DiittftY HD28 .iyi414 DOES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LEAD TO SMALLER FIRMS? Erik Brynjolfsson Thomas W. Malone Gurbaxani Ajit Kambil Vijay November 1989 CiSR Sloan WP WP No. 211 No. 3142-90 No. 106 CCS WP Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Sloan School of Technology Management 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 DOES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LEAD TO SMALLER FIRMS? Erik Brynjolfsson Thomas W. Malone Gurbaxani Ajit Kambil Vijay November 1989 CISR WP No. 211 WP No. 3142-90 CCS WP No. 106 Sloan © 1989 E. Brynjolfsson, T.W. Malone, V. Gurbaxani, A. Kambil Center for Information Systems Research Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology J I. -' t 1 1- - .:J0 Does Information Technolog>' Lead to Smaller Firms? Abstract We examine the relationship between information technology capital and firm using industry data for the entire U.S. economy. The results indicate that increased size stocks of information technology are associated with significant decreases in firm size as measured by the number of employees. One explanation for this observations is that information technology enables reduced levels of vertical integration and our analysis of data for the U.S. manufacturing sector supports this explanation. We also find that the on organizations are most pronounced after a lag of two years. While the correlations we find cannot, of course, prove causality, the evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that information technology reduces transaction costs and coordination costs, enabling a shift from hierarchies to markets as a means of coordinating economic activity. effects of information technology The authors would like comments and insights, numerous helpful and in improving the specification of the econometric model. We would also like to thank the Management in the 1990s project. Digital Equipment Corporation and the UCI Committee on Research for pro\iding funding for this research. to thank Professor Ernst Berndt for his especially in identifying the relevant data sources 1. 2. Introduction: the research problem 1 Background and hypotheses 2.1 Trends in the Icey variables 2.1.1 Firm size 2 2 3 Information technology 2.2 Theoretical studies of IT and firm 2.1.2 3. 5 size 5 Data and methodology 3.1 8 The data 8 3.1.1 Information technology capital and total capital 3.1.2 Firm size: employees per establishment and per firm 3.1.4 Data grouping and Methodology 3.2.1 The basic model 3.2.2 The lagged model dummy variables 13 14 15 17 Results 4.1 Regressions on establishment 4.2 Are the results an Conclusion 5.1 Summan,' 5.2 Future research NOTES and 17 size artifact of the 4.3 Information technology 5. 11 12 3.3 Predicted signs of the coefficients 4. 9 10 3.1.3 Vertical integration 3.2 8 CBP data? vertical integration 20 23 25 25 26 28 1. Introduction: the research problem Industrialized economies have recently entered a period of substantial organizational change. This transition has been likened to a "second industrial divide" (Piore and Sabel, 1984) or even the beginnings of a "post-industrial society" (Huber, 1984; and the studies reviewed therein). Among the postulated aspects of the transition are decreases in firm size, a shift to externally provided services, less hierarchical management processes specialization, and increases The growing drop in within firms, a shift from mass production to flexible in product and service variety. attention to these organizational changes has coincided with a rapid the price of computing power (Gordon. technology (IT)' usage, and one in general. infers, 1987), significant increases in information decreases in the price of information processing Unfortunately, empirical research on the relationship between IT and organizational structure has produced few if any reliable generalizations. taken as a whole, the literature on IT impacts presents many Indeed, when contradictory results (Attewell and Rule, 1984). We investments have recently been able to obtain detailed, economy-wide data on in IT in the U.S..' enabling the use of econometric techniques to more 1 broadly study impact. its The principal aim of this paper is to perform an empirical examination of the impact of information technology on an important characteristic of economic organization: firm Because firm economy size is as well as size as measured by the number of employees per a key variable in some of many of the descriptions of a post-industrial the theories on the impact of information technology, our results should also help illuminate the theoretical literature firmer empirical base. For firm. and put future work on a instance, our findings that increases in information technology stock are associated not only with declines in employees per firm, but also with reduced vertical integration, support the theory that information technology reduces transaction costs (Brynjolfsson, Malone and Gurbaxani, 1988) and coordination costs (Malone, Yates and Benjamin, 1987; Malone and Smith, 1988). The paper consists of five main sections. Section II provides background on the recent trends in IT usage and average firm size, and presents a brief discussion of the hypothesized relationship between these two variables. methodology and data used regressions and explores in this study. In section III, we explain the Section IV presents the basic results of the some explanations for the results. We conclude with some interpretations of the results and suggestions for further research in section V. 2. 