mean statistically We : CRC at the CRC (p<0.001). TRG members of the had, on average, during the last year, contacts for non-members. significant would expect members than do other divisional borne out by the data. the of 0.7 with the Further, This difference 69 percent of compared is them had at to least CRC one contact with the 2. compared the last year, as in 32 percent to sample (p<0.001). rest of the for the Visits to the interaction with the CRC The coordinating CRC, which should result would role : call more for TRG members in making more visits to the CRC than other divisional professionals. The mean number of visits reported by TRG members is 2.5, almost double the mean However, the proportion of TRG of 1.3 for non-members (p=0.002). members who had visited the CRC (69%) is not significantly different from the proportion for non-members (60%), indicating that those who are not the members of the TRG as just as likely TRG members do so more frequently. 3. Exposure programs to to Programs Orientation have to visited the CRC The : to runs orientation 34 percent their work. members had attended the orientation sessions non-members was 35 percent. but that new CRC developed acquaint divisional professionals with technologies that would be relevant CRC, of TRG CRC, whereas at the the proportion for 4. Adoption of Technologies from the CRC adopted by whereas the mean TRG : staff of over the years for other divisional many of number of new last three professionals indicating that the special nature of their task adopt a greater new The mean number is technologies 1.6 0.7 (p<0.001), is TRG does lead members to Further, almost twice as technologies. them (72%) adopt new technologies as compared to non-members (37%). 5. Contacts with other communication partners within the data. The mean number of TRG members 6. to the from the Attitudes mean for This is whom 3.3. : We would have more to their divisions. people with communicated over the previous year different professionals divisional expect (as did the organization) a is not borne out by TRG member This is not significantly other divisional professionals, which regarding the CRC CRC, one might expect TRG : Because members of their greater to hold attitudes is 3.1. exposure towards the CRC that are divisional based on more employees. first-hand experience as compared to other Scores on the three perception factors determined through an attitude survey show that the attitudes of Technology Resource Group members are significantly professionals with regard to more favorable than those the perceptions of relevance of other of CRC and approachability of researchers (Table I). On the perception CRC's user-orientation with reference to the divisional professionals, TRG members did not differ significantly from their projects of colleagues. Table I Members of the Technical Resource Group about the Corporate Research Center Attitudes of Members Mean Factor Score of TRG (N=30) sophistication and difficulty of comprehension, these as judged by experts in The other two journals are more in the nature of trade From Table to read and understand. fields. magazines and are judged as easy we note that demanding of TRG journals, II members rank higher in readership of the technically while non-members reported more regular readership the trade journals. Table Journal Readership by Members II Resource Group of the Technical Readership* Non- Members Journal members of TRG (n=248) (N=31) Geophysics 5.1 4.3 0.004 Geophysical Prospecting 3.1 2.3 0.02 3.5 4.5 0.008 3.9 4.1 N.S. Oil and Gas Journal The Leading Edge * According 12 to the following scale: J Do read Mann-Whitney U personally adopt more to 1 1 J 4 5 6 Read once in all profile descriptions, connected with the divisional 3 J 7 Read regularly a while tests From the above better at 1 L not CRC it is new technologies from professionals. It influence the adoption of clear that and the hard technical the CRC TRG members than other appears therefore that they are new technologies by are They also literature. in a position other divisional employees. If potential this is realized respondents who have consulted with we would practice, in TRG members to expect have adopted more new technologies than those who did not have any interactions with them. A test of this hypothesis shows that the adoption behavior is not TRG by communicating with affected significantly Table consultants (Table III). III Association between Contacts with TRG and Technology Adoption members Respondents not who have no with links in TRG at least TRG Members link one with TRG (n=153) (n=95) Proportion who have adopted at least one technology from the Corporate Research Center in the last three years Mean number * of 39% 0.66 technologies adopted N.S. 0.75 N.S. Chi-square test Mann-Whitney U A plausible members seek tests explanation for this their help only for the interaction does not result It 34% is also likely that though the links with the individual CRC in is that those who consult with TRG narrow problem solving needs, so that any actual transfer TRG members of new technologies. taken as a group have more and adopt more technologies on average, there might be differences in their cancel out at the aggregate gatekeeping effectiveness which level. To probe this matter we now might turn to an analysis of the true gatekeepers (those with both high external and