2.1 Background and hypotheses Trends in the key variables The data number the and Whether or not Firm new trends in the last 10 years: 1) firm size, as measured by of employees in the average business establishment, has decreased substantially, 2.1.1 reveal two 2) the real stock of information technology has grown enormously. the trends are related, the evidence for each independently is strong. size Recent trends are widely reported. in firm size Piore (1986) cites data from Count)' Business Patterns showing that the average establishment size has been Using a decreasing since the 1970s, reversing an earlier trend towards ever-larger firms. different data set. Birch (1979) data revealed that the all new 12% of jobs while the findings. His analysis of Dun & Bradstreet 66% 27% of establishments under 20 employees accounted for 46% of establishments that had over 100 employees generated only of new jobs. More recently, the trend has apparently intensified. Statistics reports that new had similar from 1980 to 1986 firms of The Bureau under 100 employees created jobs while firms of over 1000 employees experienced a net loss of The phenomenon is industrial countries. not unique to the U.S. but As shown in graph Netherlands also show a recent decrease early 1970s (Huppes. 1987). 1, is six million 1.5 million jobs.^ also being experienced by other data from the in of Labor average firm UK, Germany, and size, major the despite increases until the Carlsson (1988) also found a similar pattern in the manufacturing sectors of other Western industrial countries and hypothesized that facilitated was it by computer-based technology. Our examination a function of of data reveals that the decrease in average establishment size two complementar)' trends: 1) in sectors that have many large firms, such as manufacturing, overall emplojTnent has not kept up with the growth firms, resulting in significant declines in average firm size, is and in the number of 2) in sectors with typically smaller firms, such as services, employment has grown rapidly, while average firm size has remained small. (See graph A related trend, which is 2). consistent with the above observations, externalization or "decoupling" of business functions. a 45% This is is the increasing manifested, for example, in increase from 1980 to 1986 in the use of outside contractors and consultants (Wall Street Journal, 1988). A detailed study of the metal-working industry found that amount of value added to shipments declined in 88 of 106 sectors between 1972 and 1982 and that this could article be tied to increased use of information technology' (Carlsson. 1988). on how "value-adding partnerships" are supplanting companies, Johnston and Lawrence (1988) also argue that In an vertically integrated this phenomenon enabled by information technolog}'. Apparently, the wave of mergers and is partly LBOs in the 1980s have not reversed this trend as highly leveraged firms have spun-off divisions and downsized even their core business (Scherer, 1988). 2.1.2 Information technology,' Evidence of the increase abundant even without looking computer workstation 1988). in power and ubiquity of information technology A at the statistics. for every five employees in 1988 study found that there was one surveyed companies (Nolan Norton, After controlling for depreciation and quality improvements, we find that the stock of IT has increased almost exponentially since 1970, from just over capital stock to nearly seven percent in 1985 (see sectors shows the equipment that graph Each of 3). same accelerating trend toward increased use of was largely insignificant is two decades ago is of overall the major business IT. rapidly 1% A category of becoming very important. Current investments business (Kriebel, 1988). in IT are estimated at 50% of all net capital purchases by Meanwhile, over half of the labor force tasks that primarily involve information processing (Porat, 1977). we detect today, these in the numbers are of sufficient magnitude to is currently engaged in Whatever effects of IT augur even greater effects near future. 2.2 Theoretical studies of IT and firm Theory suggests ways enable a reduction size that IT can lead to larger firms as well as in firm size. A ways that IT can seminal article by Leavitt and Whisler (1958) 5 emphasized the One organization. centralization effect of IT on reducing the costs of information transmission within the of the conclusions of this argument was that IT would lead to greater and broader spans of hierarchical control. The principal-agent literature has also emphasized that the agency costs of hierarchy decrease in better information and monitoring by the principal (Jensen, 1983)/ To the extent that the costs of centralization and agency are reduced by IT, one might expect to see more use of hierarchy and therefore larger firms. This hypothesis contrasts with an analysis of IT's impacts based on transaction cost economics. According to Williamson (1975, 1985). production governance of a single hierarchy in is brought under the response to high transaction cost of organizing through the market. These "market failures" are caused by asset and bounded rationality site specificity, and uncertainty, impacted information, and small numbers bargaining. Information technology can be expected to mitigate these market failures and thus reduce the need to