high communication) internal gatekeeping of the role in defining the gatekeeper is 1977): an 'external communication connected substantially more than technical • he is Divisions the in characteristics of a gatekeeper are generally specified along two dimensions (Allen, • emphasis on the particular staff. Gatekeepers The with the divisions, TRG a top technical performer who communication gatekeepers. links in with matters. is more organizational colleagues than This characteristic being an 'internal communication of This internal the gatekeeper developing his he frequently consulted by is organizational colleagues on technical consultant role results i.e. organization outside the information star', colleagues with sources his is non- generally described as that of star'. Therefore, the gatekeeping role involves two functions — a It is the communication function and a technical consulting function. combination of these in one person that makes the gatekeeper such an channel effective There interna! to is for transferring a certain arbitrariness or external communication technology. in deciding whether an individual star because there is no one an is right way determine a cut-off point such that people below that point are not communication gatekeeper role stars, is whereas those above it are. In often operationalized by specifying one standard deviation above the mean on Another important issue for identifying all practice, the a cut-off point of the relevant measures. gatekeepers is the frame of reference: should a person be classified on the basis of the communication behavior he himself reports, or should his role as described by other people be the basis for deciding whether he is a gatekeeper? We between gatekeepers distinguish by referring them as to sources of bias and error communication partners names of have substantial fact On if the contrary, if links some respondents may whom a particular person we can be more effectively criterion for in is of list aimed at not report the may is in the organization. consistently named as a CRC, the division as well as at the confident that this nominated gatekeeper does the gatekeeper role. fill a number of they communicate, though they or outside within communication partner by people then to they suspect that the survey the people with all and nominated gatekeepers, respondents may provide a long -- gatekeepers; further, identifying under these different methods measures may be subject Self-reported respectively. identified self-reported Therefore examining the gatekeeping role of we TRG shall primarily in fact use this members. following procedure was used to A questionnaire was filled out by which they listed the names of others in their Based on these considerations, the identify the divisional gatekeepers. divisional professionals whom division with each division, in they communicated at least a few times per year. a master list respondents was compiled. the number of of all the names mentioned by all For each of these names, a count respondents who had mentioned The mean it. For the was made for of these was computed for each division. Those people whose frequency was one standard deviation above the mean for that division were designated as internal communication stars. Similar questionnaires frequencies were administered at the the Researchers' contacts in CRC and processed the divisions in a similar fashion. were tabulated and those who were mentioned with a frequency one standard deviation above the mean were designated as external communication stars. almost identical for names appeared on stars all the of the lists five divisions The (Table cut-off points IV). were Individuals whose as both internal and external communication were designated as gatekeepers. Table IV Criteria Identifying for Number of Regional Gatekeepers Internal Number nominated contacts with divisional colleagues to be an Commn. of nominated contacts with Corporate Research Center to be an Star External Commn. Star Domestic Region A Domestic Region B Domestic Region C International Region A International Region B A total of 19 gatekeepers were identified together (Table V). that Out of these 19, 15 were in all the divisions taken TRG members. Thus we find 78 percent of the gatekeepers are members of the formally designated liaison groups membership of the in the divisions. TRG, we note that only However, looking 38 percent of its at the total 39 members emerge as gatekeepers. This partly explains our finding that contacts members is not associated with a significant increase in the with TRG number of technologies adopted by non-members. 