rely on hierarchies (Malone, Yates and Benjamin, 1987; Brynjolfsson, A Malone and Gurbaxani, line of analysis technology will 1988). by Malone and Smith which considers that information reduce the costs of coordination both inside and outside the organization reached similar conclusions (Malone (1987) and Malone and Smith (1988)). They argue that because of the relatively larger coordination requirements of markets as opposed to hierarchies, reductions in coordination costs will be particularly beneficial for market Accordingly, these models predict a decrease in the proportion of coordination. hierarchical coordination following investments in IT. A the related effect of information technology "minimum efficient scale" of production. is that it might be expected to change For instance, Klein, Crawford and Alchian Grossman and Hart (1986) and Hart and Moore (1988) have emphasized (1978), strong technological complementarities between assets can common lead to ownership of large, related sets of assets. techniques like flexible manufacturing, may decrease it make markets However, if IT that inefficient and facilitates the specificity of assets, and thus transform hierarchical production to production organized through smaller units coordinated by markets. In summan,'. the theoretical literature suggests that IT will reduce the costs of coordination both within firms and between firms. the balance will shift towards know, a priori , whether There is some reason more use of markets and smaller this effect exists and is to believe that firms, but we cannot of an economically significant magnitude. Furthermore, theorists have concentrated on the organizational forms which dominated the last centun-: markets and hierarchies. It is very possible that IT organizational forms with different characteristics. For instance, if will enable new large firms used information technology to set-up or simulate internal markets, average firm size might increase with information technology' usage despite a greater reliance on markets." Fortunately, the question of how information technolog)' affects firms size is subject to empirical investigation. Previously, a case study of the evolution of airline reservation systems (Malone, Yates and Benjamin, 1987). found that information technology was associated with increased market coordination. In this paper, we use econometric techniques to generalize those results to the U.S. economy as a whole. 3. Data and methodolog> Our approach was to use available U.S. data to directly test the relationship between information technolog)' stock and average firm eight sectors: agriculture; mining; durable manufacturing; transport and real estate; and the direction services. A utilities; are divided into series of regressions retail trade; finance, were then run on this and magnitude of the relationship between IT and firm tested and data insurance and data to size, identify' while and year. Several regression models were from alternative sources was also used The data 3.1.1 The data goods manufacturing; non-durable goods wholesale and controlling for total capital stock, industr)' 3.1 size. Information technology capital and total capital to help validate the results. Data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) was used to derive figures for information technolog>' stock and investments, and total capital stock by industry for each year. The industries. BEA data classifies The data each industry, total economic all activity in the gathering methodology is described annual investments are measured in United States into 61 in Gorman For et al. (1985). 27 asset categories. We use the category "office, computing and accounting machinery" for our IT figures and the all categories for our total capital figures. quality-adjusted (hedonic) price deflator. Each asset category also has sum of an associated By multiplying each investment by its associated deflator, nominal investments were converted into constant-dollar or "real" To investments.* derive capital stocks from investment flows, Winfrey table which assumes their expected mean a Normal distribution of lifetime as described in percentage of existing equipment is Gorman, we used a modified equipment service et al. (1985). eliminated based on its lives around Thus each age while new year, a stock is added from that year's investments. 3.1.2 Firm size: employees per establishment and per firm Data on average establishment size is available from County Business Patterns" (CPB) annual summaries. The number of business establishments and number of employees is provided for each sector of the economy. derived by dividing the latter by the former.^ size were only available from 1977 to 1984. Average establishment size is Because consistent data on establishment we used those years as the priman,' period of our study. Although the data from County Business Patterns in the census of establishments sectors of the number of firms While this Using the SIC code, we grouped in sample is it still size directly. was that the the companies into the number of employees and includes over 2000 firms for each year. size. It also has two from "establishments", the Compustat data Secondly, consistent Compustat data was available for a CPB data. The only change from the previous Compustat data included too few firms sector to provide a reliable statistic, so this sector Compustat its presumably biased towards large firms (small firms are not longer time period (1975-1985) than the specification the all each sector. This provided a second measure of firm First, to the extent that "firms" differ measures firm can be Compustat maintains data on every economy used above and added up usually publicly traded), virtues. size company, including number of employees and the SIC code of principal line of business. same the most comprehensive United States, another measure of firm created from an alternative source: Compustat. publicly traded is in the agricultural was omitted from the regressions with data. 3.1.3 Vertical integration We also explore the impact of IT on levels of vertical integration to help provide 10 insight into the mechanism by which IT Vertical integration affects firm size. degree to which multiple stages of production are combined under and coordinated within a 1962). Our operational measure of the total value shipped per firm.^ variation of the value and later opposed single firm as added over this to a concept is common is ownership sequence of smaller firms (Gort, the ratio of value added per firm to This operationalization of vertical integration sales measure the originally is a proposed by Adelman (1951) modified to the current version by Tucker and Wilder (1977). The data required to construct the vertical integration index Census of Manufacturers and the Annual Survey of Manufacturers sectors of the economy. Unfortunately, no comparable data of the economy. The data on 1985 (see Kambil. 19SS) at the vertical integration two digit SIC code is was analyzed is available from the for the manufacturing available for other sectors for the period 1975 to level of aggregation. This distinguishes 20 different industries within the manufacturing sector. 3.1.4 Data grouping and The dummy variables data for the dependent and explanatory variables was categorized by the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes. The 61 industries used by the identified by their CPB SIC codes and were then grouped for the regressions were into the eight sectors identified by on each of the measures of firm size and, as mentioned above, into 20 manufacturing industries for the vertical integration regressions. 11 BEA We recognize that other trends may under study. To control for time-specific to IT, we included a particular sector, dummy also have been important during the period effects like recessions or other trends unrelated To variables for each year. we included dummy control for effects specific to variables for each of the industry sectors as well. Because the most natural interpretation of the both the dependent and explanatory variables in is terms of percentage-effect, the natural logarithm was taken of all the relevant variables. 3.2 Methodology The basic technique used for analyzing the data The panel panel data. CBP was least-squares regression on consisted of eight sectors observed from 1977 to 1984 for the data and 1975 to 1985 for the other regressions on firm integration regressions discussed in section IV.D were on size. The a panel of vertical 20 manufacturing industries for the period 1975 to 1985. Because the sectors were of different sizes, each observation on a sector was weighted by the employment presence of correlation in that sector that year.^ serial correlation so the was used The initial leading to possible heteroskedasticity, size of the sector, as proxied by total regressions revealed the potential generalized differencing correction for serial in all regressions.'^ 12 3.2.1 The basic Our integration. technology model basic A model allows number may be for lags in the impact of IT on firm the investment. their full new technologies because in effect impact on firm is to include both only it some Lags are commonly observed takes time to learn how to best use in the and apply of the most recent years' investments will have size. The technique used at first vertical and Gordon, 1988; Curley and particularly susceptible to lags (Baily Thus, and of authors have suggested that the effects of information Pyburn, 1982; Nolan Norton, 1988; Loveman. 1988). assimilation of size to model the ITSTOCK to possibility that IT may be only partially effective measure the basic impact of IT, and the t^A•o most recent years of IT investments (ITINV). to measure the extent to which the effects of current investments are not immediately felt." ITINV and ITINV(-]) ITSTOCK, "effective" will will will learning is indeed taking place, have the opposite sign but be smaller thus reducing the effect of IT stock If be captured in ITSTOCK in for recent years. the coefficient on ITSTOCK magnitude than All of the impact of while the learning be measured by the relative magnitude of the coefficient on ITINV.'' A measure of total capital stock in the sector, TOTSTOCK. control for the fact that firm size will in general be larger larger. Finally, effects specific to each industry' 13 when was included to total capital stock and year were controlled is for by including two appropriate sets of The basic model dummy is variables. specified as:'' log(SIZE) = Bo + 6,*log(ITSTOCK) +B2*]og(ITINV) + 33*log(ITINV(-l)) + 64*log(TOTSTOCK) + S B,*INDUSTRY + 1 Bj*YEAR. While there is likely to be some collinearity among the variables in this model, regression theory assumes that the independent variables are coUinear and the least squares formulation is expressly designed to separate out the effects of each of the However, while even severe variables. required for accurate regression, it collinearity will in does not violate any of the conditions general lead to lower significance levels of the coefficients. 