10 Table Distribution of Gatekeepers and Number Region of Gatekeepers V TRG Members in the Regions Number of Number of Number of TRG Gatekeepers TRG Members Members not in TRG who are also Gatekeepers Domestic Region A 11 basis of the internal and external links that they themselves reported. Only seven are internal communication stars. percent is This proportion of 22 almost identical with the proportion of non-TRG are internal communication stars according to However, 13 TRG members were percent of their proportion of 41 percent prevailing the for rest members who self-reported data. external communication stars and this total of the is higher than the significantly divisional professionals 17 (Chi-square = 9.8, p < 0.002). The data also show that there are four self-reported gatekeepers who members of the Technical Resource Group. In addition to these four, there are many other non-members who are well connected either There are 56 such with their divisional colleagues or with the CRC. professionals who are internal communication stars and 43 who are This underscores the need for managers in external communication stars. are not the divisions to develop the gatekeeping potential of these individuals by helping them develop the missing internal or external linkages. to Influence of CRC Experience on Communication and Technology Adoption Roberts and Frohman (1978) and Cohen, et the value of personnel transfer from research technologies downstream the data to see the company's if in divisional CRC the organization. professionals exhibit significantly adoption behavior as compared to al to In (1979) have pointed out section this who had worked better for in communication and VI). at the is As would be expected because CRC as their colleagues without such experience. reported having adopted almost twice as the respondents. before of their prior experience, the ex-researchers had almost three times as with the CRC The communication and adoption data compared with the rest of the divisional the divisions. these ex-researchers personnel (Table previously at other respondents. There were 17 divisional scientists who had worked they started work move we examine operating units to many many They contacts also technologies as the rest of 12 Table VI Communication and Technology Adoption bv Regional Professionals with Corporate Research Center Experience Regional Professionals who 13 We next examine if ex-researchers are better coupled with the compared with divisional colleagues as worked at had more CRC. We contacts with the well the other hand, of both members as who VII). have not TRG TRG members who are not in and the group had But these ex-researchers are not as TRG members. On the four ex-researchers who are in the TRG exhibit a lower internal and external communication than other TRG connected with degree TRG members who CRC, on average, than worked there before (Table not to note that ex-researchers CRC their divisional well as other colleagues as the non-TRG ex-researchers. no are only four such individuals, be drawn about anomalous behavior. this statistically Table However, since there significant conclusions can VII Members of the Technical Resource Group about the Corporate Re search Center Attitudes of Comparison of TRG Members TRG Members who also are ex- researchers (n=4) Mean number within Mean number are not ex- researchers (n-28) and without Corporate Research Center experience with of links region with the who TRG Members 2.3 3.4 2.9 N.S. 1.5 1.7 2.2 N.S. of links Research Center Kruskall-Wallis k sample test 14 and Conclusions Discussion The major finding from this study 38% that only is of formally designated liaison agents actually perform as gatekeepers. boundary spanning that the individuals strong expected in to This suggests be performed by such because most practice of high degree of internal and/or external communication that lack the needed is unrealized substantially is role that one important gatekeeper satisfy to criterion, i.e. them is the presence of communication networks. Our study shows assigning people that effective to that fill formed over a period overnight to fulfill Effective communication networks are as formal and informal contacts are of time developed and cultivated. gatekeeping cannot be mandated just by role. This process cannot be made happen to the charter of a designated boundary spanning role. Instead of nominating individuals, without the benefit of a careful selection process, to be gatekeepers, organizations would do better by selecting positions individuals already where known their strengths to be effective gatekeepers can used to to maximum advantage. The process of transfer can be greatly enhanced by giving such communication stars the responsibility, rewards and supporting budget and transfer technologies developed outside However, if effective by selecting credibility and strong cultivate the "missing" transfers, exposure facilities rotation, to to actively track organizational units. professionals with gatekeeper characteristics can not be readily found, formally assigned more their to boundary spanning roles can internal or external component and still be made people who have both high technical visits to orientation programs; promote greater via networks and by helping them mechanisms (Allen, technology source units; and design and internal 1977) such as: priority location of physical communication. 15 References: Allen, T.J. 1977. Managing the Flow of Technology . Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Cohen, H., Seymour, Technology from Research no. 3, and K., to Streeter, D. 1979. Development". "The Transfer of Research Management, vol. 11-17. Quinn, J.B., and Mueller, Operations". J. A. Roberts, E.B. 1978. Research Management, "What do we vol. 21, Roberts, E.B., and Frohman, Research "Transferring Research Results to 1963. Harvard Business Review, Utilization". really no. 6, A.I. vol. 41, no. 1, 49-66. know about managing R&D?" 6-11. 1978. Technology Review, "Strategies for Improving vol. 80, no. 5, 32-39. 22, Date Due Mil I 3 III I II III TOfiO LIBRARIES III |||| II II II I III III OObllOlfl 5