3.2.2 The lagged model To and firm years. better observe the overall time path of the relationship size, a series between IT stock of separate regressions was run with IT lagged from zero to four Although none of these regressions individually will learning effect, taken together, they would be expected to effectiveness of IT over time. 14 be able to capture any show any changes in the The five regressions used to observe the time path of IT were: log(SIZE) = Bo + Bi*log( ITSTOCK[-N] + ) B.*log( TOTSTOCK ) + 1 B,*INDUSTRY + 2 Bj*YEAR. where N e {0,...,4}, representing lags from to 4 years. 3.3 Predicted signs of the coefficients If information technology leads to smaller firms, then negative sign on the coefficient of how much ITSTOCK in both models. we would Its a percentage change in IT stock will reduce firm size, expect to see a magnitude all will tell us else being equal. In the basic model, the coefficient should be interpreted as the impact of one unit of "effective" IT capital and should thus be larger than the coefficient in any one of the lagged regressions. The learning curve effect would lead to a positive sign on model, opposite the sign on of the coefficient on ITSTOCK. ITSTOCK. Its Including magnitude should be ITINV will ITINV less in the basic than the magnitude thus cancel a fraction of the most recent years' investments in IT because they have not yet reached their full effect on firm size. In the lagged model, the impact of the 15 IT stocks should be increasing for small lags and then returning close rise results as the stock that would is technology to zero in distant years, exhibiting a is more "effective" increases. As fully concave pattern. The exploited and the fraction of purchased IT the IT capital began to depreciate, the coefficient fall. Total capital stock is included primarily as a control variable. According to a transaction cost framework, industries which require large fixed capital investments ceteris paribus , have larger average firm The size. coefficient on TOTSTOCK will, should thus be positive. The sectors. sector dummy variables control for systematic variations in firm size For instance, manufacturing firms are much typically between larger firms than firms in the service sector. The time dummies capture year or external shocks. Because firms be expected to be lower years like 1984. If there in is to year lay-off economy-wide changes such workers in recessions, the recession years of 1980 any overall trend in variables already in the model, this should also 16 average firm size would and 1982 and higher firm size that show up in is as recessions in recovery not captured by the the time dummies. 4. 4.1 Results Regressions on establishment As predicted by ITSTOCK is negative magnitude is large size the hypothesis that IT leads to smaller firms, the coefficient on in all regressions. It enough to have the opposite sign of the is significant at the 0.01 level ITSTOCK coefficients variables are also as predicted. correlated with establishment size. Dummy space limitations, were also as expected. all and are smaller in magnitude, as is positively 1). Total capital stock variables, though not shown here because of For instance, manufacturing establishments were larger than service establishments and firm 1982, after controlling for its be economically important. The coefficients on ITINV predicted by the learning curve hypothesis (see table The other and the other variables. but perhaps somewhat misleading because the intersectoral variations in firm size.'^ 17 size was lowest in the recession year of The unusually high dummy R*^ is encouraging variables "explain" the large Table 1: Basic Model Dependent Variable: Establishment VARIABLE Size from CBP COEFFICIEN1 ITSTOCK ITINV ITINV(-l) TOTSTOCK R' Durbin-Watson significant at the 0.1 level (one-tailed test) significant at the 0.05 level (one-tailed test) significant at the 0.01 level (one-tailed test) Table 2: Model with ITSTOCK Lagged by Zero Dependent Variable: Establishment N = 2 (t-statistic) (1.470) (1.282) TOTSTOCK (t-statistic) 0.8156*** (4.011) (3.863) R' Durbin-Watson (1.802) 0.7484*** 0.5811*** 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.999 1.770 1.753 1.822 1.865 1.862 significant at the 0.1 level (one-tailed test) significant at the 0.05 level (one-tailed test) *** significant at the 0.01 level (one-tailed test) technology The -0.0232 (0.555) 0.6309*** (2.852) (2.842) ** The -0.0447 (1.028) * 4 3 -0.0824** -0.0653* -0.0732 CBP Size from I ITSTOCK(-N) Four Years to 0.6922*** (3.000) results of the regressions suggest that increased levels of information in a sector lead to a null hypothesis that decrease in the average size of firms in that sector. IT does not affect firm significance in the basic specification and size can be rejected at the 0.05 level at the 0.01 level of when ITSTOCK is lagged by two years. While the data from County Business Patterns available, we sought is the most comprehensive to confirm our findings by running the same regressions on a different data set to help guard against the possibility that our findings artifact of the County Business Patterns data. are presented in the next section. 19 The were somehow an results of the confirmatory regressions 4.2 Are the results an artifact of the CBP data? County Business Patterns, the source of our dependent every establishment in the country. for better data gathering in the It may be and small firms sample. Another possibility is that that information technology simply allows were previously omitted are now included that information technology reduces the size of individual establishments but enables firms to CBP variable, seeks to record grow by adding more establishments. The data would not detect such growth. This alternative was examined by constructing a different measure of firm size from data available through Compustat as described same data gathering less susceptible to the in section biases as the CBP The Compustat data II. is data and furthermore, allows us to detect changes in the size of multi-establishment firms. The table 4. results using this They show, decreasing firm ITSTOCK is size. in new source dependent variable are even stronger fashion, that increasing IT stock In the basic significant for the model and four out of beyond the 0.01 level. five of the The lagged years. ^^ 20 size, and associated with lagged regressions, regressions concave pattern of negative correlation between IT and firm is in table 3 show the same again peaking after two Table 3: Basic Model Dependent variable: Firm Size from Compustat VARIABLE COEFFICIENT ITSTOCK -0.3253*** ITINV 0.0494* (1.552) ITINV(-l) 0.0962** (2.578) TOTSTOCK 0.8180*** (3.982) R2 Durbin-Watson 0.999 Table 4: Model with ITSTOCK Lagged by Zero Size N = (t-statistic) (4.743) 1.0849*** 4- 3 2 (4.019) (5.192) 1.0104*** (3.455) 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.999 1.995 2.203 2.119 2.031 1.659 * significant at the 0.1 level (one-tailed test) ** significant at trie 0.05 level (one-tailed test) *** significant at the 0.01 le\el (one-tailed test) The combined evidence of the preceding analysis of 21 (2.596) 0.6222*** 0.8113*** (4.833) (5.542) (5.464) R' Durbin-Watson Four Years -0.1429***-0.1698***-0.1934***-0.1745***-0.1302** (4.140) TOTSTOCK to from Compustat 1 ITSTOCK(-N) (4.824) 2.075 Dependent Variable: Firm (t-statistic) T-ST ATI STIC CBP 0.6004*** (3.060) and Compustat data clearly indicates that increases in IT capital stock are associated with significant declines in the number of employees per firm. While this result is consistent with the hypothesis that IT leads to a reduction in the proportion of hierarchical coordination, IT might affect firms in other For instance, activities, it is ways that could also lead to the relationship observed possible that firms continued to provide roughly the in the data. same scope of but IT enabled them to do so with fewer employees. This could result significantly increased the productivity of each worker directly or some way in if IT facilitated the substitution of capital for labor. While we cannot rule out either of these explanations, previous studies provided broad support for either proposition. A have not growing literature on what has come to be known as the "IT productivity paradox" finds that IT may not lead to significant increases in productivity (Loveman, 1988; Roach, 1989)'". Nor that IT leads to the substitution of capital for labor, at least (Osterman, 1986).'^ While it is beyond the scope of IT productivity paradox, the positive coefficient on this per firm suggest that IT fact, total capital is among paper to TOTSTOCK regressions as well as the results of additional regressions there clear evidence is clerks directly in and managers examine the the previous we ran on capital investments not leading to a significant substitution of capital for labor. spending per firm actually decreased in industries In with greater IT stock'^ Accordingly, we focus our attention on the less widely examined possibility that IT 22 facilitates a relative increase in market coordination and a commensurate reduction the scope of each individual firm's contribution to the value chain. series of smaller firms coordinated through managed by larger, integrated firms. decline in firm size we observed markets undertake the phenomenon could This This means that a activities previously not only explain the above, but also leads to the further prediction of reduced levels of vertical integration following increases 4.3 in in ITSTOCK.'^ Information technology' and vertical integration The added results of the regressions of information technology shown below, support to sales, as reduces firm size ITSTOCK, is the hypothesis that one it feasible to divest functions that Once expensive to contract through the market. when a 100% increase in IT is integration, with a significance in excess of variables is ratio of value mechanism by which IT by reducing the degree of vertical integration. firms apparently find a 2 year lag, on the Following increases were previously too again, the impact of IT associated with a is strongest after 3.1% decrease in vertical 99%. The interpretation of the other consistent with previous results. 23 in Basic Model Dependent Variable: VARIABLE ITSTOCK Vertical Integration Index COEFFICIENT T-STATISTIC 5. Conclusion 5.1 Summary Using data from different sources, we have been able to relationship size. The between increased decline in firm size levels of information technology is immediately. impact of IT We in This finding the same year may shed light on usage and smaller firm new technology earlier studies that the investments are not fully which found little is at least partly explained by a on market coordination following IT investments, accordance with earlier theory. Not only does or no were made.^*' also find evidence that the decline in firm size relative increase in reliance document a greatest with a lag of two years following investments in information technology', suggesting that the impacts of the felt clearly in vertical integration decline following IT investments, but the Compustat data, which allowed for multi-establishment firms showed a greater decline in firms size following IT investments than did the data based on single establishments. It is worth noting that alternative explanations for the decline 25 in firm size in this period, such as increased international competition, would not directly explain the strong correlation we found However, we with increased stocks of information technology. cannot rule out more complex relationships. For instance, if some third trend in the economy is associated with both increased IT usage and with smaller firm size after a brief lag, it could produce the correlation 5.2 we found in our regressions. Future research In this paper, we have focused on changes investments within the same sector or industry. the externalization of services, manufacturing sector to the smaller firms, such a examination of shift in may be However, in employment from identified in this studv. we have largely presumed a dichotomy between markets and hierarchies. Perhaps some of the most interesting will An a fruitful direction for future research. interpreting our results information technology the Because the service sector generally has would exacerbate the trend we would be to the extent that IT enables contributing to the shift ser\'ice sector. this possibility Secondly, it with IT in firm size associated effects of be the enabling of new organizational forms such as "networks" (Antonelli, 1988; Piore. 1988), "ad-hocracies" (Toffler, 1982) or more complex forms. forms Future research should seek to identify and where possible quantify these new in order to establish whether, how, and why IT affects their implementation. 26 This paper has examined the relationship between information technology stock and a key indicator of the restructuring of the American economy, firm constituted less than investment trend, in 1% of all IT amounts to capital stock in the period 50% we examined, size. While IT current net of net increases capital stock (Kriebel, 1988). combined with the relationship between IT and firm American economy may see even more size, suggests that the radical restructuring in the next decade. 27 This Notes 1. We will generally use the terms "information technology" and "IT" as shorth- d for the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) category "Office, Computing and Accounting Machinery", which is comprised primarily of computers. Other authors use slightly different definitions but the basic trends are similar regardless of exact specification. This data was compiled by Lou Gorman at the BEA and for the first time includes reasonably accurate hedonic price deflators for the computer industry. Because information 2. technology has experienced such large annual performance improvements, old data which did not take quality changes into account could be severely misleading. was reported in a chart in the Wall Street Journal on April 27, 1988, p. 29, which also showed that intermediate size classes showed employment gains inversely proportional to their size. The data from County Business Patterns cited by Piore and the data compiled by David Birch refer to establishments, several of which are sometimes owned by a single corporation. 3. The data from 4. A less the Bureau of Labor Statistics noted feature of agency analysis is that this result may be reversed when improved is provided to the agent as well as, or instead of, to the principal (Brynjolfsson, information 1989). manufacturing firms. Eccles and White (1988) found that the use of transfer prices between divisions in the same firm was a ver\' common alternative to pure "price" or "authority" mechanisms. 5. In a field study of 13 The deflator for information technology was more IT each year than it did the year before. 6.6. 7. It should be noted that strictly actually an "inflator". A dollar bought speaking, establishments are not equivalent to firms, CBP. A study by Carlsson (1988) found that the correlation between changes in the number of establishments and the number of firms in a sample of manufacturing industries was over 91%. although the vast majority of firms consist of a single establishment as defined 8. The value of industry shipments is in defined as the amount received on net receivable and allowances, and excluding freight charges and Value added by manufacture is derived by first converting the value c shipments to the value of production by adding in the ending inventory in finished goods and work in process, and subtracting the beginning inventory. The cost of materials, supplies, containers, fuels, purchased electricity, and contract work is subtracted from the value ol production to obtain the value of manufacture. The ratio of value added by manufacture to shipments will increase monotonically as the degree of vertical integration increases. Changes in reporting invemories to the LIFO method beginning in 1982, make value added selling value, f.o.b. plant, after discounts *" excise taxes. 28 rrsi.. 38 7 Date Due AUG, 29 ]934 Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES DUPl 3 TOAD DD7D15bb T